BSE Statement PD-0399 - Edition08.docxJan082024083305

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BSE - Statement

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Acrobat. Product group: Lactose and Inhalation
Brand name: Lactochem®, Lactohale®,
Lactopress®, Pharmatose®,
Respitose®, SuperTab®
Document No.: PD-0399 Page 1 of 1

Dear Customer,

We herewith declare that our pharmaceutical grade lactose products have been produced from milk,
that has been sourced from healthy cows in the same conditions as milk collected for human
consumption. The sourcing of milk is supervised constantly by the competent authorities according
to the EC milk hygiene Regulation 853/2004. Milk has been categorized by the Committee for
Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP) and Committee for Veterinary Medical Products (CVMP) in
its Guideline EMA/410/01 rev.3 as “Category IB: “Lower-infectivity tissues”.
Our pharmaceutical grade lactose has been prepared, without the use of other ruminant material
than calf rennet, according to the description as published in Public Statement EMEA/CPMP/571/02 of
27 February 2002. This Public Statement was, among others, based on EMEA/CPMP/BWP/337/02 and
states the following:
“Taking all these factors and the scientific assessment performed by the Biotech Working Party into
consideration, the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP) concludes that
the BSE-risk in pharmaceutical grade lactose is negligible.
Therefore, our products mentioned above are considered safe regarding TSE.”

Country/regulation specific BSE/TSE-Statements are available on request.

This statement substitutes all previous versions issued for the brand names mentioned above.
We trust this information, which is made up to the best of our knowledge, will be helpful to you.

With kindest regards,

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