Sarason 83 SSQ1

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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1983, Vol. 44, No.

1, 127-139

Copyright 1983 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0022-3514/83/4401-0127S00.75

Assessing Social Support: The Social Support Questionnaire

Irwin G. Sarason, Henry M. Levine, Robert B. Basham, and Barbara R. Sarason
University of Washington A measure of social support, the Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ), is described, and four empirical studies employing it are presented. The SSQ yields scores for (a) perceived number of social supports and (b) satisfaction with social support that is available. Three of the studies deal with the SSQ's psychometric properties, its correlations with measures of personality and adjustment, and the relation of the SSQ to positive and negative life changes. The fourth study is an experimental investigation of the relation between social support and persistence in working on a complex, frustrating task. The research reported suggests that the SSQ is a reliable instrument and that social support is (a) more strongly related to positive than negative life changes, (b) more related in a negative direction to psychological discomfort among women than men, and (c) an asset in enabling a person to persist at a task under frustrating conditions. Research and clinical implications are discussed.

Observations in a variety of settings have highlighted the positive roles played by social attachments in psychological adjustment and health. Psychotherapists try to provide their clients with the acceptance needed to pursue self-examination. Soldiers develop strong mutually reinforcing ties with each other that contribute to their success and survival. Physicians daily note the salutary effects of their attention and expressed concern on their patients' well-being and recovery from illness. These types of observations have led to the idea that social support (a) contributes to positive adjustment and personal development and (b) provides a buffer against the effects of stress. Social support is usually denned as the existence or availability of people on whom we can rely, people who let us know that they care about, value, and love us. Bowlby's theory of attachment (1969, 1973, 1980) relies heavily on this interpretation of social support. When social support, in the form of an attachment figure, is available early in life, Bowlby believes children become self-reliant, learn to function as supports for others, and have a decreased likelihood of psychopathology in later life. Bowlby has also concluded
This research was supported by Office of Naval Research Contract No. N00014-80-C-0522, NR 170-908. Requests for reprints should be sent to Irwin G. Sarason, Department of Psychology, NI-25, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195.

that the availability of social support bolsters the capacity to withstand and overcome frustrations and problem-solving challenges. A variety of types of evidence seems to support this concept of social support. For example, Miller and Lefcourt have recently obtained results consistent with this interpretation (Miller & Lefcourt, Note 1, Note 2), as did Hirsch (1980). Bronfenbrenner (1961) found that the rated leadership and responsibility of 16-year-old boys and girls was related to family interaction patterns. Those adolescents showing the greatest leadership and responsibility described their parents as being more affectionate and supportive than did adolescents low on these characteristics. Murphy and Moriarty (1976) found that the availability of family supports increased children's resilience in the face of stress. Sandier (1980) found significant relations between stress and social support, on the one hand, and children?s maladjustments, on the other. In a 30-year longitudinal study of Harvard University male undergraduates, Vaillant (1974, 1977) found that a supportive early family environment was correlated with positive adult adjustment and lack of psychiatric disorder. In addition to evidence that the availability of childhood social support is related to personality development and adult behavior patterns, there is also evidence of the detrimental effects of lack of support in adults. De Araujo



and associates (De Araujo, Dudley, & Van Arsdel, 1972; De Araujo, Van Arsdel, Holmes, & Dudley, 1973) reported that asthmatic patients with good social supports required lower levels of medication to produce clinical improvement than did asthmatics with poor social supports. There is much evidence that medical and surgical patients benefit from attention and expressions of friendliness by physicians and nurses (Auerbach & Kilmann, 1977). Nuckolls, Cassel, and Kaplan (1972) studied lower-middle-class pregnant women living in an overseas military community. These authors studied two factors of special interest: recent stressful life events and psychosocial assets, a major component of which was denned as the availability of social supports. Neither life changes nor psychosocial assets alone correlated significantly with complications of pregnancy. However, women high in life changes and low in psychosocial assets had many more birth complications than any other group. Sosa, Kennell, Klaus, Robertson, and Urrutia (1980) found that the presence of a supportive person had a favorable effect on length of labor and on motherinfant interaction after delivery. Eaton (1978) reported that the occurrence of stressful life events is associated with more psychiatric disorder among those living alone or unmarried than those living with others or married. Andrews, Tennant, Hewson, and Schonell (1978) found that the combination of recent stressful life events, low level of social support, and adverse childhood experiences successfully predicted the occurrence of maladjustment in adults. There is evidence that depressives tend to report the lack of availability of supportive others (Winefield, 1979). Henderson (1980) concluded that a deficiency in social bonds may, independent of other factors, be a cause of some forms of behavioral dysfunction. Reasonable as an emphasis on the importance of social support appears to be, the task of empirically demonstrating the effects of social support has barely begun. One of the barriers to objective research has been the lack of a reliable, general, and convenient index of social support. Miller, Ingham, and Davidson (1976) and Miller and Ingham (1976) simply determined who their subjects' confidants and acquaintances were. Medalie

