Cte Unit-1

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❑ Introduction to Cement:
Cement means “a substance that acts as a binding
agents for different materials.”
In construction industry, It is a material, which is
produced by calcining at high temperature an intimate
mixture of Calcareous and Argillaceous materials and
crushing the resulting clinkers to a fine powder.

❑ Function:
When cement mixed with water, it forms a paste, which
hardens and binds the aggregates together to form a hard
durable mass called Concrete.
1.Chemical Constituents of
Ordinary Portland Cement
Lime (CaO) 60 to 67%

Silica (SiO2) 17 to 25%

Alumina (Al2O3) 3 to 8%

Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 0.5 to 6%

Magnesia (MgO) 0.1 to 4%

Sulphur trioxide (SO3) 1 to 3%

Soda and/or Potash (Na2O+K2O) 0.5 to 1.3%

2. Bogue’s Compounds
Sr. Name of Formula Abbreviation %
No. compound
1 Tri-calcium 3 CaO SiO2 C3S 54.1
2 Di-calcium Silicate 2 CaO SiO2 C2S 16.6

3 Tri-calcium 3 CaO Al2 O3 C3A 10.8

4 Tetra-calcium 4 CaO Al2 C4AF 9.1
Alumino ferrite O3 Fe2 O3
3.Physical properties of compounds:

i) Tri-calcium Silicate (C3S): Early strength of concrete

ii) Di-calcium Silicate (C2S): Contributing strength

after 7 days

iii) Tri-calcium Aluminate (C3A): Responsible for

setting action of cement

iv) Tetra-calcium Alumino ferrite (C4AF): Inactive

4. Hydration of cement:
⚫ Definition :
It is exothermic chemical reaction which takes place
when water is added to cement which gives cement paste
and large heat is evolved about 120cal/gm is called
hydration of cement.

⚫ Heat of hydration:
The quantity of heat, in calories per gram of hydrated
cement evolved upon complete hydration at a given
5.Physical properties of cement:
1) Fineness: It is the measure of size of cement particles.
2) Standard or Normal Consistency: The ability of cement
paste to flow is consistency.
3) Setting time: i) Initial setting time (typically occurs within
30-45 minutes) ii) Final setting time (occurs below 10
4) Soundness: Refers to the ability of cement to not shrink
upon hardening.
5) Compressive Strength: The tests of strength are
performed on cement mortar mix, not on cement paste.
6.Different grades of OPC:
⚫ There are three main grades of cement:
1. 33 Grade Cement
2. 43 Grade Cement
3. 53 Grade Cement
33 grade cement:
It means that, this type of cement shows minimum 33 N/mm2
compressive strength after 28 days complete curing, when tested on
Uses: for mortar in masonry work & plastering work.

43 grade cement:
It means that, this type of cement shows minimum 43 N/mm2
compressive strength after 28 days complete curing, when tested on
Uses: P.C.C. & R.C.C. work, R.M.C. in Precast & Prestress concrete.

53 grade cement:
It means that, this type of cement shows minimum 53 N/mm2
compressive strength after 28 days complete curing, when tested on
Uses: R.C.C Bridges, Construction of Precast building construction,
Construction of factories buildings construction etc., Concrete sleeper
Physical characteristics & Requirement of OPC:
Sr. Characteristics Requirements
33 43 53
Grade Grade Grade
1 Fineness (m2/Kg) 300 225 225

2 Minimum compressive strength (N/mm2)

3 Days 16 23 27
7 Days 22 33 37
28 Days 33 43 53

3. Setting Time
(min) Initial 30 30 30
(minimum) Final 600 600 600
4. Soundness (mm) 10 10 10
8.Testing of OPC:
A. Field Tests
B. Laboratory Tests

C. Field Tests:
1) Date of packing

2) Color test : Color

Should be greenish grey.
3. Presence of lumps: Free from any hard lumps

4. Adulteration test: Feel smooth when touched or rubbed in

between fingers.

5. Temperature test: Feel cool and not warm.

6. Float test: Float for some time before it sinks.

7. Setting test: It should set and not crack.

8. Strength test
B. Laboratory Tests:

1) Fineness test
2) Standard or Normal Consistency test
3) Setting time test
4) Soundness test
5) Compressive Strength test

1. Fineness test :
a. Sieve test
b. Air Permeability Test (Blain’s)
a. Sieve test :
Procedure :
i. Take the 100 gm of cement sample given using balance as initial
weight as W 1 gm.
ii. Take 90 micron IS sieve and keep pan at bottom.
iii. Keep the lid on sieve.
iv. Sieve the cement manually by giving wrist motion for 10-15
minutes, so that cement sample gets sieved completely.
v. Measure the weight of cement fraction retained on 90 micron
sieve as W 2 gm.
vi. Calculate the % fineness of given cement as (W 2 / W 1 ) x 100

