B.Tech. CSE (Cyber Security) Syllabus 3rd Year 2024-25
B.Tech. CSE (Cyber Security) Syllabus 3rd Year 2024-25
B.Tech. CSE (Cyber Security) Syllabus 3rd Year 2024-25
Based On
Sl. Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme
Subject Semester Total Credit
Codes L T P CT TA Total PS TE PE
Database Management
1 BCS501 3 1 0 20 10 30 70 100 4
2 BCS502 Web Technology 3 1 0 20 10 30 70 100 4
4 BCS052/ Departmental Elective-I 3 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 3
5 BCIT054/ Departmental Elective-II 3 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 3
Database Management
6 BCS551 0 0 2 50 50 100 1
System Lab
**The Mini Project or internship (4 weeks) conducted during summer break after IV semester and will be assessed during
V semester.
**It is desirable that the students should do their Summer Internship and Minor Project in their specialization area in line
with the B.Tech program.
Minor Degree/Honors Degree MT-1/HT-1
SEMESTER- VI (Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security))
Sl. Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme
Subject Semester Total Credit
Codes L T P CT T Tota PS TE PE
A l
1 BCS601 Software Engineering 3 1 0 20 10 30 70 100 4
Departmental Elective-I
1. BCCS051 Web & Database Security
2. BCS052 Data Analytics
3. BCS053 Computer Graphics
4. BCCS052 Data Forensics
Departmental Elective-II
1. BCCS053 Cyber Crimes and Law
2. BCIT054 Artificial Intelligence
3. BCCS054 Ethical Hacking
4. BCCS055 IoT Security
Departmental Elective-III
1. BCCS061 Mobile and Wireless Security
2. BCDS062 Machine Learning Techniques
3. BCS063 Blockchain Architecture Design
4. BCS064 Data Compression
CSS: Creating Style Sheet, CSS Properties, CSS Styling (Background, Text Format, Controlling Fonts),
II Working with block elements and objects, Working with Lists and Tables, CSS Id and Class, Box Model 08
(Introduction, Border properties, Padding Properties, Margin properties)
CSS Advanced (Grouping, Dimension, Display, Positioning, Floating, Align, Pseudo class, Navigation
Bar, Image Sprites, Attribute sector), CSS Color, Creating page Layout and Site Designs.
Scripting: Java script: Introduction, documents, forms, statements, functions, objects, introduction to
Networking: Internet Addressing, InetAddress, Factory Methods, Instance Methods, TCP/IP Client
Sockets, URL, URL Connection, TCP/IP Server Sockets, Datagram.
Enterprise Java Bean: Creating a JavaBeans, JavaBeans Properties, Types of beans, Stateful Session
bean, Stateless Session bean, Entity bean.
IV Node.js: Introduction, Environment Setup, REPL Terminal, NPM (Node Package Manager) Callbacks 08
Concept, Events, Packaging, Express Framework, Restful API.
Node.js with MongoDB: MongoDB Create Database, Create Collection, Insert, delete, update, join, sort,
Servlets: Servlet Overview and Architecture, Interface Servlet and the Servlet Life Cycle, Handling HTTP
get Requests, Handling HTTP post Requests, Redirecting Requests to Other Resources, Session Tracking,
V Cookies, Session Tracking with Http Session 08
Java Server Pages (JSP): Introduction, Java Server Pages Overview, A First Java Server Page Example,
Implicit Objects, Scripting, Standard Actions, Directives, Custom Tag Libraries
Text books:
1.Burdman, Jessica, “Collaborative Web Development” Addison Wesley
2.Xavier, C, “Web Technology and Design” , New Age International
3.Ivan Bayross,” HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Perl & CGI”, BPB Publication
4.Hans Bergsten, “Java Server Pages”, SPD O’Reilly
5.Margaret Levine Young, “The Complete Reference Internet”, McGraw Hill.
