BTS-20 Paper (11-Nov-2023)

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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.



TEST-ID : 320
DURATION : 60 Minutes DATE : 11-11-2023 MARKS : 360

Topic Covered

Biology : NCERT-I Respiration in Plants

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• The Test pattern of NEET (UG)-2021 comprises of two Sections.
Each subject will consist of two sections. Section A will consist of 35 Questions and Section B will have 15 questions, out
of these 15 Questions, candidates can choose to attempt any 10 Questions.
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• Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1).
• Unanswered/Unattempted questions will be given no marks. In case, a question is dropped/ ignored, all
candidates will be given four marks (+4) irrespective of the fact whether the question has been attempted or not
attempted by the candidate.

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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023

TOPIC : NCERT-I Respiration in Plants

Attempt All 35 Questions 35
1. Given below are two statements : 1.
Statement I : -I:
In respiration energy of oxidation reduction utilised for
Statement II :
- II :
Number of ATP synthesised depends on nature of
electron donor
Choose the correct answer from the options given
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect (1) I II

(2) Statement I is correct but Statement II isincorrect (2) I II

(3) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct (3) I II
(4) Both, Statement I and Statement II are correct (4) I II
2. Given below are two statements : 2.
Statement I : -I:
Organism like some bacteria pyruvic acid is convert to CO2
CO2 and lactic acid
Statement II :
- II :
ATP is not synthesised during the conversion of PEP
to puruvic acid
Choose the correct answer from the options given
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect (1) I II
(2) Statement I is correct but Statement II isincorrect (2) I II
(3) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct (3) I II
(4) Both, Statement I and Statement II are correct (4) I II
3. In given figure A and B are component of which 3. A B
complex :

(1) I (2) III

(1) Complex I (2) Complex III
(3) Complex V (4) Complex II (3) V (4) II
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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
4. Which one of the following process releases a 4.
carbon dioxide molecule:

(1) Glycolysis (1)

(2) Lactic acid fermentation (2)

(3) Alcoholic fermentation (3)

(4) Both 2 and 3 (4) 2 3

5. How many NADH + H+ will be produced during 5.

the production of molecule of acetyl CoA from two NADH+H+
molecule of pyruvic acid :
(1) 1 NADH + H+
(1) 1 NADH + H+
(2) 2 NADH + H+ (2) 2 NADH + H+

(3) 3 NADH + H+ (3) 3 NADH + H+

(4) 4 NADH + H+ (4) 4 NADH + H+

6. In ETS, complex-V is : 6. V
(1) NADH dehydrogenase (1) NADH

(2) ATP synthase (2) ATP

(3) Succinate dehydrogenase (3)

(4) Ubiquinone (4)

7. Given below are two statements : 7.

Statement I : -I:
Ubiquinol is oxidised with the transfer of electrons to
cytochrom c via cytochrome bc1 complex
Statement-II :
Cytochrome c oxidase complex contain cytochromes
c a a3
a and a3 and two copper centres.

Choose the correct answer from the option given

(1) I II
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

(2) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect (2) I II

(3) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct (3) I II

(4) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct (4) I II

8. Which one of the following is not included in 8.
(1) Substrate level phosphorylation occurs
(2) CO2 H2O
(2) The end products are CO2 and H2O.
(3) ATP is formed. (3) ATP

(4) ATP is used. (4) ATP

NLI / 5
BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
9. Out of 38 molecules of ATP produced during 9. 38 ATP
aerobic respiration of glucose, the net ATP
production (directly or indirectly) in glycolysis (A),
pyruvate to acetyl Co-A formation (B) and Kreb’s (A), (B)
cycle (C) is : (C)
(1) A = 1, B = 6, C = 30 (1) A = 1, B = 6, C = 30
(2) A = 8, B = 6, C = 24 (2) A = 8, B = 6, C = 24
(3) A = 8, B =10, C = 20 (3) A = 8, B =10, C = 20
(4) A = 2, B =12, C = 24 (4) A = 2, B =12, C = 24
10. Which of the following compounds enter in the 10.
glycolytic pathway:

(1) Glucose (1)

(2) Fructose (2)
(3) Sucrose (3)

(4) Both 1 and 2 (4) 1 2

11. Starting from sucrose upto the production of 11.
glucose-6-phosphate, which enzyme(s) is/are
(a) Invertase
(b) Hexokinase (b)

(c) Isomerase (c)

(d) Kinase (d)
(1) a, b (2) a, c (1) a, b (2) a, c
(3) b, c (4) a, b, c (3) b, c (4) a, b, c
12. The process by which partial oxidation of glucose 12.
(1) Kreb's cycle
(2) E.T.S
(3) Both (1) and (2) (3) 1 2
(4) Glycolysis (4)
13. Enzymes which catalyze the conversion of pyruvic 13. CO2
acid into CO2 and ethanol in fermentation are

(1) Pyruvic acid decarboxylase (1)

(2) Alcohol dehydrogenase (2)
(3) Both (1) and (2) (3) 1 2
(4) Hexokinase (4)
14. Substrate level phosphorylation occurs in 14.
glycolysis when there is conversion of

(1) BPGA  PGA and phosphoglycerate  PEP (1)  

(2) BPGA  PGA and PEP  Pyruvic acid (2)  
(3) Fructose-6-phosphate  Fructose 1,6-biphosphate (3) 
(4) Glucose  Glucose-6-phosphate (4) 
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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
15. At how many places in the kreb cycle is NAD+ 15. NAD+
reduced to NADH+H+, and FAD+ reduced to FADH2, NADH + H+ FAD+ FADH2
(1) One and three (1)
(2) Three and one (2)
(3) Four and one (3)
(4) Three and two (4)
16. What happens when succinyl-CoA is converted 16.
into succinic acid
(1) Reduction of NAD+ to NADH + H+ (1) NAD+ NADH + H+
(2) Conversion of NADH + H+ to NAD+ (2) NADH + H+ NAD+
(3) Conversion of FAD+ to FADH2 (3) FAD+ FADH2
(4) Conversion of GDP+IP to GTP (4) GDP+IP GTP
17. Total indirect ATP synthesized in glycolysis : 17.
(1) 2 (1) 2
(2) 4 (2) 4
(3) 6 (3) 6
(4) 8 (4) 8
18. During which stage in the complete oxidation of 18.
glucose are the greatest number of ATP molecules
formed from ADP
(1) Co A
(1) Conversion of pyruric acid to acetyl Co A
(2) Electron transport chain
(3) Glycolysis (3)

(4) Krebs cycle (4)

19. In which one of the following do the two names 19.

refer to one and the same thing :

(1) Kreb's cycle and Calvin cycle (1)

(2) Tricarboxylic acid cycle and citric acid cycle (2)

(3) Citric acid cycle and Calvin cycle (3)

(4) Tricarboxylic acid cycle and urea cycle (4)

20. R.Q. of maturing fatty seeds will be 20.

(1) 1 (1) 1
(2) More than one (2)
(3) 0 (3) 0
(4) 0.7 (4) 0.7
21. How many ATP molecules produced by aerobic 21.
oxidation of one molecule of glucose :
(1) 2 (2) 4 (1) 2 (2) 4
(3) 38 (4) 34 (3) 38 (4) 34
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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
22. Direct gain of ATP from one mole of glucose 22.
during glycolysis or EMP pathaway

(1) 2 ATP
(1) 2 ATP
(2) 6 ATP (2) 6 ATP
(3) 36 ATP (3) 36 ATP
(4) 38 ATP (4) 38 ATP
23. In kreb’s cycle two successive steps of 23.
decarboxylation, leading to the formation of
(1) -ketoglutaric acid
(2) Citrate
(3) Isocitrate (3)

(4) Succinyl-CoA (4) -CoA

24. Substrate level phosphorylation in Kreb’s cycle 24.
takes place in between

(1) Citrate to isocitrate. (1)

