Assignment Ict L
Assignment Ict L
Assignment Ict L
Open the word and create a new document .You can go to FILE>NEW to start a new
Choose a blank page or document for specific formatting.
BULLETS can be added by pressing the option at the top of page in “Home” section.
o Changing Font;
Select the text and go to Home tab on the ribbon
In font group ,font name is displayed(e.g.: Calibri)
There are many fonts available
Or Press Ctrl + Shift + F to change font.
o Changing Size;
Select the text and in home tab find the font size in font menu
Click on drop down and select desired font style.
Or press Ctrl + Shift + P to change font size
o Font Style;
o Font Color;
Click anywhere inside the table to activate the Table Tools on ribbon. You see two tabs
appear: Table Design and Layout.
Click on the Table Design tab on the ribbon.
In the Table Styles group, you find a variety of table styles and click on the one you apply
it to your table.
You can customize the style by checking options like Header Row, Total Row, Banded
Rows, First Column, and Last Column. These options are in the Table Style
Options group.
Click on Shading in the Table Styles group to change the background color of cells,
rows, or columns.
Click on Borders to customize the table borders. You choose to add or remove borders,
change color, and adjust their width.
Click on the Layout tab in Table Tools.
Use the Cell Size group to adjust the height of rows and width of columns. You can enter
specific measurements.
Select the rows or columns you want to adjust
Inserting an image into a Microsoft Word document is quite straightforward. Here’s how you
can do it:
1. Open Your Document: Start by opening the Word document where you want to
insert the image.
2. Go to the Insert Tab:
o Click on the “Insert” tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen.
3. Choose the Image Option:
o Click on the “Pictures” button.
Windows: You might see options like "This Device," "Stock Images,"
or "Online Pictures.”
4. Select Your Image:
o If you chose "This Device" (Windows) browse your computer to find the
image you want to insert. Select the image and click “Insert.”
o If you’re using "Stock Images" or "Online Pictures," you can search for
images within Word’s library or online sources. Choose the image you like
and click “Insert.”
5. Adjust the Image:
o Once the image is inserted, you can resize or move it by clicking and dragging
the corners or edges.
o You can also use the “Picture Tools” or “Format” tab (available after clicking
on the image) to add effects, adjust the layout, or crop the image.
Add a Border:
In the “Picture Format” tab, look for the “Picture Border” button. It’s usually located
in the “Picture Styles” group.
Click on “Picture Border” to open a dropdown menu.
Color: Choose a color for your border from the color options.
Weight: Adjust the thickness of the border by selecting “Weight” and choosing a
Dashes: You can select “Dashes” to apply different border styles, such as solid,
dotted, or dashed.
If you need further customization, you can use the options in the “Picture Format” tab
to adjust other settings related to the picture.
In the “Font” group, click on the “Text Effects and Typography” button. This is
typically represented by a glowing “A” icon.
A dropdown menu will appear with various text effects and styles. These include:
o Shadow: Adds a shadow to the text.
o Reflection: Adds a reflection below the text.
o Glow: Applies a glowing effect around the text.
o Bevel: Add a 3D bevel effect to the text.
o Emboss: Creates an embossed effect that looks raised.
o Contour: Adds a contour line around the text.
Customize the Effect:
Click on “Text Effects” or any of the specific effects like “Shadow” to see more
options and customize settings such as color, size, and transparency.
Text Outline: Add or adjust the outline of the text. You can choose the color, weight,
and style of the outline.
Text Fill: Change the fill color of the text.
Text Highlight Color: Apply a highlight color to the text.
To further customize text appearance, you can use the “Font” dialog box for advanced
settings .
o Click the small arrow in the bottom-right corner of the “Font” group to open
the Font dialog box.
o Explore options like font size, style, and advanced text effects under the “Text
Effects” tab.
Open Your Document: Open the Word document containing the text you want to
Select the Text: Highlight the text you want to change. You can select a portion of text or
the entire document (Ctrl + A )
Go to the Home Tab:
Click on the “Home” tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen.
In the “Font” group, look for the “Change Case” button. This button usually appears
as an icon with a lowercase “a” and an uppercase “A” or may just say “A a”
depending on your version of Word.
Sentence case: Capitalizes the first letter of the first word in a sentence and leaves the
rest of the text in lowercase.
Lower case: Changes all selected text to lowercase.
UPPERCASE: Changes all selected text to uppercase.
Capitalize Each Word: Capitalizes the first letter of each word in the selected text.
TOGGLE CASE: Switches the case of each letter (uppercase becomes lowercase and
vice versa).
