MNU Module Descriptions Lecture Updated Design
MNU Module Descriptions Lecture Updated Design
MNU Module Descriptions Lecture Updated Design
Module 1 | Introduction to Evidence-Based Learning
& Practice
This module has been designed to partner with the Fundamentals of Nutrition
(Module 2) to provide the underpinning knowledge and thought processes
that are required to move past simple knowledge acquisition and onto
wisdom and knowledge synthesis.
The term evidence-based does not mean solely relying on academic research;
being an evidence-based practitioner means understanding the research and
then being able to contextualise it in your practice by combining it
appropriately with experience.
Lecture 1.5 - What is Health & What Role Does Nutrition Play?
What role does nutrition support play in the six facets of health
A closer look at different lifestyles & dietary habits and their effect
on health
The role of genetics in health
Differences between nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics
Module 2 | Fundamentals of Nutrition
Lecture 2.1 - Mastering the Basics of the Digestive & Endocrine Systems
An overview of micronutrients
The function and requirements of various vitamins and minerals
Understanding how micronutrient status can be measured
Common micronutrient deficiencies
Antioxidants – are they beneficial or detrimental to performance?
Practical advice for clients regarding micronutrient intake
Food vs supplementation for maintaining micronutrient status
Lecture 3.5 - Fat Loss Part 1 - Adherence - The Single Most Important
Lecture 3.6 - Fat Loss Part 2 - Client Specific & Multiphasic Approaches
to Dieting
Lecture 4.7 - Delivering Online Nutrition Counselling via 1-2- & Group
Coaching Programmes
What is PCOS?
o Understanding the prevalence, symptoms, and diagnosis
Nutritional considerations to help improve PCOS
The link with insulin resistance
o Nutritional considerations for improving insulin sensitivity
Evidence-based supplements to consider for PCOS
Weight loss-specific considerations for PCOS clients
o A focus on metabolism and appetite