B. Caregivers Emergency Management and Safety

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Module 2


1. MENTAL ASPECT – refers to this mental capacity; how he talks, the range of ideas he expresses, and
the things he talks about as well as his values and mental alertness give evidence of his mental
2. EMOTIONAL ASPECT – a person’s emotional make-up his shown in his likes and dislikes, whether he is
aggressive or docile, how he respond’s when things become difficult, how quickly he is given to anger.
3. SOCIAL ASPECT – seen in how well a person conducts himself with other people and how he observes
the rules of etiquette that given society.
a. Socio-economics status
b. Level maturity
c. Family cultural background
4. PHYSICAL ASPECT – heredity and environment determine the entire physiological system
System of an individual.
- Posture, body build size, complexion and facial expression as well as appropriateness and condition
of clothes, comprise the physical appearance of a person.

5. MORAL ASPECT – this aspect of personality as to do with person’s awareness of the difference between
what is wrong and right.


a. Family c. School
b. Peer Group d. Church

6. SPIRITUAL ASPECT – is the consciousness of the higher values in life.


Life in a new country is not a bed of roses. Many problems of a newcomer stem from the need to cope with
the life in a new environment.


It is important to be aware that a new comer, both young and old undergoes certain psychological stages in
acculturating himself. Each of this stage may either be brief of lingering depending on the individual. To those
who succeed and adapt to the new country, acculturations is complete and smooth. To those who failed to
adapt and acculturate, the process becomes an outside, never knowing how to adapt and acculturate. By
realizing the succeeding stages, a newcomer may become better prepared on what to aspect.

1. THE TOURIST STAGE – When a newcomer arrives in a new country, he has the feeling of well-being
and excitement. He is many ways a Tourist. Everything around him seems new clean and modern.
The people around him are friendly, generous and hospitable. Although, tired from his tip, he feels
like exploring the new surroundings - in fact the new environment (physical ,social &


Depending on the personality of the new comer and how the community receives
Him, he may linger in this stage(from a few weeks to even years). Any one stage
May overlap with rest of the acculturation stage.

The newcomer will attempt to adapt to his new environment and will try some of his old ways and means
(habit). As a result three factors should be considered.

a. The new society or community requires certain expected behavior and the new comer might
not be able to meet the expectation.

b. The new society or community may not accept the newcomers behavior and he therefore,
becomes unprepared for society’s reaction He may exhibit confusion, submission and
eagerness to learn or may become unresponsive or uncooperative.

c. The community’s behavior may totally be unacceptable to the newcomer and his may lead to
conflict and a total readjustment altogether.


The newcomer begins to see the difference between his culture and ways and means,
unconsciously he will keep those that he thinks will enhance his culture and reject those
that seem not appropriate or acceptable to him.


The newcomer has to make some decisions on whether to accept or reject to his new


Psychologically, the new comer is ready to settle down. He has decided to stay. What is his long range
plans for himself? his family?

He has accepted the new society. He is now ready to become an economically independent individual.
He is ready to extend help to others and he can now prepare himself in becoming a citizen.


The health team serves as an example to others. Patients, Families and visitors expect the health team to set a
healthy example. A patient has reason to question a nurse or doctor who chain-smokes especially when the
patient is told stop smoking. As a member of the nursing team you also set an example for others. Your
Personal health, appearance, and hygiene deserve careful attention.

1. Your Health
Feeling and looking healthy are important to you as a person, to your patients, and to your employer, Patients
and employers have place their trust in you They believe that you will provide conscientious and effective
care. To fulfill this trust you must be physically and mentally healthy. Otherwise you cannot function at your

2. DIET – Good nutrition involves eating a balance diet form the four basic food groups. Diary products,
fish and meat, fruits and vegetable, and breads and cereals should be in your diet. Begin your day with
a good breakfast. To maintain your weight, the number of calories taken in must balance in your
energy needs. Avoid sweets, salty foods and crash diets.

3. SLEEP AND REST – Adequate rest and sleep is needed to stay healthy and to do your job well. Most
people need 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily. However the amount varies with each person. Fatigue, lack of
energy and irritability, means that you need more rest and sleep.

