Dsat 95

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1) While life is a special _________ of 2) The following text is adapted from

complex chemistry, the elements involved Herman Melville's 1851 novel, Moby Dick;
are nothing special: carbon, hydrogen, or The Whale.
oxygen, etc., are among the most abundant
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago-
elements in the universe. Complex organic
never mind how long precisely-
chemistry is surprisingly common. Amino
having little or no money in my
acids, just like those that make up every
purse, and nothing particular to
protein in our bodies, have been found in the
interest me on shore, I thought I
tails of comets. There are other organic
would sail about a little and see the
compounds in Martian soil. And 6,500 light
watery part of the world. Whenever I
years away, a giant cloud of space alcohol
find myself growing grim about the
floats among the stars.
mouth; whenever it is a damp,
Which choice completes the text with the drizzly November in my soul;
most logical and precise word or phrase? whenever I find myself involuntarily
pausing before coffin warehouses,
A) model
and bringing up the rear of every
B) kind funeral I meet-then, I account it high
time to get to sea as soon as I can.
C) unit With a philosophical flourish Cato
D) design throws himself upon his sword; I
quietly take to the ship. There is
nothing surprising in this. If they but
knew it, almost all men in some
________ , some time or other,
cherish very nearly the same feelings
towards the ocean with me.
Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) rank
B) degree
C) standard
D) diploma
3) Behavioral activation is a type of talk 4) Mann's research was conducted in two
therapy that helps teens get unstuck from parts - a literature review and interview
negative mood spirals by noticing a study. A literature review of both the
_________ between what they do and how scientific and the popular literature was
they feel, and gradually adding more small conducted and reviewed from August to
and enjoyable actions back into life. November, 2013. The interview study
Behavioral activation has the goal of involved semi-structured, one-time, in-
decreasing avoidance, bolstering peer person private interviews conducted the
connection, and improving engagement in same year. Twenty vegans were
rewarding activities. It also incorporates interviewed, and questions targeted personal
parent involvement so parents gain tools for history of veganism, related health beliefs,
supporting their adolescent children. factors influencing the decision to become
vegan, and diet ________. Once all data was
Which choice completes the text with the
obtained, it was analyzed in tandem.
most logical and precise word or phrase?
Which choice completes the text with the
A) relevance
most logical and precise word or phrase?
B) bond
A) arrangement
C) correspondence
B) disposition
D) attachment
C) constitution
D) amalgam

5) The researchers found that variance

among the sites did not increase over the
millennia, leading them to conclude that
stabilizing forces were maintaining forest
diversity. "Our findings indicate there are
factors that __________ populations at
relative abundances that are consistent from
one place to another," said scientist James
Clark. "Our study doesn't identify what
those stabilizing forces are, however."
Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) supervise
B) manage
C) balance
D) administer
6) The following text is adapted from 7- In the 19th century, the Industrial
Abraham Lincoln's last public address, Revolution transformed society with
given April 11, 1965. innovations in manufacturing and
transportation. Factories emerged, powered
To the Blacks we say, "This cup of
by steam engines, and railroads crisscrossed
liberty which these, your old
the land. The era saw a shift from agrarian
masters, hold to your lips, we will
economies to industrialized ones, leading to
dash from you, and leave you to the
urbanization and significant social change.
chances of gathering the spilled and
The period also sparked advancements in
scattered contents in some vague and
communication and technology, laying the
undefined when, where, and how." If
groundwork for the modern world.
this course, discouraging and
paralyzing both white and black, has What is the main idea of the passage?
any tendency to bring Louisiana into
A) The Industrial Revolution led to
proper practical relations with the
significant social and economic changes.
Union, I have, so far, been unable to
perceive it. If, on the contrary, we B) Steam engines were crucial to the
recognize and sustain the new advancement of transportation.
government of Louisiana, the
converse of all this is made true. C) Urbanization was a negative consequence
of the Industrial Revolution.
As it is used in the text, what does the word
"recognize" most nearly mean? D) The 19th century was a period of
stagnation and decline.
A) identify
B) accept
C) realize
D) appreciate
8- "The human brain, an intricate organ with 9- Throughout history, humans have sought
unparalleled complexity, serves as the to understand the universe and their place
command center for all cognitive, within it. Ancient civilizations developed
emotional, and physiological processes. mythologies to explain natural phenomena
Housing billions of interconnected neurons, and the origins of life. As societies evolved,
it operates at remarkable speeds, facilitating so did their understanding of the world,
learning, memory formation, and intricate leading to the development of early
interactions with the environment. Despite scientific theories and philosophies. The
ongoing research, the brain remains a Renaissance marked a significant shift in
profound enigma, underscoring the critical scientific thinking, with scholars like Galileo
need for continued exploration and Galilei and Johannes Kepler challenging
understanding." traditional beliefs and paving the way for
modern science. Today, our understanding
of the universe continues to expand, driven
Question: What central concept does the by ongoing scientific exploration and
passage primarily emphasize? technological advancements.

