X Science HY Sample P
X Science HY Sample P
X Science HY Sample P
Series FH1EG/3
SCI/10/1 Set ~ 1
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/1/1
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.
Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80
General Instructions:
1 P.T.O
Section A 20 Marks
1 What do you observe when sodium sulphate is added to barium chloride
c) Gas is released
c) Displacement reaction
d) Decomposition reaction
a) Acetic acid
b) Sulphuric acid
c) Tartaric acid
d) Hydrochloric acid
a) PVC
b) Sulphur
d) Graphite
2 P.T.O
5 You want to test for hardness of water but hard water is not available in the
laboratory. Which of the following compounds may be dissolved in pure water to
make it hard?
2. Sulphate of Magnesium
3. Chloride of Calcium
4. Carbonate of Sodium
6 Name the blood vessel which carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the
a) Capillaries
b) Pulmonary vein
c) Pulmonary artery
d) Aorta
1. Thyroxin
2. Calcitonin
3. Adrenaline
4. Insulin
a) B and C
b) A and B
c) A, B and D
d) All of these
3 P.T.O
8 Posture and balance of the body is controlled by.
a) Pons
b) Medulla
c) Cerebrum
d) Cerebellum
9 The speed of light in water is 2.25× 10 8 m/s.If the speed of light in a vacuum be
3.00 × 10 8 m/s, the refractive index of water:
a) 1.33
b) 1.34
c) 1.35
d) 1.32
10 Four optical media W, X, Y and Z have optical densities 1.35, 1.21, 1.58 and 1.002
respectively. In which optical medium will the light travel fastest?
a) W
b) Y
c) Z
d) X
12 An achromatic glass used for end - vision on a car with a radius of 4.00 m. If a car
is situated at 6.00 m from this achromatic glass, find the position of the image.
a) 4 m
b) 3 m
c) 5 m
d) 2 m
13 A 2 kW heater, a 200 watt TV and three 100 watt lamps are all switched on from
6−10 PM. What is the total cost at Rupees 5.50 per kWh?
a) 55
b) 57
c) 56
d) 67
b) 6.25× 10 18 electrons
c) 2.6× 10 19 electrons
d) 2.65× 10 18 electrons
15 If two resistors of 25𝛺 and 15 𝛺 are joined together in series and then placed in
parallel with a 40 𝛺 resistor, the effective resistance of the combination is:
a) 0.1𝛺
b) 10𝛺
c) 0𝛺
d) 40𝛺
b)) urrent
c) Conductivity
d) Resistance
17 Assertion (A): Chemical reaction changes the physical and chemical state of a
5 P.T.O
18 Assertion (A): Ina candle, wax vapours burn an insufficient supply of oxygen,
which leads to a blue flame.
Reason (R): When the oxygen supply is sufficient, then fuels burn completely
producing a blue flame.
19 Assertion (A): The walls of atria are thicker than those of the ventricles.
Reason (R): Ventricles have to pump blood into various organs at high pressure.
Section B 12 Marks
21 A silver article generally turns black when kept in the open for a few days. The
article when rubbed with toothpaste again starts shinning. Why do silver articles
turn black when kept in the open for a few days? Name the phenomenon
22 What are the various ways in which an atom can achieve the noble gas
6 P.T.O
26 Redraw the diagram given below in your answer book and complete the path of
Section C 21 Marks
27 State one characteristic each of the chemical reaction which takes place when:
1. Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to sodium carbonate.
7 P.T.O
28 A compound which is prepared from gypsum has the property of hardening
when mixed with a proper quantity of water. Identify the compound. Write the
chemical equation for its preparation. For what purpose is it used in hospitals?
29 ’M’ is an element which may be one out of Cu, Fe, Al, Na. It shows the following
31 "If there were no algae there would be no fish in the sea." Comment.
32 Nervous and hormonal system together performs the functions of control and
coordination in human beings. Justify the statement.
33 1. State Joule’s law of heating. Express it mathematically when an appliance
of resistance R is connected to a source of voltage Vand the current I flows
through the appliance for a time t.
Section D 15 Marks
’Nervous and hormonal systems together perform the function of control and
coordination in human beings.’ Justify the statement.
35 Form the image in case an object is moved from infinity to the concave mirror.
1. How are the images formed in convex mirror when object is moved from
infinity to the mirror?
8 P.T.O
36 1. For the combination of resistors shown in the following figure, find the
equivalent resistance between M & N.
5. Will the bulb in the two circuits glow with the same brightness? Justify
your answer.
Now, let one bulb in both the circuits get fused. Will the rest of the bulbs continue
to glow in each circuit? Give reason for your answer.
Section E 12 Marks
37 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: Redox reactions are those
reactions in which oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously. A redox
reaction is made up of two half reactions. In the first half reaction, oxidation takes
place and in second half reaction, reduction occurs. Oxidation is a process in
which a substance loses electrons and in reduction, a substance gains electrons.
