Kci Fi003087436
Kci Fi003087436
Kci Fi003087436
1. Introduction
Over the past few decades, the fashion industry has become one of the first to embrace
digital disruptors, such as Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), the
Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented and Virtual Reality
(AR and VR), 3D modelling and Social Media Networks, to name just a few (Alexander &
Bellandi, 2022; Baek et al., 2022). Digital transformation strongly influences fashion
marketing and communication (Cantoni et al., 2020). Thus, every new emerging dis
ruptor has the potential to become a paradigm-shifter for fashion brands. This is the case
with the Metaverse, a complex space and place.
Barrera and Shah (2023) refer to the Metaverse as a “hyper-connected digital
universe”, while Hackl et al. (2022) argue that it is a combination of physical and
digital reality, enabled and powered by AR and VR. The Metaverse is a sum of
Table 1. (Continued).
Author(s) and Marketing and Communication
Public Research aim Method/Sample Findings and Contribution
Murtas et al. Analyses how the first Study of four cases of Luxury fashion brands can use
(2023) experiments of luxury fashion pioneering events with Web NFT to reinforce the
brands with Web 3.0 3.0 technologies: Louis The perception of scarcity,
technologies have been Game; Collaboration Balmain accelerate the “artification”
perceived by journalists and and Barbie Gucci Garden process, and innovatively
consumers Roblox, and the Metaverse convey their ancestral
Fashion Week. heritage. But must be
cautious about the risks of
conveying their distinctive
aesthetics ineffectively.
Profumo et al. Contribute to the Metaverse A systematic literature review The study explains that
(2024) and its implications for between 2009 and 2022 metaverse can increase
brands literature lack consumer experience,
change customer perception
and influence purchase
intentions. Authors propose
address marketing mix in the
Noris et al. Understand how fashion Analysis of secondary data and Fashion Brands can produce
(2023) companies adopt and adapt the study of three cases immersive experiences
digital games to develop through relationships
their communication and between fashion and
marketing strategies gaming, proposing three
categories: gamification in
fashion, fashion games and
fashion in games.
Alexandrova Peculiarities of using metaverse Conference paper; exploratory Branding through expanding
and in fashion industry research, no methodology real-world positioning;
Poddubnaya presented. Interacting with potential
(2023) and current customers;
engaging consumers by
providing virtual products;
building brand equity
through gamification.
Finally, it is important to highlight how the Metaverse has also influenced the devel
opment of new products relating to fashion, going beyond NFTs, such as: digital skins for
gamified environments, digital skins for virtual influencers and digital twins (Chan et al.,
2023). However, one of the biggest challenges for fashion brands is how to analyse the
data provided by the Metaverse in order to improve the shopping experience (Profumo,
2024) and to understand how the metaverse will shape the future of consumers (Dwivedi
et al., 2023).
Subsequently, a review of the categories was carried out by the authors, followed by the
classification of the articles into the categories, cross-referencing of the categories and
a search for ties and connections within them, with the most important category overlaps
being identified. It was noted that it was appropriate to omit the category Web3 for the
sake of avoiding multicollinearity: according to the Theoretical Framework section of this
research, the Metaverse is part of Web3, which means that all the subsequent research on
this matter falls under the grand umbrella term of Web3.
After this first analysis, the 41 most relevant articles were identified and a more
detailed analysis was carried out. These 41 articles were identified as the most relevant
because they included the keywords “marketing” and/or “communication” and some of
the keywords listed in the inductive categories in Table 2. In addition, after reading them,
it was found that the article focused on the application of the Metaverse to marketing and
communication strategies.
Brand mentions
Brand mentions
Figure 1. Distribution of fashion brands mentioned in the titles. Source: by the authors.
For instance, even though “Trends” and “NFT” are the two categories that proved to
be most popular, their mentions in the sample only overlapped 11 times, i.e. only 11
article titles were devoted to the “NFT-related trends in the Fashion Metaverse”. By the
same logic, out of most popular article categories analyzed, five articles talked about
“Trends” and “gamification”; 10 articles were devoted to “Trends” and “branding”; and
four other pieces concerned “Trends” and “virtual products”. More important thematic
overlaps were also observed between the category “branding” and “NFT” (five articles
devoted to the role of NFTs in Fashion Branding); between “NFT” and “phygital” (out of
eight articles devoted to the category “phygital”, four were also devoted to “NFT”);
“gamification” and “collaborations and/or partnerships” (out of a total of 15 articles
devoted to “collaborations and/or partnerships”, eight were also devoted to
NFT Gamification
Virtual Products • Inmmersive
• Brand Loyalty
Storytelling Experience
• Utility
New audiences • Virtual worlds
• Community
Phygital • Avatars
• Virtual Shopping
• Long-term
Figure 2. Distribution of codified categories across the trends content analysis. Source: by authors.
