Ofs SSS 416 R2 Statcom
Ofs SSS 416 R2 Statcom
Ofs SSS 416 R2 Statcom
R0 24/05/2022 First Issue Vitali Garon Daniele Giustini, Leon Notkevich, Aidan Corcoran,
Niall McMahon Neil Cowap Richard Blanchfield
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be modified or reproduced or copied in any form or by
means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information
and retrieval system, or used for any purpose other than its designated purpose, without the written
permission of EirGrid
This Functional Specification is applicable for use in offshore wind transmission links
delivered by the Customer as Contestable Works, to be owned and operated by EirGrid.
The following specification outlines the general requirements for the design, procurement,
construction and commissioning of static synchronous compensators (STATCOM’s) for use in
onshore compensation compounds (OCC) that will be owned and operated by EirGrid.
This specification should be read in association with the project specific contestable works
pack and project documentation and all other relevant functional specifications as issued by
For the purpose of this specification the term Customer shall refer to Offshore Wind Power
Developers, responsible for the design and build of assets to be handed over to EirGrid.
The purpose of this STATCOM functional specification is to ensure that STATCOMs supplied
by the Customer shall comply with EirGrid's requirements and the latest industry standards and
The document ‘STATCOM Technical Schedule’ OTS-SSS-416 sets out the particular
technical requirements of this application. Note that most parameters of the Technical
Schedule shall be completed during the design by Customer in consultation with EirGrid.
Equipment offered shall be compliant with the provisions of the latest applicable versions of
all relevant Irish legislation and directives of the European Union.
These include the following or latest versions/ amendments as appropriate:
SI No. 132 Safety signs regulations 1995 (implements EEC Directive 92/58)
SI No. 291 Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations
SI No. 299
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application)
SI No. 445
(Amendment) Reg. 2012
Reg (EC) No Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
1907/2006 (REACH)
Reg (EC) No Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures
1272/2008 (CLP)
Reg (EU) No Fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing regulation (EC) No
517/2014 842/2006
Reg (EU) Format of labels for products and equipment containing fluorinated
2015/2068 greenhouse gases
Reg (EU) Format for notification of the training and certification programmes of
2015/2065 the Member States
Minimum requirements and the conditions for mutual recognition for the
certification of natural persons carrying out installation, servicing,
Reg EU
maintenance, repair or decommissioning of electrical switchgear
containing fluorinated greenhouse gases or recovery of fluorinated
greenhouse gases from stationary electrical switchgear
Directive Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and
2011/65/EU electronic equipment (ROHS)
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
Directive Harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to
2014/30/EU electromagnetic compatibility
Vol. I and II ("ADR 2019") European Agreement Concerning the
International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
Minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of
workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP)
Equipment shall carry the CE Mark in accordance with Directive 768/2008/EC and the EU
Construction Products Regulation (No. 305/2011 – CPR) and adequate documentation to
demonstrate full compliance should be retained.
In order to prove compliance, the equipment shall carry the CE Mark in accordance with
Direction 768/2008/EC and the EU Construction Products Regulation (No. 305/2011 – CPR)
where required.
The proposed STATCOM shall comply with the EirGrid requirements at the GIP as specified in
The Grid Code is the technical document which establishes the rules governing the operation,
maintenance and development of the transmission system and sets out the procedures for
governing the actions of all transmission system users.
Number Title
Number Title
Number Title
IEC 60871-3 Shunt Capacitors for AC power systems having a rated voltage above
1000 V - Part 3: Protection of shunt capacitors and capacitor banks
IEC 60871-4 Shunt Capacitors for AC power systems having a rated voltage above
1000 V - Part 4: Internal fuses
IEC 60943 Guidance concerning the permissible temperature rise for parts of
electrical equipment, in particular for terminals
IEC 61000-4-1 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-1: Testing and
measurement techniques – Overview of IEC 61000-4 series
IEC 61071 Capacitors for Power Electronics
IEC 61462 Composite hollow insulators – Pressurized and un-pressurized insulators
for use in electrical equipment with rated voltage greater than 1000 V –
Definitions, test methods, acceptance criteria and design
IEC 61642 Industrial a.c. networks affected by harmonics - Application of filters and
shunt capacitors
IEC 61869 Instrument transformers – Series
IEC 61936-1 Power installations exceeding 1 kV AC - Part 1: Common rules
IEC 61954 Static VAR compensators (SVC) - Testing of thyristor valves
IEC 62199 Bushings for DC application
IEC 62927 Voltage sourced converter (VSC) valves for static synchronous
compensator (STATCOM) - Electrical Testing.