The substance which gains electrons is reduced and acts as an oxidising agent. On
the other hand, a substance which loses electrons is oxidised and acts as a
reducing agent.
3. For the given reaction, identify the oxidation and reduction parts.
ZnO + CO → Zn + CO 2
PbS + 4H 2 O 2 → PbSO 4 + 4H 2 O
9 P.T.O
38 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: Non - metals are either
solids or gases. Non - metal can exist in different forms such as carbon. Each form
is called allotrope. Alkali metal is so soft that it can be cut with a knife. They have
low density and low melting point. Some metal can melt if they are kept in the
39 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: The compounds which have
the same molecular formula but differ from each other in physical or chemical
properties are called isomers and the phenomenon is called isomerism. When the
isomerism is due to difference in the arrangement of atoms within the molecule,
without any reference to space, the phenomenon is called structural isomerism.
In other words, structural isomers are compounds that have the same molecular
formula but different structural formulas, i.e., they are different in the order in
which different atoms are linked. In these compounds, carbon atoms can be
linked together in the form of straight chains, branched chains or even rings.
10 P.T.O
Maximum Marks: 80 Time Allowed: 3 hours
General Instructions:
i. This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections.
ii. All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some
questions. A student is expected to attempt only one of these questions.
iv. Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answers to
these questions should be in the range of 30 to 50 words.
vi. Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
Answer to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
Assertion & Choice Subjective
Chapter Name - Reason Question Question Total
11 P.T.O
Metals and Non- - - 1 (1) 1 (2) 3 (6)
1 (3)
1 (3)
1 (5)
1 (5)
12 P.T.O
(4 Grouped 1 (4) - - - 1 (4)
Metals and Non-
13 P.T.O
(d) A white insoluble substance is formed
Explanation: When barium chloride combines with sodium sulphate in the form of their aqueous solutions, a white precipitate
of barium sulphate is formed which is insoluble in water. The reaction also creates sodium chloride, which remains dissolved in
water and so cannot be seen.
BaCl2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) → BaSO4(s)(White precipitate) + 2NaCl(aq)
It is known as the precipitation reaction.
(d) Decomposition reaction
Explanation: Ferrous sulphate crystals contain water molecules (FeSO4. 7H2O). On heating, ferrous sulphate crystals lose
water and anhydrous ferrous sulphate (FeSO4) is formed. So their colour changes from light green to white.
On further heating, anhydrous ferrous sulphate decomposes to form ferric oxide (Fe2O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulphur
trioxide (SO3). So, the gas emitted smells like burning sulphur.
In this reaction, the single reactant FeSO4 decomposes to form three different products. So, the reaction is a decomposition
(c) Tartaric acid
Explanation: Tartaric acid used in baking powder where it serves as the source of acid that reacts with baking soda. This
reaction produces carbon dioxide gas and lets products rise using active yeast cultures as a source of carbon dioxide gas.
4. (a) PVC
Explanation: An insulating substance is required to coat the electrical wire such as PVC as it does not allow an electric current
to pass through it.
(c) (i) and (iv)
Explanation: (i) and (iv)
(c) Pulmonary artery
Explanation: The pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs. The pulmonary veins
carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium.
(b) A and B
Explanation: Thyroxin is one of the major hormone secreted by the thyroid gland as well as Calcitonin is a hormone secreted
by the thyroid gland that reduces the concentration of blood calcium level when it has risen to an above-normal level.
(d) Cerebellum
Explanation: It coordinates and regulates muscular activity.
9. (a) 1.33
Explanation: Speed of light in vacuum = 3.00 × 108 m/s
Speed of light in water = 2.23 × 108 m/s
(speed of light in vacuum)
Refractive index of water =
(speed of light in water)
14 P.T.O
Explanation: The lesser the optical density, the more is the speed of light.
(c) all reflecting surfaces
Explanation: The laws of reflection hold true for all the reflecting surfaces either spherical or plane. Therefore, the plane
mirror, concave mirror, and the convex mirror all will follow the laws of reflection.
(b) 3 m
Explanation: 3 m
13. (a) 55
Explanation: For heater,
P = 2kWh
T = 4 hours
Energy consumed = PT = 8kWh
For TV,
P = 200 watt = 0.2kW
T = 4 hours
Energy consumed = PT = 0.8kWh
For lamps,
P = 100 watt = 0.1kW
T = 4 hours
Energy consumed = PTn = 1.2kWh
Total energy consumed = 8 + 0.8 + 1.2 = 10kWh
Cost of 1kWh = Rupees 5.50
Total cost = Rupees 55
(b) 6.25 × 1018 electrons
Explanation: There are 6.25 × 1018 electrons in one-coulomb charge.
(c) 20 Ω
Explanation: The resultant resistance obtained from the resistors that are placed in series combination is connected with 40
Ω in parallel such that the overall resistance obtained is equal to 20 Ω .
