The Effects of Emotional Intelligence On Students

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Journal of English Language Education,

Vol 1(2)2018: 39-66 Edulangue



Meiva Eka Sri Sulistyawati

AMIK BSI Bekasi,

Emotional Intelligence and students’ speaking skills are correlated.
This research aims to examine the effects of Emotional
Intelligence on students’ speaking skills. The observed population
of this research was the XII graders students of the State Senior
High Schools in East Jakarta. The sample was taken using simple
random sampling technique. The data were garnered from
questionnaire, objective test, and oral test for both variables. The
gained data were then analyzed by using correlation formula and
multiple regressions. The empirical evidence showed that there
was a significant effect of Emotional Intelligence on the students’
speaking skills given the Sig value 0.000 and t observed=4.375.
Since Sig value was less than 0.05 and t observed was higher than t
table, it indicated that H0 was rejected, which means that H1 was
accepted. It illustrated that there was a significant effect of
independent variable X (emotional intelligence) on the dependent
variable Y (student’s speaking skills).
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, speaking skills, teaching

Language is the way to communicate, to express our
feelings and to convey what on our minds to other people with
symbols, sounds, gestures, and letters. With these elements, other
people are able to understand our words with their meanings.
According to the Vygostsky (1978-1986), language is a tool aid to
achive a goal and to finish different kind of problems in a real life.
Language is seen as an effective tool to create a competitive and a
stong student. The English language is becoming increasingly
important in a world in which political, social, and trading barriers
between people are rapidly diminishing.

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English in Indonesia is taught from the early level that is

elementary or even primary school until the highest level of
educational system. Moreover, learning English means learning
language components and language skills. There are some examples
of language components such as grammar, vocabulary,
pronunciation, and spelling. Meanwhile, as we know that there are
for language skills that should be taught to the students. The skills
are reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Among the four skills,
speaking is often considered as the most difficult skill to be learned
by the students. There is a very slow improvement maybe seen at
school on those four aspects at students’ ability. But, the worst is
speaking. Many Indonesian learners are very bad at speaking. They
might understand what they read, what they heard, and sometimes
they know what to write; but it’s rarely happen for them to reply
those questions orally. Most students can answer well the questions
that have been given literally but they become speechless when
they have to answer them orally. Here, teachers have come to the
dead end.
Speaking skill is one of the very important skills that every
student must gain. By mastering the speaking skill, students will be
able to express their feeling and opinion appropriately related to
the context and the situation. This speaking skill will also create a
creative generation in the future that can bear a good, a perfect,
and a communicative utterance that easily to be understood. On
the other side, this speaking skill will also create a generation with a
good character and it will appear in a public conversation.
Everyone will use good and wise words in communicating each
other. The choice of good and proper words will bear a warm
situation and it will make people more civilized. Speaking skill is
one of the parts of the language skills which is developed in
teaching English lesson according to the curriculum of Senior High
School in Indonesia. The aim itself stated that we have to educate
our spoken and writing skills; so that the students will be able to
use the language as a communication tool and to absurd knowledge
and information from other sources.
Bygate (1987:26) said that in spoken language a man must
have a motoric perspective and interactive skills. Someone’s

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thinking ability in expressing his/her ideas will usually appear when

he or she does the talking, but this does not always happen to all
students. In fact, most of them have many problems with speaking.
Sometimes, a new learner will make a lot of mistakes in delivering
the messages that he/she wants to say; even the messages are hard
to understand. This kind of problem makes the students
unconfident to speak. They feel shy of making mistakes when
people are laughing at them. On the other hand, the environmental
factors also give a contribution on their problem. Most of the
problem is related with their emotional factors which are given the
biggest contribution on those barriers.
Many teachers have admitted that learning to talk in the
foreign language is often considered being one of the most difficult
aspects of language learning for them to help their students with.
Helping the students develop the speaking skill is not merely so
that the students can pass the exam; but also, for more general use
when they want to use English in the outside world after they are
graduated from school. Mastering speaking skills needs a lot of
practices and braveries to talk. Most students have lack of
confidence when they try to talk in English. There are many factors
which influences it. But the factors from inside are the strongest.
Emotional intelligence has a great role on students’ speaking skills.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to constructively study
with all our emotions by identifying and communicating them
(through appropriate expression and exploration); listening to what
they are signaling to us about perceived or real threats to our well-
being, so that we may examine these perceptions and becoming
more aware of how they reflect our socio-cultural belief. It is very
important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the
opposite of intelligence. Emotional intelligence, then, is the ability
to use your emotions to help you solve the problems and live in a
more effective life. Both of them are the part of solution.
Emotional intelligence has also the benefits in making good
Emotional intelligence can be used as a key factor in the
success of learning. The instrumental factor in the success is the
reflection of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence of a

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student with another student is different. It can be seen in daily life

that some students succeeded and the others are failed.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that
speaking skill is very important for the students to communicate
with others and to express what they feel about. There are some
factors affecting speaking skill. The writer believes that Emotional
Intelligence is relevant to explain about how far the factor gives
some effects for the students’ speaking skills.

