1991 - Thomas - Friction Welding

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III US005460317A

United States Patent (19 11) Patent Number: 5,460,317
Thomas et al. 45 Date of Patent: Oct. 24, 1995


75) Inventors: Wayne M. Thomas; Edward D. Patent Abstracts of Japan, vol. 6, No. 253 (M-178), Dec. 11,
Nicholas, both of Haverhill; James C. 1982, 57149082.
Needham, Saffron Walden; Michael G. Patent Abstracts of Japan, vol. 10, No. 388 (M-549), Dec.
Murch, Herts; Peter Temple-Smith, 26, 1986, 61176484.
Cambridge; Christopher J. Dawes, Derwent Publications, 89-199319/27, 16 Aug. '89, SU
Cambs, all of United Kingdom 1433-522A.
Derwent Publication, 88-203819/29, 23 Jun., '88, SU 1362
(73) Assignee: The Welding Institute, Cambridge, 593A.
United Kingdom Primary Examiner-Samuel M. Heinrich
(21) Appl. No.: 244,612 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Martin M. Novack
(22) PCT Filed: Nov. 27, 1992 57) ABSTRACT
(86 PCT No.: PCT/GB92/02203 A method of operating on a workpiece comprises offering a
probe of material harder than the workpiece material to a
S371 Date: Aug. 1, 1994 continuous surface of the workpiece causing relative cyclic
S 102(e) Date: Aug. 1, 1994 movement between the probe and the workpiece while
urging the probe and workpiece together whereby frictional
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO93/10935 heat is generated as the probe enters the workpiece so as to
create a plasticized region in the workpiece material around
PCT Pub. Date:Jun. 10, 1993 the probe, stopping the relative cyclic movement, and allow
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data ing the plasticized material to solidify around the probe. This
technique, which we refer to as "friction plunge welding'
Dec. 6, 1991 (GB) United Kingdom ................... 9125978 provides a very simple method of joining a probe to a
(51) Int. Cl. ........................................... B23K 20/12 workpiece. The method can be used for repairing cracks and
52 U.S. Cl. ..................................... 228/112.1; 228/114.5; the like within a workpiece or for joining members, such as
228/119 studs or bushes, to a workpiece. Another aspect of the
58) Field of Search .............................. 228/112.1, 14.5, invention comprises causing a probe of material harder than
228/114, 119, 189,234.1, 2.1; 156/73.5 the workpiece material to enter the joint region and opposed
portions of the workpieces on either side of the joint region
56) References Cited while causing relative cyclic movement between the probe
and the workpieces whereby frictional heat is generated to
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS cause the opposed portions to take up a plasticized condi
3,949,896 4/1976 Luc ...................................... 228/112.
tion, removing the probe, and allowing the plasticized
4,144,110 3/1979 Luc ........................................ 156/73.5
portions to solidify and join the workpieces together. This
technique, which we refer to as "friction stir butt welding'
FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS enables a wide variety of workpieces to be joined using a
1233978 5/1986 U.S.S.R. ............................. 228/112.1
"non-consumable' probe without the problems of oxidation
1393566 5/1988 U.S.S.R. ............................. 228/112.1
and the like.
572789 10/1945 United Kingdom.
2270864. 3/1994 United Kingdom ................ 228/112.1 12 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets
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Fig.6A. Fig.6B. Fig.6C.

U.S. Patent Oct. 24, 1995 Sheet 4 of 11 5,460,317
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U.S. Patent Oct. 24, 1995 Sheet 7 of 11 5,460,317

Fig.10A. Fig.10B.

Fig.1OE. Fig.10F.
U.S. Patent Oct. 24, 1995 Sheet 8 of 11 5,460,317
U.S. Patent Oct. 24, 1995 Sheet 9 of 11 5,460,317
U.S. Patent Oct. 24, 1995 Sheet 10 of 11 5,460,317
1. 2
FRCTION WELDING plasticised condition; removing the probe; and allowing the
plasticised portions to solidify and join the workpieces
The invention relates to friction welding, for joining two together.
workpieces or for operating on a workpiece, for example to This technique, which we refer to as “friction stir butt
repair a crack or join a member to a workpiece. welding' enables a wide variety of workpieces to be joined
Friction welding has been known for many years and using a "non-consumable' probe without the problems of
typically involves causing relative movement between a pair the prior art mentioned above. In particular, the workpieces
of workpieces while they are urged together so as to generate will not normally be urged towards each other but simply
a plasticised region, stopping the relative movement and restrained against movement away from the joint region
allowing the plasticised region to solidify thereby joining the 10 during passage of the probe. The probe plasticises the
workpieces. portions of the workpieces immediately adjacent the probe
It has also been proposed in the past to join workpieces so that upon removal or translation of the probe these
by making use of a “non-consumable' member which does regions will immediately coalesce and solidify. The prob
not form part of the finished joint. An example of this lems of oxidation and the like are thereby avoided.