Number Title
IEC/TS 60815-3 Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators intended for use in
polluted conditions. Polymer insulators for a.c. systems
IEC/TR 61000- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Limits. Assessment of emission
3-6 limits for the connection of distorting installations to MV, HV and EHV
power systems
IEEE 519 IEEE Recommended Practice and Requirements for Harmonic Control in
Electric Power Systems
IEEE Standard Standard for Shunt Power Capacitors
IEEE Standard IEEE Guide for Application and Specification of Harmonic Filters.
EN ISO 3746 Acoustics – determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels
of noise sources using sound pressure – survey method using and
enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane.
EN ISO 9614 Acoustics – determination of sound power levels of noise sources using
sound intensity – Series
ET:103: 2015 National Rules for Electrical Installations Power installations exceeding
1 kV AC.
IEC ISO 3746 Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels
of noise sources using sound pressure - Survey method using an
enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane
Number Title
CIGRE Technical Brochure 074 Electric Power Transmission and the Environment: Fields,
Noise and Interference. Cigré. Working Group 36.01
(Corona and Field Effects)
CIGRE Technical Brochure 663 Guidelines for the procurement and testing of
CIGRE Technical Brochure 717 Protocol for reporting operational performance of FACTS
Where a particular subject is not covered by one of the above standards then a recognised
national standard shall apply.
This specification shall take precedence in case of conflict between it and any of the listed
In addition, there shall be compliance with the provisions of all relevant Directives of the
European Communities relating to work equipment, i.e. in regard to safety of personnel who
operate and maintain the equipment, in regard to Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of the
equipment (Directive 2004/108/EC) and in regard to ‘the minimum health and safety
requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents
(electromagnetic fields)’ (Directive 2004/40/EC).
Service conditions shall be as set out in the EirGrid OFS-SSS-400 Onshore Compensation
Compound General Requirements specification.
The proposed STATCOM supplier shall have:
• At least 4 years’ experience in the design and installation of the relevant voltage/current
range (or higher) of the STATCOM as specified herein and is in use in at least one EU
• As an alternative to such experience within the EU, similar experience with British,
Swiss, Japanese, Australian, Korean or US/Canadian utility would be considered.
If the design team and production facilities proposed are relocated then the combined time of
both plants would be considered as long as the new facilities have substantially the same
workforce and equipment as the existing facilities.
This functional specification applies to all primary/secondary equipment including, but not
limited to, the following:
• Power transformer
• MV switchgear
• Capacitor banks
• Reactors
• STATCOM units
• DC supply systems
• Protection systems
• Interfaces with substation SCADA
• Cooling system
The STATCOM should operate within its given characteristics and remain connected during
rate of change of the transmission frequency of values up to and including 1 Hz per second
as measured over a rolling 500 milliseconds period.
Following a system frequency excursion outside the range 49 – 50 Hz detailed in Table 1,
system frequency shall stabilise to a value between 49 – 50 Hz. System frequency variations
and durations shall be in accordance with Table 1
Table 1 - System Frequency
49 – 51 Continuous operation
47.0 – 47.5 STATCOM to remain connected for 30 seconds each time the
frequency is below 47.5 Hz.
The Customer shall propose a STATCOM configuration that meets both the performance
requirements detailed in this specification and the project specific requirements detailed in
Project Specific Technical Schedule. It is up to the Customer to propose the best suited
configuration and design of STATCOM system that fits the project requirements.
