Paper Key - PEC IBS 2025 (7 CS)

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First Term Computer Science Grade 7

School Name: GES JAMPUR NO. 2 (EMIS: 32410057)

Q. No.1 : c Q. No.2 : c Q. No.3 : c

Q. No.4 : a Q. No.5 : d Q. No.6 : c

Q. No.7 : a Q. No.8 : a Q. No.9 : c

Q. No.10 : c

Question No: 11


a ) Define HDMI port. (2 Marks)

)‫ربمن‬2(.‫ وپرٹیکرعتفیرکںی‬HDMI
Item Rubric (English) :
Award Two Marks for the correct definition of HDMI port.
Acceptable Answer:
Definition of HDMI port:
HDMI stands for " High Definition Media interface" and is a digital interface developed to connect high definition devices.

Write the names of any four devices that can be connected with a USB port. (4 Marks) ‫ئ‬
)‫ربمن‬4(‫ وپرٹےکاساھتکلسنموہےنوایلوکیئیساچرڈویا سسزےکانمرحتریرکںی۔‬USB
Item Rubric (English) :
Award One Mark for each correct name of any four devices that can be connected with a USB port.
Acceptable Answer:
Name of four devices that can be connected with a USB port:
1. Keyboard
2. Mice
3. Video cameras
4. Printer
5. Mobile etc

Define keyboard, write the names of any two types of keyboard keys. (4 Marks)
)‫ربمن‬4(‫ یکااسقمےکانمںیھکل۔‬keys‫یکوبرڈیکرعتفیرکںیاوریکوبرڈیکوکیئےسدو‬
Item Rubric (English) :
Award Two Marks for the correct definition of keyboard.
Award Two Marks for any two correct types of keyboard keys.
Acceptable Answer:
Definition of keyboard:
The keyboard is the most input device. It helps to input data into the computer.
Types of the keyboard keys:
1. Typing keys
2. control keys
3. Function keys
4. numeric keys
5. Navigation keys
Question No: 12

a ) Define the term E-mail. (2 Marks)

Item Rubric (English) :
Award Two Marks on the correct definition of an E-mail.
Acceptable Answer:
E-mail is a communication method that uses electronic devices to deliver messages across networks.

Write any six names of common platforms used for E-mail.(4 Marks)
Item Rubric (English) :
Award 4 Mark for correct names of platform.
Acceptable Answer:
Common platforms used for E-mail:

Microsoft outlook
Yahoo Mail
Proton Mail

Define E-mail protocol and describe any two types.(4 Marks)

Item Rubric (English) :
Award Two Marks on correct definition of E-mail protocol.
Award One Mark on correct defintion of each type of protocol. (Max 2 Marks)
Acceptable Answer:
E-mail Protocol:
E-mail protocol is a set of rules defined to ensure that emails can be exchanged between various servers and E-mail clients in a standard manner.
Types of Protocols:
POP stands for post office protocol. E-mail clients use the POP protocol support the server to download the E-mails.
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a protocol for accessing E-mail or bulletin board messages from a (possibly shared) mail server or
The SMTP is a protocol used to transfer E-mail messages and attachments. SMTP is used to transmit E-mail between E-mail servers and from E-mail
Question No: 13


a ) Write the name of two protocols used to send and receive E-mails. (4 Marks)
Item Rubric (English) :
Award 4 marks for correct names of protocols used to send and receive E-mails.
Acceptable Answer:
Protocols used to send and receive E-mails:

2. POP

Define SMTP and POP, also write its full form. (5 Marks)
)‫ربمن‬5(‫ یکرعتفیرکںیاوراسیکلمکملکشیھبںیھکل۔‬POP‫ اور‬SMTP
Item Rubric (English) :
Award 2.5 Marks for each correct definition of SMTP.
Award 2.5 Marks for each correct definition of POP
Acceptable Answer:
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
It is a TCP/IP protocol for sending and receiving E-mail. SMTP is used most commonly by email clients, including Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, and
Yahoo Mail.
POP (Post Office Protocol)
E-mail clients use the pop protocol of the server to download the e-mails. This is primarily one way protocol and dose not syn back to the server.

Define the Following. (6 Marks)

1. Recipient
2. Attachment
3. Password

Item Rubric (English) :
Award Two Marks for each correct definition of recipient, attachment, and password.
Acceptable Answer:
The person to whom an E-mail message is sent is the recipient.
Attachments are files embedded within online communication channels such as E-mails, instant messages, or social networks. File attachments
can come in any form, such as images, documents, or programs.
A Password is a word, phrase, or string of characters intended to differentiate an authorized user or process (for the purpose of permitting access)
from an unauthorized user.

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