approach is shown in U.S. Pat. No. 4,144,110 in which the 15 This method can be used to join workpieces along a
two workpieces are urged together about a rotating wheel common plane, as in butt joints by heating and disrupting a
which causes the plasticised region to be generated. The two local zone formed between the components such that on
workpieces are also translated relative to the wheel so that cooling a common bond is established as the local active
they are welded together along a joint region. Similar Zone is translated along the joint. In particular the method
techniques for welding straight-seamed metal pipes are generally results in a mix of the two abutting surfaces, often
disclosed in SU-A-1433522 and SU-A-1362593. The prob attemperatures below the true melting point of the materials
lem in all these cases is that the Zone which is heated is to be joined.
displaced from the point at which the workpieces or sides of The materials can be metals, alloys or compound mate
the pipe are urged together with the result that such tech rials such as MMC, or suitable plastic materials such as
niques would need to be carried out in carefully controlled 25 thermo-plastics.
atmospheres to prevent oxidation of the plasticised region in In some cases, the workpieces are joined at spaced
for example aluminum. locations along the joint region, the probe being withdrawn
JP-A-61176484 discloses a technique using "consum from one point, traversed to the next point and then rein
able' spinning plugs which are positioned between opposed serted between the workpieces. Preferably, when the joint
faces of the workpieces and cause the generation of plasti 30 region has an elongate dimension extending laterally
cised regions within the workpieces and within themselves between the workpieces, the method further comprises caus
so that as the workpieces are urged together the spinning ing relative translational movement between the workpieces
plugs are accumulated into the plasticised region and and the probe in the direction of the joint region.
thereby form part of the resulting joint. This is a complex In one example of the method a substantially non
procedure requiring the ability to rotate a multitude of 35 consumable probe is inserted between the materials to be
spinning plugs and to ensure that the plug material is joined in say abutt joint configuration and rotated to produce
compatible with the material of the workpieces. frictional heating. With sufficient heating a layer of plasti
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, cised material is formed around the probe generally com
a method of operating on a workpiece comprises offering a posed of both materials to be joined, such that on slowly
probe of material harder than the workpiece material to a 40 traversing the rotating probe along the joint line, the plas
continuous or substantially continuous surface of the work ticised material is spread along the joint. On cooling, the
piece; causing relative cyclic movement between the probe plasticised material bonds the components together as
and the workpiece while urging the probe and workpiece desired.
together whereby frictional heat is generated as the probe In some examples, the probe has an elongate axis and
enters the workpiece so as to create a plasticised region in 45 undergoes cyclic movement, for example a reciprocating
the workpiece material around the probe, stopping the movement, in a direction generally parallel with its elongate
relative cyclic movement; and allowing the plasticised mate axis. Depending upon the method, the probe can then either
rial to solidify around the probe. be moved to allow the workpieces to be joined together or
This new technique, which we refer to as "friction plunge can be left in situ,
welding' provides a very simple method of joining a probe 50 In all these methods, the probe may have a substantially
to a workpiece. The method can be used for repairing cracks circular cross-section.
and the like within a workpiece or for joining members, such In another example the probe is in the form of a slightly
as studs or bushes, to a workpiece. tapering cylinder so that it may be inserted from one side of
Preferably, at least part of the probe which enters the the joint, forming a plasticised layer to the depth of pen
workpiece is shaped, for example tapered, so as to key into 55 etration of the probe.
the solidified material. In yet another example, a probe blade is reciprocated in
This technique can be extended more generally to the the through thickness direction to produce heating of the
joining of workpieces or the joining of opposed sides of a joint such that on traversing along the joint line the plasti
workpiece in for example pipes and cracked materials and cised material passes around the blade and on cooling
the like. Thus, in accordance with a second aspect of the 60 consolidates the joint.
present invention, a method of joining workpieces defining Preferably the plasticised material is restrained from
a joint region therebetween comprises causing a probe of extruding from the joint region, for example by a suitable
material harder than the workpiece material to enter the joint cap or shoe which closely fits the workpiece surface. In a
region and opposed portions of the workpieces on either side further example of the probe method, the probe may be
of the joint region while causing relative cyclic movement 65 heated prior to frictioning by other means such as electric
between the probe and the workpieces whereby frictional resistance (Joule) heating. In the latter case the probe may
heat is generated to cause the opposed portions to take up a conveniently take the form of a thin blade or knife which is
3 4
pressed into the joint line forming heated or plasticised the probe is traversed in a direction 8 and while the plates are
material from the material of the components to be joined by held against lateral movement away from the probe 3. The
frictioning as described above. This again on cooling bonds rotating probe 3 produces a local region of highly plasticised
the components along their common joint line. material around the steel "pencil' portion 4 while top and
One advantage of the method according to the invention 5 bottom constraint is provided by the sections 5, 6.
is that the depth of operation, and hence the depth of suitably It should be noted that the constraining faces of the
heated or plasticised material is accurately controlled and sections 5, 6 are close fitting onto the sheets 1A, 1B to be
known in advance. joined to avoid loss of material from the plasticised zone.
