Physics - Pattrick - Dasgupta Du University Of. Delhi

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Title Professor First Name Patrick Last Name Das Gupta Photograph

Address Department of Physics & Astrophysics,
University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007

Phone No Office +91-011-27667793

Residence +91-011-27662342
Mobile +91-9910939442
Educational Qualifications
Degree Institution Year
5 yrs integrated M.Sc. in B.I.T.S., Pilani 1981
Ph.D. in Physics T.I.F.R., Mumbai 1989

Career Profile
1. Post doctoral fellow at IUCAA, Pune, during 1989-93, and very briefly during 1989-90 at University of Wales, Cardiff
(UK) and Observatoire de Meudon, Paris
2. Joined the University of Delhi in 1993 as a lecturer
3. Became a reader in 1996 and has been a professor since 2004
Administrative Assignments
(a) I am part of the Space Allocation Committee (2019) that delves on the criteria and modus operandi of
allocating space for various faculty members, laboratories and innovation lab.
(b) I have been the Convener of the Capital Funds Grant Committee, involved in the allocation of grants for
research facilities and development of infra-structure.

Areas of Interest / Specialization

General Relativity; High energy astrophysics; black holes; quantum theory

Subjects Taught

Classical mechanics ; Quantum mechanics ; Electromagnetic theory ; Radiation theory; General relativity and
Cosmology I and II; Astronomy & Astrophysics-II; Computer lab. ; Waves & Optics lab. ; Laser & Spectroscopy lab.

Research Guidance
Two students (Niraj Upadhyay and Varsha Gupta) had completed their PhD with me. Currently three
students (Nidhi Saini, Mohd. Sirtaz and Jeetender Kumar ) are enrolled for their PhD with me.

Publications Profile Page 1
1. P. Das Gupta, `Three faces of Aharanov-Bohm Phase’, in Lectures on Quantum
Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, eds. Anirban Pathak and Ajoy Ghatak (Viva
Books Pvt. Ltd., 2019)

2. P. Das Gupta, `On Reasonable Effectiveness of Pedagogy of Mathematical Physics’,

2019, submitted (
_Pedagogy_in_Mathematical_Physics​ )

3. ​P. Das Gupta, `Artificial Intelligence, Free Will, Physics and all that useless
ruminations’, Echo (Physics Journal, St. Stephens College), 6-8, March Issue (2019)

And also please see:

Conference Organization/ Presentations (in the last three years)

