Final First Founding

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The document discusses the Iron Hands Space Marine chapter, including details about their homeworld Medusa, recruitment process, organizational structure divided into clans, and beliefs emphasizing mechanical augmentation.

Their homeworld Medusa is a harsh, unstable planet with volcanic activity and shifting tectonic plates. It is populated by mining clans that live nomadically in vehicles. The two notable areas are Karaashi volcano and the mysterious Land of Shadows.

Each Iron Hands clan company is responsible for recruiting its own neophytes from the Medusan clans associated with that company. Recruits undergo mechanical augmentation, starting with replacing their left hand with a cybernetic 'iron hand'.


Written/Compiled by Mkall

The Final Figures of The First Founding

Contains fan-made statistics for the remaining First Founding Chapters for the Deathwatch RPG

Table of Contents
Iron Hands Raven Guard Salamanders White Scars 2 7 14 21

Brief words of thanks to those on the Fantasy Flight Games Deathwatch boards and the original authors of the Index Astartes Vol 1 document for providing a solid base for me to work with and providing feedback on what did and didnt work. Please enjoy this document and email any feedback to Thanks!

Written/Compiled by Mkall

The Iron Hands are one of the First Founding Space Marine Chapters, and whilst they may lack the litany of accolades possessed by such fellow chapters as the Ultramarines or Blood Angels, none can argue with their abilities in battle, and their devotion to mankind and the Imperium. Their beliefs of the strength of metal over the weakness of flesh have brought them close to the Adeptus Mechanicus over the millennia.

Iron Hands


The Chapters homeworld is the nearly-hospitable planet of Medusa, located near the Eye of Terror. Its landscape is harsh and generally unstable, with massive tectonic shifts occurring on a regular basis. Medusa is not united by any single government, but instead is populated by disparate clans of miners living out of great tracked vehicles travelling in caravan. Great ranges of volcanoes criss-cross the fields of basalt and obsidian, and expansive plains of dust and rock are all the features that exist. Resources are constantly discovered due to the tectonic nature of the planet, which is how these tribes make a living. There are only two notable locations on Medusa: a volcano known as Karaashi, which was the location of the arrival of Ferrus Manus, and the Land of Shadows. The Land of Shadows is populated only by ghostly relics of ages past and is said to be haunted by the spirits of Medusans long dead; those who go there only go in order to become supplicants to the Iron Hands' recruitment process. The Lands of Shadow are rarely ever explored, and the Iron Hands maintain a strict watch over who enters them, with a boltshell through the head of anyone who isnt authorized. Strange dirges of techno-lingua can be heard on a quiet night, but no one claims to know the meaning.

Clan Based Society

The organization of the Iron Hands Chapter, following the Second Founding, deviated from the Codex Astartes. The Chapter drew much of its organization from the clans of Medusa. Each of the ten Clan Companies is a single entity, possessing its own command hierarchy, veterans, beliefs and traditions. One warrior of each Clan Company is nominated to represent their peers at the Great Council of the Iron Hands. As such, there is no single Commander of the Chapter, a precaution implemented so that no one man can lead the entire Chapter astray, as happened during the Horus Heresy. A further departure from the doctrines of the Codex Astartes is the lack of Chaplains. This position is instead filled by a Marine known as the Iron Father, who combines the roles of Chaplain and Techmarine. The Iron Father is considered the religious representative of both the Emperor and the Adeptus Mechanicuss Omnissiah and sees to the spiritual health of the Chapters battler-brothers as well as the health of the machine spirits that reside in each piece of equipment.


There is no Scout Company for Iron Hands Neophytes, instead each Clan Company must recruit its own Neophytes from the Medusan clans linked to the company to remain at strength. Upon indoctrination, the left hand of each Neophyte is replaced with a cybernetic replacement, the beginning of a process of augmetic replacement that will continue for the rest of their lives. This iron hand symbolizes the Astartes' link with his lost Primarch and is the start of the long and slow process by which Iron Hands Astartes eventually replace as much of their frail physical bodies with superior machine components as they can. If they are lucky to survive that long, the Iron Hand battlebrother may find himself in the internment of the shell of a mighty Dreadnought, the perfect blend of the organic and the machine, though few Iron Hands ever achieve that extraordinary honour.

Written/Compiled by Mkall

Once the left hand is replaced, then neophyte is sent to the Lands of Shadow, where he meets his brethren from the other clan companies. Whatever happens beyond the vale of darkness, only the Chapter knows; but it has a profound impact on the life of every new warrior and forms the bonds of respect between the new warriors of each Clan Company, ensuring strong intra-Chapter loyalty.

Combat Doctrine

The hatred the Iron Hands feel towards weakness and corruption has an effect on the Chapter's doctrine and operations, a belief that even extends to their own bodies. As a body can be injured, broken, or led into temptations of the flesh, the Iron Hands seek to eliminate any perceived fault within themselves through any means possible, usually cybernetic replacement of the body part. In the minds of many Iron Hands, the machine is the ideal. The hatred of all weaknesses is harnessed and focused by the Iron Fathers for use in battle, where the Chapter will fight with renowned intensity and determination, regardless of the opponent. The bitter Marines will advance in a machine-like and relentless fashion, throwing themselves violently at the enemy. The Iron Hands have a reputation for being relatively straightforward and incredibly harsh. In the Battle of Thranx, for example, the resources of several depleted clan-companies were pooled for a full frontal assault using five Land Raiders against a facility bristling with anti-tank defenses that had made a mockery of previous attempts with whole armored companies; in the retaking of the Contqual Subsector, one third of the population was summarily executed after a successful campaign simply to demonstrate the price of weakness. Such actions put them at odds with many other Chapters, such as the Salamanders and even the Ultramarines. The Chapters mobile fortresses are not crewed by humans, for a human is a flawed creature. Instead the Iron Hands support crew is entirely servitors. The automated processes suit the Chapters needs very nicely.

4 Pasts

Written/Compiled by Mkall

1 - Thranxian Tank Master: You took part in some way of the historic victories at Thranx which saw several battle clans pool their armour assets into a single devastating spearhead, taking the Fortress of Iron Fangs despite heavy losses. 2 - Decimator of Contqual: You are one of the Iron Hands who was present for the culling of 1/3rd of the Sanqual Subsector population in punishment for their failures to resist the enemy. It was a task that some took to with great frevour while others had doubts that would later be voiced to the Iron Fathers 3 - Martian Pilgrim: You have travelled to the site of the Machine God in the heart of Mars and have spent many years conversing with the Techpriests and aiding them in their ventures. You have learned much in the ways of the machine, but much of it cannot be told to those outside the clan due to the weaker minds not understanding what you have witnessed. 4 - Clan Lords Bodyguard: While fighting Chaos on Drendii III, you took a hit meant for you commanding officer. In recognition of your strength and bravery, your wounds were healed with hallowed bionics and you live to fight by his side once more. 5 - Attendant to the Sarcophagii: The Dreadnaughts are the most sacred of all Iron Hands relics. Your duty has been to protect them while in combat. Your conversations with these ancient warriors have granted you insight into many foes now long extinct by their actions.

Demeanour Contempt for Flesh

Contempt For Flesh is a Deameanour (pg 32 DW) unique to the Iron Hands Chapter. Iron Hands are straightforward and utterly pitiless, and are strong believers that mankind's greatest enemy is a non-unified mankind. They believe that those who would weaken man-kind with their presence must be eradicated without remorse. They will often ignore fleeing civilians that an arch-heretic is using for cover and fire into the crowd at him anyway. A planetary governor seeking to prevent discovery of his involvement with trading with the Tau by hampering their investigation may soon find himself on the wrong end of the Astartes bolt pistol. The Iron hands will not stop at simply destroying the obvious enemy. They methodically sort through all available evidence and persecute any relatives or assistants without hesitation or remorse.