6.Greg Lim, “Beginning Node.js, Express & MongoDB Development”, 1 September 2020, Greg Lim
7.Shannon Bradshaw, Eoin Brazil, Kristina Chodorow, “MongoDB: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition”, December 2019,
O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
Understand basic techniques for designing algorithms, including the techniques of recursion, K2, K3
CO 5
divide-and-conquer, and greedy.
Unit Topic Proposed
Introduction: Algorithms, Analyzing Algorithms, Complexity of Algorithms, Growth of
I Functions, Performance Measurements, Sorting and Order Statistics - Shell Sort, Quick Sort, Merge 08
Sort, Heap Sort, Comparison of Sorting Algorithms, Sorting in Linear Time.
Advanced Data Structures: Red-Black Trees, B – Trees, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps,
II 08
Tries, Skip List
Divide and Conquer with Examples Such as Sorting, Matrix Multiplication, Convex Hull and
III Greedy Methods with Examples Such as Optimal Reliability Allocation, Knapsack, Minimum 08
Spanning Trees – Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithms, Single Source Shortest Paths - Dijkstra’s and
Bellman Ford Algorithms.
Dynamic Programming with Examples Such as Knapsack. All Pair Shortest Paths – Warshal’s and
Floyd’s Algorithms, Resource Allocation Problem.
IV 08
Backtracking, Branch and Bound with Examples Such as Travelling Salesman Problem, Graph
Coloring, n-Queen Problem, Hamiltonian Cycles and Sum of Subsets.
Selected Topics: Algebraic Computation, Fast Fourier Transform, String Matching, Theory of NP-
V 08
Completeness, Approximation Algorithms and Randomized Algorithms
Text books:
1. Thomas H. Coreman, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest, “Introduction to Algorithms”, Printice Hall of
2. E. Horowitz & S Sahni, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms",
3. Aho, Hopcraft, Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms” Pearson Education, 2008.
4. LEE "Design & Analysis of Algorithms (POD)",McGraw Hill
5. Richard E.Neapolitan "Foundations of Algorithms" Jones & Bartlett Learning
6. Jon Kleinberg and ÉvaTardos, Algorithm Design, Pearson, 2005.
7. Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples,
Second Edition, Wiley, 2006.
8. Harry R. Lewis and Larry Denenberg, Data Structures and Their Algorithms, Harper Collins, 1997
9. Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, Algorithms, fourth edition, Addison Wesley, 2011.
10. Harsh Bhasin,”Algorithm Design and Analysis”,FirstEdition,Oxford University Press.
11. Gilles Brassard and Paul Bratley,Algorithmics:Theory and Practice,Prentice Hall,1995.
Web and Database Security (BCCS051)
Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
At the end of course , the student will be able:
CO 5 Apply R tool for developing and evaluating real time applications. K3,K5,K6
Understand the concept of graphics primitives such as lines and circle based on different K2, K4
CO 2
CO 3 Apply the 2D graphics transformations, composite transformation and Clipping concepts. K4
Apply the concepts of and techniques used in 3D computer graphics, including viewing K2, K3
CO 4
CO 5 Perform the concept of projections, curve and hidden surfaces in real life. K2, K3
III Three Dimensional: 3-D Geometric Primitives, 3-D Object representation, 3-D Transformation, 3- 08
D viewing, projections, 3-D Clipping.
IV Curves and Surfaces: Quadric surfaces, Spheres, Ellipsoid, Blobby objects, Introductory concepts 08
of Spline, Bspline and Bezier curves and surfaces.
Hidden Lines and Surfaces: Back Face Detection algorithm, Depth buffer method, A- buffer
V method, Scan line method, basic illumination models– Ambient light, Diffuse reflection, Specular 08
reflection and Phong model, Combined approach, Warn model, Intensity Attenuation, Color
consideration, Transparency and Shadows.