Apply the Change: Click on your desired case option, and the selected text will
automatically change to the chosen case.
Open Your Document: Open the Word document where you want to use the Find
and Replace feature.
Open the Find and Replace Dialog Box:
Windows: Press Ctrl + H to open the Find and Replace dialog box.
In the “Find what” field, type the text you want to search for.
In the “Replace with” field, type the text you want to use as the replacement.
Find Next: Click this button to find the next occurrence of the search term.
Replace: Click this button to replace the current occurrence of the search term
with the replacement text.
Replace All: Click this button to replace all occurrences of the search term
throughout the document.
Open Your Document: Open the Word document where you want to add a header or
Go to the Insert Tab:
Click on the “Insert” tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen.
Insert a Header:
Insert a Footer:
Open Your Document: Open the Word document where you want to insert page
Go to the Insert Tab:
Click on the “Insert” tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen.
In the “Header & Footer” group, click on the “Page Number” button.
A dropdown menu will appear with options for where to place the page numbers.
Top of Page: Select this option to place the page number in the header. You can
choose from various alignment options (left, center, right) and styles.
Bottom of Page: Select this option to place the page number in the footer. Again, you
can choose from various alignment options and styles.
Page Margins: Choose this to place the page number in the margins of the page.
Current Position: If you want to insert the page number at the current location of the
cursor, select this option.
Click on “Format Page Numbers” from the “Page Number” dropdown menu.
In the “Page Number Format” dialog box, you can choose the number format (e.g., 1,
2, 3 or i, ii, iii), and set options such as starting number.
o Click on the “Design” tab in the ribbon at the top of the window.
o In the “Design” tab, look for the “Page Color” button in the “Page
Background” group. Click on it.
o A color palette will appear. You can select a color from the theme colors,
standard colors, or choose “More Colors” for a custom color.
Custom Colors:
o To create a custom color, click on “More Colors” to open a dialog box where
you can define a color using RGB or HSL values.
Removing Page Color:
o To remove the page color and return to the default (usually white), go back
to the “Page Color” menu and select “No Color.”
o Open the document where you want to apply the fill effects.
o In the “Design” tab, click on “Page Color” in the “Page Background” group.
o In the drop-down menu, select “Fill Effects…” to open the Fill Effects dialog
Pick Colors:
o Select the colors you want to use for the gradient. You can choose two colors
(for a two-color gradient) or select the same color for a solid fill.
Choose a Texture:
o You can select from a variety of built-in textures such as “Canvas,” “Denim,”
or “Papyrus.”
Final Steps:
o After making your selection, preview the effect in the document. Click “OK”
to apply your chosen fill effect.
Text Alignment
1. Align Text:
o Left Align: Aligns text to the left margin (default). To apply, click the Left
Align button in the Home tab’s Paragraph group.
o Center Align: Centers text between the margins. Click the Center Align
button in the Paragraph group.
o Right Align: Aligns text to the right margin. Click the Right Align button in
the Paragraph group.
o Justify: Aligns text evenly between the margins. Click the Justify button in
1. Line Spacing:
o Access Line Spacing Options: Click the Line and Paragraph Spacing
button in the Home tab’s Paragraph group.
o Choose Spacing: Select from options like 1.0, 1.15, 1.5, 2.0, or click Line
Spacing Options for more settings.
2. Paragraph Borders and Shading:
o Borders: Click the Borders button in the Home tab’s Paragraph group and
select Borders and Shading… to add borders to paragraphs.
o Shading: In the Borders and Shading dialog box, go to the Shading tab to
add background color or shading to paragraphs.
3. Using Styles:
o Apply Styles: Use built-in styles from the Styles group in the Home tab to
quickly apply consistent formatting to paragraphs.
4. Setting Tabs:
o Open Tabs Dialog: In the Paragraph dialog box, click Tabs… at the bottom
to set tab stops for aligning text.
Additional Tips
Removing a Watermark:
Editing a Watermark:
Watermark Placement:
o Watermarks are typically placed in the header/footer area, so if you don’t see
it on your document, double-click the header or footer area to view.
Click on the “Design” tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen.
Select Page Borders:
In the “Design” tab, click on “Page Borders” in the “Page Background” group.
This opens the Borders and Shading dialog box with the Page Border tab
Setting Borders:
o Setting Style: Under the Setting section, choose a border style like Box,
Shadow, 3-D, or Custom.
o Style, Color, and Width: Choose the border style (solid, dotted, dashed),
color, and width from the corresponding options.