A) The human brain is a rudimentary organ Which of the following best summarizes the
with limited functionality. progression of human understanding of the
universe from ancient times to the present?

B) Neurons serve as the fundamental units

of the brain's structure. A) Ancient civilizations relied on
mythology, while modern science is based
on empirical evidence.
C) Understanding the brain is paramount for
B) Early scientific theories emerged during
advancing human capabilities.
the Renaissance, leading to modern
scientific advancements.
D) The brain is inherently incapable of C) The development of mythologies in
acquiring new knowledge or memories. ancient civilizations laid the foundation for
modern scientific thinking.
D) Modern scientific exploration has
disproven many ancient mythological beliefs
about the universe.
10-Text 1: specific environment and may not have
broader applications.
The discovery of a new species of plant in
the Amazon rainforest has excited botanists
around the world. The plant, named
C) It is misleading, as the ecological impacts
"Amazonia elysium," is unique due to its
of introducing a new species into an
ability to thrive in low-light conditions and
ecosystem are not fully understood.
its unusually rapid growth rate. Researchers
believe that studying this plant could lead to
insights that may benefit agriculture and
D) It is cautious, as more research is needed
conservation efforts.
to determine the potential benefits and risks
associated with Amazonia elysium.
Text 2:
While the discovery of Amazonia elysium is 11- The rise of social media has
indeed intriguing, some botanists caution fundamentally changed the way people
against overstating its potential benefits. communicate and interact. Platforms like
According to Dr. Maria Santos, a leading Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have
botanist, the plant's adaptations may be connected billions of individuals worldwide,
specific to its environment in the Amazon enabling instant communication and the
rainforest and may not be easily transferable sharing of ideas, news, and personal
to other plant species or agricultural experiences. While social media has
practices. Additionally, the long-term facilitated new forms of expression and
ecological impacts of introducing a new community-building, it has also raised
species into an ecosystem should be concerns about privacy, misinformation, and
carefully considered. its impact on mental health. Understanding
the role of social media in society is crucial
for navigating its complexities and
Based on the texts, what would the author of harnessing its potential for positive change.
Text 2 most likely say about Text 1’s
portrayal of the discovery of Amazonia
elysium? What is the primary purpose of the passage?
A) To underscore the importance of social
media in modern communication.
A) It is justified, as the unique
characteristics of Amazonia elysium have B) To examine the ethical implications of
the potential to benefit agriculture and social media usage.
conservation efforts globally.
C) To advocate for a reevaluation of the role
of social media in society.
B) It is overly optimistic, as the adaptations D) To present a balanced view of the impact
of Amazonia elysium may be limited to its of social media on interpersonal
relationships and societal dynamics.

In 2003, a team of researchers studied

ancient forest diversity through analyzing
pollen samples in a lakebed. One trend
researchers are noticing is related to species
variability, which may help to predict the
species that are likely to thrive and the
species that are likely to go extinct. "What
we are seeing is huge variability within tree
populations over time," said scientist James
Clark. For example, _______
Which choice most effectively uses data
from the table to complete the example?
A) the percent of red maple increased by 10
percent over the time period studied.
B) the populations of beech remained stable
over the time period in the study.
C) there were always fewer birch trees than
ash trees in the time period studied.
D) the percentage of oak trees decreased by
approximately 10 percent over the study

