MC Production Supervisor - Sewing
MC Production Supervisor - Sewing
MC Production Supervisor - Sewing
Model Curriculum
QP Name: Production Supervisor- Sewing
QP Code: AMH/Q2101,
QP Version: V2.0
NSQF Level: 5
Apparel,Made-ups & Homefurnishing Sector Skill Council |Flat No. A312 To A323, Third Floor Somdatt
Chamber –I Bikhaji Cama Place, Africa Avenue New Delhi-110066,
Sector Apparels
Sub-Sector Apparel
Country India
NSQF Level 5
QP Version 2
Training Outcomes
At the end of the program, the learner should have acquired the listed knowledge and skills.
Compulsory Modules
The table lists the modules, their duration and mode of delivery.
On-the-Job On-the-Job
Theory Practical Training Training Total
NOS and Module Details
Duration Duration Duration Duration Duration
(Mandatory) (Recommended)
Module 1 Introduction and
02:00 0:00 NA NA 02:00
Orientation- Bridge
Module 2 Maintain work area, tools
and machines AMH/N0102: Maintain 15:00 10:00 NA NA 25:00
work area, tools and machines
Module 3 Maintain health, safety and
security at work place with Gender
and PwD Sensitization AMH/N0103:
20:00 30:00 NA NA 50:00
Maintain health, safety and security
at work place with Gender and PwD
Module 4 Comply with industry,
regulatory and organizational
requirements and Greening of Job
Roles AMH/N0104: Comply with 20:00 40:00 NA NA 60:00
industry, regulatory and
organizational requirements and
Greening of Job Roles
Module 5 Interpret Production
Specification and Process AMH/
N2101: Plan and organize sewing 30:00 88:00 NA NA 118:00
processes & Understand the
production specification and process
Module 6 The Production Process
AMH/ N2101: Plan and organize
20:00 52:00 NA NA 72:00
sewing processes & Understand the
production specification and process
5 Production Supervisor- Sewing
Module 7 Plan production as per
specifications and schedule Theory
Duration AMH/ N2102: Supervise
15:00 75:00 NA NA 90:00
sewing operations & Coordinate and
Plan production as per specifications
and schedule
Module 8 Coordinate and Monitor
production as per specifications and
schedule AMH/ N2102: Supervise
35:00 65:00 NA NA 100:00
sewing operations & Coordinate and
Plan production as per specifications
and schedule
Module 9 Execute production as per
the plan, schedule and quality norms
AMH/ N2103: Execute and monitor
25:00 85:00 NA NA 110:00
production as per the plan, schedule
and quality norms &Maintaining tools
equipment and machinery
Module 10 Monitor production as per
the plan, schedule and quality norms
AMH/ N2103: Execute and monitor
15:00 63:00 NA NA 78:00
production as per the plan, schedule
and quality norms &Maintaining tools
equipment and machinery
Module 11 Manage performance and
relations with people in the group
and out of the group
35:00 55:00 NA NA 90:00
AMH/N2104: Manage performance
and relations with people in the group
and out of the group
Module 12 Soft Skills 03:00 02:00 NA NA 05:00
235:00 565:00 800:00
Terminal Outcomes:
Terminal Outcomes:
White/Black Board+Marker/ chalk+Duster, Tailor’s Chalk (quantity may vary as per requirement), Students Chairs With
Table Arms, Teacher’s Table & Chair , Industrial Single Needle Lock- Stitch sewing Machine with needle guard+stool,
Personal Protective Equipment ( thimble etc), Overlock Machine( 5 Thread)+stool, Flat lock machine +stool, Button
Tack Machine+stool, Feed of the Arm Machine+stool, BarTack machine+stool, Bottom Hemming Machine, Straight Knife
Cutting Machine, Pressing Unit, Machine for Front Placket, Continuous Fusing Press Machine, Dress Form (size
medium, one male & woman), Pattern making kit (e.g. pattern paper, normal straight big ruler ,hip curve, leg curve, L
Scale, French curve, pattern master as per req), Tracing Wheel, Storage Boxes/pouches, Tec pack Sample,
Fabric/Accessories/trims watch File, Hourly & Daily Production Report, Quality Control Check- List/AQL, Production &
Ready Pattern, Record Maintenance Register, Basic Stationary Items(Pens, Pencils, Eraser, notebook), Quality Tag,
Stopwatch, Defect List and samples, Dustbin, Machine Oil, First Aid Box, Students Notes, Fire Extinguisher, Dexterity
Test Kit, Garment , Made ups and Home Furnishing Samples (quantity may vary), Pattern/cutting table, Sewing
Machine attachments, Sewing Kit(eg: bobbin and bobbin case, trimmer, measuring tape , fabric cutting , seam ripper,
scissors etc), Sewing Machine needles, Sewing thread(surplus needed, quantity may vary), Fabric(surplus, muslin
compulsory, other types as per requirement), quantity may vary, trims and accessories, Sewing Machine Tool Kit,
Projector /LCD, colour matching light box,
Terminal Outcomes:
Demonstrate the process involved to keep up the Safety and secure working environment
Discussed the importants of PWD & Gender Sensitivity
Duration: 20:00 Duration: 30:00
Theory – Key Learning Outcomes Practical – Key Learning Outcomes
Explain health and safety related practices Discuss importance of training sensitization
applicable at the workplace. programs for gender, and PwD awareness
Explain importance of complying with health,
safety, gender and PwD related instructions organized at workplace.
