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Chapter 75
' Alain Strowel is an attorney with the law firm, Nauta Dutilh, Brussels, and Professor at the Saint-
Louis University, Brussels and Universit6 de Liege. This paper was presented at the Seventh Annual
Conference on International Intellectual Property Law and Policy at Fordhan University School of Law
between April 8-9, 1999.
2 See Clay Webster (Journal of a Webster: http://www.unipress.com.people/clay, quoted by L.
Carriere, Hypertextes et hyperliens au regard du droit d'auteur: quelques 616ments de r6flexion, Les
Cahiers de proprit6 intellectuelle, p. 467, May 1997): "The silent unassuming hero of the World Wide
Web, the glue of the Web, the hyperlink."
3 See, e.g., M. O'Rourke, Fencing Cyberspace:DrawingBorders in a Virtual World, 82 Minn.
L Rev. 609 (1998) [hereinafter "Fencing Cyberspace"] f.; L. A. Stangret, The legalitiesoflinking on
the World Wide Web, Comm. L, vol. 2, p. 202 (1997) ff.; W. A. Effross, Withdrawal ofthe Reference:
Rights,Rules andRemediesfor Unwelcomed Web-linking, 49 S.C. L. Rev. 651 (1998) if.; M. Jackson,
Linking Copyrightto Homepages, 49 Fed. Comm. L.J., 731-59 (1997); J. R. Kuester et P. A. Nieves,
Hyperlinks, Frames andMetatags: An IntellectualPropertyAnalysis, 38 IDEA 243 (1998) if. (see
in general the Panel Discussion: Link Law on the Internet, 38 IDEA 197, (1998) ff); L. Carriere,
Hypertextes et hyperliens au regarddu droitd'auteur: quelques didments de rdflexion, Les Cahiers
de propritd intellectuelle, p. 467, May 1997 ff.; P. Trudel, Droit du cyberespace, Centre de recherche
en droit public de l'Universiti de Montr6al et 6d. Th6mis, p. 16-67 to 16-69 (1997). For an extended
bibliography on the subject, see the site of St. Bechtold, The Link Controversy Page
A. WhatIsAHyperlink?
The hyperlink in the strict sense of the term, or the so-called HREF link (also
called "hypertext link"), allows the user to access another Web page, and in this
case, the computer screen does not keep any element or information of the site from
which the user comes. This link to another Web site can be made to the "home
page" or to another page, a sub page within the linked site. The first type of linking
can be called "surface linking," and the second type, "deep linking." It is obvious
that "deep linking," a link which bypasses the "home page" and refers directly to a
subsequent page of the site, raises more legal questions than "surface linking."
Another associational tool is called inlining. Inline linking enables a webmaster
to insert an image, for instance a logo, coming from another Web page in a site. In
this case, the user does not have to leave the linking site in order to view this image.'
A last form of linking is called framing. This tool provides a means for dividing
a Web site into separate windows. Each window is displayed in a separate portion
of the Web browser screen and functions independently to display an individual
Web page. But these windows remain within the frame of the original site. In most
cases, there is not much to distinguish between the original site and the framed site,
and the user can therefore be confused.
' I have benefited from the research assistance and the comments ofC6dric Laurant, LLM student
at Columbia University, on the technical aspects of the present paper. I thank him for his help.
' Sometimes, this type of link is included in a more comprehensive category of "content links." In
this case, images, graphics or text from a linked site are incorporated in the material of the linking site
while the URL of the linking site remains displayed.
Search engines are becoming essential in order to find the right information on
the sea of the Web. Web users utilize search engines such as Yahoo, Alta Vista,
Lycos, Infoseek and HotBot to locate Web sites that are of interest to them. In order
to collect the information, many search tools send out a programme, often called a
"spider" or a "crawler," that combs the Net collecting Web pages. The results of the
queries made through the search engine's programs consist of a list of hyperlinks
to related Web sites.
The search engines follow different indexing methods. They use the location of
keywords and frequency in a Web page as the basis of ranking pages in response to
a query.'But the search engines not only analyse the displayed text, the titles and the
addresses of Web pages, but also make use of the metatags, that is to say elements
of information written in HTML language but not visible for the users.