0.7 – 0.3 GH 2s
Note that the required values for each design point BDFGECB as shown in the operating
characteristic diagram above are detailed in the Project Specific Technical Schedules along
with minimum required operating times. A sample of values is shown in the table above.
Points A and H minimum values are also stated in the Project Specific Technical Schedules.
Contractors may offer values in excess of these minimum requirements, such as those
described with dotted lines.
1. The area (BDFGECB) is the required operating region of the STATCOM and
provided in the Project Specific Technical Schedules for all locations of installation
2. The voltage de-block design point H, or minimum operating voltage design point
shall be advised by the Contractor for their particular design. Point G is the
inductive transient current rating design point. Point C is the capacitive transient
current rating design point. The V-I Characteristics shall comply with transient
inductive voltage rating of;
a. Line AC - the values as defined in the Project Specific Technical
The durations defined in Table 2 aim to provide post fault support for sufficient periods to incorporate the
time required by automated systems to function and to enable Control Room manual switching on the
transmission system for post fault management
The operating characteristic diagram is shown in the Project Specific Technical Schedule
b. Line A'B' - values offered by the Contractor for their particular design
over and above the minimum as defined by line AC.
3. The scope of the V-I curves shall be confirmed by real time operational conditions.
The Slope characteristics shall be adjustable over the range 1% to 10% voltage
change (with 1% resolution)
4. In the event of voltages exceeding the magnitudes as listed in the Project Specific
Technical Schedules, in either the inductive or capacitive range, the Contractor
shall state the capabilities of the STATCOM and describe the control actions that
shall be taken.
5. The actual short time capabilities of the STATCOM, as designed by the Customer,
in both the inductive and capacitive capabilities shall be stated by the Customer.
Note that the voltage refers to the GIP. The minimum durations of maximum current injection
aim to provide post fault support for sufficient periods to incorporate the time required by
automated systems to function and to enable Control Room manual switching of the
transmission HV network for post fault management.
• A settling time less than 200 ms, such that oscillations greater than 1 % of step
change in current ceased 200 ms after the disturbance.
• First overshoot and undershoots no more than 5 % of the step change in current
This requirement is for all system conditions quoted in this document and in the Project
Specific Technical Schedule. The Customer shall indicate the actual response and validate
this in FAT and SATs.
In some cases, there may be a requirement for additional control functionality. These
requirements shall be detailed in Project Specific Technical Schedule.
• System harmonic impedances (“performance” conditions loci) seen from the relevant
AC substation busbar
• The maximum allowable Harmonic Voltage Distortion Gain from operation of the
Any predicted exceedance of the specified gains shall be mitigated by the Customer (by
installation of harmonic filters or other suitable measures). These mitigations shall form part
of the STATCOM installation.
• Voltage Flicker
Customers shall take responsibility for limiting Voltage Flicker caused by their Plant and
the corresponding transmission assets installed by the customers for connection into
the transmission system to remain within the maximum permissible Voltage Flicker
limits at the GIP as allocated to them by the TSO or, as a minimum, those defined in
Table 5 of IEC/TR 61000-3-7.
• Rapid Voltage Change
Customers shall ensure that the disturbance levels introduced by their Offshore PPMs,
transmission assets installed for their connection, and/or corresponding Apparatus at
GIP do not promote rapid Voltage changes exceeding those specified in the below
table3 or alternative limit allocated to them by the TSO during normal system operation.
Table 3 Rapid Voltage Change
Table describes both +/-5% and +/-3%
The Customers can be connected to the Transmission System provided that the required
studies have been completed by the Customers to show compliance and have been reviewed
by the TSO. Following consultation with the TSO, a conditional connection may be allowed to
Customers where modelling of the connection shows a breach of the limits to be marginal or
only occurring during contingencies as defined by the TSO. This may allow the Customers to
verify that the installation is compliant by monitoring, or to implement a mitigation solution.