Which choice most effectively uses data

Based on data from the US Census Bureau, from the graph to complete the example?
why do people ride bicycles to work?
Weather is not everything, as there is an A) Ridership in Washington, DC, increased
annual average of 156 days of rain in the top from just over 2 percent in 2010 to 4 percent
commuting city, Portland, Oregon. Making in 2015.
cycling safer by adding protected bike lanes B) Washington, DC, used to have lower
can increase ridership. Another option is ridership than any other of the top five cities
making bikes more accessible, such as was for bicycle commuters in 2010.
done in the District of Columbia, which
added 400 bike share depots since 2010. The C) Portland, Oregon, now boasts over 6
success of such programs is evident: percent of commuters who ride bikes and
_____________ Washington, DC, has increased to 4 percent.
D) Washington, DC now has more bicycle
commuters than San Francisco, California or
Seattle, Washington.
14. In the field of architecture, the evolution of larger dolphin brains may be
integration of Building Information attributed to ______
Modeling (BIM) software has revolutionized
Which choice most logically completes the
the design and construction process,
allowing for more efficient collaboration
between architects, engineers, and A. the need for dolphins to navigate through
contractors. This shift towards digital complex ocean environments efficiently.
technologies has resulted in significant
advancements in project management and B. the unique genetic makeup of dolphins
sustainability measures. This suggests that, compared to other marine mammals.
in the field of architecture, ______ C. the presence of natural predators in
Which choice most logically completes the dolphin habitats, driving the need for
text? increased intelligence.

A. traditional architectural practices have D. the challenges posed by intricate social

become obsolete and will soon be replaced structures and cooperation within dolphin
entirely by BIM software programs. pods.

B. project timelines have been shortened and

construction costs have decreased due to the
streamlined processes enabled by BIM.
C. architects have been resistant to adopting
BIM software, leading to a divide between
traditionalists and modernists in the field.
D. building codes and regulations have been
loosened to accommodate the innovative
design possibilities afforded by BIM

15. Dolphins in various regions around the

world have been observed engaging in
complex social behaviors, including
cooperative hunting and forming long-
lasting alliances with other pod members.
Researchers speculate that these behaviors
require a high level of cognitive capacity
and communication skills. Some scientists
argue that the demanding nature of these
social interactions may have led to an
increased brain size in dolphins over time.
These scientists, therefore, suggest that the
16. Chimpanzees in the Gombe National 17) The Similan Islands form an archipelago
Park in Tanzania have been observed using in the Adaman _______ visitors arrive on
leaves as tools to extract insects from tree speed boats for a day trip, but they should
bark. Researchers studying this behavior consider an overnight stay if they want to
have noticed that female chimpanzees in the enjoy the stunning scenery almost
group have developed a specific technique completely to themselves.
for selecting and manipulating the leaves for
Which choice completes the text so that it
this purpose. This has led scientists to
conforms to the conventions of Standard
hypothesize that the female chimpanzees are
passing down this tool-use behavior through
social learning, ultimately leading to a A) Sea. Most
cultural tradition within the group.
B) Sea, most
Which finding, if true, would most directly
support the researchers' hypothesis? C) Sea; and most

A. The chimpanzees in the neighboring D) Sea and — most

national park, which do not have
overlapping territories with those in Gombe,
exhibit a similar leaf-tool use behavior, 18) In the Solomon Islands, cowry shells are
suggesting a shared cultural tradition among sewn into long pieces of cloth as a form of
different groups of chimpanzees. currency, and although _______ use has
declined, they have not been completely
B. The female chimpanzees that use the leaf- replaced by modern coinage.
tool method are found to have a larger brain
volume than those that do not exhibit this Which choice completes the text so that it
behavior, indicating a correlation between conforms to the conventions of Standard
cognitive abilities and tool-use techniques. English?

C. Young chimpanzees that are orphaned A) its

and raised in captivity without exposure to B) their
wild chimpanzee behaviors do not
demonstrate the leaf-tool technique, C) there
supporting the theory that this behavior is D) they’re’
socially learned rather than innate.
D. Genetic analysis of the chimpanzee
population in Gombe reveals that the
individuals who frequently engage in the
leaf-tool behavior are more closely related to
each other than to chimpanzees who do not
exhibit this behavior, indicating a potential
genetic component to their cultural tradition.
19. Space agencies from around the world 21.In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first
have been studying Mars’ diverse human to journey into space, orbiting the
landscapes in search of signs of water and Earth aboard the spacecraft Vostok 1. He
potential for past life. Their efforts have completed one orbit around the Earth in
involved sending orbiters, landers, and approximately 108 minutes before safely
rovers to explore the red planet. The harsh returning to_______ In 1962, John Glenn
conditions of Mars have proven to be became the first American to orbit the Earth.
challenging; ______, some missions have
provided valuable data that is reshaping our Which choice completes the text so that it
understanding of the planet's history. conforms to the conventions of Standard
Which choice completes the text with the
most logical transition? A) Earth then
A. therefore, B) Earth;
B. furthermore, C) Earth,
C. however, D) Earth, then,
D. similarly