4. BODY MECHANICS – You will bend carry heavy objects, lift move and turn patients. These activities
cause strain and stress on your body. You need to have a good posture and learn to use your muscles

5. EXERCISE – Exercise is important for muscle tone, circulation and weight control. There are also
psychological benefits from exercise. Walking, running swimming and biking are excellent form of
exercise. You will feel better physically and more alert mentally.

6. YOUR EYES – Consider for a moment what it would be like if could not see. Loss of vision would require
major changes in the way you live, work and travel. Your eyes deserves special care and respect. Have
your eyes examined and wear glasses or contact lenses as prescribed. Make sure you have enough
light when reading or doing fine work.

7. SMOKING – smoking has been linked to lung cancer, chronic lung disease, and many heart and
circulatory disorders. If you smoke, remember that cigarette smoke can be offensive to others. Smoke
only in areas where smoking is allowed and never smoke in or near a patients room. Smoke odors stay
on hands, clothing and hair. Therefore hand washing and good personal hygiene are essential. Wash
your hands immediately after smoking and before giving patient care.

8. DRUGS – Drug abuse is a major problem in society. People can become physically and psychocogically
dependent on drugs. Drugs affect thinking, feeling, behavior, and functioning.
Drugs that have an undesirable affect on your mind and body will lessen your ability to work. Effectively,
working under influence of drugs places your patient in danger. You should take only drugs prescribed by the
doctor and only in the manner prescribed.

9. ALCOHOL – At first alcohol may produce feelings of well-being and stimulation. However alcohol is a
drug balance, coordination, and mental alertness are affected. Moderate alcohol use is socially
accepted by many people and religious groups. However, because alcohol affects your mind and body,
you must never drink alcohol while on the job. The safety co workers and you must be considered.

10. HYGIENE – You must pay careful attention to your personal cleanliness. Preventing offensive body and
breath odors is important. Your hair should be cleansed and styled in an attractive and simple way.

11. APPEARANCE – Good health and personal hygiene practices will help you look and feel well. The
following practices and suggestion will help you look neat, clean and professional.
1. Clothing’s should fit well and be modest in length and style.
2. Make sure your clothes are clean, pressed and mended.
3. Underclothes should be clean, fit properly and be changed everyday
4. Jewelry should not be worn while on duty
5. Stockings and sock should be clean, well-fitting and changed daily
6. Shoes should be comfortable, give needed support, and fit properly
7. Nail polish should not be worn
8. Make up should be modest in amount and moderate in color
9. Perfumes and colognes should not be worn.


STRESS – a non-specific response of the body to any demand upon it. The factor or agent that produces stress
is called stressor (Selye)

Common Characteristics that describe what stress is

and what is not:
1. Stress is not a nervous energy
2. Stress is not always the result of damage to the body
3. Stress does not always result to the feeling of distress.
4. Stress is not necessarily something to be avoided entirely
5. Stress involves the entire body acting as a whole and in an integrated manner.
6. Some persons appear to strive on stress, and if they slow down, their personal sense of well being may
be in jeopardy.

Common stresses of a caregiver

1. Physical
➢ Excessive demands on physical aspect
➢ Handling heavy workloads
➢ Biochemical and physical changes, which would be activated when working in a new setting
2. Social and Emotional
➢ Demands from the employer for more care
➢ Demands from the caregiver’s own family.
➢ Being caught in the middle as “information giver” among family members
➢ Negative professionals self concept.

We all experience stress in varying degrees and in order to function effectively, we must attempt to cope with
it. This coping takes place both at the conscious and unconscious levels and the facility of coping varies greatly
from individual to individual.

Adaptation to Stress
1. Adaptation – described as the body’s adjustment to different circumstances and conditions.
2. General Adaptation Syndrome – a sequence of behavior involving the entire body
3. Local Adaptation Syndrome – the same three stages described in the gas occur but in a local area.