'The exact mechanism though is slightly different for each engine. Some ofthem rank the results
with the help of the keywords in the "keywords MIT" or in the title, some do not. Some display the
results taking account of the title and the "description MIT," some do not. The search engine Excite, for
example, indexes Web pages by grouping sentences by concept and by extracting the most dominant of
them, instead of relying only on the "description MIT" or on the first few lines on page, or on the first
200 characters after the "body" tag for example, which is the method used by Infoseek.
B. Smith & A. Bebak, Creating Web Pagesfor Dummies, 3rd ed., Foster City, CA (USA), IDG
Books, p. 59 (1998).
Among the several available meta-information tags,8 the most relevant in the
trademark cases are:
In the HTML language, each META element specifies a property/value pair : the
name attribute identifies the property and the content attribute specifies the
property's value.
Meta-information tags provide a useful way for Web page authors to control how
their pages are indexed by most search engines : MITs help provide keywords and
descriptions on pages that for various reasons lack text. ITs keywords may be
considered as "pre-hyperlink" since a hyperlink is often created by a search engine
in a search results phase. These MITs may also boost the page's relevancy.o
E. What Is Spamdexing?
' The meta-information tags are to be written with the <META> tag (except for one of them: the
<TITLE> tag) between two HTML tags: <HEAD> and </HEAD>. (The <HEAD> tag comes after the
<HTML> tag and the </HEAD> tag comes just before the <BODY> tag on an HTML page.)
'Cf<wysiwyg://detail.18/http://vancouver-webpages.com /META/metatags. detail.html>. See also
<http://searchenginewatch.intemet.com/webmasters/spiders.html> (last visited on June 18,1999).
0 Cf <http://www.searchenginewatch.com/webmasters/meta.html>. See also <http://
WDVL.Intemet.com/Authoring/HTML/Head/meta.html> (last visited on June 18, 1999).
n See <http://searchenginewatch.internet.com/webmasters/features.html>.
example, put into the keywords field of their Web site words such as "sex,"
"Diana," or other frequently requested words. They may also duplicate, in their
keywords field, the keywords of frequently searched sites so that the pornographic
site will be returned by search engine looking for the frequently searched site.
It may work. And it has actually worked quite well for some cunning
webmasters, as we will see further in some cases.'
A. Hyperlinks
The Shetland Times Ltd v. Dr. Jonathan KIMs Case (HREF Linking)
1 Some companies guarantee to their customers they could have their Web site ranked in the top 20
of the main WWW search engines. Mediacity, for example, claims to do it for US $ 299.0 plus US $
0.25 per click through (see <http://del. sportsodds.com/top20.htnl>. Cf also D. Delbecq, "Les rois de
I'effraction", LeMonde, TRM suppl., p. 33, May 3-4, 1998.
13 The text of the interim decision of 24 October 1996 can be found on the Internet at:
Http://www.jmls.edulcyber/index/ under the heading "linking and framing." The site of the John
Marshall Law School features an interesting collection of cases concerning Internet law. The Shetland
Times Ltd. V Dr. Jonathan Wills and Zetnews Ltd. case can be found directly under
Http://www.jmls.edu/cyber/cases/shetdl.htl (last visited on June 18, 1999).
According to the terms of this settlement ," the defenders are entitled to link to
stories of the Shetland Times by means of headlines, but they have to respect some
This German case" which ended up in the May 12, 1998 decision of the
Landgericht Hamburg does not involve intellectual property issues. The action was
based on the right of honour or reputation, as well as on the general principle of tort
law (art. 823 and 824 BGB). On this basis, the plaintiff, Mr. Steinhofel, sued Mr.
Best for damages. Mr. Best had created links with other sites containing
information prejudicial to the honour of the plaintiff. In the balance of interests, the
judge recognised that the personality right weighs more heavily than freedom of
expression. The links were not established in order to help the finding of the truth,
but in order to tarmish the reputation of the plaintiff. Defendant was ordered to pay
40,000 Deutsche Marks in damages.
This case addresses the implications of "deep linking" without permission. The
Microsoft Web site, called "Seattle Sidewalk" uses deep hyperlinks to specific
pages within the Ticketmaster Web site, so that a user of the "Seattle Sidewalk"
Web site can bypass all policies, service information and ads provided on the
Tickelmaster homepage and go directly to Ticketmaster's event listing to purchase
tickets. In fact, this possibility of buying tickets on line is the main service offered
by Ticketmaster. This on line service was of interest to Microsoft which was
building city Web sites all over the United States containing information on
restaurants, sports, cultural events, and so on. The parties tried to conclude a linking
agreement, whose purpose would have been the reciprocal promotion of their sites.