Other thematic patterns were present both in the news relating to Non-Fungible
Tokens and Gamification, the common ones being: “Virtual Products”, “storytelling”
“new audiences” and “phigital”. In addition, concerning virtual products, the term
“sustainability” was identified as being used fairly often, a trend that is increasing and
has been analyzed in greater detail by Chan et al. (2023).
4. Discussion
As observed in the literature review, and as Mogaji et al. (2023) analyzed from
a theoretical point of view, there have been three main applications of the Metaverse in
the fashion industry relating to marketing: Gamification, NFTs and Shopping
But the results of this study highlight and corroborate that the first two have been
developed the most during the years 2021 to 2023, a result that is consistent with the
conclusions drawn by H. Park and Lim (2023). The content analysis highlighted how the
fashion industry companies that are exploring this area the most are luxury brands
(Gucci, Hermès, Balenciaga, Prada, Tiffany), sports brands (Nike, Adidas) and beauty
brands (Clinique and L’Oréal), although there are also initiatives from department stores
such as Walmart. The most discussed topics by the specialized media were: NFT Phygital
products, Metaverse trends, Branding and Virtual products.
Fashion brands have been infiltrating their brand codes into the Metaverse via tools
such as NFTs, Gamification and Virtual Products, for such purposes as community
building and management, loyalty rewards for long-time customers, attraction of new
demographics, and reinforcement of brand identity within Web3.
During the literature review, no studies or findings were found regarding whether the
use of NFTs or Gamification by brands was carried out with short- or long-term strategic
marketing objectives (Table 1). However, the analysis of the news content and thematic
patterns relating to tools such as NFTs are included in the long-term communication
strategy of brands, whereas Gamification is part of a short-term communication strategy.
Storytelling plays a crucial role in both of these tools. However, the final function
differs in each case: while for NFTs narrative presents a compelling selling point or an
“augmented product” (either digital or physical), in Gamification storytelling is an
“actual” product or part of its anatomy, without which Gamification is pointless per se
(Wanick & Stallwood, 2023). In our content analysis it was observed that the shopping
experience was associated with the gamification processes of the experience and the
virtual or phygital products relating to NFTs. The news analysis noted how fashion
brands strengthen their storytelling in the Metaverse, but the literature on this aspect is
almost nonexistent, except for an analysis of the Ralph Lauren case (Wanick & Stallwood,
With regard to Gamification, partnerships and collaborations with gaming platforms
and Web3 companies are not just a sure way to create best possible content for fashion
gamification and attract new demographics, but also an opportunity for brands to create
buzz and media coverage: by teaming up with industry usually associated with fashion
and luxury, brands are attracting attention and creating hype. These collaborations have
become a massive part of marketing strategies in gaming for fashion brands, with luxury
giants, sportswear brands, fast fashion and even retail chains of various ranges joining in
the conversation (Noris et al., 2023). The famous Nikeland, brought forth in 2021 by the
collaboration of Nike and Roblox, is one of the early examples of a fashion brand using
gamification in the Metaverse and creating its own virtual world in Web3.
The Metaverse offers fashion brands the opportunity to build customer loyalty (H.
Park & Lim, 2023), and it was revealed during the research process that branding
practices most associated with NFTs are Community Management and Customer
Relationships and Loyalty. The results of the research are also backed up by the literature
review that was carried out (Amed & Berg, 2022b). To a lesser extent, some applications
of NFTs as “collectibles” were observed, being particularly applicable and profitable to
the luxury market. Patek Philippe watches have a unique identity number, which creates
a sense of “rarity” and “exclusivity” for its customers, a descriptive aspect adjacent to
NFTs and the token economy (Swithinbank, 2022). Similarly, although there are some
articles on the Secondary Market, this is also a topic that has been addressed rather less.