Attribute Bonuses Additional Talent Skills and Talents Advance

+5 Strength and 3 Bionic Implants, one of which may be of Exceptional Quality and one must replace the left hand

Marines of the Iron Hands gain the Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus) as a bonus Talent

Chem-Use Chem-Use +10 Demolitions Demolitions +10 Logic Logic +10 Logic +20 Speak Language (Techna-Lingua) Tech Use Tech Use +10 Armourmonger Binary Chatter Iron Jaw Jaded Scourge of Heretics Technical Knock The Flesh is Weak

400 400 300 400 200 300 400 200 500 600 800 500 500 500 600 500 800


Skill Skill SKill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Talent Talent Talent Talent Talent Talent Talent


Chem-Use Demolitions Logic Logic +10 Tech Use Int 40 T 40 Int 30

5 Trappings

Written/Compiled by Mkall

Clan Markings Whilst a Space Marine will paint his armour black and take up the silver Pauldron of the Deathwatch upon being inducted, many marines of the Iron Hands retain some of the symbols and artefacts that identify them as belonging to certain Battle Clans. Rune Marks of the Vurgaan: +3 to all Tech Use rolls Silver Skulls of the Kaargul: +2 to WS against Space Marines of the Traitor Legions Raukaan Inscribings: Add +3 to Command Tests Alternatively, an Iron Hands character may take one extra normal quality Bionic implant as his Chapter Trapping


Requim for Santar Built in commemoration for Brother Captain Santar one of the many heroes lost in the Istvaan massacre, this Boltgun commemorates the glories of the first captain, whilst vowing revenge against the traitorous forces that took his life. This bolter is known both for its ability to penetrate armour due to a magnetically assisted rifling that forcibly adds an exceptional rotational force to the weapon, and its furious rate of fire. The hows and whys that explain how such a relic came into the Deathwatchs possession remain a mystery. Requiem: Basic - 120m Range - S/4/8 - 1d10+7X - Pen 5 - Clip 28 - Rld Full - Tearing, Razor Sharp, Rq 50, Hero

Solo Mode

Master of Mechanisms All Iron Hands have a close relationship with machinery and mechanisms, both before and after becoming a Space Marine, and as a result many have found ways to improve their weapons efficiency and reliability, either through careful use, or perhaps simple modifications. Rank 1 The character may reroll the BS roll for any attack that would result in a Jam or Overheat result. Rank 3 Any weapon chosen by the character during the Arming Phase, either through talents or Requisition expenditure count as being reliable. Rank 6 The character counts all of weapons that he personally selected with requisition at the start of the mission as being of one higher rank of craftmanship than it actually is. Master crafted weapons now add 3 to their damage, never actually jam or overheat (if the roll would indicate a jam or overheat, the weapon is unaffected, but cannot take any further shots until the characters next turn.)

Squad Mode Attack

Concentrated Fire Action: Half Action Cost: 3 Sustained: No Choose a Target, until the targeting marine chooses a new target as a half action (which even if the target is killed he must still do) all semi-auto and fully auto attacks made against this Target receive a +10 BS bonus to hit by the targeting marine and all other Battle Brothers within support range. Improvements: At Rank 4 or more this power no longer needs a target, all Semi-Auto or Fully Automatic attacks gain an additional +10 BS bonus regardless of who they are directed against.

Squad Mode Defence

Maintain Combat Action: Free Action Cost: 4 Sustained: Yes Iron Hands marines ignore the effects of grievous wounds and continue to fight on, long after they should have expired; due, in part to their extensive cybernetic improvements. Using this defensive stance allows the Battle Brother to ignore all critical hit effects until after this squad mode ability ceases or he sustains more than double his TB in critical damage. Improvements: This power cannot be improved.

6 Primarch's Curse The Flesh is Weak

Written/Compiled by Mkall

As an Iron Hands gains more experience, he becomes more particular with his companions and equipment; accepting only the best and refusing to acknowledge those who show even the slightest flaws. Level 1 (Weaknesses of the Self) Any time the Battle-Brother fails any Challenging (+0) Test or easier, he will become morose, silently cursing his own weakness. He strives to improve himself and continues to doggedly pursue any challenge or test in which he can prove his worth. Level 2 (Weakness of the Equipment) This character feels uncomfortable without equipment he has personally modified for superior use. He may never use any weapon that is not of at least Exceptional quality he did not choose for this mission personally. Although he will use any other item he picks up in the field as the mission demands. Level 3 (Weakness of Others) When presented with moral weakness in people outside of the Killteam he will seek to remove this weakness. Usually this will result in him killing the offending individual(s). And he will endeavor to do just that if he fails a Challenging (+0) Fellowship test, and for his fellow Kill-Team members to persuade him otherwise, one must pass a Difficult (-20) Persuasion Test. If any member of the Killteam fails in performing a Challenging (+0) or easier skill check, he will no longer accept that characters leadership, and will not benefit from squad mode actions from that character, and if he was the leader then the Squad loses 2 coherency. This lasts until the next mission, or earlier at the GM's discretion.

Skin of the Primarchs Cost: 1000 XP Prerequisites: None Action: Full Opposed: No Range: Self Sustained: Yes Description: The Librarian chants in binary, covering himself in the liquid metal of his Primarch. While this ability is active, all worn armours AP is increased by the Librarians PR. All non-armored body parts are now treated as wearing armor and is a self-contained environment, even if breached. Boon of the Machine Cult Cost: 500 XP Prerequisites: None Action: Half Opposed: No Range: 20 meters x PR Sustained: No Description: The Librarian chants specific litanies meant to bring out the best feature of any one mechanical item. This effect lasts a number of minutes equal to the Librarians PR x 10. While under the effect of this power, the weapon, armour or vehicle is treated as quality one step higher than it was crafted at. This power can only be active on one target at one time, and once it wears off the same equipment cannot be upgraded in this fashion again until the next day, due to the Machine Spirits exhaustion. Once this has been used and the equipment enhanced, the Librarian incurs one level of fatigue. Weakness of Flesh Cost: 1000 XP Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 45+ Action: Half Opposed: Yes Range: 50 meters x PR Sustained: No Description: The Librarian forces his way into the minds of weaker creatures and increases the amount of pain they feel with impact. The Librarian may select a number of organic creatures up to his PR. Until his next turn, all attacks against the affected creatures are treated at having the Toxic property. If the weapon already has the Toxic property, its damage is increased by the Librarians PR on a failed toughness test.

Psychic Powers

Written/Compiled by Mkall

Of all of the First Founding Space Marine Chapters, the Raven Guard are by far the least understood by their fellow Astartes, and indeed most of the Imperium. Many see the Space Marines as those who use overwhelming force without compromise not so with the Raven Guard. Due to their lack of numbers they have had to adapt their battle tactics to one of stealth, sabotage and surgical strikes instead of direct assaults. This tactic has caused much strife between the Raven Guard and other, more direct Chapters.

Raven Guard

Deliverance is the barren, airless homeworld of the Raven Guard and the location of its fortress-monastery, called the Ravenspire. Deliverance was once known by the name of Lycaeum before the Great Crusade. The rugged planetoid is the moon of the Forge World of Kiavahr and once served as the primary source of strategic minerals for Kiavahr's vast hive cities and its ruling Tech-Guilds. When Primarch Corax first arrived on Lycaeum, its people were all Kiavahran slaves required to mine Lycaean ores for their Tech-Guild masters. Corax led a great revolt against the Kiavahran garrison on the planet and eventually won the independence of Lycaeum and its people from their tormentors. The newly-freed rebels promptly renamed the moon Deliverance in honour of their victory. Deprived of Lycaeum's ores, the economy of Kiavahr collapsed, ultimately leading to a period of intensive civil war among the planet's Tech-Guilds. When the Emperor's Great Crusade reached Deliverance, Corax only agreed to aid his father once the Emperor promised to bring peace to the people of Kiavahr. The Imperium restored Kiavahr to the control of the Adeptus Mechanicus since it was a Forge World and thus an ancient Mechanicus colony. Soon, it was transformed into a stable Imperial Forge World. The Emperor granted rule over Deliverance to the Raven Guard Legion, who built their fortress-monastery on its barren surface.


