E785 Series - Control Panel Message Document
E785 Series - Control Panel Message Document
E785 Series - Control Panel Message Document
HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E785
Series, HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP
E78523, E78528 - Control Panel Message
Document (CPMD)
13.WX.YZ error messages ....................................................................................................................................................................................................63
13.* errors..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................63
13.A2.D5 (DCF)...................................................................................................................................................................................................................69
13.A3.D3 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................77
13.A3.D4 (DCF)...................................................................................................................................................................................................................84
13.A3.D4 (HCI) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................89
13.A3.D5 (DCF)...................................................................................................................................................................................................................94
13.A3.FF ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................99
13.A4.D4 (DCF)................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 102
13.A4.D5 (DCF).................................................................................................................................................................................................................109
13.A4.FF ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 112
13.A5.A5................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 114
13.A5.D5 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................118
13.A5.FF ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 126
13.A7.A4 (DCF).................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 128
13.A7.A4 (HCI) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 132
13.A7.D4(HCI) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................136
13.A8.A1................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 145
13.A8.D1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 151
13.A8.D2 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................160
13.A8.FF .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................167
13.B2.Az .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................171
13.B2.D2................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 179
13.B2.D4 (DCF).................................................................................................................................................................................................................189
13.B2.D4 (HCI)................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 192
13.B2.D5 (DCF).................................................................................................................................................................................................................195
13.B2.FF ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................200
13.B4.Dz ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................203
13.B9.Az Fuser Jam ...................................................................................................................................................................................................209
13.B9.Dz ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 214
13.D2.Az............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 220
13.D2.Dz............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 223
13.D2.FF .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 228
13.E1.Dz ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................230
13.E7.Az ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 236
13.E7.Dz ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 239
13.E7.FF .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................245
13.60.D1, 13.60.D2 or 13.60.D3 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 247
13.60.FF ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 258
13.63.A1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................267
13.63.AZ ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................272
13.63.DZ ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................277
13.63.F0 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 282
20.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................286
20.* errors ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................286
30.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................287
30.01.41, 30.01.45, 30.01.57........................................................................................................................................................................................287
31.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 291
31.* errors............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 291
31.13.00................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 292
31.13.01 (100-sheet ADF) ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 294
31.13.02 (100-sheet ADF) ..........................................................................................................................................................................................298
31.13.14 (100-sheet ADF).............................................................................................................................................................................................301
32.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................306
32.* errors ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................306
32.08.A1, 32.08.A2, 32.08.A3 ................................................................................................................................................................................306
32.1C.05 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 307
32.1C.06 (event code)................................................................................................................................................................................................. 307
32.1C.07 (event code) ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 307
32.1C.08 (event code)................................................................................................................................................................................................. 307
32.1C.09 (event code)................................................................................................................................................................................................. 307
32.1C.0A (event code) ................................................................................................................................................................................................308
32.1C.0D (event code)................................................................................................................................................................................................308
32.1C.11 (event code) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................308
32.1C.13, 32.1C.14 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................308
32.1C.15 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................308
32.1C.2E ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................309
32.1C.2F ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................309
32.1C.40 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................309
32.1C.41 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................309
32.1C.42 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................309
32.1C.43 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................309
32.1C.44 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................310
32.1C.45 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................310
32.1C.46 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................310
32.1C.47 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................310
32.1C.48 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................310
32.1C.49 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 311
32.1C.4A ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 311
32.1C.56 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 311
32.1C.57 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 311
32.1C.58 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 311
32.1C.60 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 312
32.1C.61 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 312
32.1C.62 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 312
32.1C.68 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 312
32.1C.69 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 312
32.1C.6A ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 312
32.1C.6D ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................313
33.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................313
33.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................313
33.01.xx ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................315
33.04.06 TPM Locked Out .......................................................................................................................................................................................316
33.05.0z SureStart errors ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 317
33.05.1x Whitelisting errors ................................................................................................................................................................................... 317
33.05.2x Intrusion detection errors ................................................................................................................................................................318
33.06.03 Uninitialized supply chip on formatter ....................................................................................................................................319
40.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................319
40.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................319
40.00.01 USB I/O buffer overflow To continue, touch “OK” .............................................................................................................319
40.00.02 Embedded I/O buffer overflow To continue, touch “OK” ............................................................................................320
40.00.03 EIO [x] buffer overflow To continue, touch “OK” ...............................................................................................................320
40.00.04 EIO [x] bad transmission To continue, touch “OK” ..........................................................................................................320
40.00.05 Embedded I/O bad transmission To continue, touch OK ..........................................................................................320
40.08.0x USB storage accessory removed .............................................................................................................................................320
40.0x.05 USB storage accessory removed .............................................................................................................................................320
41.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 321
41.* errors ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 321
41.03.01.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 321
41.03.02................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 322
41.03.03................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 325
41.03.04 (DCF) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 328
41.03.05(DCF) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 329
41.03.FZ Unknown Misprint Error .....................................................................................................................................................................330
42.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 332
42.* errors .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 332
42.B0.01 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................333
44.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................333
44.* errors..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................333
44.01.xx Error Event log message ...................................................................................................................................................................334
44.02.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................334
44.03.xx Error Event log message ..................................................................................................................................................................334
44.04.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ...............................................................................................335
44.05.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ...............................................................................................335
44.07.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ................................................................................................335
44.08.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ...............................................................................................335
44.10.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................335
44.11.0E Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................336
44.11.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)..................................................................................................336
44.12.0E Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................336
44.12.xx Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................336
44.16.01 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................336
44.16.02 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................337
44.16.03 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................337
44.16.04 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................337
44.16.05 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................337
44.16.06 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................338
44.16.07 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.).................................................................................................338
44.16.08 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................338
44.16.09 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................338
44.16.0A Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ...............................................................................................339
44.16.0B Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ...............................................................................................339
44.16.0D Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ...............................................................................................339
44.16.0E Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................339
44.16.0F Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.)................................................................................................340
44.16.10 Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) .................................................................................................340
44.16.FF Error Event log message (Multifunction product only.) ................................................................................................340
44.34.04 Fax Modem2 Failure.............................................................................................................................................................................340
44.34.xx Error Event log message ...................................................................................................................................................................340
44.90.xx, 44.91.xx, 44.92.xx Error Event log message ......................................................................................................................... 341
45.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 341
45.00.07 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 341
45.00.1C ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 342
45.00.70 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 342
46.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................343
46.* error messages ..................................................................................................................................................................................................343
46.24.01 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................344
46.24.02 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................344
47.WX.YZ error messages.................................................................................................................................................................................................344
47.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................344
47.00.xx ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................345
47.01.xx errors .................................................................................................................................................................................................................345
47.02.xx ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................346
47.03.xx ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................346
47.04.xx ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................347
47.05.xx ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................347
47.06.xx ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................348
47.FC.yz Printer Calibration Failed To continue, touch “OK” ..........................................................................................................348
48.WX.YZ error messages................................................................................................................................................................................................349
48.* errors..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................349
49.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................350
49.XX.YY Error To continue turn off then on .............................................................................................................................................350
49.13.01 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 351
50.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................353
50.* errors..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................353
50.FF.01 Fuser error ...................................................................................................................................................................................................354
50.FF.02 Fuser error ..................................................................................................................................................................................................356
50.FF.yz Fuser error ...................................................................................................................................................................................................358
54.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................361
54.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................361
54.DD.01, 54.DD.02, 54.DD.03 and 54.DD.04 errors ............................................................................................................................. 362
54.DD.05, 54.DD.06 and 54.DD.07 error .......................................................................................................................................................363
54.DD.08, 54.DD.09, 54.DD.0A, 54.DD.0B, 54.DD.0C, and 54.DD.0D error ...........................................................................366
54.DD.0E Wrap jam sensor calibration error ...........................................................................................................................................367
56.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................368
56.* errors..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................368
57.WX.YZ error messages.................................................................................................................................................................................................368
57.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................368
57.00.01, 57.00.02 errors ..........................................................................................................................................................................................369
57.00.03, 57.00.04 errors............................................................................................................................................................................................371
57.00.13, 57.00.14 errors .............................................................................................................................................................................................372
57.00.17, 57.00.18 errors .............................................................................................................................................................................................374
57.00.30, 57.00.31 OPC2 fan errors ..................................................................................................................................................................375
57.00.32, 57.00.33 Front fan error ......................................................................................................................................................................376
57.10.01 error .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................376
59.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................377
59.* errors ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................377
59.00.10, 59.00.20 Motor error .............................................................................................................................................................................378
59.00.30, 59.00.40 Motor error .......................................................................................................................................................................... 382
59.1X.B0 Supply motor abnormal rotation .................................................................................................................................................387
59.1X.C0 Supply motor error ...............................................................................................................................................................................388
59.2X.D0 Developer motor abnormal rotation ......................................................................................................................................389
59.2X.E0 Developer motor error ......................................................................................................................................................................390
59.05.50, 59.05.60 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 392
59.06.50, 59.06.60 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................395
59.07.50, 59.07.60 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................398
59.08.50, 59.08.60.........................................................................................................................................................................................................401
59.09.00 CPR shutter motor error ...................................................................................................................................................................404
59.0X.70, 59.0X.90 Motor error ..........................................................................................................................................................................405
59.10.B0, 59.10.C0..........................................................................................................................................................................................................409
59.11.B0, 59.11.C0 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 413
59.12.B0, 59.12.C0 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................417
59.13.B0, 59.13.C0 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 421
59.20.D0, 59.20.E0........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 425
59.21.D0, 59.21.E0.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 428
59.22.D0, 59.22.E0.........................................................................................................................................................................................................431
59.23.D0, 59.23.E0........................................................................................................................................................................................................434
60.WX.YZ error messages.................................................................................................................................................................................................437
60.00.02 or 60.01.02 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................437
60.00.03 or 60.01.03 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................443
60.00.04 or 60.01.04 (DCF) ....................................................................................................................................................................................448
60.00.04 or 60.01.04 (HCI) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 452
60.00.05 or 60.01.05 (DCF) ....................................................................................................................................................................................458
60.02.02, 60.02.03, 60.03.02, 60.03.03, 60.02.05, 60.03.05 .............................................................................................................. 462
60.03.0z Tray gate failure .......................................................................................................................................................................................465
60.03.04 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................466
61.WX.YZ error messages ..................................................................................................................................................................................................470
61.00.00 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................470
61.00.06 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................471
62.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................472
62.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................472
63.WX.YZ error messages.................................................................................................................................................................................................472
63.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................472
63.00.02, 63.00.03, 63.00.04, or 63.00.05 Imaging drum unit error ..........................................................................................473
63.00.06, 63.00.07, 63.00.08, or 63.00.09 Developer unit error ....................................................................................................475
63.00.0A ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................479
63.00.0B ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................479
63.00.17, 63.00.18, 63.00.19, or 63.00.1A ..........................................................................................................................................................481
63.00.1B ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................483
63.00.20 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................484
63.00.22 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................487
63.00.23 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................489
63.00.29, 63.00.2A, 63.00.2B, 63.00.2C ........................................................................................................................................................489
63.00.2D............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 491
63.00.2E, 63.00.2F, 63.00.30, or 63.00.31 ..................................................................................................................................................... 493
63.00.33 or 63.00.34 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 495
63.00.35 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................498
63.00.36, 63.00.37, or 63.00.38 ...........................................................................................................................................................................500
63.00.3B, 63.00.3D, 63.00.3F, or 63.00.41......................................................................................................................................................501
63.00.44, 63.00.45, 63.00.46 or 63.00.47 .....................................................................................................................................................505
63.00.49 LSU Laser Diode error .......................................................................................................................................................................508
63.00.5Z Prefeed sensor error...........................................................................................................................................................................508
63.4D.01 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................509
63.4D.02 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................509
64.WX.YZ error messages................................................................................................................................................................................................. 510
64.01.01.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 510
64.01.02................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 510
64.01.03.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 511
64.01.04.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 511
64.01.05................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 512
64.01.06 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 512
64.01.07 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 513
64.01.08 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 513
64.01.09 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 514
64.03.04 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 514
65.WX.YZ and 66.WX.YZ error messages ............................................................................................................................................................... 515
65.* errors........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 515
65.00.A1 (Inner)................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 515
66.* errors........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 521
66.40.84 (Inner) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 522
66.60.25 (Inner) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 523
66.60.28 (Inner) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................533
66.60.30 (Inner) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 542
66.60.32 (Inner) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................544
66.60.77 (Inner), 66.60.78 (Inner), 66.60.79 (Inner), 66.60.80 (Inner), 66.80.04 (Inner) ................................................... 545
66.60.81, 66.60.82 (Inner) ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 552
66.60.83 (Inner) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................554
66.60.84 (Inner) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................557
66.80.05 (Inner), 66.80.06 (Inner), 66.80.78 (Inner) ...............................................................................................................................560
66.80.08 (Inner) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................570
66.80.27 (Inner) ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................578
66.80.36 (Inner) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................586
66.80.46 (Inner), 66.80.84, 66.80.85, 66.80.86 .........................................................................................................................................590
66.80.84, 66.80.85, 66.80.86 (Inner) ................................................................................................................................................................593
67.WX.YZ error messages.................................................................................................................................................................................................602
67.* error messages...................................................................................................................................................................................................602
67.0E.01 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................602
70.WX.YZ error messages.................................................................................................................................................................................................603
70.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................603
80.WX.YZ error messages................................................................................................................................................................................................604
80.* errors..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................604
81.WX.YZ error messages.................................................................................................................................................................................................605
81.* errors...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................605
82.WX.YZ error messages ................................................................................................................................................................................................606
82.* errors..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................606
82.73.45 Disk Successfully cleaned ..............................................................................................................................................................606
82.73.46, 82.73.47 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................606
90.WX.YZ error messages................................................................................................................................................................................................ 607
90.* errors.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 607
98.WX.YZ error messages................................................................................................................................................................................................608
98.* errors..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................608
98.00.01 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................608
98.00.02 Corrupt data in the solutions volume .....................................................................................................................................609
98.00.03 Corrupt data in the configuration volume ...........................................................................................................................610
98.00.04 Corrupt data in the job data volume ........................................................................................................................................610
99.WX.YZ error messages .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 611
99.* errors............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 611
99.00.01 Upgrade not performed file is corrupt ..................................................................................................................................... 611
99.00.02 Upgrade not performed timeout during receive .............................................................................................................. 611
99.00.04 Upgrade not performed timeout during receive ............................................................................................................. 612
99.00.05 Upgrade not performed timeout during receive ............................................................................................................. 612
99.00.09 Upgrade canceled by user ..............................................................................................................................................................613
99.00.10 Upgrade canceled by user ...............................................................................................................................................................613
99.00.11 Upgrade canceled by user .................................................................................................................................................................613
99.00.12 Upgrade not performed the file is invalid ...............................................................................................................................613
99.00.13 Upgrade not performed the file is invalid ...............................................................................................................................613
99.00.14 Upgrade not performed the file is invalid ...............................................................................................................................614
99.00.2x ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................614
99.01.xx ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................615
99.02.01 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................615
99.02.09 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................615
99.07.20 Fax error..........................................................................................................................................................................................................616
99.07.YZ Firmware install error ...........................................................................................................................................................................616
99.09.61 Unsupported disk .....................................................................................................................................................................................617
99.09.62 Unknown disk .............................................................................................................................................................................................617
99.09.63 Incorrect disk ............................................................................................................................................................................................618
99.09.64 Disk Nonfunctional ...............................................................................................................................................................................618
99.09.65 Disk data error .........................................................................................................................................................................................619
99.09.66 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................619
1 Document last updated
IMPORTANT: Procedures and part numbers change. For current information, use the browser-based
Verify PDF is the most current before use. PDF part numbers must be verified with web-based error code
information or parts look-up before parts are ordered.
Web-based Go to: Product Detail page > Error ● Quick access to individual
Code Look-up web-based error code
Web-Base Go To: WISE default Search page > ● Access to individual web-based
Enter [Product] and error code error code troubleshooting
PDF [Product] - Control Panel Message ● Use when support portals are
Document (CPMD) PDF NOT accessible at time of
The control-panel messages and event code entries indicate the current printer status or situations that
might require action.
NOTE: Event log errors do not appear on the control-panel display. Open the event log to view or print
the event log errors.
A control-panel message displays temporarily and might require you (or the applicable user) to
acknowledge the message by touching the OK button to resume printing or by touching the Stop button
to cancel the job.
With certain messages, the job might not finish printing, or the print quality might be affected. If the
message is related to printing and the auto-continue feature is on, the printer will attempt to resume
printing after the message has appeared for 10 seconds without acknowledgement.
For some messages, restarting the printer might fix the problem. If a critical error persists, the printer
might require service.
● The first two characters are numeric and represent the system component that is causing the error.
For example, in error code 10.22.15, 10 = Supplies for HP LaserJets.
● The remaining four characters (W, X, Y, and Z values) further define the error.
HP LaserJet and HP PageWide Enterprise error codes are documented in the control panel message
document (CPMD) for each printer.
The CPMD is a comprehensive list of error codes, diagnostic and troubleshooting steps to clear or
resolve the error, and other helpful information such as service mode pins and part numbers.
The CPMD is continually updated and republished with the latest information for the following error
11.WX.YZ Real-time clock Internal error with the clock on the formatter.