and Goldbourt (1976) focused their attention on the availability of helpful others in coping with certain work, family, and financial problems. Brim (1974) devised a 13-item scale intended to measure certain aspects of social support, particularly value similarity. Luborsky, Todd, and Katcher (1973) developed a self-administered Social Assets Scale intended to weigh both interpersonal assets and liabilities. Renne's Social Health Index (1974) was directed particularly toward the individual's level of functioning in the community and yields measures of employability, marital satisfaction, community involvement, and sociability. A measure devised by Barrera, Sandier, and Ramsay (1981) assessed the frequency with which people are recipients of supportive actions. A comprehensive but complex vehicle for measuring social support is one developed by Henderson (1980).. His 50-question structured interview assesses (a) perceived availability and adequacy of people who can be counted on for assistance in problem solving and emotional support and (b) social integration, its availability and adequacy. The diversity of measures of social support is matched by the diversity of conceptualizations concerning its ingredients. Weiss (1974) discussed six dimensions of social support: intimacy, social integration, nurturance, worth, alliance, and guidance. Convenient operationalization of these dimensions has not yet occurred. Kelly, Munoz, and Snowden (1979) delineated three types of social support: personal, intraorganizational, and extraorganizational. According to Caplan's theory (1974), social support implies an enduring pattern of continuous or intermittent ties that play a significant part in maintaining the psychological and physical integrity of the individual over time. For Caplan, a social network provides a person with "psychosocial supplies" for the maintenance of mental and emotional health. Much more empirically derived evidence is needed to provide a basis for theoretical advances in the area of social support (Heller, 1979). Regardless of how it is conceptualized, social support would seem to have two basic elements: (a) the perception that there is a sufficient number of available others to whom one can turn in times of need and (b) a degree



of satisfaction with the available support. These two factors in social support may vary in their relation to one another, depending on the individual's personality. Some people may think that only a large number of available helpers provides sufficient possibilities of social support. Others may consider that even one person is adequate. How gregarious people are and how comfortable they feel with others may determine the number of supports they believe necessary. In the same way, satisfaction with the support perceived to be available may be influenced by personality factors such as self-esteem and a feeling of control over the environment. Recent experiences may influence a person to regard the support available as satisfactory or not satisfactory. In this article, we describe a new instrument intended to quantify the dimensions of perceived availability of and satisfaction with social support and present reliability and other psychometric data. We also report the results of a series of studies that provide information about the relations and correlates of dimensions of social support with other measures, including desirable and 'undesirable recent life events, perceived adequacy of childhood relationships, personality characteristics (such as depression, anxiety, hostility, extroversion, and self-esteem), and outlook about the future. Sex differences in these variables are also investigated. In addition, results of an experimental study are presented. The study dealt with the relations between social support and locus of control, on the one hand, and persistence and cognitive interference under frustrating conditions, on the other. Study 1 The instrument presented in this article is the product of a series of studies, involving several hundred subjects, that was concerned with the assessment of social support. These pilot investigations dealt with such issues as item development, reliability, and psychometric characteristics. Sixty-one items were written to sample the great variety of situations in which social support might be important to people. These items were administered to college students who were asked to

Table 1 Sample Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ) Items

SSQ item 1. Whom can you really count on to listen to you when you need to talk? 2. Whom could you really count on to help you out in a crisis situation, even though they would have to go out of their way to do so? 3. Whom can you really count on to be dependable when you need help? 4. With whom can you totally be yourself? 5. Who do you feel really appreciates you as a person? 6. Whom can you count on to console you when you are very upset?