a. The Nature of Speaking
Speaking is very important part in studying English. People
need to speak in order to communicate each other and make a
good communication. When someone was born, he learns how to
communicate with his parents and people around him. Moreover,
people grew up and try to convey their mind by using languages.
That’s the reason why every person has their own mother language.
Mother language is formed by the environment and the culture.
Speaking is so much part of daily life that we take it for
granted. The average person produces ten of thousands of words a
day, although some people—like auctioners or politicians—may
produce even more than that. So, the natural and integral is
speaking that we forget how we once struggled to achieve this
ability—until, we have to learn how to do it all over again in
foreign language.
Speaking is a form of communication (Jone, 1989: 14). It
means that speaking is a kind of communication which is conveyed
orally. It is certainly that the process of it involves on two sides,
there are the speaker and the listener who may function
interchangeably. When the speaker produces utterances that sent to
the listener, he/she may function as a speaker; and vice versa. In
short, it may be said that speaking has the similar meaning with oral
Brown said that conversations are collaborative activities as
participants (speakers and listeners) engage in a process of
negotiation of meaning. (Brown, 2001: 268). Moreover, Brown and

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Yule said that in the production of speech, each speaker needs to

speak individually and ideally. He needs someone to listen to his
speaking and respond to him. (Brown and Yule, 1997: 25). It may
be inferred that speaking is a collaborative activity between a
speaker and a listener/s in which the two parties want to convey
and negotiate thoughts, feelings or messages in special reciprocal
situation underlined by a mutual understanding. The main objective
of the speaker is to be understood and to be interpreted properly
by the listener/s. (Celce-Murcia and Olstain, 2000: 168)
From the nature of speaking above, it can be inferred that
speaking is the means of communications comprising at least two
persons, in face-to-face interaction, to produce ideas, thought,
knowledge, and belief as well as they meet communicative language
components to build the relationships in order to convey their
b. Students’ Speaking Skills
Speaking skill is one of the very important skills that every
student must gain. By mastering the speaking skill, students will be
able to express their feeling and opinion appropriately related to
the context and the situation. This speaking skill will also create a
creative generation in the future that can bear a good, a perfect,
and a communicative utterance that easily to understood. On the
other side, this speaking skill will also create a generation with a
good character and it will appear in a public conversation.
Everyone will use good and wise words in communicating each
other. The choice of good and proper words will bear a warm
situation ad it will make people more civilized. Speaking skill is one
of the part of the language skills which is developed in teaching
English lesson according to the curriculum of Senior High School
in Indonesia. The aim itself stated that we have to educate our
spoken and writing skills; so that the students will be able to use
the language as a communication tool and to absurb knowledge
and information from other sources.
Bygate (1987:26) said that in spoken language a man must
have a motoric perspective and interactive skills. Someone’s
thingking ability in expressing his/her ideas will usually appear
when he or she does the talking, but this is not always happen to all
students. In fact, most of them have many problems with speaking.

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Sometimes, a new learner will make a lot of mistakes in delivering

the messages that he/she wants to say; even the messages are hard
to understand. This kind of problem makes the students
unconfident to speak. They feel shy of making mistakes when
people are laughing at them. On the other hand, the environmental
factors also give a contribution on their problem. Most of the
problem is related with their emotional factors which is given the
biggest contribution on those barriers.
There are five basic types of speaking, there are:
a. Imitative. At one end of a continuum of types of speaking
performance is the ability to simply parrot back (imitate) a
word or phrase or possibly a sentence. While this is a purely
phonetic level of oral production, a number of prosodic,
lexical and grammatical properties of language may be
included in the criterion performance.
b. Intensive. A second type of speaking frequently employed in
assessment contexts in the production of short stretches of
oral language design to demonstrate competence in a narrow
band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical or phonological
relationships (such as prosodic elements—intonation, stress,
rhythm, juncture).
c. Responsive. Responsive assessment tasks include interaction
and test comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of
a very short of conversations, standard greetings and small
talk, simple requests and comments, and the like. The
stimulus is almost always a spoken prompt (in order to
preserve authenticity), with perhaps only one or two follow-
up questions or retorts.
d. Interactive. The difference between responsive and interactive
speaking is the length and complexity of the interaction,
which sometimes includes multiple exchanges or sometimes
multiple participants. Interactions can take two forms of
transactional languages, which has the purpose of exchanging
specific information, or interpersonal exchanges, which have
the purpose of maintaining social relationships.
e. Extensive (monologue). Extensive oral production tasks
include speeches, oral presentations, and story-telling during

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the opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is either

highly limited or ruled out together.
There are three main reasons for getting students to speak
in the classroom. Firstly, speaking activities provide rehearsal
opportunities—chances to practice real-life speaking in the safety
of the classroom. Secondly, speaking tasks in which students try to
use any or all of the languages they know provide feedback for
both teacher and students. Everyone can see how well they are
doing; both how successful they are, and also what language
problems they are experiencing. And finally, the more students
have opportunities to activate the various elements of languages
they have stored on their brains, the more automatic their use of
these elements become. As a result, students gradually become
autonomous language users. This means that they will be able to
use words and phrases fluently without very much conscious
Good speaking activities can and should be extremely
engaging for the students. If they are all participating fully—and if
the teacher has set up the activity properly and can then give
sympathetic and useful feedback—they will get tremendous
satisfaction from it.
They are practicing what Scoot Thornbury, in his book How
to Teach Speaking, calls speaking-as-skill, where there is a task to
complete and speaking is the way to complete it. He suggests that
the teaching of speaking depends on there being a classroom
culture of speaking, and that classroom needs to become ‘talking
classrooms’. In other words, students will be much more confident
speakers (and their speaking abilities will improve) if this kind of
speaking activation is a regular feature of lesson.

