Daily Lesson Log: Department of Education

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Grade Level
Learning Area
Department of Education Teaching Dates and
WEEK 6 Quarter QUARTER 2



A.Content Standards The learner understands the requirements of composing academic writing and professional correspondence.

B.Performance Standards The learner produces each type of academic writing and professional correspondence following the properties of well-written texts
and process approach to writing.

C.Learning Identify the unique features Identify the unique features of Identify the unique features of Identify the unique features of
Competencies/Objectives of and requirements in and requirements in and requirements in and requirements in

Write the LC Code for each composing texts that are composing texts that are useful composing texts that are composing texts that are
useful across disciplines: across disciplines: useful across disciplines: useful across disciplines:

Position Paper Position Paper Position Paper Position Paper

Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: Objectives:

1. Identify the parts of a 1. Identify the parts of a position 1. Identify the parts of a 1. Identify the parts of a
position paper. paper. position paper. position paper.

2. Appreciate the importance 2. Appreciate the importance of 2. Appreciate the importance 2. Appreciate the importance
of position paper. position paper. of position paper. of position paper.

3. Write a position paper. 3. Write a position paper. 3. Write a position paper. 3. Write a position paper.


Composing Academic Writing Composing Academic Writing Composing Academic Writing Composing Academic Writing


1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages

2.Learner’s Materials Pages Reading and Writing Quarter Reading and Writing Quarter 4 Reading and Writing Quarter 4 Reading and Writing Quarter 4
4 Module 8: Composing Module 8: Composing Academic Module 8: Composing Module 8: Composing
Academic Writing, pp. 35-39 Writing, pp. 35-39 Academic Writing, pp. 35-39 Academic Writing, pp. 35-39

3.Textbook Pages

4.Additional Materials from

Learning Resources (LR) portal

B.Other Learning Resources


A.Reviewing previous lesson or State the learning Review the learners about Review the learners about the State the learning competency
presenting the new lesson competency and objectives. position paper. writing process. and objectives.

B.Establishing a purpose for The learners will do Yes or No Ask the learners their stance on Present to the class the rubric
the lesson Activity. writing as a process. in writing a position paper.

Direction: The learners will

stand behind the Yes or No
marker as way of answering
the following questions:

1. Are you in favor of

decriminalizing illegal drug

2. Are you in favor of

establishing the Maharlika
Wealth Fund?

3. Are you in favor of making

ROTC mandatory in senior
high school?

Provide context for the

learners to be informed about
their choices.
C.Presenting Ask some of the learners Show an infographic about
examples/instances of the new about their choices during the writing as a process.
lesson activity.

D.Discussing new concepts and Discuss what is a position Discuss writing as a process.
practicing new skills #1 paper. Then, the learners will
create a semantic web about

E.Discussing new concepts and Present the parts of a

practicing new skills #2 position paper.

After that, the learners will

answer an identification test
about the said academic

F.Developing mastery The learners will answer The learners will list down the The learners will do an outline/ The learners need to furnish
What’s More activity from claims about making ROTC as draft about the issue they the final copy of their position
(Leads to formative page 37 to 38. mandatory in senior high school need to write. paper.

G.Finding Ask: Ask:

practical/applications of
concepts and skills in daily
living How can you use the features How can the writing process
of position paper in making help you to be patient?
your voice heard about the
contemporary issues of our

H. Making generalizations and The learners will give their The learners will give their
abstractions about the lesson takeaways in the learning takeaways in the learning
session. session.
I.Evaluating Learning The learners will present the
summary of their position
papers to the class.

J.Additional activities for The learners will have their

application or remediation brainstorming session about
making ROTC as mandatory
in senior high school. This is
the issue they will write a
position paper.



A.No. of learners who earned

80% of the formative

B.No. of learners who require

additional activities to

C.Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson

D.No. of learners who continue

to require remediation

E.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F.What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G.What innovation or localized

material did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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