Another advantage is that the butting surfaces are The rotating member 3 or the bobbin can be manufactured
directly acted on by the probe, and that lack of bond defects 10 in one piece as shown in FIG. 2a, with a preset gap (typically
(flat spots) on the joint faces are inherently minimised or 3.3 mm) between the faces 5A, 6A.
prevented. Alternatively, the bobbin may be demountable and the
A further advantage of the method according to the two parts 5, 6' secured, for example, by a cotter pin 9, as
invention is that a given tool can be utilised for long seams shown in FIG. 2b. For this it is convenient to drill a hole
without limit, and that relatively deep joints can be made in 15 corresponding to the pin diameter in the butting sheets to be
one pass. joined and the two parts 5, 6 of the bobbin brought together
Some examples of methods according to the invention firmly onto the sheets before securing. Furthermore, the gap
will now be described with reference to the accompanying may be made adjustable over a short distance by a suitable
drawings, in which: cam lever or eccentric (not shown) to allow for variation in
FIG. 1 is an isometric view illustrating one method; 20 the thickness of the sheets to be joined from nominal values.
FIGS. 2a and 2b are side elevations of two different Yet again, the component parts of the bobbin may be
rotating members; suitably spring-loaded so that a tight fit is maintained in spite
FIG. 3 is a macro-section through a joint in aluminium of small variation in the sheet thickness. In all cases to avoid
alloy using the method of FIG. 1; pre-drilling a suitable hole in the butting sheets to be joined,
FIG. 4 is a plan illustrating the flow of plasticised 25 a suitable run-on (and run-off) tab can be utilised. For
material and surface marking with respect to the joint line; example, a split piece of similar material to that being joined
FIG. 5 is an isometric view illustrating a second method; can be fastened around the pin of the rotating member and
FIGS. 6a, b & c are examples of blades used in recip pressed against the starting edge of the sheets to be joined,
rocating motion, so that as plasticised material is formed there is minimum
FIG. 7 is a cross section (X7.5) through a butt joint in 6 30 space for escape and a uniform Zone is formed throughout
mm thickamorphous thermoplastic material made using the the length of the seam to be joined.
method of FIG. 5; The butting faces 5A, 6A of the bobbin may be machined
FIG. 8 is a cross section through a butt joint in 6 mm substantially square but preferably are provided with a slight
thick semi-crystalline thermoplastic material using the chamfer on the outer edges (FIG. 2a). In use it can be
method of FIG. 5; 35 observed whether the top and bottom faces are in good
FIGS. 9a–9a are macro-sections showing a 12 mm thick contact with the materials to be joined by the visibly
overlapped (i.e. two 6 mm thick sheets) amorphous thermo polished zone corresponding in width to the diameter of the
plastic material, a reciprocating motion multiple butt joint in faces up to the chamfer. Alternatively, and particularly for
amorphous thermoplastic material, and a reciprocating the spring loaded version, the face can be slightly domed
motion butt joint in 6.6 mm glass fiber reinforced material 40 with a radius of the order of 0.1 m or greater, such that a
respectively; contact Zone corresponding to the applied spring load is
FIGS. 10a, b, c, d, e de fare various sections showing developed of sufficient width. Preferably the width of this
three arrangements of an overlap joint, a butt joint in thick contact zone should be at least 50% greater than the diameter
PVC, a multiple butt joint with at least one transparent of the pin generating plasticised material.
thermoplastic material and a butt joint in a glass fiber 45 With suitable bobbins as described the rotating member
reinforced thermoplastic material respectively using the can be driven via a spline such that it floats according to the
method of FIG. 5; materials being joined. With pre-machined components in a
FIG. 11 is an isometric view of a variation of the method suitable jig then a floating head is not necessary and a preset
of FIG. 5 for making a scarf joint; bobbin can be used.