1. ALARM REACTION – during this stage, the body becomes aware of a stressor and consciously or
unconsciously is triggered into action. The body’s defense forces are mobilized, and normal levels of
the body’s resistance decreases.
2. STAGE OF RESISTANCE – characterized by adaptation to the stressor. The body eliminates the alarm
reaction since no one can maintain a state of alarm indefinitely. The body’s normal level resistance
increases above the normal to resist the stressor with the hope of adaptation.
3. STAGE OF EXHAUSTION – if the body continuous to be exposed to stressors. It will reach a stage of
exhaustion. The symptoms of the alarm reaction reappear, but if the stressors are not removed, these
signs become irreversible


1. Biological – in a primitive sense each body has adapted itself along the way according to the
need. Thus when the physical demands differ greatly from previous experience, the body has
difficulty in adapting.

2. Developmental – during the stages of emotional development, a person’s learning

experiences have prepared him for a certain lifestyle. When radically different emotional
demands are imposed upon him the person has difficulty adapting.

3. Social – during life, each individual acquires a variety of roles with which he gradually
becomes comfortable. When he is forced to play unfamiliar or inconsistent roles, conflict
is experienced and the pressure from that conflict makes it progressively more difficult for the

4. PHENOMENOLOGICAL – each individual develops a set of aspirations for his life’s goals to
which he strives. When life experiences failed to match these expectations, frustration is


1) Eliminate the cause of Stress. In most cases, eliminating at least some is possible. But typically, many
stressors cannot be eliminated. Nor would it even healthful to try to remove all stress, since some is
important for human life to exist. A more appropriate goal in the management of stress is to master
and use it appropriately.
2) Escape for a While. It sometimes helps to escape from a problem for a short time. Read a book, go to a
movie, go for a walk, and take a drive somewhere. It’s only therapeutic to escape punishment long
enough to recover breathe and balance but to be prepared to come back and look composed.

3) Talk it out. When something worries you, talk it out and sit down with somebody you trust – your
spouse, parent, clergyman, family doctor, teacher and counselor.

4) Give in Occasionally. If you find yourself, getting into frequent quarrels and feeling defiant, remember
that frustrated children behave the same way. Stand your ground but do it calmly and remember that
you could be wrong. Even if you are sure that you are right, its sometimes easier to give in now and
then have the satisfaction of hoping that the other person may someday realize his mistake and ask for
your understanding.

5) Work Off Anger. While anger may give you a temporary sense of righteousness, or even power, it will
probably leave you feeling foolish. If you have to courage to lash out, wait while, take a breath,
deliberately postpone lashing out until tomorrow. Do something constructive with that pent up energy
instead – take a long walk, do your garden, shovel snow, clean up the basement. After a while, you’ll
be also absorbed that your anger is not as intense before and before long, you face the problem in a
much civilized manner.

6) Take one thing at a time. For people under tension, an ordinary work load may seem insurmountable.
The task look so large that it may become painful to tackle any part. Prioritize the tasks – do only a
portion at a time.

7) Shun the “ supreme” role. Some people expect too much of themselves. They strive for perfection in
everything they do. The frustration of failure leaves them in a constant state of worry and anxiety.
Decide what you do well. Give it your best. It will not be so bad if the end some tasks are not done the
way they should have been done. You’ve given it your best and that’s what counts.

8) Go easy with your criticism. Expecting too much of others can lead to feelings of frustration and
disappointment. Each person has his own virtues, shortcomings, values and his own right to
development as an individual. Instead of being critical, search out the others good points and help him
to develop them. You’ll find that after a while if you always try to at least look at the positive side of
the individual you’ll like your new self and you will be less critical of others.

❖ Racial Harassment

What is racism?
Racism occurs when people that their race or culture is superior to another race or culture.

Racism can take many forms of racist attitudes. It can take the form of racial discrimination for example when
someone refuses to give you a job or a place to live because of your race.

Racism can also take the forms of racial harassment when someone says or does something mean or harmful
to you because of your race. Racial harassment can be verbal, like insults in name calling (for example
“nigger” for blacks, “slant eyes” eye Chinese). Or jokes and comments that make you feel ashamed or bad
about your race or culture. Racial harassment can be physical attacks.

What to do about racial harassment

In some situations, the best to deal with racial harassment may be to ignore. For example, if someone on the
street call you a racist name, it may be better to walk away rather than to confront the person.

But this is difficult to do if racism occurs in your job. You must deal with it in other ways. For example , if the
kids you look after tell a rapist joke. You could try to teach not to do this explaining why racism is wrong and
how it can hurt people’s feelings.

