TYIT - EJ - Question Bank 2024-25

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EJ - Sample question bank

Unit - I

1) What is an Enterprise Application and Enterprise Edition?

2) Differentiate between Java SE and Java EE.
3) Write a short note on Java EE technologies - Web Application Technologies.
4) Write a short note on Java EE technologies - Enterprises Application Technologies.
5) Explain the Evolution of Java EE.
6) Explain 2 tier system architecture in detail.
7) Explain 3 tier system architecture in detail.
8) Explain single tier system architecture in detail.
9) Write a short note on Enterprise Architecture.
10) Explain the different types of Java EE containers.
11) Explain why to use Servlets? And what Servlets can do?
12) List out or draw a diagram for Java Servlet API and explain Servlet Interface.

13) Explain in detail about HttpServlet class.

14) Write a short note on HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse Interfaces.

15) Explain the life cycle of a Servlet.

16) List four types of JDBC drivers and Explain any 2 of them in detail..
17) Explain the architecture of JDBC.
18) Explain the steps in detail for accessing the database.
19) Explain type 4 driver of JDBC in detail with its advantages and disadvantages.
20) Write a code to create a servlet for a login page. If the username and password are correct, then it
says message “Hello ” else a message “login failed” will be displayed.

Unit - II

1) What is a RequestDispatcher Interface? Explain include() and forward() methods of

RequestDispatcher interface in detail.
2) Write a short note on how to obtain the object of RequestDispatcher.
3) What are Cookies? Explain the kinds of Cookies.
4) Explain how Cookies work? And where the Cookies are used?
5) Write a short note on Cookie class. Explain its constructor and methods.
6) Explain the following:
i) Setting a Cookie ii) Sending a Cookie to the Client iii) Removing Cookies
7) Write a servlet that uses Cookies to store the number of times a user has visited a
8) What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Stateless nature. Explain how the session works?
9) Write a short note on HttpSession Interface. Also write the programming code for following:
i) Creating a new Session ii) Getting a Pre-existing Session iii) Destroying a Session
10) Explain the life cycle of a session? Explain the session monitoring methods.
11) Write a servlet program to create a session and display the following:
i) Session ID ii) New or Old iii) Creation Time
12) Explain the concept of session tracking. Explain the different ways to track the sessions.
13) List and explain the important points to be noted when creating the web application for uploading a
14) Write a code of a servlet for downloading a file.

15) Explain following servlet annotations

i) @WebServlet ii) @HandlesTypes

iii) @MultipartConfig iv) @ServletSecurity v) @WebInitParam

16) Explain the importance of Non Blocking I/O in detail.

17) Explain the ReadListener interface with its methods.

18) Explain using a code snippet the onDataAvailable() and onAllDataRead() methods of ReadListener

Unit - III

1) Explain the reasons to use JSP.

2) Differentiate between Servlet and JSP.
3) Explain the life cycle of a JSP page in detail.
4) Explain how JSP functions and execute.

5) Explain the concept of JSP directives. Explain page directive with any of its four attributes.

6) Explain the scripting elements in JSP.

7) Write a short note on - i) Comments in JSP ii) include directive in JSP

8) List out the JSP Action Elements. Explain any 2 of them with examples.

9) Explain the <jsp:useBean> tag with its attributes. Support your answer with suitable code snippet.

10) List out the JSP Implicit Objects. Explain any 2 of them with examples.

11) Explain any 3 scopes of JSP objects.

12) Explain the types of Evaluation Expressions in UEL.

13) Explain any 3 JSP Expression Language operators with examples.

14) List the advantages and disadvantages of Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL).

15) How is Java Standard Tag Library(JSTL) different from Scriplets? How JSTL fixes JSP scriplet


16) Explain any 2 Java Standard Tag Library(JSTL) tag libraries in detail.

17) Explain JSTL Core Tag Library in detail.

18) Write a JSP program to calculate factorial for an integer number, while the input number is taken

from an HTML form.

Unit - IV

1) What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of EJBs?

2) Write a short note on EJB architecture.
3) Write a short note on Session Bean and types of Session Bean.
4) Explain the life cycle of a Stateful Session bean.
5) Explain the life cycle of a Stateless Session bean.
6) Explain the life cycle of a singleton Session bean.
7) Explain Message Driven Beans? Also explain its uses.
8) What are the characteristics of Message Driven Beans?
9) Explain the life cycle of a Message Driven Bean.
10) Explain the Message Driven Beans with an example. Also explain the use of onMessage() method.
11) What is an Interceptor? What can it do? Why is it used?
12) Explain the important points while defining an interceptor.

13) Explain about the method - AroundInvoke in interceptor.

14) Show using an example: Applying Interceptor, Adding an interceptor to an Enterprise Bean
15) Explain the concept of Naming Service. Add suitable illustration to it..
16) Explain the concept of Directory Service in detail.
17) What is Java Naming and Directory interface? Explain in detail.
18) Write a program to create a Calculator application using stateless EJB.

Unit - V

1) Write a short note on Persistence in Java.

2) Explain the current persistent standards in Java.
3) What is The Impedance Mismatch? What is the solution to the Impedance Mismatch?
4) What is Object/ Relational Mapping(ORM)? What are its advantages?
5) Write a short note on Java Persistence API.
6) Write a short note on JPA, ORM, Database and the Application.
7) Explain the Architecture of JPA (Java Persistence API).
8) Explain how JPA works?
9) What is Hibernate? What does it provide?
10) Explain the use of Hibernate? Explain in detail.
11) Write a short note on Hibernate, Database and The Application.(diagram needed)
12) Explain the architecture of Hibernate with a suitable diagram.
13) Explain in detail how hibernate works.
14) Explain the different components of Hibernate.
15) Which are the steps required to build the Hibernate application?
16) Where Does Java Persistence API fits in? Explain Java Persistence API as a Specification.

Note: This is just a sample question bank.


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