FIGS. 12a, b & c are an isometric view, end view and 50 A joint via the above method using a two part bobbin is
plan respectively of a third example; shown in FIG. 3 for an aluminum silicon magnesium alloy
FIGS. 13a, b, and c show various examples of probe (BS6082), nominally 3.2 mm thick. The overall width of the
shape for use with the method of FIG. 12; heat affected Zone is approximately 9 mm wide correspond
FIGS. 14a and 14b are a schematic view of a further ing to the contact zone on a chamfered bobbin. For this a 6
process and a macro-section (x4) of an arrangement with 55 mm diameter pin was rotated at 1500 rpm (peripheral speed
two passes above and below the plates; of approximately 0.47 m/sec) and traversed along the joint
FIG. 15 illustrates an extension of the method of FIG. 12 line at 370 mm per minute. It should be noted that the
in which the probe is inserted and entrapped in the parent contact faces of the bobbin contribute to the heat input as
material; and, well as the heating provided by the rotating pin and corre
FIG. 16 shows an example of a probe adapted as insert 60 sponding plasticised zone. For lower rotational rates the
bush or stud according to the method of FIG. 15. travel rate is also reduced, such as at 800 rpm, a suitable
In the example shown in FIG. 1, a pair of aluminium travel speed is 190mm perminute. Excess travel speed leads
alloy plates 1A, 1B are butted together about a joint line 2. to void formation or lack of consolidation of the plasticised
A non-consumable probe 3 of steel having a narrow central, material.
cylindrical portion 4 positioned between upper and lower 65 As illustrated in FIG. 4, the plasticised material is swept
sections 5, 6 is brought to the edge of the jointline 2 between around the rotating probe 4 such that voids, if any, tend to
the plates 1A, 1B. The probe 3 is rotated by a motor 7 while form on the side where the rotating surface is moving in the
S 6
same direction as the travel along the joint (advancing edge). stroke position is in the region of 0.5 m/sec to 5 m/sec. For
It appears there is no difficulty in obtaining complete con materials such as polyethylene and PVC the preferred
solidation with the plasticised material filling the joint Zone velocities are in the range of 0.75 meter per second to 4.5
in other regions, particularly on the side where the rotating meters per second. The higher velocities lead to greater
surface is against the direction of travel of the bobbin heating and in the limit to degradation of the thermoplastic
through the material (retreating edge). material.
FIG.5 shows a further method according to the invention To assist in initiation of the seam the reciprocating blade
by which the heating is obtained from a reciprocating blade 11 can be pre-heated prior to the frictional operation. Any
11 about which plasticised material is formed, and which is convenient method can be used ie., Joule heating of the
passed along the joint line 2. As previously the mechanical 10 blade, or heating by hot gases, or maintaining the blade in a
motion generates frictional heat in the plasticised material pre-heated sheath prior to use. Where advantageous the
which, with traverse, flows from the leading to the trailing blade may also be electrically heated in use as well as
edges of the blade 11 and on cooling completes the butt joint developing thermal energy through mechanical work.
between the materials to be joined. The blade 11 can be A typical joint in an amorphous thermoplastic material
reciprocated from one side only or between two synchro 15 white polyethylene-is shown in FIG. 7 for 6 mm thick
nized heads on either side of the materials. For making the material. For this the blade stroke was approximately + 3
butt joint, the sheets 1A, 1B are placed in contact but mm at around 47 Hz giving a maximum sinusoidal mid
generally without an abutment load prior to traversing the stroke speed of 0.88 meter per second. The butt joint is
blade 11 along the joint line. If necessary guard plates can completed at a rate of 30 mm per minute giving an overall
be mounted above and below the materials to be joined to 20 joint completion rate (depth and length per unit time) of 3
prevent excessive displacement of plasticised material out of mm per second. It should be noted that this greatly exceeds
the joint zone. Also for some materials a degree of pre that possible with the hot gas welding technique which is
heating the blade 11, eg., bypassing an electric current down commonly used, and which for this thickness would require
the length of the blade can add to the heating due to rapid several passes. A simple tensile test across the butt joint
mechanical shear in the plasticised Zone. 25 as-welded shows a strength well in excess of 50% of the
Although a simple thin rectangular blade 11 can in parent material alone. It is also noted that the joint is
principle be used, it is preferable for the reciprocating blade virtually free from pores or flat spot areas and provides a
to be shaped in cross section and in particular to have a narrow bead on the top and bottom surfaces of the butt joint.
relatively narrow wedge shaped trailing edge. A double The bead profile does not exhibit the central re-entrant angle
wedge profile is shown in FIG. 6a where the overall length 30 commonly found in thermoplastic materials joined by the
in the direction of travel is preferably between 5 and 15 hot butt techniques.