Text books:
1. Donald Hearn and M Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics C Version”, Pearson Education
2. Foley, Vandam, Feiner, Hughes – “Computer Graphics principle”, Pearson Education.
3. Rogers, “ Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill
4. W. M. Newman, R. F. Sproull – “Principles of Interactive computer Graphics” – McGraw Hill.
5. Amrendra N Sinha and Arun D Udai,” Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill.
6. R.K. Maurya, “Computer Graphics ” Wiley Dreamtech Publication.
7. Mukherjee, Fundamentals of Computer graphics & Multimedia, PHI Learning Private Limited.
8. Donald Hearn and M Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics with Open GL”, Pearson education
Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
At the end of course , the student will be able to:
Make Learner Conversant With The Social And Intellectual Property Issues Emerging From K1, K2
CO 1 ‘Cyberspace.
CO 2 Explore The Legal And Policy Developments In Various Countries To Regulate Cyberspace; K1, K2
CO 4 Give Learners In Depth Knowledge Of Information Technology Act And Legal Frame Work of K1, K2
Right To Privacy, Data Security And Data Protection.
CO5 Make Study On Various Case Studies On Real Time Crimes.
II 08
PRIVACY PRESERVATION FOR IOT: Privacy Preservation Data Dissemination- Privacy
III Preservation Data Dissemination- Social Features forLocation Privacy Enhancement in Internet of 08
Vehicles- Lightweight and Robust Schemes for Privacy Protection in Key Personal IoT
Applications: Mobile WBSN and Participatory Sensing.
TRUST MODELS FOR IOT: Authentication in IoT- Computational Security for the IoT- Privacy-
Preserving Time Series Data Aggregation- Secure Path Generation Scheme for Real-Time Green
IV 08
Internet of Things- Security Protocols for IoT Access Networks- Framework for Privacy and Trust
in IoT- Policy-Based Approach for InformedConsent in Internet of Things
INTERNET OF THINGS SECURITY: Security and Impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on
V Mobile Networks- Networking Function Security-IoT Networking Protocols, Secure IoT Lower 08
Layers, Secure IoT Higher Layers, Secure Communication Links inIoTs, Back-end Security -Secure
Resource Management, Secure IoT Databases, Security Products-Existing Test bed on Security and
Privacy of IoTs, Commercialized Products.
Text books:
1. Hu, Fei. Security and privacy in Internet of things (IoTs): Models, Algorithms, and Implementations,
1stedition,CRC Press, 2016.
2. Russell, Brian, and Drew Van Duren. Practical Internet of Things Security, 1 st edition, Packt PublishingLtd, 2016.
3. Whitehouse O. Security of things: An implementers’ guide to cyber-security for internet of thingsdevices and
beyond, 1 st edition, NCC Group, 2014
4. DaCosta, Francis, and Byron Henderson. Rethinking the Internet of Things: a scalable approach toconnecting
everything, 1 st edition, Springer Nature, 2013.
Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
At the end of course, the student will be able to:
Understand and apply oracle 11 g products for creating tables, views, indexes, sequences and K2, K4
CO 1
other database objects.
Design and implement a database schema for company data base, banking data base, library K3, K5,
CO 2
information system, payroll processing system, student information system. K6
CO 3 Write and execute simple and complex queries using DDL, DML, DCL and TCL K4, K5
CO 4 Write and execute PL/SQL blocks, procedure functions, packages and triggers, cursors. K4, K5
Enforce entity integrity, referential integrity, key constraints, and domain constraints K3, K4
CO 5
on database.
1. Installing oracle/ MYSQL
2. Creating Entity-Relationship Diagram using case tools.
3. Writing SQL statements Using ORACLE /MYSQL:
a)Writing basic SQL SELECT statements.
b) Restricting and sorting data.
c)Displaying data from multiple tables.
d)Aggregating data using group function.
e)Manipulating data.
e)Creating and managing tables.