b. The Nature of Intelligence

Intelligence comes from the Latin verb “intellegere”
(Wikipedia), which means “to understand”. By this rationale,
intelligence (as understanding) is arguably different from being
“smart” (able to adapt to one’s environment), or being “clever” (able
to creatively adapt). There are various definitions about
intelligence, and there are so many controversies about the

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definition of intelligence. Every psychologist has difference opinion about

nature of intelligence. (Woolfolk, 2008:168)
Below are the definitions about intelligence according to:
1. Charles Spearman
A psychologist from England, he found G factors theory
(General Intelligence) in related to the ability to solve the problem,
abstract thinking and skills in learning. He concluded that all tasks
and mental achievement only ask two kinds of quality i.e. general
intelligence (general factors) and individual skills in certain field
(specific factors). The intelligent people have more general factors.
2. L. L Thurnstone
He is more emphasizing in separated aspects of intelligence.
According to Abdul Rahman Saleh’s book (2004:252), Thursstone
suggested that intelligence always a composite of special factors.
He measured seven components with a famous test (The Primary
Mental Test).
3. William Stern
Intelligence is mental ability to adapt rapidly in such
changing situation by using thinking tools which appropriate with
the objective. He argue that intelligence is mostly determined by
heredity or genetic.
4. Raymond Cattel and John Horn
Found the Fluid Intelligence and Crystalized Intelligence. Those
theories are further development from General Intelligence Theory.
5. Robert J. Sternberg
Sternberg (1997:1030) is proposed the definition of
intelligence as composing the mental abilities necessary for
adaptation to, as well as shaping and selection of, any
environmental context. This definition can lead us to a broader
conceptualization of the role of intelligence in lifelong learning. He
found Triarchic Intelligence which is as a cognitive process approach
to comprehending intelligence. He said that a successful person has
equivalence in creativity, analytical and practical intelligence.
6. Howard Gardner
Gardner from Harvard University found the Multiple
Intelligence Theory. He suggested that intelligence is biological and
psychological potency to solving problem and creating outcome

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which is appreciated by the culture. Every human has more than

one intelligence with the difference in development degree.
Nowadays, we speak of many different kinds of intelligence.
In each case, intelligence refers to the capacity to perceive,
understand, and use symbols: that is to reason abstractly. For
example, if we talk of verbal intelligence, spatial intelligence, social
intelligence, and other interrelated intelligences. The modifier—
verbal, spatial, or social—specifies the intelligences and what what
it refers to. So, verbal intelligence denotes the capacoty to
understand and use words. Spatial intelligence denotes the capacity
to understand and use the objects in space. Social intelligence
denotes the capacity to understand and use social information.
Within psychology, EI belongs to the same group of interrelated
intelligences and denotes the capacity to understand and use
emotional information. In addition, EI plausibly reflects the
emotion system’s capacity to enance intelligence.
The American Psychologist, William James, stated that “We
cry because we feel sorry, strike because we angry, tremble because
we are afraid.” (Morgan, et. Al., 1986: 330). Benjamin Bloom and
his collegues provided an useful extended definition of the
emotional side that is still widely used today: receiving, responding,
valuing, organizing, and value the system” (Brown, 2000: 143).
Another Psychologist, Goleman also argues, “all emotion are in
essence, impulse to act, the instant plans for handling life that
evolution has instilled us. The very root of the word emotion is
motere the latin verb “to move” plus the prefix e- to connote
“move away”, suggesting that a tendency to act is implicit in every
emotion.” (Goleman, 1995: 6)
In our emotional repertoire, each emotion plays a unique
role, as revealed bytheir distinctive biological signatures. With new
methods to peer into the body and brain, researchers are
discovering more psychological details of how emotion prepares
the body for a very different kind of response.
Seeing kinds of emotions for in terms of their responses, it
seems that anger, fear, happiness, love, surprise, disgust, and
sadness all depend on our life experiences and cultures. Emotional
intelligence gives us awareness of our own and other people’s
feelings. It gives empathy, sympathy, motivation, and the ability to

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respond appropriately to pain or pleasure. Emotional intelligence is

a basic requirement for the effective use of intelligence quotient.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that
the intelligence is the mind that includes a number of capabilities,
such as the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly,
understand ideas, using languages and learning; it is closely related
to cognitive abilities possessed by individuals.

