DSAT Diagnostic Test

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Digital SAT

Diagnostic Test
Reading and Writing
The questions in this section address a number of important reading and writing skills.
Each question includes one or more passages, which may include a table or graph. Read
each passage and question carefully, and then choose the best answer to the question
based on the passage(s).
All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices. Each question
has a single best answer.

Q1 C) unfamiliar
Human beings have rights, because they D) quotidian
are moral beings: the rights of all men
grow out of their moral nature; and as all Q3
men have the same moral nature, they have The struggle of the generations is one of
essentially the same rights. These rights the obvious constants of human affairs.
may be wrested from the slave, but they Therefore, it may be presumptuous to
cannot be __________: his title to himself suggest that the rivalry between young and
is as perfect now, as is that of Lyman old in Western society during the current
Beecher: it is stamped on his moral being, decade is ____________ critical.
and is, like it, imperishable. Now if rights
are founded in the nature of our moral Which choice completes the text with the
being, then the mere circumstance of sex most logical and precise word or phrase?
does not give to man higher rights and A) archetypally
responsibilities, than to woman. B) uniquely
C) disturbingly
Which choice completes the text with the D) perennially
most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) treated Q4
B) benefitted When theories formerly considered _____
C) alienated in their scientific objectivity are found
D) sensed instead to reflect a consistent observational
and evaluative bias, then the presumed
Q2 neutrality of science gives way to the
After people began to make the transition recognition that categories of knowledge
from gathering food to producing food, are human constructions.
human societies followed markedly
_______ courses; some adopted herding, Which choice completes the text with the
others took to tillage, and still others stuck most logical and precise word or phrase?
to foraging. A) uninterested
B) disinterested
Which choice completes the text with the C) unassailable
most logical and precise word or phrase? D) verifiable
A) divergent
B) rural

Module 1
Q5 exposing small areas of the snout to
Until recently, nearly all cataloged dwarfs extremely weak electrical fields and
resided within the Local Group (LG) of recording the transmission of resulting
galaxies. In 1999, the LG contained 36 nervous activity to the brain. While it is
known members, of which 11 are Milky true that tactile receptors, another kind of
Way (MW) satellites. Four of these eleven sensory organ on the anteater’s snout, can
MW dwarf galaxies are more than 10,000 also respond to electrical stimuli, such
times less luminous than the Milky Way receptors do so only in response to
itself. There is now a new class of “ultra- electrical field strengths about 1,000 times
faint” dwarf companions to the Milky Way greater than those known to excite
known to have even lower absolute electroreceptors.
magnitudes. The resolved stellar
populations of these near-field Which choice best describes the function
cosmological laboratories have been used of the underlined sentence in the text as a
to derive their star formation and chemical whole?
evolution histories and to model their dark A) It highlights a type of sensory
mass content in detail. The future will organ that has a function identical
reveal whether we have yet seen the to that of electro receptors.
ultimate limit of galaxy formation. The B) It points out a serious complication
possibilities remain that the low in the research on electroreceptors
luminosities of the ultra-faint dwarfs are an in anteaters.
artifact of nature, rather than nurture, C) It eliminates an alternative
and/or the present survey data are not deep explanation of anteaters’ response
enough to reveal the very least luminous to electrical stimuli.
systems and a vast population of ultra-faint D) It suggests that tactile receptors
dwarfs lie just beyond our fingertips. assist electroreceptors in the
Regardless, at least dozens of ultra-faint detection of electrical signals.
satellites will be discovered in the near
future, with the possibility of hundreds or Q7
more. Many intellectual histories of the Black
Power movement of the 1960s and 1970s
Which choice best states the primary rely heavily on essays and other explicitly
purpose of the text? ideological works as primary sources, a
A) To question whether current tendency that can over represent the
methods of data-gathering are perspectives of a small number of thinkers,
sufficient most of whom were male. Historian
B) To present evidence regarding a Ashley D. Farmer has shown that
rare phenomenon expanding the array of primary sources to
C) To compare ultra-faint galaxies to encompass more types of print material—
galaxies with the normal range of including political cartoons,
luminosity advertisements, and artwork—leads to a
D) To discuss the current status of much better understanding of the
research about a topic movement and the crucial and diverse
roles that Black women played in shaping
Q6 it.
Australian researchers have discovered
electroreceptors (sensory organs designed Which choice best describes the central
to respond to electrical fields) clustered at idea of the text?
the tip of the spiny anteater’s snout. The A) Before Farmer’s research,
researchers made this discovery by historians had largely ignored the

Module 1
intellectual dimensions of the B) He is embarrassed because Frances
Black Power movement. is a successful woman, and he is a
B) Farmer’s methods and research simple bus driver.
have enriched the historical C) He is fearful of Frances’s safety
understanding of the Black Power and insists that he drive her
movement and Black women’s everywhere.
contributions to it. D) He amuses Frances with cheerful
C) Other historians of the Black stories about his experience as a
Power movement have criticized bus driver.
Farmer’s use of unconventional
primary sources. Q9
D) The figures in the Black Power “The Last Ride Together” by Robert
movement whom historians tend to Browning is a love lyric published in
cite would have agreed with 1855. In the poem, the speaker describes
Farmer’s conclusions about his heavenly experience while riding with
women’s roles in the movement. his love for the last
The following text is adapted from Kirstin Which illustration from “The Last Ride
Valdez Quade’s 2015 novel Night at the Together” most effectively illustrates the
Fiestas. claim?
A) My last thought was at least not
Frances was pretending to be someone vain:/
else, someone whose father was not the I and my mistress, side by side/
bus driver. Instead, she told herself, she Shall be together, breathe and ride,/
was a girl alone in the world, journeying to So, one day more am I deified.
the city. Except Frances wasn't alone, and B) By many benedictions---sun's/
her father, evidently thinking she'd come And moon's and evening-star's at
along today for his company, kept calling once---/
back to her with boisterous cheer over the And so,
exertions of the engine. Not counting you, looking and loving best,/
Frances, eleven passengers had boarded Conscious grew,
early that morning in Raton, many of them your passion drew/
also heading to Santa Fe for the Fiestas. Cloud, sunset, moonrise, star-shine
Frances's father had offered each and too;
every one of them a jolly greeting. C) Then we began to ride. /My soul
“Glorious day, isn't it? Got my girl with Smoothed itself out, a long-
me.” “Getting off in Santa Fe? So's my cramped scroll/
Frances.” Each time a lady boarded, he Freshening and fluttering in the
took her bag and followed her to her seat wind./
and stowed it in the net above while she Past hopes already lay behind.
removed her gloves and arranged her D) Take back the hope you gave,---I
purse. Then he stood aside to let other claim/
passengers by. Only a memory of the same,/
And this beside, if you will not
According to the text, what is true about blame,/
Frances’s father? Your leave for one more last ride
A) He is proud of Frances and keeps with me.
mentioning her to passengers as
they board the bus.