41.WX.YZ Fuser, Laser scanner, or Paper path Miscellaneous error including general and
misprint or mismatch errors typically involving
(but not limited to) the fuser, the laser scanner,
or the paper path.
61.WX.YZ Engine (PageWide) Print engine error with the 8–bit data package.
81.WX.YZ Near Field Communication (NFC) Wireless, Bluetooth or internal EIO error.
90.WX.YZ Internal diagnostics Internal test of systems (i.e. disk, CPB, display) or
interconnection error.
The CPMD, error codes, and other support documentation for each printer is available on the HP portals.
For HP channel partners access WISE, see Accessing WISE for HP channel partners (HP Partner Portal)
on page 6 or {Xref Error! Target does not exist.}Accessing WISE for HP channel partners (CSDP).
WISE is available to call agents, service technicians, and HP internal users. The level of detail available
depends on your access credentials. To learn how to find support content in WISE, watch the video here.
Accessing WISE
Learn how to access Web-based Interactive Search Engines (WISE) if you are an HP channel partner or
an internal HP user.
NOTE: If this is your first visit to the HP Partner Portal, you will be asked to create an account. Follow
the setup directions using your HP Partner credentials.
1. Sign-in to the HP Partner Portal (click https://partner.hp.com to access the sign-in page).
1. Open one of the Web-based Interactive Search Engines (WISE) URLs listed below.
Americas (AMS)
● WISE - English
● WISE - Spanish
● WISE - Portuguese
● WISE - French
● WISE - English
● WISE - Japanese
● WISE - Korean
● WISE - Thai
● WISE - English
NOTE: The model used in the instructional videos is an example. The same steps apply to all printer
You will need the printer type (e.g. HP LaserJet), model number (e.g. M607), and bundle option (e.g. dn, dh,
1. Enter a printer model number (for example, M606) in the Go to a Product Detail page dialog box.
TIP: To find a Product Detail Page (PDP) from a list of products by product type, select the …or
select your product from a list item just below the dialog box.
2. A drop-down list appears. Click on the full printer series name (for example, HP LaserJet Enterprise
M606 series) in the list.
NOTE: Selecting the series item from the drop-down list is recommended for the most accurate
search return.
1 2
4. The error code troubleshooting content displays in the All Search Results area.
View a video of how to search for error codes using the Product Detail Page (PDP) or the Error
Code Lookup tool.
1. On the WISE home page, enter a printer model number (for example, M606) in the Search dialog
NOTE: Selecting the series item from the drop-down list is recommended for the most accurate
search return.
3. Type the error code (for example, 13.E1.D3) in the Search keyword field, and then select the search
1 2
4. The error code troubleshooting content displays in the All Search Results area.
NOTE: The model used in the instructional videos is an example. The same steps apply to all printer
1. Enter a printer model number (for example, M606) in the Go to a Product Detail page dialog box.
TIP: To find a Product Detail Page (PDP) from a list of products by product type, select the …or
select your product from a list item just below the dialog box.
2. A drop-down list appears. Click on the full printer series name (for example, HP LaserJet Enterprise
M606 series) in the list.
NOTE: Selecting the series item from the drop-down list is recommended for the most accurate
search return.
TIP: Select the Add Or Remove Hardware & Customer Self Repair filter under Troubleshooting to
limit the search results to repair and replace videos.
View a video of how to search for the printer's Product Detail Page (PDP)
1. On the WISE home page, enter a printer model number (for example, M606) in the Search dialog
NOTE: Selecting the series item from the drop-down list is recommended for the most accurate
search return.
4. To refine the search results, select the radio button labeled Videos in the upper-right portion of the
TIP: To refine video search results, type a part name in the keyword search bar, and then select
the search icon. For example, entering the word fuser to the keyword search bar returns videos
related to repair and replacement of the fuser.
NOTE: When possible, always update the printer firmware to the latest available version at HP.com as
part of the troubleshooting performed for any of the following errors.
Use the following numerical error message troubleshooting to resolve your issue.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
b. Check the electronic chip on the cartridge if it is visible. If the chip is damaged, replace the
toner cartridge.
c. If print quality is unacceptable, or if printing cannot continue, replace the toner cartridge.
b. Check the electronic chip on the unit if it is visible. If the chip is damaged, replace the imaging
drum unit.
c. If print quality is unacceptable, or if printing cannot continue, replace the imaging drum unit.
b. If print quality is unacceptable, or if printing cannot continue, replace the transfer kit.
b. If print quality is unacceptable, or if printing cannot continue, replace the fuser kit.
b. If the toner collection unit is nearly full, replace it with a new one. Using a toner collection unit
until it is overfilled can damage the printer.
a. Open the document feeder top cover and inspect the rollers for obvious dirt or wear. Clean the
rollers if necessary.
7. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
Recommended action 19
10.xx.01 Supply memory chip error
The indicated supply is incompatible with the printer. This error occurs when the printer is using dynamic
security. The supply installed is incompatible for a product or is otherwise improper, or a connection
error has caused the information to be read incorrectly.
● 10.23.01 Fuser
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, replace with a genuine toner cartridge or imaging drum unit or fuser unit.
3. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
The Store Usage Data setting allows a user to limit the data that is stored on the memory chip in the
cartridge. If a user configures the Store Usage Data setting as Not on supplies, 10.0x.03 supply
memory errors may occur resulting in the device being down until the affected supplies can be replaced.
2. Access the Store Usage Data setting using any remote monitoring tool or on the control panel
within the Settings > Manage Supplies > Store Usage Data > menu and check to see if it is set to
Not on supplies.
3. If the printer is set to Not on supplies, please contact support to upgrade firmware.
4. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Make sure the Store Usage Data setting for the supplies has not been changed to Not on supplies.
This can be accessed by any remote monitoring tool or also changed on the control panel within
the Settings > Manage Supplies > Store Usage Data > menu and the Not on supplies setting value.
2. If it is set to Not on supplies, change this setting back to the default value of On Supplies.
NOTE: For more information on this error, search for the following document on WISE: HP Color
LaserJet Managed MFP E77820-E78635, E78223-E78230, E87640-E87660 - 10.xx.03, cartridge or
drum errors (c05920060).
4. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
b. Pull the handle to remove the toner cartridge from the printer.
NOTE: After an HP supply has reached the very low threshold, the HP Premium Protection
Warranty ends and the customer is responsible for replacing the supply.
3. If an imaging drum unit needs to be installed or if the message continues, please follow the next
4. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, open the front cover. Check if the toner cartridge is installed.
b. Pull the handle to remove the toner cartridge from the printer.
NOTE: If you saved one of the handles when installing the toner cartridges, you can use it to
turn the gear.
b. Check if the CRUM connector of the toner cartridge is broken or assembled abnormally.
c. If the CRUM connector is pushed into the toner cartridge, try to pull it out, and then make sure
it is seated correctly.
6. With the cartridge out, check for CRUM connector installation problems inside the printer.
7. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
2. If the error persists, open the front cover. Remove the toner collection unit.
3. Open the right cover. Remove and reinstall the imaging drum unit.
6. Check if the CRUM connector of the imaging drum unit is broken or not seated correctly.
● If the CRUM connector is pushed into the imaging drum unit, try to pull the CRUM connector
out, and make sure it is seated correctly.
For instructions on removing and replacing imaging drum unit, see the Repair Service Manual
for this product.
7. If the imaging drum unit latch is damaged or the CRUM connector is damaged or defective or if the
message continues, please follow the next step.
8. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
b. Pull the handle to remove the toner cartridge from the printer.
a. Rotate the gear on the toner cartridge to ensure that it moves freely.
NOTE: If you saved one of the handles when installing the toner cartridges, you can use it to
turn the gear.
b. Check if the CRUM connector of the toner cartridge is broken or assembled abnormally.
● If the CRUM connector is pushed into the toner cartridge, try to pull it out, and then make sure it
is seated correctly.
5. With the cartridge out, check for CRUM connector installation problems inside the printer.
b. If the connector is not installed correctly, open the rear cover and reinstall the connector.
6. Check the CRUM joint PCA for any problems. If the CRUM joint PCA has problems, such as with the
CRUM connector pin or the main board interface connector, replace the PCA.
7. Check the connection between the main board and the CRUM joint PCA. If the connection is bad,
replace the harness or the CRUM joint PCA or the main board.
8. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
2. Open the right cover. Remove and reinstall the imaging drum unit.
4. Check if the imaging drum unit latch is damaged. If the imaging drum unit latch is damaged, replace
the latch.
5. Check if the CRUM connector of the imaging drum unit is broken or not seated correctly. If the
CRUM connector is pushed into the imaging drum unit, try to pull the CRUM connector out and
make sure it is seated correctly.
● If the CRUM connector is damaged or defective, replace the imaging drum unit.
For instructions on removing and replacing imaging drum unit, see the Repair Service Manual
for this product.
6. With the imaging drum unit out, check for CRUM connector installation problems inside the printer.
● If the CRUM connector is not installed correctly, open the rear cover and reinstall the
7. Check the CRUM joint PCA for any problems with the CRUM connector pins or the main board
interface connector. If needed, replace the PCA.
8. Check the connection between the main board and the CRUM joint PCA. If the connection is bad,
replace the harness or the CRUM joint PCA or the main board.
9. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
b. Pull the handle to remove the toner cartridge from the printer.
NOTE: After an HP supply has reached the very low threshold, the HP Premium Protection
Warranty ends and the customer is responsible for replacing the supply.
3. If an imaging drum unit needs to be installed or if the message continues, please follow the next
4. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
b. For the toner cartridge, pull the handle to remove the toner cartridge from the printer.
c. For the imaging drum unit, open the front cover and remove the toner collection unit.
2. Remove and reinstall the indicated supply to make sure it is correctly installed.
3. Print the supply information report and check the supply information.
For instructions on replacing the imaging drum unit, see the Repair Service Manual for this product.
5. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
The T/C sensor indicates that the toner in the development unit is insufficient.
■ If the error persists and the print quality is no longer acceptable or a new toner cartridge has not
been received, contact your HP-authorized service, support provider and administrator, or contact
customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
■ If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the toner cartridge for the error reported.
Part number:
Part number:
a. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Toner > Toner Dispense
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this document.
3. If there is abnormal noise during the motor test, replace the duct unit.
An alarm indicates that the lifespan of the imaging drum unit may be insufficient to complete the current
This error occurs every time that you try to use the printer.
■ If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. If the print quality is no longer acceptable, replace the imaging drum unit indicated.
For instructions on replacing imaging drum unit, see the Repair Service Manual for this product.
2. Order new imaging drum unit because the developer unit with a level of “Low” will be exhausted
3. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
There is no toner remaining in the toner cartridge. The remaining volume is 0% (cartridge lifespan
This error occurs every time that you try to use the printer.
b. Pull the handle to remove the toner cartridge from the printer.
NOTE: After an HP supply has reached the very low threshold, the HP Premium Protection
Warranty ends and the customer is responsible for replacing the supply.
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
b. Pull the handle to remove the toner cartridge from the printer.
NOTE: After an HP supply has reached the very low threshold, the HP Premium Protection
Warranty ends and the customer is responsible for replacing the supply.
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
This error occurs every time that you try to use the printer.
■ If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Part number:
NOTE: After an HP supply has reached the very low threshold, the HP Premium Protection
Warranty ends and the customer is responsible for replacing the supply.
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
The T/C sensor indicates that the toner in the development unit is insufficient.
■ If the error persists and the print quality is no longer acceptable or a new toner cartridge has not
been received, contact your HP-authorized service, support provider and administrator, or contact
customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
■ If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the toner cartridge for the error reported.
Part number:
Part number:
a. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Toner > Toner Dispense
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this document.
3. If there is abnormal noise during the motor test, replace the duct unit.
■ If the error persists and the print quality is no longer acceptable or a new toner cartridge has not
been received, contact your HP-authorized service, support provider and administrator, or contact
customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
■ If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the toner cartridge for the error reported.
Part number:
b. Check the load of the cartridge. Rotate the gear of the cartridge.
Part number:
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this document.
b. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor to the
PCA ( Main-J86 ).
This error occurs when the printer is working. The error can occur when communication between supply
chips is unstable due to an unknown problem.
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
The lifespan of the transfer roller (by page count) has expired (the remaining volume is 0%).
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
The lifespan of the engine controller for the ITB is insufficient to complete the current page count.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
1. Turn the printer off, and then remove and reinstall the fuser. Turn the printer on.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: You need to replace the fuser, but the printer may continue to operate normally.
NOTE: After an HP supply has reached the very low threshold, the HP Premium Protection Warranty
ends and the customer is responsible for replacing the supply.
An alarm indicates that the supply is not responding. This error occurs when printer is working. This error
can occur when communication between supply chips is unstable due to an unknown problem.
c. Reinstall the toner collection unit or install a new toner collection unit.
3. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Check the sensors for the TCU, the sensor fin, and the reflection unit on the TCU.
4. If the toner collection unit sensor, the sensor fin, or the reflection unit on the TCU is defective,
reinstall the toner collection unit or install a new toner collection unit.
5. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
a. Check the sensors for the TCU, the sensor fin, and the reflection unit on the TCU.
b. If the toner collection unit sensor or LED is defective, replace the toner collection unit sensor.
5. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
The toner collection unit is between 90% and 99% of its capacity.
c. Reinstall the toner collection unit or install a new toner collection unit.
3. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Check the sensors for the TCU, the sensor fin, and the reflection unit on the TCU.
4. If the toner collection unit sensor, the sensor fin, or the reflection unit on the TCU is defective,
reinstall the toner collection unit or install a new toner collection unit.
5. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
a. Check the sensors for the TCU, the sensor fin, and the reflection unit on the TCU.
b. If the toner collection unit sensor or LED is defective, replace the toner collection unit sensor.
5. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
■ If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with developer unit for the error reported.
For instructions on removing and replacing developer unit, see the Repair Service Manual for this
3. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and info (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error or issue,
For instructions on removing and replacing developer unit, see the Repair Service Manual for
this product.
a. Select Field Replaceable Unit, and then select Development Unit (Developer) (YMCK).
b. Select the correct developer unit color. Press Reset to clear the developer unit count.
c. After performing the reset, make sure to run the toner concentration initialization by selecting
TC Init under the same menu.
4. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, open the front cover, and then check if the waste duct is installed or not. For
example: A one side hook is not hooked well.
4. If the error persists or you have any further issues after all troubleshooting is performed, please
elevate this issue using the Standard Support Process, including the reports and information
● Diagnostic data and information (error code, photos, moving pictures, part number about error
or issue, etc.)
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
2. If the error persists, remove and reinstall the formatter. Make sure it is fully seated.
More than 1000 unique error codes are possible. Use the following information to understand the jam
code. Not all codes apply to all printers.
C Switchback area (between the fuser and the 1 Intermediate switchback sensor
output bin)
C Switchback area (between the fuser and the 2 Switchback media stay sensor
output bin)
C Switchback area (between the fuser and the 3 Paper delivery sensor
output bin)
13.* errors 65
Table 6-1 Potential values for W and X (continued)
0 Unknown 0 Unknown
Y Jam condition
0 Unknown
2 Staple jam
Y Jam condition
B Multifeed
C Wrap
D Delay (the page did not reach the sensor within the expected time – simplex)
E Door open
F Residual (paper is detected in the paper path when it should not be there)
The information represented by the value for Z depends on where the paper is in the paper path.
Z represents the fuser mode. 1 Normal (automatically sensed rather than based on
the paper type set at the control panel)
Z represents the fuser mode. 2 Normal (based on the paper type set at the control
13.* errors 67
Table 6-3 Potential values for Z (source, fuser mode, or destination) (continued)
1. Follow the instructions on the control panel to clear the jam. Check for paper in all possible jam
3. Check the paper tray to make sure paper is loaded correctly. The paper guides should be adjusted
to the correct size, and the tray should not be filled above the maximum fill marks or tabs.
4. Make sure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.
5. Use a damp, lint-free cloth to clean the rollers in the appropriate tray. Replace rollers that are worn.
6. Open all doors and covers and ensure the paper path is completely clear of paper or obstructions.
7. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For more information, refer to the printer User Guide or search for the "HP LaserJet Printers - Print
Media Guide" (c06117757).
● Make sure that the paper guides in the tray are adjusted correctly for the size of paper.
● If printing on heavy, embossed, or perforated paper, use the manual feed feature and feed sheets
one at a time.
● Open the Trays menu on the printer control panel. Verify that the tray is configured correctly for the
paper type and size.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
1. Follow the instructions on the control panel to clear the jam. Check for paper in all possible jam
3. Check the paper tray to make sure paper is loaded correctly. The paper guides should be adjusted
to the correct size, and the tray should not be filled above the maximum fill marks or tabs.
5. Use a damp, lint-free cloth to clean the rollers in the appropriate tray. Replace rollers that are worn.
6. If the issue persists, open the Administration > Troubleshooting > Diagnostic Tests > Component
Test menu, and perform the appropriate pickup/feed motor drive test. Replace the pickup assembly
if the test fails.
7. Verify the sensors are functioning correctly. If the sensors fail the test, first verify that all
connections on the DC controller are correctly seated. If possible, replace the sensor or assembly
it is associated with.