c. The Nature of Emotional Intelligence

The field of Emotional Quotient (EQ) or known as
Emotional Intelligence (EI) began as a topic of study within
academic psychology. From there, educators, psychiatrists, human
resource specialists, and others became interested, and the field
grew. Today, popular magazines and articles report on the field’s
activities, which rigorous scholarly journals publish articles in the
In 1983, Gardner published his research, that we known as
multiple intelligences, by developing a theory of intelligence that
includes four additional capabilities that were not previously on IQ.
The first are focused on the musical and kinesthetic; while two
others are focused on inter-personal and intra-personal intelligence.
Interpersonal skill and thus form intra personal intelligence.
The model introduced by Daniel Goleman focuses on EI as
a wide array of competencies and skills that drive leadership
performance. Goleman's model outlines five main EI constructs
(on "What Makes A Leader" by Daniel Goleman, best of Harvard
Business Review 1998):
1. Self-awareness. The ability to recognize an emotion as it
“happens” is the key to your EQ. Developing self-awareness
requires tuning in to your true feelings. If you evaluate your
emotions, you can manage them. The major elements of self-
awareness are:
• Emotional awareness. Your ability to recognize your own
emotions and their effects to the use of external tests as a
device for affecting educational process.
• Self-confidence. Sureness about your self-worth and

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2. Self-regulation. You often have little control over when you

experience emotions. You can, however, have some say in how
long an emotion will last by using a number of techniques to
alleviate negative emotions such as anger, anxiety or even
depression. A few of these techniques include recasting a situation
in a more positive light, taking a long walk and meditation or
prayer. Self-regulation involves
• Self-control. Managing disruptive impulses.
• Trustworthiness. Maintaining standards of honesty and
• Conscientiousness. Taking responsibility for your own
• Adaptability. Handling change with flexibility.
• Innovation. Being open to new ideas.
3. Motivation. To motivate yourself for any achievement requires
clear goals and a positive attitude. Although you may have a
predisposition to either a positive or a negative attitude, you can
with effort and practice learn to think more positively. If you catch
negative thoughts as they occur, you can reframe them in more
positive terms — which will help you achieve your goals.
Motivation is made up of:
• Achievement drive. Your constant striving to improve or to
meet a standard of excellence.
• Commitment. Aligning with the goals of the group or
• Initiative. Readying yourself to act on opportunities.
• Optimism. Pursuing goals persistently despite obstacles and
4. Empathy. The ability to recognize how people feel is important
to success in your life and career. The more skillful you are at
discerning the feelings behind others’ signals the better you can
control the signals you send them. An empathetic person excels at:
• Service orientation. Anticipating, recognizing and meeting
clients’ needs.
• Developing others. Sensing what others need to progress
and bolstering their abilities.

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• Leveraging diversity. Cultivating opportunities through

diverse people.
• Political awareness. Reading a group’s emotional currents
and power relationships.
• Understanding others. Discerning the feelings behind the
needs and wants of others.
5. Social skills. The development of good interpersonal skills is
tantamount to success in your life and career. In today’s always-
connected world, everyone has immediate access to technical
knowledge. Thus, “people skills” are even more important now
because you must possess a high EQ to better understand,
empathize and negotiate with others in a global economy. Among
the most useful skills are:
• Influence. Wielding effective persuasion tactics.
• Communication. Sending clear messages.
• Leadership. Inspiring and guiding groups and people.
• Change catalyst. Initiating or managing change.
• Conflict management. Understanding, negotiating and
resolving disagreements.
• Building bonds. Nurturing instrumental relationships.
• Collaboration and cooperation. Working with others toward
shared goals.
• Team capabilities. Creating group synergy in pursuing
collective goals.
Goleman includes a set of emotional competencies within
each construct of EI. Emotional competencies are not innate
talents, but rather learned capabilities that must be worked on and
can be developed to achieve outstanding performance. Goleman
posits that individuals are born with a general emotional
intelligence that determines their potential for learning emotional
competencies. Goleman's model of EI has been criticized in the
research literature as mere "pop psychology" (Mayer, Roberts, &
Barsade, 2008).

d. The Measurement of Emotional Intelligence

Two measurement tools are based on the Goleman model:

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1. The Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI), which was

created in 1999, and the Emotional and Social Competency
Inventory (ESCI), a newer edition of the ECI was
developed in 2007. The Emotional and Social Competency
- University Edition (ESCI-U) is also available. These tools
developed by Goleman and Boyatzis provide a behavioral
measure of the Emotional and Social competencies.
2. The Emotional Intelligence Appraisal, which was created in
2001 and which can be taken as a self-report or 360-degree

This chapter presents the place and time of research,
method of research, that describe how the research conducted,
population and sample that mentions the target of research,
technique of data collecting that explain about the techniques that
the writer used to get the data, number of variable of research,
kinds of instruments that are used in this research, technique how
to analyze the data, and stating the statistic hypothesis.
A. Place and Time of Research
1. Place of Research
This research will be conducted on the third grader of
Science class of state Senior High School students in Kramat Jati
East Jakarta, there are at SMAN 14 Jakarta, SMAN 62 Jakarta, and
SMAN 48 Jakarta in the academic year of 2014-2015.
2. Time of Research
The research process will be finished in by five months from
arranging research proposal to the writing of thesis report.
A. Research design
The method of this research is survey method. Survey
research is a research which is taking sample from some
populations and by using questionnaire as the instruments of
collecting data (Singarimbun, 2006: 3). He also said that a survey
can be used explanatory or confirmatory. It means to explain the
casual relation and testing a research hypothesis (Singarimbun,
2006: 111). Based on the explanation above the writer thinks that
this research will be more precise to use correlation survey. It is
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because it will be revealed some facts on symptom of relations

