Indstrl Sec. 3

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Definition of Terms

1. Access List

An authenticated list of personnel given to security allowing entry to a

compound or installation or part thereof.

2. Badge System

A system for personnel movement and control whereby badges or identification

are issued to personnel upon entering an installation. Visitors are also issued
temporary badges when entering the installations.

3. Background Investigation

A check made on an individual usually seeking employment through subject�s

records in the police files, educational institutions, places of residence and
former employers.

4. Complete Background Investigation

Same as B.I but more comprehensive to include places of residence since


5. Controlling

The regulation of many different aspects of business activity. Controls are

needed to standardize quality and performance, protect assets, measure performance,
balance plans and programs, and motivate individuals.

6. Controlled Area

An area near or adjacent to limited or exclusive areas where entry is


7. Coverage Factor

The minimum number of directions from which each point in the area should be
lighted depending upon the use of the area.

8. Doppler Effect

A physical phenomenon that causes frequency shift if an object moves in an

area permeated by radio frequency signals. This change in certain types of alarms
activates a signaling unit.

9. Dry-run

Practical test or exercise of a plan or any activity to test its validity; it

is also an operational readiness exercise.

10. Duress Code

A type of code system so that security personnel when forced by armed men to
enter an installation can give alarm by the use of certain words in casual
conversation with other personnel in the installation.

12. Exclusion Area

A restricted area containing materials or operation of security interest.

13. Fail-Safe

A term applied to a device or system that in the event of failure of a

component�the incapacity will be signaled.

14. Restricted Area

Any area, access to which is subject to special restriction control.

15. Peterman

A term used in England for lock pickers, safecrackers, and penetrators of

restricted rooms or areas.

Important Factors on Security Survey

1. Surveys must be exhaustive and complete.

2. Hazards must be identified with specific recommendations for

elimination, neutralization or reduction.

3. Deficiencies found should be described in detail, and if possible with

photos, sketches, diagrams, maps and other explanatory notes.

4. Early surveys should be reviewed so that the current survey will

determine the improvement in the former deficiencies.

5. Recommendations should be consistent with the current situations,

facilities, resources available, and most of all concomitant with the
organization�s objectives and goals. Time-phasing of the recommendations should be
also recommended especially on execution.

The Security Guard

The key element in the security survey system of a plant or installations is

the human guard. Without this human element, all the mechanical, electrical, and
electronic protective aids, as well as security techniques would be worthless. It
is the human guard, as a part of the security enforcement medium, who contributes
the thought processes and all the human senses to the security system. The
electronic device may sound the alarm, the television camera may spot the culprit,
and the mini-computer may trigger the red button, but it is the guard responds and
initiates the necessary action.

Procedures in the Selection of Guards

The selection of the guards must be done with care and meticulousness. The
guard occupies an important slot in the whole security system. Such a guard, to be
effective and useful, must be physically able, mentally alert, morally responsible,
reliable, and must be stable under pressure. Above all, he must be responsive to
his work to a point of dedication.

The Company and the Contract Guards

There are two different ways in which security guards are hired or employed.
Those who are hired directly under the payroll of an employer to protect the
employer�s property are called company guard, or �in-house� guards, and they are
considered employees of that company. Government guards are included in this

Other individuals or entities prefer to avail the services of an outside firm

providing security guards on contract basis. These firms are the private security
agencies, specializing in providing trained security guards. The security guards
employed under contract are employees of the agency.

In the local setting, there are more contract agency guards than company or
government guards. Their jobs are all basically the same, the only difference are
their employers.

There are more contract guards from private security agencies hired by
government entities and privately owned companies or corporations for the reasons
that it is more practical, less expensive, and with better trained personnel.

What is Republic Act No. 5487

This is an �Act to Regulate the Organization and Operation of Private

Detective, Watchman or Security Guards Agencies� or the �Private Security Agency
Law,� approved and took effect on 13 June 1969, as amended by PD No. 11, dated 03
October 1972, PD No. 100, dated 17 January 1973, PD No. 1919, and EO No. 393, dated
10 May 1972.