8. If the sensors pass the test, look for blockage or damaged parts and replace any damaged parts.
9. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
13.A2.D5 (DCF)
A paper jam occurred in Tray 5 dual-cassette feeder (DCF).
The paper failed to reach the Feed 1 sensor when feeding from Tray 5.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
3. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
a. Check the pickup roller, the forward roller, and the reverse roller of the tray for wear, damage,
or paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools> Service> Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
b. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 1 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools>
Service> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Feed > Feed 1
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J70).
The paper did not leave the Feed 2 sensor or the Feed 1 sensor when printing from Tray 3.
13.A3.A3 73
Recommended action for customers
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
3. If there are multiple jammed paper, check the pickup roller and the reverse roller of the tray for
wear, damage, or paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
4. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools> Service> Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
6. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
A paper jam occurred from Tray 3.
The paper failed to reach the Feed 2 sensor when feeding from Tray 3. (Pickup failure)
13.A3.D3 77
2. Open Tray 3 and remove any jammed paper from the tray (U4).
3. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
2. Open Tray 3 and remove any jammed paper from the tray (U4).
4. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
4. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools> Service> Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
i. Run the diagnostics for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper path > Feed >
Tray 1 Feed Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (J71).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 2 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper Path >
Feed > Feed 2 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
13.A3.D4 (DCF)
A paper jam occurred from Tray 4 dual-cassette feeder (DCF).
The paper failed to reach the Feed 2 sensor when feeding from Tray 4.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
3. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
a. Check the pickup roller, the forward roller, and the reverse roller of the tray for wear, damage,
or paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools > Service > Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
i. Run the diagnostics for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper path > Feed >
Tray 1 Feed Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (J71).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 2 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper Path >
Feed > Feed 2 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
13.A3.D4 (HCI)
A paper jam occurred from Tray 4 high-capacity input feeder (HCI).
13.A3.D4 (HCI) 89
The paper failed to reach the Feed 2 sensor when feeding from Tray 4.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
3. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
a. Check the pickup roller, the forward roller, and the reverse roller of the tray for wear, damage,
or paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools > Service > Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
i. Run the diagnostics for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper path > Feed >
Tray 1 Feed Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (J71).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 2 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper Path >
Feed > Feed 2 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
13.A3.D5 (DCF)
A paper jam occurred from Tray 5 dual-cassette feeder (DCF).
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
3. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
a. Check the pickup roller, the forward roller, and the reverse roller of the tray for wear, damage,
or paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools > Service > Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
i. Run the diagnostics for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper path > Feed >
Tray 1 Feed Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (J71).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 2 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper Path >
Feed > Feed 2 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
Residual paper jam at the Feed 2 sensor.
13.A3.FF 99
Recommended action for customers
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 2 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Feed >
Feed 2 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
13.A4.D4 (DCF)
A paper jam occurred from Tray 4 dual-cassette feeder (DCF).
The paper failed to reach the Tray 4 feed sensor when feeding from Tray 4. (Pickup failure)
1. Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
3. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
1. Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
2. Open the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
4. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
1. Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
3. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools > Service > Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
i. Run the diagnostics for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper path > Feed >
Tray 4 Feed Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (DCF-CN601).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Tray 4 feed sensor from the following menu: Support Tools
> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4
Feed Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
13.A4.D5 (DCF)
A paper jam occurred from Tray 5 dual-cassette feeder (DCF).
The front of the paper failed to reach the next feed sensor in Tray 5.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
4. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Tray 4 feed sensor from the following menu: Support Tools
> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4
Feed Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
Residual paper jam at the Tray 4 feed sensor.
■ Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
■ Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
1. Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Tray 4 feed sensor from the following menu: Support Tools
> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4
Feed Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
The paper did not leave the Tray 4 feed sensor, or the Feed 2 sensor, or the Feed 1 sensor when printing
from Tray 5 dual-cassette feeder (DCF).
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
3. If there are multiple jammed paper, check the pickup roller and the reverse roller of the tray for
wear, damage, or paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
4. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools > Service > Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
6. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
7. Clean the Feed 1, Feed 2, and Tray 4 feed sensors using a lint-free cloth.
A paper jam occurred from Tray 5 dual-cassette feeder (DCF).
The paper failed to reach the Tray 5 feed sensor when feeding from Tray 5. (Pickup failure)
1. Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
3. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
1. Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
2. Open the Tray 5 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
4. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
1. Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
4. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools > Service > Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
i. Run the diagnostics for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper path > Feed >
Tray 4 Feed Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (DCF-CN601).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Tray 5 feed sensor from the following menu: Support
Tools> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray 5 >
Tray 5 Feed Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Tray 4 feed sensor from the following menu: Support Tools
> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4
Feed Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
Residual paper jam at the Tray 5 feed sensor.
■ Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
■ Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
1. Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (DCF) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Tray 5 feed sensor from the following menu: Support Tools
> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray 5 > Tray 5
Feed Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
13.A7.A4 (DCF)
The paper did not leave the Tray 4 feed sensor or the Feed 2 sensor or the Feed 1 sensor when printing
from Tray 4 dual-cassette feeder (DCF).
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
3. If there are multiple jammed paper, check the pickup roller and the reverse roller of the tray for
wear, damage, or paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
4. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools > Service > Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
6. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
7. Clean the Feed 1, Feed 2, and Tray 4 feed sensors using a lint-free cloth.
13.A7.A4 (HCI)
The paper did not leave the Tray 4 feed sensor or the Feed 2 sensor when printing from Tray 4
high-capacity input feeder (HCI).
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
4. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools > Service > Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
5. If the paper being used is not A4 or Letter, test with A4 or Letter. Feed long edge first as indicated
below. If a new error occurs, follow that error guide.
7. Clean the Feed 1, Feed 2, and Tray 4 feed sensors using a lint-free cloth.
A paper jam occurred from Tray 4 high-capacity input feeder (HCI).
The paper failed to reach the Tray 4 feed sensor when feeding from Tray 4. (Pickup failure)
1. Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (HCI) and remove any jammed paper.
3. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size (Letter or A4) being installed into
the tray. The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size
designation. Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
1. Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (HCI) and remove any jammed paper.
3. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size (Letter or A4) being installed into
the tray. The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size
designation. Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
4. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
1. Open the right cover of the Tray 4 (HCI) and remove any jammed paper.
2. Open the Tray 4 (HCI) and remove any jammed paper from the tray.
a. Check the pickup roller, the forward roller, and the reverse roller of the tray for wear, damage,
or paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools > Service > Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
i. Run the diagnostics for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4
Pickup Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (HCI-CN601).
i. Run the diagnostics for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper path > Feed >
Tray 4 Feed Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (HCI-CN601).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Tray 4 feed sensor from the following menu: Support Tools
> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4
Feed Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
a. Diagnose the Tray 4 shift plate end sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4 Shift Plate End
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
c. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (HCIsub-
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4 Paper
Empty Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
The paper did not leave the Feed 1 sensor when printing from Tray 1.
13.A8.A1 145
Recommended action for customers
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
a. If there are multiple jammed paper, check the pickup roller and the reverse roller of the tray for
wear, damage, or paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools> Service> Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
5. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
The paper did not leave the Feed 1 sensor when printing from Tray 2.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
a. If there are multiple jammed paper, check the pickup roller and the reverse roller of the tray for
wear, damage, or paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools> Service> Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
5. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
A paper jam occurred from Tray 1.
The paper failed to reach the Feed 1 sensor when feeding from Tray 1. (Pickup failure)
13.A8.D1 151
Recommended action for customers
4. Make sure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray.
The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
5. Check the Tray 1 pickup and feed rollers for wear, damage, or paper dust.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools > Service > Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
i. Run the diagnostics for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper path > Feed >
Tray 1 Feed Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (J71).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Tray1 solenoid from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Tray > Tray 1 >
Tray 1 Solenoid.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the
solenoid to the PCA (J88).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the clutch from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Tray > Tray 1 > Tray 1
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the clutch
to the PCA (J70).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 1 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper Path >
Feed > Feed 1 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
A paper jam occurred from Tray 2.
The paper failed to reach the feed sensor when feeding from Tray 2. (Pickup failure)
2. Open Tray 2 and remove any jammed paper from the tray (U3).
3. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
4. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
2. Open Tray 2 and remove any jammed paper from the tray (U3).
a. Check the pickup roller, the forward roller, and the reverse roller of the tray for wear, damage,
or paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
b. Check the life span of the roller from the following menu: Support Tools > Service > Advanced
Service > Service Reports > Supplies Information Report.
i. Run the diagnostics for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper path > Feed >
Tray 1 Feed Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (J71).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 1 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper Path >
Feed > Feed 1 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
Residual paper jam at the Feed 1 sensor.
13.A8.FF 167
Recommended action for onsite technicians
b. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 1 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools>
Service> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Feed > Feed 1
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
The paper did not leave the registration sensor when printing from the duplexer.
13.B2.AD 169
Recommended action for call-center agents
The paper did not leave the registration sensor when printing from tray x.
13.B2.Az 171
Recommended action for call-center agents
4. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J70).
A paper jam occurred from Tray 1.
The paper failed to reach the registration sensor when feeding from Tray 1.
5. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J70).
A paper jam occurred from Tray 2.
The paper failed to reach the registration sensor when feeding from Tray 2.
13.B2.D2 179
Recommended action for customers
2. Open Tray 2 and remove any jammed paper from the tray (U3).
3. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
4. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below:
2. Open Tray 2 and remove any jammed paper from the tray (U3).
5. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the registration sensor from the following menu: Support
Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Feed > Registration
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J70).
The paper failed to reach the registration sensor when feeding from Tray 3.
3. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the registration sensor from the following menu: Support
Tools> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Feed > Registration
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J70).
The paper failed to reach the registration sensor when feeding from Tray 4.
3. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the registration sensor from the following menu: Support
Tools> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Feed > Registration
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J70).
The paper failed to reach the registration sensor when feeding from Tray 4.
3. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the registration sensor from the following menu: Support
Tools> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Feed > Registration
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J70).
The paper failed to reach the registration sensor when feeding from Tray 5.
3. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the registration sensor from the following menu: Support
Tools> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Feed > Registration
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J70).
3. If the paper being used is not A4 or Letter, test with A4 or Letter. Feed long edge first as indicated
below. If a new error occurs, follow that error guide.
Residual paper jam at the registration sensor.
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the registration sensor from the following menu: Support
Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Feed > Registration
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J70).
NOTE: It is an important step. Lowering the door too far during service can loosen the connector.
The paper failed to reach the loop sensor in required time.
13.B4.Dz 203
Recommended action for customers
1. Open the right door. Remove any jammed paper from the area.
2. Make sure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the right door. Remove any jammed paper from the area.
3. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
a. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the registration clutch from the following menu: Support
Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper Path
> Feed > Registration Clutch.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
b. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the clutch to the
PCA (J70).
1. Open the right door. Remove any jammed paper from the area.
2. Make sure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the right door. Remove any jammed paper from the area.
13.B4.FF 207
Recommended action for onsite technicians
a. Check the actuator. Make sure the sensor actuator flag moves smoothly and turns back.
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Feed > Loop Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
NOTE: NOTE: This error is caused by the fuser out sensor, but the cause of the problem varies
depending on the output device installation status.
Z = Fuser mode
3. If the paper being used is not A4 or Letter, test with A4 or Letter. Feed long edge first as indicated
below. If a new error occurs, follow that error guide.
5. Check the actuator. Make sure the sensor actuator flag moves smoothly and turns back.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Finisher > Entrance > Entrance Sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
a. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the entrance motor from the following menu:
Support Tools> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests >
Finisher > Entrance > Entrance Motor.
And check the motor sound.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
b. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor to the
● 13.B9.DD Fuser delivery delay jam when printing from the duplexer.
2. Check for paper jammed in the OPC area, and remove any jammed paper found.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the part below.
● 5PN50-67001 (100V)
● 5PN61-67001 (110V)
● 5PN62-67001 (220V)
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the fuser out sensor from the following menu: Support
Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Fuser
Out Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
● 5PN50-67001 (100V)
● 5PN61-67001 (110V)
● 5PN62-67001 (220V)
Residual paper jam at the fuser out sensor.
13.B9.FF 217
Recommended action for customers
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the fuser out sensor from the following menu: Support
Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Fuser
Out Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
The paper did not leave the duplex sensor.
Z = Fuser mode
3. If the paper being used is not A4 or Letter, test with A4 or Letter. Feed long edge first as indicated
below. If a new error occurs, follow that error guide.
The paper failed to reach the duplex sensor in required time.
Z = Fuser mode
13.D2.Dz 223
Recommended action for customers
3. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
a. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper Path > Duplex >
Duplex Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
b. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor to the
PCA (J88).
a. Check the actuator. Make sure the sensor actuator flag moves smoothly back and forth.
b. Run the diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Duplex Jam1 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J44).
a. Check the actuator. Make sure the sensor actuator flag moves smoothly back and forth.
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the Duplex 1 sensor from the following menu: Support
Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Duplex
Jam1 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
The paper failed to reach the output bin-full sensor in required time.
NOTE: This error can occur due to poor assembly of the first exit flag, no flag, or a disconnected flag.
It may also occur when the sensor connection of the flag is poor.
3. Check the point where the paper leading edge stopped. Look for a foreign substance, a deformed
shape, or other paper path obstructions.
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the out-bin full sensor from the following menu: Support
Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Output
> Out-Bin Full Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J10).
Part number:
Out-bin full sensor: 0604-001393
Or exit unit: JC90-01118B (Upper assembly)
For instructions, see the Service Manual for this printer.
a. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the exit motor from the following menu: Support Tools
> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper Path >
Output > Exit Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
b. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor to the PCA (J69).
Part number:
Exit motor: JC93-00186A
Or exit unit: JC90-01118B (Upper part )
For instructions, see the Service Manual for this printer.
NOTE: It is essential to fix the position of the bin-full actuator when installing the finisher. Make sure
that the actuator is properly secured according to the instructions below. **A 13.E1.Dz error may occur
if the actuator is not changed to the correct position.
IMPORTANT: The metal rod that the Bin Full Actuator is connected to should NOT be removed.
Inner finisher
Raise the flag and push it towards the inside of the printer until it snaps in the upright position. Some
force might be needed to snap it into place.
Rotate the bin-full actuator up almost 90 degrees away from the shaft, and then rotate the actuator as
shown until it snaps into the locking clip.
The paper did not leave the Exit 2 sensor.
3. If the paper being used is not A4 or Letter, test with A4 or Letter. Feed long edge first as indicated
below. If a new error occurs, follow that error guide.
The paper failed to reach the Exit 2 sensor in required time.
13.E7.Dz 239
Recommended action for call-center agents
a. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the Exit 2 motor from the following menu: Support Tools
> Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Paper Path >
Output > Exit 2 Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
Part number:
Exit 2 motor: JC93-00802A
Or Exit 2 unit: Y1G23-67001 (Upper part )
For instructions, see the Service Manual for this printer.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
b. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the solenoid to
the PCA (J10).
Part number:
Return gate solenoid: TBD
Or Exit 2 unit: Y1G23-67001 (Upper part)
For instructions, see the Service Manual for this printer.
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the Exit 2 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Output Exit >
Exit 2 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J10).
Part number:
Exit 2 sensor: 0604-001393
Or exit unit: JC90-01118B (Upper assembly)
Residual paper jam at the Exit 2 sensor.
13.E7.FF 245
Recommended action for onsite technicians
a. Check the actuator. Make sure the sensor actuator flag moves smoothly back and forth.
b. Run the diagnostic test to diagnose the Exit 2 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Output Exit >
Exit 2 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
Part number:
Exit 2 sensor: 0604-001393
Or exit unit: JC90-01118B (Upper assembly)
For instructions, see the Service Manual for this printer.
● 13.60.D2 Finisher input jam when printing to main output tray. (Stapler/Stacker-Booklet Maker only)
● 13.60.D3 Finisher input jam when printing to booklet output tray. (Stapler/Stacker-Booklet Maker only)
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
2. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Inner Finisher: Recommended action for call-center agents and onsite technicians
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
Inner Finisher: Recommended action for call-center agents and onsite technicians 251
a. Open the finisher door.
f. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
g. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
Inner Finisher: Recommended action for call-center agents and onsite technicians 253
3. If the error persists, check the finisher entrance motor.
a. Run the diagnostics for the motor from the following menu:
Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests >
Finisher > Entrance > Entrance Motor.
And check the motor sound.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
b. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor to the
PCA (Inner-Rear Joint).
a. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the input sensor to the finisher
5. If all other troubleshooting has been performed and the error persists, replace the inner finisher
NOTE: For part-replacement procedures, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the
Standard Support Process.
a. Open the finisher front cover and the inner jams access cover, and then pull the booklet maker
Stapler/Stacker or Booklet Finishers: Recommended action for call-center agents and onsite technicians 255
c. Open the booklet entrance jam access door and check for paper or obstructions.
d. Open the upper jam access door and clear any jams.
e. Open the lower jam access door and remove any paper.
3. Check the paper path from the bridge exit sensor (Callout 2) to the finisher entrance sensor
(Callout 1). Take a very close look at where the paper leading edge stopped. Check for a foreign
substance, a deformed shape, or paper path obstructions that can cause this error.
a. Run the diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Inner Finisher > Entrance > Entrance
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
c. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (Inner-
Rear Sensor).
Stapler/Stacker or Booklet Finishers: Recommended action for call-center agents and onsite technicians 257
For instructions, see the Service Manual for this printer.
