2023 - 07 - 05 Code of Conduct For Volunteers

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Code of Conduct for Volunteers of Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust

and Confidentiality and Behaviour Agreement

The Code of Conduct seeks to outline the appropriate conduct for the volunteers of Harrogate and District NHS
Foundation Trust (HDFT).

There is no contractual relationship between HDFT and the volunteer.

As a representative who may be dealing with difficult and confidential issues, volunteers are required to act with
discretion and care in the performance of their role. Volunteers are required to maintain confidentiality with
regard to information gained via their involvement in HDFT.


As a volunteer of HDFT, I will:

 Carry out my tasks in a way which corresponds to the aims and values of this organisation, respect other
volunteers, service users and staff, respect the human rights of others and keep within the boundaries of my
role description
 Comply with all relevant guidelines as indicated in induction including the Volunteers Code of Conduct,
including the undertaking of an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check. I agree to inform the Trust
of any caution/charge against me or if I have received a conditional discharge in relation to, or have been
found guilty of a criminal offence. I will be open and honest about any other issues the Trust may need to be
made aware of during the course of my volunteering placement
 Carry out my tasks with regard to the health and safety of others
 Be aware of the member of staff who is supervising me on each shift
 Respect boundaries with patients/visitors/service users/ staff, and will not develop inappropriate relationships
with patients/visitors/ service users/ staff
 Recognise that I have no managerial role within HDFT
 Respect the confidentiality of the information I receive in my role as a volunteer and act with integrity and
objectivity and in the best interests of HDFT, without any expectation of personal benefit
 Attend meetings, training and support events as required in order to carry out my role and duties. Conduct
myself in a manner that reflects positively HDFT, acting as an ambassador for the Trust
 Abide by HDFT Policies and procedures
 Always wear my Volunteer ID badge whilst on Trust premises and abide by the Trust dress code, and also a
uniform if required
 Sign in and out at the beginning and end of each duty period in the Volunteer sign in book, held at the front
desk in main reception at Harrogate District Hospital
 Report to the person in charge of my placement area on arrival and before leaving placement area
 Not perform any tasks that are not covered on my role description unless agreed by Placement Supervisor
and the Volunteer and Charity Manager
 For the safety and wellbeing of myself and patients, I will not lift, handle or lower patients, toilet or bath patients
 Refuse any gifts, favour or hospitality which might be interpreted as seeking to exert undue influence to obtain
preferential consideration
 I will not use any form of social media to disclose confidential information relating to the Trust or patients.

Volunteers should act with the utmost integrity and objectivity and in the best interests of HDFT in performing
their duties. They should not use their position for personal advantage or seek to gain preferential treatment.
Any volunteer who has a material interest or potential conflict of interests in a matter as defined in the
Constitution shall declare such interest to the Volunteer and Charity Manager and it shall be recorded in a
register of interests.

They should declare any conflicts of interest, which may arise. If in doubt they should seek advice from the
Volunteer and Charity Manager. Volunteers must declare any involvement they may have in any organisation
with which HDFT may be considering entering a contract.

There will be a register of Interests, in which volunteers must enter any pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests
that might create a conflict of interest.


Volunteers are requested to attend meetings as appropriate to their course of duty. When this is not possible
they should submit an apology to the Volunteer and Charity Manager in advance of the meeting.

Volunteers are required to participate in the induction programme and any subsequent programmes as


Volunteers will not receive payment for their role. However they are able to receive reimbursement of any out
of pocket expenses incurred. They will adhere to HDFT Volunteering Policy for the reimbursement of such
expenses. Out of pocket expenses are claimed using the standard Trust expense claim form.

Expense Allowance
Car Travel – Mileage irrespective of engine (45p) per mile
size or fuel
Car Parking Reimbursement of reasonable cost with prior
written agreement
Taxi Not applicable
Rail/Bus Standard fare or lower
Air Not applicable
Overnight (bed & breakfast) Not applicable


All volunteers registered with HDFT are required to respect the confidentiality of the information they are made
privy to.

All volunteers should note that all matters relating to patients or other Trust business are strictly confidential and
any unauthorised disclosure whether verbal, written or electronic including via social media will result in
termination of service as a volunteer. This can also result in criminal proceedings.

Reviewed: July 2023


All volunteers should not identify themselves as a volunteer of the Trust on social media such as Facebook,
Twitter etc. this may result in termination of the volunteer of service as a volunteer. There may be occasions
where we ask for you to be videoed or photographed. This will be for the promotion of our services. If you do
not consent to photography you must make the team aware of this.


Non-compliance with the Code of Conduct will result in the following action:
 Where misconduct takes place, the Volunteer and Charity Manager or authorised team member will
investigate. This may include the potential termination of the volunteering arrangement. This matter will be
referred to the Business Development, Charity and Volunteer manager, in the absence of the Volunteer and
Charity Manager.


Please read this Code of Conduct for Volunteers of HDFT and Confidentiality and Behaviour Agreement before
signing this document. If we do not receive this signed agreement, you will be unable to carry out your
volunteering duties.

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust

Name of Volunteer……………………………………………………………………………





I, …………………………………………………………………… (Print name)

agree to abide by the Code of Conduct for Volunteers of HDFT and Confidentiality and Behaviour Agreement



Received by HHCC and Volunteer Team Member:

Reviewed: July 2023

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