between free variables: Emotional Intelligence (X) and towards
bound variable Speaking skills (Y).
B. Population and Sample
1. Population
In this term of quantitative data, the writer used primary
data that she got from the survey research. The source of data is
from the respondents answer the questionnaires test
(pronunciation test and speaking ability) and form document
(emotional quotients score). The writer used statistical analysis
(inferential/inductive) to calculate the numeral data that will be
gathered and to analyze them by the use of correlation and
regression analysis. The correlation coefficient is the interpretation
to find out the effects of students’ emotional intelligence towards
students speaking skills.
From the explanation above, the writer take a conclusion
that population is the object or subject in one area that and have
certain conditions related to the research. The population will be
used on this research are the students from Science classes on the
third grade of state Senior High Schools in Kramat Jati East Jakarta
which consist of three schools with the total number of students is
352 students. From the three schools above, the writer will take
25% from the total of the students of Science classes from those
schools which is (number) of students. The students are chosen by
using random sampling.
2. Sample
According to Arikunto (2006: 132) sample is a subject of
a population which is studied. It is called sampling research if we
intend to take the research conclusion as something that applies to
the population. Similar terms are also presented by Jonathan
Sarwono who defines sample as a unit from a set of elements
which is chosen to be studied (Sarwono, 2006: 111). To get some
proper samples it is needed the right technique (Sevilla, 1963: 163).
According of Ida Bagus and Karto, even a sample is a part of
population, some of the population is not always called a sample if
the technique of collecting data is not improper.
C. Techniques of Data Collection

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The data collecting technique is a method which can be

used by the researcher in collecting the data. They are the variables
method and will be studied on this research. There are two kinds of
data there are the data about students’ Emotional Intelligence (X)
which will be given to the students by filling the questionnaire. The
last is students’ speaking skills (Y), as a bound variable. In the form
of speaking score which will be given and done in an oral test at
the school by the teacher him/herself.
D. Variables of Research
The most common are dependent and independent variable.
An independent variable is presumed to be influenced by one or
more than one variables. In this research which becomes a
dependent variable is students’ speaking skills (Y), and which
become independent variables is Emotional Intelligence (X).
E. Instrument of Research
1. The instrument of Emotional Intelligence
a. Conceptual Definition
Emotional Intelligence with the capacity to understand
others’ feelings, expose their talents, having a good relationship
with other persons and etc. Emotional Intelligence as the part of
human’s intelligence completes the Intelligence Quotient in
b. Operational Definition
To see Emotional Intelligence the writer use psychological
questions test to the student which is divided into four dimensions;
there are extrovert and introvert, sociability, impulsiveness,
activeness, life excitability.
c. Types of Instrument
There was one documentation instrument, i.e. Emotional
Intelligence instrument and two test instruments in this research;
Emotional Intelligence and pronunciation test that were conducted
by the writer. Each test was in the form of multiple choices, each
test consisted of thirty questions with five alternative answers. The
choice of multiple-choice type is based on the following
- It is easy and consistent
- It is easy to compute and determine the reliability of the test

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- It is economical because the number of items can be answered

in a short period of the testing time
- It is more practical for the students to answer. They just
marked the most appropriate answer in the answer sheet.

2. The Instrument of Speaking Skills

a. Conceptual Definition
Speaking skill is the ability to create sentences in the brain
which has meaning and can be understood by the listeners. This
skill is acquired slowly and progressively. One of the competencies
on English lesson acquired at school is speaking, especially on the
third grade of Senior High School.
b. Operational Definition
The data of students’ ability in using english can be seen
from the report score of speaking test at the school by the end of
the semester.
c. The Specification of Speaking Skills
The instrument used to measure the speaking skill is in the
form of objectives test. Students are required to answer some
questions orally.
F. Validity Test
The advisability of the instrument variable on students’
speaking skills and Emotional Intelligence can be explained
through validity test which is score that prove the measurement
ability of the instrument.
Moreover, in order to having criterion-related evidence of
validity (the result proper with the criteria), the writer used Pearson
Product Moment Correlation Techniques to find out the
correlation between the result of test and the criteria. The formula
is as follow:
rxy = n∑XiYi – (∑Xi)(∑Yi)
√{n∑i2 – (∑Xi)2}{n∑Yi2 –(∑Yi)2}
In which:
rxy = correlation coefficient
n = number of try out respondents
X = the score number of each item
Y = the sum score number of each items