4. Normalization
5. Creating cursor
6. Creating procedure and functions
7. Creating packages and triggers
8. Design and implementation of payroll processing system
9. Design and implementation of Library Information System
10. Design and implementation of Student Information System
11. Automatic Backup of Files and Recovery of Files
12.Mini project (Design & Development of Data and Application ) for following :
a) Inventory Control System.
b) Material Requirement Processing.
c) Hospital Management System.
d) Railway Reservation System.
e) Personal Information System.
f) Web Based User Identification System.
g) Timetable Management System.
h) h) Hotel Management System
Note: The Instructor may add/delete/modify/tune experiments, wherever he/she feels in a justified manner
It is also suggested that open source tools should be preferred to conduct the lab (MySQL , SQL server ,
Oracle ,MongoDB ,Cubrid ,MariaDBetc)
Database Management Systems Lab BCS 551: Mapping with Virtual Lab
CO 1 Understanding fundaments of website development and apply HTL and XML languages K2, K4
for development of websites
CO 2 Applying CSS in designing and development of responsive website for compatibility of K2, K3,
various devices. K5
CO 3 Understand, analyze and design the role of JavaScript for dynamic web pages. K2, K4,
CO 4 Design and deploy different components using Java Bean, Node.js and database tables K4, K5
using MongoDB and produce various results based on given query.
CO 5 Design and deploy server-side java application called Servlet & JSP tools to catch form K3, K4
data sent from client, process it and store it on database
This lab is based on the Web Technologies. Some examples are as follows:
1. Write HTML program for designing your institute website. Display departmental information of your institute on the
2. Write HTML program to design an entry form for student details/employee information/faculty details.
3. Develop a responsive website using CSS and HTML. Website may be for tutorial/blogs/commercial website.
4. Write programs using HTML and Java Script for validation of input data.
5. Write a program in XML for creation of DTD, which specifies set of rules. Create a style sheet in CSS/ XSL & display
the document in internet explorer.
6. Create a Java Bean for Employee information (EmpID, Name, Salary, Designation and Department).
7. Build a command-line utility using Node.js that performs a specific task, such as converting text to uppercase,
the factorial of a number, or generating random passwords.
8. Develop a script that uses MongoDB's aggregation framework to perform operations like grouping, filtering, and sorting.
For instance, aggregate user data to find the average age of users in different cities.
9. Assume four users user1, user2, user3 and user4 having the passwords pwd1, pwd2, pwd3 and pwd4 respectively. Write
a servlet for doing the following: 1. Create a Cookie and add these four user id’s and passwords to this Cookie. 2. Read
the user id and passwords entered in the Login form and authenticate with the values available in the cookies.
10. Create a table which should contain at least the following fields: name, password, email-id, phone number Write
Servlet/JSP to connect to that database and extract data from the tables and display them. Insert the details of the users
who register with the web site, whenever a new user clicks the submit button in the registration page.
11. Write a JSP which insert the details of the 3 or 4 users who register with the web site by using registration form.
Authenticate the user when he submits the login form using the user name and password from the database.
12. Design and implement a simple shopping cart example with session tracking API.
Note: The Instructor may add/delete/modify/tune experiments, wherever he/she feels in a justified manner
It is also suggested that open source tools should be preferred to conduct the lab ( Java , JSP , Bootstrap
Firebug , WampServer , MongoDB, etc)
Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
1. Program for Recursive Binary & Linear Search.
2. Program for Heap Sort.
3. Program for Merge Sort.
4. Program for Selection Sort.
5. Program for Insertion Sort.
6. Program for Quick Sort.
7. Knapsack Problem using Greedy Solution
8. Perform Travelling Salesman Problem
9. Find Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal’s Algorithm
10. Implement N Queen Problem using Backtracking
11. Sort a given set of n integer elements using Quick Sort method and compute its time complexity. Run the program for
varied values of n> 5000 and record the time taken to sort. Plot a graph of the time taken versus non graph sheet. The
elements can be read from a file or can be generated using the random number generator. Demonstrate using Java how
the divide and- conquer method works along with its time complexity analysis: worst case, average case andbest
12. Sort a given set of n integer elements using Merge Sort method and compute its time complexity. Run the program for
varied values of n> 5000, and record the time taken to sort. Plot a graph of the time taken versus non graph sheet.