Module 1
Q10 methodology can significantly influence
Some animals, such as dolphins, dogs, and the resulting running speed estimation.
African grey parrots, seem to exhibit
cognitive functions typically associated Which choice best describes data from the
with higher-order primates such as table that support Hess and Schmidt’s
chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans. Some suggestion?
parrots, for example, have vocabularies of A) The running speed estimates
hundreds of words that they can string produced by Alexander and Jayes
together in a comprehensible syntax. One and by Sellers et al. were similar to
parrot, named Alex, has been known to ask each other, while the estimates
to be petted or kissed and will exhibit produced by Farlow et al. and by
aggression if the gesture offered is not the Hutchinson and Garcia each
specific one requested. Therefore, differed substantially from any
researchers conclude that humans and other estimate.
primates are not the only animals capable B) The study by Hutchinson and
of using language to communicate. Garcia used biomechanical
modeling and produced the lowest
Which of the following, if true, would estimated running speed range,
most strengthen the researchers’ while the study by Farlow et al.
conclusion? used stride length analysis and
A) Dolphins can be trained to assist produced the highest estimated
divers in ocean rescues. range.
B) Dogs are capable of sensing their C) In their study, Sellers et al. used
owners’ moods and often exhibit digital simulation to produce an
concern if they sense sadness. estimated running speed range with
C) Chimpanzees can memorize long a minimum of 20 km/h and a
sequences of key punches on maximum of 35 km/h.
machines that dispense food. D) The estimated maximum running
D) Alex does not exhibit aggression speed produced by Farlow et al.
when offered a gesture that he exceeded the estimated maximum
specifically requested. produced by Hutchinson and
Garcia, even though both groups of
Q11 researchers used the same method
to generate their estimates.

Ampicillin and other modern antibiotics
kill a much wider variety of bacteria than
penicillin does. They also carry higher
The running speed of tropical terrestrial profit margins, so drug companies now
animals is a crucial factor in their ability to have an incentive to stop manufacturing
hunt prey, escape predators, and navigate the older, less profitable antibiotics. This
their environment. Estimating the running could cause a penicillin shortage, forcing
speed of tropical terrestrial animals can be doctors to use the much more powerful
challenging, and researchers have used new antibiotics in cases where they might
various methodologies to generate these otherwise be unnecessary. Thus, these
estimates. After analyzing the various newer antibiotics are likely to result in an
studies, biologists Rhys Hess and Jeremiah outbreak of diseases caused by drug-
Schmidt concluded that the choice of resistant bacteria, since

Module 1
Which choice most logically completes the
A) drug-resistant bacteria flourish in
the absence of competition from a
wide variety of other bacteria.
B) a shortage of penicillin would drive
up its price and profit margin.
C) treatment of diseases with the
powerful new antibiotics is much
more expensive than treatment with
the older ones.
D) most bacteria that are resistant to
penicillin are not resistant to
ampicillin and other modern Advancements in electric vehicle (EV)
antibiotics. battery technology have led to significant
improvements in driving range and
Q13 charging times. However, the energy
A study found that most of the strokes density of these batteries is still a major
diagnosed by doctors occurred in the left factor affecting the overall performance of
side of patients’ brains. This suggests that EVs. Dr. Jane Smith and her colleagues
right-side strokes are more likely than left- compared two different cathode materials,
side strokes to go undiagnosed since lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) and
__________________________________ nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC), to
evaluate their energy density and charging
Which choice most logically completes the times. The research team conducted a
text? series of tests on batteries with varying
A) the symptoms of right-side strokes cathode compositions and concluded that
tend to be different than the NMC-based batteries demonstrate better
symptoms of left-side strokes. energy density and faster charging times
B) doctors vary greatly in the accuracy compared to LiFePO4-based batteries.
of their diagnoses of strokes.
C) other studies have suggested that a Which choice best describes data from the
large number of minor strokes go graph that supports Smith and her
undiagnosed. colleagues' conclusion?
D) it is very likely that just as many A) The NMC-based batteries exhibit
strokes occur in the right side of an energy density greater than 200
the brain as in the left side. Wh/kg, while the LiFePO4-based
batteries have an energy density
below 160 Wh/kg.
B) The fastest charging time for
NMC-based batteries is less than
50 minutes, while the fastest
charging time for LiFePO4-based
batteries is 60 minutes.
C) Both LiFePO4 and NMC-based
batteries show energy densities
above 120 Wh/kg, but NMC-based
batteries have significantly faster
charging times.

Module 1
D) There is a substantial difference in Which choice completes the text so that it
energy density between the NMC- conforms to the conventions of Standard
based and the LiFePO4-based English?
batteries, leading to a significant A) has followed industrial
difference in prices of both. development
B) followed industrial development
Q15 C) had followed industrial
In a survey, a tutoring company found that development
students who paid for 10 or more in-person D) follows industrial development
tutoring sessions on an hour-by-hour basis
missed or rescheduled a session on average Q17
once every five sessions. By contrast, Where did the modern periodic table come
those students who purchased tutoring from? Now a ubiquitous sight in chemistry
sessions in ten-hour packages missed or classrooms everywhere,
rescheduled a session on average only ___________________ while he was
once every ten sessions. This led the writing a textbook on general chemistry.
company to conclude that students are at The basic principles of Mendeleev’s
least partly motivated by the amount of periodic order of elements have remained
money they have invested for in-person the same, even as it has grown in size. This
tutoring. key development in the history of science
still defines our contemporary
Which of the following, if true, would understanding of matter.
most directly weaken the company’s
conclusion? Which choice completes the text so that it
A) The price per hour was slightly conforms to the conventions of Standard
more expensive for those who English?
bought individual hours. A) the conception of this orderly
B) Many students who missed or arrangement of the elements was
rescheduled sessions did so due to the nineteenth-century
although they made a strong verbal Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev
commitment beforehand to be B) Dmitri Mendeleev, a nineteenth-
present. century Russian chemist, conceived
C) All students must pay a 10% fee this orderly arrangement
for rescheduling any tutoring C) the nineteenth-century Russian
session, but if a student cancels a chemist Dmitri Mendeleev
session entirely, the entire cost is conceived this orderly arrangement
forfeited. of the elements
D) Upon purchase of any tutoring D) this orderly arrangement of the
hours, students are required to elements was conceived by the
immediately schedule all the nineteenth-century Russian chemist
purchased hours. Dmitri Mendeleev

