Biology Long Answers Chapter 1

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Biology Long Answers Chapter 1:-

Q .Describe each of the following techniques used in crop production.

Ans. Transplantation is a technique of moving healthy seedlings from
nurseries or seed beds to a field for growing fully.

Q. Describe each of the following techniques used in crop production.

Drip irrigation
Ans. A process of supplying water to crops in fields where there is scarcity of
water is called drip irrigation.

Q. Describe each of the following techniques used in crop production.

Ans. The separation of the grains from the chaff is called threshing.

Q. Describe each of the following techniques used in crop production.

Ans. A process in which soil is loosened and turned using a tool or implement
is called ploughing.

Q. Describe each of the following techniques used in crop production.-

(a) Ploughing
(b) Broadcasting
A. Ploughing is the process involving loosening and turning of soil in
agricultural fields. It is also known as tilling. Usually done with the help
of a wooden or iron plough
B. The scattering of seeds by hand over the soil is called broadcasting
method of sowing.
Q. Explain how a seed drill helps a farmer sow seeds in the soil?
Ans. A seed drill is funnel-shaped bowl which is connected to number of long
tubes with narrow holes at the ends. These tubes are connected to a plough
when it furrows the land and seeds are gradually released into the soil from
the tubes. In this way, seeds are sown at an appropriate depth and distance
and are automatically covered by soil.

Q. Explain how does a sprinkler system help in irrigation?

Ans. In this method, water is supplied into fields through pipes which are
attached to rotating sprinklers. These sprinkle water over the fields like
raindrops. This technique is useful in fields that have uneven land, or where
the soil is sandy.

Q. Explain the disadvantages of using pesticides. Discuss in detail.

Ans. Pesticides may affect the useful insects such as honeybees, along with
pests. They are also harmful to humans if they consume food items
containing pesticides on their outer layer or covering and can cause
respiratory problems and skin irritations to humans. While entering the water
bodies through agricultural-run off, pesticides also pollute the water and
makes it unfit for human consumption.

Q. Pesticides are a boon as well as a bane. Justify this statement by giving

reasons and examples.
Ans. Pesticides are used to protect crops from pests and pathogens as they
harm or destroy the crops on a wide scale, so there is a need to use pesticides
like DDT, BHC for insects and warfarin for rodents. But in addition to
removing pests and pathogens, the excessive use of pesticides can harm the
useful insects and infect the crops which affect humans when these are
consumed. Hence, we can say pesticides are a boon as well as a bane.

Q. Explain why ploughing is important for crops.

Ans. Ploughing loosens the soil and provides necessary aeration to it. The
loose soil allows the root to breathe easily even when they go deep into the
soil. Hence, loosening or turning help roots to breathe easily. Such soil also
helps in the uniform mixing of the fertilizer. The aerated soil helps organisms
such as earthworms and microbes to grow in it. These organisms help
decompose dead plants and animals and further enrich the soil with
nutrients or add humus to the soil.

Biology long answers Chapter 2:-

Q. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the nitrogen cycle.

Q.2 Ans
Q.3 Ans.

Q. The process of fermentation can be both helpful as well as harmful. Justify

the statement using an example.
Ans. Heating the food items to high temperatures kills the microbes present in
them and makes them germ free, while cooling food items reduces their
temperature and slows down only the growth of the microbes present in them.
Hence, heating is a better method than cooling.

Q. In terms of the effect it has on the microorganisms present in food items,

how is food preservation by heating different from food preservation by
cooling? Do you think the heating method is better than the cooling method?
Give a reason for your answer.
Ans. Heating the food items to high temperatures kills the microbes present in
them and makes them germ free, while cooling food items reduces their
temperature and slows down only the growth of the microbes present in them.
Hence, heating is a better method than cooling.

Q. Between cropping seasons, farmers often plant some cover crops in their
fields to protect the soil from erosion. Out of grass and pea plant, which would
be a better choice for a cover crop if there needs to be an improvement in soil
fertility? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans. Pea plants would be a better choice to be used for cover crops as it will
improve the soil fertility. Pea plants are leguminous plants that have nodules in
their roots. These nodules contain Rhizobium bacteria that use atmospheric
nitrogen and produce ammonium. The presence of ammonium in the soil
increases the soil fertility.

Q. Usually food items are preserved by cutting off their air supply using
methods such as oiling, canning and vacuum packing. However, packets of
chips are usually filled with a lot of air. Find out what this air consists of and the
reasons why chips packets are filled with it.
Ans. The air filled in chips packets is nitrogen gas. This gas keeps the chips from
becoming stale as it hinders the growth of bacteria and other germs. If air was
filled instead of nitrogen, oxygen present in the air would promote the growth
of microorganisms resulting in the spoilage of the food. Therefore, the packets
are filled with nitrogen gas and not air.
Q. What are antibiotics? What precautions must be taken while taking
Ans. The medicines which kill or stop the growth of microorganisms in our
body are called antibiotics. These are very useful to us as they prevent us from
the effects of microorganisms. Antibiotics are made from bacteria and fungi.
The penicillin is the first antibiotics which is discovered by Alexander Fleming in
1929. These days a number of antibiotics are used to cure various human and
animal diseases. Streptomycin, Tetracycline, Erythromycin etc., are some
common antibiotics.
Precautions: We should take antibiotics only by the advice of a qualified doctor.
Antibiotics should only be taken when needed. Otherwise, they may be
harmful and become less effective in future.

Q. Discuss how carriers transmit disease from infected to healthy human?

Explain in your own words

Ans. ⋅ Through Air: Diseases such as tuberculosis, measles and the common
cold spread through air. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, little
droplets containing germs are released in the air. These germs then travel

⋅ Through Food and Water: Food and water can get contaminated due to dust,
through air and affect other healthy people.

flies ( that sit on garbage and then on the food) and sewage. The infected food

⋅ Through Direct Contact: Some diseases such as chikenpox and ringworm can
and water, when consumed, can cause diseases such as cholera and typhoid.

spread from an infected person or contaminated objects to a healthy individual

⋅ Through Blood and Other Body fluids: Some diseases such as HIV (Human
on touching.

Immunodeficiency Virus) infection and Hepatitis B can transmit from one

person to another when body fluids, such as blood, of an infected person reach
a healthy person through injections or an open wound.

Q. How do microorganisms spoil food?

Ans. Microorganism spoil food if not kept in proper hygienic conditions.
Microorganisms such as bacteria, molds, and yeast can lead to spoilage of food.
Proper temperature should be maintained to protect the food from spoilage.
Detection of spoilage of food can be deetected from change in color and odour.
There could be multiple reasons in which the microorganisms can effect the
food such as rancidity in which the bacteria convert fat into unsalted butter.
Most of the food having carbohydrates in then is fermented and as a result of
this acidic fermentation products are formed.

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