Unstable Geneseed

The genetic material of the Raven Guard was greatly damaged by the accelerated processes utilized following the Istvaan V Massacre. Much of the gene-stocks of the Raven Guard were lost or irreparably damaged and as such a significant portion of the Chapters genetic material comes from Terra. Additionally the process of transformation into a marine is notably higher in the Raven Guard and many casualties early in training only add to the slow and limited recruitment process of the Chapter. Even further degeneration in the gene-seed has caused several of the implants to fail, the Betchers Gland and Mucranoid no longer exist within the gene-seed of the Raven Guard, and other defects cause the mariness skinto become paler over until it is as white as their Primarchs, and the eyes and hair of the Astartes will eventually become a deep black.


Owing to the instability of the Raven Guard's gene-seed due to the experiments of Corax, much of the Chapter's genetic stock has been irreparably damaged. Now, much of their genetic material comes from stored supplies held on Terra by the Adeptus Mechanicus. This means the cycle of recruitment for the Raven Guard is much slower than for other Chapters while they wait for purified samples of gene-seed to be sent from Terra and fewer Raven Guard recruits for the Chapter prove able to survive their training and genetic modification. This means the Chapter is constantly short-handed. Raven Guard recruits are almost all drawn from the hardy population of miners that has called Deliverance home for millennia. These recruits are taught the errors of haste early in their training, and that each mistake could cost the lives of themselves or their Battle Brothers. Given the

Written/Compiled by Mkall

perpetual shortage of Marines that the Chapter has, any loss suffered is a grievous one. There is a lesson learned from every fight, so it is not to be forgotten or overlooked as a minor skirmish. The Raven Guard do not venerate the Emperor with the fervour or zeal of many other Astartes Chapters, viewing him instead as a distant figure, the master of the galaxy and the founder of the Imperium but little more. Corax is viewed as a mighty leader capable of making tough decisions when the need was great.

Covert warfare and guerrilla tactics are well known to the Raven Guard. The very skills that made them legendary during the Great Crusade, and allowed them to survive the fires of the Horus Heresy now make up the greater part of the chapters combat doctrine. While the Raven Guard are fully capable of deploying in force when necessary, recruitment is still slow and dangerous and as such the chapter still relies on sabotage and stealth to a large extent. Captain Kayvaan Shrike is the pure embodiment of these tactics and his campaign against the Orks of Targus VIII has become legendary. The Raven Guard are also famed for their ease of deployment, the Chapter's forces are often highly mobile and will deploy in Drop Pods instead of Thunderhawks. This allows the fighting forces of the Raven Guard to quickly assess and adapt to a rapidly changing battlefield. Furthermore the Raven Guard are exemplars of squad level tactics and rapid deployment and these aspects of the Chapter are closely studied and have even been incorporated into the doctrines of other Chapters. Sharing experience and knowledge is not necessarily uncommon, but the extent to which the Raven Guards skill in these areas is acknowledged as impressive. The Raven Guard adhere closely to the dictates of the Codex Astartes, however they rely heavily on Assault Squads and independently operating Scout Squads.

Combat Doctrine:

9 Pasts

Written/Compiled by Mkall

1 Veteran of Targus VIII: You served with Captain Shrike and an elite team of infiltrators that was cut off behind the Ork lines when your pick-up Thunderhawk was shot down. For more than two years you and you fought a guerrilla war deep in Ork held territory, stealing supplies and munitions, sabotaging Ork installations, ambushing and slaughtering the greenskins whenever they could, as well as relaying vital intelligence to the Imperiums forces fighting in the campaign. You and your brothers actions brought the campaign to a successful conclusion decades earlier than predicted. 2 Chaos Incursion into Ultramar: You were part of the Raven Guard squad that fought alongside the Ultramarines. Your squad proved to be an invaluable asset, turning the tide of battle multiple times when it swung against the forces of the Ultramarines and their allies. Most impressive was the destruction of the terrible Black Basilica, a massive mobile fortress of the arch-enemy. Your squad infiltrated deep behind the lines and scaled the sides of the horrific mobile weapon and shrine to the dark gods. Your squad planted demolition charges within the mobile for-tress' primary munitions room. The destruction of the fortress broke the back of the invaders. 3 Nimbosa: The planet of Nimbosa is a hotly contested world on the Eastern Fringe, where the Tau Empire and the Imperium have clashed on numerous occasions. Several Space Marine chapters are reputed to have fought the Tau on the planet at one time or another and the world has changed hands many times. You were a part of the Raven Guard force that assaulted the Tau positions on the planet and forced the xenos to retreat during the Campaign. 4 The Downfall of the Megarchy: In 748.M41 the Hive World of Thruskus denounced the Imperial Creed. The stirring oratories of the local ruling council of elders known as the Megarchy whose charismatic and persuasive oratory held the hives of Thruskus in their thrall. However their rule was short lived. You were with the Raven Guard who struck like lightning, defeating the Megarchs and hanging them from their own hive spires. Within a day of the Megarch's death the world of Thruskus was brought back to compliance. 5 - Defense of Ammoriss: You fought with the Raven Guard forces that responded to the distress call from Ammoriss when the Tyranids invaded that world. The splinter of Hive Fleet Behemoth was defeated by the Imperium in no small part thanks to the deep strikes carried out by you and your battle-brothers.

Strike at the Heart is a Demeanour (see page 32) unique to Space Marines from the Raven Guard Chapter. The Raven Guard follows the dictates of the Codex Astartes closely, though they do differ in the tactical application of their troops. The Raven Guard depend heavily on their ability to act alone for extended periods of time. Tactical prowess and personal initiative are seen as more important than mere might. If there is the possibility of using a swift dagger to the heart instead of a drawn out fight, the Raven Guard are the ones to find it and act. These beliefs cause some tension between the Raven Guard and other Chapters, particularly the Blood Angels who they see as brutish and clumsy. Every member of the Raven Guard is encouraged to speak his mind and offer tactical suggestions. A new Scout may address the Chapter Master in this way without repracussion. This level of expectation has lead to difficulties when the Raven Guard interact with other Chapters who enforce the ranking system more rigidly.

Demeanor Strike at the Heart

Attribute Bonuses

+5 Agility, +5 Intelligence

Implants: Raven Guard Space Marines do not possess either the Betchers gland or Mueranoid gland as their gene
seed has been mutated to the point that they do not function. Raven Guard characters do not gain the benefits of either of these implants. The Melanchromic Organ however has a unique mutation that over the years of service causes the skin of the Battle-Brother to grow paler, eventually they will be as white as their Primarch and their hair and eyes will darken, becoming black as coal.

Starting Equipment

Due to the Raven Guard always seeking an advantage in combat, many prefer to use the older Mk VI Corvus patterns of armour. The character may choose the Corvus pattern of armour and forego the roll to choose armour type.

10 New Talent

Written/Compiled by Mkall

Sudden Strike If an enemy has not yet acted in combat, the characters attack will deal an additional 1d5 points of damage. If attacking a horde, instead deal an additional 3 points of magnitude damage.