applicable to workplace Identify signage related to health and
Explain gender equality in apparel industry and safety measures.
methods. Explain the importance of sound health,
Describe hazards like physical injuries, electric Hygiene and good habits.
shock, etc. associated with operation and Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
handling of sewing machines. Demonstrate basic first aid.
Identify and correct (if possible)
State compliance requirements related to malfunctions in sewing machines and
stitching. other related equipment like a loose
State organizational procedures for safe stitch, missing parts, etc.
handling of equipment and machine Participate in mock drills/evacuation
operations. procedures organized at the workplace.
Undertake first aid, fire-fighting and
Check the workplace and work processes for emergency response training Use and
potential risks and threats like physical injuries maintain personal protective equipment
from the machine and tools, fire, etc. as per protocol like nose masks, lock
Describe various personal protective equipment guard, etc.
Identify how to use different tools
like nose mask, lock guard, etc. and equipment related to stitching like
scissors, thread cutters, etc. safely and
Classroom Aids:
Charts, Models, Flip Chart, White-Board/SmartBoard, Marker, Duster
Tools, Equipment, and Other Requirements
Personal protective equipment, various types of fire extinguishers.
Terminal Outcomes:
Terminal Outcomes:
Classroom Aids:
Charts, Models, Flip Chart, White-Board/Smart Board, Marker, Duster
Tools, Equipment and Other Requirements
Job Card, White/Black Board+Marker/chalk+Duster, Tailor'S Chalk (quantity may vary as per requirement), Students Chairs
With Table Arms, Teacher’S Table & Chair , Industrial Single Needle Lock-Stitch sewing Machine with needle guard+stool,
Personal Protective Equipment ( thimble etc), Overlock Machine( 5 Thread)+stool, Flat lock machine +stool, Button Tack
Machine+stool, Feed of the Arm Machine+stool, Bar Tack machine+stool, Bottom Hemming Machine, Straight Knife
Terminal Outcomes:
Descirbe th understanding about different settings and adjustments to sewing machines like needle,
stitch per inch, etc.
Understand the machine layout process
Describe defects in raw material
Understand the breakdown operations
Classroom Aids:
Charts, Flip Chart, White-Board/SmartBoard, Marker, Duster
Tools, Equipment, and Other Requirements
Job Card, White/Black Board+Marker/chalk+Duster, Tailor'S Chalk (quantity may vary as per requirement), Students
Chairs With Table Arms, Teacher’s Table & Chair , Industrial Single Needle Lock-Stitch sewing Machine with needle
guard+stool, Personal Protective Equipment ( thimble etc), Overlock Machine( 5 Thread)+stool, Flat lock machine +stool,
Button Tack Machine+stool, Feed of the Arm Machine+stool, Bar Tack machine+stool, Bottom Hemming Machine,
Straight Knife Cutting Machine, Pressing Unit, Machine for Front Placket, Continuous Fusing Press Machine, Dress
Form(size medium,one male & woman), Pattern making kit (eg,pattern paper,normal straight big ruler,hip curve,leg
curve, L Scale, frenchcurve,pattern master as per req), Tracing Wheel, Storage Boxes/poches, Techpack Sample,
Fabric/Accessories/trimsSwatch File, Hourly & Daily Production Report, Quality Control Check-List/AQL, Production &
Ready Pattern, Record Maintenance Register, Basic Stationary Items(Pens, Pencils,Eraser, notebook), Quality Tag,
Describe the stitching process. Set qualitative and quantitative output target
Describe quality and compliance for each operation.
requirement of the organisation. Carry out pilot run or update the findings of
the pilot run and sampling for the particular
Describe machinery and work aids used
in the process. Identify buyer specific compliances.
