Bio F2 M Scheme 1
Bio F2 M Scheme 1
Bio F2 M Scheme 1
a. Pooter
b. For sucking small animals from rock’s surface or barks of trees.
c. Mosquito netting;
a. Cell membrane
b. B- Protein layer
c. A- Phospholipids layer
d. Allows selective movement of substances in and out of the cell;
b) [A – Cell wall B- Cell membrane C- Nucleus D- Chloroplasts E- Sap Vacuole F- Cytoplasm] 6/2 mks
a) pulmonary vein
b) hepatic artery
a. Ileum /small intestines
b. B- Aorta
D- Hepatic portal vein
F- vena cava
E- hepatic vein
-more urea -less urea
-Less glucose -more glucose
-less amino acids – more amino acids
-less oxygen – more oxygen
-more carbon(iv)oxide –less carbon(iv)oxide
Any 3 comparison at 3mks
d. – common bile juice which emulsifies/break down fats into(small)droplets; decreasing their surface for action
by lipase enzymes
-neutralizes acidic chime; (from stomach)
-Provides a suitable alkaline medium for pancreatic enzyme (Any two correct)
11. a.
i. Process by which green plants manufacture their own food in presence of sunlight as a source of
energy. (1mk)
ii. A- Light stage (1mk)
B- dark stage (1mk)
iii. Q- Oxygen(1mk)
W –carbon(iv) oxide(1mk)
b. A- Granum (1mk)
B - stroma (1mk)
c. Condensation (1mk)
d. Photolysis
e. -Temperature
-Carbon(iv) oxide
-Light intensity
-Water availability (Any correct)
12. a)
There was formation of a white precipitate (1mk)
glucose/ yeast mixture- there was a rise in temperature (1mk)
effervescence occurred (1mk)
B -An anaerobic respiration/ fermentation occurred leading to production of energy and carbon(iv) oxide. (1mk)
- Fermentation led to rise in temperature, (1mk)
- carbon(iv)oxide turned limewater into a precipitate. (1mk)
C Aerobic respiration/fermentation
D To prevent entry of air into the mixture
E use of same apparatus but in place of glucose/yeast mixture, one could use glucose alone, or yeast alone,
or boiled yeast with glucose (2mks)
F to expel any air, and cooled to avoid destroying the yeast cells (1mk)
a. Heterodont dentition is the one where there are different types of teeth while homodont dentition refers
to a situation where all teeth are of same size and shape. (2mk)
b. It provides space for the tongue to turn and move food during chewing. (1mk)
c. Modified smooth sides and sharp edges to slice through flesh and crush bones (1mk)
d. I). i 1 C 0 3 M 4 8 2 = 30 (1mk)
1 0 2 4 6
i. Absorption of water from soil by root hair; Root hair cells of a plant absorb water from the soil by osmosis.
Osmosis also helps in distribution of water from cell to cell. (2mks)
ii. Support
-plant cells gain water by osmosis; become firm and rigid giving support to seedlings and herbaceous plants.
iii. Opening and closing of stomata ;
-the guard cells synthesize glucose by photosynthesis; accumulation of glucose increases their osmotic pres-
sure thus enables them to draw water from adjacent cells by osmosis. (2mks)