(2)  -ketoglutaric acid to succinyl-CoA (2)  CoA

(3) Conversion of succinyl-CoA to succinic acid (3)

(4) Succinic acid to fumaric acid (4)

25. RQ of this reaction 25. RQ
2(C51H98O6) + 145O2 102CO2 + 98H2O + Energy,, 2(C51H98O6) + 145O2 102CO2 + 98H2O + Energy
would be

(1) One (1)

(2) Less then one (2)

(3) Infinite (3)

(4) More then one (4)

26. El ectr o ns from NAD H p ro du ced i n t h e 26.
mitochondrial matrix during citrtc acid cycle are NADH
oxidised by
(1) NADH I
(1) NADH dehydrogenase (complex I)
(2) FADH2 II
(2) FADH2 (complex II)
(3) Ubiquinone (ubiquinol) (3)

(4) Cytochrome bc complex (complex III) (4) bc III

27. Cytochrome c is found between, in ETS 27. c ETS

(1) Complex I and II

(1) I II
(2) Complex II and III
(2) II III
(3) Complex III and IV. (3) III IV
(4) Complex IV and V (4) IV V
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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
28. Given below are two statements : one is labelled 28. (A)
as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason
Assertion (A) : (A) :
Respiratory pathway is considered as an amphibolic
(R) :
Reason (R) :
It involves both anabolism and catabolism.
choose the correct answer from the options given
below :
(1) R
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the
correct explanation of (A)
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct R
(3) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct R
(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A) (4) R
29. Which is the connecting link between glycolysis 29.
and Kreb's cycle :
(1) Iso-citric acid (1)
(2) -ketoglutaric acid (2) 
(3) Glucose (3)
(4) Acetyl Co A. (4)
30. Raw material for respiration is : 30.
(1) Glucose and CO2 (1) CO 2
(2) Glucose and O2 (2) O2
(3) Glucose and carbon (3)

(4) Glucose and sucrose (4)

31. Match the column I and column II : 31. I II
Column I Column II I II
a. 2C compound i. Citric acid a. 2C i.
b. 3C compound ii. Pyrubic acid
b. 3C ii.
c. 4C compound iii. Malic acid
c. 4C iii.
d. 5C compound iv. Acetyl CoA
d. 5C iv. CoA
v. – Ketoglutaric acid
v. –
(1) a – iv, b – iii, c – ii, d – v
(1) a – iv, b – iii, c – ii, d – v
(2) a – iv, b – ii, c – iii, d – i
(2) a – iv, b – ii, c – iii, d – i
(3) a – iv, b – ii, c – iii, d – v (3) a – iv, b – ii, c – iii, d – v
(4) a – ii, b – iii, c – iv, d – i (4) a – ii, b – iii, c – iv, d – i
32. Number of CO2 molecules evolved in glycolysis 32. CO2
(1) 2
(1) 2
(2) 1 (2) 1
(3) 3 (3) 3
(4) 0 (4) 0
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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
33. Sucrose is converted into glucose and fructose by 33.
the enzyme:

(1) Invertase (1)

(2) Zymage (2)

(3) Hexokinase (3)

(4) Ligase. (4)

34. Which of these statements is incorrect : 34. :

(1) Enzyme of TCA cycle are present in mitochondrial (1) TCA

(2) TCA cycle occurs in mitochondrial matrix (2) TCA

(3) Glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm (3)

(4) Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in outer (4)

membrane of mitochondria
35. How many pyruvic acid will formed from 1 mole 35.
of 3-phosphoglyceric acid during glycolysis :

(1) 1 (1) 1

(2) 2 (2) 2
(3) 3
(3) 3
(4) 4
(4) 4

This section will have 15 questions. Candidate can

15 15
choose to attempt any 10 question out of these 15
question. In case if candiate attempts more than 10 10
10 question, first 10 attempted question will be
considered for marking. 10
36. Given below are two statements : one is labelled 36. (A)
as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason
(R) (R)
Assertion (A) : (A) :
Proton gradient is important because breakdown
of this gradient lead to release of Energy.
Reason (R) :
ATPase has a channel that not allows diffusion of (R) :
proton back across the membrane. ATP
choose the correct answer from the options given
below :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the (1) R
correct explanation of (A)
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct R
(3) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct
(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A) (4) R
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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
37. Diagram of bacteriophage is given below, label 37. A,B,C D
A,B,C and D :