(d) Resistance
Explanation: Slope of V-I graph represents the resistance in the conductor.
Resistance R = I
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Explanation: The outer portion of the flame of a candle is blue. this is because, in the outer portion of the flame of a candle,
there is a sufficient amount of oxygen where complete combustion takes place.
19. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
20. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Section B
21. When silver is kept in open for a few days, it reacts with atmosphere oxygen to form oxide. In due course of time, this react with
oxygen and hydrogen sulphide (in the atmosphere) to form silver sulphide; which appears as black layer. This phenomenon is
15 P.T.O
called tarnishing of silver.
4Ag + O2 + 2H2 S → 2Ag2 S + 2H2 O
22. An atom can achieve the noble gas configurations by transfer of electrons to / from the other atom(s) or by sharing electrons with
other atom(s).
a. Zinc oxide (ZnO ) is called an amphoteric oxide as it behaves bath as an acidic oxide and a basic oxide.
ZnO + 2HC l → ZC l2 + H2 O
(BasicOxide) (Acid) (Z incChloride) water
b. Water soluble hydroxides of metals are known as alkalies. For example, N aOH
23. Ethyne is converted into ethene, when a molecule of hydrogen is added to it in the presence of a catalyst Ni or Pd.
N i/pd
The reaction stops here, i.e. the obtained alkene does not react with hydrogen again because only a one molecule of hydrogen is
taken. If one more molecule of hydrogen is taken to react with ethene then C2H4 will convert into C2H6(ethane) in presence of
Ni/Pd catalyst
24. Dental caries or tooth decay causes gradual softening of enamel and dentine. It starts when bacteria acting on sugars present in
oral cavity produce acids that softens or de-mineralises the enamel. Masses of bacterial cells together with food particles stick to
the teeth to form dental plaque. Salvia cannot reach the tooth surface to neutralise the acid as plaque covers the teeth. Brushing the
teeth after eating removes the plaque before the bacteria produce acids. If untreated, microorganisms may invade the pulp, causing
inflammation and infection.
25. Growth is regulated not only by environmental factors like light and temperature, but also by certain chemical substances within
the plants. These substance are known as plant hormones, growth hormones, phytohormones or growth regulators. A plant
hormone can be defined as a chemical substance, which is capable of translocation and regulating one or more physiological
reactions, when present in low concentrations. The plant hormones can have a positive effect on process and thus promote it, or
they have a negative effect and cause inhibition. A particular hormone may promote certain processes and inhibit some other
The structural and functional units of nervous system are called neurons. It means the units which makes up the nervous system
are called neurons. These are specialized units for acceptance and transmission of impulses to and fro between the brain and other
body parts.
a. End of dendrite tip of nerve cell.
b. Dendrite → cell body → axon to its ends.
26. a.
Section C
27. i. When dilute hydrochloric acid is added to sodium carbonate - Evolution of carbon dioxide gas takes place.
ii. Lemon juice is added gradually to potassium permanganate solution - Change its colour from purple to colourless.
iii. When dilute sulphuric acid is added to the barium chloride solution - Formation of white precipitate of barium sulphate.
16 P.T.O
iv. Quick lime is treated with water - change in temperature.
v. Wax is burned in the form of a candle - Change in state from solid to liquid and gas.
28. The compound prepared from gypsum on heating it till 100 C , is known as Plaster of Paris. Its chemical formula is
H O . Hence, its chemical name is calcium sulphate hemihydrate. The chemical equation for its preparation is as
C aSO .4 2
100 C
1 1
C aSO4 .2H2 O −−−→ C aSO4 . H2 O + 1 H2 O
2 2
Gypsum W ater
Plaster of Paris is used in hospitals mainly as plaster for supporting fractured bones in the right position. In dentistry, it is used for
making casts.
29. (i) As the metal 'M' forms oxide M O it is trivalent. Out of the metals listed, only F e and Al are trivalent.
2 3
ii. H ∝ R
iii. H ∝ t
∴ H ∝ i2Rt
⇒ H = i2Rt
b. Here V = 6V and R = 5Ω
The current flowing through the resistor I = V
= 1.2 A
H = I2RT = (1.2)2 × 5 × 10 = 72J
17 P.T.O
Section D
Messages transmitted along nerve fibres. Messages transmitted through blood stream.
Effect of message usually lasts for a very short while Effect of message usually lasts longer
Sense organs are receptors as nerve cells located in them receive Glands are effectors which secrete hormones when the brain
information. commands.
The working together of various organs of human being in a systematic, controlled and efficient way to produce a proper response
to various stimuli is known as coordination.
In human beings, the control and coordination is brought about by both nervous system and endocrine system. Nervous system
consists of receptors that receive the stimulus from surrounding environment and send the message received by them to the spinal
cord and brain in form of electrical impulses through the sensory nerves.
