Basics of Level Switches 1722104611

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Level Switches

Types & Applications
What is a Level Switch?
A level switch is an electrical or mechanical method for
measuring the level of a liquid or powder material. It is
designed to activate an alarm if the material level in a
container passes a predetermined height or depth .
Types of Level Switches
1 - Capacitive Level Switch
Capacitive level switches are designed
to measure corrosive liquids, high
temperatures, and liquid levels in
sealed containers. A capacitive level
switch works on the principle of
capacitance. It has an electrode that
changes when the height of the
medium changes and causes its
capacitance, the ratio of its electrical
charge, to change. The sensing
mechanism changes the level or height
of the medium into a current signal
transmitted to a secondary instrument
or computer
Types of Level Switches
2 - Conductivity Level Switches
Conductivity level switches have
sophisticated and highly sensitive
sensors that record slight changes
in the level of a liquid. They have
conductive probes that are
completely insulated electrodes
except for their tips to avoid
electrical bridging. The probes
work by the variations of the
electrical resistance between
them, with one electrode being
the reference electrode and the
other being the level control
Types of Level Switches
3 - Diaphragm Switch
A diaphragm level switch
measures pressure changes
caused by the level of the
material rising or falling. As the
level rises, air pressure gets
higher, and the face of the
diaphragm falls under the
pressure, which activates a micro
switch. When the pressure gets
lower, the diaphragm returns to
its initial position. Diaphragm
level switches have an electrical
contact output and have wide
industrial use
Types of Level Switches
4 - Displacer Level Switch
Displacer level switches are
designed to work where there are
high temperatures and pressure.
They have a weight, which is its
displacer, suspended on a spring
that is heavier than the media.
When the media makes contact
with the displacer, buoyancy force
is produced that changes the
weight of the displacer and causes
the spring to retract. As the spring
retracts, it sends a magnet upward
that actuates the switching
Types of Level Switches
5 - Float Level Switch
A float level switch is a
mechanical switch that floats
on the surface of the media
and moves up or down as the
media rises or falls. They are
commonly used with pumps,
valves, or alarms. Float
switches are a cost effective
and reliable level switch that
can be used with a wide
variety of media.
Types of Level Switches
6- Hydrostatic Level Switches
Hydrostatic level switches are a
threshold contact that contains a
pressure switch or pressure
sensor placed in a solid state
NPN or PNP switch. All liquids are
influenced by gravity and
produce hydrostatic pressure,
which is similar to the weight of
a solid object. With liquids, it is
possible to measure the weight
of the liquid in relation to its
level. The weight of the liquid at
different levels is proportional to
a specific level
Types of Level Switches
7 - Inductive Level Switches
Inductive level switches are non-contact switches that
respond to a targeted material when the material
comes within the sensing field. An oscillator resonant
circuit uses an open core coil to produce a
concentrated high frequency electromagnetic field
that comes from the surface of the sensor. If a
material enters the target area, eddy currents are
When detection is made, the amplitude of the
oscillating unit decreases, and the oscillator is
attenuated. The lower amplitude of the oscillating
unit sends a signal to the electronic circuit that
changes the switching state of the inductive level
Types of Level Switches
8 - Laser Sensor
A laser sensor is a non-contact level
switch that takes level readings using the
speed of light. A laser transmitter, at the
top of the container, shoots a short pulse
of light down to the surface of the
process material. The light reflects back
to the detector. Like an ultrasonic level
switch, a timing circuit measures the ToF
to calculate the distance.
The key to lasers is the lack of a beam
spread or false echoes and can be
directed through a very small space.
Laser level switches are very versatile
and can measure vapors and foam
Types of Level Switches
9 - Magnetostrictive Level Switch
A Magnetostrictive level switch senses the level of
a fluid by detecting the level of magnets in the
float and sends the data back to the control
system. It uses buoyancy, magnetostriction, and
electronics to measure levels. A float that travels
up and down due to its buoyancy is mounted on
the level transmitter stem. In the float is the
magnetic element.
An electrical current pulse is sent the length of the
switch through a sensor wire to the location of the
float. A timing circuit measures the pulse and its
return signal. The signal provides the location of
the float and the level of the media
Types of Level Switches
10 - Microwave Level Switches
Microwave level switches are non-
contact level switches that use a
microwave beam that passes from a
sender to a receiver in bursts at 220
times per second. If the bursts are
blocked and fail to connect with the
receiver by being absorbed or reflected
by the material, a relay is activated.
The uses for microwave sensors are in
applications where contact with the
medium will erode or damage a contact
sensor and where there is high
temperature, pressure, and aggregate
Types of Level Switches
11 - Optical Level Switch
An optical level switch uses the concept of reflection in a
prism and is used for high temperature and pressure
It can be used as a point
level detector and
measurement level
switch for solids and
liquids. A reflected light
is sent to the receiver of
the sensor and is
refracted by the liquid
being monitored
Types of Level Switches
12 - Paddle Level Switch
A paddle level switch has an electric motor that slowly rotates a metal
paddle. When the material in the container reaches the level of the
paddle, the material will place a load on it. A torque switch, attached
to the motor of the switch, activates when a sufficient amount of
torsional stress is placed on the paddle.
The design and purpose of paddle
level switches are to perform
point level detection in dry bulk
materials. The paddle of the
switch is turned by a one rpm
magnet driven motor. As the
product builds up in a container,
the movement of the paddle is
blocked, activating an alarm
Types of Level Switches
13 - Potentiometric Level Switches
Potentiometric level switches are
continuous level switches that are
used in metal containers. A low
resistance measuring tube is
immersed in a conductive liquid,
such as an adhesive or paste. A
high frequency current is sent
through the tube. A voltage
reading is taken from the space
between the probe and the tank
wall, which is sent to an amplifier.
The sent reading is proportional to
the tank level
Types of Level Switches
14 - Rod Level Switch
Rod level switches have a stainless
steel rod that vibrates or oscillates
at a specific frequency and is
powered by an electronic circuit.
When the media reaches the
vibrating rod, the vibrations stop
and alert the control system. Rod
level switches are a point form of
level switches used as high and low
level indicators or for plugged chute
detection. They are designed and
shaped to resist buildup, which
would send false alarms
Types of Level Switches
15 - Tilt Level Switches
Tilt level switches are high level indicators
that are suspended on a cable above the
material. As the media rises and contacts
the switch, the switch tilts to the side. Tilt
level switches are designed to prevent bin
overflow and control levels in open pipes.
They are also used for over or under loads
for conveyor systems.
The sensor activates when it is tilted at an
angle of 17° of a 360° axial arc. The switch
includes a threaded bore for attaching
actuators, which increases sensing
repeatability and protects the switch from
contact with the media.
Types of Level Switches
16 - Tuning Fork Level Switch
Tuning fork level switches use frequency
changes to alert of level changes in a liquid.
The switch has two tuning forks that
oscillate in a circuit. The forks are
configured to vibrate at the frequency of air.
All media has a density greater than air,
which causes the tuning forks to vibrate at a
lower frequency inside the media.
The forks extend from the switch housing
and make contact with the media. When
the media makes contact with the forks, the
feedback resonant frequency changes
indicating a change in the level of the

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