The elements can be read from a file or can be generated using the random number generator. Demonstrate how the
divide and- conquer method works along with its time complexity analysis: worst case, average case and best case.
13.6. Implement, the 0/1 Knapsack problem using
(a) Dynamic Programming method
(b) Greedy method.
14. From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm.
15. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given connected undirected graph using Kruskal's algorithm. Use Union-Find
algorithms in your program.
16. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Prim’s algorithm.
17. Write programs to (a) Implement All-Pairs Shortest Paths problem using Floyd's algorithm.
(b) Implement Travelling Sales Person problem using Dynamic programming.
18. Design and implement to find a subset of a given set S = {Sl, S2, .... ,Sn} of n positive integers whose SUM is equal to
a given positive integer d. For example, if S ={1, 2, 5, 6, 8} and d= 9, there are two solutions {1,2,6}and {1,8}.
Display a suitable message, if the given problem instance doesn't have a solution.
19. Design and implement to find all Hamiltonian Cycles in a connected undirected Graph G of n vertices using
backtracking principle.
Note: The Instructor may add/delete/modify/tune experiments, wherever he/she feels in a justified manner
It is also suggested that open source tools should be preferred to conduct the lab ( C, C++ etc)
Software Engineering (BCS601)
Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
Demonstrate the contents of a SRS and apply basic software quality assurance practices to
CO 2 K1, K2
ensure that design, development meet or exceed applicable standards.
Formulate testing strategy for software systems, employ techniques such as unit testing, Test
CO 4 K3
driven development and functional testing.
Manage software development process independently as well as in teams and make use of
CO 5 K5
Various software management tools for development, maintenance and analysis.
Unit Topic Proposed
Introduction: Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Components, Software
Characteristics, Software Crisis, Software Engineering Processes, Similarity and Differences from
I Conventional Engineering Processes, Software Quality Attributes. Software Development Life Cycle 08
(SDLC) Models: Water Fall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model, Evolutionary Development
Models, Iterative Enhancement Models.
Software Design: Basic Concept of Software Design, Architectural Design, Low Level Design:
Modularization, Design Structure Charts, Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts, Coupling and Cohesion
Measures, Design Strategies: Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design, Top-Down and
III Bottom-Up Design. Software Measurement and Metrics: Various Size Oriented Measures: 08
Halestead’s Software Science, Function Point (FP) Based Measures, Cyclomatic Complexity
Measures: Control Flow Graphs.
Software Testing: Testing Objectives, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing,
Regression Testing, Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance, TopDown and Bottom-
Up Testing Strategies: Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural Testing (White Box Testing),
IV Functional Testing (Black Box Testing), Test Data Suit Preparation, Alpha and Beta Testing of 08
Products. Static Testing Strategies: Formal Technical Reviews (Peer Reviews), Walk Through, Code
Inspection, Compliance with Design and Coding Standards.
Text books:
1. RS Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, McGraw Hill.
2. Pankaj Jalote, Software Engineering, Wiley
3. Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI Publication.
4. KK Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh, Software Engineering, New Age International Publishers.
5. Ghezzi, M. Jarayeri, D. Manodrioli, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI Publication.
6. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, Addison Wesley.
7. Kassem Saleh, “Software Engineering”, Cengage Learning.
8. P fleeger, Software Engineering, Macmillan Publication
Cryptography & Network Security (BCCS601)
Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
CO 1 Classify the symmetric encryption techniques and Illustrate various Public key K2 , K3
cryptographic techniques.