The motor nerves then transmit the response to the effector. The effectors are mainly the muscles and glands of our body. Thus,
endocrine glands secreting hormones are directly or indirectly controlled by the nervous system. For example, when an emergency
stimulus is detected by the nervous system, the stimulus is detected by the nervous system , the stimulus is received and analysed
by central nervous system that send message to effectors to provide proper response. At the same time, the sympathetic nervous
system activates adrenal gland to release adrenaline that prepares body by increasing heart rate, blood pressure,respiration and
dilates pupil etc.
Hence, control and coordination in humans (or animals) depend on two things for transmitting information, i.e. chemical signals
of hormones and nerve impulses.
If they depended only on nerve impulses through nerve cells, only a limited range of tissues would be stimulated. Since, they get
additional chemical signals as well, a large number of tissues are stimulated. This is why animals can show a wide range of
response to stimulus.
35. Images formed by concave mirror.
i. Object at Infinity. Two cases arise :
a. When mirror is in parallel plane to the object. In such a case, rays from infinity come parallel to principal axis. After
reflection they pass through principal focus F (Rule 1). Image is extremely small, it is real, inverted and at principal focus.
18 P.T.O
b. When mirror is inclined so that the rays strike the mirror obliquely. The ray AB passing through F after reflection goes
parallel to principal axis towards BA' (Rule 2). Another ray DE through C striking the mirror at E is reflected back. The
two form an image at A' Image is real, inverted, extremely diminished and at F.
Object beyond C, a real, inverted diminished image between F and C, inverted at C and is of same size as that of object.
d. Object at C i.e. at 2f. A ray AD from A parallel to principal axis after reflection from mirror passes through F (Rule 1).
Another ray AD' from A through F, goes parallel to principal axis i.e. towards D'A' (rule 2) forming real, inverted image of
AB at C i.e. at 2f. The image is of the same size as the object.
f. Object at F. A ray AD parallel to principal axis passes through F. Another ray AE strikes the mirror normally at E is
reflected back as it passes through C (Rule 3). They form image of object AB at infinity. The image is very much enlarged
and is real and inverted.
Object between F and P. An erect, enlarged, virtual image is formed behind the mirror.
Images Formed by a Concave mirror
Object any where, A virtual, erect, diminished image is formed behind the mirror between F and P
36. i. Equivalent resistance between M and N
(R3 ×R4 )
=[ (R3 +R4 )
ii. Joule's law of heating states that when a current i passes through a conductor of resistance r for time t then the heat developed
in the conductor is equal to the product of the square of the current, the resistance, and time. This can be expressed as:
H = I2Rt
iii. We need a fuse of 5A for an electric iron which consumes 1 kW power at 220 V. It is because:
Given P = 1000 W, V = 220 V
As we know, P = V × t
Or I = V
Or I = 220V
= 4.5 A
Hence,4.54 ampere current flows in the circuit, the fuse should be of 5A.
20 P.T.O
iv. As you know, in a series circuit the current is constant throughout the electric circuit. Thus it is obviously impracticable to
connect an electric bulb and an electric heater in series because they need currents of widely different values to operate
In Parallel:
Current in each bulb = 3V
Current will get equally divided in three bulb = 3
i. In series, potential difference get divided whereas in parallel potential difference across each bulb remains full. Hence in series
bulbs glow with less brightness than bulbs in parallel connection.
ii. Now, if one bulb gets fused in a series connection, all the other bulbs will stop glowing, whereas in a parallel connection, other
bulbs will continue to glow. This is because in series combination even a single faulty component break the circuit whereas
this does not happen in parallel circuit.
Section E
37. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Redox reactions are those reactions in which oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously. A redox reaction is made up of two
half reactions. In the first half reaction, oxidation takes place and in second half reaction, reduction occurs. Oxidation is a process
in which a substance loses electrons and in reduction, a substance gains electrons. The substance which gains electrons is reduced
and acts as an oxidising agent. On the other hand, a substance which loses electrons is oxidised and acts as a reducing agent.
(i) The oxidation and reduction occurring together are called a redox reaction. CuO + H2 ⟶ Cu + H2O. Example: In
this reaction, copper oxide is being reduced to copper whereas hydrogen is being oxidised to water.
(ii) Oxidising agents give oxygen to or removes hydrogen from other substances. The reducing agent undergoes loss of
electrons. A reducing agent (also called a reductant or reducer) is an element or compound that loses (or "donates") an
21 P.T.O
electron to another chemical species in a redox chemical reaction.
(iii)ZnO is being reduced
ZnO is reduced to Zn and CO is oxidised to CO2
(iv)H2O2 is reduced to water by removal of oxygen.
The oxidation and reduction occurring together are called a redox reaction. CuO + H2 ⟶ Cu + H2O. Example: In
this reaction, copper oxide is being reduced to copper whereas hydrogen is being oxidised to water.
38. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Non-metals are either solids or gases. Non-metal can exist in different forms such as carbon. Each form is called allotrope. Alkali
metal is so soft that it can be cut with a knife. They have low density and low melting point. Some metal can melt if they are kept
in the palm.
