Lift and Escalators Sectional Committee, ETD 25
This Indian Standard was adopted by Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Lift and
Escalators Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council.
Lakhs of lifts are in use today in India and almost 50 percent were installed more than 20 to 30 years ago. Existing
lifts were installed to the safety level appropriate at that time. This safety level is less than today’s state-of-the art
safety due to new technologies being used in latest lifts. The lower level of safety means there is potential for
accidents to take place.
The objective of this standard is to provide requirements for improving safety of existing Passenger and Goods
cum Passenger Lifts. This revision was made to IS 17491 to align this standard with IS 17900 (Part 1 & 2)
The Part 11 of this IS 17900 series of standards supersedes IS 17491: 2020
Furthermore, the life cycle of a lift is longer than most other transportation systems and building equipment,
which, therefore, means that lift design, performance and safety can fall behind modern technologies. If existing
lifts are not upgraded to today’s state-of-the art safety, the number of injuries will only increase (especially in
buildings which can be accessed by the general public).
Thus, this standard helps to identify the risk situations in earlier built lifts having lower level of safety and proposes
remedies to enhance their safety level to mitigate the risk. It also suggests priority for work on various identified
risks considering the severity and the frequency of occurrence.
This standard can be used as a guideline for:
a) Programme of implementation in a reasonable and practicable way may be determined based on the level of
risk (for example, extreme, high, medium, low) and economic considerations (see Annex A);
b) owners to follow their responsibilities according to existing regulations;
c) maintenance companies and/or inspection bodies to inform the owners on the safety level of their installations;
d) owners to upgrade the existing lifts on a voluntary basis in accordance with (c) if no regulations exist. In making
an audit of an existing lift installation, Annex A can be used to identify the hazards and corrective
actions in this standard. However, where a hazardous situation is identified which is not covered in
this standard, a separate risk assessment should be made. This risk assessment should be based on
ISO 14798 : 2009 Lifts (elevators), escalators and moving walks — Risk assessment and reduction
The composition of the Committee, responsible for the formulation of this standard is given at Annex B.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:
2022 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised )’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded
off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Indian Standard
1.1 This standard gives rules for improving the safety of existing lifts with the aim of
reaching an equivalent level of safety to that of a newly installed lift by the application of
today's state-of-the-art safety norms.
This standard applies for permanently installed electric lifts with traction and hydraulic lifts
(where applicable), serving defined landing levels, having a car designed for the transportation
of persons or persons and goods and moving between guide rails inclined not more than 15° to
the vertical.
NOTE — Due to situations such as the building design, etc., it may not be possible in all cases to reach
today's state-of-the-art safety.
1.2 This standard includes the improvement of safety of existing passenger and goods
passenger lifts for:
a) Users;
b) Maintenance and inspection personnel;
c) Persons outside the well, machine room and the pulley room (but in their immediate
vicinity); and
d) Any authorized persons.
Through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication,
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements
based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
editions of these standards.
IS No. Title
IS17900 (Part1) : Lifts for the Transport of Persons and Goods : Part 1 Safety Rules
IS17900 (Part2) : Design Rules, Calculations,
2022 Examinations and Tests of Lift Components
SP 7 : 2016 National Building Code of India (NBC): Part 8 Building services,
Section 5 Installation of lifts, escalators and moving walks, 5A Lifts —
Annex C
15259 : 2002 Installation and maintenance of home lifts — Code of practice
15330 : 2020 Requirements of lifts for persons with disabilities (first revision)
17386 : 2020 Electric traction lifts — Replacement of existing passenger and goods
passenger lifts in existing building
3.1 Authorized Person — A person authorized by appropriate authority for carrying out one
or more of lift related functions, such as inspection, testing, maintenance, rescue and who
may carry out the function(s) with permission from the owner of the lift.
3.2 Existing Lift — Lift which is in service at the disposal of its owner.
3.3 Levelling Accuracy — Maximum vertical distance between car sill and landing sill during
loading or unloading of the lift.
3.4 Stopping Accuracy — Maximum vertical distance between car sill and landing sill at the
moment when a car is stopped by the control system at its destination floor and the doors
reach their fully open position.
3.5 Owner of the Installation — Natural or legal person who has the power of disposal of
the installation and takes the responsibility for its operation and use.