times the width. The width should be as small as convenient, A typical butt joint in a semi-crystalline material-clear
such as around 1 mm, and the blade made of material which PVC-is shown in FIG.8 for 6mm thick sheet joined under
is sufficiently strong at the melting point temperatures of the similar conditions to that for the polyethylene material with
thermoplastic, ie., attemperatures between 250 and 300° C. 35 a travel rate of 30 mm perminute. Again a simple tensile test
to withstand the mechanical forces and in particular to not shows strength above 50% of parent material alone with a
buckle. For example tool steel or other hard steel can be good profile with top and bottom beads. The section FIG. 8
ground into the shape desired and the surface polished to shows the flow lines of the heat affected material, as well as
give a fine finish. Where desirable, the blade can pass the Zone where the plasticised material has formed the joint.
through guard plates to prevent excessive plasticised mate 40 Higher travel speeds can be used but speeds in excess of 90
rial being taken out of the joint Zone, and these guard plates mm per minute lead to the occurrence of voids or other
may also be made of tool steel and lined with a low frictional porosity in the joint.
resistance material such as PTFE. The double wedge shape Various examples of different joints in thermoplastic
is particularly useful for moving in either direction along the material using a reciprocating blade is shown in FIG. 10. A
common joint line. 45 simple seal between overlapping sheets is shown in FIG.
A single ended wedge is shown in FIG. 6b where 10a, the solid line 12 indicating the line along which the
preferably the overall length is between 3 and 10 times the probe or blade extends. This method may also be adapted as
width and the leading edge is rounded. This shape is used sketched in FIG. 10b and c, for the joining of two sheets of
with the rounded end in the direction of travel along a similar thickness. FIG. 9a shows a real joint similar to FIG.
straight joint line and can also be used for joining along a 50 10a between two sheets of clear PVC 6 mm thick with the
curved line of relatively large radius. A further arrangement same operating conditions as for FIG. 7 of stroke + 3 mm
for curved joints is shown in FIG. 6c, where the trailing edge and frequency around 47 Hz. The travel rate used was still
is curved in section to correspond approximately with the 30 mm per minute in spite of the double thickness 12 mm
curvature of the joint line. total.
For the reciprocating blades the displacement is prefer 55 Another arrangement suitable for the joining or sealing is
ably equal to or less than half the overall thickness of the shown in FIG. 10e where two 3 mm sheets are joined to one
material being joined, ie., 3 mm or less for 6 mm sheet and 6 mm thicksheet in a butt configuration. A clear plastic such
so forth. Greater strokes lead to excessive loss of material as clear PVC enables the joint to be inspected for quality.
from the joint and consequent voids or porosity. It is noted This is shown in macrosection in FIG.9b. A further joint is
that the plasticised material tends to cling to the blade and 60 shown in FIG. 10d where for thick plate the ends have been
is pulled and pushed with reciprocating motion in the upset to give an extended joint area. For this the stroke may
through thickness direction. Operating conditions are chosen be for example ti3 mm at a frequency of around 53 Hz
such that the build up-of plasticised material on the blade is giving a maximum velocity of around 4.3 meters per second.
avoided or minimised. With a travel speed of 40 mm per minute the overall joining
The frequency of reciprocating motion depends partly on 65 rate is around 20 mm per second of butting section.
the amplitude, and partly on the material being joined. Finally, FIG. 10f (and FIG. 9c) shows a joint between
Preferably the maximum (sinusoidal) velocity in the mid fiber reinforced polyethylene with a 20% by weight inclu
7 8
sion of short glass fibers. Conditions similar to those used are provided on opposite sides of the plates 1A, 1B. The
for FIG. 7 were employed with 30 mm per minute travel rate members 20, 21 will be urged towards each other, but are
for material 6.5 mm thick. A joint strength in the order of displaced in the direction of travel such that the plates are
50% of the parent material or about 80% of the plain clamped together in position, but not sufficiently to cause
un-reinforced polyethylene was obtained. excessive heating at the interface between the outwardly
It should be noted that these nominal tensile strengths are facing surfaces of the plates and the non-consumable mem
for as-welded specimens and that with further combinations bers. Alternatively, the method of FIG. 12 can be carried out
of parameters to provide an optimum result strengths as separate operations on each side of the plates being
approaching that of a parent material should be obtainable. joined. An example of double sided weld according to the
An alternative approach to increase the effective joint 10 above is shown in FIG. 14b for the same aluminum silicon
strength is shown in FIG. 11 where with the same recipro magnesium alloy. The operating conditions were 240 mm
cating blade 11 a scarf joint is made between two abutting per minute travel at 850 rpm for each side.