Explain basics of sewing and the various Explain various types of fabrics and garments.
types of stitching required for various Coordinate with planning /industrial
products. engineering department for machine layout
work aids.
Participate in pre-production meetings and
communicate pro-actively to develop process
and product understanding.
Classroom Aids:
Charts, Flip Chart, White-Board/SmartBoard, Marker, Duster
Job Card, White/Black Board+Marker/chalk+Duster, Tailor'S Chalk (quantity may vary as per requirement), Students
Chairs With Table Arms, Teacher’s Table & Chair , Industrial Single Needle Lock-Stitch sewing Machine with needle
guard+stool, Personal Protective Equipment ( thimble etc), Overlock Machine( 5 Thread)+stool, Flat lock machine
+stool, Button Tack Machine+stool, Feed of the Arm Machine+stool, Bar Tack machine+stool, Bottom Hemming
Machine, Straight Knife Cutting Machine, Pressing Unit, Machine for Front Placket, Continuous Fusing Press Machine,
Dress Form(size medium,one male & woman), Pattern making kit (eg,pattern paper,normal straight big ruler,hip
curve,leg curve, L Scale, frenchcurve,pattern master as per req), Tracing Wheel, Storage Boxes/poches, Techpack
Sample, Fabric/Accessories/trimsSwatch File, Hourly & Daily Production Report, Quality Control Check-List/AQL,
Production & Ready Pattern, Record Maintenance Register, Basic Stationary Items(Pens, Pencils,Eraser, notebook),
Quality Tag, Stopwatch, Defect List and samples, Dustbin, Machine Oil, First Aid Box, Students Notes, Fire
Extinguisher, Dexterity Test Kit, Garment , Made ups and Home Furnishing Samples (qnt may vary), Pattern/cutting
table, Sewing Machine attachments, Sewing Kit(eg: bobbin and bobbin case, trimmer, measuring tape , fabric cutting
, seam ripper, scissors etc), Sewing Machine needles, Sewing thread (surplus needed, qnt may vary), Fabric(surplus,
muslin cumpolsory, other types as per requirement), qnt may vary, trims and accessories, Sewing Machine Tool Kit,
Projector /LCD, color matching light box.
Classroom Aids:
Charts, Flip Chart, White-Board/Smart Board, Marker, Duster
Tools, Equipment, and Other Requirements
Job Card, White/Black Board Marker/chalk Duster, Tailor’s Chalk (quantity may vary as per requirement), Students Chairs
With Table Arms, Teacher’s Table & Chair , Industrial Single Needle Lock-Stitch sewing Machine with needle guard stool,
Personal Protective Equipment ( thimble etc.), Overlock Machine( 5 Thread)+stool, Flat lock machine +stool, Button Tack
Machine+stool, Feed of the Arm Machine+stool, Bar Tack machine+stool, Bottom Hemming Machine, Straight Knife
Cutting Machine, Pressing Unit, Machine for Front Placket, Continuous Fusing Press Machine, Dress Form(size medium,one
male & woman), Pattern making kit (eg,pattern paper,normal straight big ruler,hip curve,leg curve, L Scale,
frenchcurve,pattern master as per req), Tracing Wheel, Storage Boxes/poches, Techpack Sample,
Fabric/Accessories/trimsSwatch File, Hourly & Daily Production Report, Quality Control Check-List/AQL, Production &
Ready Pattern, Record Maintenance Register, Basic Stationary Items(Pens, Pencils,Eraser, notebook), Quality Tag,
Stopwatch, Defect List and samples, Dustbin, Machine Oil, First Aid Box, Students Notes, Fire Extinguisher, Dexterity Test
Kit, Garment , Made ups and Home Furnishing Samples (qnt may vary), Pattern/cutting table, Sewing Machine
attachments, Sewing Kit(eg: bobbin and bobbin case, trimmer, measuring tape , fabric cutting , seam ripper, scissors etc),
Sewing Machine needles, Sewing thread (surplus needed, qnt may vary), Fabric(surplus, muslin cumpolsory, other types as
per requirement), qnt may vary, trims and accessories, Sewing Machine Tool Kit, Projector /LCD, color matching light box.