After the negotiations failed, Microsoft established the links directed to the
subsidiary pages within the Web site. Ticketmaster alleged that due to this direct
In this case, the plaintiffs, including the Washington Post, Time Inc., CNN,
brought multiple actions against the defendant, Total News Inc. In fact, Total News
had developed a site which was primarily a collection of links to more than 1,200
sites of on-line information. On the Total News Web site, activation of a hyperlink
to an external site opened the associated external page within one of the framed
portions of the Total News homepage while leaving the Total News logo,
commercial advertisements and URL on the screen surrounding the activated page.
So it was a case of linking through framing.
The plaintiffs claimed that this method of advertising was the "internet
equivalent of pirating copyrighted material from famous newspapers, magazines or
television news programs." Included in their causes of action were
misappropriation, federal trademark dilution, trademark infringement, unfair
competition, and copyright infringement.
No court addressed the issue since Total News and the other defendants settled
this controversy by agreeing to stop the framing.
This settlement could suggest that hyperlinking in a framed arrangement could
be actionable. Indeed the settlement allows Total News to continue linking without
framing, which they are still doing today.
" Http://www.ljx.com/internet/totalse.html. On framing, see also the case Future- dontics Inc. v.
Applied Anagramics Inc., 45 U.S.P.Q.2d 20005 (C.D. Cal. 1998) (plaintiffs site appeared within a
frame on defendant's site; the court denied plaintifiPs motion for preliminary injunction on its copyright
claim that the frame created an unauthorised reproduction and derivative work of its Web site).
i <http://www.cs.princeton.edu/-dwallach/> (last visited on June 26, 1998).
comics were inlined from the United Media site" each day. This means that the
visitor of this site, when clicking on one of the Dilbert Hack's picture, would receive
the image directly from the United Media server, without any reproduction made on
Dan Wallach's server. United Media lawyers required Dan Wallach to stop making
inline hyperlinks of "copyrighted material belonging to United Media,'1o which
the student eventually complied with.
B. Metatags
The first cases concerning the use of marks as metatags are Insituform Techs,
Inc. v. NationalEnvirotech Group, L.L.C.," Playboy Enterprise,Inc. v. Calvin
DesignerLabeP and Oppedahl& Larson v. Advanced Concepts.' The third case
involves solely metatagging while other uses of the trademarks (for instance, in the
domain name or on the Web site) were present in the other two cases. In Insituform,
as part of the settlement reached by the parties, the court issued a consent decree
barring the defendant from using the plaintiff s trademarks as metatags. In Playboy
v. Calvin Designer, the court granted a preliminary injunction barring the
defendants' use of the trademarks "in burried code or metatags on their home page
or Web pages or in connection with the retrieval of data."" In a latter case,'
Playboy sued AsiaFocus International for trademark infringement resulting from
defendant's use of the trademarks "Playboy" and "Playmate" in its HTML code and
a district court granted jugdment in favor of Playboy, reasoning that AsiaFocus
intentionally misled viewers into believing that its web site was connected with, or
sponsored by, Playboy.
Two other cases have been considered by U.S. courts of appeal since the end
of 1998 and therefore deserve more attention.
1. Playboy Enterprises, Inc. v. Terri Welles
The site of Mrs. Terri Welles which opened in June 1997 (and is still in
operation)" contains various reproductions of well-known trademarks of Playboy
Enterprises. The trademarks "Playboy" and "Playmate" are, for instance, included
in metatags listing keywords.
Playboy sued on the basis of trademark infringement, false designation of origin
and trademark dilution. Plaintiff argued that defendant's use of the Playboy and
Playmate trademarks was likely to harm it and its trademarks since websurfers
would be likely to believe that defendant's web site was authorised, sponsored or
otherwise approved of by Playboy Enterprises.
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California denied plaintiffs
motion for a preliminary injunction. The court decided that there is no strong
likelihood of success on the merits. First, the use of these trademarks by the
defendant was recognised as fair, due to the fact that Mrs. Terri Welles, a former
model for Playboy, had in 1981 received the title of Playmate of the Year.