Understand security protocols for protecting data on networks and be able to digitally sign K1 , K2
CO 2 emails and files.
CO 3 Understand vulnerability assessments and the weakness of using passwords for K4
Be able to perform simple vulnerability assessments and password audits K3
CO 4
Summarize the intrusion detection and its solutions to overcome the attacks. K2
CO 5
Link layer: Framing, Error Detection and Correction, Flow control (Elementary Data Link
II Protocols, Sliding Window protocols). 08
Medium Access Control and Local Area Networks: Channel allocation, Multiple access protocols,
LAN standards, Link layer switches & bridges (learning bridge and spanning tree algorithms).
Network Layer: Point-to-point networks, Logical addressing, Basic internetworking (IP, CIDR,
III 08
ARP, RARP, DHCP, ICMP), Routing, forwarding and delivery, Static and dynamic routing,
Routing algorithms and protocols, Congestion control algorithms, IPv6.
Transport Layer: Process-to-process delivery, Transport layer protocols (UDP and TCP),
IV 08
Multiplexing, Connection management, Flow control and retransmission, Window management,
TCP Congestion control, Quality of service.
Application Layer: Domain Name System, World Wide Web and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol,
V 08
Electronic mail, File Transfer Protocol, Remote login, Network management, Data compression,
Cryptography – basic concepts.
Text books and References:
CO 1 Familiarize with the issues and technologies involved in designing a wireless and mobile K1, K2
system that is robust against various attacks.
CO 2 Gain knowledge and understanding of the various ways in which wireless networks can be K1, K2
attacked and tradeoffs in protecting networks.
CO 3 Have a broad knowledge of the state-of-the-art and open problems in wireless and mobile K1, K2
security, thus enhancing their potential to do research or pursue a career in this rapidly
developing area.
CO 4 Learn various security issues involved in cloud computing. K1, K2
Security of Device, Network, and Server Levels: Mobile Devices Security Requirements, Mobile
Wireless network level Security, Server Level Security. Application-Level Security in Wireless
Networks: Application of WLANs, Wireless Threats, Some Vulnerabilities and Attach Methods 08
II over WLANs, Security for 1G Wi-Fi Applications, Security for 2G Wi-Fi Applications, Recent
Security Schemes for Wi-Fi Applications
Application-Level Security in Cellular Networks: Generations of Cellular Networks, Security
Issues and attacks in cellular networks, GSM Security for applications, GPRS Security for
III 08
applications, UMTS security for applications, 3G security for applications, Some of Security and
authentication Solutions.
Application-Level Security in MANETs: MANETs, Some applications of MANETs, MANET
Features, Security Challenges in MANETs, Security Attacks on MANETs, External Threats for
MANET applications, Internal threats for MANET Applications, Some of the Security Solutions. 08
Ubiquitous Computing, Need for Novel Security Schemes for UC, Security Challenges for UC,
and Security Attacks on UC networks, Some of the security solutions for UC.
Data Center Operations - Security challenge, implement “Five Principal Characteristics of Cloud
Computing, Data center Security Recommendations Encryption for Confidentiality and Integrity,
Encrypting data at rest, Key Management Lifecycle, Cloud Encryption Standards.
V 08
Text Books:
1.Pallapa Venkataram, Satish Babu: “Wireless and Mobile Network Security”, 1st Edition, Tata McGraw
2. Frank Adelstein, K.S.Gupta : “Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing”, 1st Edition, Tata McGraw
Hill 2005.
3.Randall k. Nichols, Panos C. Lekkas : “Wireless Security Models, Threats and Solutions”, 1st Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2006.