Sometimes, this can also work with employers , if they have said or done something you think is racial
harassment. Of course, it may be more difficult you may be afraid to say something because the employers
might get angry or laugh at you at you. However, if you think your employers are unaware that what they are
doing or saying is racist, you should tell them that you do not like it, explain why. Also keep a written record of
what happened where, when , what happened, and if there where a witnesses.

If the racial harassment continues, talk to someone else, like a friend for support. You can also contact groups
like the human rights coalition for advise and help.

You may also want to think about making a complaint to Human Rights. Racial discrimination is human rights
violation. You can also make a complaint if you think you have been discriminated against in getting hired, for
example, someone has refused to hire because of your race.

If you are foreign worker and the racial harassment continue. Write immigration a letter with the details so
the information is on record. Then if you decide to change jobs. Immigration will know you have a good reason
for leaving.

If nothing you do improves the situation. And your employers continue to racially harass you, you should
think of leaving the job. You do not have to put up with racial harassment on the job.

The following are some examples of physical injuries
common to caregivers:

Muscle Strain – sudden overloading of muscles may produce muscle strain, characterized by pain and
stiffness. The pain may persist for up to six weeks, but symptoms usually improve within a couple of days.
These injuries occur when:
• Something heavy is lifted ( such as a heavy child ).
• Something is lifted awkwardly (such as reaching far forward or twisting while lifting)
• Movement is rapid or unexpected ( for example, catching a falling child )

Muscular strains are treated with the rest and painkillers, such as acetaminophen or aspirin. Soon after the
injury, cold applications like an ice pack may relieve the pain, but some people find heat more helpful.
Bursitis – repetitive activity, especially with the heavy loads, may inflame the bursa ( a fluid- filled sac that
separates hard, bony surfaces from the tendons and muscles that glide over the top of the bone), causing
bursitis. The area becomes painful, tender and hot and may swell. The areas that are commonly affected as a
result of childcare activity include.
• Shoulder (subacromial bursitis).
• Knee (“housemaid’s knee” or patellar bursitis)
• Can result from kneeling down to play with children results from lifting children
• The hip (trochanteric bursitis)
Results from holding children from the hip

Disc Herniation – lifting while bending forward produces considerate pressure on the discs of spine. These
discs, which separate the vertebrae, may rupture and herniated under such stain. As the discs herniated,
nerve pinching may occur, producing back pain along with weakness and numbness. Back pain alone is not an
indication of disc herniation, If an injury at work produces either back pain radiating to a leg, or back pain with
numbness or weakness, a physician should be consulted.

Tendonitis – Tendons are soft tissues that connect muscles top bone. Repetitive use through lifting, holding or
playing children may cause the tendons to inflame (tendonitis). Tendonitis in the upper arm (biceps), causing
shoulder pain and tenderness may develop with repetitive lifting and holding. Treatment is the same as for
bursitis. If the activity causing the problem is not stopped, the tendonitis may not go away and may become
difficult to treat, even with intensive physiotherapy.
My Facial Pain syndrome (MPS) – just as tendons and bursa can be injured by overuse, so too can muscles
and the fascia tissue ( bands of fibrous tissue) surrounding them. In MPS, muscle pain is associated with
stiffness and mild weakness. MPS results from muscular overuse that has developed after a prolonged static
(holding object for long periods) or repetitive strain, or if an activity is sufficiently frequent, lasting or intense.
MPS is rarely seen in caregivers, although repetitive bending and lifting can produce this condition. Treatment
involves initial rest and change in the work routine. Such work changes would involve minimizing the
frequency and number of repetitions as well as the duration and intensity of lifting.

How to Prevent Physical Injuries

• Regular Inspection - in terms of physical environment, equipment should be inspected regularly,
particularly if a malfunction could result in an injury.
• Trainings – regarding proper lifting technique and proper body mechanics.

Occupational Chemical Hazards

A wide variety of chemical hazards are particularly hazardous to caregivers. Certain arts and crafts
supplies, cleaning solutions and second- hand smoke are examples of these hazards. Toxic fumes, gases, mist
vapors, powders, dust splinters even fragments of solid materials can enter the body thru inhalation,
ingestion, or by coming into contract with the skin or eye.