(1) A-Head, B-collar, C-Sheath, D-Tail fibres

(2) A-Capsid, B-Neck, C-Sheath, D-Tail fibres
(3) A-Capsid, B-collar, C-Sheath, D-Rod fibres
(4) A-Carbohydrate coat, B-collar, C-Sheath, D-Tail
38. An organism has eukaryotic cell type and 38.
photosynthetic. Which among the following has
this character :
(1) (2)
(1) Desmids (2) Albugo
(3) Mucor (4) Trichoderma. (3) (4)
39. Which of the following is true about 39.
(a) Also called bracket fungi
(b) Sex organs absent, but plasmogamy is brought
about by fusion of two vegetative cells of
different genotypes
(c) Karyogamy and meiosis takes place in the (c)
(d) Basidiospores are produced exogenously (d)
(1) Only a and b are correct (1) a b
(2) Only b and c are correct (2) b c
(3) Only a, b and d are correct (3) a, b d
(4) all are correct (4)
40. In the given graph, if Y-axis represents reaction 40. Y-
velocity, then X-axis can represent

(1) pH (1) pH
(2) Temperature (2)
(3) Substrate concentration (3)
(4) Either (1) or (2) (4) 1 2
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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
41. Match of the following : 41.
a. Saprophytic protist i. Dinoflagellates a. i.
b. TMV ii. Slime mould
b. ii.
c. Marshy areas iii. ssRNA
c. iii.
d. Mostly marine iv. Methenogen
d. iv.
(1) a–(i), b–(iii), c–(iv), d–(ii)
(1) a–(i), b–(iii), c–(iv), d–(ii)
(2) a–(ii), b–(iv), c–(iii), d–(i) (2) a–(ii), b–(iv), c–(iii), d–(i)
(3) a–(ii), b–(iii), c–(iv), d–(i) (3) a–(ii), b–(iii), c–(iv), d–(i)
(4) a–(iii), b–(i), c–(ii), d–(iv) (4) a–(iii), b–(i), c–(ii), d–(iv)
42. Characteristic of angiosperms which distinguish 42.
them from gymnosperms
(1) Seeds covered by ovary (1)
(2) Zygote and triploid endosperm formed after double
(3) The pollen grains and ovules are developed in
specialised structures called flower
(4) All of the above (4)

43. Given below are two statements : 43.

Statement -I: -I:
Lack of menstruation is always indicator of preg-
Statement-II: -II:
In human being menstrual cycle ceases around
50 year of age.
Choose the correct answer from the option given
below: (1) I II
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
(2) I II
(2) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
(3) I II
(3) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
(4) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct (4) I II
44. Which of the following option is incorrect for 44.
Amphibian of the plant kingdom

(a) Rhizoids are always unicellular (a)

(b) Rhizoids are always multicellular (b)
(c) Biflagellated antherozoids absent (c)
(d) Rhizoids may be unicellular or multicellular (d)
(1) Only a, b (1) a, b
(2) Only a, b, c (2) a, b, c
(3) Only c, d (3) c, d
(4) Only b, c, d (4) b, c, d
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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
45. Diploblastic animals contained two embryonic 45.
layers this embryonic layers are :
(1) Ectoderm, Endoderm
(2) Mesoderm, Ectoderm
(3) Endoderm, Mesoderm (3)

(4) Periderm, Mesoderm (4)

46. The members of phylum porifera are : 46.
(1) Exclusively marine and mostly asymmetrical (1)
(2) Mostly fresh water and rarely asymmetrical (2)

(3) Generally marine and mostly asymmetrical (3)