4. Bruce Potter and Bob Fleck : “802.11 Security” , 1st Edition, SPD O’REILLY 2005.
5. James Kempf: “Guide to Wireless Network Security, Springer. Wireless Internet Security – Architecture and
Protocols”, 1st Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
CO 1 To understand the need for machine learning for various problem solving K1 , K2
To understand a wide variety of learning algorithms and how to evaluate models generated K1 , K3
CO 2
from data
CO 3 To understand the latest trends in machine learning K2 , K3
To design appropriate machine learning algorithms and apply the algorithms to a real- K4 , K6
CO 4
world problems
To optimize the models learned and report on the expected accuracy that can be achieved K4, K5
CO 5
by applying the models
Unit Topic Proposed
INTRODUCTION – Learning, Types of Learning, Well defined learning problems, Designing
a Learning System, History of ML, Introduction of Machine Learning Approaches – (Artificial
I Neural Network, Clustering, Reinforcement Learning, Decision Tree Learning, 08
Bayesian networks, Support Vector Machine, Genetic Algorithm), Issues in Machine Learning
and Data Science Vs Machine Learning;
REGRESSION: Linear Regression and Logistic Regression
BAYESIAN LEARNING –Bayes theorem, Concept learning, Bayes Optimal Classifier, Naïve
Bayes classifier, Bayesian belief networks, EM algorithm.
II 08
SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE: Introduction, Types of support vector kernel – (Linear
kernel, polynomial kernel,andGaussiankernel), Hyperplane – (Decision surface), Properties of
SVM, and Issues in SVM.
DECISION TREE LEARNING– Decision tree learning algorithm, Inductive bias, Inductive
inference with decision trees, Entropy and information theory, Information gain, ID-3
III Algorithm, Issues in Decision tree learning. 08
INSTANCE-BASED LEARNING – k-Nearest Neighbour Learning, Locally Weighted
Regression, Radial basis function networks, Case-based learning.
ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS – Perceptron’s, Multilayer perceptron, Gradient
descent and the Delta rule, Multilayer networks, Derivation of Backpropagation Algorithm,
Generalization, Unsupervised Learning – SOM Algorithm and its variant;
IV DEEP LEARNING–Introduction,concept of convolutional neural network , Types of layers 08
– (Convolutional Layers , Activation function , pooling , fully connected) , Concept of
Convolution (1D and 2D) layers, Training of network, Case study of CNN for eg on Diabetic
Retinopathy, Building a smart speaker, Self-deriving car etc.
REINFORCEMENT LEARNING–Introduction to Reinforcement Learning , Learning
Task,Example of Reinforcement Learning in Practice, Learning Models for Reinforcement –
(Markov Decision process , Q Learning – Q Learning function, Q Learning Algorithm ),
V Application of Reinforcement Learning,Introduction to Deep Q Learning. 08
GENETIC ALGORITHMS: Introduction, Components, GA cycle of reproduction,
Crossover, Mutation, Genetic Programming, Models of Evolution and Learning,
Text books:
1. Tom M. Mitchell, ―Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2013.
2. EthemAlpaydin, ―Introduction to Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning), MIT
Press 2004.
3. Stephen Marsland, ―Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, CRC Press, 2009.
4. Bishop, C., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
5. M. Gopal, “Applied Machine Learning”, McGraw Hill Education
Blockchain Architecture Design (BCS063)
Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
CO 1 Describe the basic understanding of Blockchain architecture along with its primitive. K1, K2
CO 2 Explain the requirements for basic protocol along with scalability aspects. K2, K3
CO 3 Design and deploy the consensus process using frontend and backend. K3, K4
Apply Blockchain techniques for different use cases like Finance, Trade/Supply and
CO 4 Government activities. K4, K5
CO 5 Able to use modern engineering tools for specification, design, implementation and testing K3, K4
For any given case/ problem statement do the following;
1. Prepare a SRS document in line with the IEEE recommended standards.
2. Draw the use case diagram and specify the role of each of the actors. Also state the precondition, post
condition and function of each use case.