Therefore, Mrs. Welles had used Playboy Enterprises trademark to identify herself
truthfully and in good faith as the Playmate of the Year 1981. Where the trademark
is used only to describe the goods or a person, the "fair use" defense applies. In
addition, Mrs. Welles was cautious enough not to deceive the public by using a
disclaimer on most of the free pages of the site. According to the court, should the
fair use defence not apply, the plaintiff had nevertheless failed to demonstrate the
likelihood of confusion for websurfers. In the balance of interests, the Court decided
not to grant a preliminary injunction. This decision was confirmed by the federal
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on October 20, 1998.29
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit delivered an opinion filed on
April 22, 1999 in a case involving the use of plaintiff's trademark ("MovieBuff')
in the domain name ("moviebuff.com"), as well as in the metatags of defendant's
Web site. As Brookfield chose not to argue its trademark dilution claim in its
opening brief, the court limited its attention to Brookfield's trademark infringement
and unfair competition claims. After having applied the eight likelihood of confusion
factors of AMF, Inc. v. Sleekcraft Boats," and having concluded that defendant's
domain name was infringing plaintiff s trademark, the court was induced to adopt
a similar conclusion of likelihood of confusion with respect to West Coast's use of
"moviebbuff.com" in its metatags. The specificity of this use and confusion is that
the use of another's trademark is calculated "to capture initial consumer attention,
even though no actual sale is finally completed as a result of the confusion."32 The
initial interest confusion (to be distinguished from source confusion) is sufficient to
conclude that some infringement has occurred resulting from the misappropriation
by defendant of the goodwill developed by plaintiff in its trademark.
In its opinion, the Court also stressed the higher risk of confusion existing in the
context of the Internet.33
A general issue needs to be raised first, and that is whether limitations on the
creation of hyperlinks (or on the use of some keywords as metatags and pre-links)
are compatible with free expression concerns. Or, to put it differently, are hyperlinks
and uses of keywords a form of protected expression?
' See LP. v. Penguin Books USA, Inc.,109 F.3d 1394, 1405 (9th Cir. 1989) (referring to Dr. Seuss
3 The court explained "[iln the Internet context, in particular, entering a web site takes little
effort, usually one click from a linked site or a search engine's list. Thus, Web surfers are more
likely to be confused as to the ownership of a web site than traditional patrons of brick-and-
mortar store would be of a store's ownership." For a critique of the application of the confusion
criterion to the Internet see J.H. Oran, The Costs of Confusion in Cyberspace, 107 The Yale
L.J.869 (1997). See also the case note of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. v.
Bucci, No. 97 Civ. 0629 (KMW), 1997 WL 133313, 42 U.S.P.Q.2d 1430 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 24,
' For a more detailed analysis of the legal issues, see A. Strowel, Liaisons dangereuses et bonnes
relations sur Internet: a propos des hyperliens, A & M, 1998.4, p. 296-308.
In the U.S., one decision" concerning the Internet Police law of the State of
Georgia clearly attached First Amendment importance to hyperlinking. In the U.S.
at least, the importance of free speech on the Net was emphasized by the Supreme
Court's ruling in Reno v. ACLU" that the CommunicationsDecency Act was an
unconstitutional restriction of expression. But the court emphazised the distinction
between commercial and non-commercial speech - the latter warranting a higher
level of protection. If some kind of freedom to link exists, it only fully applies to
non-commercial linking.
In the absence of any limitations arising out of the infringement of third party
rights, for instance, intellectual property rights, the rule which applies by default is
thus the rule of freedom. Freedom to link.
In Europe, it remains to be seen whether linking is directly protected by
Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which has a narrower
scope than the American free speech provision. In addition, Article 10 allows for
exceptions, which means that freedom of linking could be limited in the case of
infringement of third party rights (for instance, IP rights).
B. ImpliedAuthorization OfLinking
' American Civil Liberties Union v. Miller, 43 U.S.P.Q.2d 1356 (N.D. Ga. 1997). In this case,
plaintiffs contested the introduction in the Georgia Computer Systems ProtectionAct of a criminal
offense in the event of the use of any trademark or similar personal seal on the Internet in a manner that
falsely implied that permission for such use had been granted when in reality, such permission had not
been obtained. The plaintiffs recognized that the State of Georgia may have an interest in securing
intellectual property rights but was not allowed by Constitution to suppress some form of protected
expression under the thin guise of protecting intellectual property (see J.R. Kuester and P.A. Nieves,
Hyperlinks, Frames and Metatags : an Intellectual PropertyAnalysis, 38 IDEA 243, 267). The
district court agreed that Georgia's Internet Police law was unconstitutional under the First Amendment.
