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Chapter 2 Reseach

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Chapter II


This chapter presents the literatures and studies reviewed by the

researchers which led to the conceptualization of the study.

Review of Related Literature

Teacher-student relationship

According to Martin and Collie, (2018) teacher-student relationships are an

important part of students’ interpersonal environment at school that impacts their

academic development. Student-teacher relationships are vital for students'

academic development and for their well-being (Hershkovitz & Baruch, 2013).

Positive relationships between teachers and students in the classroom are

fundamental to promoting student engagement, social-emotional development,

and academic growth. Teachers can build such relationships by establishing

personal interaction with their students, making sure their students feel cared for

and supported, establishing high opportunities for student success, and

providing positive guidance to ensure their students are meeting those

expectations (Gutierrez & Buckley, 2019).

An excellent and effective relationship is very essential in making a safe

atmosphere and it provides student courage and self-confidence to school

without discomfort and to be grateful to learn. Particularly, when students are

vulnerable to positive emotional encouragement, they are likely capable to

retake newly educated knowledge (Nielson & Lorber, cited by dos Reis da Luz,
2015). Teachers show a significant role in the course of students throughout the

schooling experience of the students (Gallagher, 2023). When teachers form

positive relationship with students, classrooms become supportive place in which

students can engage in academically and socially productive ways. Positive

teacher-student relationships are categorized as having the presence of

closeness, warmth, and positivity. Students who have positive interaction with

their teachers use them as a safe place from which they can explore the

classroom and school situation both academically and socially, to take on

academic tasks and work on social-emotional development (Gallagher, 2023).

Positive teacher-student relationship

According to Pervin, Ferdowsh and Munni (2021), by creating and

maintaining positive teacher-student relationships, a student become more

academically motivated and engaged and therefore successful. The importance

of teacher-student interactive relationships has been widely acknowledged in

research addressing kindergarten, primary and secondary education. A positive

and negative factor influence the abilities of a child to be motivated in school and

hold academic success.

However, to Varga (2017), improving relationships in schools between

teachers and students will have positive implications for all. Also, relationships

with students are the most significant source of enjoyment and motivation for

teachers. When teachers are motivated and sincerely care for their students,

they are more likely to think about their preparation and use strategies that

create a welcoming and enjoyable learning environment. He suggests that

students who feel wisdom of control and belonging achieve higher academically.

The best way to achieve this is by having positive interactions with students and

building and improving relationships. Positive relationships result in better

understandings for the students, a more productive learning environment, and

higher academic achievement.

Having an effective teacher-student relationship describes a reasonable

professional distance which does not appear to make a gap between the

students and teachers; there is a little conflicting on teacher-student relationship

as depicted by level of student discipline and attitude during the teachers’

instructional process. Teachers should always educate a perspective of a good

professional relationship with their students, and also with the students

behavioural and instructional interaction with the teachers should be educated in

schools by addressing policy gaps in the teaching environment (Baaf, 2020)

Teacher-student relationship is one of the elements that promote students

learning. Positive relationships make an agreeable environment or place.

Teachers’ positive interaction with the students aids to promote students’

academic growth. Teachers who punctuate a positive approach to the students

rather than negative approaches help the students to have a positive behaviour

(Agyekum, 2019).

In the process of teaching a teacher should have a short physical distance

and contact which is important for helping teachers to convey to students

interests, support and involvement. A traditional classroom with a demonstration

bench could hinder a good interaction and these way students can observe and

have contact with the teacher. It can also help to our a range sitting in such a

way that few as possible are sitting behind each other and so that the instructors

can go through or freely between the students (Wubbels & Brekelmans, 2012)

Negative teacher-student relationship

A negative teacher-student relationship may lead to stress, anxiety, and

aggression in students. Negative teacher-student relationships were predicted

by teacher stress. Implications for teacher support continuing education issues

and problems (Zhou, 2021).

