ACD Reference Question Bank

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Reference Question Bank

AC Machine Design (3170909)
Unit – I Introduction
1. Explain different types of insulating materials used in transformer and ac machine design.
Classify different insulating materials according to temperature withstanding capacity.
2. What do you mean by thermal resistance? Explain different types of heat dissipation
methods used for electrical machines.
3. Define specific electric loading and specific magnetic loading. Also explain the factors
affecting choice of specific electric loading and specific magnetic loading for design of AC
4. Judge the effect of permissible temperature rise on choice of electrical specific loading for
machine design. Also explain the other factors of choice of electrical loading in machine
5. In compliance with rating and operating time of electrical machine, Elaborate the term duty
cycle. Write a short note on classification of duty cycle.
6. Most of electrical machines are usually painted with dull metallic paints. Justify your
answer by explaining different modes of heat dissipation. Also explain the phenomenon of
thermal resistance.
Unit- II Design of Transformers
7. Some transformers are used to step up the voltage levels, some are used to step down, some
are used for isolation, and some are used for other industrial applications also. Keeping in
mind different applications, classify all types of transformers.
8. Differentiate between shell type and core type transformer on basis of construction, winding
design, leakage reactance and cooling criteria. (Pg. No. 5.9, A.K. Sawhney)
9. Derive the expression for output KVA for single-phase and three-phase transformer in terms
of winding factor and area of iron and copper parts.
10. What is window space factor? Explain how it varies with (i) KVA rating and (ii) KV rating.
11. Deduce equation Et = k√Q where Q = kVA rating of a transformer. Explain how service
conditions of transformer affect the value of K.
12. What is design optimization? Derive necessary condition for designing a transformer with
minimum cost.
13. The tapping is provided on the high voltage winding. Justify your answer with specific
14. Discuss different winding arrangements and its connection in three phase transformers.

Prof. Anurag Gupta (Department of Electrical Engineering)


Classify different types of winding and its arrangement for core type and shell type
transformer. Justify your answer with aspects of current rating, short circuit strength,
temperature rise, impedance, and surge voltage and transport facilities. (Pg. No. 5.19, A.K.
Classify different types of winding and its arrangement for core type and shell type
transformer. Write short note on cylindrical winding and cross over winding with neat
15. Point out selection of material and type for core and yoke design for three phase
transformers. (Pg. No. 5.57, A.K. Sawhney)
16. Explain the different methods of cooling of transformers. (Pg. No. 5.29, A.K. Sawhney)
17. Discuss the importance of mitred joints in the core assembly of transformers. (Pg. No. 5.17,
A.K. Sawhney)
18. Derive the expression of leakage reactance of a 3-phase core type distribution transformer.
(Article No. 5.47, Pg. No. 5.85, A.K. Sawhney)
19. From the design data discuss how no-load current can be estimated in 3-phase core type
transformer. (Article No. 5.52, Pg. No. 5.98, A.K. Sawhney
20. Explain types of mechanical forces are developed in transformer windings.
Unit-III Design of Induction Motors
21. Classify all types of Induction motor as per their application and specifications. Differentiate
between WRIM and SRIM in terms of design parameters.
22. What is Overload capacity? Comment on selection of values of overload capacity of
induction motor. Discuss effect on maximum power factor and overload capacity of I.M for
estimating length of air-gap.
23. Explain the effect of skewing the rotor slots in a squirrel cage induction motor affecting
power factor and overload capacity of machine.
24. Discuss how the magnetizing current can be estimated from the design data in a three-phase
induction motor.
25. Explain the deciding factor for stator slots and state the equation for 1) Area of stator slots
2) Stator winding resistance 3) Stator copper losses.
26. Explain methods of improving starting torque of Induction Motor.
27. Which factor influence the power factor of induction motor? What is dispersion
28. Explain effect of dispersion coefficient on maximum power factor of induction machine.
29. Explain the different starting methods of single-phase induction motor.

Prof. Anurag Gupta (Department of Electrical Engineering)


30. Show that the output for a single-phase induction motor is 2/3rd of that for a three-phase
equivalent induction motor for the same values of D 2L.
Unit-IV Design of Synchronous Machine
31. How are the synchronous machines classified according to the construction?
32. Explain all factors for choice of specific electric and magnetic loading for designing of
33. Explain the terms “critical speed” and “run-away speed” with reference to synchronous
34. Explain the different methods for elimination of harmonics in synchronous machine.
35. Explain importance of damper winding in synchronous machine and drive the total MMF
required for damper winding.
36. What are the factors to be considered for selection of armature slots in design of
37. Explain SCR and its effect on synchronous machine performance.
38. Explain steps of design of field winding of alternator.
39. Explain evaluation of Direct and Quadrature axis reactance of Alternator.
Unit-V Computer Aided Design
40. E x p l a i n w h a t i s c o m p u t e r - a i d e d d e s i g n ? E x p l a i n b y a fl o w c h a r t ?
41. Explain the different approaches of computer aided design of electrical apparatus.
42. Discuss in detail the limitation of conventional machine design over the computer aided
43. Discuss in detail the about the design procedure for computer aided design.
44. Describe about major considerations and limitations in electrical machine design.
45. Discuss in detail the concept behind the finite element discretization.
46. Explain finite element method.
47. Discuss basic elements of CAD. Discuss in detail the mesh generation in Computed aided
48. What are the constraint functions in optimal design of a Core Type Power transformer?
Explain them clearly with an example.
49. W r i t e c o m p u t e r a l g o r i t h m f o r d e t e r m i n i n g o f “ D ” & “ L ” o f a r m a t u r e o f
3 - P h Alternator using output equation.
Numerical Problems
1. Estimate overall dimensions for a 200 KVA, 6600/440V, 50 Hz three phase core type
transformer. The following data may be assumed: Emf per turn = 10 V, maximum flux
density = 1.3 wb/m2, current density = 2.5 A/mm2, window space factor = 0.3, overall height
= overall width, stacking factor = 0.9. Use a three stepped core. For a three stepped core:
Width of largest stamping = 0.9d, Net iron area = 0.6d2 where d is diameter of circumscribing