(i) Metals are malleable and ductile. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. Metals are lustrous (shiny) and can
be polished. Metals are solids at room temperature (except mercury, which is liquid).
(ii) Metals Non-metals
These are solids at room temperature except mercury These exist in all three states
These are very hard except sodium These are soft except diamond
These are malleable and ductile These are brittle and can break down into pieces
Washing soda is used for removing the permanent hardness of the water.
22 P.T.O
(ii) Yes, Butane and 2-methylpropane
CH3CH2CH2CH3 and CH CHCH have different structural formula but same molecular formula. These two
3 3
molecules, butane and 2-methylpropane, both have the molecular formula C4H10 , but they are different molecules since
the atoms are arranged differently.
(iii)2-methylpentane has the longest chain
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
CH3 − C−CH3
When sulphur trioxide (acidic oxide) is dissolved in water, an exothermic reaction takes place with the
formation of sulphuric acid.
23 P.T.O
Series SCI/10/2 Set ~ 2
Roll No. Q.P Code 10/2/2
Candidates must write the Q.P Code
on the title page of the answer-book.
Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80
General Instructions:
1 P.T.O
Section A 20 Marks
1 The chips packet is flushed with a gas X to prevent rancidity. Identify X .
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Water vapour
2 We will observe white ppt in which of the following reaction?
b) CaO is formed.
c) CaCl2 is formed.
a) Unionised HCI
b) Cl+ OH
c) H3 O + + Cl −
d) H3 O + + OH
2 P.T.O
c) olfactory indicator
d) artificial indicator
1. 2KClO$_{ 3$ 2KCl+ 3O 2
2. MgO + H2 O → Mg(OH) 2
4. Zn + FeSO4 → ZnSO 4 + Fe
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Water
c) Glucose
d) Chlorophyll
3 P.T.O
9 A doctor advised a person to take an injection of insulin because
b) chemotropism
c) phototropism
d) geotropism
a) Nucleus
b) Dendrite
c) Axon
d) Cyton
4 P.T.O
13 An electric bulb is rated 220 V and 100 W. When it is operated on 110 V, the
power consumed will be -
a) 100 W
b) 50 W
c) 25 W
d) 75 W
b) 0.5 A
c) 0.2A
d) 0.2 C
15 The refractive indices of four substances P, Q, R, and S are 1.50, 1.36, 1.77, and
1.31 respectively. The speed of light is the maximum in the substance:
a) R
b) S
c) P
d) Q
16 A lens of focal length ’ f ’ is cut into two equal parts without affecting its
curvature. The two pieces will have equal focal length of :
b) f
d) 2f
17 Assertion (A): Silver articles become black after sometime when exposed to
Reason (R): It is because silver reacts with carbonates present in the air.
5 P.T.O
18 Assertion (A): Respiration is a biochemical process opposite to photosynthesis.
Reason (R): Energy is released during respiration.
19 Assertion (A): Voltmeter is always connected in parallel across the circuit while
measuring the potential difference.
Reason (R): As the voltage in parallel circuits are measured to be the same.
20 Assertion (A): Convex mirrors are used for rear view on vehicles.
Reason (R): The size of the image formed by a convex mirror will be same.
Section B 12 Marks
21 A student added few pieces of aluminium metal to two test tubes A and B
containing aqueous solution of iron sulphate and copper sulphate. In the second
part of her experiment, she added iron metal to another test tube C and D
containing aqueous solution of aluminium sulphate and copper sulphate.
In which test tube or test tubes will she observe colour change? On the basis of
this experiment state which one is the most reactive metal and why?
6 P.T.O
What is lymph?
24 If the image formed by a lens for all positions of an object placed in front of it is
always erect and diminished, what is the nature of this lens? Draw a ray diagram
to justify your answer. If the numerical value of the power of this lens is 10 D,
what is its focal length in the Cartesian system?
25 What is the cause of refraction of light when it passes from one medium to
To construct a ray diagram we use two rays which are so chosen that it is easy to
know their directions after reflection from the mirror. List two such rays and
state the path of these rays after reflection in case of concave mirrors. Use these
two rays and draw ray diagram to locate the image of an object placed between
pole and focus of a concave mirror.
26 State Ohm’s law? How can it be verified experimentally? Does it hold good under
all conditions? Comment.
21 Marks
Section C
28 Leaves of healthy potted plant were coated with vaseline. Will this plant remain
healthy for long? Give reasons for your answer.
"If there were no algae there would be no fish in the sea." Comment.
29 The diagram given below is the experiment set - up of show that carbon dioxide
is given out during respiration. In this set - up what does test tube marked (A)
contain? What are its role in the experiment
30 Nervous and hormonal system together performs the functions of control and
coordination in human beings. Justify the statement.