1. I presented an invited lecture on `Supermassive black holes from Bose-Einstein condensates’

at the FTAG-2016 held in SNBNCBS, Kolkata, during February 22-26, 2016.
2. I presented a paper on `Supermassive black holes from Bose-Einstein condensates’ in the
International Conference on General Relativity and Gravity held at the Columbia University, New
York, during July 10 - 15, 2016.
3. I presented a paper on `Supermassive black holes from Bose-Einstein condensates’ in the
Conference on Long Range interactions in many body physics held at the ICTP, Trieste, during
July 25 - 29, 2016.
the International Conference on Oriental Astronomy, held at IISER, Pune, in November 2016.
5. I was invited to give a lecture on Bose-Einstein condensates in Frontiers of Physics, 2017,
University of Burdwan and INO (TIFR) .
6. I was invited to co-chair the Classical Gravity Workshop sessions of 29-th meeting of IAGRG
held at IIT, Guwahati, in May 2017, and I also presented a paper in the conference.
7. I was invited to present a paper in RETCO-III held in IIAST, Thiruvanathapuram, in June 2017.
8. I was invited to present a paper in the workshop on Gamma Ray Bursts: Prompt to Afterglow,
held at NCRA (TIFR), Pune, in July 2017.
9. I was invited to deliver a lecture on `Direct detection of gravitational waves’ in a conference
organized by P.R.L., Ahmedabad, on New Initiatives in Fundamental Science Experiments held
in Udaipur during September 12-14, 2017. Page 2
10. I was invited to deliver a lecture on ​ ​`​An outburst on Gravitational Wave Bursts,Radio
Bursts and Gamma Ray Bursts’ in the ​ ​Journal Club School of Physical Sciences, JNU, in
October 6, 2017.
11. ​ I was invited to deliver a lecture on ​ ​`​Three faces of quantum phase’’ in a Workshop on
Quantum Physics ​held at Kalindi College, University of Delhi, on October 6, 2017.
12. I was invited to deliver lectures in many Refresher Courses for Teachers held at Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi, during 2015-2017, on subjects ranging from quantum physics to
13. I was invited to deliver a lecture on Formation of Supermassive black holes in an
International Conference on The Physical Universe at Nagpur during 26.2.18 to 1.3.18.
14. BITS, Pilani, had invited me to deliver a lecture on `Hawking’s legacy in Physics’ organized
to pay homage to Stephen Hawking in April, 2018.
15. I was invited to lecture on `Gravitational Waves’ at IIT, Mandi, in May, 2018.
16. I was invited to give a lecture on `Recent excitement in the research in Astrophysics’ in a
workshop on `Pedagogy and Research in unversities’ at Amity University, Gwalior, in May, 2018.
17. I delivered a lecture on `Fast Radio Bursts’ in the Feynman Club of St. Stephen’s College on
18. I delivered a set of lectures on `General Relativity’ in SERB preparatory school in
Theoretical High Energy Physics at the Central University, Hyderabad, in September, 2018.
19. I delivered a set of lectures on `General Relativity’ in SERB preparatory school in
Theoretical High Energy Physics at the Central University, Hyderabad, in September, 2018.
20. I was invited to deliver a lecture on `Dark matter and Dark energy in cosmology’ at BITS,
Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, in September, 2018.
21. I delivered a lecture on `Formation of Supermassive Black holes’ at BITS, Pilani, Goa
Campus, in November, 2018.
22.. I was invited to deliver lectures in a conference on `The Stellar Legacy of Meghnad Saha’
held at I.M.Sc., Chennai during January 3-4 , 2019.
23. I was invited to deliver a lecture in an international conference ICPST-2019 on `The Puzzle
of Supermassive Black holes found at the centres of Active Galactic Nuclei ’ held in University of
Delhi during January 17-19, 2019.
24. I was invited to deliver a lecture in a conference on `Frontiers in Particle Physics and
Cosmology’ held in Hyderabad Central University during January 23-25, 2019.
25. I delivered a lecture on `Direct detection of Gravitational Waves’ in the Khalsa College, Delhi
University on January 28, 2019.
26. I was invited to give two lectures on `Dark matter and Dark energy in the Universe’ in a 2-day
workshop on `Shedding Light on the Dark Side of the Universe’ organized by Hindu College,
Delhi University, during February 8-9, 2019.
27. I delivered a lecture on `Quantum magic and mysteries’ at the Kirori Mal College, Delhi
University, on February 26, 2019.
28. I was invited to deliver lectures on `Supermassive Black holes’ and `Gravitational waves’ at
I.I.T., Jodhpur, during March 30-31, 2019. Page 3
29. I was invited to chair a session and present a paper in the conference RETCO-IV held at
IUCAA, Pune, during April 17-20, 2019.

Research Projects (Major Grants/Research Collaboration)

Awards and Distinctions

Association With Professional Bodies

1. I was selected as a member of the International Advisory Committee of XI-th International

Conference on
Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology of Asia-Pacific Countries, held in Kazakhstan, during
October 2013.

2. I am a member of Indigo Consortium for gravitational waves detection, and have delivered
series of lectures on Gravitational Waves held at various IUCAA workshops like
in Tezpur University, Assam, in January, 2012, in BITS-Pilani, Goa Campus, in December,
2012, and in Kochi, Kerala, during December 28, 2015 - January 1, 2016.

3. I am a life member of Indian association of general relativity and gravitation (IAGRG).

4. I have been selected to be in the Department Research Committee of the Deptt. of physics,
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak (Chhattishgarh). Page 4
5. I have been selected to be a member of the UG Board of Studies in Physics, Pondicherry
University, Puducherry.
Other Activities
I was selected by Homi Bhabha Centre of Science Education, TIFR, to lead the Indian
delegation of physics students at the International Physics Olympiad held in Mumbai, India,
during July 2015. I have been involved in International Olympiads since 2011. I was also
selected by Homi Bhabha Centre of Science Education, TIFR, to lead the Indian delegation of
physics students at the International Physics Olympiad held in Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia, during
July 2012. I was part of the academic team of International Olympiad on Astronomy and
Astrophysics, held at NISER, Bhubaneswar, in December 2016.

Signature of Faculty Member

● You are also requested to also give your complete resume as a DOC or PDF file to be attached as a link on your faculty
page. Page 5

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