PCOM Lesson 1
PCOM Lesson 1
PCOM Lesson 1
What is Communication?
Communication can be defined as a process by which information, meanings and feelings are shared by persons
through a common system of verbal and nonverbal symbols, signs or behavior.
Forms of Communication
1. Intrapersonal Communication is talking to oneself (self-talk) through internal vocalization or
reflective thinking due to some internal or external stimulus. In other words, this type of
communication takes place within the person. For example, you may talk to yourself about what you
want to drink because of the internal stimulus of thirst, or you may think about a car accident you
have witnessed. In contrast with other forms of communication, intrapersonal communication takes
place only inside a person’s head.
2. Interpersonal Communication is a form of communication wherein individuals are engaged
actively in the overt and covert transmission and reception of messages.
○ Dyadic Communication is a two-person communication such as telephone conversation,
job interview and doctor-patient conversation.
○ Small Group Communication ideally consists of three to six persons such as committee
meeting, buzz session and brainstorming activity.
3. Public Communication is conveying information to a large audience. It is more sender- focused
than intrapersonal and interpersonal forms of communication.
○ Speaker – Audience Communication is talking to a large number of people who
are gathered for some occasion. The speaker centers the communication event on the
audience. He analyzes the audience to determine the content, language usage and
listener expectations. Effective communication occurs because the speaker can tailor
messages to the needs of the listeners.
○ Mass Communication is the “process whereby media organizations produce and
transmit messages to large publics and the process by which those messages are sought,
used, understood, a
Models of Communication
Social context can be described as the declared rules or undeclared norms that guide communication. As we get
integrated with different communities, we become acquainted with rules and indirectly get along the norms for
sharing experiences. Some common rules that influence social contexts include don’t lie to people, don’t
interrupt people, don’t pass people in line, greet people when they greet you, thank people when they pay you a
compliment, and so on. These rules are often overtly taught to children or students by their parents or teachers.
Rules may be stated over and over, and there may be punishment for not following them.
Relational context involves our erstwhile socializations and type of association we have forged with other
people. We communicate differently with someone we just met versus someone we’ve known for a long time.
First time encounters with individuals are inclined to be dictated by established rules and norms; however, once
we have a strong relational context, we tend to disregard or alter social norms and rules more easily.
Cultural context consists of an individual’s self-concept and self-perception in relation to nationality, ethnicity,
religion, social class, race, gender and sexual orientation. We have not just one but multiple identities that
influence our communication. Our awareness of these identities adversely impact the way we interact with
others, especially when we feel inferior to other cultures. Similarly, people with identities that are dominant or in
the majority - who think highly of their culture - show more confidence in the way they communicate with
others particularly those that have been historically oppressed and downgraded.
● Verbal communication allows individuals to exchange ideas, opinions, values and suggestions, and
creates an atmosphere where an individual can connect with another.
● Verbal communication may take place face-to-face or through some media such as the telephone.
● When a person engages in a conversation with a friend, this is verbal communication because it allows
them to use words to communicate with each other. Through letters, various documents, memos, text
messages, and bills, people communicate with others. Both situations exemplify verbal communication
in oral and written form, respectively.
● Since words are man’s primary symbols, verbal communication creates a condition where transferring
information becomes very clear.
Nonverbal communication is wordless exchange of information, thoughts, feelings, etc. between or among
● People communicate a lot nonverbally through intonation and stress, gross bodily movements such as
gestures and facial expressions, material things such as hair style and jewelry, and touching, kissing and
● These nonverbal elements give deeper meaning and intention to words.
● Nonverbal signals can give clues and additional information and meaning over and above verbal
● Nonverbal signals are more vulnerable to misunderstanding.
Both verbal and nonverbal communications are part of the complete interaction process and, in practice, are
inseparable. A combination of verbal and non-verbal signals is a good style to effectively convey information,
thoughts and feelings. Smiling, laughing, and using a friendly tone of voice while saying, “That is so funny,” lets
your listener know that you really do think the situation is funny. However, making the same statement while
using an unfriendly tone of voice accompanied by no smile, clearly lets your listener know that you do not, in
fact, find the situation humorous. Another example that shows successful integration of verbal and nonverbal
communication is using your finger to point to the direction you are describing.