20. First described in 1943 by psychologist

Abraham Maslow, the hierarchy of needs is
a theory that categorizes human needs into
five levels. At the base of the hierarchy are
physiological needs, such as food and water,
followed by safety needs, such as security
and stability. Once these basic needs are
met, individuals can progress to the higher
levels of belongingness, esteem, and self-
actualization. ______, the hierarchy of needs
is often used in psychology and business to
understand human motivation and behavior.
Which choice most logically completes the
A. Initially,
B. Subsequently, 22.Renowned physicist Albert Einstein
formulated the theory of relativity, which
C. Correspondingly,
revolutionized our understanding of space,
D. Specifically time, and gravity. His famous equation,
E=mc^2, demonstrates the equivalence of her homeland, Poland. Subsequently, she
energy and mass, where “c” represents the isolated another radioactive element,
speed of light. Additionally, his Radium, from the same ore samples. In her
groundbreaking paper on the photoelectric research, Curie used innovative techniques
effect earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in chemistry and physics, which paved the
in 1921. In 1916, Einstein published his way for modern_______ further
theory of general relativity, which predicted experimentation, she elucidated the concept
the existence of gravitational waves, later of radioactive decay.
confirmed by observations of merging black
Which choice completes the text so that it
holes. Similarly, his colleague and
conforms to the conventions of Standard
collaborator ____ proposed the uncertainty
principle, a fundamental concept in quantum
mechanics. A) science, with
Which choice completes the text so that it B) science with
conforms to the conventions of Standard
C) science so with
D) science. With
A) Werner Heisenberg—
B) Werner Heisenberg,
C)Werner Heisenberg
D)Werner Heisenberg:

24.Focusing on the rainforests of South

America, the documentary “Emerald
23.In 1895, biologist Marie Curie was Labyrinth” explores the vibrant ecosystems
conducting experiments on radioactivity and the challenges they face due to
When she stumbled upon anomalous results deforestation. The film features stunning
in her measurements of Uranium ore visuals of the diverse flora and fauna, along
samples. Through meticulous laboratory with interviews with scientists and local
work, she identified the presence of a new communities. By highlighting the ecological
element, which she named Polonium after importance of these rainforests, the
documentary aims to raise awareness about B) language use, like metaphors and
the need for _____. imagery
Which choice completes the text so that it C) language, as metaphor and imagery
conforms to the conventions of Standard
D) language skills, such as metaphor and
A) Conservation efforts.
B) To conserve efforts.
C) Conserve efforts.
D) Conservation’s effort.

26.A travel blogger is writing a blog post

about the best places to visit in Europe
during the summer. They have gathered the
following information:
25.William Shakespeare is widely regarded
 France: Beautiful architecture,
as one of the greatest writers in the English
world-renowned museums, delicious
language. His plays, filled with memorable
food. However, summer can be
characters and profound dialogue, have been
crowded and expensive.
translated into countless languages and
 Italy: Stunning beaches, rich history,
continue to be performed all over the world.
vibrant culture. However, some areas
Scholars credit Shakespeare’s genius to his
experience scorching temperatures
mastery of _____, which allowed him to
during peak summer.
create such rich and complex characters.
 Spain: Diverse landscapes, lively
Which choice completes the text so that it nightlife, affordable travel options.
conforms to the conventions of Standard However, language barriers can be a
English? challenge for some visitors.
A) language, like metaphor and imagery  Germany: Picturesque castles,
charming towns, exciting festivals.
However, weather can be
unpredictable, with occasional rain
The blogger wants to recommend a
European destination with a good balance of
affordability and enjoyable summer weather.
Which excerpt from their notes would be the
most effective in achieving this goal?
A) France: Beautiful architecture, world-
renowned museums, delicious food.
B) Italy: Stunning beaches, rich history,
vibrant culture.
C) Spain: Diverse landscapes, lively
nightlife, affordable travel options.
27.A marine biologist is writing a report on
D) Germany: Picturesque castles, charming the impact of climate change on coral reefs.
towns, exciting festivals. They have gathered the following data:

 Ocean temperatures have risen by 1

degree Celsius in the past decade.
 Warmer water temperatures cause
coral bleaching, where coral loses its
vibrant color and vital algae.
 Bleached coral is more susceptible to
disease and death.
 The Great Barrier Reef, the world’s
largest coral reef system, has
experienced significant bleaching
events in recent years.
 Coral reefs provide habitat for a vast
array of marine life.
The biologist wants to emphasize the
connection between rising ocean
temperatures and coral bleaching. Which
excerpt from their notes would be the most
effective in achieving this goal?
A) Ocean temperatures have risen by 1
degree Celsius in the past decade.
B) Warmer water temperatures cause coral
bleaching, where coral loses its vibrant color
and vital algae.
C) Bleached coral is more susceptible to
disease and death.
D) The Great Barrier Reef, the world’s
largest coral reef system, has experienced
significant bleaching events in recent years.

1) The following text is adapted from

Charles Stearns's 1849 treatise, The Way to
Abolish Slavery.
The Government of the United States
creates no Slaves; it only recognises
as lawful the Slavery existing in the
several States, or to use the words of
the Constitution, "held to service or
labor, under the laws thereof." The
laws of the several slave-holding
States are made the standard for the
general government's action upon
this subject.
As it is used in the text, what does the word
"standard" most nearly mean?
A) guideline
B) quality
C) ideal
D) worth

2) HEPHLI belongs to a family of proteins

known as multicopper oxidases (MCOs).
One unique property of MCOs is the
presence of three copper-binding sites that
can __________ six copper atoms.
Mutations that alter the structure of these
sites are likely to affect their ability to bind
Which choice completes the text with the A) remit
most logical and precise word or phrase?
B) address
A) house
C) communicate
B) quarter
D) approach
C) lodge
D) shelter

5) Behavioral activation is a type of talk

3) It was an audacious idea: To send an therapy that helps teens get unstuck from
unmanned research vehicle called a negative mood spirals by noticing a _______
saildrone on a 13,670- mile journey around between what they do and how they feel,
Antarctica alone, at the mercy of the most and gradually adding more small and
hostile seas on the planet. In winter. "The enjoyable actions back into their lives.
assumption was the Southern Ocean would Behavior activation has the goal of
eat the saildrone...and that would be that," decreasing avoidance, bolstering peer
said NOAA oceanographer Adrienne Sutton. connection, and improving engagement in
"But we were willing to try, given the large rewarding activities. It also incorporates
role the ocean plays in the trajectory of parental involvement so parents learn tools
climate change." for supporting their adolescents.
As used in the text, what does the word Which choice completes the text with the
"hostile" most nearly mean? most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) aggressive A) relevance
B) antagonistic B) bond
C) unforgiving C) correspondence
D) conflicting D) attachment

4) Demographic, transportation, and

environmental changes will drive
employment growth for planners. Within
cities, urban planners will be needed to
develop revitalization projects and
_________ issues associated with
population growth, environmental
degradation, the movement of people and
goods, and resource scarcity.
Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase?
8- The exploration of space has been a
defining achievement of human civilization.
6) We need to look for robust biospheres
(atmospheres, surfaces, and/or oceans) From the first manned moon landing to the
capable of creating planet-scale change in deployment of space telescopes like Hubble,
order to find life on other planets. Presently, space exploration has expanded our
Earth is the only body in our solar system understanding of the universe and inspired
with a biosphere detectable by its light generations. However, the challenges of
spectrum, despite the possibility that space travel, including the effects of long-
habitable conditions might ___________ in duration spaceflight on the human body and
the subsurface of Mars or inside the icy the cost of missions, remain significant
moons of the outer solar system. Even if life barriers to further exploration.
exists on these worlds, it is very unlikely
that it could yield planet-scale changes that What is the main idea of the passage?
are both telescopically observable and
clearly biological in origin.
A) Space exploration has expanded our
Which choice completes the text with the
understanding of the universe but faces
most logical and precise word or phrase?
challenges such as the effects of long-
A) exist duration spaceflight on humans and the cost
B) triumph of missions.

C) overcome B) The exploration of space has been a

costly endeavor with little benefit to
D) endure humanity.

C) Space exploration has not significantly

contributed to our understanding of the
universe or inspired future generations.