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The interpretation of correlation coefficient is as follow:

rxy = 0,800-1,00: very strong correlation
0,600-0,800 : strong correlation
0,400-0,600 : satisfactory correlation
0,200-0,400 : low correlation
0,00-0,200 : very low correlation
After obtaining the rxy value for each item, then it should be
consulted to the critical value of rtable to find out the significance
correlation. In this case, for α=0.05 with the number of subjects is
thirty, the value of rtable is 0.374 and an item is said to be valid if rxy
> rtable , and vice versa. In this case, the calculation is aided by
ANATES ver.4 software developed by Drs. Karnoto M. Pd and
Yudi Wibisono ST.
G. Reliability
Reliability means the stability of the test scores. A test
cannot measure anything well unless it measures consistently. To
know whether the items are reliable or not, the writer will apply
Kuder Richardson-21 formula since the item is in the form of
multiple choices.
Then, the calculation is aided by ANATES ver.4 software.
The interpretation:
R11 = 0, 8 – 1, 0 the reliability is excellent
0, 6 – 0, 8 the reliability is good
0,4 – 0,6 the reliability is satisfactory
0,2 – 0, 4 the reliability is poor
0, 0 – 0, 2 the reliability is very poor
H. Test Item Analysis
a. Level of Difficulty
Arikunto (2009:207) said that a good test item should not be
either too easy or too difficult. An easy test will not stimulate
students to figure it out. An excessively difficult one, on the other
hand, makes students desperate and be reluctant to try to solve it.
I. Technique of Data Analysis
1. Descriptive Analysis Technique
Descriptive analysis technique is testing the data of research
result by presenting data in basic statistic including frequency
distribution, histogram, mean, median, mode, and variance.
2. Statistic Technique (SPSS)

Sulistyawati, M. E. S., The Effects of...

Data from the research result will be analyzed through

statistic test by using SPSS 17.0 software. Ridwan (2009:39) stated
that before conducting the hypothesis test, the requirements or
assumptions of data analysis must be fulfilled first, such as the data
were selected randomly, the data must be fulfilled the basic
assumption test like normality, linearity, and homogeneity test, and
the data must be in the interval scale. If all the requirements have
been fulfilled, then the hypothesis test will be conducted.
a. The data were selected randomly
This requirement has been fulfilled since the research
samples are selected randomly with the amount of as sample is 110.
b. The data must be fulfilled the basic assumption tests
Basic assumption test will be conducted to find out whether
the data can be used in analysis and further calculation. The test
includes normality, homogeneity, and linearity test.
1) Normality Test
Normality in the regression model is used to test whether
the residual value resulting from the regression are normally
distributed or not. A good regression model that has a residual
value is normally distributed. Some methods of test for normality
a. By looking at the data distribution of diagonal line on the
graph Normal PP plot of regression standardized residual
b. By one sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
Here, the test data normality will be done by those methods.
One sample of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is used to determine the
distribution of data, whether follow normal distribution, poison,
uniform, or exponential. In this case is whether the distributions of
residuals are normally distributed or not. The test that show the
normal data is significance if the significance value or p value
(asymp.sig) > 0, 05. (Santoso, 2009)
2) Linearity test
The result of linearity test that is used to test whether the
data that will be analyzed i.e. independent variable towards
dependent variable is in linear on not. The testing criteria is if the
number of the deviation from the linearity is more than 0, 05 (> 0,

Edulangue Vol 1 (1) 2018

05), it means that the correlation between independent variable and

dependent variable is linear based on the result of probability sig.
3) Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity means that the data as a sample in the sample
has the same characteristics; for example, comes from the same
grade. Here, the data is homogeny since the data comes from the
same grade (third grade of senior high school).
The homogeneity test is done as a prerequisite in the
analysis of independent sample t-test and ANOVA. The underlying
assumption in the analysis of variance (ANOVA) is that the
variance of the population is homogenous. The calculation of
homogeneity test can be done in various ways and methods; some
quite popular and frequently used by the author such as Barlett test,
Variance Test (F test) and Levine test.
Here, the writer used Levene Statistic Test to the test of
homogeneity of data. To calculate the Levine Test with SPSS is
select the menu: analyze> compare means> one-way ANOVA,
and to interpret the Levene Test is, if significance value of Test of
Homogeneity of Variance is more than 0, 05. It can be said that the
variation of data is homogenous.
c. The data must be in interval scale
The data that will be analyzed must be in interval scale by
changing the raw data to the standard data or raising the original
data to be the interval data, by using the following formula
(processing aided by Microsoft Excel 2007).
Ti = 50 + 10 (Xi – x)

In which:
Ti : standard score (interval data)
Xi : standard score (original data)
X : mean
S : standard deviation.
Ridwan (2009:295)
d. Hypothesis Test

Sulistyawati, M. E. S., The Effects of...

After the data collected, the writer analyzed data to examine

the hypothesis. In this case, the writer used statistic calculation:
multiple regression linearity analysis. It consists:
1) Regression Analysis
a. Multiple Correlation Analysis (R)
The analysis of multiple correlation coefficient
value R that can be seen as the model summary output
that will be processed by using SPSS 17 program.
b. Determination analysis (R2)
To explain the contribution value of independent
variable (X) towards dependent variable (Y), it can be
determined by R2 value. The determinant coefficient
formula is as follow:
KP = R2 X 100%
KP :determinant coefficient value
R :correlation coefficient value
c. Regression Coefficient Test Concurrently (F-Test)
This test is using F test with significance level = 5 % to test
the hypothesis 1 whether or not there is an influence of intelligence
quotient and vocabulary mastery concurrently towards reading
comprehension at the third grade of science senior high school
students in Kramat Jati East Jakarta in 2013/2014.
d. Regression Coefficient Test Partially (T-Test)
e. Statistic Hypothesis
Based on the hypothesis that has been formulated, thus the
statistics hypothesis in this research are as follow:
Hypothesis 1
Ho2 : 0, β2 = 0
Ha2 : 0, β2 ≠ 0
Ho2 = There is no influence of students’ Emotional Intelligence
towards speaking skills at the third grade of science Senior High
School students in Kramat Jati East Jakarta in 2014/2015.
Ha2 = There is a significant influence of students’ Emotional
Intelligence quotient towards speaking skills at the third grade of
Science Senior High School students in Kramat Jati East Jakarta in

