Identifying The Parameters of The Malay Classical
Identifying The Parameters of The Malay Classical
Identifying The Parameters of The Malay Classical
Tengku Anis Qarihah bt Raja Abdul Kadir1, Puteri Shireen Jahn Kassim2,
Nurul Syala Abdul Latif 3 , Harlina Md. Shariff 4
Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design
Faculty of Architecture
Postgraduate Student at International Islamic University Malaysia. Email:
Tengku Anis Qarihah Rj. Abd Kadir, Puteri Shireen Jahn Kassim, Nurul Syala Abd Latiff, Harlina Md. Shariff
Identifying the Parameters of The Malay Classical Architecture
As modernization and urbanization grow at a rapid rate in developing tropical
Asian cities, there has been a rising interest in townships that use historical
elements of language in their urbanscape. Recent townships by renowned
Malaysia developers have utilized imported Classical language to add historical
interest to the new township and adorn their commercial and institutional facades.
The rise of using ‘Classical’ stylization is due to the homogeneity of modern
‘bare’ styling. Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi (2001) stresses that there is
local language that can add historical interest to commercial urban landscape,
urban forms, and frontages, rather than cut-and-paste solutions. Zhang et al.
(2018) said the issues of scale, proportion, what constitutes the essences of local
aesthetic characters and parameters that can be used to interpret traditions to the
modern building are challenging issues. Global expression and stylistic in public
large modern multilevel structures in the Asian city are increasingly modeled
upon the Western model or the Arabised-Islamic template. Concerning Malaysia,
for example, the interest in the vernacular is due to the dominance of Modernist
style public buildings which had spurred a counter-movement.
The identification of Malay templates and resources is also crucial for
architects and urban designers seeking to instill history and culture into new
building design and development. Within this area, architects are also searching
for resources and broad principles and models that can guide them. Within this
area, the evolution of construction techniques and works have a dual criticality in
Asian tropics, as the materials range from the fragile timber into the modern
masonry techniques. Hence classification would not only allow one to recognize
the overall stylistic tenor of the work but to gain quick access to technologies and
techniques of conservation specific to the material at hand. The aspect and
demand for authenticity have additionally highlighted the importance of
architectural heritage classification. Llamas et al. (2017) for example, concludes
that typological assessment and assessment of heritage into specific
classifications is crucial to the preparation of vulnerability analysis and
diagnostics, and differentiate building stock according to specific eras and
periods, as different classification may require a different approach to the
definitions of guidelines and strategies. To provide a cutting line between the
Malay architectural language ‘from the roots of Malay architecture; from the
external Colonial ‘tree’ of style; one must outline the parameters of the Malay
architectural style and its defining character from the roots and branches evolved
under the specific cultural and climatic tropical conditions of the Malay
architectural tree which is a distinctive vernacular architecture with identifiable
features such as layered ventilated roofs, large windows, wide verandas, and
ventilated gables. (Ju, Kim, & Ariffin, 2015)
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Development of policies and strategies and guidelines towards refurbishment,
restoration, and enhancement of architectural heritage inherently requires not
only a morphological analysis on the evolution of site features of the place but a
process of architectural identification and classification. Lee (2015), Llamas et
al. (2017) and other summates of the identification of specific styles and
classification as part of the conservation process. In architectural design, similar
classifications are needed to identify certain approaches to design, without going
into the separated elements. Hence according to Lee (2015) and Zhang et al.
(2014), one must uncover specific intrinsic yet shared characteristics of
architectural heritage to classify them. The southeast Asian tropical region is
indisputably rich in diversity of traditions, heritage structures and traditions.
Amongst the most characterizing structures are palaces and aristocratic mansions,
yet there is a lack of effort to classify and identify common categories of the
architectural language of our Malay identity. The difficulty lies in its diversity
and transcending such diversities. Thus, the aim must be to identify common
identities. Architecturally, Sabrizaa (2014), Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi
(2001) and others have debated and discussed in depth the diversity of vernacular
houses focusing on traditional houses and also mosques of this region and
particularly within the Malay world, there is a rising interest due to the need to
establish frameworks of place-making and cultural identity.
