114 Reviewer
114 Reviewer
114 Reviewer
Geriatrics is the medical specialty that deals with the 1970s the term gerontological nursing replaced
physiology of aging and with the diagnosis and treatment the term Geriatric Nursing
of diseases affecting
older adults.
Aging- is a normal process of time related change,
Greek word begins with birth and continuous throughtout life
❖ “ology” study of
55 to 64 years old Older
Gerontology-is the study of all aspects of the aging
65 to 74 years old Elderly
process, including the clinical, psychologic, economic,
and sociologic prob_x0002_lems of older adults and the 75 to 84 years old Aged
consequences of these problems for older adults and
society. 85 and older Extremely aged
Gerontology affects nursing, health care, and all areas of
GERONTOPHOBIA- the fear of aging and the refusal to
society—including housing, education, business, and
accept older adults into the mainstream of society (
politics. irrational fears)
1. Disengagement Theory (Cumming & Henry, 1961). RA 7432 Senior Citizens Act-AN ACT TO MAXIMIZE
➢ Enable younger people to assume important
roles, a society must encourage its older people
to disengage from their previous roles and to
take on roles more appropriate to their physical
and mental decline. This theory is considered a
functionalist explanation of the aging process. C. Impact of Aging Members of the Family
The maximal life expectancy for humans today The FREE RADICAL THEORY provides one explanation
appears to be 120 years, but why is this so? for cell damage.
Theories of aging have been considered throughout Free radicals are unstable molecules produced by the
history as mankind has sought to find ways to avoid body during the normal processes of respiration and
aging. metabolism or following exposure to radiation and
No one has identified a single unified rationale for why
we age and why different people live lives of different These free radicals are suspected to cause damage to
lengths. Theories abound to help explain and give some the cells, DNA, and the immune system.
logical order to our observations. Observations, including Excessive free radical accumulation in the body is
physical and behavioral data, are collected and studied to purported to contribute to the physiologic changes of
scientifically prove or disprove their effects on aging. aging and a variety of diseases such as:
• arthritis
THEORY VS FACT • circulatory diseases
Fact: Observations about the world around us. • diabetes, and
Example: “It’s bright outside.” • atherosclerosis.
Theory: A well-substantiated explanation acquired One free radical, named lipofuscin, has been identified
through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and to cause a buildup of fatty pigment granules that cause
confirmed through observation and experimentation. age spots in older adults.
Example: “When the sun is out, it tends to make it bright Individuals who support this theory propose that the
outside.” number of free radicals can be reduced by the use of
ANTIOXIDANTS, such as vitamins A, C and E,
carotenoids, zinc, selenium, and phytochemicals.
To reduce outbreaks of scabies infection within an ❑ It is important to carefully assess and document
institution, all new residents in extended-care settings any pressure ulcers that are present upon
should be assessed carefully on admission. All cases admission.
must be identified and treated promptly to prevent spread
Studies estimating the occurrence of pressure ulcers vary
or reinfestation with the parasite.
widely, but one consistent point is that they occur in all
settings. Although most studies show that the incidence
of pressure ulcers has declined, there is still much work to
❑ One communicable source of skin irritation and do regarding prevention. Furthermore, incidence of
severe pruritus is scabies. Scabies is a pressure ulcers can leave care facilities and nurses
superficial infection caused by a parasitic mite vulnerable to lawsuits for negligence. A single pressure
(Sarcoptes scabieivar. hominis) that burrows ulcer can cost up to $40,000 to treat, and that does not
under the skin (Figure 17-4). include the human cost of pain and suffering. New
❑ Scabies is spread from person to person by Medicare rules specify that a hospital will not be
direct contact. Because recognition is difficult, reimbursed for the care of a patient who develops a
treatment maybe delayed, allowing the parasite “reasonably preventable” pressure ulcer after being
to infect other people. admitted to a hospital. In some states, it is mandatory to
report the development of a stage III or IV pressure ulcer
to the Department of Health.
❑ Obesity
❑ Malnutrition
❑ Edema
❑ Immobility
❑ Shearing forces
❑ Cognitive impairment
❑ It is recommended to perform a formal risk
assessment at the time of admission, upon ❑ The amount, distribution, appearance, and
discharge, upon any change in patient condition, consistency of the hair change with aging. Hair
and then at regular intervals. typically becomes thinner and has a finer
consistency with advanced age.
❑ Guidelines recommend that this assessment
include a complete history and physical ❑ Heredity and gender play a role in hair loss
examination, skin inspection, and use of a patterns.
pressure ulcer risk assessment tool (Ayello &
❑ The amount and distribution of body hair also
Sibbald, 2012).
change with aging. Diminished or absent hair on
❑ The most common tools used for this the lower legs or feet, particularly when
assessment are the Braden and Norton Scales combined with excessively dry, scaly, or flaky
(Tables 17-3 and 17-4). skin and weak or absent pedal pulses, indicates
decreased blood supply to the lower extremities.
