Pollution Control Implementation Division - III: Industry Specific Documents, Standards and Guidelines
Pollution Control Implementation Division - III: Industry Specific Documents, Standards and Guidelines
Pollution Control Implementation Division - III: Industry Specific Documents, Standards and Guidelines
Introduction PCI-III Division deals with matters relating pollution control in agro-based industries. Agro based industries use agricultural produce as raw material. Agro based industries are mainly water polluting units. They also generate substantial quantity of solid wastes. Many industries in this sector are seasonal and as such their production varies as per the availability of raw materials. This sector covers wide range industries as listed below: Fermentation Industry (Distillery, Maltery, Brewery) Pulp Paper Industry Sugar Industry Edible Oil & Vanaspati Industry Food and Fruit Processing Industry (Soft Drink, Fruits & Vegetable, Bread & Biscuits, Confectionery) Starch Industry Slaughter House, Meat and Sea Food Industry Gelatin and Glue Industry Tea Processing Industry Coffee Processing Industry Cotton Textile Industry (Composite & Processing) Composite Woollen Mills Ginning Mill Jute Processing Industry Natural Rubber Processing Industry Dairy Industry (Milk Processing) Hotel Industry Industry specific documents, standards and guidelines PCI-III Division is mainly involved in preparation of comprehensive industry documents for development of industry specific standards and guidelines. The documents aim to provide comprehensive information on each type of industry. These documents cover production process with details on pollution generation and pollution control technologies. Comprehensive document/publicatuions are available with CPCB on following industries: Fermentation Industry (Distillery, Maltery, Brewery) Large Scale Pulp Paper Industry Small Scale Pulp Paper Industry Sugar Industry Edible Oil & Vanaspati Industry Food and Fruit Processing Industry (Soft Drink, Fruits & Vegetable, Bread & Biscuits, Confectionery) Starch Industry Slaughter House, Meat and Sea Food Industry Solid Waste Management in Slaughter House Coffee Processing Industry Cotton Textile Industry (Composite & Processing) Jute Processing Industry Natural Rubber Processing Industry Dairy Industry (Milk Processing) Comprehensive document / industry specific standards and guidelines are under finalization on following industries:
Gelatin and Glue Industry Tea Processing Industry Paultry Farm Hotel Industry Bio-methanation of agro solid wastes Ginning Mill AOX for Small Scale Pulp & Paper Mills AOX for Small Scale Pulp & Paper Mills Major Activities of Pollution Control Implementation(PCI-III) Division The major activities of the Pollution Control Implementation(PCI-III) Division is to implement the standards in agro-based industries through State Pollution Control Boards and Pollution Control Committee as well as directly. Besides this, organizing interaction meets, workshops for industries and Govt. officials is also a continuing effort. Division is also undertaking various development works which are intended towards water conservation, waste minimization, process optimization, recovery and reuse of wastes and to promote cleaner production in industrial units in association with expert institution in the field. Delhi is one of the most polluted cities in the world to combat pollution of Delhi , particularly air pollution, Govt. of India has prepared "White Paper on Pollution in Delhi with and Action Plan". Govt. of India has also constituted the Environment Pollution Preservation and Control Authority for the National Capital Region on January 1998 to monitor the progress of implementation of action plan and also to suggest other remedial measures. PCI-III Division is providing all the technical and secretarial assistance to the Authority. Important Studies/Research Activities Management of Distillery Wastewater (report published) Review of current practices for treatment and disposal of distillery effluent Revision of protocol for utilization of distillery effluent in irrigation and composting Revision of COINDS for sugar industry Development of AOX standards for large Pulp & Paper industry (standards notified) Development of AOX standards for small Pulp & Paper industry (standards notified) Lignin recovery process for treatment and utilization of black liquor Lab study on colour removal through Electro flocculation of black liquor Innovative technologies for textile waste treatment Guidelines on Construction, Operation and Application of Root Zone Treatment Systems for the Treatment of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater (report published) Guidelines for Duckweed Based Wastewater Treatment Systems (report published) Constructed Wetlands for Waste Water Treatment (report published) Status of Sewage Treatment in India (report published) Performance evaluation of Root Zone technology / systems (Mother Dairy) Study of Root Zone technology at STP in Haridwar Performance Status of Common Effluent Treatment Plants in India (report published)