31 An object is kept at a distance of 18 cm, 20 cm and 30 cm, from a lens of
power+5D. (i) In which case or cases would you get a magnified image? (ii)
Which of the magnified image can we get on a screen? (b) List two widely used
applications of a convex lens.
7 P.T.O
32 1. Write the relationship between electrical resistance and electrical
resistivity for a metallic conductor of cylindrical shape. Hence derive the
SI unit of electrical resistivity.
33 The given figure shows a battery, a switch and two bulbs. Complete the diagram
to show the electric connections of the bulbs to the battery. How have you joined
the bulbs? Give a reason.
Section D 15 Marks
34 Give the name of raw materials that are required for the manufacture of washing
soda. Write the reaction involved in the process.
2. How will you show with an example that metal oxides are basic in nature?
Give chemical equation also.
35 Draw a labelled diagram of human brain and mention the functions of the
following: Medulla oblongata, cerebellum and forebrain.
8 P.T.O
Section E 12 Marks
37 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: The teacher while
conducting practicals in the laboratory divided the students into three groups
and gave them various solutions to find out their pH and classify them into acidic,
basic and neutral solutions.
1. For the solutions provided, which group is/are likely to have pH value (i)
less than 7, and (ii) greater than 7?
Explain, why the sour substances such as lemon juice are effective in cleaning
the tarnished copper vessels.
38 Read the text carefully and answer the questions: In animals, control and
coordination are provided by nervous and muscular tissues. Touching a hot
object is an urgent and dangerous situation for us. We need to detect it and
respond to it. How do we detect that we are touching a hot object? All
information from our environment is detected by the specialised tips of some
nerve cells. These receptors are usually located in our sense organs, such as the
inner ear, the nose, the tongue, and so on. So gustatory receptors will detect taste
while olfactory receptors will detect the smell. This information, acquired at the
end of the dendritic tip of a nerve cell, see figure, sets off a chemical reaction that
creates an electrical impulse. This impulse travels from the dendrite to the cell
body, and then along the axon to its end.
1. Name the largest cell present in the body.
2. What is an axon ?
Question No. 39 to 42 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully
and answer the questions:
10 P.T.O
Maximum Marks: 80 Time Allowed: 3 hours
General Instructions:
MCQ - Multiple
Chapter Assertion Picture Choice Subjective
Name - & Reason Based Question Question Total
1 (3)
Control and - - 1 (1) 2 (1) 1 (3) 4 (6)
2 (3)
(4 Grouped 1 - - - - 1 (4)
Questions) (4)
Control and
(3 Grouped 1 - - - - 1 (4)
Questions) (4)
Acids Bases
and Salts
12 P.T.O
Life Processes
Life Processes
13 P.T.O
Section A
(c) Nitrogen
Explanation: Rancidity can be prevented by packaging fat and oil-containing foods in nitrogen gas as it is unreactive. Hence,
the chips packets are flushed with nitrogen gas to prevent aerial oxidation of fats and oil containing chips.
(c) Barium chloride is mixed with sodium sulphate solution
Explanation: On mixing a solution of barium chloride with sodium sulphate, a white precipitate of barium sulphate is
immediately formed. These reactions are ionic in nature.
BaCl2 + Na2SO4 →
BaSO4 + 2NaCl
(d) CaCO3 and Cl2 are formed.
Explanation: CaCO3 and Cl2 are produced when Bleaching powder is treated with CO2.
C a(OC l)2 + C O2 → C aC O3 + C l2 ↑
(c) H3O+ + Cl-
Explanation: Any acid produces hydrogen ion (H+) which is present as hydronium ion (H3O) because of combination with a
water molecule.
(d) Al is more reactive than Zn, Cu, Fe
Explanation: 2Al + 3ZnSO4 → Al2(SO4)3 + 3 Zn
2Al + 3CuSO4 → Al2(SO4)3 + 3 Cu
2Al + 3FeSO4 → Al2(SO4)3 + 3Fe
Al is more reactive than Zn, Cu and Fe because it displaces them from their salt solution.
(c) olfactory indicator
Explanation: An Olfactory indicator is defined as a substance whose smell varies when it is mixed with an acidic or basic
solution. Such substances can be used in the laboratory to test whether a solution is a base or an acid, and this process is called
olfactory titration. All onion, clove oil, and vanilla extract are examples.
i. Onion: Paste or juice of onion loses its smell when added with base. It does not change its smell with acid.
ii. Clove oil: In bases, its characteristic smell cannot be detected.
14 P.T.O
Explanation: Patient suffering from diabetes will have high blood glucose due to non-functioning or lack of insulin
hormone. Such patients are administered with insulin injection to regulate blood glucose.
(c) phototropism
Explanation: Phototropism is the response of the plants towards light. Thus, sunflower moves in accordance with the path of
(c) Axon
Explanation: At the end of the axon, the electrical impulse sets off the release of some chemicals, which cross the synapse and
start a similar electrical impulse in a dendrite of the next neuron. In this way nerve impulses travel in the body.