The Customers Allocated Harmonic Distortion Limits will be issued in the Project Specific
Technical Schedules and any special conditions pertaining to power quality will be referenced
in the Connection Agreement. These are subject to verification of compliance by the TSO and
through an on-going monitoring programme.
In the event that a Customer causes any limits to be breached, the TSO shall be entitled to
require the Customers to take such steps as the TSO reasonably considers to be necessary in
order to prevent such breach from continuing and the Customers shall comply with the TSO’s
instructions without delay.
The level of audible noise inside the STATCOM building/enclosure should not exceed 70
dB(A) in areas where personnel are permitted during STATCOM operation.
d) Incorporation of site layout and equipment design including heights and dimensions of
principal noise sources;
e) Details of the source input data used;
f) Tables of contributions at residential receivers;
g) Details of key assumptions made in the noise modelling;
h) A statement specifying whether or not a dB penalty for tonality has been applied (and
if so, at source or at receiver) in accordance with BS 4142:2014; and
i) Clear noise contour maps with contours to below background.
The noise model shall consider float, full output, any lifetime load profile detailed in Project
Specific Technical Schedule as operational scenarios for the equipment and any operating
points that the Customer considers to be more onerous for Environmental Noise.
Design of the proposed STATCOM equipment shall aim to achieve an acceptable (below
background) assessment level at the most sensitive receivers.
The noise performance data required for air-cored reactors shall be determined in
accordance with BS EN ISO 3746 or BS EN 9614.
In the event that the noise assessment determines that some or all of the noise mitigation
methods are not necessary at first, the design of the STATCOM shall allow these mitigation
methods to be installed in the future. This is especially pertinent in respect of air-cored
reactor sound shields. Additionally, the design and layout of any mitigation methods shall be
consistent with safe operation and maintenance.
1. Transformers;
2. Interphase Magnetics (e.g. phase reactors);
3. VSC Converters;
4. Capacitor banks;
5. Control and protection equipment; and
6. Cooling and Auxiliary equipment.
The loss report shall include a graph of the loss in kW against MVAr output for the entire
output range of the STATCOM (including all transformers). This shall be based on a target
voltage of 1 p.u., a slope setting of 5 %, at rated frequency (50 Hz), an ambient air
temperature of 20°C and component tolerances which give the worst case losses. All
hysteresis effects, any increased losses due to the switching of power electronic devices and
all auxiliary plant loads shall be included. The losses of all components with a loss greater
than 1 kW shall be considered. Capacitors forming part of the STATCOM shall be considered
as single lumped components and the losses in any external capacitor fuses shall be
identified separately.
The declared Tendered losses shall be further subdivided into two categories as follows:
• Measured losses: Those losses which can be verified by test measurements either in
works or at site at which the STATCOM is installed.
• Calculated losses: Those losses which can only be proven by calculation and cannot
be further verified by testing. No re-evaluation of the calculated losses shall be
allowed following contract placement except where justified by the Customer and
agreed by the TSO.
Full details of the calculation methods used to derive both the ‘calculated’ and the ‘measured’
losses, and the proposed means by which measured losses are to be established shall be
provided as outlined in Appendix A – Phase 1.
The lifetime costs of the proposed equipment shall be considered as part of the overall
economics of the proposed solution. This will include an annual capitalised value of the
losses in € for the STATCOM. The anticipated operation and monetary value of the losses of
the STATCOM will be provided in the form of a duty cycle graph and table as defined in the
Losses section of the Project Specific Technical Schedule.
• The STATCOM primary equipment and associated civil works shall have a minimum
design life of 40 years.
• The protection and control systems associated with the STATCOM shall have a
minimum design life of 25 years.
• The power electronic devices shall have a minimum design life of 25 years.
A minimum of maintenance shall be required during this time. Any components the customer
considers to be unable to meet this life expectancy shall be listed in the deviations schedule
in document Project Specific Technical Schedule as well as the reason for non-compliance.
The Customer may propose additional design life where it demonstrates an overall cost
benefit and complies with Reliability, Availability and Maintainability requirements.