The entrance sensor detects paper when the finisher starts.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
2. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Inner Finisher: Recommended action for call-center agents and onsite technicians
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
Inner Finisher: Recommended action for call-center agents and onsite technicians 261
a. Open the finisher door.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
a. Run the diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu:
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Inner
Finisher > Entrance > Entrance Sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
Inner Finisher: Recommended action for call-center agents and onsite technicians 263
c. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (Inner-
Rear Sensor).
Stapler/Stacker or Booklet Finishers: Recommended action for call-center agents and onsite technicians
a. Open the finisher front cover and the inner jams access cover, and then pull the booklet maker
c. Open the booklet entrance jam access door and check for paper or obstructions.
d. Open the upper jam access door and clear any jams.
Stapler/Stacker or Booklet Finishers: Recommended action for call-center agents and onsite technicians 265
e. Open the lower jam access door and remove any paper.
a. Run the diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Stapler/stacker finisher > Entrance >
Entrance Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
Paper stay jam. The paper failed to exit the pass-through/exit sensor.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
13.63.A1 267
b. Verify the stapler unit shipping/retaining screw has been removed.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
2. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
3. If the paper being used is not A4 or Letter, print with A4 or Letter paper for testing. Feed long edge
first as indicated below. If a new error occurs, follow that error guide.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
b. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor to the
PCA (Inner - Front).
Paper stay jam. The paper failed to exit the pass through/exit sensor.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
2. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
a. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the input sensor to the finisher
a. Run the diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Inner Finisher > Exit > Exit Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
Paper delay jam. The paper fed to the finisher fails to reach the finisher pass-through sensor.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
13.63.DZ 277
b. Verify the stapler unit shipping/retaining screw has been removed.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
2. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
a. Run the diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Inner Finisher > Exit > Exit Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
c. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (Inner -
The pass-through/exit sensor detects paper when the finisher initializes.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
2. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
a. Run the diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Inner Finisher > Exit > Exit Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
c. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (Inner -
Recommended action
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, please contact the customer support, and share the checked information.
3. Check all connections between the formatter and main board PCA.
5. If the error persists, collect diagnostic files and elevate the case to the GBU using your Standard
Support Process.
c. Select Troubleshooting.
NOTE: If the file size is smaller than 10 MB, then the correct log has not been captured.
Scanner Communication Error.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician to check the formatter connections (J67) and
LVPS connections (CN3, CN4).
Recommended action
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
1. Verify the document feeder top cover is completely closed when feeding pages through it.
2. Verify the document feeder input tray is not overloaded and that the guides are adjusted correctly.
3. Open the document feeder top cover and check the rollers. Clean or replace them if necessary.
5. Calibrate the scanner. Open these menus: Device Maintenance > Calibrate-Cleaning > Calibrate
6. Clean the scanner glass and glass strips, and clean the white strips used for calibration.
7. Perform the tests for scanner diagnostics. Open these menus: Administration > Troubleshooting >
Diagnostic Tests > Scanner Tests. Look for tests related to the document feeder, such as the Jam
Cover Sensor test.
9. Check all connections from the document feeder to the scanner control board, and reseat them if
1. Open the document feeder top cover and remove any jammed paper, then close the cover and
check whether it operates again.
2. Turn off the printer, open the top door of the scanner, and check whether there are foreign
substances or paper jamming around the stacker.
3. Check the paper. Ensure that the paper is not stapled, paper-clipped, or has any post-its attached.
NOTE: This is a multi-feed jam. Any substance that might cause the paper to stick together or
feed multiple sheets at one time can cause this issue.
5. Ensure a good quality paper is being used and that it meets the specifications for the document
6. Close the top cover, and then check whether the problem occurs again.
7. If the error persists with the same job, you can complete the job by turning the multi-feed detection
setting off.
b. Select Options.
NOTE: This will turn off the multi-feed detection for the current job only.
8. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the document feeder top cover and remove any jammed paper, then close the cover and
check whether it operates again.
2. Turn off the printer, open the top door of the scanner, and check whether there are foreign
substances or paper jamming around the stacker.
3. Check the paper. Ensure that the paper is not stapled, paper-clipped, or has any post-its attached.
NOTE: This is a multi-feed jam. Any substance that might cause the paper to stick together or
feed multiple sheets at one time can cause this issue.
5. Ensure a good quality paper is being used and that it meets the specifications for the document
7. If the error persists with the same job, you can complete the job by turning the multi-feed detection
setting off.
b. Select Options.
NOTE: This will turn off the multi-feed detection for the current job only.
1. Open the document feeder top cover and remove any jammed paper, then close the cover and
check whether it operates again.
2. Turn off the printer, open the top door of the scanner, and check whether there are foreign
substances or paper jamming around the stacker.
3. Check the paper. Ensure that the paper is not stapled, paper-clipped, or has any post-its attached.
NOTE: This is a multi-feed jam. Any substance that might cause the paper to stick together or
feed multiple sheets at one time can cause this issue.
5. Ensure a good quality paper is being used and that it meets the specifications for the document
6. Close the top cover, and then check whether the problem occurs again.
b. Select Options.
NOTE: This will turn off the multi-feed detection for the current job only.
If the customer wishes to keep the multi-detection turned off, due to paper quality issues, this
can be saved as a default or a quick set for easier usage.
CAUTION: The document feeder will no longer detect whether multiple pages are fed, and
this can cause other jam errors and can cause missing pages in copy jobs.
1. Open the document feeder (ADF) cover and remove any jammed paper or foreign substances.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the document feeder (ADF) cover and remove any jammed paper or foreign substances.
3. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the following parts.
1. Open the document feeder (ADF) cover and remove any jammed paper or foreign substances.
3. Ensure that the document feeder width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into
the document feeder. The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the
4. Make sure the paper is not stapled, wrinkled, punched, or ripped. This can cause malfunction to the
document feeder.
5. Check the pick-up roller, the forward roller, and the retard roller of the ADF for wear, damage, or
paper dust. Clean the rollers with a damp, lint free cloth.
a. Run the sensor diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu:
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Document Feeder > Top of Form sensor (TOF sensor).
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
b. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (ADFp-
1. Open the document feeder cover and remove any jammed paper. Then close the top door of the
scanner and check whether the problem occurs again.
2. Turn off the power and check whether there are foreign substances or jams around the feed
3. Open the document feeder cover and check the reflective film of the sensor for contamination.
Clean it if necessary.
4. Check and clean the reflective film of the ADF's open sensor for contamination.
5. After opening the door of the scanner and placing the paper on the scanner again, close the door
and check whether the problem occurs again.
6. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the document feeder cover remove any jammed paper. Then close the top door of the
scanner and check whether the problem occurs again.
3. Open the document feeder cover check the reflective film of the sensor for contamination and
clean it.
4. Check and clean the reflective film of the ADF’s open sensor for contamination.
5. After opening the door of the scanner and placing the paper on the scanner again, close the door
and check whether the problem occurs again.
6. If the error persists, please contact the customer support, and share the checked information to
1. Open the document feeder cover and remove any jammed paper. Then close the top door of the
scanner and check whether the problem occurs again.
2. Turn off the power and check whether there are foreign substances or jams around the feed
3. Open the document feeder cover and check the reflective film of the sensor for contamination.
Clean it if necessary.
4. Check and clean the reflective film of the ADFs open sensor for contamination.
5. After opening the door of the scanner and placing the paper on the scanner again, close the door
and check whether the problem occurs again.
7. Check and clean the two sensors shown in the pictures below.
1. Open and then close the top cover of the automatic document feeder and check whether the
problem occurs again.
2. Turn off the power and check whether there are foreign substances or jams around the feed
3. After opening the door of the automatic document feeder and placing the paper on the ADF tray
again, close the door and check whether the problem occurs again.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open and then close the top cover of the automatic document feeder and check whether the
problem occurs again.
2. Turn off the power and check whether there are foreign substances or jams around the feed
3. After opening the door of the automatic document feeder and placing the paper on the ADF tray
again, close the door and check whether the problem occurs again.
1. Open and then close the top cover of the automatic document feeder and check whether the
problem occurs again.
2. Turn off the power and check whether there are foreign substances or jams around the feed
3. After opening the door of the automatic document feeder and placing the paper on the ADF tray
again, close the door and check whether the problem occurs again.
4. Turn off the power and check the sensor assembly status.
NOTE: Follow the instructions below to check the sensor's condition and to see if the sensor is
b. Make sure there is no problem with the assembly of the sensor. In particular, make sure that
the sensor is not abnormally lifted.
1. Open the document feeder (ADF) cover and remove any jammed paper or foreign substances.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the document feeder (ADF) cover and remove any jammed paper or foreign substances.
5. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the following part:
1. Open the document feeder (ADF) cover and remove any jammed paper or foreign substances.
4. Ensure that the document feeder width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into
the document feeder. The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the
paper size designation. Ensure that the document feeder is not filled above the fill mark on the
document feeder.
5. Make sure the paper is not stapled, wrinkled, punched, or ripped. This can cause malfunction to the
document feeder.
a. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu:
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Document Feeder > ADF Feed Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
b. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor to the
PCA (ADFp-J8).
c. Retest the motor. If the test fails, replace the ADF assembly.
Recommended action
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
Recommended action
There is no action needed for this message.
■ No action necessary.
The restore job ticket was submitted with invalid credentials.
Recommended action
1. Verify the credentials that were submitted.
Recommended action
1. Verify the credentials that were submitted.
There was an error during the creation, read, or write of the restore file.
Recommended action
■ Retry the job.
There was an error during the creation, read, or write of the backup file.
Recommended action
1. Retry the job.
3. If the error persists, try using a larger capacity storage device for the share location and check the
network share settings.
4. Check the network share or try setting up a new shared network drive or folder.
Recommended action
■ Use a valid backup file.
The data in the backup file specified in the restore job ticket is no longer valid due to a corruption of the
data, or the data is no longer present.
Recommended action
1. Use a valid backup file.
3. If the error persists, perform a partition clean from the Preboot menu.
Recommended action
■ Reboot, and then retry the backup/restore.
Recommended action
■ Wait until the printer is idle, and then try again.
32.1C.13, 32.1C.14
Not enough space exists to perform the backup.
The backup was aborted because the disk is at a critical level or full.
Recommended action
■ Free up disk space, and then try again.
The restore operation was aborted because the backup file was created by a previous version of
firmware no longer supported by the feature.
The restore operation was aborted because the printer is busy.
Recommended action
1. Wait until the printer is idle, and then retry.
Reset failure.
Recommended action
■ Turn the printer off, and then on. Retry the job.
The backup operation completed successfully (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
The backup operation encountered an error (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
The backup operation completed, but with a warning message (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
A component in the backup file is not supported by the current version of firmware and will not be
restored (informational).
■ No action necessary.
A component in the backup file is not transferable to another printer and will not be restored
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Some data was not included in the backup file (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
An expected component could not be found and was thus not backed up. Because components should
be known on backups, this code is a warning (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Some data was not restored from the backup file (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
The backup job ticket was submitted using an invalid network path.
Recommended action
1. Check that a shared folder was provided as part of the network path and not left blank.
The backup job ticket was submitted with a bad encryption.
NOTE: This would only apply to a web services call to perform a backup with a blank PIN
Recommended action
■ Verify that the encryption personal identification number (PIN) meets the restrictions for the printer.
An error occurred when creating the temporary directories used to store the backup files in transition to
and from the compressed (ZIP) file.
Recommended action
1. Retry the job.
2. If this does not resolve the issue, turn the printer off then on again and retry the job.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Reset aborted. Backup/restore in progress (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Reset aborted (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Unknown reset error (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
32.1C.49 311
■ No action necessary.
The restore operation completed successfully (informational).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
The restore operation encountered an error.
Recommended action
■ Review the printer's event log to see specific details about the failure.
The restore operation completed, but with a warning message.
Recommended action
■ Review the error log to see specific details about the failure.
The restore job ticket was submitted using an invalid network path.
Recommended action
1. Check that a shared folder was provided as part of the network path and not left blank.
3. Check that you (or the applicable user) has permission to access the shared folder on the provided
4. Check that the path includes the compressed .ZIP file name as part of the path.
The restore job ticket was submitted with a bad encryption personal identification number (PIN).
Recommended action
■ Verify the encryption personal identification number (PIN) is the same PIN used to encrypt the
backup file.
An error occurred when creating the temporary directories used to store the restore files in transition to
and from the compressed (ZIP) file.
An unusual error occurred when running the restore operation.
Recommended action
■ Retry the job.
2. If the issue persists, investigate if the hard disk drive (HDD) or formatter are the original ones. If
recently swapped or replaced, turn the printer off, install the original HDD and/or formatter, and
then turn the printer on.
3. If the issue persists, locate and notate the complete 33.WX.YZ error message as displayed on the
control panel of the printer and contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact
customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the issue persists, investigate if the hard disk drive (HDD) or formatter are the original ones. If
recently swapped or replaced, turn the printer off, install the original HDD and/or formatter, and
then turn the printer on.
3. If the formatter/HDD were recently replaced and the original is unavailable verify the correct
formatter/HDD are installed by referencing the part numbers.
4. If the issue persists, locate and notate the complete 33.WX.YZ error message as displayed on
the control panel of the printer. Reference support content for the specific error and take the
necessary action.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
CAUTION: A Partial Clean procedure automatically restores the firmware files from the
repository, but all custom settings, PINs, passwords, third-party solutions, firmware files, and the
operating system are completely lost.
6. If the error persists, download and from the Preboot menu install the latest version of printer
7. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
2. If the issue persists, investigate if the hard disk drive (HDD) or formatter are the original ones. If
recently swapped or replaced, turn the printer off, install the original HDD and/or formatter, and
then turn the printer on.
3. If the formatter/HDD were recently replaced and the original is unavailable verify the correct
formatter/HDD are installed by referencing the part numbers.
4. If the issue persists, locate and notate the complete 33.WX.YZ error message as displayed on
the control panel of the printer. Reference support content for the specific error and take the
necessary action.
5. If the error cannot be cleared and you are unable to get the complete error code from the printer,
perform a Partial Clean procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
CAUTION: A Partial Clean procedure automatically restores the firmware files from the
repository, but all custom settings, PINs, passwords, third-party solutions, firmware files, and the
operating system are completely lost.
6. If the error persists, download and from the Preboot menu install the latest version of printer
7. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is missing from a printer that previously had a TPM installed.
TPM accessory (optional): This system is using a TPM module installed as an accessory to protect data
and it is not present. The original TPM must be returned or you can select the Stop Using option in the
preboot TPM sub-menu. All data will be cryptographically erased and a reload of firmware from USB
might be required.
TPM Standard (Standard on product): This system is using a TPM module installed at the factory to
protect data and it is not present. Verify that the TPM is seated firmly on the formatter, in case of shifting
during shipment. If the TPM has been removed for a formatter replacement, put the original TPM on the
board. If the original TPM cannot be reinstalled or has become damaged, DO NOT replace any parts.
Replace the printer.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
33.01.xx 315
2. Reinstall the missing Trusted Platform Module (TPM) module into the printer.
If the TPM accessory has been installed, you can also go to the Administration menu and under
TPM, select the Stop Using option if you no longer want to use the TPM accessory.
NOTE: The TPM is locked and may take a few minutes to recover.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The TPM is locked and may take a few minutes to recover.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The TPM is locked and may take a few minutes to recover.
The newly downloaded firmware failed to cryptographically validate the BIOS code.
Recommended action
1. For 33.05.01, 33.05.02, and 33.05.03: No action is necessary.
2. For all other errors: Download a firmware bundle to the printer from the Preboot menu.
NOTE: For more information on SureStart, go to: HP SureStart Whitelisting and Intrusion
Detection Troubleshooting Manual (Doc ID: c04863614).
Recommended action
1. Perform a Format Disk procedure.
HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Perform a Partial Clean or Format Disk to reset the printer
2. If the device does not reboot to Ready, download a firmware bundle to the device from the Preboot
NOTE: Performing a Format Disk procedure is required before downloading a firmware bundle.
For more information on SureStart, go to: HP SureStart Whitelisting and Intrusion Detection
Troubleshooting Manual (Doc ID: c04863614).
The intrusion detection memory process determined an unauthorized change in system memory.
Recommended action
■ Turn the printer off, then on.
NOTE: Selecting Continue from the Preboot menu will not resolve the error. The printer must be
turned off, and then on to clear the error allowing the printer to reboot to a Ready state.
For more information on SureStart, go to: HPSureStart Whitelisting and Intrusion Detection
Troubleshooting Manual (Doc ID: c04863614).
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
Recommended action
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
Recommended action
1. Touch the OK button to print the transferred data (some data might be lost).
Recommended action
1. Touch the OK button to print the transferred data (some data might be lost).
Recommended action
■ Touch the OK button to print the transferred data (some data might be lost).
Recommended action
1. Touch the OK button to clear the error message and continue printing.
Recommended action
1. Touch the OK button to clear the error message (data will be lost).
x = 0 or 1; information code.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
x = 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6; information code.
■ No action necessary.