D) The challenges of space travel, such as

the effects on the human body and the cost
of missions, outweigh the benefits of further
Astronomer Mark Holland and colleagues
examined four white dwarfs—small, dense
9- The evolution of language has been a
remnants of past stars—in order to
subject of fascination for linguists and
determine the composition of exoplanets
anthropologists alike. Language, a uniquely
that used to orbit those stars. Studying
human trait, has evolved over millennia,
wavelengths of light in the white dwarf
adapting to the changing needs and
atmospheres, the team reported that traces of
environments of human societies. From the
elements such as lithium and sodium support
development of written language to the
the presence of exoplanets with continental
study of syntax and grammar, linguists have
crusts similar to Earth’s.
sought to understand the origins and
complexities of human language. Text 2:
Anthropologists have also explored how
Past studies of white dwarf atmospheres
language reflects and shapes culture,
have concluded that certain exoplanets had
providing insights into the diversity of
continental crusts. Geologist Keith Putirka
human societies.
and astronomer Siyi Xu argue that those
What is the overall structure of the studies unduly emphasize atmospheric traces
passage? of lithium and other individual elements as
signifiers of the types of rock found on
A) The development of written language
Earth. The studies don’t adequately account
and its impact on human societies.
for different minerals made up of various
B) The role of linguistics in understanding ratios of those elements, and the possibility
the origins and complexities of human of rock types not found on Earth that contain
language. those minerals.

C) The influence of language on cultural Based on the texts, how would Putirka and
diversity and societal structures. Xu (Text 2) most likely characterize the
conclusion presented in Text 1?
D) The evolution of language and its
adaptation to changing human needs and
A) As unexpected, because it was widely
believed at the time that white dwarf
exoplanets lack continental crusts.

B) As premature, because researchers have

only just begun trying to determine what
kinds of crusts white dwarf exoplanets had.

C) As questionable, because it rests on an

incomplete consideration of potential
sources of the elements detected in white
10- Text 1: dwarf atmospheres.
D) As puzzling, because it’s unusual to populations and the evolutionary processes
successfully detect lithium and sodium when that have shaped our species.
analyzing wavelengths of light in white
What is the main purpouse of the
dwarf atmospheres.

A) To highlight the limitations of ancient

DNA analysis and propose alternative
methods for studying human history.

B) To emphasize the interdisciplinary nature

of ancient DNA research and its
contributions to multiple fields of study.

C) To discuss the ethical considerations

involved in the extraction and analysis of
ancient DNA and advocate for responsible
research practices.

D) To analyze the implications of ancient

DNA research on contemporary
understandings of human identity and
cultural heritage.

11- The study of ancient DNA, also known

as aDNA, has revolutionized our
understanding of human history. By
analyzing DNA extracted from ancient
remains, scientists can trace population
movements, explore genetic adaptations, and
uncover the origins of diseases. This field
has provided insights into human migration
patterns, interactions between ancient
populations, and the spread of cultural
practices. Additionally, aDNA has shed light
on the genetic diversity of ancient
According to a study released by The
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders
(SMMT), the number of electric cars
registered in the United Kingdom has
increased dramatically over the years,
showing increasing customer preference for
battery-electric cars over traditional cars.
However, this customer preference for
battery-electric cars has not increased
uniformly over the years. For instance,
Which choice most effectively uses data
from the graph to complete the text?
A) between 2016 to 2019, less than 200,000
battery-electric cars were registered in the
B) in 2020, less than 300,000 battery-
electric cars were registered in the UK.
C) by 2022, almost 700,000 electric cars had
been registered.
D) while the number of registered electric
cars rose by 200,00 between the years 2020
and 2021, there was a spike of almost
300,000 additional cars registered in 2022.