- The overall availability shall exceed 98%. (“overall” includes scheduled, forced
outages and any outages associated with any burn-in and warranty periods).
The Customer shall provide details of their proposed approach to facilitate the design life of
the STATCOM installation including features permitting the replacement of components such
as protection and control, power electronic systems or devices with the minimum of down
time for the STATCOM installation. Should this include mid-life refurbishment, the scope of
such refurbishment shall be provided along with details of how the required outage shall be
The Customer shall supply a detailed reliability, availability and maintenance (RAM) study
demonstrating compliance with this requirement inclusive of primary, secondary and auxiliary
system performance. The Customer shall identify the consequences of unreliability in their
STATCOM design and propose mitigation measures to maintain availability until the next
scheduled outage. Further, the Customer shall provide a statistical availability study
demonstrating compliance with the power electronic valve availability requirement. This
study shall include the source of the component failure rate statistics and consider the
configuration and performance of the components of the valve cooling system and the
associated pumps, transducers, controllers, etc.
A sufficient level of redundancy shall be provided to achieve the availability requirements as
outlined above. The statistical availability study shall include any necessary mitigation
measures where appropriate to achieve these availability requirements and to prevent
potential downtime which may be anticipated during the early phase (burn-in) of the asset.
Consideration shall be given to minimising outage requirements for operation and
maintenance (including any mid-life refurbishment or replacement) activities through, for
example, provision of redundancy of critical systems and components and appropriate
positioning of components to which access may be required.
Following energisation of the equipment, the Customer shall monitor the reliability and
availability of the STATCOM equipment. Before the asset is handed over to EirGrid the
Customer shall provide a report demonstrating compliance with the availability figures.
Where the availability figures are measured to be less than specified, the Customer agree the
action required with EirGrid and shall rectify the shortfalls.
Refer to OFS-GEN-016 specification and its Appendix for further details of protection and
control requirements. In general, STATCOM protection shall follow OEM requirements and
recommendations that shall be submitted to EirGrid for review.
This shall be supported by a Protection and Control system design report and associated
documentation which shall be provided by the Customer for EirGrid review as outlined in
Appendix A – Phase 1.
Project specific Protection and Control requirements and signal lists will outline the control
commands, alarms and signals that the Customer shall provide to the transmission SCADA.
Spare capacity (software and hardware) of each type of signal shall be provided for in the
STATCOM control system for potential future signalling.
The STATCOM shall provide outputs to the substation interlocking system to ensure safe
operation of other substation switchgear. The interface interlocking requirements will be
proposed by Customer and submitted to EirGrid for review.
Isolation valves shall be provided at locations accessible from ground level and external to
any enclosure. These valves shall be lockable.
Vent valves shall be provided at the highest point and drain valves at the lowest point of the
cooling system to enable fluids to be drained from the system prior to any intrusive access or
maintenance and to facilitate refilling.
The cooling fluid in the external cooling circuit shall not freeze when exposed to the minimum
ambient temperature specified in OPS-SSS-400. To achieve this, pipework may be thermally
insulated or the cooling fluid may be treated with an additive to prevent the risk of freezing.
The coolant mixture used in the cooling circuit shall be compatible with the pipework and all
other materials into which it will come into contact for all conditions of temperature, pressure
and flow rate that will be experienced in service. Data sheets and other supporting
documentation shall be provided, on request, to confirm compliance with this requirement.
Where the valves are designed to be cooled by deionised water, the cooling design shall
ensure that no cross contamination of the separate cooling sub-systems (e.g. a deionised
water system to a water/glycol mixture system) is possible.
The growth of algae and bacteria within the cooling system must be inhibited.
External piping shall be manufactured from stainless steel and shall be designed to minimise
The Customer shall provide a design report detailing the required flow rates, pressures and
resulting temperatures in respect of the cooling system under float conditions (i.e. zero MVAr
transfer) and also the MVAr transfer corresponding to maximum thermal losses. As part of
the design report the Customer shall assess the necessity of a bund for containment of
potential spillages.