Classroom Aids:
Charts, Flip Chart, White-Board/SmartBoard, Marker, Duster
Tools, Equipment, and Other Requirements
Monitoring and recording tools and equipment.
Classroom Aids:
Charts, Flip Chart, White-Board/Smart Board, Marker, Duster
Tools, Equipment, and Other Requirements
Monitoring and recording tools and equipment.
Training kit (Trainer guide, Presentations), appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), First aid box with all
Terminal Outcomes:
Classroom Aids:
Charts, Models, Flip Chart, White-Board/SmartBoard, Marker, Duster
Tools, Equipment, and Other Requirements
Basic Stationery
Trainer Certification
Domain Certification Platform Certification
Certificate for Job Role: “Production Supervisor- Certified for Job Role: “Trainer ” mapped to QP: “MEP/Q2601”;
Sewing’’mapped to QP: “AMH/Q2101, v2.0”. V:1.0
Assessor Prerequisites
Minimum Educational Specializati Relevant Industry Training/Assessme Remarks
Qualification on Experience nt Experience
<Specify the Years Specializati Year Specializati
areas of on s on
on that are
ITI/Diploma/Graduation/ Sewing ITI=4 Sewing Sewing The candidate
Post graduate years/1 should possess
diploma/Post Graduate Year good
Degree in relevant trade Diploma= communication
or sector 4 Years/2 skills with good
Years knowledge of
Diploma= made-ups &
3 Years/3 homefurnishing
Years products,
Diploma merchandising
or process,merchandis
Degree= ing documents
2 ,equipment, tools,
Years/Po material, inspection
st techniques of
Graduate garments,
Diploma computer
or Post knowledge ,Safety,
Graduate Health & hygiene
degree= and other
1 year requirements of
candidate should be
able to
communicate in
English and local
Assessor Certification
Domain Certification Platform Certification
Certificate for Job Role: “Production Supervisor- Certified for Job Role: “Assessor ” mapped to QP: “MEP/Q2701;
Sewing’’mapped to QP: “AMH/Q2101” V:2.0
1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council.
Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC
will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC
2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the
3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected
elective/option NOS/set of NOS. examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below)
4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each
candidate at each.
5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student
at each examination/training center based on these criteria.
6. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 70% aggregate in QP.
7. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.
QP Qualifications Pack
Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/ related set of functions in an
Occupation industry.
Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique employment
Job role opportunity in an organization.
OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve when carrying out
Occupational Standards a function in the workplace, together with the Knowledge and Understanding (KU) they
(OS) need to meet that standard consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in
the Indian and global contexts.
Performance Criteria (PC) Performance Criteria (PC) are statements that together specify the standard of
performance required when carrying out a task.
National Occupational
Standards (NOS) NOS are occupational standards which apply uniquely in the Indian context.
QP comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training and other criteria
Qualifications Pack (QP) required to perform a job role. A QP is assigned a unique qualifications pack code.
Unit Code
22 Production Supervisor- Sewing
Unit title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent should be able to
Unit Title do.
Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be helpful to anyone
Description searching on a database to verify that this is the appropriate OS they are looking for.
Scope is a set of statements specifying the range of variables that an individual may
Scope have to deal with in carrying out the function which have a critical impact on quality of
performance required.
Knowledge and Understanding (KU) are statements which together specify the
Knowledge and technical, generic, professional and organizational specific knowledge that an individual
Understanding (KU) needs in order to perform to the required standard.
Organisational context includes the way the organisation is structured and how it
Organisational Context operates, including the extent of operative knowledge managers have of their relevant
areas of responsibility.
Core skills or Generic Skills (GS) are a group of skills that are the key to learning and
Core Skills/ Generic Skills working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed in any work environment in
(GS) today’s world. These skills are typically needed in any work environment. In the context
of the OS, these include communication related skills that are applicable to most job
Electives are NOS/set of NOS that are identified by the sector as contributive to
Electives specialization in a job role. There may be multiple electives within a QP for each
specialized job role. Trainees must select at least one elective for the successful
completion of a QP with Electives.
Options are NOS/set of NOS that are identified by the sector as additional skills. There
Options may be multiple options within a QP. It is not mandatory to select any of the options to
complete a QP with Options.