(4) Generally marine and mostly bilateral symmetrical (4)

47. The complication of the STDs includes : 47.
(a) PID (a)
(b) Abortions (b)
(c) Still birth (c)
(d) Ectopic pregnancies (d)
(e) Infertility (e)
(f) Cancer of reproductive tract (f)
(1) a, b, c and d (2) a, b, c, d and e (1) a, b, c d (2) a, b, c, d e
(3) b, c, d, e and f (4) All of the above (3) b, c, d, e f (4)
48. The function of ovary in woman to produce 48.
gametes begins:

(1) During embryonic development stage (1)

(2) At puberty (2)

(3) During meanrch (3)

(4) At menopouse (4)

49. Given below are two statements : 49.

Statement I : -I:
Morphine abrin, cellulose Ricin are Secondary
- II :
Statement-II :
We do not at the moment understand the role or func-
tion of all 'Secondary metabolite' in Host organism.
Choose the correct answer from the option given
(1) I II
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
(2) I II
(2) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
(3) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct (3) I II

(4) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct (4) I II

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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
50. HIV enters into macrophages and produce viral 50. HIV
DNA by which enzyme DNA
(1) Hydrolytic enzyme (1)
(2) Transcriptase (2)
(3) Pepsin (3)
(4) Reverse transcriptase (4)

Attempt All 35 Questions 35

51. In yeast cell continious fermentation of glucose 51.
causes death of yeast cell :

(1) Suffocation (1)

(2) Unavailability of oxygen (2)

(3) High ethyl alcohol (3)

(4) All of these (4)

52. Choose the correct combination between 52. RQs
respirotory substrate and their respective RQs:
Fat Carbohydrate Protein
(1) 1 0.7 0.9 (1) 1 0.7 0.9
(2) 0.7 1 0.9 (2) 0.7 1 0.9
(3) 0 1 0.7 (3) 0 1 0.7
(4) 0.7 2 0.9 (4) 0.7 2 0.9

53. Match the following : 53.

a. Cyt bc1 P. Complex V a. Cyt bc1 P. V

b. ATP synthase Q. Complex I b. ATP Q. I
c. Cyt c oxidase R. Complex III c. Cyt c R. III
d. NADH – Dehydrogenase S. Comples IV
d. NADH – S. IV
(1) a – R , b – P , c – S, d – Q
(1) a – R , b – P , c – S, d – Q
(2) a – R , b – S , c – P, d – Q (2) a – R , b – S , c – P, d – Q
(3) a – S , b – R , c – Q, d – P (3) a – S , b – R , c – Q, d – P
(4) a – R , b – P , c – Q, d – S (4) a – R , b – P , c – Q, d – S
54. Which of the following process is used in 54.
conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA :

(1) Oxidative decarboxylation (1)

(2) Oxidative dehydrogenation (2)

(3) Oxidative dehydration (3)

(4) Oxidative phosphorylation. (4)

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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
55. Which of the following biomolecules is common 55.
to respiration mediated breakdown of fatty acid
carbohydrates and proteins :
(1) Pyruvic acid
(2) Acetyl CoA (2)

(3) Glyceraldehyde 3 – Phasphate (3) 3–

(4) 1 and 2 both (4) 1 2

Volume of CO2 evolved 2

56. Volume of O2 consumed 56.

Above ratio is known as :

(1) Respiratory rate (1)

(2) Respiratory quotient (2)

(3) Transpiration quotient (3)

(4) All of the above (4)

57. The overall goal of glycolysis, Krebs cycle and 57.
the electron transport system is the formation of: :
(1) ATP in small stepwise units (1) ATP
(2) ATP in one large oxidation reaction (2) ATP

(3) Sugars (3)

(4) Nucleic acids (4)