❑ Nurses use the information from this
assessment to develop a plan of care that Men tend to lose more hair than do women, although
some men retain a full head of hair throughout life. Male
pattern baldness typically results in progressive loss of the top of the toe and grows into the flesh on the bottom,
hair at the temples and back of the head. Sudden and causing pain. When the discomfort becomes severe, the
excessive hair loss (alopecia) or breakage is likely to older person may stop wearing shoes and decrease
indicate a systemic problem. Abnormal hair loss can be ambulation in an attempt to reduce the discomfort. In such
related to high fevers, medications, nutrition problems, severe cases, care from a podiatrist is needed. Nail
fungal or bacterial infections, endocrine disorders, or fungus is increasingly common with aging. Fungi cause
stress. Sudden or unusual hair loss should be reported so the nails to become thick, brittle, misshapen, and
that the primary care provider can determine the cause. discolored. Fungal infections are more likely to affect the
feet because the environment in shoes (dark, moist, and
warm) supports growth of these microorganisms. Fungal
TISSUE OF THE FEET infections are more common in older adults with diabetes
or other conditions of diminished peripheral circulation.
❑ Inspection of the tissue on the feet warrants These infections need to be recognized and treated so
special attention in older adults. Because many that they do not cause more widespread problems.
aging individuals are unable to bend adequately
to view the feet, a family member or friend can
perform this inspection for independent older OTHER COMMON FOOT PROBLEMS
adults (Figure 17-7).
❑ Other common foot problems include corns,
❑ In an institutional setting, nursing staff should calluses, blisters, and bunions, which usually
perform foot inspection. Many older adults result from years of wearing poorly fitted
neglect their feet simply because they cannot footwear, including high heels.
see or reach them. Unless foot inspection is
done on a regular schedule, severe problems ❑ This practice is dangerous and significantly
can occur before anyone is aware of them. increases the risk for serious foot infections,
which may necessitate amputation of a toe, toes,
or the entire foot. Older people with diabetes or
impaired peripheral circulation are particularly
prone to develop foot ulcers or infections and
are at greatest risk for amputation.
Soaking the feet in warm water before attempting to cut ❑ Are there any areas of dry skin? If so, where?
them may soften the nails and make them easier to cut.
Assistance from a family member or health care provider
is appropriate when there is no history of circulatory
problems or diabetes. When diabetes or circulatory
problems are present, care should be provided by a foot
care specialist, since nails can be thick and the underlying
tissue is easily injured, which can lead to infection. Special
heavy-duty equipment may be needed to accomplish
proper nail care. Use of safety glasses is recommended
during nail care to prevent eye injuries resulting from flying
nail particles.
❑ Is there any sign of pallor or erythema over bony 2. Institute measures to reduce the risk for
prominences? skin and tissue breakdown.
❑ Are there any breaks in the skin integrity? If so, ◦ Reduce the frequency of complete
where? What do they look like? bathing. The type and frequency of
baths or showers depend greatly on the
❑ Are any abrasions or skin tears evident? individual.
❑ Is there any change in the amount, distribution, The condition of the skin and the presence of perspiration
or appearance of the hair? or other body wastes must be considered. Some
individuals require a complete bath or shower daily;
❑ What is the appearance of the toenails? Are they
others benefit more from a complete bath on a biweekly
thickened? Difficult to cut? Discolored?
or weekly basis. On days when total baths are not taken,
❑ Are any lesions evident on the feet or ankles? partial or sponge baths of the face, axilla, and perineum
provide adequate cleanliness and prevent body odors.
❑ What is the person’s nutritional status? Is the
person overweight or underweight? ◦ Keep skin free from wastes and exudate
by using mild nondetergent soaps.
❑ Is the person alert and able to move freely? If Reducing the frequency of bathing is
not, what is the level of immobility? suggested if dryness is a problem.
❑ Is the person incontinent of bladder or bowel? Use of mild, nondetergent, nonperfumed, superfatted
soaps (e.g., Basis Sensitive Skin, Neutrogena
❑ Are there pedal pulses? Are they easy or difficult
Transparent [fragrance free]) for cleansing decreases
to palpate?
excessive skin dryness.
❑ Risk for impaired tissue integrity Since most preparations are effective for only a short
period of time, apply them frequently. A variety of
❑ Impaired tissue integrity preparations are available at a wide range of costs.
Ointments, particularly those containing petrolatum, are
occlusive and tend to be more long-lasting than lotions or
NURSING GOALS/OUTCOMES IDENTIFICATION creams. Avoid lotions containing alcohol because they
can contribute to drying. It may be necessary to try various
The nursing goals for older individuals with or at risk for emollients and lotions to find the one (or the combination)
impaired skin or tissue integrity are to that provides the most relief to the older individual (Box
(1) remain free from excessive skin dryness or skin
breakdown; ❑ Rinse skin carefully.
(2) display timely healing of wounds, lesions, and Soaps tend to dry the skin and should be rinsed off
ulcerations; and completely before drying. If a basin is being used,
complete rinsing may require frequent water changes.