list for each item all of the individuals who provided them with support in the situation described. The subjects also rated their level of satisfaction with the support received. Items that showed low correlations with the other items were eliminated. In addition to preliminary item analyses, pilot investigations were conducted to explore possible scoring methods for availability of support. Among the methods investigated were computing the number of supportive people listed within each category of relationship (e.g., immediate family, friends, relatives), assessing frequency of contact and length of relationship with supportive persons, and counting the total number of different individuals listed throughout the questionnaire. The intercorrelations among the various indexes of availability or amount of support were generally high (most had correlations greater than .70). Because the simplest procedure was a count of supportive persons, the availability index selected was the number of persons listed divided by the number of items. The Social Support Questionnaire that grew out of the pilot work consists of 27 items. Each one asks a question to which a two-part answer is requested. The items ask that subjects (a) list the people to whom they can turn and on whom they can rely in given sets of circumstances and (b) indicate how satisfied they are with these social supports. Table 1 lists six items from the Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ). These are the instructions that introduce the SSQ:
The following questions ask about people in your environment who provide you with help or support. Each



question has two parts. For the first part, list all the people you know, excluding yourself, whom you can count on for help or support in the manner described. You may either give the person's initials or their relationship to you. Do not list more than one person next to each of the letters beneath the question. For the second part, circle how satisfied you are with the overall support you have. If you have no support for a question, check the word "No one," but still rate your level of satisfaction. Do not list more than nine persons per question.

Please answer all questions as best you can. All your responses will be kept confidential. The number (N) score for each item of the SSQ is the number of support persons listed. The social support available to deal with a given problem is rated on a scale ranging from "very satisfied" to "very dissatisfied." This yields a satisfaction (S) score for each item that ranges between 1 and 6. The overall N and S scores are obtained by dividing the sum of N or S scores for all items by 27, the number of items. Method
Subjects. A sample of 602 University of Washington undergraduates was administered the Social Support Questionnaire. Procedure. Mean number (N) and satisfaction (S) scores were computed for each of the SSQ's 27 items and for the entire scale. Interitem correlations and reliability indexes were also computed.

Separate factor analyses were performed for the N and S scores. Each of these analyses showed a very strong first (unrotated) factor. The first factor accounted for 82% of the common variance for the N score. The comparable figure for the S score was 72%. All factor loadings exceeded .60 for the N score and .30 for the S score. There is good evidence that one strong factor underlies each of the two SSQ scores and that they thus represent different dimensions of the general concept. The correlation between the SSQ N and S scores was .34. It was possible to readminister the SSQ to 105 subjects. The testretest correlations for N and S were .90 and .83, respectively (4-week interval). Discussion The SSQ seems to have a number of desirable psychometric properties. It was found to have (a) stability over a 4-week period of time and (b) high internal consistency among items. The modest correlation of .34 between SSQ-N and SSQ-S provides a strong basis for analyzing social support into its components. Certainly, if social support were a unitary concept, the SSQ-N/SSQ-S correlation should have been higher. The perceived availability of support, reflected by the SSQ-N score, and the satisfaction with the support that is available, reflected by the SSQ-S score, each appear to be worthy of study and analysis. Study 2 Having shown that the SSQ had favorable psychometric properties, we decided that the next step should be to inquire into the relations between the SSQ and the personality measures to which it might be related. We felt that the relations uncovered might be helpful in charting the construct of social support. A review of the literature had led to predictions that those high in social support might also be extroverted, have memories of supportive relationships in childhood, show less emotional discomfort, and have a more optimistic outlook about the future. It also seemed wise to assess social desirability because, if this factor is important, it might

Results The number scores for the 27 items ranged from 2.92 to 5.46, with a mean of 4.25. The mean number of persons listed as supports for the entire SSQ was 114.75. The interitem correlations ranged from .35 to .71, with a mean interitem correlation of .54. The correlations of items with the total score (minus the item being correlated) ranged from .51 to .79. The alpha coefficient of internal reliability was .97. The S scores for the 27 items ranged from 5.12 to 5.57, with a mean of 5.38. The mean S score for the entire SSQ was 145.26. The interitem correlations ranged from .21 to .74, with a mean interitem correlation of .37. The correlations of items with the total score (minus the item being correlated) ranged from .48 to .72. The alpha coefficient for S scores was .94.