58. Given below are two statements : 58.
Statement I : -I:
During oxidative decarboxylation of one molecule
of pyruvic acid in mitochondrial matrix one
molecule of NADPH+H+ is produced.
Statement II :
- II :
In glycolysis, glucose undergoes partial oxidation
to form two molecule of pyruvic acid.
Choose the correct answer from the options given (1) I II
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect (2) I II
(2) Statement I is correct but Statement II isincorrect (3) I II
(3) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
(4) Both, Statement I and Statement II are correct (4) I II
59. How many ATP molecules can be produced 59. 2NADH2 3 FADH2
through oxidative phosphorylation of 2NADH2 and
(1) 15 (2) 24 (1) 15 (2) 24
(3) 6 (4) 12 (3) 6 (4) 12
60. Which of the following is 5C compound of Kreb's 60. 5C
(1) 
(1) -ketoglutaric acid
(2) Isocitric acid
(3) Cis aconitic acid (3)
(4) Pyruvic acid (4)
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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
61. Select the wrong statement 61.
(1) W hen tripalmitin is used as a substrate in (1)
respiration, the RQ is 0.7 0.7
(2) One glucose molecule yields a net gain of 2 ATP (2)
molecules during fermentation

(3) The intermediate compound which links glycolysis (3)

with Kreb’s cycle is malic acid

(4) One glucose molecule yields a net gain of 38 ATP (4) 38 ATP
molecules during aerobic respiration
62. Cytochrome C oxidase complex contains : 62. C
(1) Cytochrome a, a3 and one copper centre (1) a, a3

(2) Cytochrome a and two copper centres (2) a

(3) Cytochrome a3 and one copper centre (3) a3

(4) Cytochrome a, a3 and two copper centre (4) a, a3

63. How many ATP will be produced during the 63.
production of molecule of acetyl CoA from two
molecule of pyruvic acid :
(1) 3
(1) 3 ATP
(2) 6
(2) 6 ATP
(3) 8 ATP (3) 8

(4) 38 ATP. (4) 38

64. Which of the following is incorrectly matched : 64.
(1) Protein Degarded by proteases (1)

(2) Fats Fatty acid + Glycerol (2) +

(3) Kreb's cycle Carboxylation (3)

(4) Respiratory pathway Amphibolic (4)

65. Which is also formed alongwith ATP in glycolysis: 65.

(1) NADPH2
(2) NADH
2 (2) NADH2
(3) FADH
2 (3) FADH2
(4) FAD (4) FAD
66. During the degradation of six glucose molecules 66.
in fermentation, the net gain of ATP per glucose
molecule degraded is:
(1) 12 (1) 12

(2) 6 (2) 6

(3) 2 (3) 2
(4) 8 (4) 8
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67. Which one of the following molecule are utilised 67.
as well as released during glycolysis process :
(1) ATP, H2O (1) ATP, H2O
(2) ATP (2) ATP
(3) ATP, H2O, CO2 (3) ATP, H2O, CO2
(4) ATP, H2O, CO2, O2 (4) ATP, H2O, CO2, O2
68. All of the following processes can release CO2 68.

(1) Alcoholic fermentation (1)

(2) Oxidative decarboxylation and Krebs' cycle (2)

(3) Oxidative phosphorylation (3)

(4) Conversion of ketoglutaric acid to succinic acid (4) 

69. Protein enters the Kreb’s cycle as 69.
(1) Amino acid after deamination (1)
(2) Pyruvate (2)
(3) Acetyl CoA (3)
(4) All of these (4)
70. When fats are broken down what will formed : 70.
(1) Fatty acid and glycerol (1)
(2) Fatty acid and ethanol (2)
(3) Fatty acid and carbinol (3)

(4) Glycerol and pyruvic acid. (4)

71. The correct sequence of electron acceptor in ATP 71. ATP
synthesis is :
(1) Cyt, b, c, a3, a
(1) Cyt, b, c, a3, a
(2) Cyt, c, b, a, a3
(2) Cyt, c, b, a, a3
(3) Cyt. a, a, b, c (3) Cyt. a, a, b, c
(4) Cyt. b, c1,c, a, a3 (4) Cyt. b, c1,c, a, a3
72. Pyruvic acid is the end product of which process 72.