IS requirement of Fineness of cement: IS:269

i. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC): 10 % max.
ii. Rapid hardening Cement (RHC): 5 % max.
iii. Low Heat Cement (LHC): 5 % max.
b. Air Permeability Test (Blain’s):
b. Air Permeability Test (Blain’s):
The aim is to determine the fineness or surface area per gram of
the cement.
i. Put a filter paper into the cell then weight 2.84g of cement
sample into it.
ii. Put another filter paper on it and compress with the plunger.
iii. Attach the cell on top of the U-tube manometer.
iv. Evacuate the air in the manometer through the side tube using
the aspirator bulb until the oil reaches level 1.
v. Close the side valve and monitor the oil as it start to fall.
vi. Using a stop watch, measure the time taken for the oil to fall
from level 2 to level 3.
S =k√t
where k is 523.0547
Example: when t is obtained a 29 sec, S=523.0547√29
S=2817 cm²/gm
2) Standard or Normal Consistency test:
It is the water percentage required to penetrate the Vicat
plunger in cement paste up to 33 to 35 mm from top of vicat mould.
2) Standard or Normal Consistency
test: Procedure :
i. Take 400 g of cement and place it in the enameled tray.
ii. Mix about 25% water by weight of dry cement thoroughly to get a
cement paste. Total time taken to obtain thoroughly mixed water
cement paste i.e. “Gauging time” should not be more than 3 to 5
iii. Fill the vicat mould, resting upon a glass plate, with this cement
iv. After filling the mould completely, smoothen the surface of the
paste, making it level with top of the mould.
v. Place the whole assembly(i.e. mould + cement paste + glass plate)
under the rod bearing plunger.
vi. Lower the plunger gently so as to touch the surface of the test block
and quickly release the plunger allowing it to sink into the paste.
vii. Measure the depth of penetration and record it.
viii. Prepare trial pastes with varying percentages of water content and
follow the steps (2 to 7) as described above, until the depth of
penetration becomes 33 to 35 mm.
3) Setting time test:
Procedure :
i. Take 400 gm. of cement sample and add 0.85 times water required
for its standard consistency to prepare homogenous cement paste.
Note down the time at which water is added to cement as T1 min.
ii. Fill this cement paste in Vicat mould. Keep this mould under Vicat
apparatus with IST needle attached to it.
iii. Now allow the IST needle to penetrate in the paste by realize pin
observe the total penetration. If the penetration is not 33 to 35 mm
from top then change the position of penetration surface.
iv. Note down the time at which IST needle will give required
penetration as T2 min. Hence calculate the initial setting time
v. IST = T2 - T1 min.
vi. Replace IST needle with FST needle and allow FST needle to
penetrate in same cement paste.
vii. Note down the time at which FST needle will give the Just
impression on a cement surface as T3 min.
viii. Calculate final setting time i.e. FST = T3-T1 min.
4) Soundness test:

Le- Chatelier's apparatus

i. Take 100 gm cement sample and add water 0.78 times to that of
water required for its standard consistency to prepare
homogenous cement paste.
iii. Fill this cement paste in mould of Le- Chatelier's apparatus
completely by keeping non-porous glass plates at top and bottom
respectively. Keep lead weight on it.
iv. Keep this assembly at room temperature for 24 hours, so that it gets
sufficiently hardened.
v. Now measure the distance between two indicator arms of apparatus
as d1 mm using measuring scale.
vi. Then keep this set in tempo water bath under boiling water at a
temperature 1000C for 3 hours continuously, so that cement will
expand due to temperature.
vii. Remove the mould from water bath and measure the increased
distance between two arms as d2 mm.
viii. Calculate the amount of expansion i.e. soundness of given cement as
(d2 - d1) mm.
ix. When the expansion of cement is less than 10 mm, it is said to be
sound cement as per IS.
5) Compressive Strength test:
i. Take 200 gm cement, 600 gm standard sand and add water
((p/4)+3) % to that of combined weight of cement and sand.
Prepare homogenous mortar.
ii. Fill the prepared mortar in the cube mould of size 7.07 cm side by
proper compaction. Compact the filled mould on vibrating
machine for 3-5 minutes.
iii. Keep filled moulds at room temperature for 24 hours and 90%
humidity for initial hardening.
iv. Remove cube moulds and keep cement cubes under fresh water
for curing for 7, 14, 21, 28 days.
v. Remove cube from water after curing period and keep it under
compression testing machine (CTM) for testing.
vi. Apply compressive load at a rate of 35 N/mm2 till failure of cube.
vii. Note down the failure load in kN shown by red pointer of dial
viii. Calculate compressive strength of cement cube by dividing failure
load in N to cross sectional area of cube in mm2.
ix. Calculate average compressive strength of three test cubes in
9.Storage of Cement:
Precautions to be taken while storing the cement are:
i. Cement should be stored in a special water-tight shed with a
dry and damp proof door, waterproof walls and leak-proof
ii. Stacking should be 30 cm away from walls with 1 m gap
between two rows for easy handling.
iii. Bags should not be stacked more than 8-10 bags vertically.
iv. Width of a stack should not exceed 3 m.
v. Stacking should be lengthwise and widthwise alternatively.
vi. Stacking should be on wooden planks 300 mm above ground
floor to avoid dampness.
vii. Exhaust fans and windows should be provided for ventilation.
viii. Bags should be stored in such a way that bags received first
should be used first
ix. In addition to this, a large polythene sheet should be used to
cover all cement bags.
Effect of storage of cement on strength of cement :
As cement is susceptible for hydrolysis ,it may undergoes
hardening due to atmospheric moisture, therefore the strength of
cement goes on decreasing with increase in period of its storage as
mentioned below

