Week of January 6, 2012: Honor Before Honors

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Week of January 6, 2012

The Williams School works with each child to build an enduring foundation for academic, moral, and social success. Williams School students embody integrity, confidence, discipline, and a love of learning.
Honor before Honors

Dear Williams School Families, Everyone appeared to be rested after our well deserved winter break and was ready to get back to school. Ava Grace bounded out of the car on Tuesday proclaiming that she was glad to be back at school and ready to see all of her classmates. Vacation was wonderful, but I agree with Ava Grace, it is good to be back at school. On Wednesday during assembly, we focused our lesson on setting goals and the importance of believing in yourself. One way to maintain your resolution, I shared with children, is to set a reasonable goal. A student is more likely to develop a new habit by setting a goal that he or she believes is achievable. Just a reminder, Admiral John C. Harvey, Jr. is our guest speaker this year at our Heroes Among Us series. Admiral Harveys children, Sarah (00) and David (02), attended The Williams School. Due to the Admirals busy schedule we have changed the date to Wednesday, January 18th. Please join us at the Town Point Club for what should be an inspiring evening. Middle school parents please mark your calendars for the Middle School Guest Lunch that takes place this month on Thursday, January 19th. Last year this was a very popular event for middle school students and teachers. Everyone will be dining in the MPR; it will be cozy but well worth the visit to school. Due to our space limitations we are asking that students only bring one guest. Happy New Year and Welcome Back to School!
Open House Sunday, January 8, 2012 - 1:00 4:00 PM Our admissions open house is a time when we introduce our school to new families. We are fortunate that in general we have quite a few more applicants than spaces, but we are always interested in meeting families you think will benefit by being part of Williams.

Sunday, January 8, 2012 Open House 1-4PM

THIS WEEK Monday, January 9th Girls BB Blue Practice @ Park Place 3:30- 5:00 PM Girls BB Gold Practice @ Salvation Army 3:30- 5:00 PM Tuesday, January 10th Girls BB Blue Team vs./@ Alliance Christian 4:15 PM Boys BB Blue Team vs./@ Alliance Christian 5:15 PM Boys BB Gold Team vs./@ Alliance Christian 6:15 PM Wednesday, January 11th Assembly - 6th grade Mummy Raps, 5th grade class news, 6th grade Spanish class song, Forensics Presentation Casey at Bat Girls BB Gold Team vs./@ CBA 4:30 PM Boys BB Gold Team vs./@ CBA 5:30 PM Thursday, January 12th Boys BB Blue Team vs./ @ Cape Henry 4:00 PM

Friday, January 13th No Sports Saturday, January 14th Three Cities Cocktail Party @ Mike and LeAnne Benedettos NEXT WEEK Monday, January 16th NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr. Day Camp Williams NOT Available Tuesday, January 17th No Sports Practice PAC Meeting 3:30 PM TWS Finance Meeting Library 4:00 PM Wednesday, January 18th Assembly - Lost and Found, 3rd Class News, 4th Class News, Honor Council Presentation, Lost and Found Boys BB Blue Practice @ Salvation Army 3:30- 5:00 PM Girls BB Blue Practice @ Park Place 3:30- 5:00 PM Heroes Among Us Program @ Town Point Center 6:00-8:00 PM Thursday, January 19th Middle School Guest Lunch MPR Girls BB Blue Team vs./@ Baylake 5:00 PM Girls BB Gold Team vs. Beach @ Salvation Army 4:00 PM Boys BB Gold Team vs. Beach @ Salvation Army 5:00 PM Friday, January 20th Girls BB Gold Team vs./@ Gateway 5:30 PM Boys BB Gold Team vs./@ Gateway 6:30 PM Saturday, January 21st Board Retreat MPR 9:00am 12:00am LOOKING AHEAD Monday, January 23rd Girls BB Blue Practice @ Park Place 3:30-5:00 PM Boys BB Blue Practice @ Park Place 3:30-5:00 PM Girls BB Gold Team vs. Great Bridge @ Salvation Army 4:00 PM Boys BB Gold Team vs. Great Bridge @ Salvation Army 5:00 PM Chinese New Year Tuesday, January 24th Girls BB Blue Team vs. Torah @Park Place 4:00 PM Boys BB Blue Team vs./@ Baylake 4:00 PM Girls BB Gold Team vs./@ Baylake 5:00 PM Boys BB Gold Team vs./@ Baylake 6:00 PM Board Meeting 4::00 PM - MPR Wednesday, January 25th Assembly - Good Citizens for January, 1st French song, 4th French presentation No Sports Practice Thursday, January 26th EARLY DISMISSAL 1:00 PM Extended Day Available Parent Conferences 3:00-6:00 PM No Sports Practice Friday, January 26th NO SCHOOL Parent Conferences 8:00 AM-4:00 PM Camp Williams Available No Sports Practice

Keeping Williams Green

Kindergarten is recycling Crayons if you have any crayons that you would like to recycle, please drop them by the kindergarten room. First Grade is collecting batteries to recycle the bins are next to the wooden book deposit box in the quad. Please send in your batteries. Mrs. Adams recycles laser and inkjet cartridges and old cell phones. bins are located in the main area of the 419 building on the sideboard next to the stairs.