(1) Kreb's cycle (1)

(2) Calvin cycle (2)

(3) Pentose phosphate pathway (3)

(4) Glycolysis (4)

73. The term glycolysis has originated from the Greek 73.
(1) Glucose
(2) Glycos
(3) Glycon (3)

(4) Glycogen (4)

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74. Glycolysis, a chain of ..... reactions, under the 74.
control of different enzymes

(1) Nine (2) Ten (1) (2)

(3) Eleven (4) Twelve (3) (4)

75. The respiratory quotient depends upon 75.

(1) Kind of organism, used in test of respiration (1)
(2) Respiratory pathway, as glycolysis, kreb’s cycle
and ETS
(2) ETS
(3) Type of respiratory substance used during
(4) Number of oxygen molecules used during reduction (4)
of respiratory substrates.
76. In given diagram A and B are : 76. A B

(1) Lactic acid and ethanol respectively

(2) Ethanol and lactic acid respectively
(3) Pyruvic acid and Ethanol respectively (3)

(4) Lactic acid pyrubic acid respectively (4)

77. In a cell in aerobic respiration what is the correct 77.

sequence of different process :

(1) Glycolysis  Oxidative decarboxylation  Kreb's (1)  

Cycle  ETS 

(2) Glycolysis  Oxidative decarboxylation  Kreb's (2)  

Cycle  TCA cycle Fermentation  

(3) Glycolysis  Fermentation  TCA cycle  ETS (3)   

(4) Glycolysis  Fermentation  Kreb's Cycle  ETS (4)   

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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
78. The pathway of respiration common in all living 78. (Common) X ;
organisms is X ; it occurs in the Y and the products
formed are two molecules of Z .
X, Y Z
Identify X, Y and Z in the above paragraph and
select the correct answer.

(1) Glycolysis mitochondrion pyruvic acid (1)

(2) Glycolysis cytoplasm pyruvic acid (2)

(3) Krebs' cycle cytoplasm acetyl CoA (3) CoA
(4) Krebs' cycle mitochondrion acetyl CoA (4) CoA
79. Select the wrong statement with respect to 79.
(1) It occurs outside mitochondria
(2) It is an anaerobic phase
(3) Glucose undergoes partial oxidation to form 2
molecules of pyruvic acid
(4) Glucose is phosphorylated to glucose-6-phosphate (4)
by isomerase enzyme
80. Identify A and B in the given reaction. 80. A B

(1) PEP CO2
(1) PEP CO2
(2) CoA CO2
(2) Acetyl CoA CO2
(3) CO2 H2O
(3) CO2 H2O
(4) Acetyl CoA H2O (4) CoA H2O
81. Match column I with column II and select the 81. I II
correct option from the given codes
Column I Column II
A. Glycolysis (i) Inner mitochondrial
A. (i)
B. TCA cycle (ii) Mitochondrial matrix
B. TCA (ii)
C. ETS (iii) Cytoplasm
C. ETS (iii)
(1) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(ii)
(1) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(ii)
(2) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i)
(2) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i)
(3) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii) (3) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii)
(4) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iii) (4) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iii)
82. NADH+ H+ is produced during glycolysis during 82. NADH+ H+
conversion of
(1) 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde to 3-phosphoglycerate
(2) 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde to
1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2)

(3) 3-phosphoglycerate to 2 phosphoglycerate (3)

(4) None of these (4)
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+ +
83. What is the role of NAD in cellular respiration : 83. NAD
(1) It functions as an enzymes (1)
(2) It functions as an electron carrier (2)
(3) It is a nucleotide source for ATP synthesis
(4) It is the final electron acceptor for anaerobic
respiration (4)
84. FAD acts as an electron acceptor in between : 84.

