Dsat 95
Dsat 95
Dsat 95
complex chemistry, the elements involved Herman Melville's 1851 novel, Moby Dick;
are nothing special: carbon, hydrogen, or The Whale.
oxygen, etc., are among the most abundant
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago-
elements in the universe. Complex organic
never mind how long precisely-
chemistry is surprisingly common. Amino
having little or no money in my
acids, just like those that make up every
purse, and nothing particular to
protein in our bodies, have been found in the
interest me on shore, I thought I
tails of comets. There are other organic
would sail about a little and see the
compounds in Martian soil. And 6,500 light
watery part of the world. Whenever I
years away, a giant cloud of space alcohol
find myself growing grim about the
floats among the stars.
mouth; whenever it is a damp,
Which choice completes the text with the drizzly November in my soul;
most logical and precise word or phrase? whenever I find myself involuntarily
pausing before coffin warehouses,
A) model
and bringing up the rear of every
B) kind funeral I meet-then, I account it high
time to get to sea as soon as I can.
C) unit With a philosophical flourish Cato
D) design throws himself upon his sword; I
quietly take to the ship. There is
nothing surprising in this. If they but
knew it, almost all men in some
________ , some time or other,
cherish very nearly the same feelings
towards the ocean with me.
Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) rank
B) degree
C) standard
D) diploma
3) Behavioral activation is a type of talk 4) Mann's research was conducted in two
therapy that helps teens get unstuck from parts - a literature review and interview
negative mood spirals by noticing a study. A literature review of both the
_________ between what they do and how scientific and the popular literature was
they feel, and gradually adding more small conducted and reviewed from August to
and enjoyable actions back into life. November, 2013. The interview study
Behavioral activation has the goal of involved semi-structured, one-time, in-
decreasing avoidance, bolstering peer person private interviews conducted the
connection, and improving engagement in same year. Twenty vegans were
rewarding activities. It also incorporates interviewed, and questions targeted personal
parent involvement so parents gain tools for history of veganism, related health beliefs,
supporting their adolescent children. factors influencing the decision to become
vegan, and diet ________. Once all data was
Which choice completes the text with the
obtained, it was analyzed in tandem.
most logical and precise word or phrase?
Which choice completes the text with the
A) relevance
most logical and precise word or phrase?
B) bond
A) arrangement
C) correspondence
B) disposition
D) attachment
C) constitution
D) amalgam
A) The human brain is a rudimentary organ Which of the following best summarizes the
with limited functionality. progression of human understanding of the
universe from ancient times to the present?
C) The influence of language on cultural Based on the texts, how would Putirka and
diversity and societal structures. Xu (Text 2) most likely characterize the
conclusion presented in Text 1?
D) The evolution of language and its
adaptation to changing human needs and
A) As unexpected, because it was widely
believed at the time that white dwarf
exoplanets lack continental crusts.
In a potential advance in treating opioid
overdose, researchers have developed long-
lasting monoclonal antibodies that
selectively bind potent synthetic opioids and
reverse their effects in mice. The researchers
propose that the antibodies could one day be
administered as a stand-alone treatment or as
part of a more effective combination
treatment against opioid overdoses. This is
extremely important, given that in 2017
alone, there were approximately _________.
14. The construction of the Roman
Colosseum, also known as the Flavian
Which choice most effectively uses data
Amphitheater, began in 70-72 AD under the
from the graph to complete the example?
emperor Vespasian and was completed in 80
A) 18,000 deaths caused by any drug AD under his son Titus. The Colosseum was
overdoses. primarily used for gladiatorial contests,
animal hunts, mock sea battles, executions,
B) 38,000 deaths caused by any type of and other public spectacles. With its
opiate drug overdose. innovative construction and seating capacity
C) 48,000 deaths caused by drug overdoses of up to 80,000 spectators, the Colosseum
on any opiate. remains one of the most iconic and
significant architectural marvels of the
D) 75,000 deaths caused by prescription Roman Empire. Historians often debate the
opiate drug overdoses. true intentions behind the construction of the
Colosseum, leading to suggestions that
Which choice most logically completes the
A. the Colosseum served both as a means of
entertainment and as a symbol of Roman
power and grandeur.
B. the architectural design of the Colosseum
was influenced by earlier Greek
C. the Roman citizens were not initially
supportive of the construction of such a
massive structure.
D. the construction of the Colosseum was
primarily funded by private donations from
wealthy Roman citizens.
15. The ancient city of Petra, located in 16. A team of researchers studying the
Jordan, was established as the capital of the behavior of meerkats in the Kalahari Desert
Nabatean kingdom around the 6th century have observed that one particular group of
BC. Carved directly into rose-red cliffs, meerkats consistently exhibits a unique
Petra is renowned for its architectural vocalization pattern only during periods of
achievements, including its intricate rock- drought. The researchers propose that this
cut structures and elaborate water vocalization serves as a form of
management system. While the exact communication within the group to
purpose of every building within Petra coordinate foraging efforts during
remains a topic of debate among historians, challenging environmental conditions.
there is consensus that the city served as a
Which finding, if true, would most directly
significant trading hub, particularly due to
challenge the researchers' hypothesis?
its strategic location along major caravan
routes. The city's decline is attributed to A. The meerkats in other regions with
factors such as natural disasters, changes in similar climate conditions also exhibit the
trade routes, and the shift in political power. same unique vocalization pattern during
Recent archaeological discoveries in Petra drought, suggesting a universal response
have shed further light on its history, rather than a specific communication
prompting speculation that ______ strategy.
Which choice most logically completes the B. Meerkats in the same group have been
text? observed to engage in grooming behaviors
during periods of drought, indicating an
A. Petra's architectural style was influenced
alternative method of group coordination
by a combination of Greek, Roman, and
that does not involve vocal communication.
Arabian designs.
C. Genetic analysis of the meerkat
B. the Nabateans used advanced engineering
population shows that individuals with
techniques to create the water channels and
different vocalization patterns are not more
reservoirs within Petra.
likely to have offspring survival during
C. Petra may have had a religious or periods of drought, questioning the survival
ceremonial significance in addition to its advantage of the unique vocalization
commercial functions. behavior.
D. the discovery of new trade artifacts will D. Observations of the meerkats during
provide insight into the types of goods periods of normal rainfall show that they
exchanged in Petra. consistently exhibit a different vocalization
pattern not associated with foraging
coordination, indicating that the
vocalizations may serve other purposes
unrelated to environmental conditions.
17) One of the longest-lived unions between 19. Scientists have discovered unique
major American artists involved avant-garde microbial life forms thriving in the extreme
painter June Leaf and documentary conditions of the Mariana Trench, the
photographer Robert Frank. Married in 1971 deepest point on Earth. These
_______ between the New York City arts microorganisms have adapted to survive in
scene and rural Nova Scotia until Frank’s the absence of sunlight and under high
death in 2019. pressure conditions. _____, research on
these organisms may lead to breakthroughs
Which choice completes the text so that it
in understanding the limits of life on Earth
conforms to the conventions of Standard
and beyond.
Which choice completes the text with the
A) the division of Leaf and Frank’s
most logical transition?
activities was
A. Consequently,
B) Leaf and Frank divided their activities
B. Nevertheless,
C) Leaf and Frank’s divided activities were
C. Furthermore,
D) activities by Leaf and Frank were divided
D. In contrast,
13) A
14. B
15. D
16. C
17) A
18) B
19. C
20. B
1) B
2) B
3) C
4) C
5) C
6) B
15. C
16. D
17) B
18) A
19. C
20. C
Module 2
1) A
2) A
3) C
4) B
5) C
6) A
12) C
13) C
14. A