Notes CDI 4 Partial
Notes CDI 4 Partial
Notes CDI 4 Partial
Man’s need to travel dates back as early as the creation of human beings.
Biblical passages alleged that when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the forbidden
three, they were sent out by God from Paradise of Eden. Since then, the human
race expanded and our ancestors constantly move from one place to another to
enable them to survive and others for various reasons. Soon others became
nomadic. They constantly migrate from one place to another according to their
detailed knowledge of exploitable resources.
The term “NOMAD” comes from the Greek word “to pasture” was
originally used to refer to pastoralists-groups that migrate in an established
pattern to find pasture lands for their domestic livestock.
A. MANPOWER- early man, who had no domesticated animals, carried his own
burdens. More so today, manpower is important transportation in many
parts of the world.
The following are some of the inventions and innovations and important events
that lead to modern land transportation:
With the advent of science and technology, new and modernized traffic
facilities are introduced. However, despite of these modernizations, traffic
congestion persists to exist. The only way to at least cope up with the prevailing
traffic related problems is a coordinated traffic management. Traffic management
is therefore designed to make the traffic
1. All public surface facilities traversing and parking and all types of
conveyances for the movement of persons and things.
Mainly involves making the rules known and motivating each
individual to follow the traffic rules and regulations. Traffic rules are
meant to encourage a traffic flow which is as safe and smooth as
It is the process giving training and practice in the actual application
of traffic safety knowledge.
Lawmakers are pushing for the passage of a measure requiring all private
and public elementary and secondary schools to include the subject Road and
Traffic Safety Education in their curriculum. Reps. Rufus Rodriguez and Maximo
Rodriguez, Jr. filed House Bill 6098 to be known as the Road Courtesy,
Discipline and Traffic Safety Education Act as they stressed the need to start
early in instilling discipline, road courtesy and obedience to traffic laws.
Over the past three years, traffic accidents in the Philippines have seen a concerning
SAFETY CAMPAIGN- This is a mass publicity aimed to make road users behave
more safely. This focuses on attitudes and or specific behaviors.
1.1perceptual scanning
2.1 predicting
2.2 decision making
Education Programs:
1. Comprehensive- this method places the student into real life of driving
situation from the beginning.
2. Traditional Instruction- instruction that depends on the instructor-student
3. Commentary driving method- the student is accompanied by an
instructor. The instructor will give comment about the driving skill of the
4. Simulated conditions- known also as “On and Off Road training”
Simulator; is a static machine with all the important features of car used in
driving method.
Way back April 2020, the LTO had issued a memorandum circular for the
new requirements needed prior an applicant can get their student permit.
MANDATORY 15 hour theoretical driving course
According to the LTO, the seminar will be focused on traffic laws, and
other driving essential skills. Interested applicants can relax as the
seminar is broken down into three 5-hour sessions which they can
attend on different scheduled dates.
Each session will include the introduction to driving, traffic rules, and the
land transportation-related special laws where 13 traffic laws will be
After the participants are done with the test and course they will receive a
certificate of completion, this will automatically be transmitted to the
LTO by driving course centers.
Only LTO accredited driving schools are allowed to issue the 15-hour
long course. A driving school center is required to first get a 90-day
provincial permit before they can apply for a two-year permit. In order to get
the provincial permit, the driving center will have to pay P5,000. Permit
renewals will cost P3,000 to renew for another two years.
Driving school instructors, on the other hand, will have to pay a P1,000
accreditation fee that is valid for two-years. These instructors must also
score no less than 85 percent on the theoretical part of the LTO driving
exam. It is done to ensure that the instructors are knowledgeable about the
subject matter.
NOISE- The ill effect of noise is one of the major considerations in the
evaluation of the consequences of traffic urbanization to the environment.
VIBRATION- Effect can be severe, particularly when there are heavy trucks
and when the building is old.
AIR POLLUTION- it is one of the more difficult problem because of the
complexity of the issues involved.
DIRT- these are foul and filthy substances related to motor vehicle use such
as empty can of oils, grease materials, etc.
VISUAL INTRUSION- this can have positive and negative effects. The
appearance of an elevated expressway or railway above a neighborhood is
one of the aspects most frequently complained of.
LOSS OF PRIVACY- from drivers and others being able to look at one’s
house and garden frequently disliked environment effect.
RELOCATION- There must be programs that are designed to cover
compensation for those who relocate as a consequence of transport
investment, whether property owner or tenants.
cases, benefits offset the distraction cost, which are experienced by people
during construction of new facilities, loss of business, excess noise, dirt and
vibration during construction.
ACCIDENT EXPERIENCES- these are evaluated by well established
procedures of which perhaps the only major controversial aspect is the
valuation given to human life.
PEDESTRIAN JOOURNEY- the opportunity to make the roads safe and
enjoyable for pedestrians’ ad efficient for vehicles and set of roads.
CONGESTION- in order to reduce traffic congestion there should a
construction of diversion roads or highways.
It involves the study and management of how traffic flow impacts economic
activities, such as:
1. Transportation Costs
- This includes the costs associated with moving goods and people from
one place to another. Fuel, maintenance, labor, and time all
contribute to the overall cost.
2. Economic Impact of Congestion
- Traffic congestion can lead to increased costs for businesses and
individuals due to delays, wasted fuel, and reduced productivity. It
can also impact the local economy by making areas less accessible or
attractive to businesses.
3. Infrastructure Investment
- The economy around building and maintaining transportation
infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and public transportation
systems, is also a critical component. Investments in infrastructure
can stimulate economic growth by improving connectivity and
reducing transportation costs.
4. Traffic Management and Economic Efficiency
- Efficient traffic management can enhance economic performance by
reducing delays, improving safety, and ensuring that goods and
services are delivered on time.
5. Environmental and Social Costs
- Traffic can have broader economic implications, including
environmental pollution, health costs, and the impact on property
values and urban development.