1265 Kummer Ann
1265 Kummer Ann
1265 Kummer Ann
Velopharyngeal Valve
Closes off nasal cavity from oral cavity during speech
Closes for oral sounds, opens for nasal sounds
Particularly important for pressure-sensitive sounds (plosives, fricatives, affricates)
Also closes off the nasal cavity from the oral cavity during swallowing, vomiting, blowing,
sucking and whistling
Variations in VP Closure
Non-Pneumatic Closure - swallowing, gagging, and vomiting
Closure is high in the nasopharynx and is exaggerated.
Pneumatic Closure - sucking, whistling, blowing, speech
Closure may be complete for non-pneumatic activities, but may be insufficient for speech
and other pneumatic activities.
Patterns of VP Closure among Normal Speakers
The relative contribution of the velum, LPWs and PPW varies from person to person, as a result
of different basic patterns of closure. These basic patterns are as follows:
Resonance Disorders and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Intervention
Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Coronal Pattern – Closure occurs with movement of the velum and PPWs. There is
little contribution of the LPWs.
Sagittal Pattern – Closure occurs with medial movement of the LPWs. There is
little contribution of the velum or PPW.
Circular Pattern – All structures contribute to closure, which occurs in a “purse string” or
sphincter-type pattern. Often includes a Passavant’s ridge.
Velopharyngeal Muscles
Levator Veli Palatini – acts as a sling to pull the velum up and back toward the posterior
pharyngeal wall.
Tensor Veli Palatini – opens the Eustachian tube during swallowing.
Musculus Uvulae – forms the velar eminence on the nasal surface of the velum, adding bulk
in the midline to assist with closure.
Superior Constrictor – constricts the pharyngeal walls against the velum.
Palatopharyngeus - narrows the pharynx .by pulling the lateral pharyngeal walls upward
and medially.
Palatoglossus – brings the velum down for nasal consonants.
Resonance Disorders and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Intervention
Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Velopharyngeal Dysfunction
Velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD) can be caused by a history of cleft palate, or by other factors.
There are several types of VPD, based on the underlying cause. These are as follows:
Velopharyngeal Mislearning
Abnormal posterior or nasal articulation of certain sounds, particularly sibilants; can cause
phoneme-specific nasal air emission (PSNAE)
Conversion disorder
Hearing loss
Resonance Disorders and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Intervention
Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Occurs when there is too much sound resonating in the nasal cavity during speech
Is particularly perceptible on vowels, since these sounds are voiced and relatively long in
Can also affect the production of voiced oral consonants
Severity depends on the size of the opening, the etiology, and even articulation.
Occurs when there is not enough resonance in the nasal cavity due to upper airway
obstruction (nasal congestion, enlarged adenoids, deviated septum, stenotic nares, nasal
polyps or maxillary retrusion).
Particularly noticeable on nasal consonants and on vowels
Intermittent hyponasality can be due to timing errors in lowering the velum for the
production of nasal sounds
Denasality refers to the total lack of nasal resonance
Mixed Nasality
Occurs when there is a mix of hypernasality or nasal air emission on oral consonants and
hyponasality on nasal consonants
Cause includes any form of nasopharyngeal obstruction (such as enlarged adenoids) and
velopharyngeal dysfunction, or apraxia
Resonance Disorders and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Intervention
Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Characterize by hoarseness, breathiness, low intensity and/or glottal fry
Due to the use of glottal stops as a compensatory articulation production or due to the
development of vocal nodules as a result of strain in the vocal tract to achieve closure
Breathiness may be a compensatory strategy to reduce nasal air emission or to mask the
sound of the nasal air emission and hypernasality
Vocal Nodules
Resonance Disorders and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Intervention
Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Compensatory Productions:
Glottal Stop (Plosive)
Produced with a forceful adduction of the vocal folds and the buildup of air pressure under
the glottis
Ventricular folds (false vocal folds) often approximate with the forceful closure of true folds
Vocal folds are suddenly opened, releasing the air pressure to produce a grunt type sound
Pharyngeal Fricative
Produced when the tongue is retracted so that the base of the tongue approximates, but does
not touch the pharyngeal wall
Friction sound occurs as the air pressure is forced between the small opening between the
base of the tongue and pharyngeal wall
Velopharyngeal port remains open resulting in nasal air emission.