Hazardous and Acceptable Art Material

Clay in dry form (silica or asbestos-inhalation hazard)

Organic solvent such as turpentine and solvent-based


Instant glue, epoxy or other solvent- based glues

Commercial dyes.

Permanent markers

Instant papier-mache or use magazines with color (lead and other metals in color print inks)

Aerosol Sprays

Powdered tempers paints (toxic dust)

Exposure through Breathing

Exposure through inhalation is the most common, inhaled toxic substances may cause damage to the
respiratory system. Some toxic substances can also be absorbed from the lungs into the bloodstream, which
may then deposit the toxins in the other organ system causing damage.
In some people, reactions occur within a few hours or days after exposure ( an acute reaction).
Immediate reaction may include mild symptoms, such as troth irritation, nasal congestion or cough, or
symptoms may be serious, requiring immediate medical attention
Delayed reactions may also be mild and involve other parts of the body aside from the respiratory system.
Nausea, Dizziness, headache, flu-like symptoms and eye irritation may not be easily recognized as being
related to chemical exposures. More serious health effects can also occur depending on the nature of the toxic

Exposure through Ingestion

The most common hazard to caregiver is unknowingly ingesting toxic material. Caregivers may pick up
what appears to be a glass of water or juice but in fact, contains toxic materials, bits of clay, pigment or other
arts and crafts materials which are being used. Tables used for both arts and crafts and eating can be cleaned
and sanitized after use to prevent exposure during eating.

Exposure through the Skin

Improper handling of chemicals can cause skin irritations, burns and allergic reactions. These problems
may occur if hands are immersed in chemical solutions, or if clothing is worn that has been contaminated with
wet or dry spills of chemicals.
Some substances can also penetrate the skin’s natural protective coatings and enter the blood stream. As
in the case of inhaled substances, once in the bloodstream, these chemicals can cause damage to the
kidney’s, lungs, liver, heart and other vital organs.
Also, if there are cuts or sores in the skin, substances which would not penetrate the skin can be
absorbed by the body.

If caregivers use powdered tempera paints, they should be handled very carefully

Clay in wet form

Water based paints not requiring organic solvents

Water based white glue or library paste

Vegetable dyes (e.g. onionskin)

Water-based markers, material

Paper-Mache made in white and black newspaper

Finger or non-toxic water based paints


Your employer must make sure have safe conditions to work in. This means providing equipment and working
conditions that will not injure you, as well as safety from harassment or harm by your employers.


Your employer should make sure that the physical conditions you work in are safe. If your workplace is not
safe, you could have accidents and get hurt. You may need to tell your employer about things that are
dangerous. Here are some examples of common safety problems.

• If the electrical cord on a machine is frayed or damaged, ask you employer to replace it. Don’t simply
tape it up.
• Never touch electrical plugs or switches with wet hands.

Machine or Appliances
• If you are not sure of how something works, ask your employers to show you. If you try to figure it
yourself, you may damage the machine or hurt yourself.
• If the machine is not working properly, don’t use it. Ask your employers to fix it.

Household Cleaners
• The spray and liquids that you use to clean the house can be dangerous. When you use these cleaners,
ask your employers to give you gloves. This will help prevent rashes and burns on your skin.
• Try to breathe the fumes from cleaners. If a particular cleaner bother you (for example, makes you feel
dizzy or gives you a headed) tell your employers that you want to use something else.

Lifting Heavy Things

• Never lift things that are too heavy for you. You could seriously hurt your back. Tell your employers
when something is too heavy.
In short, don’t do anything that you think is unsafe. Even if your employers keep asking you, you can refuse to
do it. Your employers are not supposed to fire you because you refuse to do something that is unsafe. Of
course, they may find another excuse for firing you but it is better to make your employer angry than to hurt


If you are seriously hurt, ask your employers or a friend to take to the hospital, or have them call an
ambulance. If you can not work because of your injury, your employers should give you some time off. You
may be able to get an employment insurance, or if your employers have paid into worker’s compensation
plan, you may be able to get payments from the plan for work related injuries. If the injury was your
employers fault, and they are not paying into workers compensation plan, you can sure them take them to
court. If you win, they will have to pay you for your injury. For example, if your employers refuse to fix the
electrical cord on the iron and you get hurt, it is probably their fault.

