ADC Assignments A.Y-23-24

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Geethanjali college of Engineering and Technology


II year II SEMESTER ECE All sections (Academic Year: 2023-2024 II Sem)
Assignment - 1

1. An amplitude modulator has output (in volts) s(t)=A Cos(400πt)+ B Cos(360 πt)+ B
Cos(440 πt).The carrier power normalized to 1Ω resistance is 50 Watts.The ratio of the
total sideband power to thetotal power is 1/9.Find the value of A and B in volts? (CO1)
2. Consider an FM broadcast that employs the pre-emphasis filter with frequency response
H (w)= 1 + (j w/w0) where w0=104 rad/sec.For the network shown in the figure to act as a
corresponding de-emphasis filter,Find the appropriate pairs of R and C values? .(CO1)

3. The un-modulated carrier power in an AM transmitter is 5kW. This carrier is modulated

by a sinusoidal modulating signal. The maximum percentage of modulation is 50%. If it
is reduced to 40%, then what is the maximum un-modulated carrier power (in kW) that
can be used without overloading the transmitter? (CO1)(BTL-5)
4. A modulating signal is given by m(t)= 5 Sin ( 4π 103t -10π Cos 2 π103t) volts is fed to a
phase modulator with the phase deviation constant kp= 0.5 rad/volts. If the carrier
frequency is 20 KHz. Find the instantaneous frequency ( in KHz) at t=0.5ms?. (CO1)
5. The signal m(t) as shown is applied both to a phase modulator (with k p as the phase
constant) and a frequency modulator (with k f as the frequency constant ) having the same
carrier frequency(CO1)(BTL-6)
Assignment - 2

1. The bit steam 01001 is differentially encoded using ‘Delay and Ex OR’ scheme for
DPSK transmission. Assuming the reference bit as a ‘1’ and assigning phases of ‘0’ and
‘π’ for 1’s and 0’s respectively, in the encoded sequence, Draw the transmitted phase
sequence (CO2)(BTL-5)
2. Coherent orthogonal binary FSK modulation is used to transmit two equiprobable symbol
waveforms s1(t)=A Cos2πf1t and S2(t)=A Cos2πf2t where A is 4mv.Assume an AWGN
channel with two-sided noise power spectral density=n 0/2=0.5*10-12 w/Hz. Find the bit
error probability for a data rate of 5000Kbps using an optimal receiver ? (CO4)(BTL-5)
3. Four independent massages have bandwidths of 100 Hz. 100 Hz, 200 Hz and 400 Hz,
respectively. Each is sampled at the Nyquist rate, and the samples are Time Division
Multiplexed (TDM) and transmitted. What is transmitted rate (in Hz) ? (CO3)(BTL-5)
4. The input to a linear delta modulator having a step-size Δ= 0.628 is a sine wave with
frequency fm and peak amplitude Em. If the sampling frequency fs = 40 KHz, the
combination of the sine-wave frequency and the peak amplitude, where slope overload
will take place? (CO2)(BTL-5)
5. A BPSK scheme operating over an AWGN channel with noise power spectral density of
N0/2, uses equiprobable signals over the symbol interval (0, T). If the local oscillator in a
coherent receiver is ahead in phase by π/4 with respect to the received signal, what is the
probability of error in the resulting system? (CO4)(BTL-5)

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