Table 2 Correlations of Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ) With Three Multiple Adjective Affect Check List (MAACL) Scales, The Lack of Protection Scale (LP), the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) Scales, and the Marlowe-Crowne Scale

Hostility Lack of Protection Males Extraversion Neuroticism MarloweCrowne

Number Satisfaction



-.14 -.17

-.24* -.22*

-.23* -.17

-.02 -.08

.13 -.03 28

-.25 -.29

-.09 .24

Females Number Satisfaction -.30** -.39** -.31** -.43** -.26** -.36** -.32** -.22*

.35* .09

-.15 -.37*

.03 .16





*p< .05.** p< .001.

the MAACL, the LP, the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) Extraversion and Neuroticism scales, and the Marlowe-Crowne scale. There were significant negative correlaMethod tions for women between the SSQ-N and Subjects. The subjects were 100 male and 127 female SSQ-S measures of social support and meaintroductory psychology students at the University of sures of emotional discomfort, such as the Washington. Procedure. In addition to the SSQ, the subjects in a MAACL Anxiety, Depression, and Hostility single session were administered the Multiple Affect scales. A similar result obtained for the Lack Adjective Check List (MAACL; Zuckerman & Lubin, of Protection scale, whose items deal with 1965) and the Lack of Protection (LP) Scale (Sarason, 1958). Four weeks after this assessment, it was possible recollections of separation anxiety in childhood. The EPI Extraversion measure for to administer additional personality scales to a small group of subjects (28 men and 38 women). These mea- women was positively correlated with SSQsures were the Extraversion and Neuroticism scales of N only, whereas the Neuroticism measure the Eysenck Personality Inventory (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1968) and the Marlowe-Crowne measure of social desir- was negatively correlated only with SSQ-S in ability (Crowne & Marlowe, 1964; Marlowe & Crowne, women. As a group, women with low social 1961). In addition, a specially constructed ladder rating support appear to be significantly less happy questionnaire was administered. This instrument, based and more introverted than those women with on Cantril's public opinion survey research (Cantril & Roll, 1971), asked subjects to respond to a series of ques- high social support. The results for men tend tions using a 10-step "Ladder of Life." The steps ranged to be in the same direction as those for from "worst possible" to "best possible" life for the sub- women; however, the relations are not as ject. Three items from Bradburn's Positive Affect Bal- strong. ance Scale (1969) were also administered. The Marlowe-Crowne scale of social desirability did not correlate significantly with Results either SSQ-N or SSQ-S for either sex. There were several significant relations beThe correlations between the number of tween both the number and satisfaction SSQ social supports (SSQ-N) and satisfaction with scores and where subjects placed themselves social supports (SSQ-S) were .31 for men and on the Ladder of Life. For an item inquiring .21 for women (p < .001 in both cases). Table into where on the Ladder of Life subjects felt 2 presents the correlations between the SSQ, they were at present, the SSQ-N correlation produce a distorting effect that would influence interpretation of the other results.



was .34 (p < .01), whereas the SSQ-S correlation was .57 (p < .001). This suggests that people high in social support are more optimistic about their current life situation than those low in social support. For the item, "Where do you think you will stand about five years from now" the SSQ-N correlation was .21 (p < .05) and the SSQ-S correlation was .41 (p < .001). The three yes-no items drawn from Bradburn's Positive Affect Balance Scale (1969) and relating to the optimism-pessimism dimension showed an interesting pattern of relations. These items dealt with how the subject felt during the past month. Seventy-three percent of high-SSQ-S subjects said that they had felt "on top of the world," whereas only 44% of low-SSQ-S subjects responded in this way. The difference between these percentages was significant at the .001 level (t 3.51). Another item asked subjects if during the past month they had felt "things were going your way." Eighty-three percent of high-SSQ-N subjects said they had felt things were going their way, whereas 68% of lowSSQ-N subjects responded similarly (t = 2.24). The difference between the two percentages was significant at the .02 level. The third item asked subjects if they had, during the past month, been "upset because someone criticized you." Fifty-three percent of low-SSQ-S subjects described themselves as having been upset over criticism; the comparable high-SSQ-S subjects figure was 35% (t = 2.02, p < .05). These results suggest that people with high SSQ scores either have more positive experiences or take a more optimistic view of their experiences, or both. A short questionnaire dealing with wishes and hopes for the future was also administered. Subjects were asked, "All of us want certain things out of life. In terms of what really matters in your own life, think about your wishes and hopes for the future. Then indicate the five hopes from the following list which are closest to your own." The list included a diversity of areas but was particularly oriented to material and interpersonal hopes and wishes. Low-SSQ-N subjects more often than high-SSQ-N subjects hoped for "a better or decent standard of living" (high SSQ-N, 16%; low SSQ-N, 32%; p < .02); "leisure time, recreation, travel" (high SSQ-N,