The court stated on the issue of linking : "A fair reading of the clause of the Georgia Computer Act as
written, is that it prohibits the current use of Web page links. The linking function requires publishers
of Web pages to include symbols designating other Web pages that may be of interest to a user. This
means that an entity or person's seal may appear on hundreds or thousands of other Web pages, just for
the purpose of enabling the linking system. The appearance ofthe seal, although completely innocuous,
would definitely "imply" to many users that permission for use had been obtained. Defendants have
articulated no compelling state interest that would be furthered by restricting the linking function in this
way"American CivilLiberties Union v. Miller, 43 U.S.P.Q.2d at 1360. See also J. R. Kuester et P. A.
Nieves, Hyperlinks: A Form Of Protected Expression? Georgia federal court implies a 1st
Amendment "right to link" defense to infringement claims, at
- 521 U.S. 844 (1997).
What is the legal effect of the notice on a web site expressly prohibiting the
establishment of a link? Such statements can be found on some sites.
In Anglo-American law, such notices are probably devoid of any legal effect.
The same is true in a civil law country like Belgium or France. But the presence of
this legal notice can be considered as a factor in assessing whether the creator of the
link is liable and whether he has committed a fault.
The creation of hyperlinks and the use of metatags raise many new problems in
the field of intellectual property, but also in relation to unfair competition. Leaving
aside unfair competition issues, I will try to shed some light on intellectual property
issues, notably on copyright and trademark law aspects.
" See P. Jakab, Factsand Law of Web Linking, Web Page of the Computer Law Section of the
State Bar of Georgia, 1997.
" See supra Part II.A.I.
54 (1997). See also J. Joyce, Framing, Unking, Suing, American Bar Association Journal, p.
18 (Oct. 1997).
4 Court of Appeal Brussels, 29 Oct. 1997, Auteur &Media, p. 383 (The CentralStation case).
' Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Tel. Serv. Co., Inc., 499 U.S. 349 (1991).
4 Directive 96/9/EC of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases, O.J. L 77/80 (1996).
(1) (A) does not have actual knowledge that the material or activity is
(B) in the absence of such actual knowledge, is not aware of facts or
circumstances from which infringing activity is apparent; or
(C) upon obtaining such knowledge or awareness, acts expeditiously to
remove, or disable access to, the material;
(2) does not receive a financial benefit directly attributable to the infringing
activity, in a case in which the service provider has the right and ability to
control such activity;and
(3) upon notification of claimed infringement as described in subsection (c)(3),
responds expeditiously to remove, or disable access to, the material that is
claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity, except
that, for purposes of this paragraph, the information described in subsection
(c)(3)(A)(iii) shall be identification of the reference or link, to material or
activity claimed to be infringing, that is to be removed or access to which
is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service
provider to locate that reference or link.
The delicate formula "by reason of the provider referring or linking users to an
online location containing infringing material" will have to be interpreted by the
courts. It could be argued that only information location tools providers, that is
providers of tools to Internet users for finding web sites, such as Lycos or Yahoo!,
are exempted from liability under the conditions set up in Article 512 (d) of the
DMCA. In my opinion, the question remains whether the provider of hosting and/or
access can be sued for contributory infringement in the case of linking. Contributory
infringement exists where a defendant, with knowledge of infringing activity,
induces, causes or materially contributes to the infringing act of another. Does the
host service or access provider which is aware that one of its clients has put links
to infringing material contribute to the illicit communication to the public of the
The liability issue related to on-line intermediaries is much debated in Europe
as the proposal of the E.U. Directive on certain legal aspects of electronic
commerce46 is now being examined by the European Parliament. The proposal of
the e-commerce directive does not contain any provision which is similar to Article
512 (d) of the DMCA. The Commission did not want to tackle this particular
problem. The exemption of liability is only granted to intermediaries which offer
mere conduit (telecom operators), caching, and hosting services.
That means that the issue of contributory infringement in the case of links
established directly by the ISP or indirectly by a client hosted by the ISP has to be
considered under the general principles of each applicable national law.