If a child in your care gets hurt

You should know what do to in case a child in your care gets hurt. Before anything like this happens,
talk to your employer’s about what they want to do. Ask your employers to:
• Show you where all the first aid equipment and medicines are kept.
• Make a list of emergency phone numbers, including ambulance and poison control center
• Explain what you should do in case of an accident
• Pay for you to take a first aid course
If it is fault that the child is hurt, your employers can probably fire without notice. They can lso sue you ( take
you to court to get money) but is likely that they will unless you have a lot of money. They cannot sue your

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual attention which is deliberate and usually repeated. It can
be physical, such as touching, brushing against you, grabbing, or pinching. Or it can be unwanted looks or
unwanted looks or unwanted sexual jokes, comments or questions.
If you are being sexually harassed by your employer, you feel ashamed, embarrassed, depressed, guilty or
scared. You may feel it is your fault or be afraid you will lose your job if you say anything about it.
However, sexual harassment is not your fault, even though the harasser might make you fell like it is. And
you have to work in a place where you are being sexually harassed. The law says that employers. Cannot
sexually harass you.

Sexual Assault of Rape
If your employer forces you to do something sexual, or does something sexual to you that you do not
want him to, that is sexual assault. It includes rape, but also less violent actions. For example, if your
employers makes your hand inside his pants to touch his penis, that is sexual assault. Sexual assault is a crime.
What to do about sexual assault

If you have been sexually assaulted, the first thing you should do is to a safe place. Once you are in a
safe place, call a sexual assault or rape crisis center.

To find a sexual assault centers, look inside the front cover of the telephone book where the
emergency numbers are. Or look in the white pages under “Rape crisis” “sexual Assault” or “WOMEN” or dial”
‘0” for the operator. You can usually call these centers anytime of the day or night. The women who work a
sexual assault centers will understand what you have gone through. If you just want to talk, they will be gentle
and supportive. They will not to talk to other people about your story unless you ask them to. They can give
you advice about what to do and go wrong with you to the police or doctor if you want them to. You may need
medical help right away. If you have been raped, it is good idea to get a medical check-up, and you may need
medication to prevent a possible pregnancy. If you go to a doctor or to the hospital, try to take someone from
the sexual assault center.

Sexual assault is a crime, and your employer can be arrested for doing it. Therefore, if you want to, you
can make an official complaint to the police (lay charges). If you need help deciding what to do, talk to a
worker at a sexual assault center.

Of course, it may be difficult for you to do these things after sexual assault. You may feel ashamed or
guilty, or may feel scared to tell anyone about what your employer did. But what happened is not your fault,
and you have a right to be safe from sexual assault center right away, you can still call one later to talk or get


If your employer have beaten or hit you, go to friends or neighbors and call the police, a crisis center, a
transition house or women’s shelter. The people in these agencies can take you a safe place where your
employers cannot find you. They can also take you to a doctor if you need one.

To find the number to call, look in the front of the phone book white pages, where the emergency number
are, or dial “0” for the operator.

What to do about sexual harassment

If you are being sexually harassment, tell the employer clearly and directly that you don’t like what he
is doing. Also, keep a written record of what happened, and who the witnesses were, if any. Write this
down each time it happens, if it is more than once. This is important for proof later if you decide make a

If the harassment continues, you should think of leaving the job and making a complaint to the Human Right
Office. It is the government agency which is responsible for making sure that employers do not sexually harass
their workers.

You may also want to talk to someone at a sexual assault center, rape crisis center or a local women’s
center. The women who work at these centers are trained to help you. They can listen to you and give you
advice what to do, if you want it.

Violence or physical Danger

Two forms of violence or physical danger are discussed in the next sections:
1. Sexual assault or rape, and 2. Beatings

In either type of situation, the following advice applies:

1. Go to a safe place
If you have been physically harmed or you are in danger or being harmed, you should leave your employers
home immediately and go to safe place. A safe place can be a friend’s a neighbor or emergency shelter for
women. You , may also need medical help. In which case you should go to a hospital.

2. Get someone to take you

If necessary, take a taxi to where you are going. If you cannot leave on your own (for example, because you
are hurt or because your employers area watching you). Call someone – a friend, the police or an ambulance –
to come and get you. Don’t take the time pack your things. You can always get them later.