10%; low SSQ-N, 30%; p < .001); and "wealth" (high SSQ-S, 15%; low SSQ-S, 30%; p < .02). For all comparisons on attitudinal items (and Ladder of Life scales as well), the results for SSQ-N and SSQ-S subjects were in the same direction and suggested that lowSSQ scorers were more concerned about achieving material success than were highSSQ scorers. The results were quite different for items dealing with interpersonal relationships. HighSSQ-S scorers were significantly more desirous than low-SSQ-S scorers of achieving a happy family life (p < .03), educational success and happiness for their children (p < .02), acceptance by others (p < .02), and a happy old age (p < .01). It would appear that people high in social support are more involved in present and future social relationships, whereas those low in social support are more involved in present and future material concerns. Discussion Correlations of the SSQ with a diversity of measures can help sketch the personalities of subjects differing in social support. For women, but not men, low social support was associated with relatively unpleasant memories of early parent-child relationships. For both men and women, both SSQ-N and SSQS correlated significantly and negatively with anxiety and depression as measured by the MAACL. Women's hostility scores were also significantly and negatively correlated, but the men's only approached significance. In every case, these negative correlations were greater for women than for men, as were the correlations between SSQ and the Lack of Protection scale. The predicted relation between these variables made on the basis of the attachment literature was generally upheld. Sex differences may relate to the finding that women tend to report more symptomatology than men over a whole spectrum of disorders, especially those related to affect (Weissman & Klerman, 1977). Whether, and in what way, these concerns and the insecurities related to childhood separation and rejection are causes of failure to attain desired social relationships in adult life is a question that merits further study. In any case, the



MAACL results suggest that, particularly for women, social support is related inversely to states of psychological discomfort. The prediction that high social support and extroversion are positively related was borne out only by the number scores. The EPI correlations indicate that the number of social supports (SSQ-N), but not satisfaction with social support (SSQ-S),.is positively correlated with extroversion. This result makes intuitive sense. The extrovert has more social involvements than the introvert, and SSQ-N would appear tp reflect the number of these involvements. The negative correlations between the EPI Neuroticism scale and both SSQ-N and SSQ-S are consistent with the MAACL results. They suggest that people who have fewer social supports and are dissatisfied with that state of affairs are more likely than others to be anxious and to experience periods of emotional arousal. The prediction that high-social-support individuals might have a more optimistic view of the future was also supported. The Ladder of Life and attitude data suggest not only that people low in social support are more emotionally labile but that they tend to be more pessimistic about the present and future than are people high in social support. The pessimism and emotional tone of the lives of people low in social support may inhibit their social involvements and lead to preoccupations with material concerns, such as the need for money and success. These material concerns may lead to preoccupations with security that inhibit the spontaneity necessary for an active social life. These findings are consistent with the literature on the outlooks of depressed persons and their social relationships (Coyne, 1976; Lewinsohn & Talkington, 1979). Study 3 This study inquired into the relations between social support, the preceding year's positive and negative life events, internal-external locus of control, and self-esteem. We predicted, both from the literature review and the findings of the previous study, that selfesteem would be positively related to high social support. Internal locus of control also was expected to be related positively to social

support, because those people high in social support should be more skilled at providing for their own psychological needs and, as part of this effort, would construct a better network of supportive relationships. Work on life events suggests that only negative events are related to psychological discomfort (Sarason, Sarason, & Johnson, in press). A positive relation between social support and positive events was anticipated, because a wider support network might be expected to lead to more incidents of reinforcement. Method
Subjects. The subjects were 295 introductory psychology students at the University of Washington. Procedure. The SSQ and a special version of the Life Experiences Survey (LES) (Sarason, Johnson, & Siegel, 1978) were administered along with two additional instruments: Rosenberg's self-esteem measure (1965) and Nowicki and Duke's 40-item Locus of Control scale (1974). The modified LES lists a number of life events, such as "new job," "death of spouse," and "major change in financial status." If the event occurred in the prior year, respondents rate the effect of the event, the degree to which the event was expected, and their sense-of control over the event's occurrence. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale consists of 10 true-false items, such as "I wish I could have more respect for myself." The Locus of Control measure reflects the tendency to see oneself as having a strong influence over events (internal orientation) in contrast to seeing oneself as being strongly influenced by events that are out of one's control (external orientation).