Sr. No. Period of storage Strength of cement

1 3 months 100%

2 6 months 75%

3 1 year 60%

4 2 year 50%

5 3 year 45%
10. Types of Cement:
a) Ordinary Portland Cement

b) Rapid Hardening Cement

c) Low Heat Cement
d) Portland Pozzalana Cement

e) Sulphate Resisting Cement

f) Blast Furnace Slag Cement

g) White Cement
a) Ordinary Portland Cement:

Fineness Not exceed 10%

Soundness Not more than 10 mm
Setting time IST= Not less than 30 min.
FST= Not more than 10 hours
Compressive strength 3 days= Not less than 115
kg/cm2 7 days= Not less than
175 kg/cm2

i. Ordinary P.C.C. and R.C.C. construction work.
ii. Plastering and water proofing works.
iii. Drainage works.
b) Rapid Hardening Cement:

Fineness Not exceed 5%

Soundness Not more than 10 mm
Setting time IST= Not less than 30 min.
FST= Not more than 10 hours
Compressive strength 1 days= Not less than 115
kg/cm2 3 days= Not less than
210 kg/cm2

i. Road construction where delay in traffic is not required.
ii. Tremie method of concreting in underwater construction works.
iii. Manufacturing of concrete products like fencing pole, electric.
pole, doors and windows frames.
iv. Cold weather concreting.
c) Low Heat Cement:

Fineness Not exceed 5%

Soundness Not more than 10 mm
Setting time IST= Not less than 30 min.
FST= Not more than 10 hours
Compressive strength 3 days= Not less than 70 kg/cm2
7 days= Not less than 115
28 days= Not less than 265 kg/cm2
i. Mass concreting works like construction of
abutment, retaining wall bridge, dam etc.
ii. Construction of chimney of factory.
iii. Construction of machine foundations.
d) Portland Pozzalana Cement:

Fineness Not exceed 5% (3000 cm2/gm)

Soundness Not more than 10 mm
Setting time IST= Not less than 30 min.
FST= Not more than 10 hours
Compressive strength 7 days= Not less than 175 kg/cm2


i. All construction works where O.P.C. is used i.e. P.C.C.

and R.C.C.
ii. Construction of hydraulic structure.
iii. Mass concreting work.
e) Sulphate Resisting Cement:

Fineness Not exceed 5%

Soundness Not more than 10 mm
Setting time IST= Not less than 30 min.
FST= Not more than 10 hours
Compressive strength 3 days= Not less than 150 kg/cm2
7 days= Not less than 220 kg/cm2
28 days= Not less than 300 kg/cm2
i. Construction of foundation on soil and water containing
high % of SO4.
ii. Marine and seashore construction.
iii. Underground laying of R.C.C. pipes in acidic soils.
f) Blast Furnace Slag Cement:

Fineness Not exceed 10%

Soundness Not more than 10 mm
Setting time IST= Not less than 30 min.
FST= Not more than 10 hours
Compressive strength 3 days= Not less than 160
kg/cm2 7 days= Not less than
220 kg/cm2


i. All construction works where OPC is used.

ii. Mass concreting.
iii. Marine works.
g) White Cement:

Fineness Not exceed 10%

Soundness Not more than 10 mm
Setting time IST= Not less than 30 min.
FST= Not more than 10 hours
Compressive strength 3 days= Not less than 115
kg/cm2 7 days= Not less than
175 kg/cm2

i. Decoration works i.e. false ceiling.
ii. Finishing works i.e. internal plastering.
iii. Waterproofing works.
iv. High-class tiling work.

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