According to Dhamayanthi (2021), negative student- teacher relationship

can lead to problematic behaviours, increase risk of high stress and even mental

health deterioration. Negative student-teacher relationship can involve into

behaviour problems, decreasing self-esteem and self-worth, and having a poor

healthy classroom atmosphere of the student and even on the teachers.

Teacher-student relationship affects the academic achievement of the


According to Agyekum (2019), teacher-student relationship has been

identified as an important factor that improves student learning and academic

outcome. Teachers play significant role in education by helping students to

achieve their goals. Positive teacher-student relationships help students to excel

in academics. It helps the students to maintain and improve their academic

achievements with the help of a good relationship with their teachers.

Negative teacher-student relationship promotes significant problems that

can affect the student to the highest level. Negative relationships hinder

students’ cognitive development and desire to participate in academic tasks and

routines. Negative effect to the teachers’ interactions with students, leading to

negative relationships being built, therefore interfering with the academic

achievement of the student (Woodis, 2019).

Teacher-student relationship during pandemic (Covid-19)

The student-teacher relationship has been consistently related to positive

and widespread outcomes, though its quality seems to be questioned in online

teaching, which in turn has had a negative impact on students and teachers’

welfare during school closures forced by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the

many societal costs of the COVID-19 pandemic was school closures and the

consequent substitution between online and classroom teaching. Though a

public health necessity, online teaching took a tool on teachers’ mental health,

which showed increases in anxiety, exhaustion and burnout and intention to

leave the profession (Vagos & Carvalhais, 2022).

According to Depuydt (20210, online teaching and learning was an

unprecedented experience for most teachers and students; consequently, they

had limited, to no, experience with online learning platforms. This added

pressure, in addition to the other areas of life impacted by COVID-19, had

serious repercussions on teacher mental health that lead to anxiety and


Related Studies

According to the study of Martin and Collie (2018), Teacher–student

relationships and students’ engagement in high school: Does the number of

negative and positive relationships with teachers matter, they extended early

research in the teacher-student relationships by seeking the relative balance of

negative and positive teacher-student relationships in high school students’

academic (in each of English, mathematics, science, history, and geography

subjects). Also observed was the role of this relational balance in calculating

students’ school engagement (operationalized by academic participation,

enjoyment, and aspirations). Improving properties of positive teacher-student

relationships seem to offset the limiting properties of negative teacher-student

relationships. Furthermore, there is cumulative engagement yield through

increasing the number of positive teacher-student relationships on all students’

school subjects.

Moreover, Gablinske (2014) emphasized in her study, “A Case Study of

Student and Teacher Relationships and the Effects on Students Learning”, that

in beginning incorporating elements of teacher-student interactions into

instructional strategies the teacher must using a purposeful design on their

classroom and the teacher’s interactions with their students allowed to create a

learning environment that was meaningful to students as they worked on

instructional tasks.

In the work of Reis da Luz (2015) The Relationship between Teachers and

Students in the Classroom: Communicative Language Teaching Approach and

Cooperative Learning Strategy to Improve Learning teacher demands new

teaching methods, strategies, and activities, new goals, values and perspectives

in the classroom. Teacher-student relationships can be the key to whether

positive or negative motivations happening in students’ attitude toward learning.

Furthermore, Koca’s (2016) Motivation to Learn and Teacher–Student

Relationship identified that young children learn from everything they do. They

are naturally curious; they want to explore and discover. Children develop

attitudes about learning that will influence their school life. When the teachers

provide the right sort of support and encouragement, students will be more

creative, adventurous learners. Therefore, educators should emphasize the

importance of motivation to learn in the school and institutions.

In the study of Paschal and Nkulo (2020) Teacher-students relationships

and student's academic performance in public secondary school in major

District, Tanzania, it explored the influence of teacher-student relationship on

students’ academic performance, in their conductive survey, a total of 130

respondents, the result of this study indicated that teacher-student relationship is

a crucial determinant and catalyst to academic performance in Tanzania public

secondary school. This study identified among others that teacher-student

relationship helps student to feel cared for by the teacher, helps to students to

have freedom of expression in the classroom and help teacher and students to a

wide relationship.