An architectural style is characterized by the features that make a
building historically identifiable. (Baker et al., 2002) said a style may include
elements such as form, method of construction, building materials, and regional
character. The evolution of architectural form can be classified as a chronology
of styles that had changed over time. (Ju et al., 2015) These changes, at times, are
gradual and at times, are abrupt - reflecting changing fashions, beliefs, and
religions, or the emergence of new ideas, technology, or materials globally. As a
typology, ‘palaces’ hold a significant position in the Malay community and
civilization. They not only represent the center of past socio-political life but are
locations of the public life of the past in spatial and temporal terms. Physically
and architecturally, they represent the peak of aesthetic sensibilities and
capabilities of Malay populations, and collectively represent the identities of
these regions of its ‘Classicality’. On the definition of Classicality, Frampton
(1992) has elaborated: The ‘classical’ is always conceived as a ‘continuous
tradition from ‘antiquity’, and by the mid-18th century, the Classical was a
historicist style. ‘Classicality’ can thus be argued as a temporal attribute related
to a kind of refined level and the epitome of civilizational taste, including its
styles and symbols, simple in form and comprising a simple hierarchy of formal
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Tengku Anis Qarihah Rj. Abd Kadir, Puteri Shireen Jahn Kassim, Nurul Syala Abd Latiff, Harlina Md. Shariff
Identifying the Parameters of The Malay Classical Architecture
The methodology adapted to this research is through mapping based on frontages,
comparative analysis, and literature reviews. Over 50 case studies of palaces and
aristocratic buildings built from the 1700s to 1930s throughout the Malay region
were mapped and identified as local evolutions, common parameters and
classifying milestones were observed. All of the regions are sharing similar styles
and attributes, either the same historical sultanate/ patrons, intermarriage between
regions, craftsmen and skill workers, cultural influences and others. The mapping
of the Malay palaces and aristocrats helped to categorize the buildings into a
group for characterizations. In analyzing this essence, the methods of (Clark &
Pause, 2012) are adapted. The research is not exhaustive; instead, examples are
designed to illustrate the nuances of the idea and theory. The analysis of the
building frontal façades and forms derived from the consequence of multiple
interpretations, dominant patterns and formative features of the buildings by
extracting the similar styles/ character of each case study. Sir Banister Fletcher
which was known as his Book of History of Architecture had ruled up the
importance of categorizing the architectural elements and history through its
origins, timeline, and styles.
The subsidiary attributes of culture, politics and others will not be
discussed further in this paper as the focus is more on developing the parameters
of architectural languages. These will include the building’s style, type,
proportion, scale, and design principles. The aesthetic styles and functions which
focus on the frontage form and façade are defined as the front portion with public
spaces. Another main reference for developing the parameters is Palladio from
his Ten Book of Architecture. The theory of architecture developed by numerous
scholars had clearly shown how to characterize architecture according to groups
and clusters. The studies help to convey essential characteristics and relationships
of a building frontage which classified a style with specific physical attributes
between type, proportion, scale, and composition (Llamas et al., 2017). A
parameter or milestones had been developed from the mapping and to be
discussed as a comparative analysis between six selected case studies. The
attributes to measures the characteristics of the Malay architectural language in
this context derived from literature reviews, interviews with craftsmen, designers
and historians. The case studies were selected accordingly to represent different
major periods, i.e. the early 1700s, late 1700s, late 1800s, early 1900s and
eventually the 1930s, consist of Istana Rokan Sumatera, Istana Balai Besar
Kedah, Istana Hulu Perak, Baitul Rahmah Perak, Istana Sepahchandera Kedah
and Istana Woodneuk, Singapore represent the temporal and geographical
differentiation were compare in table 1.
