DLL - English 5 - Q1 - W2
DLL - English 5 - Q1 - W2
DLL - English 5 - Q1 - W2
A. Reviewing previous Review Review Review Review Review
lesson or presenting the Aspects of Verbs Elements of literary Compound Words Different Body movements and What is an outline?
new lesson text/Checking of assignments Gestures What are the teps in making
an outline.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Motivation Motivation: Group the class into two groups. Sing “She’ll be coming round Show posters of movies and
lesson Sing: “Be Polite – Good Manner Divide the class into 8- Have them play a game of the mountain” films, local and abroad.
Song” 10 groups. Give them the charades using the words below. Ask: “How do you think
picture puzzle of compound Call a representative from each these movies are made?”
words. group to act out the word. “If you were to
Ask them to solve the angry happy scared make your own movie,
puzzle and write the name of (using (using (using what do you think do
the picture on a strip of paper. hands) whole face) you need?”
Have a representative “What are the
from each group present the things you need to
picture and the word they have remember when making a
tired excited bored
formed. movie?”
(using (using (using
whole whole hands
body) body) and
C. Presenting Today we are going to learn Today we are going to study Today we are going to study about Today we are going to write Today we’ll be studying
examples/instances of the about the elements of a literary about compound words.” body movements and gestures.” about the aspects of verb” about the forms and
new lesson text.” Have the pupils read “Find Out Have the pupils read “Read and “But first, what are verbs?” conventions of a film and
Present the story in the LM on and Learn” from the LM page Learn” from the LM page ____. “What are the tenses of verbs?” moving picture. What are
page ____. ____. Answer the questions below the Original File Submitted and the things we need in
Call a pupil volunteer to read Answer the questions below the sentences Formatted by DepEd Club making a movie and what
the story orally. sentences. Member - visit depedclub.com do need to remember if we
Comprehension Check: Ask the for more are to make our own film or
questions in the LM. Talk about movie?”
the pupils answers.
D. Discussing new concepts and C.Modelling for Students C.Modelling for Students A. Modelling for C.Modelling for Students C.Modelling for Students
practicing new skills #1 Unlocking of Difficult Words Read the story in the “Try and Students Have the students read “Read Discuss “Read and Learn”
(using picture clues, context Learn” in the LM page ____. Unlocking of Difficult and Learn” on the LM page ____. on page ____ of the LM.
clues, and examples. Identify the compound words in Words (using picture Discuss the process on how to Show the short film
a.crook the story. clues, context clues, create an outline and use other “Principles of Film Form”
Say: “The crook is stole the Write it down on your notebook and examples) graphic organizers. from youtube.com
lady’s bag.” (show the picture of chatting https://
a crook) Say: www.youtube.com/watch?
“What do crooks steal? Why do “Everybody v=yXmlLLqWrZQ
they steal things?” was chatting
b.argue about what
Say:“Don’t argue over who little their father
things.” (show picture of the looked like
people arguing) now.” (show
picture of
What are
they doing?
Say “They
just tapped
their feet to
picture of
their feet”.
What is he
doing? How
does he do
was sipping
coffee she
bought from
a kiosk.”
(show the
picture of a
the story “The Homecoming” in
the LM’s “Let’s Read More”
___ and answer the questions
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
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