Significant hazards not dealt with by this standard include the following:
a) Fire in well, machine room and pulley room;
b) Environmental conditions including, for example, earthquake and flooding;
c) Electromagnetic compatibility; and
d) Shearing due to sharp edges.
5.1 General
The following requirements and/or protective measures shall not be considered as the only
possible solution. Alternatives are permitted, provided they lead to an equivalent safety level.
A risk assessment shall be made on a case by case basis for safety items not covered in this
Where the requirements of this standard cannot be met and a residual risk remains, or cannot
be avoided, then appropriate procedures such as signs, instructions and training shall be given.
For specific requirements such as accessibility, requirements against vandalism and behaviour
of lifts in the event of fire, the conditions in the building shall be checked to see what is practical
to be applied for lifts.
If a lift has been upgraded by one of the measures described in this standard, the consequences
to other parts of the lift have to be considered.
5.2 Risk: Presence of Harmful Materials: Priority Level: High
Harmful materials like asbestos in brake linings, contactor shields, cladding of the well, landing
doors, cladding of the machine room, etc., shall be replaced by Non-harmful materials which
ensure the same performance level.
5.3 Accessibility Requirements
5.3.1 Risk: No or Limited Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities: Priority Level: Medium
Where existing lifts are intended to be used also by persons with disabilities, the requirements
of IS 15330 shall be considered. The items considered are subject to a risk assessment on a
case by case basis
5.3.2 Risk: Drive System with Bad Stopping/Levelling Accuracy: Priority Level: High
Of particular importance, the stopping and levelling accuracy shall comply with of
IS 17900 (Part1): 2022, which means:
a) the stopping accuracy of the lift shall be ±10 mm; and
b) the levelling accuracy of ±20 mm shall be maintained.
NOTE — It is recommended to apply the above to all lifts by retrofitting V3F drive to
single speed lifts and two speed lifts.
5.4 Risk: No or Inadequate Vandal Resistance: Priority Level: Medium
Where the lift is installed in an environment where it is subjected to vandalism, the special
if available, shall be considered. The items to be considered are subject to a risk assessment on
a case by case basis.
5.4.1 Risk: No or Inadequate Control Functions in Case of Fire: Priority Level: Medium
When the fire security strategies ask for a recall control, then the requirements given sin 5.12.5
of IS 17900 (Part1): 2022 shall be considered. The items to be considered are subject to a risk
assessment on a case by case basis.
5.4.2 Risk: Inadequate fire protection requirement in building: Priority Level: High
Provide building protection according to 5.12.5 of IS 17900 (Part1): 2022
5.4.3 Risk: No Or Inadequate Earthquake Resistance: Earthquake resistance if at least the
building is earthquake resistant. Priority Level: Low: Zone II/III & Medium: Zone IV/V
Refer 9.5 of NBC 2016 - Part 8-Sec 5A, if at least the building is earthquake resistant
5.5 Well
5.5.1 Risk: Well Enclosures with Perforate Walls: Priority Level: High
Where wire grill construction is used, the mesh should comply with of IS 17900 (Part1):
a) Where wire grill or similar construction is used, the mesh or opening shall be such that the
opening between the bars shall reject the ball of 32 mm in diameter and the lift well enclosure
shall be of sufficient strength to resist accidental impact by users of the staircase or adjoining
b) Where the clearance between the inside of an open type lift well enclosure and any moving
or movable part of the lift equipment of apparatus is less than 50 mm, the opening in the
enclosure shall be further protected by netting of square mesh of aperture not greater than 12
mm and of wire not smaller than 1 mm dia.
c) A protective imperforate rigid screen shall be provided around the landing door locking
devices in order to prevent any manipulation of the locking devices by means of a rigid rod
0.30 m long.
NOTE — Preservation of historical buildings may require retention of an existing perforate
5.5.2 Risk: Partially Enclosed Well with too low Enclosure: Priority Level: High
The dimensions of the partial enclosure shall be in accordance with 5.2.5 of IS 17900 (Part1):
5.5.3 Risk: Inadequate Locking Devices on Access Doors to well and pit: Priority Level: High
Locking devices and their electrical safety devices of any such doors shall be such, that on
opening any door, the lift should not move.
5.5.4 Risk: Inadequate Vertical Surface below Landing Door Sills: Priority Level: High
Below each landing doorsill, the wall of the well shall be in accordance with 5.2.5 of IS 17900
(Part1) : 2022.