(c) stomata surrounding by a pair of guard cells each
Explanation: Onion peel possesses stomata, guard cells, and epidermal cells. The nuclei are present in both epidermal and
guard cells. Stomata is a pore surrounded by guard cells, so it does not possess any nucleus.
(c) 25 W
2 2
or R = 220
2 2
V 110 × (100) 100
When it is operated at 110 V, the power consumed will be P =
or P =
or P =
or P = 25W
( 220 )
(b) 0.5 A
Explanation: Given,
Charge moved, Q = 20C
Time taken, t = 40s
To find,
Current, I = ?
We know that,
I= t
= 0.5A
Therefore, 0.5A is required for moving 20C charge in 40s.
(b) S
Explanation: S
(b) f
Explanation: Since the lens is cut into two equal parts without affecting its curvature, it means the radius of curvature R is
same for both parts and hence the focal length( F = ) will remain same.
(c) A is true but R is false.
Explanation: Silver reacts with sulphur present in the air and forms a layer of silver sulphide, therefore, silver articles get
tarnished. Thus assertion is true, but reason is false.
18. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Respiration is defined as the process of the biochemical oxidation of nutrients at the cellular level. It occurs in
the presence of specific enzymes at optimum temperature in the cells to release energy for various metabolic activities.
Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
19. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Voltage measured in the parallel circuits are always equal. As all the parallel circuits start from one point and end
at another point and always the potential difference between the two points will always be the same. So, this is the reason why
voltmeter is always connected in parallel across the circuit. Thus, both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.
15 P.T.O
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Convex mirrors are not used for rear view on vehicles. We use only concave mirrors for rear view. They will
always give erect and diminished image of the object. They provide a wider field for clear view. For this reason, the convex
mirrors are fitted on both sides of the vehicles. Therefore, the given assertion is true, but reason is not the correct explanation of
Section B
21. Only in test tubes A and B she will observe colour change from green to colourless in A. because aluminium is more reactive then
iron it will displace iron. She will observe colour change from blue to colourless in test tube B. Aluminium is the most reactive
metal because it displace all the other three metals.
22. Plants are non-motile whereas animals are motile which require high amount of energy expenditure. Moreover, most of the
movements of substances in plants happen through passive transport through dead cells which does not need energy. Due to this,
the energy requirement in plants is low as compared to animals.
23. Differences between transport in xylem and phloem.
Transport in xylem Transport in phloem
1) Sucrose, amino acids and other substances are
1) Water and minerals are transported through xylem.
transported through phloem.
Lymph is the plasma and formed elements that have leaked out of the capillaries into extracellular environment. It carries food and
wastes to the body cells outside the circulatory system. Lymph is formed from the fluid which leaks from blood capillaries and
goes to the intercellular spaces in the tissues. This fluid is collected through lymph vessels and finally returns to the blood
capillaries. Lymph also plays an important role in the immune system.
24. It is a concave lens.
P = 10 D
∴ f = = 0.1 m
1 1
P 10
A ray of light which passes through the centre of curvature after reflection retraces its path back.
16 P.T.O
Image of an object placed between pole and focus:
26. According to Ohm’s law, the current (I) flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference (V) across
its ends, provided its physical conditions remain the same.
Ohm's law does not hold good under all conditions as it is not a fundamental law of nature like Newton's laws.
It is obeyed by metallic conductors only when physical conditions like temperature etc. are kept unchanged. It is not obeyed by a
lamp filament, Junction diode, thermistor, etc.
Section C
27. a. Double decomposition reaction [An exchange of ions took place]
b. Displacement reaction [A more reactive non-metal displaces a less reactive non-metal from its salt solution.]
c. Decomposition reaction/Reduction reaction [A compound decomposes to form two or more products./CuO is reduced to Cu.]
28. If leaves of a healthy potted plant are coated with vaseline, it will clog the stomatal pores on leaves. Blockage of stomatal will
stop transpiration and exchange of gases from leaves. Transpiration plays an important role in ascent of sap in plants. Hence, lack
of transpiration will stop ascent of sap. Moreover, stoppage of exchange of gases would also stop respiration and photosynthesis in
leaves. This will result in death of leaves and finally the plant would die due to lack of food.
Algae are the main source of productivity in sea. they prepare there own food with the help of photosynthesis. they are food for
many small aquatic animals living in the sea. hence the algae is food for small fishes and small fishes are food for big fishes. it is
like a food chain.
Algae produce O2 as a result of photosynthesis. This oxygen is utilized by fishes in the sea for carrying out respiration. If there
were no algae, no oxygen would have been produced. Thus fishes might have died. Hence we can say if there were no algae there
would be no fish in the sea.
29. The test-tube (A) contains potassium hydroxide. It absorbs the CO2 released during the respiration of seeds which creates a partial
vacuum in conical flask causing the rise in the water level of the bent delivery tube. Rise in level of water shows that CO2 is
released during respiration.