Q16 Q18
Many analysts have recently predicted that The most valuable skill you can learn from
democratic institutions will develop in formal teacher training is flexibility.
China, as the growth of democracy There’s a lot that needs to be accomplished
generally ____________________ in other for a school district that is difficult to plan
countries throughout the 20th century. for. This is very much the case for a
middle school science teacher as well. You
never know when a fire drill may occur

Module 1
during a lab full of flaming Bunsen Q21
__________ roll with the punches. It might be easy to chalk up the younger
generation as careless and unconcerned
Which choice completes the text so that it and ________________ flawed. Students
conforms to the conventions of Standard are largely civic-minded; they volunteer,
English? worry about public policies, and even
A) burners, you have to congregate debate solutions to everything
B) burners, then you have to from environmental issues to human rights
C) burners; after which you need to to healthcare.
D) burners, and you have to
Which choice completes the text so that it
Q19 conforms to the conventions of Standard
Brian Eno is the foremost composer of English?
________ based in slow, evolving A) altogether misdirected but that’s
soundscapes that can be either ignored in the easy way out and it is
the background or attended to carefully, as B) altogether misdirected, however,
the listener may determine for himself or that’s the easy way out, and it is
herself. C) altogether misdirected, but that’s
the easy way out, it is
Which choice completes the text so that it D) altogether misdirected, but that’s
conforms to the conventions of Standard the easy way out, and it is
A) ambient music, a genre: Q22
B) ambient music; a genre The issue of mental health has been
C) ambient music - a genre gaining recognition in recent years, with
D) ambient music. A genre many organizations acknowledging the
impact it has on their employees' overall
Q20 well-being and productivity. While mental
Today’s millennials view themselves as in health support and resources are now being
an altogether worse situation than that of offered more widely, there is still a long
their parents or grandparents. Widespread way to go because stigma and shame
opinion has them in a bitter, unrewarding around mental health can prevent people
job market bankrupted by the university from speaking up. First, there is a need for
and crushed underneath a stifling national workplaces to create a supportive
debt. ________________ lays an environment that encourages individuals to
inefficient and wasteful government that seek help when needed. __________
they are less than anticipatory to inherit. fostering a culture that promotes open
conversations about mental health can help
Which choice completes the text so that it break down the barriers and encourage
conforms to the conventions of Standard people to seek the support they need.
A) Their path is difficult and uncertain Which choice completes the text with the
at best; behind these obstacles most logical transition?
B) Their path is difficult and uncertain A) Similarly,
at best; and behind these obstacles B) As a result,
C) Their path is difficult and uncertain C) Nevertheless,
at best, behind these obstacles D) Additionally,
D) Their path is difficult and uncertain
at best and behind these obstacles

Module 1
The rise of remote work has transformed Which choice completes the text with the
the traditional office environment. Many most logical transition?
companies now offer their employees the A) by contrast,
option to work from home, which can B) granted,
increase productivity and improve work- C) that is,
life balance. ________ remote work can D) similarly,
also benefit employers by reducing
overhead costs and improving employee Q26
retention rates. Despite some challenges While researching a topic, a student has
such as communication and collaboration, taken the following notes:
remote work has become increasingly  Psychological scientists at Cornell
popular and is likely here to stay. University have found that people
tend to overestimate the
Which choice completes the text with the persuasiveness of requests.
most logical transition?  They also found that people
A) For instance, underestimate the effectiveness of
B) In contrast, requests made in person.
C) Indeed,  Both the underestimation and
D) Therefore, overestimation were found to be in
large margins.
Q24  According to this research, people
In May 2020, Aditi Ramachandran found are less influential than they think
herself immersed in the vibrant art scene over mail.
of New York City. She was exploring the
dynamic street art of Brooklyn's The student wants to summarize the
neighborhoods and starting to gain research in a concise way. Which choice
recognition as a sculptor. _______ most effectively uses relevant information
Ramachandran yearned to reconnect with from the notes to accomplish this goal?
her roots in Malaysia; only there, she A) Both underestimation and
believed, could her creativity reach its full overestimation of requests are
potential. never in the average range- This
was the result of a research by
Which choice completes the text with the psychologists at Cornell.
most logical transition? B) As per a Cornell University
A) However, research, people are not as
B) Consequently, influential as they perceive
C) In fact, themselves to be online; they
D) Moreover, mostly reach the appropriate
estimation concerning the
Q25 effectiveness and persuasiveness of
Alexander Lawrence Posey (1873–1908) requests.
varied his focus and tone depending on the C) According to a Cornell research,
genre in which he was writing. In his people mostly do not reach a
poetry, he used heartfelt language to evoke proper estimation regarding the
the beauty and peacefulness of his natural persuasiveness of requests that they
surroundings; in his journalism, ______ he make, or about the overestimation
employed humor and satire to comment on of requests that they make in
political issues affecting his Muskogee person They are comparatively
Creek community. more influential in person.

Module 1
D) Requests made whether online or to create visually stunning and
offline are never estimated properly immersive experiences.
by people who also think
themselves to be more influential The student wants to make a generalization
that they perceive themselves to be. about the evolution of filmmaking over
time. Which choice most effectively uses
Q27 relevant information from the notes to
While researching a topic, a student has accomplish this goal?
taken the following notes: A) Digital technology has
• The Lumière brothers were among fundamentally transformed the art
the first filmmakers, credited with of filmmaking, allowing
inventing the cinematograph and filmmakers to create breath-taking
producing the first motion picture. visual effects and immersive
• In the early years of cinema, films worlds that were once impossible
were silent and often accompanied to achieve.
by live music, sound effects, or B) From the early days of silent films
narration. to the digital age, the evolution of
• The Golden Age of Hollywood, filmmaking has been shaped by
spanning the 1930s to the 1950s, technological innovation, changing
was characterized by lavish studio cultural and political contexts, and
productions, the emergence of the creative vision of filmmakers.
movie stars, and the introduction of C) The Golden Age of Hollywood was
sound and color. a time of great creativity and
• The French New Wave was a film innovation, when filmmakers
movement that emerged in the late pushed the boundaries of what was
1950s, characterized by a rejection possible on screen and created
of traditional Hollywood iconic movies that continue to
storytelling techniques and a focus captivate audiences today.
on realism, experimentation, and D) The Lumière brothers' invention of
political commentary. the cinematograph marked the birth
• The rise of digital technology in the of cinema and paved the way for
late 20th century revolutionized the the evolution of filmmaking as we
film industry, enabling filmmakers know it today.
to use new techniques and effects

Module 1
Reading and Writing
The questions in this section address a number of important reading and writing skills.
Each question includes one or more passages, which may include a table or graph. Read
each passage and question carefully, and then choose the best answer to the question
based on the passage(s).
All questions in this section are multiple-choice with four answer choices. Each question
has a single best answer.