5.5.5 Risk: Counterweight without Safety Gear in case of Accessible Spaces below Well :
Priority Level: Low
If accessible spaces do exist below the car, the counterweight, or the balancing weight; the
counterweight / Balancing weight shall be provided with a safety gear as per of IS 17900
(Part1) : 2022.
5.5.6 Risk: No or Inadequate Partition for Counterweight: Priority Level: Low
The travelling area of the counterweight shall be protected by an adequate screen in the pit as
per of IS 17900 (Part1): 2022.
5.5.7 Risk: No or inadequate inspection control station in the pit: Priority Level: Low
Provide inspection control station in the pit as per b) of IS 17900 (Part1): 2022.
5.5.8 Risk: Too large distance between leading edges of car and landing doors: Priority Level:
Persons shall be prevented from entering between the car door and landing door in accordance
with of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022
5.6 Screens
5.6.1 Risk: No or Inadequate Pit Screen for Several Lifts in the Same Well: Priority Level:
Where there are adjacent lifts in a common well, the installation shall have a partition in the pit
in accordance with of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.6.2 Risk: No or Inadequate Partition for Several Lifts in the Same Well: Priority Level: High
Where the well contains several lifts, a partition for the full height of the well shall be fitted in
accordance with of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.7 Risk: Insufficient Safety Spaces in Headroom and Pit: Priority Level: High
Where top and/or pit clearances are found not to be in accordance & of IS 17900
(Part1) : 2022, the relevant requirements as per IS 17386 shall be followed.
5.8 Risk: No or Inadequate Stopping Devices in the Pit or in the Pulley Room: Priority
Level: High
The pit and pulley room shall have appropriate stopping devices in accordance with
of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022
5.9 Risk: No or Inadequate Lighting of the Well: Priority Level: High
The well shall have adequate lighting for safety of maintenance personnel when working on
lift car top or in the lift lit. Where it is not adequate, it shall be fitted in accordance with
of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.10 Machine and Pulley Rooms
5.10.1 Risk: No or Unsafe Means of Access to Machine and Pulley Room: Priority Level: High
A site evaluation of the hazardous situations shall be carried out to bring the access to the
machine and pulley room to a safety level reflected by 5.2 of IS 17900 (Part1): 2022.
5.10.2 Risk: Slippery Floor in Machine or Pulley Room: Priority Level: Low
The floors of machine rooms and pulley rooms shall be non-slippery in accordance with 5.2 of
IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.10.3 Risk: Insufficient Clearances in Machine Room: Priority Level: Medium
The machine room shall be checked so that the horizontal clearances are in accordance with
5.2.6 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
Where this is found not to be the case, protection from the moving equipment shall be provided,
where practical.
5.10.4 Risk : No or Inadequate Protection on Different Levels in Machine: Priority Level: High
A site evaluation of the hazardous situations shall be carried out to ensure the levels and
recesses in the machine room are to an acceptable safety level.
5.10.5 Risk: Inadequate Lighting in Machine or Pulley Room: Priority Level: High
The lighting in the machine and pulley room shall be adequate. Where it is not adequate, it
shall be fitted in accordance with of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.10.6 Risk: Inadequate Means of Handling Equipment: Priority Level: Medium
The existing metal supports or hooks for the handling equipment in the machine room or well
shall be checked that they are safe for use, suitably positioned and marked with the safe
working load.
5.10.7 Risk: No or inadequate stopping device at the machine in the machinery space: Priority
Level: Low
Provide devices according to e) of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.10.8 Risk: Inadequate machine brake (only one brake set): Priority Level: High
Provide brakes according to of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.11 Landing Doors and Car Doors
5.11.1 Risk: Perforate Landing Doors and Car Doors: Priority Level : High
Landing and car doors shall be imperforate in accordance with 5.3 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.11.2 Risk: Inadequate Design of Landing Door Fixings: Priority Level : High
Each landing door fixing (for example, fixing screws, bottom door guides, top door rollers,
etc.) shall resist the forces and derailment as defined in of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022 to
avoid the door panel falling into the well.