Recommended action
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
1. Verify the tray is loaded with the correct paper type, and that the guides are adjusted correctly.
2. Verify the paper type and size settings on the control panel match the paper in the tray.
3. Verify the paper type and size settings in the print driver match the paper in the tray.
4. Use the Tray/Bin manual sensor test to verify the media switch in the cassette is working correctly.
Tray 1 detected paper is longer or shorter than expected.
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
b. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 1 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Feed > Feed 1 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
d. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J70).
Tray 2 detected paper is longer or shorter than expected.
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
b. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 1 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Feed > Feed 1 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of
this CPMD.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu:
Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray >
Tray 2 > Paper Size Sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
Part number:
Tray 3 detected paper is longer or shorter than expected.
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
41.03.03 325
2. Check the Feed 2 sensor.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the Feed 2 sensor from the following menu: Support Tools >
Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Paper Path > Feed >
Feed 2 Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
c. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J71).
i. Run the diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu:
Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray >
Tray 3 > Paper Size Sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
b. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (Main-
Part number:
41.03.04 (DCF)
Tray 4 (DCF) detected paper is longer or shorter than expected.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray 4 > Paper Size Sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
Part number:
Tray 5 detected paper is longer or shorter than expected.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
41.03.05(DCF) 329
a. Diagnose the Tray 5 paper size sensor.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu:
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray 5 > Paper Size Sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
b. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (DCF-
Part number:
● 41.03.F0
● 41.03.F1
● 41.03.F2
● 41.03.F3
● 41.03.F4
● 41.03.F5
● 41.03.FD
2. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
NOTE: For part-replacement procedures, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the
Standard Support Process.
2. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
3. Check the failing tray to ensure that when the tray guides are moved, the sensor guides on the back
of the tray move and are not damaged. If they are damaged, replace the tray.
4. Check if the failing tray sensor fingers are damaged or seated correctly. Reseat or replace the
sensor assembly as needed.
5. Test the paper size sensors for the failing tray. If the sensor test fails, replace the sensor assembly.
1. Turn the printer off, and then on. Retry the job.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn the printer off, and then on. Retry the job.
2. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Missing string in firmware error.
Recommended action
1. Turn the printer off, and then on.
3. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
Recommended action
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
1. In many cases, the error will automatically clear, and you can try the job again.
2. Verify the digital send feature has been correctly configured at the control panel and with the HP
Embedded Web Server (EWS).
NOTE: To access the EWS, open a Web browser, and in the address line, enter the printer IP
3. Turn the printer off, and then on. Retry the job.
5. For SharePoint or save-to-folder errors, verify the permissions are set correctly for access to the
SharePoint or network folder.
6. For email errors, verify connectivity to the network, and verify the SMTP gateway is configured
correctly. Also verify if there is a size limit on email attachments.
7. If the error persists, reset the printer to factory settings, and then upgrade the firmware to the
latest version.
Recommended action
1. No action necessary. This error message should automatically clear.
b. Wait until all the digital send jobs have been processed.
c. Turn the printer off, and then on. Retry the job.
Recommended action
1. Try to send the job again.
Recommended action
2. Wait until all the digital send jobs have been processed.
3. Turn the printer off, and then on and retry the job.
Recommended action
1. Try to send the job again.
Recommended action
1. Try to send the job again.
Recommended action
1. Try to send the job again.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, cancel and then restart the job.
2. If the error occurs repeatedly, reboot the engine and retry the job.
3. If error still persists, reset to factory settings. Upgrade to most current firmware.
Recommended action
1. Try to send the job again.
For more information, Go to: Or click here: HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP - Set up Scan to Email.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, use a different filename or verify that the filename is
not already in use.
2. If the issue persists, use a unique filename or disable the fail-on-filename-collisions flag.
Recommended action
Try to send the job again.
The attachment filename already exists at the destination, and the fail-on-filename-collisions flag is set.
This file will not be sent.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, use a different filename or verify that the filename is
not already in use.
2. If the issue persists, use a unique filename or disable the fail-on-filename-collisions flag.
Recommended action
1. Try to send the job again.
XX =
● 01 – RTF File
● 03 – CSV File
● 04 – HTML File
● 06 – XPS File
● 07 – PDF File
Recommended action
1. Try to send the job again.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, cancel and then restart the job.
2. If the error persists, turn the product off and then on and retry the job.
3. If the error still persists, reset to factory settings. Upgrade to the current firmware version.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify settings in job configuration and then restart
the job.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify settings in job configuration and then restart
the job.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify settings in job configuration and then restart
the job.
2. If the error persists, turn the product off then on again and retry the job.
3. If the error still persists, reset to factory settings. Upgrade to the current firmware version.
The file exceeded the maximum form submission length on the Web server.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, send fewer pages in the job, lower the DPI of the
scanned pages, or select a file type that splits pages into separate files (for example, jpeg).
2. If the error occurs repeatedly, contact the SharePoint site administrator to increase the Web
server's maximum form submission length.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, make space on the SharePoint site by deleting some
files, and then retry the job.
2. If the error occurs repeatedly, contact the SharePoint site administrator to increase the storage
quota limit.
2. If the error occurs repeatedly, try sending to a different folder on the SharePoint site or changing
the filename (which could include prefix or suffix).
The image file already exists on the server and is checked out for editing by another user.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify that the filename used by the job is not checked
out on the SharePoint site.
The image file already exists on the server and the job was set to not overwrite files.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, set the job to overwrite existing files.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify settings in job configuration and restart the job.
2. If the error persists, turn the product off, and then on and retry the job.
3. If the error persists, reset to factory settings. Upgrade to the current firmware version.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, use a different filename or verify that the filename is
not already in use.
2. If the error persists, use a unique filename or disable the fail-on-filename-collisions flag.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, cancel and/or restart the job, breaking it up into small
2. Repeat this process if the error persists until job goes through.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, send the SharePoint job to a non-secure address, or
send the job to a SharePoint server that has a valid certificate.
2. If the error occurs repeatedly, send the job to a different, trusted SharePoint server.
Recommended action
1. If this is the first time the error has occurred, verify settings in job configuration and restart the job.
2. If error persists, turn the product off, and then on and retry the job.
3. If the error persists, reset to factory settings. Upgrade to the current firmware version.
Recommended action
1. If you have installed the second fax modem, check the connection. And turn the printer off, and then
2. If the error persists, record the message, and then contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Recommended action
1. Try to send the job again.
2. Check the fax settings to make sure they are set to the proper settings for the environment.
Recommended action
1. Try to send the job again.
2. Check the fax settings to make sure they are set to the proper settings for the environment.
3. If the issue persists, for additional fax troubleshooting information go to HP LaserJet Enterprise
MFP, HP PageWide Enterprise MFP - Checklist for solving fax problems.
This error occurs while trying to access the Support Tools > Service > Service Functions menu.
NOTE: The timeout and host/proxy, it is referring to the internal network communication. Not the JDI
LAN drop to a router/Switch/Hub.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists while trying to enter the Service Functions menu, perform the following:
a. Disconnect and reconnect all cable connections between the engine and the formatter.
b. Check to ensure the internal RJ45 connection on the formatter is not damaged and is
correctly seated.
3. If the error persists, gather the Event Log and diagnostic JDP files at printer and elevate the case
using the Standard Support Process.
There is an issue with the communication connection between the main board and formatter board and
it has timed out.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists while trying to enter the Service Functions menu, perform the following:
a. Disconnect and reconnect all cable connections between the engine and the formatter.
b. Check to ensure the internal RJ45 connection on the formatter is not damaged and is
correctly seated.
3. If the error persists, gather the Event Log and diagnostic JDP files at printer and elevate the case
using the Standard Support Process.
Network connection not present. Port is initializing or is unavailable. Typically, the RJ45 cable between
the main board and formatter is disconnected.
This error occurs while trying to access the Support Tools > Service > Service Functions menu.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists while trying to enter the Service Functions menu, perform the following:
a. Disconnect and reconnect all cable connections between the engine and the formatter.
b. Check to ensure the internal RJ45 connection on the formatter is not damaged and is
correctly seated.
3. If the error persists, gather the Event Log and diagnostic JDP files at printer and elevate the case
using the Standard Support Process.
● No network connectivity
● A problem with the file being printed, with the software application sending the job, or with the print
2. Verify the printer is connected to the network, look at the network port connection on the back of
the printer, and verify that the amber activity light flashes indicating network traffic, and the green
link-status light is continuously lit indicating a network link. If the problem continues, try a different
network cable or port on the hub and check network configuration settings such as the printer's IP
3. Send a different file from the same software application to see if the error is specific to the original
file. Try sending a job from a different software application to see if the error is specific to the
application. Verify the computer has the correct print driver installed.
5. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Verify the printer is connected to the network. If it is not, use a different network cable, and check
the configuration settings.
3. Send a different file from the same software application to see if the error is specific to the original
file. Try sending a job from a different software application to see if the error is specific to the
application. Verify the computer has the correct print driver installed.
Engine speed successfully configured via Late Point Differentiation (cloud).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Engine speed successfully configured via Late Point Differentiation (USB).
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Engine speed has been successfully configured through Late Point Differentiation in EWS.
Engine speed has been configured through the Embedded Web Server (EWS) information.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Back channel internal error.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
47.01.xx errors
Image transformer internal error.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Job parser internal error.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Print job internal error.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Print spooler 9100 internal error.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Print spooler framework internal error.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Print application internal error.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
● 47.FC.00 (event code) Color plane registration (CPR) Image not found at system initialization
● 47.FC.10 (event code) Consecutive Dmax Dhalf Image not found at system initialization
● 47.FC.13 (event code) Consecutive Dmax Dhalf Print engine execution failure
● 47.FC.20 (event code) Error Diffusion Image not found at system initialization
● 47.FC.30 0 (event code) Drum Speed Adjustment Image not found at system initialization
● 47.FC.33 (event code) Drum Speed Adjustment Print engine execution failure
● 47.FC.40 (event code) Pulse Width Modulation Image not found at system initialization
● 47.FC.43 (event code) Pulse Width Modulation Print engine execution failure
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists over multiple power cycles, then do the following.
4. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
3. 3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, search for the following topic in WISE and use the troubleshooting flowcharts:
HP LaserJet FutureSmart Devices - 49 Error Troubleshooting (Persistent and Intermittent)
NOTE: 48.wx.yz are similar to 49.wx.yz errors and use the same troubleshooting steps and
Possible causes:
● Unsupported accessories
A 49 error might happen at any time for multiple reasons. Although some types of 49 errors can be
caused by hardware failures, it is more common for 49 errors to be caused by printing a specific
document or performing some task on the printer.
49 errors most often occur when a printer is asked to perform an action that the printer firmware is not
capable of and might not have been designed to comply with, such as:
● A unique combination of user environment and user interactions with the printer
● The error might be caused by a network connectivity problem, such as a bad USB or network
interface cable, a bad USB port, or an invalid network configuration setting.
● The error might be caused by the print job, due to an invalid print driver, a problem with the
software application, or a problem with the file being printed.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
● The error might be caused by a network connectivity problem, such as a bad interface cable, a
bad USB port, or an invalid network configuration setting.
● The error might be caused by the print job, due to an invalid print driver, a problem with the
software application, or a problem with the file being printed.
3. If the error persists, search for the following topic in WISE and use the troubleshooting flowcharts:
HP LaserJet FutureSmart Devices - 49 Error Troubleshooting (Persistent and Intermittent)
Error in the native video pipeline.
1. Search for the following topic in WISE and use the troubleshooting flowcharts to solve this error: HP
LaserJet FutureSmart Devices - 49 Error Troubleshooting (Persistent and Intermittent) (c03122817).
2. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and remove the HDMI cable connection from the main
3. Turn the printer on, and then check for blinking LEDs.
4. Take the back cover off and check the main board LEDs to see if they are blinking.
● If the LEDs are not blinking, then replace the main board.
For instructions on removing and replacing engine controller board (ECB), see the Repair
Service Manual for this product.
● If the LEDs are blinking, then replace the PCIe and EI cables.
6. If the error persists, elevate issue to the GBU using the Standard Support Process.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
1. Turn the printer off, and remove the fuser. Check the fuser for damage or obstructions. Reinstall or
replace the fuser as needed.
2. Check the connectors between the fuser and the DC controller and from the fuser to the printer.
The thermistor can’t measure the fuser temperature. The heat-roller will not heat-up.
3. Check if there is any obstruction or paper jammed inside the printer. If there is, remove it.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. Check if there is any obstruction or paper jammed inside the printer. If there is, remove it.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
1. Turn the printer off and remove and then reinstall the fuser. Turn the printer on.
2. Check the power source. Ensure the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure the
printer is plugged directly into a wall outlet and not into any other device.
NOTE: The voltage during the normal operation should be ±10% of the rated voltage.
3. Ensure that the printer is not located in front of a vent or window where the cool air might interfere
with the ability of the fuser to heat up.
4. Check the connector on the fuser for damage or broken pins. If needed, replace the fuser.
6. If the problem persists, replace the fuser drive board (FDB), or the LVPS Type-5, or the formatter as
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the sensor from the following menu:
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensor >
Fuser > Fuser Gap Home Sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section
of this CPMD.
ii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J69).
Part number:
● 50.FF.03 The fuser unit cannot warm up, the temperature of fuser is less than a certain temperature.
● 50.FF.06 Temperature of the center thermistor is higher than the maximum allowable temperature.
● 50.FF.07 Temperature of the side thermistor is higher than the maximum allowable temperature.
● 50.FF.09 The temperature of the center of the fuser changed suddenly (abnormal ADC).
● 50.FF.0A The temperature of the side of the fuser changed suddenly (abnormal ADC).
● 50.FF.0D The temperature measured in the thermistor remains less than the minimum temperature
permitted during printing.
● 50.FF.0E The temperature measured in the thermistor remains less than the minimum temperature
permitted during printing.
● 50.FF.0F The temperature measured in the central thermistor is much lower than the target
temperature after the warm-up period.
● 50.FF.10 The temperature measured by the side thermistor is much lower than the control
● 50.FF.11 The temperature measured in the side thermistor is much lower than the target temperature
after the warm-up period.
● 50.FF.12 The printer detected that the temperature of the fuser is higher than the permitted limit.
● 50.FF.13 The printer detected that the temperature of the fuser is higher than the permitted limit.
3. Check if there is any obstruction or paper jammed inside the printer. If there is, remove it.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. Check if there is any obstruction or paper jammed inside the printer. If there is, remove it.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
2. Open the jam cover and check if jammed or wrapped paper is in the fuser unit.
4. Check the power source. Ensure the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure the
printer is plugged directly into a wall outlet and not into any other device.
NOTE: The voltage during the normal operation should be ±10% of the rated voltage.
5. Ensure that the printer is not located in front of a vent or window where the cool air might interfere
with the ability of the fuser to heat up.
6. Check the connector on the fuser for damage or broken pins. If needed, replace the fuser.
8. If the problem persists, replace the fuser drive board (FDB), or the LVPS Type-5, or the formatter as
● For HP LaserJet printers, they can indicate a problem with the toner cartridges or the transfer unit
(color printers only), or they can indicate a problem with a sensor, such as with the laser/scanner.
● For HP PageWide printers, they can indicate a problem with the calibration process.
2. Make sure the printer is running the most current version of firmware. Go to HP FutureSmart -
Latest Firmware Versions
3. Check the supplies status page using the Supplies menu on the control panel to verify that toner
cartridges, toner collection unit (TCU), or the transfer belt kit are not past their useful life. Replace
the supplies and maintenance parts as necessary.
a. From the Home screen on the printer control panel, select Administration.
i. Reports
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. For color printers, inspect the transfer belt for damage. Replace the transfer belt if necessary or
instruct the customer to replace it.
4. For color printers, if the error persists, replace the registration assembly.
5. Check the connections between the laser/scanner and the DC controller, and from the laser/
scanner to the printer. Reseat them if necessary. If the error persists, replace the laser scanner.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
a. Run test 109–0000, Fuser Temperature A, and test 109–0010 Fuser Temperature B.
b. Select Start, then Get Status. The reading for A should be ~140–170, the reading for B should be
c. If the temperature test is normal, replace the main board PCA (ECB).
● 2 and 3
● 2 and 4
● 5 and 6
● 5 and 7
For instructions on removing and replacing fuser, see the Repair Service Manual for this
e. If the resistance measures OK, replace the main board PCA (ECB).
● 54.DD.06 The output of the inner temperature sensor is less than the minimum value permitted.
● 54.DD.07 The output of the inner temperature sensor is more than the maximum value permitted.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
b. Select Fuser.
The ACR sensor calibration error occurred in the set. This error occurs every time that you try to use the
The calibration value of the ACR sensor is abnormal. Printing is possible, but the print quality may
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Path: Support Tools > Maintenance > Calibration/Cleaning > Advanced Calibration Support > Auto
Color Registration
Then press the Start button.
2. Execute the Auto Color Registration (ACR) operation from the following menu:
Path: Support Tools > Maintenance > Calibration/Cleaning > Advanced Calibration Support > Auto
Color Registration
Then press the Start button.
3. Check ID sensors.
a. Clean ID sensors.
Path: Support Tools > Maintenance > Calibration/Cleaning > Advanced Diagnostics >
Advanced Calibration Support > CTD sensor Cleaning
iv. Power off and on, and retest for checking the status.
● 54.DD.09 The output of the outer temperature sensor is less than the minimum value permitted.