Customize Border:
o Apply to: Under Apply to, select whether the border apply to the entire
document or specific sections (e.g., first page only, all pages).
o Options: Adjust the margins for the border. Click Options to open the
Border and Shading Options dialog box where you can set the distance
of the border from the page edges.
o Open the document where you want to apply subscript or superscript formatting.
o Subscript:
Go to the Home tab in the ribbon.
In the Font group, click the Subscript button (it looks like x2x^2x2 with a
small "2" below the line). Alternatively, press Ctrl + = on your keyboard.
o Superscript:
In the Font group, click the Superscript button (it looks like x2x^2x2 with a
small "2" above the line). Alternatively, press Ctrl + Shift + = on your
o To return the text to normal formatting, select the formatted text and click the same
button (Subscript or Superscript) again. The keyboard shortcuts also work to toggle
the formatting off.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Subscript: Ctrl + =
Superscript: Ctrl + Shift + =
o Click on the Insert tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen.
Select Shapes:
o In the llustrations group, click on the Shapes button. This will display a drop-
down menu with various shape categories.
Choose a Shape:
o Select a shape from the menu. Shapes are organized into categories like Lines,
Basic Shapes, Block Arrows, Stars and Banners, and Callouts.
o Click on the shape you want to insert.
Formatting Shapes
o Right-click the shape and select Add Text from the context menu, or just click
inside the shape and start typing. You can format the text using the options in
the Home tab.
Click on the shape you want to select it. This will bring up the Shape Format or
Drawing Tools tab in the ribbon.
Right-Click Method:
o Right-click on the shape and select Edit Points from the context menu.
Ribbon Method:
o Alternatively, click on the Shape Format or Drawing Tools tab in the
o In the Insert Shapes group, click Edit Shape and then choose Edit Points
from the drop-down menu.
Adjust Points:
o Once you enter Edit Points mode, the shape will display its points (nodes)
and lines connecting them.
o Click and drag any point to move it to a new location.
Add Points:
o To add new points, right-click on a line segment where you want the new
point to appear, and select Add Point from the context menu.
Remove Points:
o To remove a point, right-click on the point and select Remove Point from
the context menu.
Click anywhere outside the shape or press Esc on your keyboard to exit the Edit
Points mode.
With the shape still selected, go to the "Shape Fill" option in the "Format" tab.
Click on "Picture" from the dropdown menu.
A dialog box will appear where you can browse and select the picture you want to
The picture will now fill the shape. If needed, you can adjust the shape’s size or
position to better fit the picture.
Rotate Text:
Align Text:
With the shape still selected, go to the "Format" tab.
Click on "Align Text" in the "Text" group.
Choose from "Top," "Middle," or "Bottom" to align text vertically within the
shape. You can also adjust horizontal alignment (left, center, right) in the same
Insert a Shape:
Shape Fill:
Shape Outline:
Shape Effects:
Insert Caption:
Insert Hyperlink:
Choose a predefined size (e.g., A4, Letter) from the dropdown menu.
For custom sizes, click "More Paper Sizes", enter your dimensions, and click
Change Orientation:
Alt + P, O and then use the arrow keys to select "Portrait" or "Landscape".
Adjust Margins:
Keyboard Shortcut:
o With the text box selected, still on the "Format" tab, click "Text Direction"
in the "Text" group.
o Choose the desired text orientation
Open Rotation Handle: Select the text box and press Alt + J, D, T to open the
"Text Box Tools" format options.
Rotate Text Box: Use the Rotate button in the Ribbon to rotate the text box as
needed. There is no direct keyboard shortcut for rotating the text box; it must be done
using the Ribbon.
Add a Border:
Format Text:
o Use the "Home" tab to format text with different fonts, sizes, and colors.
o Align and position text boxes as desired.
Insert Symbol:
Keyboard Shortcut:
o Press Alt + N, U
Keyboard Shortcut:
Insert a Chart:
o Go to the "Insert" tab.
o Click "Chart" in the "Illustrations" group.
o Select the chart type you want and click "OK".
Enter Data:
o A Microsoft Excel sheet will open for you to enter or modify your data. Enter
your data in the Excel sheet.
o Close the Excel window to return to Word. The chart will update
Editing a Chart:
Series 3
50% Series 2
Series 1
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Wrap Text:
Keyboard Shortcut:
Press Ctrl + Shift + G to open the "Word Count" dialog box directly.
For background options, go to Design tab > Page Color to select or customize a
background color.
After creating a section, repeat steps 2-4 for the new section to set a different
Select the Text: Highlight the text or place the cursor where you want the
Insert Tab: Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon.
Bookmark: Click on Bookmark in the Links group.
Name Your Bookmark: Enter a name for the bookmark.