Who is In-Charge with the Implementation of RA No. 5487

The Chief, Philippine National Police (C, PNP) through the SAGSD, CSG or the
former Supervisory Office for Security and Investigative Agencies, Civil Security
Unit (SOSIA, CSU) as provided by Sec. 35, RA No. 6975, in close coordination with

SAGSD is an administrative support unit of the PNP which is in charge with

the supervision, direction and control of all Private Security Agencies (PSA) and
Private Detective Agencies in the country. The Group Director (CG, CSG) acts in
the name of the C, PNP on matters, duties, and powers delegated by him to the

Who are the Watchmen or Security Guards

They are any persons who offers or renders personal service to watch or
secure either residential or business establishment, or both, or any building,
compound, or area, including, but not limited to, logging concessions, agricultural
mining or pasture lands, for hire or compensation, or as an employee thereof,
including any employee of the national or local government or any agency or
instrumentality thereof and of government-owned or controlled firms or
corporations, who is employed to watch or secure government buildings, compounds,
premises and other properties other than members of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, guards of the Bureau of Prisons, Provincial and City Jail Guards, and
members of city and municipal police forces.
Who are the Private Detectives

A private detectives are any persons who are not a member of a regular police
agency or the Armed Forces of the Philippines who does detective work for hire,
reward, or commission.

What is a Private Detective Agency

A PDA is any person who for hire or reward or on commission, conducts or

carries on or holds himself out as conducting or carrying on a detective agency or
detective service.

What is a Private Security Agency

Any person, association, partnership, firm or private corporation, who/which

recruit, trains, furnishes, or employs any watchman or security guard, or solicits
individual, business firm, private, public or government-owned or controlled
corporation to engage his/its watchmen or security guards.

What is a Company Security Force

It is a security force maintained and operated by any private

company/corporation for its own security requirements.

What is a Government Security Unit

It is a security unit maintained and operated by any government entity other

than military and/or police, which is established and maintained for the purpose of
securing the office or compound and/or extension of the government entity.

Who May Organize and Maintain PSA and PDA

Any Filipino citizen or a corporation, partnership, or association, one

hundred percent of which is owned and controlled by Filipino citizens may organize
and maintain a private security agency or private detective agency.

Basic Requirements of Operator or Manager of PSA and PDA

The operator or manager of an agency including managers of branch offices,

must be a Filipino citizen, shall not be less than 25 years of age, a college
graduate and/or a commissioned officer in the inactive service or retired from the
Armed Forces of the Philippines or the Philippine National Police, or
graduated/taken a course in concepts and methods in Industrial Security and
Security Management and/or must have adequate training or experience in security
business, of good moral character, not having been convicted of any crime involving
moral turpitude and not suffering from any of the following disqualifications:

1. Dishonorably discharged or separated from the Armed Forces of the

Philippines or Philippine National Police or separated for cause from any
government entity or government-owned or controlled corporations;

2. Being mentally incompetent, being physically unfit, addicted to the use

of narcotic and/or prohibited drugs and/or substances, and habitual drunkard or

6. Elective or appointive government employees who may be called upon on

account of the functions of their respective offices in the implementation and
enforcement of the provisions of RA 5487, and any person related to such government
employees by affinity or consanguinity in the third civil degree shall not hold any
interest, directly or indirectly in any security guard or watchman agency on
account of the functions of their respective offices in the implementation and
enforcement of the provisions of RA 5487 as amended, and the rules and regulations
implementing the Private Security Agency Law.

Person Exempted from the Pre-licensing Training

1. Veterans and retired military/police personnel or honorably discharged

military/police personnel possessing all the qualifications mentioned shall be
exempted from pre-licensing seminar which is a requirement for the issuance of
license to exercise profession as a security guard;

2. Graduates of ROTC advance/basic, and/or its equivalent in the AFP,

CAFGU/CHDF, or its equivalent in the PNP. Training graduates shall be exempted from
the required basic licensing seminar.