Edulangue Vol 1 (1) 2018

Ho = null hypothesis
Ha = research hypothesis
β1 = Correlation coefficient of students’ Emotional
Intelligence, Pronunciation Mastery towards speaking skills at the
third grade of science Henior High School students in Kramat Jati
East Jakarta in 2014/2015.
β2 = Correlation coefficient of students’ Emotional
Intelligence and speaking skills at the third grade of science Senior
High School students in Kramat Jati East Jakarta in 2014/2015.
β3 = Correlation coefficient of students’ Pronunciation
Mastery and Speaking Skills at the third grade of science Senior
High School students in Kramat Jati East Jakarta in 2014/2015.


The things address data description requirement test, testing
of hypotheses, and also interpretation of research. More detailed
discussion related to research findings is clearly depicted below:
A. The Description of Data
The researcher analyzes the data from both the
questionnaire and also the test. Data are taken from emotional
intelligence questionnaire, pronunciation mastery objective test and
speaking skill oral test out of 60 respondents where all the data are
previously sentenced to be valid and reliable. The aim of the
analysis is to find out and give the information of the research
findings based on the data and variables of the research subject.
Therefore, all data will be analyzed by using Statistical Program for
Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0 for Windows in order to get the
results of the relationships among variables.
1. The Data of Emotional Intelligence (X1)
Data of emotional intelligence are taken from a
questionnaire given to the students to complete. The questionnaire
consists of 30 items as emotional quotient out of 60 respondents.
Each item will be graded from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly
agree) with Likert scale.
It is known that the score are in the range 94 – 112. It
means that the minimum score is 94 and the maximum score is
112. We can see that the emotional quotient level of the

Sulistyawati, M. E. S., The Effects of...

respondents is on the average 103.5 (mean), standard deviation

4.69, median (score at center of distribution) 104 and mode (most
frequently score in the data set) 103. The score of standard
deviation is 4.69, which means equal to 4.5% from the average
score. It shows that the disparity of emotional intelligence among
the respondents is relatively low. So we can conclude that
emotional intelligence level of the respondents is homogenous.
From the description of Table 4.1 above, we either can see
that the average score and median score is almost the same, by
103.5 and 104. It means that data of emotional intelligence level is
quite representative. Meanwhile, the upper emotional intelligence
level which is higher than that of the average, it indicates that the
respondents who possess the upper-level of emotional intelligence
are more than those of the lower-level ones.
Furthermore, the graph of frequency histogram illustrates the
distribution of emotional intelligence scores as follows:

1. The Data of Speaking Skill (Y)

Data of student’s speaking skill are taken through an oral

test. The test consists of 5 items criteria out of 60 respondents.
Each item will be graded from 1 to 5, refer to the skill she/he has
while speaking, namely: 5 for outstanding, 4 for excellent, 3 for good, 2
for fair and 1 for need improvement.
It is known that the score are in the range 15 – 23. It means
that the minimum score is 15 and the maximum score is 23. The
speaking skill level of the respondents is on the average 18.82
(mean), standard deviation 2.09, median (score at center of
distribution) 19 and mode (most frequently score in the data set)
19. The score of standard deviation is 2.09, which means equal to
11.1% from the average score. It shows that the disparity of

Edulangue Vol 1 (1) 2018

speaking skill among the respondents is relatively low. So we can

conclude that speaking skill level of the respondents is relatively
From the description of table 4.1 above, we either can see
that the average score and median score is almost the same, by
18.82 and 19. It means that data of speaking skill level is quite
representative. Meanwhile, the upper speaking skill level which is
higher than that of the average, it indicates that the respondents
who possess the upper-level of speaking skill are more than those
of the lower-level ones.
Furthermore, the graph of frequency histogram illustrates the
distribution of speaking skill scores as follows:

B. Prerequisite Tests for the Data Analysis

1. Normality Test
Normality test is used to test and determine whether the data
normal or not so that tobserved, partial correlation, multiple-
correlation, single-regression and multiple-regression can be
analyzed. In this survey research, there are 60 students to be
the respondents. However, Sudjana (1989:64) and Hadi
(1986:70) point out that a total number of respondents are
same or more than 30. It means that the total respondents of
this survey research answer the requirement.
2. Linearity Test
Linearity test is an assumption in the regression analysis.
It means that the regression line between X and Y forming
whether or not in the linear line. If the line is not linear, it
cannot be automatically continued to the next step of

Sulistyawati, M. E. S., The Effects of...