(3) maintain optimal nutritional status to promote tissue
integrity and healing. ❑ Dry skin tissue gently and thoroughly. To
decrease skin irritation, dry the skin by patting
rather than rubbing
NURSING INTERVENTIONS/IMPLEMENTATION If the skin is severely irritated, use soft towels that have
The following nursing interventions should take been rinsed carefully to remove all detergents.
place in hospitals, in extended-care facilities, and at ❑ Turn and position the person frequently and
home: reduce sources of pressure by keeping bed linen
1. Assess the level of impairment and the tight and clear of foreign objects.
contributing factors. Perform a daily skin
inspection; measure the location, size, and
Pressure over bony prominences restricts blood flow to the aging body. Therefore, older adults may require
the tissues that are being compressed (Figure 17-8). additional rest periods during the day.
These areas are most likely to become ischemic or
necrotic. Redistributing pressure is an important
component of pressure ulcer prevention. Frequent ❑ Check wounds daily for signs of inflammation or
position changes allow reestablishment of blood flow and infection, and obtain cultures of wound drainage
reduce the risk for skin breakdown. The maximum time a if appropriate
person should be in one position must not exceed 2 hours.
More frequent turning is necessary for individuals at high The typical signs of inflammation or infection may be
risk for skin problems. Base the frequency of position absent or diminished in older adults; therefore, pay
changes on your assessment of pressure points special attention to any open areas. Wound cultures are
indicated if any purulent or foul-smelling drainage is
❑ Wash the skin and supply clean, dry linens after observed. Infection delays healing and places additional
episodes of incontinence stress on older adults.
Urine and stool contain waste products that are highly ❑ Avoid using adhesive strips for skin tears.
If possible, hold the dressing in place with a stocking-like
❑ Keep the skin dry after episodes of diaphoresis; or tubular bandage, but be careful it is not excessively
check skin surfaces where moisture caused by tight.
normal perspiration can become trapped.
❑ Follow aseptic technique when cleansing
Moisture on the skin surface can cause maceration wounds, changing dressings, or applying
(whitening and softening) and tissue breakdown. Moisture medications
caused by perspiration usually evaporates and causes
few problems unless perspiration is excessive or is
trapped between skin surfaces (e.g., under pendulous
4. Provide good foot care. The feet of older
breasts). Frequent sponging with clear water and
adults are particularly susceptible to problems.
thorough drying, exposure to air, or use of a drying
Poor circulation, increased incidence of problems
substance such as cornstarch helps reduce the amount of
such as bunions, excessively thick toenails, and
moisture and friction between skin surfaces.
the result of years of wearing poorly fitted shoes
❑ Move and transfer the person carefully. The skin all contribute to foot problems in older adults
of older individuals is thinner, less elastic, and
The feet should be soaked regularly to remove old, dry
has less subcutaneous padding than that of
skin. After a good soaking, dry the feet by patting rather
younger people. This makes it particularly
than rough rubbing. Thoroughly dry the feet, paying
vulnerable to shearing forces during movement.
careful attention to the areas between the toes. If
When the head of the bed is elevated, it is recommended permitted, cut the toenails straight across and file the
that the elevation be kept at or below 30 degrees to sharp edges off. The toenails of people with diabetes and
reduce the shearing force that may occur when a person other older adults with circulatory problems should be
slides down in bed. To reduce the shearing forces that cared for by a foot specialist. Use emollients if the skin on
occur when tissue is dragged overbed linens, use transfer the feet is very dry. When emollients are used on the feet,
sheets or other assistive devices when turning, teach older adults to be aware of the importance of
repositioning, or transferring a frail older person. wearing socks to prevent slipping. Encourage a daily
change into clean socks or stockings, because clean foot-
❑ Provide appropriate pads, cushions, mattresses, wear reduces the risk for infection. Encourage older
or beds that are designed to reduce pressure. persons with diabetes or circulatory impairment of the
Many types of beds and mattresses that are designed to lower extremities to wear clean white cotton socks to
distribute weight over a larger area and reduce pressure promote cleanliness and provide early recognition of
on body tissues are available. injury or drainage. Use caution to ensure that the socks fit
properly and do not cause excessive constriction around
❑ Encourage older adults at high risk for skin tears the ankles or calves. Document and report promptly signs
to wear long sleeves, long trousers, or knee-high of foot irritation, color change, skin breakdown, or
socks changes in the appearance of the nails.
Inspection of the mouth can reveal a number of
• Dental caries and periodontal disease are the abnormalities. White patches in the mouth, called
most common reasons for oral pain, but oral leukoplakia, often are precancerous and require prompt
lesions such as stomatitis or altered sensations medical attention (Figure 17-11). Lesions on the posterior
in the mouth are frequently reported. Pain may third or the sides of the tongue often are abnormal and
be limited to the oral cavity or may affect the should be brought to the attention of the primary care
face and jaw. provider.
❑ Lesions on the posterior third or the sides of the Vitamin deficiencies, particularly deficiencies of riboflavin,
tongue often are abnormal and should be niacin, and vitamin C, can affect the oral mucous
brought to the attention of the primary care membranes.
Vincent angina is a condition caused by opportunistic
microorganisms that normally live in the mouth but cause
infection only when the individual becomes malnourished
❑ Black or brown discoloration on the tongue may NURSING PROCESS FOR IMPAIRED ORAL MUCOUS
be caused by tobacco use or by a chromogenic MEMBRANE
(color-producing) bacterium.