Importance of History
DEFINITIONS - Provides a glimpse of the past and
History explains the roots of current issues/
- From the Greek historia challenges we are facing
- “Inquiry” or “knowledge acquired by - How to respond to these difficulties
investigation” - Provides possible solutions to these
- History as “descriptions and problems
narrations of past actuality - Full of good ideas that can help us
integrated through critical inquiry for today
the whole truth” (Louis Gottschalk) Conceptual-thematic perspective
- Strictly based on paper and - examines a series of events
documents under a single concept.
- Discipline of studying of past events - identified theme or concept
- a process of making sense of the serves as a lens to analyze the
past by analyzing primary sources
relevant events and their
(official documents, accounts, etc.)
patterns—showing the
- Equivalent, but differ in meaning
cause-and-effect relationship of
- “Mga salaysay na may saysay para the events.
sa sinasalaysayang grupo ng tao” - more critical thinking and presses
- Not limited to the mercy of official the historian to see history from a
written documents bigger picture.
- derived from epics, myths, folklore, Historical Methodology
etc. from which the mentalities and - Use and analysis of primary sources
beliefs of the people—and their - Process of critical examining and
ancestors—are reflected on analyzing the records and survival of
Interdisciplinary the past
- Integration towards a synthesis SOURCES
- combines/integrates two or more Primary
disciplines into a single activity, - Sources that are directly connected
drawing knowledge and to the topic of the study
methodology from other fields to - Sources that are contemporary of
the topic
produce new information
- Memory and history
- contrasts with a multidisciplinary
- artifacts (man-made objects) and
approach wherein multiple
ecofacts (organic materials
disciplines contribute their own
usually found in archaeological
methodologies and bodies of
sites) can also be considered as
knowledge to a single endeavor
primary sources
- History is not only concerned with
Secondary sources
politics and wars
- Sources that are based on primary
- Also explores arts, culture,
sources and already provide
economics, environment, health,
analyses and interpretations on the
religions, societies, etc.
subject matter
- Sources that are usually detached
from era/period
- usually articles, books, and
researches that have been
written by historians.
External Criticism
- Determine the authenticity of a
primary source
- Sources must be evaluated in terms
of where, when, and by whom it was
Internal Criticism
- Determine the accuracy and
trustworthiness of facts contained in
a primary source
- Figure out what the author of the
document exactly said and meant
- Decipher any hidden or underlying
message/ meaning that the
document may contain based on the
author’s context and milieu.