sheets 13, 14 having sloped edges 13A, 14A defining a joint The contact face 22 of each single ended probe can be
region 15. This arrangement also allows the two sheets 13, substantially square or preferably with a small chamfer to
14 to be held in position via rollers 16, 17 and any tendency 15 relieve the outer edge. The appropriate load or positioning of
to pull apart restrained. the rotating probe is then given by the appearance of the
It should be noted that the end load in the direction of plate surface which should show that the face is in contact
travel of the reciprocating blade 11 under suitable joining from the wide but thin layer of disturbed material. Alterna
conditions is relatively low and only a simple traverse tively, the face of the rotating member can be slightly domed
mechanism is required to maintain uniform motion. 20 as for the face of the bobbin in FIG. 2, such that at a given
Alternatively and particularly for thin sheet below 10 load the surface contact area expands to at least 50% greater
mm, it is possible to use a hand tool similar to a conventional than the diameter of the probe itself. Contact zones up to
jigsaw for achieving the joint between butting or overlap three times probe diameter have been found satisfactory. For
ping plastic materials. For curved joint lines a relatively thin thinner materials it is preferable to scale the probe such that,
blade of small longitudinal dimension such as 1 mmX4 mm 25 for example it is reduced to 4 or 3 mm. Unexpectedly the
of the general shape shown in FIG. 6c is desirable. Such preferred rotational speed is also reduced together with the
hand tools can also be fitted with caterpillar type crawler travel rate for a smaller diameter probe. For example with a
tracks to maintain a uniform forward velocity. The tracks 3.3 mm diameter probe a rotational speed of 440 rpm and
may be made with rubber impregnated track faces or par 120 mm per minute travel is satisfactory.
tially evacuated to improve traction and adherence to the 30 In all these cases the slight taper of the probe face 22
surface of the plastic material. amounts to around 2.
In the example of FIG. 12 the non-consumable member The method described with respect to FIGS. 1, 5 and 12
has a slightly tapered cylindrical probe 18 at its leading end, can be applied to the joining together of the abutting faces
which is pressed against and becomes inserted between the of a crack in a given material or component. The crack may
plates 1A, 1B, but does not extend completely through the 35 be in the full thickness, or only partially penetrating the
thickness of the materials being joined as shown in FIG.12b. thickness, and may lie in parent material, or a heat affected
The surface appearance of the plates after the butt welding Zone in the material, such as adjacent to a weld or in a weld
operation is shown in FIG. 12c for the upper surface. itself. The method of FIG. 12 is generally suitable for a
The shape of the probe is important. A simple conical partially penetrating crack, although in principle a fully
point (FIG. 13a) enables the probe to enter the plates butted 40 penetrating method such as that shown in FIG. 5 could also
together relatively easily but results in a narrowing of the be utilised. The technique is essentially similar to that
plasticised region near the apex of the probe. Alternatively, already described, where preferably the probe is inserted
a truncated cone, such as shown in. FIG. 13b, requires into the parent material (to the depth of the crack at least)
preferably a pre-drilled depression in the butting sheets to be before passing along the crack interface, to generate plasti
joined. Preferably the probe is of a slightly tapered cylin 45 cised material by frictional heating which on cooling con
drical form with a blunt nose, as shown in FIG. 13c. This solidates the material where the crack previously existed.
enables the probe to be pressed against the sheets so that it The end of the crack in the direction of travel can be
becomes inserted forming a plasticised Zone around the consolidated in various ways. For example the probe can be
probe which travels along the joint seam as previously left in-situ or, alternatively, a pass made in the reverse
described. 50 direction and overlapped with the initial pass so that the
For a joint between aluminium alloy plates 6 mm thick termination of the reverse pass lies in a region away from the
made by the method illustrated in FIG. 12, the probe may be original crack site.
rotated at 850 rpm and traversed along the joint line at 240 A similar technique for making a local joint or weld but
mm per minute. Higher rotational speeds, such as 1000 rpm, without traversing the tool for generating frictional heating
enable greater travel rates to be used up to say 300 mm per 55 can be utilised for a probe applied to one-side of the
second, but increasing the travel rate excessively leads to the material. Here for example the plasticised material formed is
formation of pores along one side as was found with the utilised to stitch together two components at discrete inter
parallel sided arrangement of FIG. 1. Alternatively, the vals along their common interface. In like manner a crack
rotational speed can be reduced such as down to 300 rpm can be held together by local plasticised material at one or
with a corresponding reduction in travel rate. For a given 60 more regions along its length. In these examples the probe
travel speed there is areasonable tolerance in rotational rates can be left in-situ surrounded by the plasticised material so
such as at 4 mm per second (240 mm per minute) for the formed. Preferably in this arrangement the probe can be in
aluminum silicon magnesium alloy (BS6082) satisfactory a collet with a suitable end face to help prevent excessive
results are obtained for rotational speeds between 440 and dispersal of the plasticised material displaced by the probe.