What are the Qualifications of a Private Detective

No person shall be licensed as a private detective, unless, in addition to

the initial qualifications, shall possess the following:

1. Holder of a baccalaureate degree of Bachelor of Law, or

2. Holder of a degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology, or

3. Graduate of a Criminal Investigation Course offered by the then PC/INP

or the NBI or any police training school or detective training with
authorized/recognized training center for security guard.

4) Advance ROTC/CMT graduates.

What are the Basic Requisites in Applying for License

1. Any person possessing all the qualifications and none of the

disqualifications, may apply for a license or license certificate to engage in the
occupation, calling or employment as certified guard or private detective.

2. Any person qualified under the rule to engage in business of private

security agency or private detective agency may file a license to operate.

3. Applicants for Private Security Agency license to operate shall be

required to present a minimum capitalization of one million pesos (P1,000,000.00)
and a minimum bank deposit of five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) in order to
start its business operation.

Where an Application for LICENSE TO Exercise profession or Permit to Operate a

PSA, PDA, and GSU can be Filed

The application to operate a private security agency / company guard force

shall be filed with the offfice of the C, PNP thru the C, SAGSD using SAGSD Form
No. 01 � 94 and SAGSD Form No. 02 � 94, respectively.

What is the Graduated Scale of License for PSA and PDA

The issuance of license to operate a private security agency and private

detective agency shall conform with the PNP or his duly authorized representatives.

1. PSAs with temporary license to operate having 200 guards or more but not
exceeding 1, 000 shall be issued a regular license to operate good for 2 years.

2. New PSAs shall be issued a temporary license to operate good for 1 year.

3. PSAs with temporary license to operate having posted 100 guards or more but
less than 200 guards shall upon expiration of such license be issued an extension
period to operate good for 6 months period. No additional extension of license
shall be granted unless the PSAs concerned shall submit a certification for the
posting of at least as additional 50 guards thereby making a total of 150 or more

4. PSAs with extended temporary license to operate shall upon expiration of such
license but still fail to comply the 200 guards requirement, shall be granted
additional extension of another 6 month period in order to complete the 200 guards
requirements for the issuance of regular license. Otherwise, failure to comply with
the 200 guard requirements, shall serve as a basis for the issuance of cease
operation order.

5. License of PSAs which less than 100 guards shall not be renewed after 1 year
of operation.

6. PSAs with cancelled / revoked license shall cease to operate, and within 7
days after having been duly notified of such cease operation order, shall
immediately deposit all its firearms with the Firearms and Explosive Division of
the ROPD. Thereafter, the C, ROPD shall conduct an inventory of surrendered
firearms which shall receipted, copy furnished C, SAGSD. Failure of the PSA
concerned to comply shall be liable under PD 1866.

What are the Penalties for Violation for the IRR of RA No. 5487

Without prejudice in the filing of the appropriate criminal action, the

following penalties shall be imposed after investigation of any guard or
deterctive, private security guard agency or company security service and
thereafter found guilty of committing any of the offenses enumerated:

1. For Light Offense

One (1) to thirty (30) days suspension or a fine ranging from one hundred pesos
minimum to five hundred pesos maximum (P 100.00 � 500.00 ) or both.

2. For Less Grave Offense

One (1) month and one (1) day to six (6) months suspension or a fine ranging from
five hundred pesos minimum to one thousand pesos maximum (P500.00 � P1,000.00) or
both ,and

3. For Grave Offenses

Six (6) months and one (1) day to one (1) year suspension or a fine ranging from
ten thousand pesos minimum to fifty thousand pesos maximum (P10,000.00 � P
50,000.00)or both or cancellation of license permit.

Summary Power of the Chief, PNP as Provided by RA NO. 5487

The Chief, PNP may at any time suspended or cancel the license / permit of
private watchman / detective or security guard agency found violating any of the
provisions of RA 5487, as amended, and the Rules and regulations promulgated by the
Chief, PNP upon prior

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