Results In order to compare subjects in various segments of the SSQ score distribution, the subjects were divided into quintiles. Statistical comparisons were made among the quintiles. Using analysis of variance, comparisons among the five SSQ-N groups showed a significant effect for the number of positive life events in the past year reported on the LES, F(4, 290) = 3.24, p < .01, but not for either the LES negative-events score or the LES total-events score. The means for number of positive events for the five SSQ-N groups are presented in Table 3. The special version of the LES used in this study asked subjects to rate how much each event affected their lives. These ratings extended from 1 (no effect) to 4 (great effect). Groups differing in SSQ-N showed signifi-



Table3 . Mean Scores on the Life Experiences Survey (LES) as a Function ofQuintiles of Social Support Questionnaire-Number (SSQ-N) Distribution
Positive events SSQ-N quintiles

No. 54 55 64 58 64
3.90 3.96 4.07 4.88 5.27

Effect 11.66 12.40 14.23 15.57 17.59

Expectancy 11.36 12.18 14.47 14.79 16.94

Control 12.42 13.42 15.64 16.12 18.16

2 3 4 5

Note. Quintiles 1-5 go from lowest to highest.

cant differences, F(4, 290) = 4.81, p< .001, when these ratings were examined over the number of positive events listed by the subject (checked by the subject as "Good" events during the past year). Ratings were summed for the events checked. Another special LES score was subjects' ratings of the extent to which they had expected the events checked to occur ("How much did you expect the event would happen?"). This rating extended from 1 (not at all) to 4 (completely). Table 3 shows the means for this score for the SSQ-N quintiles, F(4, 290) = 4.38, p < .002. The third special LES rating concerned "To what extent did you have control over the event's occurrence?" which was rated from 1 (not at all) to 4 (completely). The means for this rating of positive events for the SSQ-N quintiles are presented in Table 3. An analysis of variance for these five groups was statistically significant, F(4, 290) = 4.01, p < .004. It was possible to administer the locus of control and self-esteem measures to 148 of the subjects who had taken the SSQ. Comparisons of the five SSQ-N groups (defined by the distribution of scores for the original 295 subjects) on the Locus of Control and Rosenberg Self-Esteem scales yielded statistically significant results. The Locus of Control results, F(4, 144) = 2.45, p < .05, were due to a significantly higher externality mean for the lowest SSQ-N quintile than for the other SSQ-N quintiles. The Rosenberg result, F(4, 144) = 2.96, p < .02, was due to a higher self-esteem mean for the highest SSQ-N quintile than for the other quintiles.

Analyses for SSQ-S quintiles failed to show significant differences for the number of positive events checked on the LES. Unlike the SSQ-N comparisons, the SSQ-S quintiles differed significantly in the number of negative events checked, F(4, 290) = 4.18, p < .003. The highest SSQ-S quintile checked a mean of 2.72 negative events, whereas the lowest SSQ-S quintile's mean was 4.56 negative events. The SSQ-S quintiles did show significant differences on the rated effects of positive events, F(4, 290) = 2.42, p < .05. These differences were similar to, but weaker than, the comparable SSQ-N quintile comparisons. Significant in the SSQ-S, but not the SSQ-N, comparisons were quintile differences in the degree to which reported negative events had been expected, F(4, 290) = 2.92, p < .02. The lowest SSQ-S quintiles had a mean expectancy rating for negative events of 10.93; the comparable mean for the highest SSQ-S quintile was 7.62. The SSQ-S quintiles also differed in rated control over negative life changes, F(4, 290) = 4.54, p < .002, with lower quintiles indicating a feeling of more control over negative changes than higher scoring quintiles (lowest SSQ-S quintile mean= 11.88; highest SSQ-S quintile mean = 7.56). The SSQ-S results for the Rosenberg self-esteem measure paralleled those for SSQ-N, F(4, 290) = 4.98, p < .001, with higher quintile groups reporting more selfesteem than lower ones. Discussion Research on life events has focused increasingly on the different implications of



