2021-22 Appraisal Form V4Rose
2021-22 Appraisal Form V4Rose
2021-22 Appraisal Form V4Rose
For more information on appraisal, please visit our appraisal pages on myUCLH. Continue on separate pages, as required.
I would describe my overall performance as very good in terms of consistently performing to a high standard when
carrying out my duties, ensuring that I always adhere to the trust values at all times. The challenges that I am facing
would be:
1. understaff, which does have an impact on my health and wellbeing.
2. Communication, over worked, lack of motivation and undervalue
3. Lack of skill development
I am very open minded which enables me to adapt to changes when they arises in a positive way.
I am a personably individual who always try to go above and beyond in helping and assisting patients, colleagues and
I am learning how to communicate in how to manage conflict, although a more improvement is needed. My future
aspirations is to pursue the Registered Nursing Associate or continue developing myself in my current role.
To be completed by appraiser
Review performance with appraisee against last year’s objectives. Discuss demonstration of Trust values.
Coaching-style question examples, and guidelines for rating the values, can be found here
Appraiser to consider:
- how well the appraisee has supported and managed their team to achieve objectives?
- how well the appraisee has dealt with conflict and poor performance in their team?
- how well the appraisee has performed as a leader against UCLH Leader Model (drawing on 360 degree feedback if
Mandatory Training – I confirm that today the appraisee is fully compliant with mandatory training, and/or has booked
onto the required classroom mandatory training (check the Mandatory Training pages of myUCLH to confirm
current availability of topics)
Please use the 5-point rating guidelines in the annex to rate appraisee against the objectives and values.
1 2 3 4 5
(a) Performance Objectives - What will I achieve and how will I achieve it?
Objective UCLH’s Priority UCLH’s Values Expected outcome/ Timescale
What are your Which UCLH What Trust value will measure of When will this be
priorities for the year objective is your own this objective achievement completed/
ahead? objective connected demonstrate? What will success achieved?
to? look like?
Please explore whether the appraisee has felt adequately supported over the past year (e.g. via regular 1:1s,
having adequate resources etc). If not, what else needs to be put in place?
Please have a short discussion with the appraisee regarding their Health and Wellbeing and clarify any support
and/or access to further resources they may need (refer to our Avenues of Support document)
Please explore the appraisee’s work-home balance and whether they wish to explore flexible or remote
working options if not already in place (please refer to our Flexible Working and Remote Working policies)
If the appraisee regularly works from home as part of their role, please confirm that you have carried a risk
assessment in line with the guidance contained within the Health and Safety at UCLH Handbook and agreed
solutions to any identified problems: Yes / No
5 – Outstanding Has met or exceeded all objectives. Acts as a role model for the Trust values and
Consistently performs at a high level. Goes behaviours, and holds others to account for
the extra mile to meet expectations. meeting them.
4 – Good Has met all objectives that are within their Acts as a role model for the Trust values and
control. Consistently delivers to agreed behaviours at all times
standards and meets the requirements of
their role.
3 – Acceptable Has met the majority of their objectives. Demonstrates the Trust values and
Regularly delivers to agreed standards and behaviours the majority of the time.
meets most of the requirements of their
role. Committed to further development.
2 – Improving Has not met all of their objectives, despite Demonstrates some, but not all, of the
having the opportunity and/or the support Trust values and behaviours, or does not
to do so. Does not meet all the requirements consistently demonstrate the Trust values
of their role. and behaviours.
Manager needs to have an informal Manager needs to have an informal
improvement plan in place to help the improvement plan in place to help the
employee achieve a 3 rating. employee achieve a 3 rating.