Mucaj (2021) designed a study entitled: Influence of Teacher Student

Relationship on Academic Performance: the Case of Tirana, the way the teacher

manages the classroom, behaviour, approach to learning and studies effects the

status of teacher-student relationship. Gender is a significant element in

developing supportive relationships in the classroom, which influences the

students’ perspective of the relationship to their teachers. The classroom quality

is also an important external element where a healthy and peaceful classroom

can engage a positive influence and it motivates the student academic


In the prior study entitled: The Role of Teacher-Student Relationship on

Performance in Mathematics of the Eleventh Graders in the Cape Coadt

Metropolis: Critical Friendship Perspective by Awoniyi and Butakor (2021),

shows that developmental context is very important to the academic outcomes of

the students. It also shows that the effect on students’ achievements and

learning the environment promotes learners to learn. Students become more

interested and energetic to participate when a good constructive and quality

teacher-student relationship is shown.

However, Varga (2017) The Effect of Teacher-Student Relationships on the

Academic Engagement of Students found that a lack of academic achievement

among secondary students is abundant. There are frequent reasons why

students may lose interest in school. Considering that students spend about

twenty-five percent of their waking hours in a classroom, it is critical that students

will not be willing to learn. This creates a conflict for both the teacher and the

student. Throughout an average school day, teachers frequently listen to

students complaining about an assignment, a class, or even to the teacher. If

students have positive interaction with their teachers, they will be more engaged

and more motivated throughout each of their classes.

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored from Deci and Ryan (2015), the Self-

determination Theory (SDT). It is a motivational theory of personality, and social

developments that examines how social situations and individual differences

facilitate the diverse types of motivation, especially self-sufficient motivation and

controlled motivation, and in turn predict learning, performance, experience, and

psychological health.

Self-determination Theory is a method to human motivation and personality

that uses traditional empirical or observational methods while employing an

organismic meta theory that highlights the importance of humans evolved inner

resources for personality development and behavioural self-regulation (Ryan,

Kuhl, & Deci, 1997; Ryan, & Deci, 2000).

This theory helped determine the observational methods or practices that

can motivate a person to highlight its significance to evolve their personal and

behavioural development. It also emphasizes the importance of motivation to

improve the self-stem and encouragement of a person. It progresses the

learning and growth of the person to have its determination on a certain situation

(Patrick, & Williams, 2012).

According to Nonyelum, Ogugua & Abah (2022), self-determination theory is

a theory of human motivation and personal development which proposes that

people have a capability to become self-determined when their needs for

competence, relatedness and autonomy are fulfilled. Competence (need to be

effective in dealing with the environment) is a term emphasis to describe

someone who has low qualities to perform a given task or to describe the state

of having sufficient intellect, judgment, skill, or strength. Relatedness (need to

have close, affectionate relationships) is the ability to feel a sense of both

attachment to others and a sense of having its place amongst other people.

Relatedness involves feelings of closeness and be appropriate to a social group.

Autonomy (need to feel self-governing and independent) it involves self-initiation

and self-regulation of one's own behaviour.

In connection with student-teacher relationship, the self-determination

theory concept of relatedness is important. The students feel secured and have

a positive interaction with their teacher and it can be an act as a main point of

motivation for it enhances engagement and achievement of the students. For the

reason that teacher and student have their time spend over together in the

classroom, teachers have a considerable amount of power over their students.

Teacher should use this power to improve themselves, in the classroom, and

their students. Therefore, a better relationship in school between teacher and

student will have a positive implication for all involved. The relationship with

students is the most significant source of motivation for teachers. When teacher

is highly encouraged, motivated and sincerely care for their students, they are

more likely to think about using strategies that create a welcoming learning

environment which affects the students’ academic performance and

achievement (Nonyelum, Ogugua & Abah, 2022).

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Teacher-Student Relationship Academic Achievement

Figure1. A paradigm showing the relationship between teacher-student

relationship and academic achievement.


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