Prof. Anurag Gupta (Department of Electrical Engineering)


2. The current densities in the primary and secondary windings of a transformer are 2.2 and
2.1 A/ mm2 respectively. The ratio of transformation is 10: 1 and the length of the mean
turn of the primary is 10 percent greater than that of the secondary. Calculate the
resistance of the secondary winding given that the primary winding resistance is 8 Ω.
3. Estimate the per unit regulation at full load and 0.8 power factor lagging for a 300 kVA,
50 Hz, 6600/400 V, 3 phase, delta/star, core type transformer. The data given is: H.V.
winding: outside diameter = 0.36 m, inside diameter = 0.29 m, area of conductor = 5.4
mm2. L.V. winding: outside diameter = 0.26 m, inside diameter = 0.22 m, area of
conductor = 170 mm2. Length of coils = 0.5 m, voltage per turn=8V, resistivity=0.21
4. The output coefficient of 1250 KVA, 300 rpm synchronous generator is 200 KVA/m3-
r.p.s. (a) find the values of main dimensions (D, L) of the machine if the ratio of length to
diameter is 0.2. Also calculate the value of main dimensions if: (b) S0pecific loadings are
decreased by 10 percent each with speed remaining the same; (c) speed is decreased to 150
rpm with specific loading remaining the same as in part (a). Assume the same ratio of
length to diameter. Comment upon results.
5. A 15 kW, 400 V 3 phase 50 Hz, 6 pole induction motor has a diameter of 0.3 m and the
length of core 0.12 m. The number of slots is 72 with 20 conductors per slot. The stator is
delta connected. Calculate the value of magnetizing current per phase if the length of air
gap is 0.55 m. The gap contraction factor is 1.2. Assume the mmf required for the iron
parts to be 35 percent of the air gap mmf. Take coil span = 11 slots. Winding factor
6. An 11kW, 3 phases, 6 poles, 50 Hz, 220V star connected induction motor has 54 slots
each containing 9 conductors. Calculate the values of bar and end ring currents. The
number of rotor bars is 64. The machine efficiency of 0.86 and a power factor of 0.85.
The rotor mmf may be assumed of 85 percent of stator mmf. If current density is 5
A/mm2.Find area of rotor bar and area of end ring
7. A 100 hp, 50 Hz, 8 poles, 500 V slip ring induction motor with 3 phase star connected
stator winding: Turns per phase for stator is 64 and for rotor 35. Resistance per phase:
Stator 0.062 Ω; Rotor 0.019 Ω. Reactance per phase: Stator 0.21Ω; Rotor 0.019Ω.
Magnetizing current 35 A/phase. Iron loss 1495W. Friction and Windage loss 760 W.
Draw circle diagram and determine the line current, efficiency, power factor and slip at
full load and half load conditions. Also find Maximum output and pull-out torque.
8. Determine the main dimensions and turns per phase (Tph) of a 3000 KVA, 6.6KV, 50Hz,
187 r.p.m., 3-phase, star connected alternator. Assume average flux density=0.58
Wb/m2, ac=35000. Assume pole arc/pole pitch=0.7.
9. Determine main dimensions and turns per phase of a 2 MVA, 11 kV, 50 Hz, 24 pole
three phase star connected alternator. Assume average gap density of 0.55 wb/m2, ac =
30000, winding factor 0.955. Use L/τ ratio of 1.25.
10. Calculate the diameter, core length, no of conductors of the stator, size of conductor, no.
of stator slots of 30 MVA, 11KV, 3000 r.p.m., 50 Hz, star connected Turbo alternator.
Assume Bav = 0.55 Wb/m2, ac=55000 A/m, Kw = 0.955, peripheral velocity= 160 m/s.

Prof. Anurag Gupta (Department of Electrical Engineering)


11. The field coil of a salient pole alternator is wound with a single layer winding of bore
copper strip 30 mm deep, with separating insulation 0.15 mm thick. Determine a suitable
winding length, number of turns and thickness of conductor to develop a MMF of
12000A with a potential difference of 5 V per coil and with a loss of 1200 W/m2 of total
coil surface. The mean length of turn is 1.2 m. the resistivity is 0.021 Ώ /m and mm2.

Prof. Anurag Gupta (Department of Electrical Engineering)

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