Aristotle's Theory of Justice
Aristotle's Theory of Justice
Aristotle's Theory of Justice
Universal Justice
Commutative Justice
Particular Justice
Distributive Justice
1. Universal Justice
→ What is Just ?
→ What is law?
General rules of Justice or Correct behavior that aims at promoting the common
2. Particular Justice
i. Distributive Justice
i. Distributive Justice
→ Distributive Justice is exhibited in the distribution of honor, property, wealth, benefit, burden,
•Equal should get equal share and Unequal Should get unequal share.
-It is intermediate between too large share and too small share.
While doing distribution we take into account who the person is.
→ This type of Justice is required in cases where one individual acts against other in such a
→ In this case the Judge takes 'gain' from the agent and return it to the victim, thus restoring