SWIMMING- in recreation and sports, the propulsion of the body through water by combined arm
and leg motions.
FRONT CRAWL or FREESTYLE- considered as the fastest and most efficient swimming
BUTTERFLY- It is a powerful and graceful technique; the most difficult and exhausting
BREATSTROKE- It is the slowest of the four styles in swimming with requires comparable
endurance and strength to other strokes.
BACKSTROKE- has the advantage of easy breathing, but has the disadvantage of
swimmers not being able to see where they are going.
Never swim alone
Do not go to the deeper area if one doesn’t know how to swim.
Avoid using alcohol.
Wear life vest if necessary.
What is the difference between Kayaks and Canoe?
Canoes and kayaks may be confusing to some but it is really easy to distinguish one from
the other. Kayaking and canoeing both require a paddle for propulsion and steering.
The most noticeable difference is the structure of the boats.
Has a covered deck Wide open
Kayakers extend legs and are seated low Canoer sits on a raised seat or kneels on
or sometimes on the deck the bottom of the boat
What activities can be done when one uses the kayaks or canoes?
Sea Kayaking- is done in a open waters such as the ocean or the lake.
Whitewater kayaking or canoeing- is paddling down the whitewater rivers.
Flatwater recreation- is a relaxing canoeing or kayaking where you can take a gentle paddle
down a calm river, ocean, or lake to do some sightseeing.
Sailing- is where the canoe or kayak is fitted with a sail.
Surf kayaking- is where the kayak is typically fitted with a fin, rather like a surfboard.
Marathon racing- is a lengthy race down a river using the kayak or canoe.
What are the important things that we should remember to be safe in kayaking or canoeing?
K- now first your skills in swimming and canoeing or kayaking
A-void paddling alone, paddling far from coastline, or paddling in routes of ships.
Y-ield to safety and know where to go in case of emergency
A-lways wear personal floatation device and other safety equipment
K-eep hydrated as you will be under the sun.