This information shall be calculated based on the minimum number of cooler banks in service
and the maximum specified ambient temperature
Depending on the design, the valve cooling system or a part thereof may be required to
comply with regulations relating to the design and operation of pressure systems. The
Customer is responsible for assessing whether the regulations apply and defining
maintenance and examination requirements.
Any spillage or losses of coolant which may contain a pollutant or contaminant must be
contained to allow proper disposal.
Coolant losses during operation shall be minimised and shall not require operator intervention
(e.g. topping up) any more frequently than once every 2200 hours (~3 month) of operation.
Redundancy shall be provided to ensure that the STATCOM can continue in normal
operation, at maximum ambient temperature, following failure of a pump (primary or
secondary), a three-way valve or a heat exchanger. All redundant equipment must be
provided with a means of local isolation for maintenance purposes.
To maximise lifetime and cooling plant availability the apportionment of running hours
between rotating plant (fans and pumps) shall be automatically assigned by the control
system. Changeover between cooling pumps shall be achieved in a smooth manner enabling
the cooling plant to continue in operation without reduction in performance whilst the
changeover is occurring.
Where the cooling plant includes items of equipment that are only required to operate
infrequently or at certain times of the year, the cooling plant design shall ensure that such
components will satisfactorily operate when required following a long duration of inactivity. It
is expected that this will take the form of some periodic running under automatic control.
Instrumentation for coolant flow pressure, temperature and conductivity shall remain within
calibration for a minimum period of two years and shall be arranged to be fail safe. Transient
indications and alarms associated with these devices shall be stored / logged before
Once the cooling system, cross-site pipework and connections to the valve have been
installed and assembled on site, the fully assembled system shall be subjected to an over
pressure test to prove the system.
The following requirements apply to air cored reactors used between the VSC converter and
the STATCOM MV busbar, to provide fixed inductive elements to the STATCOM system and
for tuning harmonic filters.
The customer shall meet the tolerance values set out in in Project Specific Technical
DC capacitors installed in the power electronic modules shall comply with BS EN 61071. The
Customer shall provide a design study to justify the choice of DC capacitor rating and
resultant stress levels including the effects of any harmonics.
a) Steady-state load flow (inc. voltage step change) and dynamic studies
b) Insulation Coordination studies
c) Switching (EMTP) studies
d) Temporary and Dynamic Overload Rating studies
e) Operating control modes
f) Electrical and Audible Noise studies
g) Reliability, Availability and Performance studies
h) Loss and Loss Evaluation studies
i) Flicker
j) EMC report (to identify any requirement for a Power Line Carrier (PLC) filter)
• EMT Analysis:
A full model with complete representation of the power electronic devices, protection,
functionality and control strategies shall be provided in ATP/EMTP and PSCAD formats. In
addition, a "faster" average model version (where the power electronic converters are replaced
with equivalent voltage sources designed to maintain the balance of power) shall be provided
in ATP/EMTP and PSCAD formats.
• Harmonics:
A detailed frequency domain model of the STATCOM capturing its frequency dependant
behaviour (passive Z(f)) and active harmonic emissions at all operating points/modes shall be
provided in Power Factory format.
Each of the above models must be accompanied by detailed documentation explaining the
model structure and use. Project specific parameters must be identified. A validation report
must also be provided for each model.
Earthing arrangements shall be in compliance with EirGrid’s functional specification OFS-
The Customer shall discuss with the STATCOM manufacturer requirement for a special
earthing system (i.e. open loops requirements) and prepare a report for EirGrid review.
Where required, an earthing transformer shall be used to earth the secondary side of the
transformer. The primary winding of the earthing transformer shall be directly earthed unless
the customer can justify using an alternative means of earth fault protection. STATCOM
auxiliary supplies may also be provided from the earthing transformer (to be decided during
detailed design).
If the earthing system of any of the STATCOM components are isolated from one another the
open connection shall be protected against over-voltages.