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Tengku Anis Qarihah Rj. Abd Kadir, Puteri Shireen Jahn Kassim, Nurul Syala Abd Latiff, Harlina Md. Shariff
Identifying the Parameters of The Malay Classical Architecture
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Journal of the Malaysia Institute of Planners (2020)
Table 2: The Origins and Typologies Characteristics: The Six Case Studies
Case Istan Is. Balai Istana Baitul Istana Istana
Studies a Besar Hulu Rahmah Sepachendra Woodneuk
Location Riau Kedah Perak Perak Kedah Singapore
Years Built 1750 1735 1903 1911 1882 1890
Built For Sulta Sultan Sultan Sultanah Sultanah Sultanah
Built By Local Local Local Local Siamese & Local &
peopl People people People Local Chinese
Designed Sulta Sultan & Sultan & Sultan & Sultan & British
By n Artisan British Artisan Artisan
Though located within the ‘Malayness territory’ (Reid, 2004) certain designs and
forms were initiated by foreign architects or advocates although the patron is a
Malay. As refer to table 2, for Istana Sepachendra and Istana Woodneuk, although
these seem eclectic or British, the advocates or patrons are Malay and design
administered by a Malay. For Istana Hulu, the frontage is designed by a British
officer, but the Sultan had asserted a degree of the identity of Melayu in the
design. A sample of this identification is in Table 4 below. The attributes below
marked how the palaces were being designed as such and how it is carried out.
All of these attributes and influences lead to the authenticity of the architecture.
triangular shape of gable end with slender columns. The building's architecture
can be deemed as essentially an eclectic language due to the influence of the
reigning Jawi Peranakan style in British Penang at the time with a Moorish-
shaped déco and features of local ornaments found at the railings.
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Tengku Anis Qarihah Rj. Abd Kadir, Puteri Shireen Jahn Kassim, Nurul Syala Abd Latiff, Harlina Md. Shariff
Identifying the Parameters of The Malay Classical Architecture
Table 5: The Malay Frontage Reflects Sense of Proportion – Golden Ratio Survived through
the Evolution of Malay Frontage
Case Studies
Sense of
Beauty Partly
Innate. The
dotted lines
show the
ic found in
style Elevation of Istana Balai Besar Elevation of Baitul Rahmah
Source: Heritage Lab, KAED, IIUM Source: Heritage Lab, KAED
The intuitive
sense of
beauty and
proportion of
two diffrenet
but still
balance. Istana Leban Tunggal
Elevation of Istana Tanjung Pura Source: Heritage Lab, KAED
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Table 6: shows the coding for the materials according to the case studies
CODING Materials
M-T1 All Timber
M-T2 All Timber Except Staircase and Ground Column
M-T3 Ground Column and Wall Are Bricks, Others Timber
M-B1 Only Ground Fl. Brick, Others Timber
M-B2 All Brick Except Roof Components
Case Istana Balai Istana Baitul Istana Istana
Studies Rokan Besar Hulu Rahmah Sepachendra Woodneuk
Materials M-T1 M-T2 M-B2 M-T1 M-B2 MB2
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Tengku Anis Qarihah Rj. Abd Kadir, Puteri Shireen Jahn Kassim, Nurul Syala Abd Latiff, Harlina Md. Shariff
Identifying the Parameters of The Malay Classical Architecture
Istana Woodneuk does not have any of these attributes. This stylistic
character’s table/chart helps to measure the authenticity of a Malay building with
stylistic elements that are supposed to be found in Malay buildings.
Despite the huge gap in time and changes in architectural evolution and style,
there are common parameters that survive. The characters and the main elements
of the Malay Classical style are also highlighted due to their consistent
appearance in the public aristocratic architectural language. The study helped to
identify and classify, which were genuinely Malay architecture and have gone
through assimilation and changes. It was until at certain parameters or milestones,
that a building could no longer be accepted as classical Malay architecture. From
the findings, now people can measure the levels of authenticity of Malay
architectural language, the attributes and principles a Malay architecture building
should have. The principles of the character from the root to the last branch of the
Malay essence can be discovered by following the five parameters. Classical
Malay architecture can be very well transmuted with modern technology as long
as we know which character should be highlighted in the design. Amidst the
disappearing of identity in the modern world, this can be developed and become
the public language for the new cities and urbanscapes, which must go beyond
any cosmetic or cut-and-paste architecture and reflect the region. These
architectural styles will be the benchmarks in society, leaving a lasting legacy
that continues the future.
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Journal of the Malaysia Institute of Planners (2020)
The authors would like to acknowledge the Transdisciplinary Research Fund
TRGS/1/2016/UIAM/01/5/2 from the Ministry of Higher Education for the
support of this research.
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