In the U.S. metatagging cases, the plaintiffs would normally allege that the use
of their marks as metatags constitutes trademarkinfingement, trademarkdilution
or unfair competition." Of these three causes of action, the trademark dilution claim
is probably the strongest one." The advantage of a claim based on trademark
dilution is that in principle, no proof of confusion is required. On the contrary, a
trademark infringement claim must meet the requirements of the Lanham Act. The
action based on dilution is more likely to succeed, but it applies only to famous
In Europe, the situation is more complex.
First of all, the unfair competition issue cannot be tackled under a European
perspective as such, as there are may be as many different approaches of unfair
competition as E.U. Member States. This area of law is by no means harmonized
1. U.S. Approach
*Concerning the protection of databases, the lack of harmonization of unfair competition law has
prompted the Commission to create a new intellectual property right, the so-called sui generis right,
instead of adopting a misappropriation approach, as the U.S. legislature is now considering (see recital
6 of E.C. Directive of 11 March 1996 on the protection of databases).
"See 15 U.S.C. 1054.
" Thomas F. Presson and James R. Barney, op. cit., p. 154.
" According to a spokewoman from Disney online, that is the main reason why Disney has so far
not sued over the practice of metatagging (see Defining the Free-Riding in Cyberspace ..., supra note
5 See supra Part II.B.1,2.
-" See Defining the Free-Riding in Cyberspace...., supra note 47, n.65.
"Inits 1999 BMWjudgment (23 Febmuary 1999, case C-63/97 (BMW v. Ronald Karel Deeenik)),
the ECJ noted that the requirement of the use "in the course of trade" (within the meaning of Art. 5 (1)
and (2) of the Trademark Directive) is fulfilled when the sign is used by the owner of a garage for his
advertisements for the sale of second-hand BMW cars and for the repairs and maintenance of BMW cars.
Indeed, along with other illustrations, use of the sign on business papers and in advertising is explicitly
mentioned as a use in the course of trade in Article 5 (3) of the Trademark Directive. Use of the sign as
metatag; is,of course, different, but there is no clear reason why the use of a trademark which is invisible
could not be covered as a use in the course of trade.
2. E.C. Approach
Before the recent case law of the European Court of Justice, it was thought, for
instance, in Benelux countries,' that trademark infringement exists in three different
- when there is direct confusion : confusion between the mark and the sign
- when there is indirect confusion : the likelihood that notwithstanding the
fact that the mark and the sign as such will not be confused, the
resemblance of the mark and the sign could lead the consumer to believe
that there is some kind of relationship between the proprietor of the mark
and the use of the sign (impression of a sponsorship relation); and
- when there is mere association : "likelihood that (subconscious)
connections or associations are made by virtue of the fact that through the
perception of a sign, recollection of the mark might be stirred up" (the
mark is called to mind through the appearance of the sign).
6 See Ch. Gielen, Likelihood ofAssociation, in European Community Trade Mark, ed. by M.
Franzosi, Kluwer Law, p. 337 (1997).
' See P. Torremans, The Likelihood ofAssociation ofTradeMarks: An Assessment in the Light
ofthe Recent Case Law ofthe Court ofJustice,I.P.Q., No. 3, p. 295 (1998).
6 According to Article 5(1) of the Trademark Directive:
"The registered trademark shall confer on the proprietor exclusive rights therein. The proprietor shall be
entitled to prevent all third parties not having his consent from using in the course of trade:
(a) any sign which is identical with the trade mark in relation to goods or services which are identical
with those for which the trade mark is registered;
(b) any sign where, because of its identity with, or similarity to, the trade mark and the identity or
similarity ofthe goods or services covered by the trade mark and the sign, there exists a likelihood of
confusion on the part ofthe public, which includes the likelihood of association between the sign and the
trade mark."
' ECJ, 11 Nov. 1997, case C-251/95 (Sabel BV v. Puma AG, Rudolf Dassler Sport).
* Ch. GielenDevelopment ofEuropean TrademarkLaw by the Court ofJustice, Maastricht 4-6
July 1998, paper for the Amsterdam/Maastricht Summer University, p. 12.
The situation was different in the more recent Canon case." The plaintiffs mark
"Canon" was more distinctive and the question raised was whether a trademark of
wide reputation has a broader protection against the use of a nearly identical sign
(here "Cannon") for goods or services. The European Court of Justice ruled that the
distinctive character of the trademark, and in particular its reputation, has to be
taken into account.