Revision of COINDS for fermentation industry (Distilleries) Revision of COINDS for Maltries & Breweries Guidelines for water conservation in distillery industry Guidelines for utilization of spent wash for composting Odour control in distilleries Effects on soil salinity and alkalinity due to utilization of distillery effluent in irrigation Guidelines for water conservation in sugar mills Performance evaluation of Air Pollution Control System in Sugar mills Revision of COINDS for large pulp & paper industries Revision of COINDS for small pulp & paper industries Guidelines for water conservation in pulp & paper industry Guidelines for utilization of effluent from pulp & paper mills for irrigation purpose Odour control in pulp & paper industry Demonstration of Electro flocculation technology for colour removal on pilot scale in agrobased pulp & paper mills Viable scale of operation of pulp & paper industries & waste treatment options including chemical recovery plant to achieve the environmental standards Revision of COINDS for soft drinks industries Performance study of pollution control measures in textile industry Recycling and reuse of ETP sludge from Textile industry Performance study of pollution control measures in slaughter house Evaluation of various tertiary sewage treatment technologies for coliform removal Training programme on slaughter house
Achievements under ESS and Implementation of CREP Performance study of 115 sewage treatment plants (STPs) was taken up and a report has been published. The report includes sewage generation/treatment scenario, treatment technologies in operation and performance data of each STP. Performance study of 78 common treatment plants (CETPs) out of 88 has been taken up and a report has been published. The report highlights performance status of each CETP and includes information on hazardous waste management practices. CPCB in consultation with industrial associations, experts in respective fields, state Pollution Control Board and MoEF has come out with specific time targeted action plan for each type of major 17 categories of industries which has been named as Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection (CREP). PCI-III Division deals with Distilleries, Sugar Mills and Pulp & Paper Mills. Distilleries, Sugar Mills and Pulp & Paper Mills pursued through Task Force meetings, inspections and direction to implement CREP recommendation. Performance study of ETP of 23 Pulp & Paper Mills and 20 Distilleries were carried out during 2002-2006. Industries were pursued to implement CREP recommendations through State Boards as well as by issue of directions and through Task Force meetings. The time targeted action plan under CREP and status of its implementation are as below. Distilleries CREP Action Points Status (as on December 2006)
All distilleries will achieve zero discharge in Information on compliance received from 233 surface water bodies and 100% utilization of spent distilleries of which information from 17 wash by December, 2005 distilleries was incomplete. 101 distilleries achieved 100 % utilization of
spent wash. 34 others achieved 50 to 75 %. 22 distilleries are closed. Proposal for standalone new distilleries and Being followed by SPCBs / MoEF expansion of existing distilleries without achieving zero discharge in surface water / ground water will not be considered by MoEF / SPCB. Sugar Industry CREP Action Points Waste Water Management: Reduce wastewater generation to 100 litres per tonne of cane crushed by April 2004. Status (as on May 2006) Information on compliance received from 118 sugar mills: 31 sugar mills achieved wastewater discharge <100 litre / ton of cane crushed
To achieve zero discharge in inland surface water No industry reported zero discharge bodies by December 2004. Operation of ETP shall be started at least one month before starting of cane crushing to achieve desired MLSS so as to meet the prescribed standards from day one of the operation of mill. Emission Control: Being followed as informed by Indian Sugar Mill Association