Q1 better understood before we can accurately

Philosophy, unlike most other subjects, diagnose the condition of our planet.
does not try to extend our knowledge by
discovering new information about the As used in the text, what does the word
world. Instead it tries to deepen our “obscure” most nearly mean?
understanding through rumination on what A) Enhance
is already closest to us – the experiences, B) Underscore
thoughts, concepts, and activities that C) Obliterate
make up our lives but that ordinarily D) Blur
escape our notice precisely because they
are so familiar. Philosophy begins by Q3
finding utterly mysterious the things that Although the labeling of quality products
are most _________ is supposed to reassure fearful consumers
and help distinguish the reliable brands
Which choice completes the text with the from the more precarious ones, the lack of
most logical and precise word or phrase? candidness of the reporting agencies has
A) prosaic. made the rating suspect.
B) novel.
C) elaborate. As used in the text, what does the word
D) ornate. “suspect” most nearly mean?
A) accusing
Q2 B) felonious
It is refreshing to read a book about our C) questionable
planet by an author who does not allow D) criminal
facts to be overshadowed by politics: well
aware of the political disputes about the Q4
effects of human activities on climate and The following text is from Percy Bysshe
biodiversity, this author does not permit Shelley's 1858 poem "Time."
them to obscure his comprehensive
description of what we know about our Unfathomable Sea! whose waves are
biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous years,
gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of Ocean of Time, whose waters of deep woe
our observations, and the superficiality of Are brackish with the salt of human tears!
our theories, calling attention to the many Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and
aspects of planetary evolution that must be flow

Module 2
Claspest the limits of mortality! donor-specific lymphocytes at the site of
And sick of prey, yet howling on for more, the liver transplant.
Vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable
shore; According to the hypothesis of the author,
Treacherous in calm, and terrible in storm, after a successful liver transplant, why do
Who shall put forth on thee, the rats not reject further transplants of
Unfathomable Sea? other organs from the same donor?
A) Because lymphocytes of the
Which of the following best summarizes recipient are weakened by the
the central idea of the text? activity of the transplanted liver
A) Time is an immense force that B) Because recipient is unable to
cannot be comprehended by manufacture the lymphocytes
humans. necessary for the immune-response
B) The sea is a metaphor for the reaction
tumultuous nature of human C) Because transplanted liver
emotions. continues to be the primary locus
C) Human life is fleeting and fragile in for the recipient’s immune-
the face of the vastness of time. response reaction
D) The sea is a symbol of the dangers D) Because subsequently transplanted
and uncertainties of life. organ is able to repair the damage
caused by the recipient’s immune-
Q5 response reaction
The transplantation of organs from one
individual to another normally involves Q6
two major problems: organ rejection is Appendicitis (inflammation of the
likely unless the transplantation antigens appendix) is potentially fatal;
of both individuals are nearly identical, consequently, patients with symptoms
and the introduction of any unmatched strongly suggesting appendicitis almost
transplantation antigens induces the have their appendix removed. The
development by the recipient of donor- appropriate surgery is low-risk but
specific lymphocytes that will produce performed unnecessarily in about 20
violent rejection of further transplantations percent of all cases. A newly developed
from that donor. However, we have found internal scan for appendicitis is highly
that among many strains of rats these accurate, producing two misdiagnoses for
“normal” rules of transplantation are not every 98 correct diagnoses. Clearly, using
obeyed by liver transplants. Not only are this test, doctors can largely avoid
liver transplants never rejected, but they unnecessary removals of the appendix
even induce a state of donor-specific without, however, performing any fewer
unresponsiveness in which subsequent necessary ones than before, since
transplants of other organs, such as skin, ___________________
from that donor are accepted permanently.
Our hypothesis is that many strains of rats Which choice most logically completes the
simply cannot mount a sufficiently text?
vigorous destructive immune-response A) the patients who are correctly
(using lymphocytes) to outstrip the liver’s diagnosed with this test as not
relatively great capacity to protect itself having appendicitis invariably have
from immune-response damage and that medical conditions that are much
the systemic unresponsiveness observed is less serious than appendicitis.
due to concentration of the recipient’s B) the misdiagnoses produced by this
test are always instances of

Module 2
attributing appendicitis to someone more positive than those in the
who does not, in fact, have it. GDP-focused group.
C) all of the patients who are C) On average, participants in the
diagnosed with this test as having GDP-focused group were more
appendicitis do, in fact, have likely to support policies that
appendicitis. prioritize economic growth over
D) every patient who is diagnosed social and environmental concerns
with this test as having appendicitis than those in the human
has more than one of the symptoms development-focused group.
generally associated with D) On average, participants in the
appendicitis. human development-focused group
were more likely to support
Q7 policies that prioritize social and
Economist Amartya Sen has argued that a environmental concerns over
narrow focus on GDP as the sole measure economic growth than those in the
of a country's progress can lead to GDP-focused group.
distorted policies and outcomes.
According to Sen, a more comprehensive Q8
and human-centered approach to The more worried investors are about
measuring progress would take into losing their money, the more they will
account factors such as social inclusion, demand a high potential return on their
political participation, and environmental investment. Great risks must be
sustainability. To test the validity of Sen's compensated by the possibility of great
argument, researchers conducted a study in rewards. This principle is the fundamental
which they randomly assigned participants one in determining interest rates, and it is
to one of two groups: a GDP-focused illustrated by the fact that
group or a human development-focused __________________________
group. Both groups were given the same
information about a country's progress but Which choice most logically completes the
were presented with different measures of text?
success. The GDP-focused group was A) successful investors are
given information on the country's distinguished by an ability to make
economic growth and performance, while very risky investments without
the human development-focused group worrying about their money.
was given information on the country's B) lenders receive higher interest rates
progress in areas such as health, education, on unsecured loans than on loans
and political freedom. backed by collateral.
C) in times of high inflation, the
Which finding from the researchers' study, interest paid to depositors by banks
if true, would most strongly support Sen's can actually be below the rate of
argument? inflation.
A) On average, participants in the D) at any one time, a commercial bank
GDP-focused group rated the will have a single rate of interest
country's progress as more positive that it will expect all of its
than those in the human individual borrowers to pay.
development-focused group.
B) On average, participants in the
human development-focused group
rated the country's progress as