● 54.DD.0A The output of the outer temperature sensor is more than the maximum value permitted.
● 54.DD.0C The humidity sensor output is less than the minimum value permitted.
● 54.DD.0D The humidity sensor output is more than the maximum value permitted.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Part number:
Outer temperature sensor: 5QJ90-40002
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the fuser that corresponds to the error
1. Check if the fuser wrap jam sensor is properly mounted on the holder.
NOTE: If the error persists after replacing the fuser, the problem is most likely caused by
something other than a faulty fuser.
Remove and then reinstall the harness between the fuser and formatter. Make sure that the
connections are correctly and fully seated.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
3. If an optional paper tray is installed, remove it. Check the connectors on the tray for damage. If the
connector is damaged, replace the tray.
1. See this support document: HP LaserJet Enterprise, HP PageWide Enterprise - A "57.00.xx Error"
message displays on the printer control panel. (c04588847)
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
2. Update the firmware to the latest version. If the latest version firmware is already installed, reinstall
it now.
3. Remove enough parts to access the DC controller or the power supply PCA. Check the
connections from each fan to the DC controller or power supply PCA. Reseat them if necessary.
4. With the DC controller or power supply PCA exposed, turn the printer on. Immediately measure the
voltage between the connectors for each fan and the DC controller. If the voltage changes from 0V
to approximately 24V during the power-on cycle, replace the affected fan. If the voltage remains at
0V, replace the DC controller.
57.00.01 The LVPS (SMPS) fan 1 was not activated, but the printer indicates that it is operating.
57.00.02 The LVPS (SMPS) fan 1 was activated, but it did not start, or it stops after a certain amount of
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Check if there is abnormal fan noise. If there is abnormal fan noise, send technician to check and
replace SMPS fan1.
i. Run the diagnostics for the fan from the following menu.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
> Fan > LVPS Fan
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the fan to
the PCA (J67).
● 57.00.03 The duplex fan was not activated, but the printer indicates that it is operating.
● 57.00.04 The duplex fan operates, but it stops after a certain amount of time.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Check if there is abnormal fan noise. If there is abnormal fan noise, send a technician to check and
replace duplex fan.
i. Run the diagnostics for the fan from the following menu.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
> Fan > Duplex Fan 1, 2
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the fan to
the PCA (J88).
57.00.13 The fuser out fan was not activated, but the printer indicates that it is operating.
57.00.14 The fuser out fan was activated but it did not start or stops after a certain amount of time.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Check the fan sound. If there is abnormal fan noise, send a technician to check and replace the
fuser fan.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
> Fan > Fuser Fan
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the fan to
the PCA (J10).
● 57.00.17 The developer fan was not activated, but the printer indicates that it is operating.
● 57.00.18 The developer fan starts, but it stops after a certain amount of time.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Check the fan sound. If there is abnormal fan noise, send technician to check and replace
developer fan.
i. Run the diagnostics for the fan from the following menu.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Fan > Developer Fan
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the fan to
the PCA (J67).
● 57.00.30 The OPC2 fan was not activated, but the printer indicates that it is operating. The fan is
● 57.00.31 The OPC2 fan is faulty or the ready signal is abnormal. The fan is shown to be operating due
to a circuit fault.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
● 57.00.32 The front fan was not activated, but the printer indicates that it is operating.
● 57.00.33 The front fan is faulty, or the ready signal is abnormal. The fan is shown to be operating due
to a circuit fault
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the problem persists, turn the printer off before you check the fan. A PL accident may occur when
you open the access panel to check the fan.
57.10.01 error
There is an error with the CPU fan.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: If the problem is with the CPU fan, HP does not recommended replacing the fan alone due
to quality issues related to the part's nature.
Therefore, the fan is not provided as a service part. HP recommends replacing the Main PCA
(Formatter) instead.
b. Check if there is any foreign substance or paper around feed/MP unit, preventing the rollers
from turning. Remove any foreign substances or paper found.
2. Check all connections on the main control board of the printer, (DC controller, Engine control board
ECB) each motor, and to the paper feeder drive PCA (for an optional paper feeder). Reseat them if
● 59.00.10 The motor is operating, but the printer indicates that it is stopped.
● 59.00.20 The motor was not activated, but the printer indicates that it is operating.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
c. If the test fails, check if the wire harness on the drive assembly and main board are connected
correctly (Connector 21).
g. If the 24V is abnormal, disconnect the cable and test the voltage on the cable connector from
the LVPS (24V ± 5%).
h. If the voltage from the LVPS type 5 board is abnormal, replace it.
i. If the voltage is good from the LVPS but not normal when plugged into the connectors, replace
the main board PCA.
3. Check the motor signal 3.3V from the main board PCA.
a. Test the motor signal voltage on pin 7 with the motor test running and stopped. The voltage
should be ~0V when running and 3.3V ± 5% when stopped.
● 59.00.30 The fuser motor is operating, but the printer indicates that it is stopped.
● 59.00.40 The fuser motor was not activated, but the printer indicates that it is operating.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the customer is unable to clear the error, escalate the case for further support.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
b. Remove and inspect the fuser unit. If the gears on the fuser are damaged, replace the fuser.
c. Physically inspect the fuser drive gears for any obstructions or damage. If the damage or
obstructions can not be cleared, replace the fuser drive.
3. If the fuser and gear drive are OK, check the fuser drive motor.
e. If the 24V is abnormal, disconnect the cable and test the voltage on the cable connector from
the LVPS. (24V ± 5%).
f. If the voltage from the LVPS type 5 board is abnormal, replace it.
g. If the voltage is good from the LVPS but not normal when plugged into the connectors, replace
the main board PCA (ECB).
4. Check the motor signal 3.3V from the main board PCA.
a. Test the motor signal voltage on pin 7 with the motor test running and stopped. The voltage
should be ~0V when running and 3.3V ± 5% when stopped.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Guide the toner cartridge initial seal. Shake and reinstall the toner.
2. If the customer is unable to clear the error, escalate the case for further support.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
2. If the supply motor does not run without the toner cartridge, then replace the motor or the drive
3. If the same error occurs continuously, then replace the toner cartridge.
1. Check the toner cartridge initial seal. Shake and reinstall the toner.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Guide the toner cartridge initial seal. Shake and reinstall the toner.
2. If the customer is unable to clear the error, escalate the case for further support.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
2. If the supply motor does not run without the toner cartridge, then replace the motor or the drive
3. If the same error occurs continuously, then replace the toner cartridge.
1. Turn the printer off. Check the OPC and developer unit, and remove any jammed paper or foreign
substance found. Then turn the printer on.
2. If the same error occurs, turn the printer off, and then on.
3. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn the printer off. Check the OPC and developer unit, and remove any jammed paper or foreign
substance found. Then turn the printer on.
2. If the same error occurs, turn the printer off, and then on.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
1. Turn the printer off. Check the OPC and developer unit, and remove any jammed paper or foreign
substance found. Then turn the printer on.
3. Turn off the printer, remove and reinstall the OPC and development unit, and then turn the printer
4. If the same error occurs, run the OPC motor without the OPC and development unit and check the
a. If the motor operates and the same error does not occur, then replace the OPC or
development unit.
b. If the motor operates and the same error occur, then replace the related circuit.
c. If the motor does not run, then replace the motor or the related circuit.
The developer motor was not activated, but the printer indicates that it is operating. The printer indicates
that the developer motor is operating when the motor has stopped. The copy, print, and fax services are
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the customer is unable to clear the error, escalate the case for further support.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
NOTE: The copy, print, and fax services are unavailable when the error occurs.
ITB engage motor error.
The motor that moves the ITB transfer 1 roller operates, but the position of the ITB transfer 1 roller does
not change.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the unit for the error reported.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Transfer > ITB Engage Motor
59.00.F0 391
And check the motor sound.
b. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor to the
PCA (J70).
59.05.50, 59.05.60
The black drum motor is operating, but the printer indicates that it is stopped.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the unit for the error reported.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Drum > Black Drum Motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Main-J70).
iii. Retest the motor. If the test fails, replace the motor.
59.06.50, 59.06.60
The cyan drum motor is operating, but the printer indicates that it is stopped.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the unit for the error reported.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Drum > Cyan Drum Motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Main-J76).
iii. Retest the motor. If the test fails, replace the motor.
59.07.50, 59.07.60
The magenta drum motor is operating, but the printer indicates that it is stopped.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the unit for the error reported.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Drum > Magenta Drum Motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Main-J76).
iii. Retest the motor. If the test fails, replace the motor.
59.08.50, 59.08.60
The yellow drum motor is operating, but the printer indicates that it is stopped.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the unit for the error reported.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Drum > Yellow Drum Motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Main-J76).
iii. Retest the motor. If the test fails, replace the motor.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
a. If the test fails, remove the motor from the printer without disconnecting the wires.
c. If the motor does not function correctly, replace the CPR shutter drive.
d. If the motor functions correctly when not connected to the printer, replace the main frame
Color Plane Registration (CPR) assembly.
4. If the issue persists and the CPR drive has not been replaced, replace the CPR shutter drive.
● 59.05.70 The black toner supply motor operates, but the toner is not supplied.
● 59.06.70 The cyan toner supply motor operates, but the toner is not supplied.
● 59.07.70 The magenta toner supply motor operates, but the toner is not supplied.
● 59.08.70 The yellow toner supply motor operates, but the toner is not supplied.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
c. Fold down the toner supply shutter and check if the toner supply pipe is blocked. If the pipe is
clog or blocked, open it.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that the toner supply shutter is back in the up position before
3. Turn the printer off, and then on. Verify if the error is still present.
4. If previous checks are normal, check the toner dispense motor for the failing color.
a. While the test is running, listen for the motor to turn on and run.
e. If the 24V is abnormal, disconnect the cable and test the voltage on the cable connector from
the LVPS. (24V ± 5%).
f. If the voltage from the LVPS type 5 board is abnormal, replace it.
g. If the voltage is good from the LVPS but not normal when plugged into the connectors, replace
the main board PCA.
59.10.B0, 59.10.C0
The black toner dispense motor operates, but the toner is not supplied.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the toner cartridge for the error reported.
Part number: W9130-67007 SVC-HP LJ Blk Mngd Toner Crtg High Yield
1. Turn the printer off, and then on to clear the error message.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Toner > Black Toner
Dispense Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this document.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Main-J86).
b. Check the load of the cartridge. Rotate the gear of the cartridge.
Part number: W9130-67007 SVC-HP LJ Blk Mngd Toner Crtg High Yield
59.11.B0, 59.11.C0
The cyan toner dispense motor operates, but the toner is not supplied.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the toner cartridge for the error reported.
Part number: W9131-67007 SVC-HP LJ Cyn Mngd Toner Crtg High Yield
1. Turn the printer off, and then on to clear the error message.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Toner > Cyan Toner
Dispense Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this document.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Main-J86).
Part number: W9131-67007 SVC-HP LJ Cyn Mngd Toner Crtg High Yield
59.12.B0, 59.12.C0
The magenta toner dispense motor operates, but the toner is not supplied.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Part number: W9133-67007 SVC-HP LJ Mgn Mngd Toner Crtg High Yield
1. Turn the printer off, and then on to clear the error message.
2. Check the toner cartridge initial seal. If it is attached, remove it. Shake and reinstall the toner.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Toner > Magenta Toner
Dispense Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this document.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Main-J86).
b. Check the load of the cartridge. Rotate the gear of the cartridge.
Part number: W9133-67007 SVC-HP LJ Mgn Mngd Toner Crtg High Yield
59.13.B0, 59.13.C0
The yellow toner dispense motor operates, but the toner is not supplied.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the toner cartridge for the error reported.
Part number: W9132-67007 SVC-HP LJ Ylw Mngd Toner Crtg High Yield
1. Turn the printer off, and then on to clear the error message.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Toner > Yellow Toner
Dispense Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this document.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Main-J86).
b. Check the load of the cartridge. Rotate the gear of the cartridge.
Part number: W9132-67007 SVC-HP LJ Ylw Mngd Toner Crtg High Yield
59.20.D0, 59.20.E0
The black developer motor was activated, but it stops after a certain amount of time.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the developer unit for the error reported.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Developer > Black
Developer Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this document.
iii. Retest the motor. If the test fails, replace the motor.
a. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the developer unit to the PCA
59.21.D0, 59.21.E0
The cyan developer motor was activated, but it stops after a certain amount of time.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the developer unit for the error reported.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Developer > Cyan
Developer Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this document.
iii. Retest the motor. If the test fails, replace the motor.
a. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the developer unit to the PCA
59.22.D0, 59.22.E0
The magenta developer motor was activated, but it stops after a certain amount of time.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the developer unit for the error reported.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Developer > Magenta
Developer Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this document.
iii. Retest the motor. If the test fails, replace the motor.
a. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the developer unit to the PCA
59.23.D0, 59.23.E0
The yellow developer motor was activated, but it stops after a certain amount of time.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the developer unit for the error reported.
i. Run the diagnostic test for the motor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component Tests > Developer > Yellow
Developer Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this document.
iii. Retest the motor. If the test fails, replace the motor.
a. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the developer unit to the PCA
● If the stack is not correctly placed against the right side of the tray, the pick roller will not be lifted
and the error will occur.
● If paper gets stuck between the tray and drive coupling at rear of tray opening.
1. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into
the tray. The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size
designation. Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
2. Ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into
the tray. The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size
designation. Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
a. Remove tray and examine the lift gear mechanism on the rear of the tray.
b. Rotate the coupler and observe the tray lift. If the tray fails to lift, replace the tray.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Tray > Tray 2 > Tray 2 Pickup Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (J71).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray 2 > Tray 2 Stack Height Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
Part number:
Tray 2 empty sensor: 0604-001393
Or Tray 2 pickup assembly: JC93-01728A (Upper assembly)
For Tray 2 stack height sensor or pickup assembly instructions, see the Repair Service Manual
for this product.
60.00.03 or 60.01.03
Indicates tray 3 did not lift properly.
● If the stack is not correctly placed against the right side of the tray, the pick roller will not be lifted
and the error will occur.
● If paper gets stuck between the tray and drive coupling at rear of tray opening.
1. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into
the tray. The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size
designation. Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
a. Remove tray and examine the lift gear mechanism on the rear of the tray.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Tray > Tray 3 > Tray 3 Pickup Motor.
To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information section of this
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (J71).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray 3 > Tray 3 Stack Height Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
● If the stack is not correctly placed against the right side of the tray, the pick roller will not be lifted
and the error will occur.
● If paper gets stuck between the tray and drive coupling at rear of tray opening.
1. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into
the tray. The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size
designation. Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
a. Remove tray and examine the lift gear mechanism on the rear of the tray.
b. Rotate the coupler and observe the tray lift. If the tray fails to lift, replace the tray.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4 Pickup Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (DCF-CN601).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4 Stack Height Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
● If the stack is not correctly placed against the right side of the tray, the pick roller will not be lifted
and the error will occur.
● If paper gets stuck between the tray and drive coupling at rear of tray opening.
1. Ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into
the tray (Letter or A4). The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the
paper size designation. Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
1. Ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into
the tray (Letter or A4). The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the
paper size designation. Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
2. Ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into
the tray (Letter or A4). The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the
paper size designation. Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
b. Rotate the coupler and observe the tray lift. If the tray fails to lift, replace the tray.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4 Pickup Motor - Lift.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (HCI-CN902).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4 Knockup Home Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. Cover the sensor to check the reading value changes. (Move the shift plate).
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4 Shift Plate Home Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. Cover the sensor to check the reading value changes. (Move the shift plate).
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4 Stack Height Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
● If the stack is not correctly placed against the right side of the tray, the pick roller will not be lifted
and the error will occur.
● If paper gets stuck between the tray and drive coupling at rear of tray opening.
1. Ensure that the tray width guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray. The
arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size designation.
Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
1. Ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into
the tray. The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size
designation. Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
2. Ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into
the tray. The arrow on the guide should line up exactly with the line connected to the paper size
designation. Ensure that the tray is not filled above the fill mark on the tray.
b. Rotate the coupler and observe the tray lift. If the tray fails to lift, replace the tray.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Tray > Tray 5 > Tray 5 Pickup Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (DCF-CN801).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray 5 > Tray 5 Stack Height Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
3. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4 Shift Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (HCI-CN902).
1. Open the tray, remove media, and then check for any debris or items that could be interfering with
the solenoid lever guide.
2. Replace media, and adjust guides to the desired size. Make sure the media size guides (especially
the rear media size guide) are against the media. Then close the tray.
3. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the tray, remove media, and then check for any debris or items that could be interfering with
the solenoid lever guide.
2. Replace media, and adjust guides to the desired size. Make sure the media size guides (especially
the rear media size guide) are against the media. Then close the tray.
1. An error occurred when paper sheets are shifted (shift solenoid or solenoid senser).
2. Open the tray, remove media, and then check for any debris or items that could be interfering with
the solenoid lever guide.
3. Check if there is any problem with the shift solenoid and solenoid sensor. Then close the tray.
The Tray 4 gate sensor or gate solenoid is in a faulty or abnormal state.
3. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the
solenoid to the PCA (HCIsub-CN4).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Tray > Tray 4 > Tray 4 Shift Gate Solenoid.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the
solenoid to the PCA (HCIsub-CN6).
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off and remove the back covers.