5.11.3 Risk: Inadequate Glass in Doors: Priority Level: High
Landing and car doors which contain glass shall be checked to see that the glass fitted is in
accordance with of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022
5.11.4 Risk: No or Inadequate Lighting on Landing Doors: Priority Level: Medium
The lighting of the landings in the vicinity of the landing doors shall be in accordance with
5.3.7 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.11.5 Risk: No or Inadequate Protective Devices on Power Operated Doors: Priority Level:
All lifts shall be provided with door protective devices in accordance with of IS 17900
(Part1) : 2022.
Where the existing lifts are intended to be used also by persons with disabilities, the
requirements of 4.1.3 of IS 15330 shall be met.
5.11.6 Risk: Unsafe Locking Device of Landing Door: Priority Level: High
All landing door locking devices shall have an equivalent or better safety level to of IS
17900 (Part1) : 2022. Where they have not, they shall be replaced with locking devices in
accordance with 5.3.8 to 5.3.15 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
Landing door locking devices shall not be accessible from the outside of the well (for example,
reaching through a mesh well) by unauthorized persons to prevent deliberate misuse.
5.11.7 Risk: Unlocking of Landing Door without a Special Tool: Priority Level : High
Any emergency unlocking of a landing door shall only be possible by the use of a special device
(for example, triangular key).
5.11.8 Risk: No Automatic Closing Device on Sliding Doors: Priority Level: High
Horizontal sliding landing doors which can be driven by the car doors shall have an automatic
closing device.
5.11.9 Risk: Inadequate Link between Panels of Landing Doors: Priority Level: High
Sliding doors with multiple panels shall comply with 5.3.11 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.11.10 Risk: Inadequate Fire Resistance of Landing Doors: Priority Level: Medium
The landing doors shall conform with the fire rating as required by of IS 17900 (Part1)
: 2022.
5.11.11 Risk: Car Door Moving with Open Landing Door: Hinged Landing Doors in
Combination with Power Operated Horizontally Sliding Car Doors: Priority Level: Medium
The car door shall only operate when the landing door has been closed.
5.11.12 Risk: No car door restrictor where the landing door locking device is accessible when
the car door is opened outside of the door zone: Priority Level: Medium
a) Provide car door restrictor according to of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022, or
b) provide a car door locking device according to of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.11.13 Risk: No or inadequate protective device (150 N) for re-opening of power operated
doors other than sliding doors: Priority Level: High
Provide devices according to c) and d) of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
Emergency trap door in the car roof, if any, shall be interlocked with an electric contact such
that the lift will not move if the trap door is open.
5.12.4 Risk : Insufficient Strength of Car Roof: Priority Level : Low
The car roof shall be solid and strong enough to support weight of 2 persons.
5.12.5 Risk: No or Inadequate Balustrade on Car : Priority Level: High
The car roof shall be checked to ensure that the free distance in the horizontal plane beyond
and perpendicular to its outer edge does not exceed 0.30 m. If this is not the case, then one of
the following provisions shall be taken:
a) The car roof shall be extended so that the free distance is less than 0.30 m;
b) A balustrade shall be fitted on the car roof in accordance with of IS 17900 (Part1) :
2022 and
c) A full height partition shall be installed so that the free distance is less than 0.30 m.
5.12.6 Risk: Insufficient Ventilation in Car: Priority Level: Medium
The car ventilation shall be according to 5.4.9 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.12.7 Risk: Inadequate Lighting in Car: Priority Level: Medium
The car shall have permanently installed electric lighting. The light intensity shall be at least
50 lux at the floor level.
5.12.8 Risk : No or Inadequate Emergency Lighting in Car: Priority Level: Medium
Emergency lighting in accordance with of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022
5.12.9 Risk : No emergency lighting on the car roof: Priority Level: Low
Provide emergency lighting on the car roof according to of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022
5.13 Suspension, Compensation and Over Speed Protection
5.13.1 Risk: No or Inadequate Protection Means on Sheaves, Pulleys or Sprockets against
Introduction of Objects, Bodily Injury, Ropes leaving Pulley Grooves: Priority Level: Medium
Traction sheaves, pulleys and sprockets shall be protected to avoid:
a) Bodily injury,
b) Ropes leaving pulleys, and
c) Introduction of objects between ropes and pulleys.
5.13.2 Risk: No or Inadequate Safety Gear and/ or Over Speed Governor on Electric Lifts:
Priority Level: High
All electric lifts shall have a safety gear actuated by an over speed governor.