30. A number of interactions between the environment and the animal are a result of combined action of both neurons and endocrine
system for which specialized tissues are used to provide control and co – ordinations activities. Nervous system that includes
brain, spinal cord along with other peripheral nervous transfer the information for procesisng. The endocrine system releases
hormones in response to stimulus to control and co-ordinate the functions.
31. (i) Focal length = 1/power = 1/5D = 1/5m = 20cm
It is convex lens of focal length 20cm.
So, the Magnified image will be formed in all cases, 20cm is focus, 18 cm is on focal length, 22 cm and 30 cm is between focus
and focus and center of curvature. In all cases, magnified image is formed.
(ii) In case of 22 cm and 30 cm image formed is real and hence can be obtained on screen.
32. i. ρ = R A
SI unit of ρ = ohm × m
= ohm × metre/Ω m
ii. ρ = R l
−6 2
0⋅04Ω×1⋅4×10 m
2 m
= 2 ⋅ 8 × 10 Ωm
33. The two bulbs are connected in parallel and the complete circuit diagram is drawn below:
The reason for connecting the two bulbs in parallel is that (i) both the bulbs glow at the same voltage, and (ii) if one bulb stops
glowing, the other bulb remains unaffected.
Section D
34. Raw materials : Sodium chloride (NaCl), Ammonia (NH3), Lime stone (CaCO3)
NaCl + NH3 + H2O + CO2 → NH4Cl + NaHCO3
When copper oxide reacts with dil. hydrochloric acid it forms copper chloride and water. This shows that copper oxide (metal
oxide) is a basic oxide.
35. Functions of forebrain: It helps in speech, facial activities, mental activities, hearing, smell, sight, taste, smell, touch, etc.
Functions of the cerebellum: It maintains the posture, equilibrium and muscle tone.
Functions of Medulla Oblongata: it helps in maintaining the rate of heartbeat, breathing movements, sneezing, coughing,
18 P.T.O
vomiting, regulates blood pressure, etc.
Neuron or nerve cell is a structural and functional unit of the nervous system that is specialised to receive, conduct and transmit
nerve impulses. A neuron (nerve cell) has three components:
i. Cell body (cyton)
ii. Dendrites
iii. Axon
Functions: The information acquired at the end of the dendritic tip of a neuron sets off a chemical reaction which creates an
electrical impulse. This impulse travels from die dendrite to the cyton along the axon of its end. At the end of axon, the electrical
impulse sets off the release of some chemicals, which cross the synapse and start a similar electrical impulse in a dendrite of the
next neuron. In this way nerve impulses travel in the body, from one neuron to another till it reaches the brain or the target organ.
Thus, a nervous tissue is made up of an organised network of nerve cells or neurons which are specialised in conducting
information via electrical impulse from one part of the body to another.
36. Light rays that are parallel to the principal axis of a concave mirror converge at a specific point on its principal axis after
reflecting from the mirror. This point is known as the principal focus of the concave mirror.
Principal focus (p.f.) is a point on principal axis of a concave mirror where the rays parallel to principal axis meet after reflection
from the mirror.
Additional reading. For convex mirror, principal focus is a point on principal axis of a convex mirror where rays parallel to
principal axis appear to diverge from after reflection from the mirror.
a. A transparent material bounded by two surfaces of which one or both surfaces are spherical / curved.
a. Converging lens
b. Diverging lens
Double concave lens is a diverging lens.
b. To find the position of the object, we can use the lens formula:
f = 15 cm, v = 20 cm, u = ?
19 P.T.O
1 1 1
= −
f v u
1 1 1
⇒ = −
u v f
= 1
20 cm
15 cm
= 60
u = -60 cm.
image is diminished.
Section E
37. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
The teacher while conducting practicals in the laboratory divided the students into three groups and gave them various solutions to
find out their pH and classify them into acidic, basic and neutral solutions.
Group A - Lemon juice, vinegar, colourless aerated drink
Group B - Tomato juice, coffee, ginger juice
Group C - Sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, lime water
(i) i. Groups A and B - less than 7
ii. Group C - greater than 7
(ii) pH paper and universal indicator.
(iii) Acids and bases are electrolytes, meaning they dissociate into ions in water and conduct electricity.
Neutral solutions typically have lower conductivity compared to acidic or basic solutions.
i. Copper vessel is tarnished due to formation of basic copper oxide.
ii. Lemon juice being acidic react with copper oxide and the salt formed is washed away.
20 P.T.O
39. An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases energy through light or heat.
40. Mixing of acid with water is a highly exothermic reaction.
41. When sulphur trioxide (acidic oxide) is dissolved in water, an exothermic reaction takes place with the formation of sulphuric
SO3 + H2O → H2SO4
42. Since the process of dissolving an acid in water is exothermic, it is always recommended that acid should be added to water. If it
is done the other way, then it is possible that because of the large amount of heat generated, the mixture splashes out and causes
21 P.T.O