(1) Fumaric and malic acid

(2) Succinic and fumaric acid
(3) Malic and oxaloacetic acid
(4) Citric and isocitric acid (4)
85. In given citric acid cycle which step/point FAD is+
85. FAD+ ,FADH2
reduced to FADH2 : :

(1) A (2) B (1) A (2) B

(3) C (4) D
(3) C (4) D
This section will have 15 questions. Candidate can 15 15
choose to attempt any 10 question out of these 15
question. In case if candiate attempts more than 10 10
10 question, first 10 attempted question will be
considered for marking. 10

86. Opioids receptors are present in the body in 86.

(1) Lungs (1)

(2) Central nervous system (2)

(3) Gastrointestinal tract (3)

(4) Both 2 and 3 (4) 2 3

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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
87. Which one of the following factors are known to 87.
affect hardy - weinberg equilibrium:

(1) Gene migration (1)

(2) Mutation (2)
(3) Natural selection (3)

(4) All of these (4)

88. ABO blood is determined by : 88. ABO
(1) Three recessive alleles (1)
(2) Three codominant alleles (2)
(3) Three alleles, two recessive and one dominant (3)

(4) Three alleles, two dominant and one recessive (4)

89. On crossing two similar hybrids, percentage of 89.
recessive progeny is :
(1) 50% (1) 50%
(2) 75% (2) 75%
(3) 25% (3) 25%
(4) 100%. (4) 100%
90. The enzyme that not found in C3 plant : 90. C3
(1) PEP carboxylase (1) PEP
(2) RuBp carboxylase (2) RuBp
(3) NADP reductase (3) NADP

(4) ATP synthase (4) ATP

91. Which of the following element is constituent of 91.
nucleic acid, nucleotide and nucleosides :

(1) Nitrogen (2) Phosphorus (1) (2)

(3) Sulphur (4) All of these (3) (4)

92. A patient brought to a hospital with myocardial 92.
infraction in general, he is treated with :

(1) Cyclosporin - A (1)

(2) Statins (2)
(3) Penicillin (3)

(4) Streptokinase (4)

93. Which gases are produced in anaerobic sludge 93. (sludge digester)
digesters: :
(1) Methane and CO2 only (1) CO2
(2) Methane, hydrogen sulphide and O2 (2) O2
(3) Methane, hydrogen sulphide and CO2 (3) CO2
(4) None of these (4)
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BTS–20 [Paper] CRACK NEET 2024 /Bio Test Series/ 11-Nov.-2023
94. A -plated sheet organisation in a polypeptide 94. 
chain is an example of :
(1) 1°
(1) 1° structure
(2) 2°
(2) 2° structure
(3) 3° structure (3) 3°

(4) 4° structure (4) 4°

95. Chrysophytes, Euglena, Slime moulds, 95.
Plasmodium are grouped under which kingdom:

(1) Monera (2) Plantae (1) (2)

(3) Fungi (4) Protista. (3) (4)
96. Match the column : 96.
Match – A Match – B –A –B
1- Citric acid a- Clostridium 1- a-
2- b-
2- Acetic acid b- Aspergillus niger
3- Butyric acid c- Acetobacter aceti 3- c-
4- Lactic acid d- Lacto bacillus 4- d-
(1) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d (1) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d
(2) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d (2) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d
(3) 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a (3) 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a
(4) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d (4) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d
97. The plasma membrane is : 97.
(1) Impermeable (1)
(2) Permeable (2)
(3) Semi-permeable (3)

(4) Selectively-permeable (4)

98. The classical example of adaptive radiation is/ 98.
are :
(1) Darwin's finches
(2) Marsupials of Australia
(3) Both (1) and (2) (3) (1) (2)
(4) None of these (4)
99. How does Bt toxin kill the larvae of certain insects 99.
(1) By binding of activated toxin on midgut epithelial (1)
cells, creating pores, leading to swelling and lysis
(2) By stopping transcription of larval cells
(3) By altering central dogma taking place in the cells
of the gut of larva (3)

(4) By stopping protein synthesis (4)

100. GM crops are useful in : 100.
(1) Increase yields (1)
(2) Reduce reliance on chemical pesticides (2)
(3) Prevents early exhausation of fertility of soil (3)

(4) All of the above (4)

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