Assignment Chemst
Assignment Chemst
Assignment Chemst
a) The ductile and malleable properties by relating to their atom arrangement : y The ductility of alloys is high as they can be drawn into long wires because their atom arrangement is arranged in layers y The malleability of alloys is high too as they can be hammered to form any shape because the atoms is same size as they can easily moved b) The meaning of alloys : y Alloys are materials that contain more than one element ang alloys are mixtures of metallic element ( two or more metals)
y To prevent or minimize corrosion -iron is easily corroded especially in polluted ,acidic and damp industrial
- the presence of nickel or chromium in it , will form chromium (111)oxide y To improve the physical appearance -fresh metal surfaces are usually shining. -stainless steel utensils are more shining then iron utensils. -these shining surfaces are usually tarnished if they coated with a layer of
-unlike pure metals, most alloys do not have a single melting point. Instead they have a melting range in which material is a mixture of solid ang liquid phases. The temperature at which melting begins called the liqidus. However, for most alloy there is a particular proportion of constituents whick give them a single melting point or (rarely) two. This is called the alloy s eutectic mixture.
-alloy steel is steel alloyed with other element s in amounts of between 1 and 50% by weight to improve its mechanical properties. These steel have greater hardness , hot hardness ,water resistance , hardenability or toughness compare to its pure metals.
HYPOTHESIS: Bronze is harder than copper. When a weight is dropped onto the ball bearing placed on a metal block made of copper or bronze , a larger dent will be produced on the softer copper metal block than on the bronze block.
VARIABLE : MANIPULATED VARIABLE : type of materials to make the metal block. RESPONDING VARIABLE CONSTANT VARIABLE : diameter of the dent made by a steel ball bearing : size of the steel ball bearing
MATERIALS Copper block, bronze block, ball bearing , 1 kg weight, metre rule, retort stand with clamp , cellophane tape and thread.
PROCEDURE 1. A metre rule is clamped to a retort stand, and a piece of copper block is placed on the base of the retort stand. 2. A steel ball bearing is paced on the copper block and a piece of cellophane tape is used to hold the ball bearing in place. 3. A 1 kg weight is hung at a height of 50 cm above the copper block. 4. The weight is dropped onto the ball bearing placed on the copper block. 5. The diameter of the dent made by the ball bearing is measured. 6. The experiment is repeated three times using different areas on the surface of the copper block. 7. The average diameter of the dent is calculated. 8. Step 1 to 7 are repeated using a piece of bronze block.
DICUSSION 1. The bigger average dia meter of the dents produced by the steel ball bearing on the metal means that the steel baring has been pressed deeper into the metal surface. 2. Thus, copper is softer than bronze because the steel ball bearing has been pressed deeper into the surface of copper metal than the surface of bronze. 3. Bronze is a type of alloy formed from copper and tin. The tin atoms ae larger than the copper atoms. They distort the orderly structure of the copper atoms so that the layer of copper atoms can no longer slide easily over one another. This makes bronze harder than copper.
CONCLUSION 1 the average diameter of the dents made by the steel ball bearing on the copper block is bigger than that on the bronze block. 2 hence, bronze, a type of alloy, is harder than pure copper metal. The hypothesis is accepted.
PROBLEM STATEMENT : How do the rates of rusting of iron ,steel and stainless steel is differ? HYPOTHESIS: pure iron rusts faster thansteel while stainless stell does not rust easily VARIABLE: MANIPULATED VARIABLE : types of nails RESPONDING VARIABLE CONSTANT VARIABLE : rate of rusting : size of the nails
MATERIALS Iron nail, steel nail, stainless steel nail, 5% jelly solution , potassium hexacyanoferrate(111) solution and sandpaper.
PROCEDURE 1. Three test tubes are half-filled with jelly solution and labeled as A,B and C. 2. 1 cm3 of potassium hexacyanoferrate(111) solution is added to every test tube. 3. An iron nail, a steel nail, a stainless steel nail are polished with sand paper to remove any rust formed. The nail are then placed in the three test tubes labeled A,B and C respectively. 4. All three test tube are allowed to stand for 5 days before they are examined.