Forensics Information 4th 6th grade students - Sue Schneider

Starting the week of January 23 and continuing through February 17, any 4 th -6th grade student interested in Forensics will have the opportunity to attend coaching sessions during the school day. There will be a sign-up in each homeroom during the week of January 17. It is the responsibility of the student to choose their own prose or poetry piece and bring it to school once they begin the coaching sessions. A coaching schedule will be developed once we know who is interested in Forensics. On February 22, the students will present their prose or poetry piece to families, staff, and fellow students in an after-school assembly in the MPR from 3:30-5:00. Prose readings are pieces of literature read to show voice, mood, and the authors intention. Better selections have multiple speakers and better deliveries include different voices when changing speaker, good, pronunciation, plenty of eye contact, and appropriate timing. Prose readings may be selections from sketches, fables, yarns, tales, science fiction, fantasy, mysteries, etc. Selections may be fiction or nonfiction. Plays, speeches, and poetry may not be used as selections. Pieces in this category may not exceed four minutes in length. (usually three minutes or so is ideal). Poetry readings are poems of literary merit, drawn from one source, presented to show understanding, mood, and emphasis. Better selections are at least three minutes in length (no longer than four) and better deliveries include proper timing, appropriate gesturing, enunciation, and tone. Play cuttings and prose works are prohibited. The selection must be published although the poet may be unknown or anonymous. In early February, all students interested in trying out for the Williams School Forensics Team will receive the same prose or poetry piece to use at try-outs on either February 23 or 24. The students may try-out for multiple categories (prose, poetry, storytelling, or original oratory) by performing both pieces. This cut will decide the Williams School Forensics Team (competitors and alternates) who will attend the Forensics Competition on April 22 at The Cape Henry Collegiate School. The students who are members of the team will continue their coaching sessions from March 12-April 18 and they may use the same piece from January 23 through the competition. (Except for try-outs, where everyone uses the same piece.)

Please Save the Date for this years Auction LONDON CALLING
Saturday, February 25, 2012 Town Point Club, Norfolk, Virginia Auction tickets $85 Heavy hors doeuvres, wine, beer and a great time! To purchase tickets, buy one or more of our beautifully handpainted tiles or to become one of our sponsors, please go to the Whats New portion of the Schools website, or simply click here: http://www.thewilliamsschool.org/support-tws/auction.cfm Sponsorships levels include the following: Pints and Quarts $3,000 (1 only) - Name recognition at each bar, Tickets and Live Auction Reserved Seating for Eight (8), a Full-Page Color Advertisement in Auction Catalog, and Business Link on Auction Website Big Ben $2,500 - Tickets and Live Auction Reserved Seating For Eight (8), a Full-Page Color Advertisement in Auction Catalog, and Business Link on Auction Website Buckingham Palace $1,500 - Tickets and Live Auction Reserved Seating For Six (6) and a Full-Page Black & White Advertisement in Auction Catalog Tower of London $750 - Tickets and Live Auction Reserved Seating For Four (4) and a Half-Page Black & White Advertisement in Auction Catalog Westminster Abbey $500 - Tickets and Live Auction Reserved Seating For Two (2) and a Quarter-Page Black & White Advertisement in Auction Catalog Sponsorship Benefits: All sponsorships also include (1) a hand-painted Underground tile for each of the Sponsors children enrolled at Williams and (2) recognition online and on event sponsor boards and signage, on the Auction website, in the Auction Catalog, in Williams School Publications, and on the School Website. Please stay tuned for Auction Item teasers in every Broadcast in the weeks to come leading up to the Auction!

Last of the Three Cities Cocktail Parties

Home of Mike & LeAnne Benedetto January 14, 2012 The Benedettos invite you to join them for cocktails! As a part of our Auction 2011, we invite you to join us at the home of Mike and Leanne Benedetto. Start the new year off right with a Bahama-themed party on January 14, 2012 with Mike and LeAnne Benedetto at their home in Virginia Beach. (You're welcome to take a polar plunge into Broad Bay if the Bahama heat leaves you feeling a bit warm.) The price for this fun party is $70.00 per couple. To join the festivities, please contact Chris Cooper at ccooper@thewilliamsschool.org. All proceeds benefit TWS!

_______(Quantity) 1 DVD for $20 or multiple DVDs for $15 each

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