• Electromagnetic forces include those arising from fault or short time loading conditions
• Forces due to expansion and contraction due to both ambient temperature and load
The customer shall indicate how long after award of contract they will supply the mechanical
loading report and foundation drawings.
The Customer shall confirm that all paint systems employed for corrosion protection of steel
parts meet or exceed the requirements of ISO 12944-5 (Corrosion Protection of Steel
Structures), to provide high durability (minimum of 15 years) coating with category C5-M
corrosion protection, suited to environments with high condensation, pollution and salinity as
per ISO 12944-2.
Minimum requirements for the painting and corrosion protection systems for Hot Dip
Galvanised Steel are as follows:
• Hot dip galvanising of steel shall be fully compliant with the requirements of EirGrid's
specification OFS-SSS-420 Hot-dip galvanising of iron and steel articles other than
• Paint system for hot-dip-galvanised steel surfaces shall meet or exceed the
requirements of Paint System A7.13 of ISO 12944-5, to provide high durability
(minimum of 15 years) coating with category C5-M corrosion protection, suited to
environments with high condensation, pollution and salinity as per ISO 12944-2.
The process for painting hot-dip galvanised steel is detailed below:
Table 5 Table Process for Painting Hot-Dip Galvanised Steel
Sweep blast Aluminium oxide or other inert A light texture on the zinc layer with no more
abrasive medium than 3 % of the zinc removed by the process
Priming As per Paint System A7.13 of ISO As per Paint System A7.13 of ISO 12944-5
Undercoating As per Paint System A7.13 of ISO As per Paint System A7.13 of ISO 12944-5
Finish coating As per Paint System A7.13 of ISO As per Paint System A7.13 of ISO 12944-5
The minimum requirements acceptable to EirGrid for individual items are as follows:
a) Hot-Rolled Steel, Mechanism Boxes, Marshalling Cabinets, Fasteners larger than
12 mm Diameter and pipes:
i. Hot dip galvanising, in accordance with EirGrid Specification; and
ii. Painting system as per painting and corrosion protection for Hot Dip Galvanised
Steel stated above.
b) Smaller Fasteners, Cable Clips and any nonferrous material or stainless steel of
suitable grade for the environmental conditions stated in EirGrid OFS-SSS-400
Onshore Compensation Compound General Requirements specification.
c) As a minimum all exposed non-stainless ferrous parts, including supporting steel work
for STATCOM, kiosks, nuts and bolts, shall be hot-dip-galvanised to comply with
EirGrid specification, OFS-SSS-420.
• The required tests of appearance on the painting and corrosion protection system for
hot dip galvanised steel are detailed below and shall be carried out as part of type and
routine tests.
Table 6 Painting and Corrosion Protection System Tests
• The required type and routine tests of performance characteristics on the painting and
corrosion protection system for hot dip galvanised steel are detailed below:
Type Tests
2 mm None None
Type Tests
All items which require padlocking shall be provided with a hole, approximately 7 mm
diameter for accepting padlocks with a shackle diameter of 30 mm, shackle length of 23 mm
and 6.3 mm diameter cross-section for this padlocking.
Addition labelling requirements are outlined in OFS-SSS-402 Control and Protection Cabinets
and Marshalling Kiosks.
The Customer shall provide commissioning and specific STATCOM energisation procedures
as part of the Commissioning Test Plan to EirGrid for review.
The Customer shall provide all necessary labour and test equipment / material to perform all
tests and inspections that are the Customer's responsibility.
In addition, routine tests on the first fully assembled bay shall include verification of the IP
rating and operational tests before shipment. EirGrid shall witness these tests.
Measurement of insulator creepage on a representative sample shall be included in the test
Routine tests for STATCOM designs shall be in accordance with IEC 61954, BS EN 62927
(IEC 22F/380/CD)
As outlined in CIGRE Technical Brochure 663, the following type test shall be carried out as a
minimum requirement where applicable:
All DC capacitors shall be tested according the relevant standard such as IEC 61071 and the
manufacturer’s standards..