Concealment Concealment +10 Concealment +20 Move Silently Move Silently +10 Move Silently +20 Scrutiny Tactics (Recon & Stealth) Tactics (Recon & Stealth) +10 Tactics (Recon & Stealth) +20 Hard Target Hip Shooting Sudden Strike Paranoid Talented (Demolitions)

Chapter Advances Advance

400 400 400 400 400 400 300 200 200 200 500 500 600 500 400



Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Talent Talent Talent Talent Talent

Move Silently Move Silently +10 Tactics (Recon & Stealth) Tactics (Recon & Stealth) +10 Ag 40 WS or BS 40


Dust of Deliverance A small, black pouch of dust from the surface of Deliverance has seen as much combat as the wearer. To have it survive a combat mission intact is a sign of good omen for the next mission. When all primary and secondary objectives have been completed, you gain 1 additional point of renown Avian Medallions Worn by those who have earned a distinctive achievement in some distant battlefield, these medals are worn with pride, their meaning instinctive to all of the Raven Guard Wings Outstretched: Add +2 to any Pilot (personal) Test Perched, Overseeing: Add +3 to Command Tests to prevent the Cohesion damage Open Eye, Watching: Add +2 Damage on the first successful Attack Roll in a combat


The Ravens Wings This is a highly ornate Astartes Jump Pack that was used by Captain Valagria during his tour with the Deathwatch. Raven wings are moulded in deep relief on the sides of the jump pack and the shape of a raven skull adorns the top. This Jump Pack allows a character to multiply their movement distance by two and a half times (base move x2). If this Jump Pack is used in the maximal thrust mode it gives the wearer Flyer (15) instead of the normal 12 of other Jump Packs. In addition if the user is called upon to make a Piloting (Personal) Test when operating the Jump Pack he will gain a +10 bonus to any such test. Ravens Wings: Rq 65 Rank Hero

Solo Mode

Ravens Stealth Rank 1 While for most Chapters the need for stealth ends when a scout is promoted to battle-brother and receives his power armour, for a Raven Guard the stealth training has just begun. The character may roll twice for Concealment and Silent Move Tests and take the better value. This ability cannot be used if the character is wearing Terminator armor. Rank 3 the character ignores 10 points of the penalty on Concealment and Silent Move Tests when wearing Astartes power armour. Rank 5 The character uses this ability gains the Unnatural Agility x2 while using Concealment and Silent Move


Written/Compiled by Mkall

Rank 7 Once per game, the character may choose to forego a roll for either Concealment or Silent Move check and replace it with the result of a 01 as rolled on d%.

Squad Mode Attack

Exploit Weaknesses Action: Free Action Cost: 2 Sustained: No The Raven Guards are masters of exploiting the weakest spot in their enemies defenses. The Raven Guard can observe his enemy and often determine where this weakness lies. When this ability is activated the battle-brother and all of those within support range add +5 to their WS or BS against the specified foe (which can be a Horde) for each additional battle-brother who has attacked the target since their last turn. Improvement: At rank 3 and above each battle-brother can also adds +2 Penetration to their attacks against that target, this benefit is tripled (+6 Penetration) against vehicles or static targets (buildings, bunkers, etc.). At Rank 5 if a Horde is attacked in this manner and suffers enough magnitude loss to incur a WP test the Horde suffers a -10 penalty to WP Tests to avoid breaking, due to the speed and effectiveness of the attack.

Merge Into Cover Action: Free Action Cost: 2 Sustained: No The Raven Guards are masters of scouting and infiltration and so move with a keen awareness of the available cover in their proximity. Whenever any member of the Kill-Team is fired on and this Stance is activated then any battle-brother in Support Range can make an immediate movement to any available cover within Agility Bonus meters. In addition the battle-brothers may ignore any Pinning effects from the attack until they reach cover. Improvement: at rank 4 and above each Battle Brother may move double their Agility Bonus in meters and they add +4 AP to any cover that they reach.

Squad Mode Defense

The more time spent away from his Raven Guard kin, the battle-brother begins to feel out of place with the other Space Marines who seem to favour brutal and clumsy methods of getting the job done. Level 1 See, but don't be seen: The tendency for Marines from the Raven Guard Chapter to always think "outside the box" can have its drawbacks. While the "direct approach" might be more advantageous at times, the character tends to think of such tactics as heavy-handed and limited. For the Raven Guard, only missions that rely heavily on stealth and the precise application of force are ever truly successful. Level 2 Birds of a feather: The character begins to understand that not many other Space Marine Chapters can truly comprehend their methods and often underestimate them, or use them incorrectly. As such he will openly disregard any order that he feels is not playing to his strengths. Others must pass a Hard (-10) Charm Test to sway the characters opinion of their tactics. Level 3 Fly Solo: The character looks upon simple tactics of open frontal assault to be a waste of energy and life, preferring instead to use the time honoured tactics of seeking out and striking at the weak point. When encountering a force that outnumbers the kill-team at least 2 to 1, the character will not participate in a frontal assault if at all possible. If there is another way, he will take it to strike at the foe from an unexpected direction. This causes great consternation within the kill-team, and causes 1 point of Cohesion damage once per mission.

Primarchs Curse Apart From the Flock

12 Psychic Powers

Written/Compiled by Mkall

Enshrouding Night Cost: 500 XP Prerequisites: None Action: Half Opposed: Yes and No, see text Range: 10 metres x PR Sustained: Yes Description: A circle of expanding darkness pulses from the centre of the Librarians blast, and reaches out in a full sphere with the radius equal to the Librarians PR. All enemy creatures that are caught in it suffer a -20 to all WS and BS checks until they move out of the sphere. Members of the Kill Team are unaffected and may attack into/out of the darkness without penalty. In addition, the Librarian may designate a number of enemy creatures within the darkness equal to his PR. If the creature fails the Opposed Test, they are blinded until they leave the darkness. This power affects any creature that can see in perfect darkness, unless its by means of a psyker or other sorcerous ability. Flocked Cost: 1,500 XP Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 50+ Action: Half Opposed: Yes Range: 15 metres x PR Sustained: Yes Description: The Librarians hands open up, and each finger seems to elongate and detach, turning into a giant raven. These ravens form two groupings and will fly at different targets, or the same target is the Librarian chooses. On a Hit, each group of birds razor sharp beaks deal 3d10 + 5 Rending Damage. If the attack would cause Righteous Fury, the Righteous Fury damage could be ignored, and instead the target is permanently Blinded. Perfect Cover Cost: 1,000 XP Prerequisites: None Action: Extended (2) Opposed: No Range: 5 metres Sustained: Yes Description: The Librarian is able to hide himself and as many allies equal to his PR within range using warpcreated falsities to obscure their presence. While unmoving, all affected allies receive +30 on all concealment checks. No penalties are taken from Called Shots from this cover. Moving breaks their cover. They are no longer affected by this power until it is used again. Quagmire Cost: 500 XP Prerequisites: None Action: Full Opposed: Yes Range: 5 metres x PR Sustained: Yes Description: The Librarian designates a number of creatures equal to his PR. These creatures then begin to inexplicably sink into the ground and must succeed a Grapple Test, where the Librarian uses his Willpower instead of his Strength. If the Librarian chooses to damage the creature as part of the Grapple action, he wills the landscape shut, dealing 1d10+(PR x 2) points of Impact Damage. The creature cannot Take Control of the grapple. If this were to happen, the grapple ends and the creature is freed.


Written/Compiled by Mkall

Taste of Deliverance Cost: 1,000 XP Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 45+ Action: Half Opposed: No Range 8 metres x PR Sustained: No Duration: 1 round x PR Description: The Librarian summons for the cold, airless void that surrounds Deliverance and emulates it here. The Librarian creates a 1 metre x 1 metre square of airless space within range. Any enemy that passes through that square (or if the square passes over creature) suffers 1d10+5 damage in which Armour cannot reduce, but toughness can. The creature is immune if environmentally sealed or doesnt breathe. If the creature takes more than 3 points of damage after it is reduced, they are knocked prone due to the lack of air in their lungs. On subsequent turns until the Duration is over, the Librarian may spend a Half Action to move the void any number of squares equal to his Willpower Bonus in any one direction, dealing its effects to any creature it passes through.