positive and negative events (Sarason et al.^ in press). High frequency of both negative and positive events combined may be associated with increased probability of physical illness, but only the high frequency of negative events appears to be related to psychological distress. The findings in this study bear out this prediction of differential relations with the classes of life events. They suggest that positive events may be related to the number of social supports, a likely moderator of stressful life events. People high in the number of social supports report not only the occurrence of more positive events than do people who are low in number of social supports but they also report that the positive events are more expectable and exert a greater impact on their lives. In addition, they believe they have more control over the positive events. Our findings in this regard are consistent with evidence reported by Lefcourt, Miller, Ware, and Sherk (1981) and Sandier and Lakey (1982). People high in number of social supports may experience more rewarding interpersonal relationships than do those who are low in social support. Although the significant SSQ-N differences on the LES occurred only for positive events, there were a number of significant SSQ-S differences on negative events. This difference in relation between SSQ-N and SSQ-S quintiles and the two classes of life events also indicates that the number and satisfaction scores of the SSQ are tapping two different aspects of social support and justifies further comparisons between them. The expectation that internality would be positively related to social support was borne out by the locus of control measure. However, the question on the LES dealing with the control indicates that a more complex relation may exist. SSQ-N scores were positively related to belief in control over positive events. For SSQ-S scores, there was a negative relation with belief in control over negative events. Thus, both the class-of-event and the type-of-social-support measures may be important in the relation that occurs. The prediction that self-esteem is positively related to social support is borne out by this study. This finding complements the findings of Study 2, because self-esteem and

measures of psychological discomfort should be inversely related. Study 4 The idea that social support functions as a buffer against the stresses and strains of life has been expressed by many writers. Much clinical evidence and anecdotal data (Sarason et al, in press) seem to back up the idea that positive relationships with significant others foster self-reliance and the ability to persevere in the face of obstacles and distractions. Appealing as this concept is, there is a need for experimental research on the role played by social support when people must perform in demanding situations. This study was designed to help fill this need. In the previous studies, all the measures were self-report questionnaires. Study 4 deals with the relation of self-report measures to behavior in a laboratory situation. The study related two individual-difference variables to persistence on a task made frustrating by virtue of the fact that some of the problems assigned to subjects were insoluble. The task involved solving mazes so complex that subjects could not be sure that the insoluble ones were, in fact, insoluble. Persistence in working on the maze task was used as a measure of ability to cope with frustration. In addition to persistence, cognitive interference was examined as a dependent variable. The two individual-difference variables were the number score on the Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ-N) and the score on the Nowicki and Duke (1974) measure of Internal-External Locus of Control (I-E). It predicted that externally oriented subjects low in social support would be least able to withstand the frustration, uncertainty, and threat to self-esteem posed by the maze task. Method
Subjects. The subjects were 40 undergraduates taking an introductory psychology course at the University of Washington. Serving in the experiment helped the students fulfill a course research-participation requirement. Prior to and independent of the maze experiment, subjects filled out the Social Support Questionnaire and , Locus of Control questionnaire. On the basis of scores, on these instruments, they were divided into four groups



Table 4 Mean Time (in Minutes) Spent on First Insoluble Problem

scores for the four groups. Externals reported more cognitive interference than did internals, F(l, 36) = 6.60, p < .01, whereas the low-SSQ-N group reported more cognitive SSQ number score interference than did high-SSQ-N scorers, F(\, 36) = 4.87, p < .05. The interaction was Locus of control High Low also statistically significant, F(\, 36) = 5.95, 12.58 9.77 External p < .02. As Table 5 illustrates, the main effect Internal 12.26 13.23 differences were primarily attributable to the interaction effects, the group composed of Note. SSQ = Social Support Questionnaire. externals who were low in social support that comprise a 2 X 2 factorial design. The four groups showing more cognitive interference than the consisted of subjects who were high scorers on SSQ-N other three groups.
who were internals, high scorers on SSQ-N who were externals, low scorers on SSQ-N who were internals, and low scorers on SSQ-N-who were externals. High and low scores on these instruments were defined by scores above and below the medians determined for the entire class (N =410), which filled out the questionnaires. The SSQ-N mean was 99.90; the Locus of Control mean was 9.75. The 10 subjects in each of the four experimental groups were equally divided between men and women. Because there were no sex differences on the dependent measures, the results will be presented for men and women combined. Procedure. The subjects, who were tested individually, were assigned the task of solving four maze problems. They were given 50 copies of each maze and were instructed to attempt to solve each problem, taking a new copy after deciding that a solution attempt had been unsuccessful. After going on to a new copy, subjects were instructed not to return to an earlier one. Two of the mazes were soluble and two were insoluble. The subjects were told that there was no time limit and that they could terminate work on the mazes by indicating their desire to do so to the experimenter. Actually, the experimenter allowed the subjects no more than 30 minute's to work on the mazes. After the maze task had been terminated, each subject completed the Cognitive Interference Questionnaire (CIQ; Sarason, 1978), which provides a measure of selfpreoccupying thoughts that interfere with task performance. ("I thought about how poorly I was doing" is an example of the CIQ items.)