Blue colour is formed around the nail A slight bue colour is formed No blue colour observe
Rusting occur
DICUSSION 1. When iron rusts, iron (11) ion , Fe is produced. 2. Potassium hexacyanoferrate(111) solution is used to test the presence of iron(11) ion. A dark blue colour will be formed. The intensity of the blue colour indicates the rate of rusting . 3. A stainless steel alloy which resists rusting , is produced by adding nickel ang chromium to iron metal. CONCLUSION 1. The formation of a blue colour shows that rusting of iron ( corrosion) has occurred. 2. The presence of a blue colour shows that iron nail rusts easily (corroded),steel nail rusts slightly and stainless steel does not rust at all. The hypothesis is accepted.
What is the meaning of polymers? - Molecule that consist of a large number of small identical or similar units joined together repeatedly are called polymer - The smaller molecules that make up the repeating unit in polymer are called monomer. - The process of joining together a large number of monomers to form a long chain polymer is called polymerization.
Example of synthetic polymer and its monomer and the uses Synthetic polymer Polythene polypropone Polyvinyl choride,PVC Perspex Terylene Monomers Uses
Plastic bag , shopping bag Piping,botthe crates and carpet Water pipes and artificial leather Safety glass and lens Clothing and sails
THE PROPERTY OF POLYMERS THAT CAN CAUSE POLLUTION y Polymers that are cheap. For example, it is often cheaper to throw away a polymer plate or cup then to wash one to be used again. y Plastic materials that are carried to rivers and into the sea may be mistaken by marine animals for food. Plastics are not digestible. Eating them will cause death to these marine animals y Burning plastics causes air pollution. When PVC is burnt, it gives off corrosive acidic hydrogen chloride gas and poisonous chlorine gas. these two gases will produce acid rain. HOW TO OVERCOME THIS PROBLEM? y Recycling the plastics that we used. y Using biodegradable plastics y Disintegrate plastic by pyrolysis
MAIN COMPONENTS IN GLASS AND CERAMICS y Sand mixed with limestone and heat at 1600 c and it flows like a thick liquid. y Ceramics are made from clays ,such as Kaolin . it contains silicates such as aluminium silicates. SIMILARITIES IN GLASS AND CERAMIC y Heated at high temperature y The main components of glass and ceramic are based on silicates. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GLASS AND CERAMIC GLASS Transparent or translucent Soften when heated Non-porous Can be melted and remelted as often as desired Homogeneous Non-crystalline frozen liquid Opaque No changes Porous Once harden , it cannot be melted Hetegeneous Minute crystal of silicates that are suspended in a glassy cement CERAMIC
USES OF GLASS y Soda-lime glass -electrical bulb -mirror - glass container y Borosilicate glass - Glass pipelines - Application which require superior resistence to thermal shock and greater chemical durability y y Lead crystal glass Used in finest tableware Lead crystal glass wear Art object Fused silica glass Lenses Spectacles Labotary glass wear
USES OF CERAMIC Manufacture of computer microchip Make plates, bowl and pots Construction materials Manufacting of cars
WHAT ARE MEANT BY THE TERM OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS? y Product from combination of two or more different compound such as alloy , metals , glass and polymers.
EXAMPLES AND USES OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS y Reinforced concrete - Composite : cement , gravel , sand ,water, iron - Uses : construction materials to builts bridge and damn y Fibre glass - Composite : silica, sodium carbonate , calcium carbonate - Uses : protective apparel for astronaut y Fibre optics - Composite : glass , copper and aluminium - Uses : making of electrical cable , used in field of medicine to observe internal organ without performing surgery y Photochromic glass - Composite : molten silica that is mixed with a little silver chloride - Uses : optical lens and glass fibre y Plastic strengthened with glass fibre - Composite : plastic and glass fibre - Uses : helmet , body of car and aeroplane
ADVANTAGES OF USING PHTOCHROMIC GLASS IN MAKING SPECTACLES y y y y Glass can be made into objects of different shapes and sizes. Glass can be colourless or coloured. Glass does not rust Glass does not let water pass through it.
Composite material
Fibre glass
Light Strong Tough Resilient and flexible Not inflammable High tensile strength
Original component
- Hard and strong - Brittle - Heavy(with a relatively high density) - Low compressive strength
Light(with a low density) Elastic Flexible Brittle Not very strong Inflammable