Module 2
Q9 Which choice best describes data from the
In Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken," table that support the information given in
the speaker reflects on a decision he made the text?
in the past, and suggests that this decision A) At just 3 months old, babies start
has had a profound impact on his life, having shorter nap time during the
writing: ________ day and longer sleep periods at
Which quotation from "The Road Not B) As babies grow older, their average
Taken" most effectively illustrates the sleep times register an increase
claim? both in the day and in the night.
A) "Two roads diverged in a wood, C) As babies grow in age, the
and I— / I took the one less difference in their times of sleep in
traveled by, / And that has made all the day and night also increases.
the difference." D) The increase in the total number of
B) "And both that morning equally lay sleeping hours of babies mimics
/ In leaves no step had trodden the pattern in adults.
black. / Oh, I kept the first for
another day!" Q11
C) "I shall be telling this with a sigh /
Somewhere ages and ages hence: /
Two roads diverged in a wood, and
I— / I took the one less traveled
D) "I doubted if I should ever come
back. / I shall be telling this with a
sigh / Somewhere ages and ages
hence: / Two roads diverged in a
wood, and I—"


In 1976, Congress passed the Toxic

Substances Control Act (TSCA), which
gave the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) authority to regulate the
Circadian rhythm is the 24-hour internal
manufacture and sale of chemicals for the
clock in our brain that regulates cycles of
purpose of preventing “unreasonable risk
alertness and sleepiness by responding to
to human health or the environment.” The
light changes in our environment.
act has instituted regulation of six
Researchers have not yet fully understood
dangerous chemicals since its inception,
these sleep patterns in babies, but they
but this number is tiny in comparison to
have collected information from parents
the more than 82,000 chemicals currently
about their babies' sleeping habits, and
on the EPA chemical registry. Many states
based on the surveys, they have developed
in the US, frustrated by the federal
a fair understanding of what is typical —
government’s lack of action on toxic
the normal range of variation that parents
chemicals, have passed stricter legislation
report. From the data, it can be inferred
that specifically targets chemicals in
that the circadian cycle in babies starts
products designed for vulnerable
developing at an early age.
populations, such as children and pregnant

Module 2
women. For example, the EPA regulates B) “Hurston had an interest in theater,
lead-based paints but does not place any for example, and even helped to
restrictions on the use of lead in toys or establish a school of dramatic arts
children’s jewelry. Seventeen states have four years later at Bethune-
passed additional restrictions on lead to Cookman College.”
further reduce children’s exposure. In what C) “Although Hurston’s work was not
could be seen as evidence that there should initially well received because she
be a federal policy regarding toxic failed to take up the political rights
chemicals, _______________________ of African Americans, it is now
viewed as ground-breaking
Which choice completes the text using the feminist literature because her
information given in the graph? characters challenge systemic
A) ten states have existing or pending misogyny.”
legislation regulating cadmium. D) “Rather than dwelling on or overtly
B) forty-six states have not yet taken challenging the social and
any action to regulate economic oppression of certain
formaldehyde. communities, she used her
C) at least eight chemicals are more anthropological training to explore
strictly regulated by states than at how folklore could empower
the federal level. African Americans by legitimizing
D) over half of the fifty states have their local cultures.”
existing or pending legislation
regulating the use of mercury. Q13
A large number of experts believe that
Q12 accurately diagnosing a rare disease often
In 1925, Zora Neale Hurston began her depends on a combination of medical
studies at Barnard College, where – under knowledge, access to patient history, and
the tutelage of Franz Boas, of Modern intuition honed through years of
Anthropology” – she embraced the idea of experience. In a recent study, however,
cultural relativism, or studying a culture in computer scientists trained a deep-learning
isolation rather than in comparison to computer model on thousands of medical
others. Her work reflected this disposition, records and found that it could diagnose
as she sought to capture what she termed rare diseases as accurately as a team of
the “natural” art of African Americans experienced doctors – and that too in half
through speech, song, and folklore. By the time. Some doctors have expressed
adopting the vernacular, for example, concern that they might be replaced by
Hurston believed that she could develop such computer models, but the computer
the authenticity of her characters and scientists argue that this is highly
present the uniqueness of African improbable.
American culture.
Which finding, if true, would most directly
Which of the following quotations from a support the computer scientists’ claim?
literary critic would best support the point A) In the study, the model was able to
made in the last sentence of the text? diagnose the rare diseases much
A) “Hurston’s autobiography, Dust more quickly than the doctors
Tracks on a Road, was widely could, thereby saving time, money,
criticized due to its inconsistencies and effort.
and inaccuracies which made it B) A survey of doctors showed that
seem more like her works of fiction diagnosing rare diseases limits the
than a factual account of her life.” amount of time they can dedicate to

Module 2
other crucial tasks that only human determine which is more efficient
doctors can do. is described, and a conclusion is
C) In the study, neither the model nor made, based on experimental
the doctors were able to accurately evidence.
diagnose all the rare diseases that B) Two hypotheses are described, a
were presented. way of determining which of them
D) A survey of doctors showed that is more likely to be true is
very few of them received discussed, and one is said to be
dedicated training in how to more accurate on the basis of
properly diagnose rare diseases. experimental evidence.
C) Two hypotheses are discussed, the
Q14 flaws inherent in both of them are
Bacteria are attracted to materials they elaborated, and experimental
need and are repelled by harmful evidence confirming the other is
substances. Biologists have proposed two cited.
mechanisms that bacteria might use in D) An assertion that one mechanism
detecting changes in the concentration of a for solving a particular problem is
chemical attractant. First, a bacterium more efficient than another is
might compare the concentration of a made, and evidence is then
chemical at the front and back of its cell provided in support of that
body simultaneously. If the concentration assertion.
is higher at the front of the cell, then it
knows it is moving up the concentration Q15
gradient, from an area where the Impressionist artists like Degas studied the
concentration is lower to an area where it elements of light and movement captured
is higher. Alternatively, it might measure by instantaneous photography and used
the concentration at one instant and again ________ of the way our perceptions
after a brief interval and retain a memory distort reality to try to more accurately
of the initial concentration. If bacteria do capture reality in their work.
compare concentrations at different times,
then when suddenly exposed to a Which choice completes the text so that it
uniformly high concentration of an conforms to the conventions of Standard
attractant, the cells would behave as if they English?
were swimming up a concentration A) its new understanding
gradient, with long, smooth runs and B) their new understanding
relatively few tumbles. However, if C) there new understanding
bacteria detect a chemical gradient by D) it’s new understanding
measuring it simultaneously at two distinct
points on the cell body, they would not Q16
respond to the jump in concentration James was a talented designer during the
because the concentration of the attractant 20th century, famous for crafting intricate
in front and back of the cells, though high, sculptural dresses using unconventional
would be uniform. Experimental evidence materials layered together. Curators at an
suggests that bacteria compare exhibition closely examined his renowned
concentrations at different times. "clover leaf" gown, studying the various
layers of mesh, feathers, cotton, and
Which choice best describes the overall horsehair by utilizing X-rays and computer
structure of the text? models. This gown has become a vital
A) Two approaches to a problem are feature of the exhibition. With a deeper
discussed, a test that would understanding of James's work,