6. Check to ensure the internal RJ45 connection on the formatter is not damaged and is correctly
8. If the error persists, gather the event log and diagnostic JDP files about the printer and elevate the
case using the Standard Support Process.
A hardware-related failure has been detected by the engine.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off and remove the back covers.
6. Check to ensure the internal RJ45 connection on the formatter is not damaged and is correctly
8. If the error persists, gather the event log and diagnostic JDP files about the printer and elevate the
case using the Standard Support Process.
Connection Between Formatter and Engine lost because of the response time out
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off and remove the back covers.
6. Check to ensure the internal RJ45 connection on the formatter is not damaged and is correctly
8. If the error persists, gather the event log and diagnostic JDP files about the printer and elevate the
case using the Standard Support Process.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
4. If the error persists, print the event log from the control panel, or access it from the HP Embedded
Web Server (EWS), then elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
NOTE: To access the EWS, open a web browser, and in the address line, enter the printer IP
2. Check the power source. Ensure the power source meets the printer requirements.
3. Ensure the printer is plugged directly into a wall outlet and not into any other device.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Check the power source. Ensure the power source meets the printer requirements.
3. Ensure the printer is plugged directly into a wall outlet and not into any other device.
4. Ensure there are no other devices using the same voltage circuit that may be affecting the power
(110V/ 220V).
5. Make sure all internal components are fully seated and making good contact.
6. Check the connections on all the circuit boards inside the printer. Make sure all connectors are fully
seated and the connectors are not damaged.
An error occurred when installing or connecting the imaging drum unit due to contaminating or damage
of the high voltage contact point.
Possible causes:
● The machine can’t read the charger resistance of the imaging drum unit.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
c. Remove the failing imaging drum unit and check the CRUM connector for damage. Replace
the imaging drum unit as needed.
Part number:
For instructions on removing and replacing imaging drum unit, see the Repair Service Manual
for this product.
d. Check the metal imaging drum unit contact and printer contact for dirt, dust or debris. Clean
contacts as needed.
f. Reinstall the toner collection unit and close the front and right covers.
Part number:
For instructions on removing and replacing imaging drum unit, see the Repair Service Manual for
this product.
5. If the error persists after all troubleshooting is performed, elevate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
b. Use the Find field to search for the Drum Motor service code for the affected color.
c. From the found Drum Motor service code screen, press Start, run for 20 seconds, and
then press Stop.
d. Repeat the Drum motor test approximately 3 to 4 times, then turn the printer off, and then
e. If the printer does not come ready, continue troubleshooting with the following steps.
● If the error was not proceeded by 63.00.3B, 63.00.3D, 63.00.3F, or 63.00.41, then
continue with the following troubleshooting steps.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the toner supply shutter is back in the up position before continuing.
8. Turn the printer off, and then on. Verify if the error persists.
10. If the error persists, replace the developer unit for the error reported.
11. If the error persists, check the toner dispense motor for the failing color.
a. While the test is running, listen for the motor to turn on and run.
e. If the 24V is abnormal, disconnect the cable and test the voltage on the cable connector from
the LVPS. (24V ± 5%).
f. If the voltage from the LVPS type 5 board is abnormal, replace it.
g. If the voltage is good from the LVPS but not normal when plugged into the connectors, replace
the main board PCA.
The printer detected an error in the resistance value when it measured the resistance of the high-
voltage power supplied to the transfer roller.
The transfer roller is not installed or there is a problem in the high-voltage power supply circuit or
resistance recognition circuit.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
4. If the error persists, replace the high voltage power supply (HVPS).
The printer stopped operating because the temperature of the CPU is too high.
63.00.0A 479
The transfer roller is not installed or there is a problem in the high-voltage power supply circuit or
resistance recognition circuit.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The Master System Operating Key (MSOK) needs to be removed from the old PCA and
inserted on the new main board PCA.
The incorrect Master System Operating Key (MSOK) is installed or the MOSK data is corrupted.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
b. Check if the Master System Operating Key (MSOK) is inserted correctly. Remove and reinstall
NOTE: The Master System Operating Key (MSOK) needs to be removed from the old PCA and
inserted on the new main board PCA.
There is an error in the Trusted Platform Module in the Master System Operating Key (MSOK).
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
63.00.1B 483
Recommended actions for call-center agents and onsite technicians
b. Check if the Master System Operating Key (MSOK) is inserted correctly. Remove and reinstall
3. If the error persists, elevate the issue using the Standard Support Process to get a new MSOK
An error occurred in the 24V power line.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Check the 24V power line to chassis ground on the main board PCA from the LVPS type 5.
3. If the 24V power line is abnormal, disconnect the cable and test the voltage on the cable connector
from the LVPS. (24V ± 5%).
4. If the voltage from the LVPS type 5 board is abnormal, replace it.
5. If the voltage is good from the LVPS but not normal when plugged into the connectors, replace the
main board PCA.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Check the 5V power line to chassis ground on the main board PCA from the LVPS type 5.
63.00.22 487
Figure 6-22 Connector 13 on the main board PCA
3. If the 5V power line is abnormal, disconnect the cable and test the voltage on the cable connector
from the LVPS. (5V ± 5% ).
4. If the voltage from the LVPS type 5 board is abnormal, replace it.
5. If the voltage is good from the LVPS but not normal when plugged into the connectors, replace the
main board PCA.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the laser scanner unit (LSU) for the error
63.00.23 489
Recommended action for onsite technicians
1. Turn the printer off, and then on to clear the error message.
■ Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the unit to the PCA (J81).
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the laser scanner unit (LSU) for the error
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
LSU > LSU Shutter Open Sensor.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
LSU > LSU Shutter Close Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
63.00.2D 491
b. Replace the sensor as needed.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > LSU > LSU Shutter Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (J5).
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the laser scanner unit (LSU) for the error
1. Turn the printer off, and then on to clear the error message
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > LSU > LSU Motor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (J81).
3. Turn the printer off, and then on. Check for the LSU motor operation sound during warming up.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
● If the LSU motor does not make a sound, skip to the next step.
a. Touch Start, and then touch Get Status. Wait for five seconds and touch Get Status again.
Check if the status has changed as follows: Execute to Low to High.
b. If the status does not change, the motor ready signal is abnormal. Replace the laser
scanner unit.
For instructions on removing and replacing laser scanner unit, see the Repair Service
Manual for this product.
4. If the LSU motor does not make sound, complete these troubleshooting steps:
c. Disconnect and reconnect the flat flexible cable (FFC) on the laser scanner and the Connector
7 on the main board PCA.
NOTE: Before unplugging the LSU harness, the printer must be turned off and the power cord
must be removed.
63.00.33 or 63.00.34
The laser scanner unit (LSU) motor error.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
1. Turn the printer off, and then on. Check for the laser scanner unit (LSU) motor operation sound
during warming up.
● If the LSU motor does not make a sound, skip to the next step.
a. Touch Start, and then touch Get Status. Wait for five seconds and touch Get Status again.
Check if the status has changed as follows: Execute to Low to High.
b. If the status does not change, the motor ready signal is abnormal. Replace the LSU.
For instructions on removing and replacing laser scanner unit, see the Repair Service
Manual for this product.
2. If the LSU motor does not make sound, complete these troubleshooting steps:
c. Disconnect and reconnect the flat flexible cable (FFC) on the LSU and the Connector 7 on the
main board PCA.
CAUTION: Before unplugging the LSU harness, the printer must be turned off and the power
cord must be removed.
e. Turn the printer on and listen to the LSU motor sound to see if the LSU operates correctly.
The laser/scanner unit is not detected.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
3. If the LSU motor does not make sound, complete these troubleshooting steps:
c. Disconnect and reconnect the flat flexible cable (FFC) on the LSU and the Connector 7 on the
main board PCA.
CAUTION: Before unplugging the LSU harness, the printer must be turned off and the power
cord must be removed.
e. Turn the printer on and listen to the LSU motor sound to see if the LSU operates correctly.
g. If the error persists, reinstall the original LSU, and then replace the main board PCA.
63.00.36: The LSU temperature sensor detects a value beyond its permitted range.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the laser scanner unit (LSU) for the error
1. Turn the printer off, and then on to clear the error message.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the developer unit for the error reported.
Part number:
Yellow: 5PN58-67001
Magenta: 5PN59-67001
Cyan: 5PN60-67001
Black: 5PN57-67001
1. Turn the printer off, and then on to clear the error message.
3. Check if the developer unit connector (4 pin) is connected correctly. Check if the pin is deformed. If
the connector is damaged, replace the developer unit.
Part number:
Yellow: 5PN58-67001
Magenta: 5PN59-67001
Cyan: 5PN60-67001
Black: 5PN57-67001
Part number:
Yellow: 5PN58-67001
Magenta: 5PN59-67001
Cyan: 5PN60-67001
Black: 5PN57-67001
For instructions on removing and replacing developer unit, see the Repair Service Manual for
this product.
a. Rub the test page by hand. If there are any palpable unfixed particles, check the HVPS.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
a. Disconnect and reconnect the wiring harness between the erase LED and Connector 31 on
the main board PCA. If the wire harness is damaged, replace the cable harness.
b. If the wire harness is OK, check the voltage and signal to the erase LED.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Disconnect and reconnect the flat flexible cable (FFC) on the laser scanner unit (LSU) and the
formatter to check if the FFC connection works.
63.00.50 Tray 2
63.00.51 Tray 3
63.00.52 Tray 4
63.00.53 Tray 5
63.00.54 Tray 6
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
Engine firmware crash in the portability layer.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, gather JDP diagnostic logs and elevate the case using the Standard Support
Engine firmware crash in an uncontrolled area.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. Disconnect the external +5v cable from the accelerator board and secure it.
Search for the following document on WISE to see procedure and information: HP LaserJet
Managed MFP E72525-E72535, E77822-E77830, E82540-E8256, E87640-E87660 - Accelerator Card
No Longer Requires External +5v Connection (c06294749).
6. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
Imaging ASIC card detected, but not supported in this device
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Imaging ASIC card memory failure
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. Disconnect the external +5v cable from the accelerator board and secure it.
Search for the following document on WISE to see procedure and information: HP LaserJet
Managed MFP E72525-E72535, E77822-E77830, E82540-E8256, E87640-E87660 - Accelerator Card
No Longer Requires External +5v Connection (c06294749).
6. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
Imaging ASIC card general error
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. Disconnect the external +5v cable from the accelerator board and secure it.
Search for the following document on WISE to see procedure and information: HP LaserJet
Managed MFP E72525-E72535, E77822-E77830, E82540-E8256, E87640-E87660 - Accelerator Card
No Longer Requires External +5v Connection (c06294749).
5. If the issue is intermittent, it is not caused by hardware. Capture logs and elevate the case using the
Standard Support Process.
Imaging ASIC card assertion failure
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. Disconnect the external +5v cable from the accelerator board and secure it.
Search for the following document on WISE to see procedure and information: HP LaserJet
Managed MFP E72525-E72535, E77822-E77830, E82540-E8256, E87640-E87660 - Accelerator Card
No Longer Requires External +5v Connection (c06294749).
5. If the issue is intermittent, it is not caused by hardware. Capture logs and elevate the case using the
Standard Support Process.
Imaging ASIC card assertion failure
3. Disconnect the external +5v cable from the accelerator board and secure it.
Search for the following document on WISE to see procedure and information: HP LaserJet
Managed MFP E72525-E72535, E77822-E77830, E82540-E8256, E87640-E87660 - Accelerator Card
No Longer Requires External +5v Connection (c06294749).
5. If the issue is intermittent, it is not caused by hardware. Capture logs and elevate the case using the
Standard Support Process.
Imaging ASIC card assertion failure
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. Disconnect the external +5v cable from the accelerator board and secure it.
Search for the following document on WISE to see procedure and information: HP LaserJet
Managed MFP E72525-E72535, E77822-E77830, E82540-E8256, E87640-E87660 - Accelerator Card
No Longer Requires External +5v Connection (c06294749).
5. If the issue is intermittent, it is not caused by hardware. Capture logs and elevate the case using the
Standard Support Process.
Fan had to be restarted
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. Disconnect the external +5v cable from the accelerator board and secure it.
Search for the following document on WISE to see procedure and information: HP LaserJet
Managed MFP E72525-E72535, E77822-E77830, E82540-E8256, E87640-E87660 - Accelerator Card
No Longer Requires External +5v Connection (c06294749).
Fan had to be restarted, but failed
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. Disconnect the external +5v cable from the accelerator board and secure it.
Search for the following document on WISE to see procedure and information: HP LaserJet
Managed MFP E72525-E72535, E77822-E77830, E82540-E8256, E87640-E87660 - Accelerator Card
No Longer Requires External +5v Connection (c06294749).
ASIC socket error
This error indicates a Jedi socket connection couldn’t be made over the internal network port to the 2nd
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Format Disk procedure, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Perform a
Partial Clean or Format Disk to reset the printer (c03398779).
3. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
Recommended action
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact HP support at www.hp.com/go/
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
65.00.A1 (Inner)
The printer lost communication with the finisher.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Check the finisher for any damaged or loose parts, and remove any obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
2. Check the inner finisher interface cables and ensure they are seated correctly.
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Check the finisher for any damaged or loose parts, and remove any obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
2. Check the inner finisher interface cables and ensure they are seated correctly.
3. If the customer says the error has not been resolved, send a technician to check.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Check the finisher for any damaged or loose parts, and remove any obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
2. Check the inner finisher interface cables and ensure they are seated correctly.
3. Ensure that the printer has the most current firmware version for the finisher. Upgrade the firmware
as needed.
4. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
66.* errors
Errors in the 66.* family are related to output accessories.
66.40.84 (Inner)
Punch home sensor failure.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, have a service technician prepare the following parts before customer visit.
NOTE: Make sure different punch units are provided depending on the area of use.
Part number:
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner Finisher > Punch > Punch home sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode PIN, see the Printer Service Information section of this
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
(Inner-rear joint).
NOTE: Make sure that different types of punch units are provided depending on the area of
Part number:
For instructions, see the Repair Service Manual for this product.
66.60.25 (Inner)
The inner finisher experienced a paper-holding-lever unit failure.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Check the finisher for any damaged or loose parts, and remove any obstructions.
g. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
4. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
5. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
f. Check the finisher for any damaged or loose parts, and remove any obstructions.
g. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
3. Check the inner finisher interface cables and ensure they are seated correctly.
4. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
5. If the customer says the error has not been resolved, send a technician to check.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Check the finisher for any damaged or loose parts, and remove any obstructions.
g. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
3. Check the inner finisher interface cables and ensure they are seated correctly.
5. Remove all paper from the finisher output bin, and then ensure that the paper holder levers are not
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Finisher > Output tray > Paper holding solenoid
NOTE: To learn the service mode PIN, see the Printer Service Information section of this
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the
solenoid to the PCA (Inner-paper holding solenoid).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > Output tray > Output tray paper holding sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode PIN, see the Printer Service Information section of this
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
66.60.28 (Inner)
The rear tamper unit has experienced an error.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. If the error still persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the following part.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
4. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
5. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
6. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Finisher > Tamper > Rear tamper motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode PIN, see the Printer Service Information section of this
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Inner-rear).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > Tamper > Rear tamper home sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
66.60.30 (Inner)
Output tray motor failure.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, have a service technician prepare the following part before customer visit.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Finisher > Output tray > Output tray motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Inner-front).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > Output tray > Output tray motor sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
3. If the error persists, have a service technician prepare the following part before customer visit.
Paper holding kit (paper holding solenoid and paper holding sensor) part number: JC90-01314A
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > Output tray > Output tray paper holding sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
66.60.77 (Inner), 66.60.78 (Inner), 66.60.79 (Inner), 66.60.80 (Inner), 66.80.04 (Inner) 545
c. Open the right and upper jam covers.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Check the finisher for any damaged or loose parts and remove any obstructions.
g. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions, and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Check the finisher for any damaged or loose parts and remove any obstructions.
g. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the following part.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Check the finisher for any damaged or loose parts and remove any obstructions.
g. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
3. Open and then close the finisher door to check if the finisher executes the initialization process.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Finisher > Paddle > Main paddle motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode PIN, see the Printer Service Information section of this
iii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Inner-Front).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > Paddle > Main paddle home sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Finisher > Output tray > Paper holding solenoid
NOTE: To learn the service mode PIN, see the Printer Service Information section of this
iii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the
solenoid to the PCA (Inner-Paper holding solenoid).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > Output tray > Output tray top of stack sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode PIN, see the Printer Service Information section of this
66.60.83 (Inner)
Ejector2 motor failure.
1. Check the black plastic paddles on the sub-ejector mechanism to see if they are out of position .
Item Description
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Check the black plastic paddles on the sub-ejector mechanism to see if they are out of position .
Item Description
3. If the customer says the error has not been resolved, send a technician to check.
1. Check the black plastic paddles on the sub-ejector mechanism to see if they are out of position .
Item Description
Item Description
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Finisher > Ejector > Ejector2 motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Inner-Ejector).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > Ejector > Ejector 2 motor sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
66.60.84 (Inner)
End fence sensor did not detect paper.
1. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
3. If the customer says the error has not been resolved, send a technician to check.
1. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > End fence > End fence sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor to the PCA
1. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
2. Open and then close the door of the finisher to check if the finisher executes the initialization
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
4. If the customer says the error has not been resolved, send a technician with the following part.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
3. Open and then close the door of the finisher to check if the finisher executes the initialization
4. Check the finisher for any damaged or loose parts, and remove any obstructions.
5. Locate the two metal ejectors (Callout 1), and check for either deformed ejectors (Callout 2) or
correctly formed ejectors (Callout 3).
a. If one or both of the metal ejectors are deformed, perform the following steps.
c. Push down on the deformed metal ejector to reshape it to a square shape. The objective is to
have 90-degree corners as shown.
d. Put the inner finisher back together and test it by making 50 copies of two blank pages with
two staples on the center.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Finisher > Ejector > Ejector 1 motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA. (Inner-ejector)
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
66.80.08 (Inner)
The inner finisher paper support unit experienced an error.
1. Check the inner finisher exit tray and remove any paper or obstructions.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
4. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
5. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Check the inner finisher exit tray and remove any paper or obstructions.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
4. If the customer says the error has not been resolved, send a technician with the following part.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
1. Check the inner finisher exit tray and remove any paper or obstructions.
3. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
g. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
NOTE: To learn the service mode PIN, see the Printer Service Information section of this
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Inner-rear).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > Paper support > Paper support home sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode PIN, see the Printer Service Information section of this
66.80.27 (Inner)
The front alignment tamper experienced an error in the inner finisher output device.
1. Check the exit tray of the inner finisher and remove any paper or obstructions.
3. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
6. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Check the exit tray of the inner finisher and remove any paper or obstructions.
3. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
5. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician with the following part.
NOTE: For part-replacement procedures, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the
Standard Support Process.
1. Check the exit tray of the inner finisher and remove any paper or obstructions.
3. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
4. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Inner finisher > Tamper > Front tamper motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Inner-Front).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > Tamper > Front tamper home sensor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA
66.80.36 (Inner)
Stapler motor error.
1. Check the inner finisher exit tray and remove any paper or obstructions.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
5. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Check the inner finisher exit tray and remove any paper or obstructions.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
5. If the customer says the error has not been resolved, send a technician with the following part.
NOTE: For part-replacement procedures, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the
Standard Support Process.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Finisher > Stapler > Stapler position motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Inner-Rear Joint).
1. Check that the stapler unit shipping/retaining screw has been removed.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Check that the stapler unit shipping/retaining screw has been removed.
1. Check that the stapler unit shipping/retaining screw has been removed.
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Component
Tests > Inner finisher > Stapler > Stapler position motor
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
ii. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the motor
to the PCA (Inner-Rear Joint).
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors
> Inner finisher > Stapler > Stapler front sensor (or Stapler mid-front sensor or Stapler
mid-rear sensor or Stapler rear sensor)
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
iii. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA.
(Inner-Rear Joint)
Part number:
Stapler front sensor: 0604-001393
Stapler mid-front sensor: 0604-001393
Stapler mid-rear sensor: 0604-001393
Stapler rear sensor: 0604-001393
For instructions, see the Service Manual for this printer.
1. Check the exit tray of the inner finisher and remove any paper or obstructions.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
5. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
3. If the error persists, turn the printer off, and then on.
NOTE: For part-replacement procedures, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the
Standard Support Process.
1. If this error occurs on initial install, check to see if the unit was shipped without the shipping lock
screw installed.
b. If the customer reports that the 66.80.46 error appears on the control panel and is
accompanied by a loud buzzing noise, ask the customer or technician to open the front door
of the inner finisher, check the stapler position, and see if the staples cartridge is stuck inside
the path of the stapler.
The technician should then test the unit by stapling two sheets together in a test copy job.
If the 66.80.84, 66.80.85, or 66.80.86 error does not appear on the control panel and if
there is no buzzing noise, the inner finisher can be considered fixed.
2. If the error was not caused by the unit shipped without the lock in place, continue troubleshooting
with the following steps.
3. Verify there are no jammed staples in the staple cartridge. Lift the front metal and make sure the
staples are correctly formed. Clear any damaged staples and remove the current sheet of staples
from the cartridge if needed.
4. Open the finisher and check for any jammed paper or obstructions and remove them.
b. Use the release lever to slide the inner finisher away from the printer.
e. Open the top cover and inspect the areas for paper jams or obstructions.
f. Close the covers and slide the inner finisher into place.
● Support Tools
● Service
● Advanced Service
● Advanced Diagnostics
d. If the sensors do not function correctly, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire
harness from the stapler position sensor to the finisher rear joint PCA.
e. Retest the sensors. If the sensors still do not function, replace the sensor unit as needed.
b. If the motor does not function correctly, disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire
harness from the motor to the finisher PCA.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Recommended action
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
1. Check the connections between the PCA in the input device and the PCA in the printer.
Optional exit unit is not installed.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
NOTE: The following task includes links to part-replacement procedures for some parts. To obtain
procedures for other parts, or for missing part numbers, escalate the issue using the Standard
Support Process.
a. If the test fails, disconnect and reconnect the wire harness connection on the Exit 2 unit and
Connector 1 on the main board PCA.
b. If the wire harness is ok, check if the sensor arm moves freely. If it does not, replace the
sensor actuator parts.
3. If the error persists, replace the main board PCA engine controller board.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
3. If the error persists, perform a Partial Clean procedure using the Preboot menu.
NOTE: For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet
Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state
drives" (ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
b. Press the HP logo that displays in the middle of the screen when you see the 1/8 under the
c. Press the down arrow button to highlight Administrator, and then press the OK button.
d. Press the down arrow button to highlight Partial Clean, and then press the OK button.
f. Press the back button once to highlight Continue, and then press the OK button.
NOTE: For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet
Enterprise, HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state
drives" (ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
b. Press the HP logo that displays in the middle of the screen when you see the 1/8 under the
c. Press the down arrow button to highlight Administrator, and then press the OK button.
d. Press the down arrow button to highlight Format Disk, and then press the OK button.
f. Wait for the printer to automatically initialize. The message 99.09.67 appears on the control
g. Reload the firmware using a USB flash drive. See 99.09.67 error for more information.
5. If the error persists, dispatch an onsite technician (no replacement parts required).
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Recommended action
Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists,
elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn the printer off, reconnect the network cable, and then turn the printer on.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
82.73.46, 82.73.47
An EMMC or compact flash disk cleaning failed.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Turn the printer off by holding down the Power button for at least 10 seconds.
3. Turn the printer on. If the status LED on the formatter is yellow instead of green, the control panel
might be defective. Replace the control panel.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Unable to access NVRAM.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Download the firmware again, and then attempt the upgrade again.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Recommended action
1. Turn the printer off, and then on.
2. Make sure the printer is running the most current version of firmware.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Make sure the connection to the network is good, and then try the firmware upgrade again.
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
1. Make sure the connection to the network is good, and then try the upgrade again.
3. If the error persists, run the Format Disk process from the Preboot menu.
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
NOTE: Do NOT replace the formatter board; it will not resolve the issue.
Recommended action
■ Download the firmware upgrade file, and then attempt the upgrade again.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
The issue is an I/O timeout when reading the header number and size. It indicates a problem with the
network environment, not the product.
1. Make sure that there is a good network connection to the product, and then attempt the firmware
upgrade again.
NOTE: If the upgrade is being performed over the network, check the link light on the ethernet
connection on the printer formatter. Make sure that one light is solid and the other is blinking, which
signals that data is passing over the ethernet connection. This is an indication of a good physical
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
1. Make sure that there is a good network connection to the product, and then attempt the firmware
upgrade again.
NOTE: If the upgrade is being performed over the network, check the link light on the ethernet
connection on the printer formatter. Make sure that one light is solid and the other is blinking, which
signals that data is passing over the ethernet connection. This is an indication of a good physical
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
Recommended action
1. Make sure that there is a good network connection to the product, and then attempt the firmware
upgrade again.
NOTE: If the upgrade is being performed over the network, check the link light on the ethernet
connection on the printer formatter. Make sure that one light is solid and the other is blinking, which
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
Recommended action
■ Resend the remote firmware upgrade (RFU).
The RFU was canceled when reading the header number and size.
Recommended action
■ Resend the remote firmware upgrade (RFU).
The RFU was canceled when reading the rest of the header, after reading the header number and size.
Recommended action
■ Resend the remote firmware upgrade (RFU).
The header number is 1, but the header size does not match version 1 size.
Recommended action
1. Download the remote firmware upgrade (RFU) file again.
Make sure that you download the file for the correct printer model.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
The header number is 2, but the header size does not match version 2 size.
Make sure that you download the file for the correct printer model.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Recommended action
1. Download the remote firmware upgrade (RFU) file again.
Make sure that you download the file for the correct printer model.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
There is a compatibility issue with the firmware.
The specific message varies depending on the cause, but the solution for each message is the same.
The bundle is not signed with the correct signature, or the signature is invalid.
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
2. Download the correct firmware file, and then resend the firmware upgrade.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware VersionsFor the more
information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
3. If the error persists, try installing the upgrade by another method (USB or Embedded Web Server).
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
A firmware install error has occurred.
The specific message varies depending on the cause, but the solution for each message is the same.
● 99.01.00
● 99.01.10
● 99.01.20
● 99.01.21
Recommended action
Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.
For the latest firmware versions, go to: HP FutureSmart - Latest Firmware Versions
Firmware update steps,
For the more information, go to: HP Enterprise, HP Managed - Update the printer firmware.
Firmware installation was successful.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
■ No action necessary.
Firmware upgrade cancelled by user.
Recommended action
See recommended action.
5. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
● 99.07.10 An error occurred accessing the repository during the fax modem FW install. Firmware
installation failed. The fax modem installer encountered an error in the repository.
● 99.07.21 The fax modem could not be reset. Firmware installation failed. The fax modem installer
failed to download flash to the modem.
● 99.07.22 Firmware installation failed. The fax modem installer failed to download firmware to the
2. Verify the fax card is correctly installed on the formatter. Ensure the fax card is aligned with slot on
the formatter chassis and is firmly seated against the formatter board. Turn the printer on.
3. If the error persists, download and reinstall the firmware from the Preboot menu.
NOTE: If there is a password assigned to the administrator, a prompt to enter the printer
displays. Enter the password to proceed.
b. Select the Download item, and then download the latest firmware. The user can now download
a new firmware bundle to the printer.
4. If the error persists, perform a Format Disk procedure using the Preboot menu and then reload the
For the procedure to perform a Format Disk procedure., go to: HP LaserJet Enterprise Printers -
Performing a Partial Clean or Format Disk Procedure (c03398779).
5. If the error persists, elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.
The EMMC is not encrypted and the printer is configured for an encrypted EMMC.
Recommended action
NOTE: Do NOT replace the formatter board, it will not resolve this error.
■ Access the Preboot menu, and then select Lock Disk to lock the disk.
c. Touch the HP logo that displays in the center of the touchscreen until the Preboot menu item
d. Use the arrow buttons on the touchscreen to navigate the Preboot menu.
This typically happens because an HDD was swapped into a device from another device.
Recommended action
NOTE: Do NOT replace the formatter board, it will not resolve this error.
c. Touch the HP logo that displays in the center of the touchscreen until the Preboot menu item
2. If a disk is to be reused in a different product, execute the Erase and Unlock procedure from the
Preboot menu, and then reload the firmware.
● Administration (select 3)
3. If the previous steps did not resolve the issue, replace the EMMC.
This is expected behavior when installing a new EMMC in a device where the previous EMMC was
■ Follow the procedure to load firmware on a new EMMC, and then lock the disk to this printer.
NOTE: Do NOT replace the formatter board, it will not resolve this.
HDD 500 GB, SATA2, 2.5-inch SED, 5400 rpm part number: JC82-00764A
For instructions, see the Repair Service Manual for this product.
NOTE: Do NOT replace the formatter board, it will not resolve this error.
Recommended action
NOTE: Do NOT replace the formatter board; it will not resolve the issue.
■ Use the Format Disk procedure from the Preboot menu, and then resend the remote firmware
upgrade (RFU).
For the steps to perform a Clean or Format Disk procedure, search for "HP LaserJet Enterprise,
HP LaserJet Managed - Various methods to clean the hard disk drives or solid-state drives"
(ish_4502973-4502949-16) - .
Missing boot disk.
2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
Use the following alphabetical message to see further information on the message.
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu:
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > Output tray > Output tray lower limit sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
b. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from sensor to the PCA (Inner-lower
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu:
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Inner finisher > Output tray > Output tray paper holding sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
b. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from sensor to the PCA (Inner-front).
NOTE: The 'System Main has Failed!' message is a low-level firmware error similar to a 49 error with
different troubleshooting steps.
This error displays on the following HP LaserJet Enterprise and HP LaserJet Managed printer models.
HP LaserJet Managed
● HP LaserJet Managed E40040dn
Recommended action
Follow these steps to clear the error or troubleshoot further as needed.
NOTE: If the printer does not restart, use the power button to turn off the printer, and to turn it on.
3. If the printer reboots to the error again, or if the error returns later, perform a Partial Clean and then
reconfigure the printer.
4. If the error returns after performing a Partial Clean, do the following tasks to check for a possible
solution in the latest firmware release:
To view the Firmware Readme file, select the See full details link.
c. Upgrade the firmware if a possible solution is provided in the latest firmware release.
5. If the issue persists after upgrading the firmware, gather the Diagnostic log from the Preboot menu,
and then elevate the case to HP Support.
The toner collection unit is between 90% and 99% of its capacity.
Recommended action
1. If the "Toner Collection Unit Almost Full" appears shortly after installing the unit, then upgrade to
firmware version 4.6 or later from HP.com.
2. For all other "Toner Collection Unit Almost Full" messages and if the firmware is up to date, replace
the toner collection unit.
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu:
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray1 > Tray1 Empty Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
c. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J88).
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu:
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray2 > Tray2 Stack Height Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
b. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J71).
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu:
Path: Support Tools > Service > Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors >
Tray > Tray2 > Tray2 Empty Sensor.
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
b. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J71).
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray3 > Tray3 Stack Height
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
Part number:
Tray 3 stack height sensor: 0604-001393
Or Tray 3 pickup assembly: JC93-01729A ( Upper assembly )
For instructions on removing and replacing sensor, see the Repair Service Manual for this
a. Check the actuator. Ensure the sensor actuator flag moves smoothly and turns back.
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray3 > Tray3 Empty
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
c. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (J71).
Part number:
Tray 3 empty sensor: 0604-001393
Or Tray 3 pickup assembly: JC93-01729A ( Upper assembly )
For instructions on removing and replacing sensor, see the Repair Service Manual for this
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray4 > Tray4 Stack Height
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
b. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (DCF-
Part number:
Tray 4 stack height sensor: 0604-001393
Or Tray 4 pickup assembly: 8GR90-60007 ( Upper assembly )
For instructions on removing and replacing sensor, see the Repair Service Manual for this
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray4 > Tray4 Empty
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
c. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (DCF-
Part number:
Tray 4 empty sensor: 0604-001393
Or Tray 4 pickup assembly: 8GR90-60007 ( Upper assembly )
For instructions on removing and replacing sensor, see the Repair Service Manual for this
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray5 > Tray5 Stack Height
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
b. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (DCF-
Part number:
Tray 5 stack height sensor: 0604-001393
Or Tray 5 pickup assembly: 8GR90-60007 ( Upper assembly )
For instructions on removing and replacing sensor, see the Repair Service Manual for this
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray5 > Tray5 Empty
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
c. Disconnect and reconnect both ends of the wire harness from the sensor to the PCA (DCF-
Part number:
Tray 5 empty sensor: 0604-001393
Or Tray 5 pickup assembly: 8GR90-60007 ( Upper assembly )
For instructions on removing and replacing sensor, see the Repair Service Manual for this
2. If the error persists or you have any further issues, contact your HP-authorized service or support
provider, or contact customer support at http://www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service >
Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray4 > Tray4 Stack Height
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
a. Check the actuator. Ensure the sensor actuator flag moves smoothly and turns back.
i. Run the diagnostics for the sensor from the following menu: Support Tools > Service
> Advanced Service > Advanced Diagnostics > Sensors > Tray > Tray4 > Tray4 Empty
NOTE: To learn the service mode pin number, see the Printer Service Information
section of this CPMD.
Tray x overfilled
A tray on the printer is overfilled with paper.
2. Check the cassette that the paper is not overloaded and make sure the paper is under the Max
Callout 1: Correctly loaded, Small arrow points to line under triangles for MAX load line.
Callout 2: Arrow points to paper over filled above the line.
3. Once adjusting the paper well then close the cassette and try print again
4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer
support at www.hp.com/go/contactHP.
2. Check the cassette that the paper is not overloaded and make sure the paper is under the Max
Callout 1: Correctly loaded, Small arrow points to line under triangles for MAX load line.
Callout 2: Arrow points to paper over filled above the line.
3. Once adjusting the paper well then close the cassette and try print again
4. If the error persists, then please check if there is jammed paper and remove the paper inside of the
Callout 1: Correctly loaded, Small arrow points to line under triangles for MAX load line.
Callout 2: Arrow points to paper over filled above the line.
3. Once adjusting the paper well then close the cassette and try print again
4. If the error persists, then please check if there is jammed paper and remove the paper inside of the
Index 649