Written/Compiled by Mkall

The obsidian-skinned battle-brothers of the Salamanders Chapter have a reputation that sets them apart from their kindred angels of death. The halls of Remembrance in the Promethium Fortress Monastery are those battle brothers who stood alone to accept death in defense of the lowliest of the Imperium. The Chapter brothers of the Salamanders are a paradigm of stoicism and reservation. Every waking moment in a Salamander Marines life is spent improving his capability - whether that be through trials by holy fire or through mastery of his equipment, the Salamander is a reminder that the gaze of the Emperor and his Protectors can sometimes mercifully fall upon the weakest of the Imperium.


The Promethean Cult governs the beliefs of the Salamanders, placing great emphasis on self-reliance, loyalty, and self-sacrifice. These values stem from their training as smiths. The Promethean Cult calls on its followers to emulate the deeds and be true to the teachings of the Nocturnean Primarch Vulkan as well as providing service to and worship of his father, the Emperor of Mankind. Prometheans believe deeply in the virtues of self-reliance and self-sacrifice for others, long defining cultural values of the Nocturnean people, who have struggled to survive the harsh environment of their volcanic and earthquake-wracked homeworld. They hold a firm belief in isolationism, the tenet that only through spiritual meditation and exploration performed alone and in isolation from others can a person gain a true understanding of both themselves and how they can best honour the legacy of Vulkan and serve the will of the Emperor. Prometheans make use of fire in many of their rituals and ceremonies and believe that they must be cleansed by the pain of fire before every major undertaking or initiative. The hammer, sometimes called Vulkan's Sigil, the forge and the anvil are also important symbols for Prometheans due to the importance of smithing in Nocturnean culture. Promethean believers also hold sacred the words of the ancient ritual book known as the Canticle of Immolation, which is often read by Salamanders Chaplains during the Chapter's various ceremonies. It is not uncommon for Salamanders Space Marines to engage in ritual scarring by branding and burning. Frequently held trials of walking over burning coals and carrying red-hot metal bars are a common occurrence. As the Promethean Cult openly calls on its adherents to venerate the Primarchs and follow the Emperor loyally, it is not considered heretical by the Ecclesiarchy and instead has received official sanction as one of the accepted variants of the Imperium's state religion, the Imperial Creed.

Promethium Cult

The Salamanders have built their fortress-monastery on Prometheus, Nocturne's oversized moon. Nocturne itself is too geologically and volcanically unstable a world to build a large, defensible structure upon. Its high gravity and other environmental issues like the constant volcanic eruptions could also make training more problematic and dangerous than even Space Marines would be able to handle. When not at war, the Salamanders prefer to live among the common people of Nocturne and Prometheus, and are the leaders of each settlement. This is a unique trait of the Chapter, and makes the Astartes akin to living gods among the fierce peoples of their feudal homeworld. Once every 5 years, Nocturns weather patterns undergo a sudden shift which blankets the entire planet in raging sand storms accompanied with thunder and lightning. The planets inhabitants have called this event the Time of Trials and all make their way to one of 7 ancient cities that dot the landscape for protection from these violent storms. The Salamanders oversee the migration of course, because thousands of citizens in the open desert makes



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for easy prey, but those who are unable to make the migration are not helped. This is a test of the citizens of Nocturn, not for the Salamanders.


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Recruitment Like many of the First Founding Chapters (and many subsequent ones as well), the Salamanders recruit exclusively from the people of their homeworld, Nocturne. Children aspiring to become Space Marines begin their training at the age of six or seven Terran years as the apprentice to a Salamanders Astartes. They spend several years learning the art of the smith, and the most able apprentices are then judged by the Chapter's Apothecaries and Chaplains to see if they are worthy (and capable of surviving the gene-seed organ implantation process) to become Space Marines. Their training includes many of the same trials the Emperor and Vulkan competed in according to Nocturnan legend, finally culminating in the hunting and slaying of a massive drake on Mount Deathfire. Each Salamanders company recruits solely from one of the great clans of Nocturne, and thus each Battle-Brother is a member of the same clan as his fellow company Battle-Brothers. The Salamanders companies each maintain huge, tracked fortresses that crisscross the volcanic surface of their homeworld, serving as an easy way to interact with their fellow companies and the various Nocturnan clans. Because each battle-brother in a Salamanders Company is a clan brother as well, the Salamanders have been known to fight like their savage namesakes to rescue their fallen and wounded. Combat Doctrine The Chapter follows most normal Imperial tactical and strategic dogma, as emphasized in the Codex Astartes, but with only slight variations. The Salamanders have a preference for close-ranged fire fights and use many Melta and Flamer weapons to burn whole swathes of infantry troops and to smash armoured foes. The Salamanders also have an intimate knowledge of the ways of metal and fire, forging great relics and powerful Artificer items. They have more Techmarines than is normal for an Astartes Chapter, although not a disproportionate number. Because each Salamanders Battle-Brother can repair, service and modify their own arms, power armour and wargear with a decent amount of skill, the Techmarines of the Salamanders are free to craft intricate and powerful items of incredible workmanship and advanced technology. This is most evident in the unusual numbers of Terminators in their force, as well as a greater portion of master-crafted weaponry. Their technological resources are also supplemented by regular trade with the Adeptus Mechanicus, made possible by Nocturne's abundant mineral resources. The Salamanders differ from most if not all other Space Marine Chapters in that each company possesses 120 Space Marines as opposed to the standard 100 that the Codex Astartes prescribes. Additionally, instead of having 10 companies, the Salamanders have only 6 companies of full Astartes in addition to a small company of about 60 Scout Marines. Self-reliance and craftsmanship are both highly prized traits within the Salamanders Chapter as their Primarch Vulkan himself was a great Artificer, forging many wonders. The only Primarch able to match Vulkan's skill at crafting was his iron-handed brother Primarch Ferrus Manus of the Iron Hands Legion, although Vulkan himself preferred to work the steel over a flame rather than using advanced machinery, just as he had when he was young.


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Promethium creed is a Deameanour (pg 32 DW) unique to the Salamanders Chapter. The Salamanders have become renowned as sturdy and dependable allies, a reputation which is not shared by other, more unpredictable, Space Marine Chapters. Many Chapters fight in the name of the Emperor, or for personal glory. The Salamanders are remembered for fighting to save lives, instead of having acceptable casualties. Chapter Master TuShan has said that there is no such thing as acceptable casualties in war. This often leads to confrontations between more callous Chapters such as the Black Templars and more notably, the Marines Malevolent, with whom the Salamanders have refused to work with on several occasions. The Battle Brothers of each clan experience a level of Brotherhood that goes beyond that of fellow warriors. They go out of their way to leave a good impression of Space Marines with everyone they meet, be it a planetary governor to a poor orphan child on the streets. They will not stand down though, so if any opinion goes contrary to that of a Salamanders, then the human had better be prepared to compromise.