Module 2
__________________, while highlighting distinction provides today's computer
the importance of the "clover leaf" gown. scientists with one of the clearest pictures
Which choice completes the text so that it of what true artificial intelligence entails.
conforms to the conventions of Standard
English? Which choice completes the text so that it
A) the challenge of effectively conforms to the conventions of Standard
presenting James's designs to English?
museum visitors was tasked to the A) is
curators B) have been
B) James tasked the curators with the C) were
challenge of effectively presenting D) was
his designs to museum visitors
C) the curators were tasked with the Q19
challenge of effectively presenting Often referred to as the GI Bill,
his designs to visitors at the _____________________ to assist US
museum veterans returning home after their service
D) James's designs presented a in World War II. It provided various kinds
challenge to the curators in of support, including unemployment
effectively showcasing them to benefits and mortgage assistance. The GI
museum visitors Bill is best known, however, for the
education and training assistance it
Q17 provided veterans.
In 1965, at the age of 34, Hansberry died.
In 1970, Nina Simone composed a Which choice completes the text so that it
political anthem and named it after a play conforms to the conventions of Standard
based on Hansberry’s work “To Be English?
Young, Gifted, and Black.” The song was A) the Servicemen's Readjustment Act
a heartfelt tribute to the artist and activist of 1944 was passed by the federal
who had inspired Simone’s own political government
development. Simone decided that B) the federal government passed the
Hansberry had been right – the stage and Servicemen's Readjustment Act of
the airwaves could be used to promote the 1944
struggle for civil rights and C) the passing of the Servicemen's
_______discrimination and violence. Readjustment Act of 1944 was
done by the federal government
Which choice completes the text so that it D) it was the federal government that
conforms to the conventions of Standard passed the Servicemen's
English? Readjustment Act of 1944
A) denouncing
B) denounced Q20
C) denounce Black-and-White Colobus monkeys are
D) have denounced known for their extremely low rates of
inner-group aggression. When male
Q18 juveniles reach maturity, they split from
Ada Lovelace is frequently credited as the their childhood group in order to form
world’s first computer programmer, but groups of their own. These monkeys are
her importance as a theorist of what known for being highly intelligent, skillful
differentiates human thought from climbers, and rather lazy. As a zoologist,
computer programs _____ less often what Jane Doe wanted to learn from these
recognized. In fact, her writing on this monkey groups ___________ within the

Module 2
group so low? What methods do these scooter with the performance and handling
monkeys use to avoid aggression with one of an adventure motorcycle.
another? Which choice completes the text with the
most logical transition?
Which choice completes the text so that it A) on the other hand,
conforms to the conventions of Standard B) as a result,
English? C) furthermore,
A) is: why is aggression D) for instance,
B) is – why is aggression
C) is, why is aggression Q23
D) is why is aggression Tiny, hair-like extensions known as cilia
cover the surface of certain
Q21 microorganisms, such as Paramecium.
Nations such as Italy, Romania, Hungary, These cilia beat in a coordinated manner,
Bulgaria, and Finland all signed peace allowing the microorganism to propel
treaties with the Allies in 1950. But no itself through aquatic environments.
treaty was ever signed by the United _______ Paramecium can navigate its
States, the Soviet Union, France, and Great surroundings with remarkable agility and
Britain, and the two German powers, the speed.
German Democratic Republic and the
Federal Republic of Germany. These six Which choice completes the text with the
entities did not sign a peace treaty, but most logical transition?
rather entered into an “agreement”. The A) In contrast,
agreement was _______________once “a B) On the other hand,
peace settlement for Germany to be C) For this reason,
accepted by the Government of Germany D) By the same token,
when a government adequate for the
purpose is established”. Q24
Surprisingly enough, modern historians
Which choice completes the text so that it have rarely interested themselves in the
conforms to the conventions of Standard history of the American South in the
English? period before the South began to become
A) provisional, and could only be self-consciously and distinctively
finalized, “Southern” – the decades after 1815.
B) provisional and could only be _______________the cultural history of
finalized, Britain’s North American empire in the
C) provisional and, could only be, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries has
finalized, been written almost as if the Southern
D) provisional and could only be colonies had never existed.
finalized Which choice completes the text with the
most logical transition?
Q22 A) Regardless,
Although motorcycles and scooters are B) On the contrary,
considered distinct modes of C) Consequently,
transportation, many manufacturers have D) For instance,
developed hybrid models that incorporate
features of both. Honda's X-ADV,
_______ is a crossover, a two-wheeler
combining the comfort and ease of a

Module 2
Q25 mood compared to the non-exercise
A student has conducted a study on the group.
effects of exercise on mood and has taken
the following notes: Q26
 Participants were randomly While conducting research, a scientist has
assigned to either a group that did taken the following notes:
30 minutes of moderate exercise or  Dr. Kim was a renowned biologist
a group that did not exercise. who conducted a groundbreaking
 The participants' moods were study on the behavior of
measured before and after the bioluminescent bacteria.
exercise or non-exercise session  She conducted the study by
using a standardized questionnaire. creating controlled experiments,
 The group that did exercise showed collecting data through detailed
a significant improvement in mood observations, and analyzing results
compared to the non-exercise using advanced statistical methods.
group.  Her research provided new insights
 Participants who reported lower into the communication and
levels of mood before the study behavior patterns of
showed the most improvement in bioluminescent bacteria, leading to
mood after exercising. a deeper understanding of the role
 Participants who had high levels of of these organisms in their
anxiety before the study did not environments.
show any significant improvement  Her study was widely recognized
in mood after exercising. in the scientific community and
received numerous accolades for its
The student wants to present the study and innovative approach and significant
its findings. Which choice most effectively contributions to the field of
uses relevant information from the notes to biology.
accomplish this goal?
A) In a study on the effects of exercise The scientist wants to emphasize the rigor
on mood, participants were and innovative nature of Dr. Kim's study
randomly assigned to either an of bioluminescent bacteria. Which choice
exercise or non-exercise group and most effectively uses relevant information
their moods were measured using a from the notes to accomplish this goal?
standardized questionnaire. A) Dr. Kim’s study of bioluminescent
B) Participants who had high levels of bacteria is considered to be one of
anxiety before a study on the the most trailblazing innovations of
effects of exercise on mood did not the field.
show significant improvement in B) As a renowned biologist, Dr. Kim
mood after exercising. made significant contributions to
C) Participants who reported lower the field through a rigorous and
levels of mood before a study on innovative study of bioluminescent
the effects of exercise on mood bacteria.
showed the most improvement in C) Dr. Kim's innovative and
mood after exercising. meticulous study, which involved
D) In a study on the effects of exercise controlled experiments, detailed
on mood, the group that did 30 observations, and advanced data
minutes of moderate exercise analysis, resulted in significant
showed significant improvement in contributions to the field.

