Chapter 2 Reseach
Chapter 2 Reseach
Chapter 2 Reseach
Teacher-student relationship
academic development and for their well-being (Hershkovitz & Baruch, 2013).
personal interaction with their students, making sure their students feel cared for
retake newly educated knowledge (Nielson & Lorber, cited by dos Reis da Luz,
2015). Teachers show a significant role in the course of students throughout the
closeness, warmth, and positivity. Students who have positive interaction with
their teachers use them as a safe place from which they can explore the
and negative factor influence the abilities of a child to be motivated in school and
teachers and students will have positive implications for all. Also, relationships
with students are the most significant source of enjoyment and motivation for
teachers. When teachers are motivated and sincerely care for their students,
they are more likely to think about their preparation and use strategies that
students who feel wisdom of control and belonging achieve higher academically.
The best way to achieve this is by having positive interactions with students and
professional distance which does not appear to make a gap between the
professional relationship with their students, and also with the students
rather than negative approaches help the students to have a positive behaviour
(Agyekum, 2019).
bench could hinder a good interaction and these way students can observe and
have contact with the teacher. It can also help to our a range sitting in such a
way that few as possible are sitting behind each other and so that the instructors
can go through or freely between the students (Wubbels & Brekelmans, 2012)
Negative teacher-student relationship
can lead to problematic behaviours, increase risk of high stress and even mental
can affect the student to the highest level. Negative relationships hinder
Teacher-student relationship during pandemic (Covid-19)
teaching, which in turn has had a negative impact on students and teachers’
welfare during school closures forced by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the
many societal costs of the COVID-19 pandemic was school closures and the
public health necessity, online teaching took a tool on teachers’ mental health,
had limited, to no, experience with online learning platforms. This added
Related Studies
negative and positive relationships with teachers matter, they extended early
subjects). Also observed was the role of this relational balance in calculating
students’ school engagement (operationalized by academic participation,
school subjects.
Student and Teacher Relationships and the Effects on Students Learning”, that
classroom and the teacher’s interactions with their students allowed to create a
instructional tasks.
In the work of Reis da Luz (2015) The Relationship between Teachers and
teaching methods, strategies, and activities, new goals, values and perspectives
Relationship identified that young children learn from everything they do. They
are naturally curious; they want to explore and discover. Children develop
attitudes about learning that will influence their school life. When the teachers
provide the right sort of support and encouragement, students will be more
creative, adventurous learners. Therefore, educators should emphasize the
relationship helps student to feel cared for by the teacher, helps to students to
have freedom of expression in the classroom and help teacher and students to a
wide relationship.
Relationship on Academic Performance: the Case of Tirana, the way the teacher
manages the classroom, behaviour, approach to learning and studies effects the
the students. It also shows that the effect on students’ achievements and
students may lose interest in school. Considering that students spend about
will not be willing to learn. This creates a conflict for both the teacher and the
students have positive interaction with their teachers, they will be more engaged
Theoretical Framework
This study was anchored from Deci and Ryan (2015), the Self-
psychological health.
organismic meta theory that highlights the importance of humans evolved inner
can motivate a person to highlight its significance to evolve their personal and
learning and growth of the person to have its determination on a certain situation
someone who has low qualities to perform a given task or to describe the state
have close, affectionate relationships) is the ability to feel a sense of both
attachment to others and a sense of having its place amongst other people.
theory concept of relatedness is important. The students feel secured and have
a positive interaction with their teacher and it can be an act as a main point of
motivation for it enhances engagement and achievement of the students. For the
reason that teacher and student have their time spend over together in the
Teacher should use this power to improve themselves, in the classroom, and
student will have a positive implication for all involved. The relationship with
students is the most significant source of motivation for teachers. When teacher
is highly encouraged, motivated and sincerely care for their students, they are
more likely to think about using strategies that create a welcoming learning
Conceptual Framework