F23 - CH1010 Final Exam Practice Questions Ch9

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Ch09 Practice Questions for Final Exam

CH1010 Fall 2023

1. Which of these three gases, all occupying the same 6. Ammonium nitrate can decompose explosively
volume at the same temperature, exerts the greatest when heated according to the balanced equation:
2 NH4NO3 (s) → 2 N2 (g) + 4 H2O (g) + O2 (g)
A. 10 g He
How many liters of gas would be formed at 450 °C
B. 10 g NH3 and 2.00 atm pressure by an explosion initiated with
C. 10 g CO 450 grams of NH4NO3?
D. All exert the same pressure.

2. Which gas at STP occupies the smallest volume?

A. 5.0 mol Kr
B. 5.0 mol HCl 7. What volume of 0.500 M hydrochloric acid solution
C. 5.0 mol SO2 must be added to excess sodium carbonate in order
to cause the evolution of 14.5 L of carbon dioxide
D. All occupy the same volume.
gas at STP?
3. The gaseous reaction shown in the diagram is 2 HCl (aq) + Na2CO3 (aq) →
carried out at constant n and P. The initial 2 NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) + CO2 (g)
temperature is -73 °C. What is the final
temperature (°C)? (Note that the volume doubles)

8. A gas mixture containing NO2, CO2 and SO2

occupies 50.0 L at 1.75 atm and 325 K. If 37.7 g of
NO2 are in the mixture, what is the mole fraction
and the partial pressure of NO2 in this mixture?

9. A mixture at STP contains three gases: nitrogen

4. What will happen to the volume of an ideal gas if (N2), oxygen (O2), and chlorine (Cl2). The
the temperature and pressure are both tripled, and molecules of which gas are moving with the
the number of gas particles is doubled? greatest average velocity?
A. It will stay the same A. N2
B. It will double B. O2
C. It will triple C. Cl2
D. It will increase by a factor of 4.5 D. At the same temperature, molecules of all three
E. It will increase by a factor of 18 gases have the same average velocity.

5. Calculate the mass of krypton in a sample that

occupies a volume of 250.0 mL while exerting a
pressure of 179 torr at 19.5 °C.
10. A mixture of ideal gases occupies a container at 15. Which of the following statements is true?
300 K and 1 atm. Which gas in the mixture will
A. Particles of different masses have the same
have the smallest molar mass?
average velocity at a given temperature.
A. The gas with the lowest average velocity. B. The smaller a molecule, the slower it will
B. The gas with the greatest average kinetic diffuse.
energy. C. At very high pressures, a gas will occupy a
C. The gas that diffuses the quickest. larger volume than predicted by the ideal gas
D. The gas that occupies the smallest volume. law.
D. At very high temperatures, the pressure of a gas
11. Under which of the following conditions do real will be lower than predicted by the ideal gas
gases deviate the most from the ideal gas law? law.
I. 100 atm III. 100 K
II. 10 atm IV. 500 K 16. Which of these statements is true?

A. II & III C. II & IV I. Real gases act more like ideal gases as the
temperature increases.
B. I & III D. I & IV
II. When n and T are constant, a decrease in P
12. Which gas will effuse at the greater rate in each of results in a decrease in V.
the defined cases? III. At 1 atm and 273 K, every molecule in a
Case I: NO2 at STP or sample of a gas has the same speed.
SO2 at STP IV. At constant T, CO2 molecules at 1 atm and H2
molecules at 5 atm have the same average
Case II: Ne at 25 °C and 1 atm or kinetic energy.
Ne at 100 °C and 1 atm
A. NO2 and Ne at 25 °C B. I & II E. II & IV
B. NO2 and Ne at 100 °C C. I & IV
C. SO2 and Ne at 25 °C
D. SO2 and Ne at 100 °C

13. Which of the following gases, all at the same

temperature and occupying the same volume, has USEFUL INFORMATION
the highest pressure?
A. 100 g HCl Equations
B. 100 g Cl2
PV = nRT
C. 100 g H2
D. They all exert the same pressure. Rate1 M2
14. When NH3 and HCl fumes mix, a white cloud of Rate2 M1
NH4Cl (s) forms. If NH3 and HCl are introduced at
opposite ends of a hollow glass tube and allowed to Constants
diffuse, where will they meet to form the NH4Cl?
R = 0.08206 L×atm×mol-1×K-1
1 atm = 760 mm Hg
Vm = 22.4 L at STP
STP = 0 °C and 1 atm

A. position A
B. position B
C. position C
D. A white cloud forms throughout the tube.
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Answers to Practice Questions for Ch09
CH1010 Fall 2023
Question Answer
1 A

2 D
3 127 °C

4 B
0.206 g
(2.45 × 10-3 mol)
6 584 L

7 2.59 L of HCl solution

(i) 0.250
(ii) 0.437 atm
9 A
10 C

11 B

12 B
13 C
14 C
15 C

16 C

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