In a potential advance in treating opioid
overdose, researchers have developed long-
lasting monoclonal antibodies that
selectively bind potent synthetic opioids and
reverse their effects in mice. The researchers
propose that the antibodies could one day be
administered as a stand-alone treatment or as
part of a more effective combination
treatment against opioid overdoses. This is
extremely important, given that in 2017
alone, there were approximately _________.
14. The construction of the Roman
Colosseum, also known as the Flavian
Which choice most effectively uses data
Amphitheater, began in 70-72 AD under the
from the graph to complete the example?
emperor Vespasian and was completed in 80
A) 18,000 deaths caused by any drug AD under his son Titus. The Colosseum was
overdoses. primarily used for gladiatorial contests,
animal hunts, mock sea battles, executions,
B) 38,000 deaths caused by any type of and other public spectacles. With its
opiate drug overdose. innovative construction and seating capacity
C) 48,000 deaths caused by drug overdoses of up to 80,000 spectators, the Colosseum
on any opiate. remains one of the most iconic and
significant architectural marvels of the
D) 75,000 deaths caused by prescription Roman Empire. Historians often debate the
opiate drug overdoses. true intentions behind the construction of the
Colosseum, leading to suggestions that
Which choice most logically completes the
A. the Colosseum served both as a means of
entertainment and as a symbol of Roman
power and grandeur.
B. the architectural design of the Colosseum
was influenced by earlier Greek
C. the Roman citizens were not initially
supportive of the construction of such a
massive structure.
D. the construction of the Colosseum was
primarily funded by private donations from
wealthy Roman citizens.
15. The ancient city of Petra, located in 16. A team of researchers studying the
Jordan, was established as the capital of the behavior of meerkats in the Kalahari Desert
Nabatean kingdom around the 6th century have observed that one particular group of
BC. Carved directly into rose-red cliffs, meerkats consistently exhibits a unique
Petra is renowned for its architectural vocalization pattern only during periods of
achievements, including its intricate rock- drought. The researchers propose that this
cut structures and elaborate water vocalization serves as a form of
management system. While the exact communication within the group to
purpose of every building within Petra coordinate foraging efforts during
remains a topic of debate among historians, challenging environmental conditions.
there is consensus that the city served as a
Which finding, if true, would most directly
significant trading hub, particularly due to
challenge the researchers' hypothesis?
its strategic location along major caravan
routes. The city's decline is attributed to A. The meerkats in other regions with
factors such as natural disasters, changes in similar climate conditions also exhibit the
trade routes, and the shift in political power. same unique vocalization pattern during
Recent archaeological discoveries in Petra drought, suggesting a universal response
have shed further light on its history, rather than a specific communication
prompting speculation that ______ strategy.
Which choice most logically completes the B. Meerkats in the same group have been
text? observed to engage in grooming behaviors
during periods of drought, indicating an
A. Petra's architectural style was influenced
alternative method of group coordination
by a combination of Greek, Roman, and
that does not involve vocal communication.
Arabian designs.
C. Genetic analysis of the meerkat
B. the Nabateans used advanced engineering
population shows that individuals with
techniques to create the water channels and
different vocalization patterns are not more
reservoirs within Petra.
likely to have offspring survival during
C. Petra may have had a religious or periods of drought, questioning the survival
ceremonial significance in addition to its advantage of the unique vocalization
commercial functions. behavior.
D. the discovery of new trade artifacts will D. Observations of the meerkats during
provide insight into the types of goods periods of normal rainfall show that they
exchanged in Petra. consistently exhibit a different vocalization
pattern not associated with foraging
coordination, indicating that the
vocalizations may serve other purposes
unrelated to environmental conditions.
17) One of the longest-lived unions between 19. Scientists have discovered unique
major American artists involved avant-garde microbial life forms thriving in the extreme
painter June Leaf and documentary conditions of the Mariana Trench, the
photographer Robert Frank. Married in 1971 deepest point on Earth. These
_______ between the New York City arts microorganisms have adapted to survive in
scene and rural Nova Scotia until Frank’s the absence of sunlight and under high
death in 2019. pressure conditions. _____, research on
these organisms may lead to breakthroughs
Which choice completes the text so that it
in understanding the limits of life on Earth
conforms to the conventions of Standard
and beyond.
Which choice completes the text with the
A) the division of Leaf and Frank’s
most logical transition?
activities was
A. Consequently,
B) Leaf and Frank divided their activities
B. Nevertheless,
C) Leaf and Frank’s divided activities were
C. Furthermore,
D) activities by Leaf and Frank were divided
D. In contrast,

18) Many theories have been proposed for

how life originated on Earth, and attention 20. Upon observing the peculiar behaviors
has recently been directed towards of certain deep-sea fish in response to the
hydrothermal vents, _______ occur deep bioluminescent emissions of jellyfish,
underwater where continental plates diverge. marine biologist Dr. Li realized there was a
In 2019, scientists from University College complex interplay between predator and
London conducted an experiment simulating prey in the dark waters of the ocean. ______
the concentrated gases and minerals and developing a theory of cohabitation and
created protocells, or the building blocks for predation in these mysterious depths, Dr.
living molecules. Li's groundbreaking research may change
our understanding of deep-sea ecosystems
Which choice completes the text so that it
conforms to the conventions of Standard
English? Which choice completes the text with the
most logical transition?
A) which
A. In addition,
B) they
B. Indeed,
C) that
C. Consequently,
D) these
D. In contrast,
21. Renowned for his groundbreaking based on their shapes. His ______ as the
research in quantum mechanics, Dr. Li Wei Hubble Tuning Fork Diagram,
_______ was selected to lead the team on revolutionized our understanding of the
the latest experiment at the particle universe.
accelerator facility.
Which choice completes the text so that it
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard
conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A. system (known
A. Chang—
B. system—known
B. Chang:
C. system, known
C. Chang,
D. system known
D. Chang