Chapter Demeanor Promethium Creed:


+5 Toughness, +5 Fellowship

Starting Talent

All Space Marines of the Salamanders Chapter gain the Talent Resistance (Heat) upon character creation

Charm Charm +10 Charm +20 Performer (Any) Performer (Any) +10 Performer (Any) +20 Survival Survival +10 Trade (Metalwork) Trade (Metalwork) +10 Trade (Metalwork) +20 Cleanse and Purify Duty Unto Death Good Reputation (Any) Hatred (Dark Eldar) Peer (Any) Stalwart Defence

Salamanders Chapter Advances Advance

400 400 400 200 200 200 300 300 200 200 200 300 800 800 500 400 800


Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Talent Talent Talent Talent Talent Talent


Charm Charm +10 Performer (Same Skill Group) Performer (Same Skill Group) Survival Trade (Metalwork) Trade (Metalwork) +10 WP 45 Fel 50, Peer (Same Group) Fel 30


Brands A Battle-Brother typically receives a sacred brand on his skin to show his commitment to the Deathwatch. It may be the last brand he receives until his secondment is over. Anvil and Flame: Reduce 1 wound (to a minimum of 1 wound) from melee damage if there is only one enemy in melee range. Wyrms Coil: Reroll one Overheat roll per session Promethium Sign: +3 to all Fellowship tests to resist Cohesion damage Sand Cloak When living among the citizens of Nocturne, the Salamander wears a Sand Cloak over his armour to protect it from the raging sandstorms. This also provides a modicum of camouflage in the deserts. This cloak grants a +2 bonus to Concealment Tests, +4 if in a desert environment.

18 Relic

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Fire Hammer of the Forgefather The first Salamander to ever serve in the Deathwatch wielded this powerful and ancient weapon said to have been forged by Vulkans Prime Foregemaster. Its long shaft is made of a metal that cannot be reproduced and carries promethium within it. On a swing, the promethium is forced into the hammers massive onyx-black head where it ignites in an outward explosion, causing massive damage to the enemy unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end. The weapon stats are as follows: Fire Hammer: Melee 2d10 + 8 X Pen 10 Shocking, Power Field, Unbalanced, Volitile, Unwieldy Req 75 Wt 20, Rq 65, Hero

Promethium Fire Through a combination of deep familiarity, weapon modification, and extensive training, Salamanders have unparalleled control over their favoured instruments of death. When fighting on his own, or in a detachment of Chapter battle-brothers, a Salamander can achieve superior performance with these chosen weapons. Rank 1 +10m range with all flamer and melta weapons. Rank 3 -10% penalty to enemy Agility tests with flame weapons, +2 damage with melta weapons. Rank 5 +20m range with all flamer and melta weapons. Rank 7 -20% penalty to enemy Agility tests with flame weapons, +4 damage with melta weapons.

Solo Mode Ability

Squad Mode Attack

Brothers of the Clan Action: Free Action Cost: 2 Sustained: Yes The bonds of brotherhood are formed early in the embers of a battle-brothers career. Because of this, if two or more Salamanders are attacking a foe, wither at range or in melee, the foe takes penalties for being Ganged Up on (+10 to WS or BS attacks) Improvement: If the battle-brother is rank 4 or more, the bonus increases to +20

Squad Mode Defence

Obsidian Line Action: Full Action Cost: 2 Sustained: Yes Once the Salamander has decided hes not moving, he will fight until he is overcome. While in effect, the battlebrother and those in support range gain +10 to BS, +10 to all Dodge Tests and +4 AP to all points so long as he remains stationary. When a battle-brother moves (or forced to move), he is no longer in Squad Mode and can reenter if he wishes. Improvement: If the battle-brother is Rank 4 or higher, the bonus increases to +20

Primarchs Curse Inner Fire

A Salamanders soul is a passionalte one, with extreme emotions tempered by years of training and self-control. The strain of keeping everything in check can be wearing at times and as time goes on, the chains that shackle the soul may start to slip. Level 1 Women and Children First The Salamanders training and mindset are such that innocent lives should be protected at all cost, even if the ultimate goal of the mission goes unfulfilled. When presented with a choice, the character takes the option that leads to the most lives being saved. Whether its the short term or long term that he uses to base is decisions is up to him. Level 2 Irate Action The character becomes enraged at the sight of innocent humans suffering for whatever reason. He will do everything possible to find the one responsible and will verbally assault them. If he believes those in the Killteam are responsible (or their respective Chapters) then they shall be the target of his wrath and must succeed a difficult (-20) Charm or Deceive Test to calm him down. On a failure, the squad suffers 1 point of cohesion loss.


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Level 3 Isolation The character refuses to participate in any Squad Mode stances with Space Marines he feels have caused needless harm on the citizens he views and his responsibility and has not sought penance for the actions. Cohesion of the Squad is lowered by 1

Psychic Powers

Blessing of the Forgefather Cost: 1000 XP Prerequisites: WP 50+ Action: Half Opposed: No Range: 10 meters x PR Sustained: Yes Description: The Librarian calls upon the ancient mastery of the Forgefathers, stretching his mind through the warps to request their blessing. The Salamander may select any number of targets equal to his PR within range to receive the blessing of these ancient creators. The recipient's weapons, if melee, burn with white-hot energy and any ammunition fired from the weapons blessed by this quality glow with a supernatural incandescence. Add 1xPR of additional Energy Damage to all blessed weapon's attacks until the Librarian's following turn. Fire from Within Cost: 2000 XP Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 40+ Action: Full or Free Action Opposed: No Range: 30 meters x PR Sustained: No Description: This power may be used only once at a time. The first component consists of the Salamander Librarian launching a tiny meteor-like ball of white-hot flame at his target. Evoking this initial attack takes a Full Action. The target suffers 2d10 Energy Damage as it begins to burn deeper into any armor or armored hide. The target may take a Half Action to try to remove the tiny burning orb by taking a Hard (-20) Agility Test. Attempting to remove it is difficult and may only be tried once per target's turn. If the target succeeds removing it, the orb explodes as soon as it leaves his body, dealing 1d10 energy damage. For every round the orb burns within the creature, the creature suffers 1d10 Energy Damage that ignores Armor Penetration. The second portion of the attack is particularly deadly. Like a tiny grenade, the orb awaits the psychic call from the Librarian to detonate from within its host. The Librarian may choose, as a free action, to detonate the orb dealing 1d10xPR Energy Damage that ignores both Armor Protection and damage reduction due to toughness. Ring of Promethium Cost:1000 XP Prerequisites: WP 40+ Action: Full Opposed: No Range: 10m x PR radius Sustained: Yes Description: Evoking a magnificent wall of fire and smoke, the Salamander Librarian summons the inferno to bend around himself and any allies nearby. This wall obscures any attempts to attack from a distance, reducing the BS by -20 of any ranged attacks directed at a target within the ring. Remarkably, however, the flames bend and open to permit anybody within to fire out unimpeded. Additionally, any hostile creature attempting to move into or out of the circle must pass a difficult (-10) agility test or suffer 1d10+PR Energy Damage.


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Rockhead Cost: 500 XP Prerequisites: None Action: Full Opposed: No Range: 50 meters Sustained: No Description: The Librarian chants from the Tome of Fire and places his hands on solid ground. Within seconds, small gysers of magma spout forth and instantly cool, producing 1 meter x 1 meter squares of solid rock that can act as cover, providing an AP bonus of 5 x PR. The Librarian may create to his PR of these pieces of cover and may choose their location within the powers radius so long as it is an unoccupied square. Using this power is a tiring activity and imposes a level of fatigue on the Librarian. Word of Vulkan Cost: 500 XP Prerequisites: None Action: Half Opposed: No Range: 5m x PR Sustained: No Description: The Salamander Librarian whispers arcane words of prayer toward Promethium before his open mouth begins to smoke and vomit forth billowing fires much like the legendary breath of the Drakes of Nocturne. This weapon works exactly like a shot from a flame weapon for the purposes of chance to hit and setting targets on fire. However, if hit, the target suffers 2d10+2xPR with a Penetration equal to 2xPR.


