AC1100 User Management Guide

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AC1100 User Management Guide

1. Normal Window Display


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2. Window Messaging

If card, mobile key, password is successful, the general Success

message will be displayed.

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3. User Management
When you select the [User Settings] at the main menu, the following window appears.

The number of all the users is shown at the top of screen. Select [Add] button to add the new user,
[Modify] button to modify the user, [Delete] button to delete the specific user, [Delete All] button to
delete all the users, and [View] button to inquire the registered user list.

3.1. Add User

If you select [User Settings]->[Add] in the main menu, the following screen appears. Input the user ID to
be registered and select [OK] button. The ID which can be registered is shown on the screen
automatically, so you can register conveniently.

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If you want to change ID, delete the previous value by selecting the button and input the new

If you enter ID which is already registered, a failure message appears, and if the ID is not already
registered, the following screen appears.

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You can register a card with [Card] button and a password with the [Password] button. Then choose
the authentication type with [Authentication type] button.

Users who are only registered as an administrator can change the settings of the terminal and can
register/modify/delete the information of all the saved users. Take caution when registering an

3.1.1. Password registration

Enter a password up to 8 digits in length. Once you are finished select the OK button, after a
confirmation window will appear.

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3.1.2. Card Registration

Select the Card Icon to register a card. A popup message will appear waiting for you to scan your card.

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3.1.3. Authentication Mode
Select the Auth Type icon to change the authentication type of the user. If only card is registered, only a
card icon will appear the same as password. If both are registered you can select a combination of both
types using OR and AND.

Card or password

Card and password

Password only

Card only

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Select the [Save] button to save all user data when completed.

3.2. Delete User

The following window appears if you select [User Settings]->[Delete] at the main menu.

Input the user ID to be deleted and select [OK] button. Select [BACK] button to cancel and return. If you
entered an invalid/unregistered ID, an error message will appear. If you entered a valid/registered ID a
confirmation window will appear.

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Please note if connected to the server, the user is not deleted from the server. You should synchronize
and make sure the user is deleted in the server and the terminal.

3.3. Modify User

The following window appears if you select the [User Setting] -> [Modify] in the main menu.

In order to remove/add/modify a card information or password of a user.

Input the user ID to be modified and Select [OK] button. Select [BACK] button to cancel and return. If
you entered an invalid/unregistered ID, an error message will appear

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If you entered a valid/registered ID, the same menu as ‘add user’ will appear. Follow the same steps in
the ‘add user’ section to change any current user settings.

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3.4. Delete all Users
If you select the [User Settings] ->[Delete all] in the main menu, the following window appears.

Select YES to continue to delete all users Select NO to cancel the deletion.

3.5. View
If you select the [User management] -> [View] from the main menu, all the registered users can be
viewed. User view area will show you a summary list of the users. User name, ID, Card number and
authentication type will appear for each user. You can select a user for modification or deletion.

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