Module 2
D) Dr. Kim, a renowned biologist, The student wants to emphasize the aim of
conducted a groundbreaking and the research study. Which choice most
rigorous study of bioluminescent effectively uses relevant information from
bacteria, provided new insights into the notes to accomplish this goal?
the behavior of bioluminescent A) Honeybees use waggle dances to
bacteria. communicate the location and
Q27 distance of food sources to other
While researching a topic, a student has members of the colony.
taken the following notes: B) The researchers observed the bees’
• Honeybees use waggle dances to waggle dances under ultraviolet
communicate the location and light to see how the dye spread
distance of food sources to other among the colony.
members of the colony. C) The study provides insight into
• In an experiment, researchers how honeybees communicate and
provided honeybees with a feeder make decisions as a group.
containing a sucrose solution and D) The study was carried out to
added a fluorescent dye to the investigate how honeybees
solution. communicate the location and
• The researchers observed the bees’ quality of food sources through
waggle dances under ultraviolet waggle dances.
light to see how the dye spread
among the colony.
• The bees’ dances were found to
communicate the location and
quality of the food source, as well
as the quality of the pollen
collected from the source.
• The study provides insight into
how honeybees communicate and
make decisions as a group.

Module 2


The questions in this section address a number of important math skills.
Use of a calculator is permitted for all questions.


Unless otherwise indicated:

• All variables and expressions represent real numbers.
• Figures provided are drawn to scale.
• All figures lie in a plane.
• The domain of a given function f is the set of all real numbers x for which f(x)
is a real number.


A =nr 2
A= l w ½
A = bh c2 = a2 + b2 Special Right Triangles

V= l wh V= nr 2 h π
V =4/3 r3 ⅓
V= nr 2 h ⅓
V = l wh

The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2n.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.

For multiple-choice questions, solve each problem, choose the correct
answer from the choices provided, and then circle your answer in this book.
Circle only one answer for each question. If you change your mind, completely
erase the circle. You will not get credit for questions with more than one
answer circled, or for questions with no answers circled.

For student-produced response questions, solve each problem and write

your answer next to or under the question in the test book as described below.

• Once you've written your answer, circle it clearly. You will not receive credit
for anything written outside the circle, or for any questions with more than
one circled answer.
• If you find more than one correct answer, write and circle only one answer.
• Your answer can be up to 5 characters for a positive answer and up to
6 characters (including the negative sign) for a negative answer, but no more.
• If your answer is a fraction that is too long (over 5 characters for positive,
6 characters for negative), write the decimal equivalent.
• If your answer is a decimal that is too long (over 5 characters for positive,
6 characters for negative), truncate it or round at the fourth digit.
• If your answer is a mixed number (such as 3 ), write it as an improper
fraction (7/2) or its decimal equivalent (3.5). 2
• Don't include symbols such as a percent sign, comma, or dollar sign in
your circled answer.

1 4
What is 10% of 470? The function g is defined by g (x) = x 2 + 9. For
A) 37 which value of x is g(x) = 25 ?
B) 47 A) 4
C) 423 B) 5
D) 460 C) 9
D) 13

4x + 6 = 18 5
Which equation has the same solution as the given Each face of a fair 14-sided die is labeled with a
equation? number from 1 through 14, with a different number
appearing on each face. If the die is rolled one time,
A) 4x = 108
what is the probability of rolling a 2?
B) 4x = 24
C) 4x = 12 A)
D) 4x = 3
The total cost, in dollars, to rent a surfboard consists
of a $25 service fee and a $10 per hour rental fee. A
person rents a surfboard for t hours and intends to
spend a maximum of $75 to rent the surfboard.
Which inequality represents this situation?
A) 10t ≤ 75 6

B) 10 + 25t ≤ 75 A printer produces posters at a constant rate of

42 posters per minute. At what rate, in posters
C) 25t ≤ 75 per hour, does the printer produce the posters?
D) 25 + 10t ≤ 75

7 10
The function f is defined by the equation y = -3x
f (x ) = 7x + 2. What is the value of f (x ) when 4x + y = 15
The solution to the given system of equations
is (x, y). What is the value of x ?
A) 1
B) 5
C) 15
D) 45
A teacher is creating an assignment worth 70 points.
The assignment will consist of questions worth
1 point and questions worth 3 points. Which
equation represents this situation, where x represents
the number of 1-point questions and y represents the
number of 3-point questions?
A) 4xy = 70 11

B) 4(x + y ) = 70
C) 3x + y = 70
D) x + 3y = 70

Right triangles LMN and PQR are similar, where L
and M correspond to P and Q, respectively. Angle M
has a measure of 53° . What is the measure of Which of the following equations is the most
appropriate linear model for the data shown in the
angle Q ?
A) 37°
A) y = -1.9x - 10.1
B) 53°
B) y = -1.9x + 10.1
C) 127°
C) y = 1.9x - 10.1
D) 143°
D) y = 1.9x + 10.1


Bacteria are growing in a liquid growth medium.
There were 300,000 cells per milliliter during an
initial observation. The number of cells per milliliter
doubles every 3 hours. How many cells per milliliter
The graph of y = f (x ) is shown, where the will there be 15 hours after the initial observation?
function f is defined by f (x ) = ax 3 + bx 2 + cx + d
A) 1,500,000
and a, b, c, and d are constants. For how many
B) 2,400,000
values of x does f (x ) = 0 ?
C) 4,500,000
A) One D) 9,600,000
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four


Which expression is equivalent to 6x8y 2 + 12x 2y 2 ?