Discussion This study suggests that social support in interaction with locus of control is significantly related to both persistence and cognitive interference on a complex, challenging, and frustrating task. Persistence plays a positive role in adaptation to life. For example, in an academic environment, long periods of time may pass without students getting any feedback about their work. Students' confidence in their ability ultimately to achieve their goals and their personal security during periods of uncertainty help them persist. It reinforces the picture gained from the three studies reported earlier and from the theoretical work that led to the establishment of the concept as a basis for experimental study. People who are high in social support seem to have positive self-concepts, be low in anxiety as reflected by cognitive interference, and have a belief in their own ability to control aspects of their environment. The task in the present study was a challenging, somewhat stressful one for the subjects. The results suggest that a high level of social support, combined with an internal locus of control, may
Table 5 Cognitive Interference Questionnaire (CIQ) Scores
Social support Locus of control External Internal High SSQ 21.20 21.00 Low SSQ 28.60 20.90

Results Only data for the first insoluble problem are presented, because several subjects' persistence on this problem was of such duration that they could not complete later portions of the task. Table 4 presents the lengths of time subjects in the four experimental groups devoted to the first insoluble problem. The only significant result of an analysis of variance that was performed was for the Social Support X Locus of Control interaction, F(\, 36) = 4.93, p < .03. Table 5 presents the CIQ

Note. SSQ = Social Support Questionnaire.



a more optimistic view of life than do people low in social support. In general, low social support seems related to an external locus of control, relative dissatisfaction with life, and difficulty in persisting on a task that does not yield a ready solution. Although the studies reported here are only beginning steps in mapping the social support construct, they do suggest that the SSQ may be a useful instrument in quantifying the perceived availability of and satisfaction with social supports. Baseline measures of these variables can be used to assess General Discussion changes that take place in a person's life. For The discussion following each study com- example, Are there changes in perceived soments on the relations found between social cial support as a function of experiences like support and specific variables investigated. psychotherapy and illness? Social support Those sections also explore the implications measures could also play roles in experimenof the findings in terms of predictions made tation in the areas of personality and social from earlier theoretical work and experi- psychology. For example, Do people differing ments on the topic. Therefore, this section in social support differ in helping behavior will focus only on the more general impli- and their response to attitude-change manipcations of these studies. ulations? How can supportive relationships We have described a new instrument de- within complex organizations (for example, signed to measure social support. The reli- the military, schools, clinics) be enhanced so ability of the instrument is quite high and its as to maximize performance and minimize correlations with other measures contribute unwanted stress? steps to understanding the relation of social One of the most important questions support to personality indexes of well-being about social support concerns the relations and self-esteem. The SSQ does not seem to between social support and social skills. Do be highly biased by the social desirability re- people have many or few social supports besponse set. The SSQ investigates two aspects cause of their levels of social skill? To what of social support: (a) the number of perceived degree can social skills be regarded as outsocial supports in a person's life and (b) the comes of socially supportive experiences eardegree to which they are personally satisfying. lier in one's life? Social support and social The variablesperceived number of sup- skills may be related in complex ways. Clinports and satisfaction with supportswere ical, developmental, and experimental studdemonstrated to be two rather separate as- ies are needed to provide information about pects of the general concept. The studies re- these relations. ported here show that both these factors need Of equal importance, perhaps, is the questo be considered separately in future re- tion of whether, and if so how, social support search. functions as a buffer against stress. In SaraSSQ scores are related to the experience son's investigation (1981), mentioned earlier, of anxiety, depression, and hostility. However, social support was studied as a manipulated it is also clear (Study 2) that men and women rather than as^n assessed characteristic. He show different relations between their SSQ showed that performance and self-preoccuscores and these personality variables. This pation (as measured by the Cognitive Interfinding may be a function of women's ten- ference Questionnaire) were affected by dency to admit to more symptomatology specially created opportunities for social than do men (Weissman & Klerman, 1977). association and acceptance by others. People high in social support seem to ex- Performance increased and self-preoccupaperience more positive (desirable) events in tion decreased as a function of social support their lives, have higher self-esteem, and take manipulations. The time now seems ripe for

function as a buffer against the deleterious effects of stress. This study suggests that the experimental manipulation of social support may be useful in providing a better understanding of the concept. People who differ in perceived support may respond in different ways to experimentally created support conditions. Sarason's recent study (1981) suggests two ways of experimentally manipulating social support.


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