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The White Scars are one of the First Founding Legions of the Adeptus Astartes. Known and feared throughout the Imperium of Man for their highly mobile way of war, the White Scars are considered the masters of the lightning strike and hit-and-run attack and are particularly adapted to the use of the Astartes Assault Bike as their mechanical steeds. Bearing the ritual scars of bravery, these fierce warriors fight will all the tribal savagery that define the fierce steppe nomads of their homeworld Mundus Planus, bringing swift death to all of the enemies of the Imperium.

White Scars

Home on the Steppes

Mundus Planus is a fertile Feudal World of the Imperium that still exists in a semi-feudal state. When Jaghatai Khan departed on the Great Crusade, the unified empire he had carved from the nomadic peoples of his world dissolved back into the feuding tribes of horsemen that had existed before his arrival. This was believed by some in the White Scars Legion to be the intention of the Primarch, as the restoration of conflict between the tribes ensured that his Legion would have a supply of highly-skilled Neophytes drawn from the warring tribes in the future. The present-day White Scars Chapter is based in the Palace of Quan Zhou, which was built by Jaghatai Khan at the end of his quest to unify all the peoples of Mundus Planus under his rule and is located at the peak of the highest of the great Khum Katra Mountains on the planet. The Palace of Quan Zhou now serves as the Chapter's fortressmonastery. The Storm Seers of the White Scars venture down into the steppes every ten local years, observing the tribes at combat, and take the best of the young warriors to become Space Marine Aspirants.

The predominant unit of social organisation among the nomadic people of the steppes of Mundus Planus is the tribe, a fact reflected in the organisation of the White Scars Chapter. Each squad of White Scars Astartes becomes part of a Brotherhood, a type of unit that is roughly equivalent to a standard, 100-Astartes Space Marines company. Each Brotherhood is led by an officer known as a Khan, who is essentially the White Scars' version of a standard Space Marine company captain The Chapter maintains a different order of battle than most Codex Astartes-compliant Chapters, due to the style of warfare favoured by the Chapter which deemphasizes the use of heavy armour in favour of light, fast-moving mechanised and airborne infantry formations. The White Scars have a propensity to maintain a disproportionate number of Bike Squads and Land Speeder squadrons. This lightningattack fighting style means the White Scars do not make use of as many heavy weapons as other Chapters. For instance, the White Scars possess no Devastator Squads. Due to their reliance on fast-moving fire support, most of the tanks used by the Chapter have had their armour stripped down so that they are able to keep up with the majority of the fast-moving White Scars forces.

Tribal and Free

The Storm Seers of the White Scars venture down into the steppes every ten local years, observing the tribes at combat, and take the best of the young warriors to become Space Marine Aspirants. Once a young warrior is selected from the feuding tribes of the steppes, loyalty to his tribe is replaced by loyalty to the Chapter and the Emperor of Mankind. As their Primarch did during his campaign to unite the steppes, recruits from different tribes are mixed together in the White Scars' squads. Recruits are trained in everything from riding beasts, fixing their bike, tracking and even how to use a bow and arrow. Previous loyalties are discarded and any recruits carrying grudges against another due to past tribal history are allowed to fight in unarmed combat until the grudge is settled. The two are then paired together on many exercises so they come to rely on each others company.



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All White Scar neophytes are given the full history of the White Scars, they are expected to repeat key historical events and figures as well as their impact on the modern Chapter at any time during their training. From this, each warrior becomes intimately familiar with the weight of the Chapters honour, and all debts that it still owes as well as any slight to their Chapters honour that must still be avenged. To the White Scars, the lightning bolt that serves as their Chapter badge is a potent and important symbol, representing both their style of warfare and echoing the warrior Honour Scars that they bear on their faces. It also represents the powers of the Storm Seers. The Chapter believes that as long as the elemental, animistic powers of air and land heed the call of the Storm Seers the White Scars will never falter on the field of battle. All White Scars bear the long, ritual facial scar that is called an Honour Scar and is the mark they receive when they are fully accepted into the Chapter as Neophytes.

The method of war taught to the steppe tribes of Mundus Planus by Jaghatai Khan has served the White Scars well in the millennia that followed. Their modus operandi consists of lightning-fast hit-and-run attacks conducted by highly mobile forces, destroying the enemy piece by piece and never allowing the enemy to force a decisive or static engagement. Being a highly mobile Astartes force, the White Scars have a higher proportion of Bike Squads and Land Speeder squadrons than almost all other Chapters. This means that every White Scars Astartes will rarely take to battle on foot and must have some mechanized deployment to the battlefield even if they eventually dismount to fight as infantry. As such, every White Scars Space Marine makes use of a Jump Pack (for White Scars Assault Marines), Assault Bike, Rhino, Razorback, Land Raider, Land Speeder, Thunderhawk Gunship, or Drop Pods. The Chapter's combat doctrine is to deliver their forces to the battlefield in a single swift blow; thus, when Drop Pods are used, the entire force of the Chapter committed to the assault deploys in them in order to avoid the possibility of parts of the force arriving in reserve. Also, the majority of heavy weapons normally used by Space Marine forces such as the Heavy Bolter, Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun or Heavy Flamer are frowned upon by the Chapter, and any tank that cannot keep up with the rest of the army is avoided in the order of battle. For instance, the White Scars have no Devastator Squads, and their few Predator tanks may not carry sponson weapons. The White Scars also do not field any Dreadnoughts, not only because of the slowness of those cyborgs, but also because every White Scars Astartes does not want to be crippled to the point that they must be entombed in a Dreadnought's cybernetic sarcophagus. Far better to die and allow their spirits to pass into the afterlife where they may roam free. Overall, the White Scars are considered a powerful and effective Chapter when undertaking direct, rapid assaults or carrying out surgical strikes intended to achieve specific operational objectives. However, their lack of units with a great deal of staying power such as heavy weapons-equipped Tactical Marines, Devastator Marines, Dreadnoughts or the heavier Astartes main battle tanks means that their detachments are more fragile if not used at a tactically appropriate moment or if forced to face prolonged, static combat, particularly against well-defended enemy strongholds.

Combat Doctrine

23 Pasts

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1 Sabbat Campaign: You fought shoulder to shoulder against the Ruinous Powers of Chaos that had claimed the Sabbat System as their own. Working under the Warmaster Slaydo was grating at times for his strictly-regimented thinking kept you and your warriors from the freedom in combat you enjoy. The campaign was won after much bloodshed. 2 The Malahat Fortress: The Orks had taken the Imperial world of Malahat from under the Imperiums very noses in a sneak attack unlike their species. While the Imperial Fists wore their defences down slowly, your squad took to the open plains of the planet, hitting the Orks resupply camps and keeping the enemy too unstable to counter the Imperial Fists. The Imperial Fists got the glory of the campaign victory, but you brought your clan honour in knowing that without your efforts, your fellow Astartes wouldve been out-flanked and over-run. 3 Tau Hunt: The Tau insulted you and your squad when they snuck past your defences and sabotaged your bases defence systems before an attack. It took you 12 years to hunt down the ShasO responsible and gut him like a fish, restoring your honour. 4 Death Race: You and the Eldar became aware of an ancient artefact recently uncovered by a mining expedition in the Galactic fringes. Due to anomalies in the area, teleportation was out of the question, so it resorted to an run-and-gun race between your squad and the deadly xenos all the way to the artefact. Your squads mobility matched that of the Eldar, coming down to a final assault on the icy plains where the enemy farseer retreated empty-handed. 5 Face the Scourge: A Storm Seers visions of death and destruction lead you to an unexplored planet on the fringe of Ultimar Obscurus. This planet showed signs of life stripped away without mercy. You could find no active enemies except from what appeared to have been unpowered humanoid skeleton made of metal. Instead of investigating further, you ordered the planet blasted from orbit. Better safe than sorry.

