Indstrl Sec. 3
Indstrl Sec. 3
Indstrl Sec. 3
1. Access List
2. Badge System
3. Background Investigation
5. Controlling
6. Controlled Area
7. Coverage Factor
The minimum number of directions from which each point in the area should be
lighted depending upon the use of the area.
8. Doppler Effect
9. Dry-run
A type of code system so that security personnel when forced by armed men to
enter an installation can give alarm by the use of certain words in casual
conversation with other personnel in the installation.
13. Fail-Safe
15. Peterman
The selection of the guards must be done with care and meticulousness. The
guard occupies an important slot in the whole security system. Such a guard, to be
effective and useful, must be physically able, mentally alert, morally responsible,
reliable, and must be stable under pressure. Above all, he must be responsive to
his work to a point of dedication.
In the local setting, there are more contract agency guards than company or
government guards. Their jobs are all basically the same, the only difference are
their employers.
There are more contract guards from private security agencies hired by
government entities and privately owned companies or corporations for the reasons
that it is more practical, less expensive, and with better trained personnel.
The Chief, Philippine National Police (C, PNP) through the SAGSD, CSG or the
former Supervisory Office for Security and Investigative Agencies, Civil Security
Unit (SOSIA, CSU) as provided by Sec. 35, RA No. 6975, in close coordination with
They are any persons who offers or renders personal service to watch or
secure either residential or business establishment, or both, or any building,
compound, or area, including, but not limited to, logging concessions, agricultural
mining or pasture lands, for hire or compensation, or as an employee thereof,
including any employee of the national or local government or any agency or
instrumentality thereof and of government-owned or controlled firms or
corporations, who is employed to watch or secure government buildings, compounds,
premises and other properties other than members of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, guards of the Bureau of Prisons, Provincial and City Jail Guards, and
members of city and municipal police forces.
Who are the Private Detectives
A private detectives are any persons who are not a member of a regular police
agency or the Armed Forces of the Philippines who does detective work for hire,
reward, or commission.
1. PSAs with temporary license to operate having 200 guards or more but not
exceeding 1, 000 shall be issued a regular license to operate good for 2 years.
2. New PSAs shall be issued a temporary license to operate good for 1 year.
3. PSAs with temporary license to operate having posted 100 guards or more but
less than 200 guards shall upon expiration of such license be issued an extension
period to operate good for 6 months period. No additional extension of license
shall be granted unless the PSAs concerned shall submit a certification for the
posting of at least as additional 50 guards thereby making a total of 150 or more
4. PSAs with extended temporary license to operate shall upon expiration of such
license but still fail to comply the 200 guards requirement, shall be granted
additional extension of another 6 month period in order to complete the 200 guards
requirements for the issuance of regular license. Otherwise, failure to comply with
the 200 guard requirements, shall serve as a basis for the issuance of cease
operation order.
5. License of PSAs which less than 100 guards shall not be renewed after 1 year
of operation.
6. PSAs with cancelled / revoked license shall cease to operate, and within 7
days after having been duly notified of such cease operation order, shall
immediately deposit all its firearms with the Firearms and Explosive Division of
the ROPD. Thereafter, the C, ROPD shall conduct an inventory of surrendered
firearms which shall receipted, copy furnished C, SAGSD. Failure of the PSA
concerned to comply shall be liable under PD 1866.
What are the Penalties for Violation for the IRR of RA No. 5487
The Chief, PNP may at any time suspended or cancel the license / permit of
private watchman / detective or security guard agency found violating any of the
provisions of RA 5487, as amended, and the Rules and regulations promulgated by the
Chief, PNP upon prior