However, it should be noted that it is being reviewed by collectors as an investment and
profit opportunity, rather than an item to be treasured and showcased. Resale and
secondary market placement often indicate a low level of customer loyalty towards the
issuing brand (McDowell, 2022).
Other advantages of NFTs identified were virtually-personalized Profile Pictures,
being used largely by influencers and celebrities (McDowell, 2022). Gucci stood out as
a brand that made use of NFTs in real life, when the token-holders were all invited to an
“IRL Dance Party” (Bain, 2022).
H. Park and Lim (2023) pointed out that the brand value that the Metaverse could
offer could be financial-based and customer-based, and after our analysis of the news
items we can state that fashion brands have focused their marketing in the Metaverse
with the main objective of improving customer-based brand equity, with Brand associa
tions and Brand loyalty being the most enhanced dimensions. The main roles played by
NFTs in DFM are: reinforcement of a brand identity within theWeb3; reward for the
loyalty of long-time customers; and attracting new demographics previously not exposed
to Web3. These roles align with the marketing objectives outlined by Rauschnabel et al.
It is worth noting that some themes or trends were not highlighted in the literature
beginning to emerge from the application of the Metaverse in the fashion industry. First,
one of the most specific issues of the Fashion Metaverse (and a quite extensive one)
witnessed during both primary and secondary research was “falsity”, an aspect covered
by Golf-Papez et al. (2022). Falsity originates in the public’s inability to recognize
synthetic customer experiences as being valid. Although the Metaverse, as we established
before, is one of the tools employed to erase the dichotomous and mutually-exclusive
nature of the “virtual” and “real”, the issue of “falsity” arises in the case of consumers of
meta-goods, since many individuals only consider those products and services that exist
physically to be “real” (i.e. they can be experienced by all five senses without any help
from technology) (Golf-Papez et al., 2022). The problem of “falsity” is particularly
applicable to the digital fashion industry, and has been covered in numerous publica
tions. Since before the introduction of marketing and retail, the industry (or the art) of
fashion has been enabled by touch, with consumers and customers having the urge to
feel, try on and interact haptically with the garment (Chrimes & Boardman, 2023).
The second issue is the breach of Intellectual Property in the Fashion Metaverse:
“Metaverse and Ethics”. There is little legal control or regulation in the Metaverse,
as the concept is still under construction. In this respect, multiple ethical conun
drums and lawsuits were recorded within the landscape of Web3 and its comple
mentary and surrounding products. The phenomenon has not escaped the fashion
industry, with the most famous lawsuit to date concerning Hermès and its legal
process regarding the “Meta Birkin” NFTs released by one Mason Rothschild
(Williams, 2022). For example, the case of Hermès against Meta Birkins is extre
mely important within the framework of DFM in the Metaverse, as it clearly shows
that the Metaverse is currently a “no-man’s-land”, with little or no legal regulation
applying to it.
In addition to the luxury industry, this study also revealed that the Metaverse is
particularly popular in the sportswear and beauty industries, with Gucci, Nike and
Burberry being the most avid adopters of this virtual tool/concept. This research also
identified NFTs and gamification as the fashion brands’ most used techniques for DFM
purposes in the Metaverse. These marketing and communication strategies were applied
during 2021 (H. Park & Lim, 2023), but this study confirms that they were also the most
used during the year 2022.
5.3. Limitations
This research presents certain limitations. The primary constraint pertains to the study’s
exclusive concentration on fashion marketing, thus constraining the applicability of its
findings to other industries. Furthermore, the chosen methodology, which relies on
secondary sources, does not directly yield consumer-oriented implications.
Additionally, the broader scope of Web3 within fashion communication has not been
subjected to scrutiny. This omission entails a missed opportunity for an exhaustive
examination of practical and technical facets, such as the blockchain’s role in distribution
management. Furthermore, aspects such as VR and the adoption of digital fashion
products, as highlighted by Chan et al. (2023), remain unaddressed. It is noteworthy
that the concept of the Metaverse is still at a nascent stage of development. While this
research predominantly focuses on the present reality, it is crucial to acknowledge the
dynamic nature of the research subject, which warrants future revisitation for practical
applications in forthcoming studies.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
Patricia SanMiguel http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0438-2830
Teresa Sádaba http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2441-5724
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