Offseason 2

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Day 1: Chest & Shoulders

1. Cable Crossover. Two light sets here; the goal is simply to warm up and practice the mind-
muscle connection with the pecs while keeping the scapula mobile. Sets of 15-20 are good. Use
isometric contractions, too. At the very least you can squeeze for 1 second at the end range of
motion, experiment with static holds at the midpoint and short strethes under load as well.
2. Reverse Band Incline Press. Set up the reverse band to just barely assist at the bottom – it’s not
bungee cord; we just want to take some pressure off thefront delts to make it easier to focus on
the upper pecs. Work up to a hard set of 8-12 with a strong squeeze every rep (think about
driving the hands together). Repeat that weight until you can’t get 8-12 or (for advanced lifters)
until you feel you’ve maximized the value of the movement.
3. Bench with Chains. Work up to a set of 5 at RPE 8. Stay with that same weight and RPE for 4-8
sets. Your reps will likely drop below 5 and that’s completely fine. Beginner lifters can use 70%
1RM this rotation:
a. Week 1: 3-5 reps x 4 sets
b. Week 2: 6 sets
c. Week 3: 8 sets
d. Week 4: Repeat from week 1 with an additional 5-10 pounds.
4. Incline Cable Flye. Perform 2-3 myo-rep sets.
5. Seated Dumbbell Press. These must be very strict, using a full range of motion. Relax the
triceps at the bottom and initiate the movement with the delts, thinking about driving the
dumbbells around the head, not straight up. Use the same protocol as on the reverse band
incline press.
6. Machine Lateral Raise. Perform 2-3 myo-rep sets.

Day 2: Quads & Abs

1. Rooted Dumbbell Lunge. This is strictly a warmup; see this video for instructions.
2. Leg Extension. Use the same protocol as the cable flye activation movement on chest &
shoulder day.
3. Pause Pin Squat. This is a brutal one. You’re going to use the same protocol as with the bench
with chains, but squats are considerably more exhausting than bench. Do not deload or relax on
the pins – stay tight for a 2 count pause and then drive the weight back up. You may add chains
or specialty bars if you wish.
4. Pendulum or Hack Squat. Perform 2-3 myo-rep sets.
5. Kabuki Ab Wheel. Perform max reps in 12 minutes.

Day 3: Arms

1. Single-Arm Cable Extension. This is a warmup, just like the cable flyes, but don’t use isometric
contractions here. Instead, focus on moving the weight entirely with the tricep while relaxing
the hand and keeping the elbow in line with the body. Two sets of 20-30 is good.
2. Single-Arm Dumbbell Hammer Curls. Exactly the same as the single-arm extensions.
3. Neutral Grip Floor Press. Use the following rotation:
a. Week 1: Work up to a single at RPE 8. Take 85% of whatever that weight is and perform
2 sets of 4 reps with it.
b. Week 2: Work up to a triple at RPE 9. Take 90% of whatever that weight is and perform
3 sets of 2 reps with it.
c. Week 3: Perform 2 sets of 2 reps with your Week 1 weight.
d. Week 4: Repeat the rotation.
4. Phushdowns superset with Incline Cable Curls. Perform 2 myo-rep sets.
5. Barbell Curl. Use the same protocol as on the reverse band incline press from chest & shoulder

Day 4: Back & Hamstrings

1. Incline Dumbbell Shrug/Row. Use the same protocol as with the cable flyes. These are really
2. Banded Meadows Row. Perform 2 myo-rep sets.
3. Smith Row: Use the same protocol as on the reverse band incline press.
4. Lat Pulldown. Perform 2 myo-rep sets.
5. Wide Grip Stiff-Leg Deadlift. Use the following rotation:
a. Week 1: 70% 1RM (use your competition 1RM) xAMRAP
b. Week 2: 75% 1RM xAMRAP
c. Week 3: 80% 1RM x5x5
d. Week 4: Repeat the rotation with an additional 5-10 pounds.
6. Glute-Ham Raise: Perform max reps in 12 minutes.

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