3. Draw the activity diagram.
4. Identify the classes. Classify them as weak and strong classes and draw the class diagram.
5. Draw the sequence diagram for any two scenarios.
6. Draw the collaboration diagram.
7. Draw the state chart diagram.
8. Draw the component diagram.
9. Perform forward engineering in java. (Model to code conversion)
10. Perform reverse engineering in java. (Code to Model conversion)
11. Draw the deployment diagram.
Note: The Instructor may add/delete/modify/tune experiments, wherever he/she feels in a justified manner
It is also suggested that open source tools should be preferred to conduct the lab (Open Office , Libra ,
Junit, Open Project , GanttProject , dotProject, AgroUML, StarUML etc. )
Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
CO 3 Understand the importance of key management and cryptographic strength, specifically how K3, K4
different algorithms balance security and computational efficiency
CO 4 Students will use the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) to perform encryption, K3, K4
decryption, and key management operations, learning to utilize the built-in libraries for secure
software development
CO 5 students will learn about cryptographic hash functions, their applications, and their K3, K4
significance in data integrity and digital signatures
1. Write a JAVA/C program that contains a string (char pointer) with a value \Hello World’. The program should XOR
each character in this string with 0 and displays the result.
2. Write a JAVA/C program that contains a string (char pointer) with a value \Hello World’. The program should
AND or and XOR each character in this string with 127 and display the result.
3. Write a Java/C program to perform encryption and decryption 3 using the following algorithms:
4. Ceaser Cipher b) Substitution Cipher c) Hill Cipher.
5. Write a Java program to implement the DES algorithm logic
6. Write a C/JAVA program to implement the BlowFish algorithm logic.
7. Write a C/JAVA program to implement the Rijndael algorithm logic.
8. Using Java Cryptography, encrypt the text “Hello world” using BlowFish. Create your own key using Java/C
9. Write a Java program to implement RSA Algoithm.
10. Implement the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange mechanism 9 using HTML and JavaScript. Consider the end user
as one of the parties (Alice) and the JavaScript application as other party (bob).
11. Calculate the message digest of a text using the SHA-1algorithm in JAVA/C.
12. Calculate the message digest of a text using the MD5 algorithm in JAVA/C.
Note: The Instructor may add/delete/modify/tune experiments, wherever he/she feels in a justified manner
It is also suggested that open source tools should be preferred to conduct the lab
Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
1. Implementation of Stop and Wait Protocol and Sliding Window Protocol.
2. Study of Socket Programming and Client – Server model
3. Write a code simulating ARP /RARP protocols.
4. Write a code simulating PING and TRACEROUTE commands
5. Create a socket for HTTP for web page upload and download.
6. Write a program to implement RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
7. Implementation of Subnetting .
8. Applications using TCP Sockets like
a. Echo client and echo server b. Chat c. File Transfer
9. Applications using TCP and UDP Sockets like d. DNS e. SNMP f. File Transfer
10. Study of Network simulator (NS).and Simulation of Congestion Control Algorithms using NS
11. Perform a case study about the different routing algorithms to select the network path with its optimum and
economical during data transfer. i. Link State routing ii. Flooding iii. Distance vector
12. To learn handling and configuration of networking hardware like RJ-45 connector, CAT-6 cable, crimping tool, etc.
13. Configuration of router, hub, switch etc. (using real devices or simulators)
14. Running and using services/commands like ping, traceroute, nslookup, arp, telnet, ftp, etc.
15. Network packet analysis using tools like Wireshark, tcpdump, etc.
16. Network simulation using tools like Cisco Packet Tracer, NetSim, OMNeT++, NS2, NS3, etc.
17. Socket programming using UDP and TCP (e.g., simple DNS, data & time client/server, echo client/server, iterative &
concurrent servers)
Note: The Instructor may add/delete/modify/tune experiments, wherever he/she feels in a justified manner
It is also suggested that open source tools should be preferred to conduct the lab ( C , C++ , Java , NS3,
Mininet, Opnet, TCP Dump, Wireshark etc.