This last judgment of the European Court of Justice also stresses the origin
function of trademark law. That does not mean that no likelihood of confusion will
exist if the public attributes the goods and/or services to different places of origin
("Herkunftsstatten" in German). The relevant issue is whether the public could
believe that the goods/services come from the same undertaking.The place of
production of the goods is not as important as the guarantee that the goods bearing
the sign "have originated under the control of a single undertaking which is
responsible for their quality."
"To link or not link," that was the first question raised.
ECJ, 28 Sept. 1998, case C-39/97 (Canon Kabushiki Kaisha v. Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer Inc.).
"See case C-10/89 HAG GF (HAG 11), 1990, ECR, 1-3711, § 13 and 14. See also ECJ, 28 Sept
1998, case C-39/97 (Canon Kabushiki Kaisha v. Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer Inc.), § 28.
" M. O'Rourke, Defining the Free-Riding in Cyberspace. . ., supra note 47, n.75.
In most cases, "to link" does not create any problem. But in certain
circumstances, caution should be exercised. Therefore, the formula proposed by
some commentators, "Think before you link" does make sense.
When is it necessary to think, or even to sign a contract, before implementing a
First, when you want to do some kind of "deep linking," that is to say when you
want to create a link not to the home or front page but to some subsidiary pages.
Secondly, "framing" can certainly create legal problems as this technique allows
a person to bypass the ads or banners of the linked site. In addition, framing could
sometimes be attacked on the basis of an infringement of the moral right of the
author whose work appears within the frame of the linking site.
Thirdly, more thinking is required when you are making use of a pointer which
is protected, for instance, an image, such as in the case of inlining.
Second question: when is it necessary to think or even to sign a contract before
placing a metatag in the HTML code of a Web site?
The problem results here from the possible confusion created by this "pre-link"
If the metatag consists of a trademark, a risk of being sued for trademark
infringement and initial consumer confusion exists.
all around the world. The problem is how to sue this company in Niue. I do not
even know whether there is a court system in Niue.
The tactics work because many famous brands are trying to trace this domain
name in Niue to an American company. But, of course, the people who really want
to infringe, not only through metatags but creating whole systems of linking to
people e-selling infringement or counterfeit products, normally, try to locate
themselves well outside of North America and Europe and in jurisdictions where it
is extremely difficult to sue.
PROF. STROWEL: I do not think there was a direct question addressed to
me. Your intervention is more another illustration of the difficulties to sue in case
of on-line infringements. Internet offers indeed many means (anonymity of the
content provider, location in an "intellectual property heaven," etc.) for people
trying to avoid any legal action and enforcement. On the other hand, the attention
should not be too much focused on these extreme cases. In the last months, we have
assisted to an increase in the number of legal decisions on matters such as
metatagging.o That means that defendants can be brought before the courts. In
addition, one can expect the development of cases on the liability of on-line service
providers: they can be identified and sued more easily than the direct infringers. But
most of the cases will probably end up with out-of-court settlements. We will not
have a very abundant case law on these problems.
QUESTION [Graeme Dinwoodie, University of Cincinnati]: Picking up on the
last discussion ofthe Playboy case, in fact I think it is quite clear when you read the
basis ultimately for that opinion, which is relying on trademark fair use to allow Ms.
Welles to do what she is doing, that in fact they wouldn't have had to get to that
issue unless someone, using meta tagging, using the trademark PLAYBOY, was
potentially liable. They relied on the trademark fair use defense, because she was
in fact describing herself accurately as a "Playmate of the Year." So in fact I think
that case more broadly stands for the proposition that the U.S. courts, at least, are
quite willing to find metatagging to give rise to trademark liability in the normal
PROF. STROWEL: Yes, I agree completely. There are indeed other cases
mentioned in my paper where the courts found that there is some trademark
infringement in case of metatagging. I choose to speak about this case not only
because it is an entertaining one, but because it was the first one considered by a
Court of Appeal. Besides, the issue of the fair use exemption could be interesting
in a comparative approach with European trademark law (based on the 1988
Harmonization Directive) where such broad exception does not exist. But that is
another question. The general issue in relation to the use of marks as metatags is
whether this use generates some risk of confusion. Some U.S. courts have accepted
that "initial interest confusion" in the mind of the consumer is sufficient.
"See, e.g., Brookfield Communications Inc. v. West Coast Entertainment, No. 98-56918, D.C. No.
CV-98-09074-CRM (9th Cir. Apr. 22, 1999).