850 rpm. 65 Furthermore as illustrated in FIG. 15, a probe 24 for
FIG. 14a illustrates a further example in which a pair of forming a local plasticised zone in a single locality can have
non-consumable members 20, 21 similar to the member 18 re-entrant regions 25 such that on inserting the probe into the
9 10
material the plasticised material flows into the re-entrant seam, Fracture repair, Plastic welding, and fabrication of
regions. On cooling the probe is entrapped by the material, joists etc.
apart from any metallurgical bond between the probe mate We claim:
rial and the surrounding plasticised material. Preferably the 1. A method of operating on a workpiece, the method
probe is supported by a shoulder 26 as in the arrangements 5 comprising offering a probe of material harder than the
of FIG. 12 and 13 to provide further heating and to prevent workpiece material to a continuous or substantially continu
excessive dispersal of the plasticised material being formed. ous surface of the workpiece; causing relative cyclic move
The above technique may also be utilised for inserting ment between the probe and the workpiece while urging the
and entrapping probes of harder/stronger material into a probe and workpiece together whereby frictional heat is
softer/weaker material to act as fixtures for attaching other O generated as the probe enters the workpiece so as to create
components to the weaker material. An example is shown in a plasticised region in the workpiece material around the
FIG. 16 of such a probe 27 adapted as a stud or bush for probe; stopping the relative cyclic movement, and allowing
the plasticised material to solidify around the probe.
insertion, which is stronger or more durable than the parent 2. A method according to claim 1, wherein at least part of
material. the probe which enters the workpiece is shaped so as to key
These and other variations of the method according to the 5 into the solidified material.
invention in which plasticised material is generated by 3. A method according to claim 2, wherein the probe
frictional shear from a separate component inserted into the tapers outwardly in a direction towards the workpiece.
parent material and which on cooling consolidates the 4. A method of joining workpieces defining a joint region
material or surrounds the component to restrain it in the therebetween, the method comprising causing a probe of
material is within the scope of this invention. 20 material harder than the workpiece material to enter the joint
In all these examples, the result of the welding operation region and opposed portions of the workpieces on either side
is an extremely smooth finish on the surfaces of the plates of the joint region while causing relative cyclic movement
which is a particular advantage of this process. This can be between the probe and the workpieces whereby frictional
improved by providing Ferodo brake material on the facing heat is generated to cause the opposed portions to take up a
surface of the non-consumable probe. Typically the rota 25 plasticised condition; removing the probe; and allowing the
tional speed of the non-consumable will be between 300 and plasticised portions to solidify and join the workpieces
600 rpm and the traverse rate of the work piece is in the together.
range of 1 to 6 mm/sec. Typically, the non-consumable will 5. A method according to claim 4, wherein the joint region
be made of an alloy steel. has an elongate dimension extending laterally between the
Specimens have been produced and subjected to 30 workpieces, the method further comprising causing relative
mechanical tensile and hammer bend tests as well as met translational movement between the workpieces and the
allurgical evaluation which have demonstrated the practica probe in the direction of the joint region.
bility of the process. 6. A method according to claim 4, wherein the probe
The advantages of the process can be summarised as extends through the thickness of the workpieces.
follows: 35 7. A method according to claim 4, wherein the probe has
Non-consumable technique an elongate axis which substantially intersects the joint
Continuous-unlimited length region and extends substantially parallel with the sides of the
No preparation workpiece defining the joint region.
Reasonable smooth finish 8. A method according to claim 4, wherein the probe
Good mechanical properties 40 defines an elongate axis which extends in a direction sub
Solid phase, stantially transverse to a plane parallel with the joint region.
Low distortion 9. A method according to claim 4, wherein the workpieces
Limited axial loadie. no axial feed only light contact comprise separate members.
Key hole technique 10. A method according to claim 4, wherein the probe has
Portable equipment KAT driven 45 an elongate axis and undergoes cyclic movement in a
Joint can be produced from one side direction generally parallel with its elongate axis.
Simple to use 11. A method according to claim 10, wherein the cyclic
Low cost capital equipment movement is a reciprocating movement.
Fast freeze 5G position 12. A method according to claim 4, wherein a cross
Examples of applications of the technique include: 50 section through the probe is substantially circular.
Autogenous key hole technique, Plate fabrication in hip
building, Pipe butt welding, Aluminum Armour plate, Pipe ck k k sk
United States Patent (19) 11 B15,460,317
Thomas et al. 45) Certificate Issued Dec. 9, 1997
54) FRICTION WELDING 001393567 5/1988 U.S.S.R. ................................. 228/2.3
1567 135 5/1980 United Kingdom ................ 228/12.1
75) Inventors: Wayne M. Thomas; Edward D.
Nicholas, both of Haverhill; James C. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Needham, Saffron Walden; Michael G.