The total system including safety gear and over speed governor shall be checked for
compatibility and a test be carried out to ensure that the system functions correctly. If not,
adjust the system (without interfering with the safety component), or if adjustment is not
possible, fit a safety gear actuated by a compatible over speed governor in accordance with
5.6.2 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.13.3 Risk: No Protection Means against Ascending Car Over Speed on Traction Drive Lifts
with Counterweight: Priority Level: Medium
Electric lifts shall meet the following requirements:
a) Traction lifts with counterweight shall be provided with an overspeed governor which
will open in up direction as per 5.6.6 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022
b) Machines shall be fitted with a double acting brake as defined in 5.9.2 of IS 17900
(Part1) : 2022.
5.14 Risk: No or Inadequate Buffers: Priority Level: High
Lifts shall be provided with adequate buffers or alternative means. Where this is not the case,
they shall be provided with buffers in accordance with 5.8 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022
5.15 Risk: No or Inadequate Final Limit Switches: Priority Level: Medium
Lifts shall be provided with final limit switches according to 5.12.2 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.16 Distance Between Car Door and Landing Door
5.16.1 Risk: Large Gap between Car and Wall Facing the Car Entrance: Priority Level: High
The horizontal distance between the inner surface of the well and the car sill shall be as per of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.16.2 Risk: Excessive Distance between Car Door and Landing Door: Priority Level: High
Persons shall be prevented from being present between closed car and landing doors or entering
between the open car and landing doors. This is fulfilled when the distances comply with 5.3.4
of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.17 Risk: No Redundancy in the Brake of the Lift Machine: Priority Level: High
Electro-mechanical brake (electric lifts) shall be provided. The electro-mechanical brake shall
comply with of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.18 Risk: No Independent Starting Contactors : Priority Level: High
There shall be a stopping means as defined in 5.10.3 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.19 Risk: No Lockable Main Switch: Priority Level: Medium
A lockable main switch as defined in 5.10.5 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022 shall be available in the
machine room for every lift.
5.20 Protection against Electric Faults, Controls, Priorities
5.20.1 Risk: No Protection against Phase Reversal: Priority Level: High
The installation shall be checked to ensure that the phase shall not be on its own the cause of a
dangerous malfunction of the lift.
5.20.2 Risk: No or Inadequate Inspection Control Station and Stopping Device on Car Roof:
Priority Level: High
Each car roof shall be provided with an inspection control station in accordance with 5.4.8 of
IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.20.3 Risk: No or Inadequate Alarm Device : Priority Level: High
An emergency alarm device allowing two-way voice communication shall be fitted in
accordance with 5.12.3 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.20.4 Risk: No or Inadequate Communication System between Machine Room/Lobby and Car
(Travel Height greater than 30 m): Priority Level: Medium
a) Where there is no direct means of audible communication between the car and the machine
room, an intercom system, or similar device, shall be fitted.
b) Where there is no direct means of audible communication between the car and the Lobby/
Security, an intercom system or similar device, shall be fitted.
5.20.5 Risk: No or Inadequate Load Control on Car: Priority Level: Medium
To avoid the risk of the car starting if overloaded, a load control shall be fitted in accordance
with of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.20.6 Risk: No earth fault protection in circuits with electric safety devices or in circuits
controlling the brake or the down valve: Priority Level: Medium
Provide earth fault protection according to of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.21 Risk: Missing Notices, Markings and Operating Instructions: Priority Level:
The installation shall be provided with notices, markings and operating instructions as defined
in 5.1.2 and 5.2.4 of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022.
5.22 Risk: No or Inadequate Automatic Emergency Rescue Operation: Priority Level:
The installation shall be provided with Battery operated Automatic Rescue Device (ARD) in
accordance with of IS 17900 (Part1) : 2022
Frequency Severity
A Extreme Extreme High Low
E Low Low
Frequency: Hazard cause level Severity: Hazard effect category
A Frequent I — Catastrophic
B Probable II — Critical
C Occasional III — Marginal
D Remote IV — Negligible
E Improbable
F Impossible
Priority Level (Suitable time-frame to be defined for initiating action during implementation, see
example in note below) :
Extreme : Immediate action is to be taken. Lift has to be stopped.
High : Short Term action is to be initiated.
Medium : Medium Term action is to be initiated.
Low : Long Term action is to be initiated.