13 A) 6x 2y 2(2x6)
Vivian bought party hats and cupcakes for $71. Each B) 6x 2y 2(x 4)
package of party hats cost $3, and each cupcake cost
$1. If Vivian bought 10 packages of party hats, how C) 6x 2y 2(x 6 + 2)
many cupcakes did she buy?
D) 6x 2y 2(x 4 + 2)

16 17

A neighborhood consists of a 2-hectare park and a
35-hectare residential area. The total number of
trees in the neighborhood is 3,934. The equation
2x + 35y = 3,934 represents this situation. Which of
the following is the best interpretation of x in this
A) The average number of trees per hectare in
the park
B) The average number of trees per hectare in
the residential area
C) The total number of trees in the park
D) The total number of trees in the residential area

The graph shows the relationship between the

number of shares of stock from Company A, x, and
the number of shares of stock from Company B, y,
that Simone can purchase. Which equation could
represent this relationship?
A) y = 8x + 12
B) 8x + 12y = 480
C) y = 12x + 8
D) 12x + 8y = 480



Data value Frequency 2π

The measure of angle R is radians. The measure
6 3 3
7 3 5π
of angle T is radians greater than the measure of
8 8 12
9 8 angle R. What is the measure of angle T, in degrees?
10 9
11 11 A) 75
12 9 B) 120
13 0
C) 195
14 6
D) 390
The frequency table summarizes the 57 data values in
a data set. What is the maximum data value in the
data set?


A circle in the xy -plane has a diameter with

endpoints (2, 4) and (2, 14). An equation of this
circle is (x − 2)2 + (y − 9)2 = r 2 , where r is a positive
constant. What is the value of r ?

21 22

x y In the xy-plane, the graph of the equation
18 130 y = −x 2 + 9x − 100 intersects the line y = c at
23 160
26 178 exactly one point. What is the value of c?
For line h, the table shows three values of x and their A) −
corresponding values of y. Line k is the result of
translating line h down 5 units in the xy -plane.
What is the x-intercept of line k? B) −100

 26  319
A) − , 0 C) −
 3  4

 9  9
B) − , 0 D) −
 2  2

 11 
C) − , 0
 3 

 17 
D) − , 0
 6 

Tilly earns p dollars for every w hours of work.
Which expression represents the amount of money,
in dollars, Tilly earns for 39w hours of work?

A) 39p


C) p + 39

D) p - 39

s = 40 + 3t
The equation gives the speed s, in miles per hour, of
For a training program, Juan rides his bike at an a certain car t seconds after it began to accelerate.
average rate of 5.7 minutes per mile. Which What is the speed, in miles per hour, of the car
function m models the number of minutes it will take 5 seconds after it began to accelerate?
Juan to ride x miles at this rate?
A) 40
A) m(x ) = B) 43
C) 45
B) m(x ) = x + 5.7 D) 55

C) m(x ) = x - 5.7

D) m(x ) = 5.7x

The x-intercept of the graph shown is (x , 0). What is

the value of x ?

For the right triangle shown, a = 4 and b = 5.
Which expression represents the value of c ?

What is the solution to the given equation?

Note: Figure not drawn to scale.

4x + 5 = 165
42 + 52

A) 4 + 5


7 9

The function f is defined by f (x ) = 7x 3. In the Which expression is equivalent
xy-plane, the graph of y = g (x ) is the result of to (7x 3 + 7x) − (6x 3 − 3x) ?
shifting the graph of y = f (x ) down 2 units. Which
A) x 3 + 10x
equation defines function g ?
B) −13x 3 + 10x
7 3
A) g (x ) = x C) −13x 3 + 4x
D) x 3 + 4x
B) g (x ) = 7x

C) g (x ) = 7x 3 + 2

D) g (x ) = 7x 3 − 2

x + 7 = 10
(x + 7)2 = y

Which ordered pair (x, y) is a solution to the given

system of equations?

A) (3, 100)
B) (3, 3)
C) (3, 10)
D) (3, 70)

10 11

The equation E(t ) = 5(1.8)t gives the estimated
number of employees at a restaurant, where t is the
number of years since the restaurant opened. Which
of the following is the best interpretation of the
number 5 in this context?
A) The estimated number of employees when the
restaurant opened
Note: Figure not drawn to scale.
B) The increase in the estimated number of
In the figure shown, line c intersects parallel lines s employees each year
and t. What is the value of x ?
C) The number of years the restaurant has been
D) The percent increase in the estimated number of
employees each year


g (x) = x 2 + 55
What is the minimum value of the given function?
A) 0
B) 55
C) 110
D) 3,025

13 16

Each year, the value of an investment increases by An event planner is planning a party. It costs the
0.49% of its value the previous year. Which of the event planner a onetime fee of $35 to rent the venue
following functions best models how the value of the and $10.25 per attendee. The event planner has a
investment changes over time?
budget of $200 . What is the greatest number of
A) Decreasing exponential attendees possible without exceeding the budget?
B) Decreasing linear
C) Increasing exponential
D) Increasing linear

The population of Greenville increased by 7%
from 2015 to 2016. If the 2016 population is k times
the 2015 population, what is the value of k ?
A) 0.07
B) 0.7 17
C) 1.07 A cube has an edge length of 68 inches. A solid
D) 1.7 sphere with a radius of 34 inches is inside the cube,
such that the sphere touches the center of each face
of the cube. To the nearest cubic inch, what is the
volume of the space in the cube not taken up by the
A) 149,796
B) 164,500
15 C) 190,955
D) 310,800
Which expression is equivalent to a ,

where a > 0 ?

A) 12

B) 144

C) 121

D) 11

18 20

What is the diameter of the circle in the xy -plane A model estimates that at the end of each year
from 2015 to 2020, the number of squirrels in a
with equation (x − 5)2 + (y − 3)2 = 16 ?
population was 150% more than the number of
A) 4 squirrels in the population at the end of the previous
B) 8 year. The model estimates that at the end of 2016,
there were 180 squirrels in the population. Which of
C) 16
the following equations represents this model, where
D) 32 n is the estimated number of squirrels in the
population t years after the end of 2015 and t ≤ 5 ?

A) n = 72(1.5)t
B) n = 72(2.5)t
C) n = 180(1.5)t

19 D) n = 180(2.5)t

For the exponential function f, the value of f (1) is k,

where k is a constant. Which of the following
equivalent forms of the function f shows the value of
k as the coefficient or the base?

A) f (x ) = 50(1.6)x+1
B) f (x ) = 80(1.6)x
C) f (x ) = 128(1.6)x−1
D) f (x ) = 204.8(1.6)x−2

21 22

5x + 7y = 1 x 2 − 34x + c = 0
ax + by = 1 In the given equation, c is a constant. The equation
has no real solutions if c > n . What is the least
In the given pair of equations, a and b are constants. possible value of n?
The graph of this pair of equations in the xy-plane is
a pair of perpendicular lines. Which of the following
pairs of equations also represents a pair of
perpendicular lines?

A) 10x + 7y = 1
ax − 2by = 1

B) 10x + 7y = 1
ax + 2by = 1

C) 10x + 7y = 1
2ax + by = 1

D) 5x − 7y = 1
ax + by = 1

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this module only.
Do not turn to any other module in the test.

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