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 Resistance to Creep
 Resistance to temper
 Non hygroscopic flux
According to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
normal carbon steels are suitable for service at temperatures not exceeding 345 °C (650 °F). At this maximum
temperature the maximum safe design stress shall not exceed 25% of the minimum specified Ultimate Tensile
Strength of the steel selected. It is well known that the mechanical properties of materials depend on
temperature. Specifically, the Ultimate Tensile Stress and the elastic limit decrease in various degree
with increasing temperature, depending on the type of steel. The mechanical properties measured at room
temperature cannot be used for design purposes for service at elevated temperature.

In fact, steels exposed to high temperature may be subject to excessive plastic deformation, for stresses applied
for long enough time, even at levels well below the limits acceptable at room temperature. For use of Creep-
resistant steels at elevated temperatures one has to consider:

•The long-time stability

•The mechanical properties
•The resistance to oxidation and scaling
Creep resistance is a term used in materials science that refers to a solid material's ability to resist “creep,”
which refers to the tendency of a material to slowly deform over a long period of exposure to high levels of
When a metal part is subjected to stress and exposed to continuous temperature, plastic deformation begins to
occur, which, in time, results in fracture — even if the stress is less than the yield stress of the metal. This
failure is due to CREEP also known as temper embrittlement.
Temper embrittlement is a serious form of embrittlement suffered by alloyed steels (i.e. steels that do not
contain free carbon) and containing certain impurities when they are exposed to temperatures within the range
350–600 °C. The impurity elements P, Sb, Sn and As are most damaging if the alloying elements Mn and Si
are relatively high in content. The impurity elements segregate to the prior austenite boundaries at
temperatures below about 600 °C and thus embrittle the steel. Applications like Kiln Shell, Hot forging
equipments like rams, columns, sow blocks are some example where the phenomenon creep is prevalent.
• CPHFD 011 was EXCLUSIVELY developed with special
formulation & controlled chemistry balancing ratio of various alloys
resulting in improved microstructure & superior resistance to
temper embrittlement.
• The alloy is designed in a such a way that the deposits consists
novel alloying elements which will provide the creep resistance
properties at different temperatures.

• The coating has been formulated in a such a manner that majority of

flux will resist to Absorb atmospheric moisture and will not transfer
into the weld metal results good mechanical properties thereby
providing resistance to Hydrogen induced cracking.
• The strong stable arc force enables operation on contaminated cast
steel surface by removing the impurities.


CPHFD 011 deposits have high tensile strength
typically 96000 psi with good ductility compared to
other similar conventional electrodes.
• The additional benefit of self releasing slag, easy
strike & restrike enables smooth operation with
high productivity
• The alloys is designed for joining, overlaying,
repair of new , worn-out or cracked steel structures,
machinery components of low, medium & high
strength low alloy steels used in forging
applications & also suitable for Cast Steel

Fig: Micro showing fine Ferrite with Pearlite Fig: Micro showing coarse Ferrite with Pearlite

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