To install ESP/bag filter/high efficiency scrubber to 43 sugar mills complied with standards for comply with standards for particulate matter particulate matter emission to <150 mg/Nm 3 emission to <150 mg/Nm 3 by April 2004. . 21 sugar mills require replacing natural draft boilers with forced draft ones. Pulp & Paper Mills CREP Action Points (time limit starts from 1.4.2003 ) Large Pulp and Paper Discharge of AOX kg/ton of paper : AOX <1.5 kg/ton of paper in 2 years AOX <1.0 kg / ton of paper in 5 years (Before CREP, AOX level was 2-2.5 kg/ton of paper ) (Information on compliance received from all 19 mills) 11 mills achieved AOX level < 1.5 kg/ton of paper and 8 mills achieved AOX level < 1 kg/ton of paper using cleaner technologies like oxygen de-lignification and chlorine-di-oxide bleaching. Status (as on May 2006)
Installation of lime kiln -within 4 years Wastewater discharge cum / ton of paper : Less than 140 cum/ton of paper within 2 years
9 mills installed limekilns, rest under installation. 9 mills achieved wastewater discharge < 140 cum/ton of paper
10 other mills achieved wastewater discharge < Less than 120 cum / ton in 4years for units installed 120 cum/ton of paper before 1992 Less than 100 m3 / ton of paper per units installed after 1992 (Before CREP, the discharge level was 180-250 cum/ton of paper ) Odour control by burning the reduced sulfur emissions in the boiler/lime-kiln : Installation of odour control system within 4 years Colour removal from the effluent : Indian Paper Manufacturers Association (IPMA) to take up project with Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute Utilization of treated effluent for irrigation : Utilization of treated effluent for irrigation wherever possible Small Pulp & Paper Compliance of standard of BOD, COD & AOX : Recovery of chemicals by installation of chemical recovery plant or utilization of black liquor with no discharge from pulp mill within 3 years OR shift to waste paper for compliance of standards for BOD, COD, AOX. (Information on compliance received from 62 out of 70 small pulp & paper mills) 8 mills installed chemical recovery plants (CRPs) and another 9 mills are installing CRPs. 19 mills shifted to waste paper and another 11 mills are shifting to waste paper. 3 mills installed lignin recovery plants (LRPs) and another 12 mills are installing LRPs. One mill installed odour control system. Many Paper Mills requested for extension of time limit by one year. IPMA has not taken up any project. One mill is participating in CPCB sponsored demonstration project for colour removal.
Many Paper Mills are utilizing part of the effluent for irrigation
(as per steering committee decision, paper mill with 1 mil installed/proposed concentration and drying of black liquor. pulping capacity upto 50 TPD may install lignin recovery plants (LRP) by December 31, 2006 and chemical recovery plants (CRPs) by March 31, 2007. Waste water discharge/ ton of paper : Less than 150 cum/ton of paper within 3 years Utilization of treated effluent for irrigation : Utilization of treated effluent for irrigation wherever General wastewater discharge is 100-150 cum/ton of paper for bleached grade and 75100 cum/ton of paper for unbleached grade 8 agro based mills have informed that they are utilizing treated effluent for irrigation
possible Colour removal from the effluent : Indian Agro and Recycled Paper Manufacturers Association to take up project with CPPRI. Up gradation of ETPs so as to meet discharge standards : ETPs to be upgraded within 1 year so as to meet discharge standards Achievements of PCI-III Division under EPCA activities The Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority for the NCR (EPCA) was constituted by the Central Government vide notification No. S.O.(93(E) dated January 29, 1998. The main functions of the EPCA are: To monitor the progress of the action plan drawn up by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India on pollution in Delhi as contained in the White Paper on Pollution in Delhi with an Action Plan' issued by the Central Government on December 3, 1997; To make all necessary steps to ensure compliance of specified emission standards by vehicles including proper calibration of the equipment for testing vehicular pollution, ensuring compliance of fuel quality standards, monitoring and co-ordination action for traffic planning and management for control of vehicular pollution. To exercise the powers under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for issuing direction in respect complaints relating to violation of an order by any authority or measure. IPMA has not taken up any project. (Lignin recovery plants have been allowed for treatment of black liquor which removes colour significantly) 4 mills informed about upgradation of ETPs, other mills informed ETPs are already adequate