The test of linearity in this survey research will follow the

hypothesis as follows:
H0 : the regression line between variable X and variable
Y is linear.
H1 : the regression line between variable X and variable
Y is not linear.
The linearity test of the regression line can be calculated by
using SPSS version 20 .0 for Windows. According to the normal
assumption, the set of data will be classified as linear in regression
line if Sig. value is higher than 0.05 which means the H0 is accepted
and automatically H1 is rejected. (Nurgiantoro et al., 2009:329). The
Sig. value is a number which is located in Sig. column of Deviation
from Linearity in ANOVA table as the result of calculation of
linearity test through SPSS version 20.0 for Windows.
a. Linearity of Regression Line the Effect of Emotional
Intelligence (X1) towards Student’s Speaking Skill (Y)
b. Linearity Test Result of Regression Line the Effect of
Emotional Intelligence (X) and Student’s Speaking Skill
Based on the Table 4.3 above, the Sig value from Deviation from
Linearity column is 0.350. It means that the value is higher than 0.05.
As the consequence, H0 is accepted and automatically H1 is
rejected. In other words, we can say that the regression line which
indicates the effect of emotional intelligence (X1) towards student’s
speaking skill (Y) is linear.
C. Testing of Hypotheses
Testing of hypotheses is done based on statistical
hypotheses in last part of chapter III. The recapitulation can be
seen in the set of following tables:
The Recapitulation Result of Multiple Correlation
Coefficients of the Effects of Emotional Intelligence (X)
towards Student’s Speaking Skill

Edulangue Vol 1 (1) 2018

Based on the three tables above, the testing of hypotheses is

formulated both statistically and verbally in the following:
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence (X) towards Student’s
Speaking Skill (Y)
H0 : ß2 = 0
H1 : ß2 ≠ 0
H0 : There is no effect of emotional intelligence towards
student’s speaking skill.
H1 : There is an effect of emotional intelligence towards
student’s speaking skill. To test the hypothesis above, we can
simply see from the numbers which are stated in t column or Sig
column in the row of emotional quotient on Table 4.7. According
to general assumption, the significance of regression is if tobserved is
higher than ttable or Sig value is less than 0.05, it brings consequence
that H0 is rejected and H1 is automatically accepted. It means that
there is an effect of the independent variable X1 towards the
dependent variable Y. Sig value is the number which is stated in Sig
column for the row of emotional intelligence (Variable X1) on the
Table 4.7. Meanwhile tobserved value is the number which is stated in
t column for emotional intelligence (Variable X1) on table 4.7 as
well. For the value of ttable for 5% real degree and degree of
freedom (df = n – 2) is 58, where n is the total number of
Refer to Table 4.7 above, we can see that Sig value is stated
by 0.000 and tobserved is stated by 4.375, while ttable is stated by 2.00.
Since Sig value is less than 0.05 and tobserved is higher than ttable, it
brings consequence that H0 is rejected and automatically H1 is
accepted. It means that there is a significant effect of independent
variable X (emotional intelligence) towards the dependent variable
Y (student’s speaking skill).

Sulistyawati, M. E. S., The Effects of...

From the tabulation of correlation test, regression test and

linear model above, we can conclude that there is a significant
effect of independent variable X (emotional intelligence) towards
the dependent variable Y (student’s speaking skill).


Based on the results of hypothesis testing and discussion
of research findings, on this chapter presented conclusions and
suggestions that are synthetic and systemic. The general
conclusions which form the basis for further assessment will be
presented in the form of research suggestions.
Some conclusions of this research can be presented as
1. There are any significant effects of emotional
intelligence towards student’s speaking skill of XII grade
student at State Senior High School in East Jakarta. It is
proved by the score of Fobserved = 28.879 and Sig. 0.000
< 0.05. This indicates that the emotional intelligence and
pronunciation mastery are two critical variables to be
considered in explaining the increase of student’s
speaking skill.
2. There is a significant effect of emotional intelligence
towards student’s speaking skill of XII grade student at State
Senior High School in East Jakarta. It is proved by the score of
tobserved = 4.375 and Sig. 0.000 < 0.05. This means that the
better the emotional intelligence, the better the student’s
speaking skill, or vice versa. Therefore, emotional intelligence is
an important variable to consider in predicting the student’s
speaking skill.
Refer to the research findings as illustrated before; it is
proven that the student’s speaking skill is mostly affected by
emotional intelligence and pronunciation mastery. Therefore,
efforts to improve the student’s speaking skill must be
accompanied by efforts to optimize the emotional intelligence
and pronunciation mastery.

Edulangue Vol 1 (1) 2018

Efforts to improve the student’s speaking skill through

the optimization of emotional intelligence: a) to open up the
student’s mind in the beginning of learning, learning processes
and outcomes; b) to inform the students about the importance
of emotional intelligence as endorsing factors in learning; c) to
direct the learning process professionally; d) to optimize the
emotional intelligence by managing the emotion through social
relationship; e) to maintain the control of emotion so that
student will be able to communicate effectively and dynamically
in context of learning. With these efforts are expected that
emotional intelligence will work optimally and as the result will
bring betterment for student’s skill in English speaking.

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