Pharyngeal Affricate
Produced as combination of the pharyngeal plosive and pharyngeal fricative
As with pharyngeal fricative, there is nasal emission
Velar Fricative
Produced with the back of the tongue in the same position as for the production of a /y/ sound
Friction occurs as air is forced through that small opening between back of tongue and velum
Nasal Sniff
Produced by a forcible inspiration through the nose
Usually substituted for sibilant sounds, particularly the /s/, in the final word position
Resonance Disorders and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Intervention
Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Generalized Backing
There is an attempt to valve for articulation where there is maximum air pressure, before the
air pressure is lost through the velopharyngeal port
Phonemes are produced with the back of the tongue against the velum or against the posterior
pharyngeal wall
Obligatory Productions:
Nasalized Phonemes
Usually associated with the presence of hypernasality due to a moderate to large
velopharyngeal opening
Is an obligatory error since the nasal cognate of voiced plosives is a nasal phoneme
Placement of the phoneme is preserved, but manner is necessarily changed from oral to nasal
due to the open velopharyngeal port
Resonance Disorders and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Intervention
Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP
The following speech samples can be used:
Best assessed by evaluating connected speech (spontaneous or reading)
Can also use prolonged vowels, particularly /ah/
Need to determine:
Type of resonance (normal oral resonance, hypernasality, hyponasality, cul de sac resonance
or mixed resonance).
Severity (mild, moderate or severe)
Supplemental Methods:
Use straw or listening tube
Determine stimulability with change in articulation
Resonance Disorders and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Intervention
Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Intra-Oral Exam
Can evaluate oral structure and function
Cannot assess velopharyngeal function
Say /aaaaah/, not /ahhhhh/ and have patient stick the tongue out and down as far as possible
Look for:
presence of an oronasal fistula (if there is a history of cleft palate)
stigmata of a submucous cleft (if there is no history of cleft palate)
velar length and mobility during phonation
position of uvula during phonation (skewed indicates either enlarged tonsil or unilateral
enlarged tonsils
dental or occlusal abnormalities
sign of oral-motor dysfunction (particularly if patient is syndromic)
Intra-Oral Exam
Say /aaah/, not /ah/
Resonance Disorders and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Intervention
Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Instrumental Assessment
Nasometer (Kay/PENTAX, A Division of PENTAX Medical Company, 2 Bridgewater Lane, Lincoln Park, NJ
07035-1488; Tel: (973) 628-6200)
Analyzes acoustic energy emitted through the oral cavity and nasal cavity during the
production of speech
Computes a ratio of the acoustic data acquired by the two microphones.
Ratio is called nasalance (the acoustic correlate of perceived nasality) and is displayed as a
percent, with higher percentages representing increased nasalance.
Nasalance score can be compared to normative data
Aerodynamic Instrumentation
Uses pressure transducers and flow transducers
Can be used to measure air pressure and airflow during production of a small speech segment
Gives an estimate velopharyngeal orifice size during speech production
A multi-view, radiographic procedure which uses a lateral, anterior-posterior, base, and
sometimes other views to assess velopharyngeal closure during speech
Studies are interpreted by both a radiologist and a speech pathologist
An endoscopic procedure that allows the examiner to view the nasal surface of the velum and
the velopharyngeal port during speech
Requires a flexible fiberoptic nasopharyngoscope and best to also have a camera, monitor
and recorder
Can be done by a physician or speech pathologist who is trained in this procedure
Interpretation should be done by speech pathologist and the surgeon
Resonance Disorders and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Intervention
Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Retropharyngeal augmentation
Injection of a substance in the posterior pharyngeal wall
Can use fat, collagen (Demalogen, Simetra) or Radiesse (hydroxyl apetit)
Good for small, localized gaps or irregularities of the posterior pharyngeal wall
Pharyngeal flap
Flap is elevated from the posterior pharyngeal wall and sutured into the velum to
partially close the nasopharynx in midline
Lateral ports are left on either side for nasal breathing
Good for midline gaps or deep (AP) gaps
Prosthetic Devices
Palatal Obturator
To close or occlude an open cleft or fistula
Palatal Lift
To raise the velum when velar mobility is poor
Used for velopharyngeal incompetence, as in dysarthria
Resonance Disorders and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Assessment and Intervention
Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Kummer, A.W. (2007). Oral & Nasal Listener. Greenville, SC: Super Duper Publications.
Kummer, A.W. (2008). Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies: The Effects on Speech and
Resonance, 2nd Edition. New Albany, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.