The Central Pollution Control Board has been providing all the technical and secretarial support to the EPCA for carrying out its functions. The EPCA monitored implementation of action points enlisted in the White Paper on Pollution with an Action Plan, priority measures for vehicular pollution control and implementation of P.K. Kaul Committee recommendations as instructed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court vide order dated November 16, 1998. The EPCA also prepared special reports as desired by the Hon'ble Supreme Court from time to time. Since its inception, EPCA held more than 350 meetings for monitoring implementation of the action points and priority measures. EPCA also visited several sites to check compliance by various agencies. Concerned Departments/Ministries of the Central Government and State Governments, and other agencies were persuaded for implementation. The issues taken up by the EPCA included fuel quality, pre-mixed oil dispensers, adulteration of fuels, fuel testing laboratory, vehicle technology, emission warranty for vehicles, setting up of CNG out lets, conversion of public transport fleet to CNG mode, construction of ISBTs, sewage treatment and common effluent treatment plants. In addition, the EPCA had examined interlocutory applications, and other matters referred by the Hon'ble Supreme Court and appropriate action was taken. With a view to get feedback and suggestions to reduce pollution problems, an interaction meet with NGOs was also organised. Besides this EPCA has undertaken mass awareness programmes. Since its inception in 1998, the EPCA is pursuing the various agencies to implement plan of action of white paper, priority measures for air pollution control and various orders by Hon'ble Supreme Court. The issues where significant progress has been achieved are as below. Improvement in fuel quality:
Supply of only lead-free petrol in NCR from September 1, 1998 Supply of lead-free petrol in the entire country from January 1, 2000 Supply of petrol with 1% benzene content from November 1, 2000 in NCT of Delhi and from March 31, 2001 in NCR Reduction of suphur content of petrol to 0.05% from May 31, 2000 Reduction of suphur content of diesel from 0.25% to 0.05% from April 1, 2000 in NCT and the entire NCR from July 1, 2001 Installation of premixed 2T dispensers for 2/3 wheelers at all petrol pumps
Measures to control fuel adulteration: One independent fuel testing laboratory has been set up at NOIDA in 2000 Anti Adulteration Wing has been established by Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas also issued ordinances to curb adulteration
Improvement in Vehicle Technology: Registration of only Euro I (Bharat Stage I) compliant light vehicles from June 1, 1999 and Euro II (Bharat Stage II) compliant light vehicles from April 1, 2000 in Delhi Registration of only Euro II (Bharat Stage II) compliant heavy vehicles from October 23, 2001 in Delhi Registration of only Euro III (Bharat Stage III) compliant vehicles from July 1, 2004 in Delhi and 11 cities Emission warranty for vehicles from July 1, 2001
Increase of CNG station from 9 to 121 Operationalization of 10 CETPs in Delhi Improvement in sewage treatment capacity utilization in Delhi and NCR COMPOSITION OF EPCA Shri Bhure Lal, Chairman (Member Union Public Service Commission) UPSC, Shahjahan Road , New Delhi -1 Ms Sunita Narain, Member (Director, Centre for Science & Environment) 41, Tuglaqabad Institutional Area, New Delhi110 062 Ms. Kiran Dhingra, Member (Director General Shipping) Mumbai Shri Jagdish Khattar, Member (Representative of AMAI) (Managing Director, Maruti Udyog Limited) 11 th floor, Jeevan Prakash Building , 25, Kasturba Ghandi Marg, New Delhi 110 001 Shri R. Chandramohan, Member (Principal Secretary-cum-Commissioner, Transport) Department of Transport, Govt. of NCT Delhi , 5/9 Under Hill Road , Delhi - 110064 Chairman, CPCB, Convener Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, Delhi 110 032
Shri N. R. Raje, Member (Former Director IOC (R & D)) A-648, Sushant Lok, Phase I, Gurgaon, Haryana Dr. P. C. Chobey, Member Professor, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Road , New Delhi - 110029