Honour before all is a Demeanour (pg 32 DW) unique to the White Scars Chapter. The White Scars place a high currency on honour, it doesnt matter if it is the honour of the warrior, squad or Chapter; if one part has no honour, then it affects the entire Chapter. Many warriors maintain lists several metres long containing names and deeds that must be avenged to restore long-lost honour. To be honourable is to carry oneself with an air of authority. Many see the White Scars as oafish and boastful in a holier-than-thou method. Unlike the Space Wolves who tell grand tales of their own adventures, the White Scars tell tales of past deeds, interjecting with And the most honourable way to perform it They mean this harmlessly, but many have taken it the wrong way. The White Scars fight for the Imperium, but will not fight for those that they do not see as upstanding citizens. For example if the choice must be made, they may place a higher priority on the slum-dwellers who seek an honest days wage while leaving the wealthy and affluent to fall to the Xenos.

Demeanour - Honour Before All:

Attribute Bonuses
+5 BS, +5 Agility


Cannot be a Devastator or Dreadnaught

Acrobatics Acrobatics +10 Awareness Awareness +10 Awareness +20 Climb Climb +10 Drive (Assault Bike or Land Speeder) Drive (Assault Bike or Land Speeder) +10 Drive (Assault Bike or Land Speeder) +20 Berzerk Charge Frenzy

Skills and Talents Advance

300 300 300 300 300 200 200 400 400 400 800 600


Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill Talent Talent


Acrobatics Awareness Awareness +10 Climb Drive (Assault Bike or Land Speeder Drive (Assault Bike or Land Speeder +10

Exemplar of Honour Hip Shooting Hard Target Master Orator

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500 600 800 500 Talent Talent Talent Talent

Ag 45 Fel 40

Chapter Trappings

Horse Hair Ornamentation The White Scars, despite their preferences for bikes, still have a bond with the wildlife on their home planet. This horse-tail ornament is sacred to you and will grant a +2 bonus to either WS or BS to your next roll (choose at character creation) if you have moved up to your Agility Bonus in metres this turn. Talisman These small talismans are often worn around the neck or attached to the shoulder-plate. They are intricately carved with a vista from their homeworld. Of the Night Sky: +2 on all Awareness Checks Of the Rolling Plains: Enemies do not get the Standard Attack against you if you are Jumping or Leaping Of the Mountains Peak: +1 Movement if Charging


Longbow of the Great Hunt This plasma gun has been heavily modified to look like a Longbow, and has been wielded by Brothers from the White Scars for well over 3 millennia. The markings of the weapon are carved with the names of those who have wounded the wielders pride, followed by inscribed tales on how the wound was avenged with this weapon. The Plasma Gun has the following statistics: Longbow: Range: 150m S/2/- 1d10+10 E Pen 8 Clip 40 Accurate, Volatile Req 60 - Hero

Solo Mode

Agile Offense The White Scars are masters of mobile combat, able to move between cover with ease. True veterans are able to ghost around the battlefield with little regard for foes or terrain. Rank 1 If he has spent a half action to move at least half of his Agility bonus, until his next turn, if the character needs to make a Pinning Test, the test is only made with a -10 penalty instead of a -20. Rank 3 The character increases in speed while travelling on foot as if his Agility Bonus was 1 higher than it is. Rank 5 Difficult Terrain does not affect the characters movement speed. Also when the character disengages from melee, the enemy may still make a Standard Attack, but incurs a -10 penalty to the attack roll. Rank 7 The characters mobility is such that he ignores all difficult terrain and low obstacles such as boxes and barricades may be freely vaulted across without impedance.

Squad Mode Attack

Hit and Run Action: Free Cost: 3 Sustained: No All battle-brothers in support range may immediately take a Half Move. They can make one Standard attack at any point before, during, or after their move before the end of the turn. No enemy may make a Standard Attack as a reaction to moves triggered by this ability Improvement: At Rank 4, the battle-brothers may ignore difficult terrain and Suppressive Fire.

Evasive Patterns Action: Half Cost: 3 Sustained: Yes While this ability in effect, all Battle Brothers within support range are targeted by foes at -10 BS/WS, so long as they move 3 metres or more during their turn. Any vehicle driven by a character affected by the Pattern is also targeted with the same modifiers.

Squad Mode Defense


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Improvement: At Rank 4, ranged fire aimed at those under the effects of this ability (and their vehicles) are treated as firing at 1 range category greater. If already at extreme range, the weapon may not target the battle-brother.

Every White Scar encounters a bestial-like rage if he is not careful. The warning signs are clear to the warrior, but his pride often prevents others from helping him until it is too late Level 1 A Taste for Combat When combat begins, the Battle-brother must make an easy (+10) Willpower test. If he fails, then regardless of specialization training, the Battle-Brother will attempt to close into melee range with a foe as often as possible, usually ignoring his better judgement or orders from a superior. Outside of combat he appears normal, but cannot remember the fight that had just occurred Level 2 Out of My Way You become gruff and rude, suffering a -10 penalty on a Persuasion Tests. In addition you must spend requisition points on a melee weapon and use it in combat. The test made at level 1 is now Challenging (+0) Level 3 Fall by my Blade! The Battle-Brothers combat lust becomes such that he will pick a fight with anyone who crosses him. Anyone wishing to convince the Battle-Brother of a different plan must succeed a Hard (-20) Charm Test or risk being attacked by the battle-brother.

Primarchs Curse Battle Rage

Arc Lightning Cost: 1000 XP Prerequisites: WP 45+ Action: Full Opposed: No Range: 20 meters x PR Sustained: No Description: Living up to his title, the Storm Seer calls forth a bright bolt of lightning and arcs it towards a target. It does not stop there though, and will bounce from one target to the next, dealing 1d10 + PR energy damage to each. Armour of Toughness does not reduce this damage. Each creature cannot be hit by the same bolt more than once and each target can be no further away than the distance value of the power. Fleet of Foot Cost: 500 XP Prerequisites: None Action: Half Opposed: No Range: 20 meters x PR Sustained: No Description: The Storm Seer calls forth images of running on the open plains of his homeland and enables the targeted allies a bonus to their movement equal to 2 + PR for a full move action, half (round up) for a half move action. The Storm Seer may select a number of allies equal to his PR. Hunters Gaze Cost: 500 XP Prerequisites: None Action: Half Opposed: No Range: 150 meters Sustained: Yes Description: While a Space Marines eyesight has been honed to perfection, the Storm Seer manipulates the target to see precisely what he is looking for. The Storm Seer may target one ally with this ability. While the power is sustained, the target gains +5 + PR bonus to Awareness Checks and the Aim action in combat is now a free action.

Psychic Powers


Written/Compiled by Mkall

Storm Front Cost: 2000 XP Prerequisites: Rank 3, WP 50+ Action: Full Opposed: No Range: Special Sustained: No Description: With a clap that could split the Heavens, the Storm Seer unleashes the worst of the storms ever seen on Chokogins steppes. The Storm Seer makes a straight line up to PR meters. He must be adjacent to this line when it is created. He then moves the storm line in one direction up to 5 x PR meters. All creatures caught in the storm take 3d10 + PR x 2 Energy damage and must make a Toughness test opposed by the Storm Seers WP test or be knocked prone. Once the storm reaches the maximum distance, or the Storm Seer chooses to end it early, or the Storm Seers turn is ended, the power disperses. Tempest Field Cost: 1500 XP Prerequisites: WP 40+ Action: Full Opposed: Yes Range: Self Sustained: No Description: Regardless of the weather, or even if there is air around, the Storm Seer whips up clouds of dust and clouds to conceal himself. The clouds move with the Storm Seer and force enemies to take a -5 x PR penalty to all melee or ranged attacks against the Storm Seer. Sorcery and Psychic powers are unaffected. The Storm Seer can see out of the clouds unhindered. This ability lasts for a number of turns equal to the Storm Seers PR.

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