3. Make sure children are safe

If you are looking after children and you are the only at home, do not leave them by themselves, especially if
they are very young. It can be a criminal offense to abandon children. Either take the children to a neighbor’s
or call the police or the Ministry of Social Services and tell them that you are in danger and that you intend to
leave. Tell them to send someone to look after the children.
It is a crime for your employers to beat you and they can be arrested for doing it. You should think about
making an official complaint to the police (laying charges). Talk to the people at the transition
house/shelter/crisis center for advice on what to do.

If the employer lock you in

It is serious crime for your employers to lock you up. If they do this, and if there is a phone you can reach, call
the police right away and ask them to come and free you. After the police come, go to a friend’s or ask the
police to take you to a safe place. Take everything that belongs to you Don’t leave anything at the employer’s
place. If there is no phone, try to escape. If there is a window that you can climb out, do so. Or call to someone
in the street. IF you scape, go to neighbors and call the police. Then call a legal help group for advice on what
to do.

If the employers lock you out and keep your things

If you live in and you and your employers have a fight they may throw you out in refuse to let you get
your things. Or you may have to leave the employers home suddenly to get to a safe place, and you may have
time to take your things.
In situation like this, do not go back to the employers by yourself to get your things. It is probably unsafe.
Instead, you should do one of the following:
• Call the employers and ask them to send your things to you ( but don’t do this if you don’t want them
to know where you are)
• Ask a friend to go and get your things
• Call the police and ask for a police escort to get your things.

A police escort means a police officer will go with you to get your things from the employer’s house. To get a
police escort, go to police station or call their non emergency number on the inside front cover of the phone
book white pages.
The police will want to know your name, where you are calling from. Your employer’s name and
address and a brief description or your problem. Tell them you would like a police escort to get your things
from the employer’s house.
A police officer will then go with you to your employer’s house and ask them to let you to collect your
things. Before you make a list of the things you need to get so that you can tell the police exactly what you
came for. Also, try to pick a time when your employers will be home like dinner time.
The officer cannot force the employers to let you in without a search warrant, but most people will
cooperate because they do not want the police to think they have done something wrong.
When you get inside the house, just pack your belongings and leave. Don’t argue with employers. The
police are only there to “keep the peace”. Not to decide who is right or wrong.
Ask you are packing or once you get your things back, check through everything, including clothing,
pockets, to make sure none of the employers things have become mixed up with your own. Some employers
may put something in your bags so they can say you stole something. If you find something that is not yours or
something is missing tell the police.

Gifts from your employers

From time to time your employers may give you a gift or present. It may be a birthday gift, or Christmas gift, or
just a way to tell you they are pleased with your work. Its is nice when employers are kind, but be a little
careful about accepting gifts. If something goes wrong between you and your employers later, they may say
that you stole the gift.

For example, they may give you a watch and later the police that took it from them.
If your employers give you a gift, especially an expensive one, you should write this down in your diary.
Describe what they gave you in detail.
For example, don’t just write that they gave you a watch. Write down that they gave you a “Timex quartz
watch a brown strap and gold face” This way, it is clear which watch you are talking about.
You will some proof that that you did not steal the watch.
You can also write a “thank you” letter to your employers and keep a copy.

Never accept a gift from a child of the family unless you ask the parent’s first .
You should never steal from your employers if you do can be fired from your job or arrest for theft. Also if
you are a foreign caregiver, you can be sent back to your country.

Of course , most foreign caregivers do not steal, but even if you have never stolen anything, sometimes
employer may say you stole something. They may be mistaken and honestly think that you stole from them,
or they may be angry with you about something else and want to cause you trouble.
If your employers are just mistaken, you may be able to straighten things only by talking to them. Ask them
why they think you stole the things. Try to explain why you would not have taken it.

If your employers do not believe you or they are trying to make trouble for you, they may try to:
• Fire you without notice
• Give you a bad job reference later, or
• Have you arrested by the police

If you are fired, call the Employment Standards Branch for advice.
If your employers call the police, keep in mind that the police cannot arrest you unless, the employers have
some proof. Show the police any proof that you have which support your story.


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