Murch, Herts; Peter Temple-Smith, P. Drews et al., "The Connecting of CrNi-Steel To Alumi
Cambridge; Christopher J. Dawes, num and AL Alloys by the Friction Welding Process",
Cambs, all of United Kingdom Industrie-Anzeiger Schweiss-und Schneidtechnik, May 26,
1970, (in German, with English translation and Declaration
73) Assignee: The Welding Institute, Cambridge, of translator).
United Kingdom S. Elliott et al., "Joining Aluminium To Steel-A review Of
Reexamination Request: Mechanisms And Techniques. In Friction Welding And Dif
No. 90/004,399, Oct. 2, 1996 fusion Bonding', The Welding Institute, Jun., 1979 (pp.
1-26, and Figures).
Reexamination Certificate for:
Patent No.: 5,460,317 Primary Examiner-Samuel M. Heinrich
Issued: Oct. 24, 1995
Appl. No.: 244,612 57 ABSTRACT
Fed: Aug. 1, 1994 A method of operating on a workpiece comprises offering a
22 PCT Filed: Nov. 27, 1992 probe of material harder than the workpiece material to a
86 PCT No.: PCT/GB92/O2203
continuous surface of the workpiece causing relative cyclic
movement between the probe and the workpiece while
S371 Date: Aug. 1, 1994 urging the probe and workpiece together whereby frictional
heat is generated as the probe enters the workpiece so as to
S 102(e) Date: Aug. 1, 1994 create a plasticized region in the workpiece material around
87 PCT Pub. No.: WO93/10935 the probe, stopping the relative cyclic movement, and allow
ing the plasticized material to solidify around the probe. This
PCT Pub. Date:Jun. 10, 1993 technique, which we refer to as "friction plunge welding”
provides a very simple method of joining a probe to a
30 Foreign Application Priority Data workpiece. The method can be used for repairing cracks and
Dec. 6, 1991 GB United Kingdom ................... 9125978 the like within a workpiece or for joining members, such as
studs or bushes, to a workpiece. Another aspect of the
(51 int. Cl. ... B23K 20/12 invention comprises causing a robe of material harder than
52 U.S. Cl. ............... ... 228/112.1; 228/2.1 the workpiece material to enter the joint region and opposed
58) Field of Search .............................. 228/112.1, 114.5, portions of the workpieces on either side of the joint region
228/114, 119, 189, 234.1, 2.1; 156/73.5 while causing relative cyclic movement between the probe
and the workpieces whereby frictional heat is generated to
56) References Cited cause the opposed portions to take up a plasticized
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS condition, removing the probe, and allowing the plasticized
portions to solidify and join the workpieces together. This
4,260,094 4/1981 Stroo .................................... 228/112.1 technique, which we refer to as “friction stir butt welding"
enables a wide variety of workpieces to be joined using a
“non-consumable” probe without the problems of oxidation
2656 017 6/1978 Germany .............................. 156/73.5 and the like.
1. 2
REEXAMINATION CERTIFICATE translational movement between the workpieces and the
ISSUED UNDER 35 U.S.C. 307 probe in the direction of the joint region, and wherein the
steps of the method are carried out without causing relative
THE PATENT IS HEREBY AMENDED AS bodily movement between the workpieces.
NDCATED BELOW. 6. A method according to claim 45, wherein the probe
extends through the thickness of the workpieces.
Matter enclosed in heavy brackets appeared in the 7. A method according to claim.45, wherein the probe
patent, but has been deleted and is no longer apart of the has an elongate axis which substantially intersects the joint
patent; matterprinted initalics indicates additions made region and extends substantially parallel with the sides of the
to the patent. 10 Workpiece defining the joint region.
8. A method according to claim 45, wherein the probe
AS ARESULT OF REEXAMINATION, IT HAS BEEN defines an elongate axis which extends in a direction sub
DETERMINED THAT: stantially transverse to a plane parallel with the joint region.
9. A method according to claim 45, wherein the
Claims 1-4 are cancelled. 15 workpieces comprise separate members.
10. A method according to claim.45, wherein the probe
Claims 5-10 and 12 are determined to be patentable as has an elongate axis and undergoes cyclic movement in a
amended. direction generally parallel with its elongate axis.
12. A method according to claim 45, wherein a cross
Claim 11, dependent on an amended claim, is determined 20 section through the probe is substantially circular.
to be patentable. 13. A method according to any of claims 5-12, wherein
the steps of the method are carried out while the workpieces
New claims 13 and 14 are added and determined to be are butted together in the joint region.
patentable. 14. A method according to claim 4, wherein the probe has
25 an elongate axis and undergoes reciprocating movement in
5. Amethod according to claim 4, wherein the joint region a direction generally parallel with its elongate axis.
has an elongate dimension extending laterally between the
workpieces, the method further comprising causing relative c: ; c. : :

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