F2 Bio MS
F2 Bio MS
F2 Bio MS
Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
Sodium chloride solution is a hypertonic solution while distilled water is a hypotonic
solution therefore distilled water molecules will move from the beaker to the visking
tubing by osmosis making it to swell.
iii. What does visking tubing represent in a living organism? (1mk)
Cell membrane/ plasma membrane/plasmalema.
6. Distinguish between autotrophism and heterotrophism modes of nutrition. (2mks)
Autotrophism is a mode of nutrition in which some plants manufacture their own complex
food substances from simpler substances such as carbon (IV) oxide and water while
heterotrophism is a mode of nutrition that involves taking complex ready made food
materials from plants and other animals.
7. State three properties of monosaccharides. (3mks)
They are soluble in water
They form sweet tasting solution
They are reducing sugars
They are crystalisable.
8. The equation below shows formation of a disaccharide.
Glucose + Glucose process p Q + water
i. Name process P. (1mk)
ii. Product Q. (1mk)
iii. Other than product Q named above name other two examples of disaccharides.
9. List four factors which affect enzyme controlled reaction. (4mks)
Enzyme co-factors and co-enzyme
Enzyme inhibitors
Substrate concentration and enzyme concentration.
10. Name two nutrients that are absorbed without being digested by the enzymes in humans.
Mineral ions/salts
11. List three types of salivary glands. (3mks)
Parotial sub-maxillary
12. Give two roles of saliva in the process of digestion. (2mks)
Lubricates food
Moistens food
Softens food
Dissolves food
Contains salivary amylase hence digests starch to maltose
Provides an alkaline medium for action of salivary amylase.
13. Differentiate between homodonts and heterodonts. (2mks)
Homodonts: are animals which have the same types, size and shape of teeth while
heterodonts are animals with different types, size and shapes of teeth.
a. Name the mode of nutrition of the animal whose jaw is shown above. (1mk)
b. Mode of feeding. (1mk)
c. Give a reason for your answer in (b) above. (1mk)
Presence of a diastema
d. Diet of the animal. (1mk)
Vegetation/ grass/green leaves.
e. Name the toothless gap labeled K. (1mk)
f. Name the substance that is responsible for hardening of teeth. (1mk)
Calcium phosphate
15. State the roles of the structures found within a tooth:
a. Blood vessels. (1mk)
They supply nutrients to living tissues in the dentine.
Remove waste products from the dentine
b. Nerves. (1mk)
They detect heat, cold and pain in the tooth
16. List two major types of dental diseases. (2mks)
Dental carriers
Periodontal disease
17. Give two roles played by bile salts in the process of digestion. (2mks)
They aid in the breakdown of fats into tiny fat droplets to increase their surface area for
digestion (emulsification)
They provide an alkaline medium which the enzymes work best.
They neutralize the acidic chime from the stomach.
18. Explain five ways in which the illume is adapted to its functions. (5mks)
Long and narrow to increase surface area for digestion and bring digested food into close
contact with walls of the ileum for easier absorption.
Highly coiled to slow down movement of food thus allowing more time for digestion and
absorption to take place.
Large number of villi and micro-vill to increase surface area.
Presence of thinner layer of cells to reduce diffusion distance of digested food.
Presence of dense network of capillaries in the villi into which amino acids, sugar and
vitamins are absorbed.
Presence of lacteals in the villi for the absorption of fatty acids and glycerol.
19. The following is a dental formula of a certain mammal.
I0/3 C0/1 Pm3/3 m3/3
i. Calculate the total number of teeth of the mammal. (2mks)
0 + 0 + 3 + 3 x 2 = 12
3 + 1 + 3 + 3 x 2 = 20
32 teeth
ii. Give the likely mode of feeding. (1mk)
iii. Give a reason for your answer in (ii) above. (1mk)
It lacks incisors and canines in the upper jaw to create a horny pad.
20. Name the disease in humans caused by deficiency the following: (5mks)
i. Vitamin A
Night blindness
ii. Vitamin D
iii. Vitamin C
iv. Iodine
v. Iron
b. State one function of water in the diet. (1mk)
it is a solvent of soluble food substances cooling of the body.
Provided the medium for transport of dissolved food substances.
Facilitates hydrolysis of food substances.
c. State five factors that determine energy requirements in human beings. (5mks)
Basal metabolic rate
Occupation/everyday activity
Body size