The type test on the reactor must be in accordance with IEC 60076-6 Section 8. The
customer shall provide test results as follows for the proposed reactors. These shall be
carried out as indicated.
Full details of any modifications (no matter how minor) which have been made to the
STATCOM since the full set of type test was carried out shall be submitted together with the
reports on the tests which were carried out to prove the modification.
The acceptance of any equipment may be made conditional on further tests being performed
at an accredited testing station and EirGrid may witness such tests. The equipment available
for type tests shall be identical in all respects to those to be supplied to EirGrid.
In the event of a type test failure, EirGrid shall not be charged for any additional type tests.
• IEC 62927: Voltage sourced converter (VSC) valves for static synchronous
compensator (STATCOM) - Electrical Testing.
A list of all tests to be performed including on all auxiliary plant and material associated with
the valve shall be submitted to EirGrid for review and comment. The Customer shall provide
test reports of all type tests.
The customer shall perform factory system tests using the RTS to demonstrate the proper
operation of the control and protection system by connection of the actual plant to a real time
simulator and material to be supplied. The test scope and procedures for RTS shall be
submitted to EirGrid for review and acceptance.
An adequate representation of EirGrid’s power system under static and dynamic conditions to
which the STATCOM will be connected, shall be used for the tests/studies. The Customer
shall provide information on the simulator studies, at least 26 weeks before the
commencement of the RTS studies.
EirGrid reserves the right to appoint a representative or consultant to inspect and attend the
simulator study tests. The Customer shall give EirGrid adequate notice in writing of the date
of commencement of the simulator tests (minimum 4 weeks). The Simulator Study Results
report shall be submitted 3 weeks after completion the tests / studies.
• Trial Operation
o STATCOM start-up test
o Measurement of Audible Sound
o Power Quality / Harmonics Measurements
o Performance monitoring during normal operation
While installation is the responsibility of the Customer, EirGrid requires a copy of the
installation instructions be provided. The instructions shall be in English and shall cover all
aspects of equipment installation up to and including putting into service. The Customer shall
ensure that the information supplied is clear and specific to the equipment being provided.
For indoor and outdoor mounted components platforms or catwalks with handrail shall be
provided where necessary. A catwalk serving two or more operating positions shall have two
stairways to the operating floor.
The general layout of the plant shall be such as to permit replacement or maintenance of any
sub-components of the plant. Fixed platforms or catwalks shall have removable sections to
permit replacement or maintenance of any sub-components if required. The layout shall also
allow for the provision of vehicular access for maintenance purposes if required.
The general layout of the plant shall be such as to permit replacement of any complete
STATCOM components by crane or other suitable lifting machinery. Access arrangements
shall be subject to review by EirGrid.
Lifting eyes shall be provided on all STATCOM components and also on removable catwalk
sections which cannot be lifted safely by other means.
The exact location and layout of the STATCOM on site will be agreed with EirGrid taking into
account the physical constraints of the site and the system constraints in de-commissioning
any existing equipment.
To ensure safety of personnel during maintenance:
• All parts of main circuits to which access is required shall be capable of being earthed.
Provision shall be made for carrying out primary injection tests on all current transformers.
Provision shall be made to allow component testing according to the maintenance procedure.
All documents and communication shall be in English.
• Details of routine, type and special tests to which all units will be submitted before
• Reference list for equipment similar to the proposed STATCOM including details of
quantities already in service, location and contact person.
• Data sheets and FAT reports for complete equipment and for all individual
components including weight of all units.
• Guaranteed rated values and characteristics i.e. the Project Specific Technical
Schedules that accompany the submission, modified where necessary.
• Summary of type tests, routine tests and special tests, with copies of the Test
The Customer shall submit a training plan which shall describe in detail how the Customer
proposes to train EirGrid staff for operation of future EirGrid assets.
Training requirements will be detailed further in OFS-GEN-009 - Operation and Maintenance
General Specification.