24.The first computerized spreadsheet, Dan

22. Stretching across the sun-baked sands of Bricklin’s VisiCalc, improved financial
the Sahara Desert lies the forgotten city of recordkeeping not only by providing users
Tamanrasset, where explorers have ______ With an easy means of adjusting data in
pottery shards, ancient manuscripts, and spreadsheets but also by automatically
intricate carvings from beneath the shifting updating all calculations that were
dunes. dependent on these ______ to VisiCalc’s
release, changing a paper spreadsheet often
Which choice completes the text so that it
required redoing the entire sheet by hand, a
conforms to the conventions of Standard
process that could take days.
Which choice completes the text so that it
A. uncovered:
conforms to the conventions of Standard
B. uncovered, English?

C. uncovered— A. adjustments prior

D. uncovered B. adjustments, prior

C. adjustments. Prior
D. adjustments and prior
25Swedish scientists Eva Engvall and Peter
Perlmann developed a method for measuring
the concentration of different proteins in a
23. In the field of astronomy, Edwin Hubble biological sample. Their ______ ELISA
pioneered a system for classifying galaxies (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), is
used to detect and measure Proteins that the mechanics behind these structural
indicate the presence of certain diseases. Properties.
 Bhosale’s team used laboratory
Which choice completes the text so that it
models that simulated the
conforms to the conventions of Standard
arrangement of flexible sticks into
nest-like structures.
A. method (called  The researchers analyzed the points
where sticks touched one another.
B. method—called
 When pressure was applied to the
C. method, called model nests, the number of contact
D. method called points between the sticks increased,
making The structures stiffer.
The student wants to present the primary
aim of the research study. Which choice
most effectively uses relevant information
From the notes to accomplish this goal?
A)Bhosale’s team wanted to better
understand the mechanics behind bird nests’
uniquely flexible yet cohesive structural
B)The researchers used laboratory models
that simulated the arrangement of flexible
sticks and analyzed the points where Sticks
touched one another.
C)After analyzing the points where sticks
touched, the researchers found that the
structures became stiffer when pressure was
D)As analyzed by Bhosale’s team, bird nests
are uniquely flexible yet cohesive
engineered structures.
26While researching a topic, a student has
taken the following notes:

 As engineered structures, many bird

nests are uniquely flexible yet
 A research team led by Yashraj
Bhosale wanted to better understand
 The instructions for Meditation V
state, “walk so silently that the
bottoms of your feet become ears.”
 Those for Meditation XVIII state,
“listen to a sound until you no longer
recognize it.”
The student wants to provide an explanation
and an example of Oliveros’s Sonic
Meditations. Which choice most effectively
uses relevant information from the notes to
accomplish this goal?
A)Sonic Meditations is not music but rather
a series of sound-based meditations that
consist of instructions; Meditation XVIII,
for instance, instructs participants to “listen
to a sound until you no longer recognize it.”
B)In 1971, Oliveros created Sonic
Meditations, a series of meditations that
consist of instructions for participants to
make, Imagine, listen to, or remember
C)“Walk so silently that the bottoms of your
feet become ears” is one example of the
instructions found in Oliveros’s Sonic
27While researching a topic, a student has meditations.
taken the following notes:
D)While both meditations consist of
 In 1971, experimental musician instructions, Meditation XVIII instructs
Pauline Oliveros created Sonic participants to “listen,” whereas Meditation
Meditations. V Instructs participants to “walk.”
 Sonic Meditations is not music but
rather a series of sound-based
exercises called meditations.
 Each meditation consists of
instructions for participants to make,
imagine, listen to, or remember
12) A

13) A

14. B
15. D
16. C
17) A

18) B

19. C

20. B

1) B
2) B
3) C
4) C
5) C
6) B




15. C
16. D
17) B
18) A
19. C
20. C
Module 2
1) A
2) A
3) C
4) B
5) C
6) A





12) C
13) C
14. A

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